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Linda Goodman. Sun signs. Astrology with a smile: Scorpio woman. Linda Goodman's men's horoscope is Scorpio

Relationship between two Scorpios

Only one person would not be afraid.
...Which of them will win?

Bringing these two people together is like putting Merlin and Lady Macbeth together and adding a little more of the mixture made according to the recipe: “The throat of an echidna, the beak of an owl, the eye of a copperhead, the tail of an eel, the wool of a leathern, the tooth of a dog along with the mouth of a frog... “This combination of personalities confuses both the Scorpios themselves and those who observe their rivalry - oh, they cannot avoid rivalry!
Each is warily and suspiciously aware of the other's indomitable power, although both are overjoyed to finally find someone who truly understands them (if "overjoyed" can be used to describe the reaction of these two poker players ). True, it is quite difficult to want to be understood while at the same time trying not to allow the one who could do it best to know your innermost secrets. This amazing game of the human psyche is extremely interesting to an outside observer, but God forbid one gets involved in it.
I'm glad they found each other, how about you? But I dread to think what might happen if one accidentally offends the other and the offended one decides to even the score, and the one who was taken revenge also decides to even the score, and then the first will have to surpass the revenge of the second, and by this time the equalization of the score will turn into a real battle. .. Imagining this scene, you will shudder. The point is that Scorpio (highlighted font) should (regular font) win. To win, he risks everything in the world except his life, and sometimes even his life.
If you know a Scorpio couple at work, in the classroom, in your neighborhood family or on your street (whether adults or children), you will say that they are gentle, law-abiding citizens, calm, polite, definitely not dangerous or sinister and , as far as you can tell, not obsessed with winning anything? Understand. Hmmmmm. How well do you know them?
You need to start a family with a Scorpio or be his blood relative to really know him. Everyone else sees only the mask that each individual Scorpio has chosen to wear to hide Pluto's secret nature. You can start by asking their mothers if they were sweet, quiet little angels growing up. Let's ask. You can even ask me. I myself have a son - Scorpio, Michael.
Recently, a New York bank made the mistake of refusing to allow Michael to open a checking account because he was not old enough. That's all. He was done with the bank for life. They simply don't exist for him. He is now (quite seriously) looking for a safe with a combination lock in which he will keep his cash in the future. Banks don't need it? Great, then he doesn't need them. If he was rejected once, he will not forget about it.
Scorpio - man or woman, adult or child - does not forget anything for a long time. Only Taurus remembers longer. Eagles secretly get angry when they learn that a friend or family member has been the victim of injustice, and they will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. They have a reputation for successfully achieving their goals by never losing their composure and remaining cool, calm and collected at all times. But at the same time they speak in a soft voice.
When injustice is directed against Scorpio himself, retribution will come even more surely. Not necessarily right away. Belonging to the sign of Water, Scorpios are ready to wait. These people do not need to always seek tangible revenge. Only the desire or desire for it on a subconscious level often leads to its implementation. They are ruled by the great and terrible Pluto, master of the underworld, birth, death, the sacrament of sex, reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Can you imagine what happens when one Scorpio gets angry at another? If you can't, I'll tell you. They both quickly learn that settling scores is a big boomerang, especially when it's directed at another Pluto person. Negative actions inevitably return to the source.
If Scorpio isn't looking to even the score, he or she will at least make sure to ignore the offender as if the person didn't exist at all, until the guilty party gets nervous and wants to pinch himself to make sure he not a ghost. Has Scorpio ever looked through you the way they look through glass? It's not the same as when they look inside you, and in some ways it's even worse. There's definitely a difference here. Once these people have lost faith, it is not easy to regain their trust and affection. And yet, when one Scorpio offends another, trust and affection are usually restored more quickly. They feel more empathy and are more willing to forgive each other than anyone else except Pisces and Cancer (sometimes).
Leaving aside all the dangers of a clash of characters, two Scorpios can create many miracles together, thanks to the enormous power that arises from the combination of their hidden energies, anything. Have you ever seen two Scorpios who are not busy with anything? After all, they are surrounded by a big and sad world that needs them! Of course, first they need to overcome the tendency to exaggerate negative qualities each other. This requires constant, concerted effort.
When two Scorpios set a goal, good or bad, leading them astray is like covering the crater of a volcano with your palm when it starts to erupt.
You might get the impression that I'm afraid of Scorpios? I? Is Aries, ruled by Mars, afraid of Pluto? Yes, I'm afraid. I am a Fire sign, Scorpio is a Water sign. As I have said. Fire knows that Water can put it out. So yes. I am afraid, but I also respect them, and respect always overcomes fear. I've yet to date a Scorpio who really stung me or who didn't demonstrate unwavering Eagle-like loyalty and support when I needed it. Some of them were calm (deceptively calm) and helpful friends who treated me nobly. Several of them amazed me with their strength of purpose and strength during difficult periods of their lives, and almost everyone I knew deeply empathized with me when difficulties came my way.
If two Scorpios share a harmonious Sun-Moon aspect between their birth charts, they could indeed open up the Red Sea themselves. It's been done once before, why not do it again? Or perhaps two Scorpios could dedicate themselves to preventing cataclysms.
The proud Eagle type among Scorpios despises the squalor and pettiness of revenge, which Gray Lizards - representatives of this Sun sign, who are at a lower stage of evolution - sometimes resort to... But even they can rise to a much higher level if they want.
When the power of Pluto is concentrated in two mere mortals, if both are Gray Lizards, many traps await them. If one is a Gray Lizard type and the other is an Eagle type, the latter has the power to raise the "fallen angel" and this has happened many times. If both individuals represent the more developed Eagle type, then the heights they can achieve together are immeasurable. If the harmonious relationships of the planets, especially the Moons, are added to their general vibration, the influence of great good will be greatly enhanced. The result can be an inspiring and strong friendship or business relationship, a powerful and great novel or marriage, and a historical spiritual mission on Earth has been completed.
To the two Scorpios reading these lines, I want to remind you: your planet Pluto has all the power you need to build a castle of happiness or to destroy it. Whether you call upon it or not, such power belongs to you. If you use it wisely, literally everything you dream of cannot fail to come true.

She met the eyes of a huge blue caterpillar.
She sat with her arms crossed over her chest and languidly smoked a hookah...
Alice and the Blue Caterpillar looked at each other for a long time without saying a word.

If you are not one of the super-passionate types who love all kinds of emotional excesses, and a Scorpio man appears on your way, my advice to you is to flee before it’s too late. Scorpio is something like King Kong.

Despite its cold appearance, it can burn no worse than a red-hot stove. Do you know how long a burn, especially a severe one, hurts? An equally painful unsuccessful contact with Scorpio. You will not be able to recover from it for many weeks, or even months.

But if you are sure that you have at least passionate nature and also burn protection, take a chance. (Still, other women will someday thank me for connecting their lives with calmer and more reliable signs, for example, Cancer or Capricorn).

For those who did not find the strength to escape or preferred to remain in the arms of Scorpio, I offer a more detailed introduction so that you can know in advance what awaits you.

If one word could describe this man, then that word would be invincibility. Scorpio cannot be defeated; he will win any battle. Therefore, be careful and try not to provoke him, otherwise it will be worse for you.

Scorpio has a perfectly balanced mind and emotions. And if he is highly intellectual, then his mind is akin to philosophical and is busy searching for the meaning of life.

Scorpio is a sensual nature, loving luxury and prone to excesses: in food, drink, drugs, love. Especially in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being. The instinctive beginning manifested itself even when he was riding a tricycle. And it doesn’t matter that he looks like Huckleberry Finn, covered in freckles, and does not at all resemble a dangerous seducer. The faster you will find yourself in his power, without even understanding how this could happen.

Scorpio does not allow defeats. Therefore, if he feels that he is not able to bewitch you with his gaze, he will use poison that will paralyze your feelings. At the same time, outwardly he will remain absolutely calm. His favorite manner is complete indifference until he feels that the victim is in his power, and he can allow himself to enjoy it to the fullest.

Every Scorpio is his own decree. He usually follows the rules as long as they do not contradict his own ideas, goals and objectives. But as soon as something or someone interferes with Scorpio in the implementation of his plans, he will send everyone to hell, not caring at all about the consequences. Scorpio makes all vital decisions independently; the opinions of friends, relatives, neighbors and even his wife mean as little to him as the opinions of his ill-wishers. Here you may be offended, thinking that he could take your opinion into account. Now try, putting aside the offense, to look at the matter from the other side. Are there many men in the world who are ready to solve complex problems on their own, without prodding or prompting? life problems? It's sad to admit this, but there are few of them. And if your Scorpio is one of those who takes full responsibility, then that's great, isn't it?

In order to respect and love Scorpio even more, it is enough to see him in action when clouds have gathered over him. While other men are panicking, angry, grumbling or simply confused, he rolls up his sleeves and rushes into battle. He doesn't expect him to life path will be strewn with only flowers, and therefore, when trouble comes, he perceives it not as thunder from heaven, but as the most ordinary everyday situation, which must be solved in the same way as all others. Needless to say, with such a wise philosophical view life turns out to be much simpler and more enjoyable.

Scorpio is very selective in choosing friends and acquaintances. He will not surround himself with people whom he does not love, does not respect, does not appreciate.

Scorpio is not inclined to show his feelings in public. Sometimes you may feel that he is rude, inconsiderate and even cruel. He may even allow himself to laugh at you in front of strangers. Only later, left alone with you, will he admit his true attitude towards you.

If you are a delicate nature, things will be difficult for you and Scorpio. But if you can survive the most acute period of addiction, you yourself will probably melt into a more strong personality. Unlike other men who tell their wives (without taking their eyes off the newspaper) vulgar, stuck-in-the-mouth compliments, like “you’re lovely as always, little fish,” Scorpio will only praise you if you really deserve it. His praise is worth a dozen others.

As for jealousy, this is a very, very difficult question. Scorpio's wife, like Caesar's wife, should be above suspicion. If you are jealous, it is better to convince yourself that this is not so. You will constantly watch how women hang around his neck. But what can you do about it when he is so irresistibly charming? In such cases, one can only hope that no flattery or other temptations affect him; he has a strong natural immunity against this. Well, did you feel better after my words? Hope so.

Scorpio is an unusually stern father. He will not allow children to be lazy and play around, but will teach them to respect themselves and their property. While they are small, he will fiercely protect them, as he protects everything that he passionately loves. But once they grow up, he will teach them to defend themselves and fight for themselves. Sometimes Scorpio children consider their fathers too domineering and harsh, but only as they grow up do they realize how much they have learned from them and are grateful to them.

As for the Scorpio husband, if you completely trust him and share all his thoughts, he will be attentive, caring, gentle and will repay you for everything with such love that many women can only dream of.

What else did you learn? We also had Reefs - Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome, Dirty Writing and Coltsfoot. And also Mimic experiments, Trikonometry, Physiognomy.

Seeing their newborn Scorpio for the first time, parents feel legitimate pride. Of course, because the baby is much larger, stronger and stronger than the other children. But that’s why he’s a Scorpio. Nature created him as a fighter so that he would emerge victorious from all life’s battles. Before you pick up your baby from the hospital, buy a large playpen with strong mesh. You can test the durability of your purchase by climbing inside the playpen right in the store. Respond to the saleswoman's surprised glances with proud silence and a contemptuous look. She most likely does not realize that it is not the baby who will need the playpen, but you yourself, so that, hiding behind its reliable fence, you can calmly drink a cup of coffee or finish reading the newspaper without the risk that your young offspring will get to you. But these are, of course, jokes, but seriously, the Scorpio baby should be raised in rigor and severe discipline. You will have to instill in him a feeling of pity for weaker and defenseless creatures, patience when he loses, respect for the authority of elders and the ability to forgive insults. If you manage to cultivate all these qualities in him, you will give the world an outstanding personality with a brilliant mind and irresistible charm.

The Scorpio baby can take one of two roads - dark or light, and it’s up to you which one he chooses. Mothers who are too soft, pliable and indecisive are doomed to failure from the very beginning. With Scorpio, you need to learn to be unusually firm and kind. Scorpio will only respect someone in whom he feels superior to himself. You must be strong and calm, because calm is the same as strength. If the baby detects both of these qualities in you, he will be humbled (at least for a while) and you will be victorious. Only then will he allow you to become his mentor.

Know that Scorpio even in early childhood there must be their own secrets and mysteries that no one has the right to interfere with. But not a single little thing escapes his sharp gaze; he will be aware of all the small and big family secrets.

The Scorpio child is wise beyond his years. What another child will have to instill over the years, he will comprehend independently and instantly, with some kind of sixth sense.

To those he loves. Scorpio is unusually attentive and devoted to him to the point of self-forgetfulness, but those who try to step on his tail risk receiving such an injection from which they will not soon recover. I advise everyone to remember this feature of Scorpios.

Scorpio has such a reserve of energy that if it is not directed in the right direction, it can switch to very undesirable objects. The child should be occupied physically and intellectually as much as possible. His insatiable curiosity should be directed towards science, literature, art and sports.

Do not try to choose his future specialty for Scorpio, much less insist on your opinion. You just need to give him a choice, introducing him to many areas of science and art, and he himself will decide what suits him best.

Your Scorpio's excess vital energy will often spill out in the form of tears, hysterics and furious arguments. Teach him to control his emotions, but not by scolding, but by giving a logical explanation why he should not do this. Scorpios, unfortunately, are prone to drugs, so you should be very careful about them in order to prevent this harmful tendency in time.

Scorpio loves Halloween, horror films and science fiction.

Regardless of who he becomes in life, he will achieve success in his chosen specialty high altitudes thanks to strength, courage, determination and intelligence. And your task, by showing a daily example of kindness, love and selflessness, is to teach him these qualities.

She met the eyes of a huge blue caterpillar.
She sat with her arms crossed over her chest and smoked languidly, a hookah...
Alice and the Blue Caterpillar looked at each other for a long time without saying a word.

If you are not a hyper-passionate person who loves all kinds of emotional excesses, and a Scorpio man appears on your way, my advice to you is to flee before it’s too late. Scorpio is something like King Kong.

Despite its cold appearance, it can burn no worse than a red-hot stove. Do you know how long a burn, especially a severe one, hurts? An equally painful unsuccessful contact with Scorpio. You will not be able to recover from it for many weeks, or even months.

But if you are sure that you have an equally passionate nature and also burn protection, take a risk. (Still, other women will someday thank me for connecting their lives with calmer and more reliable signs, such as Cancer or Capricorn).

For those who did not find the strength to escape or preferred to remain in the arms of Scorpio, I offer a more detailed introduction so that you can know in advance what awaits you.

If one word could describe this man, then that word would be invincibility. Scorpio cannot be defeated; he will win any battle. Therefore, be careful and try not to provoke him, otherwise it will be worse for you.

Scorpio has a perfectly balanced mind and emotions. And if he is highly intellectual, then his mind is akin to philosophical and is busy searching for the meaning of life.

Scorpio is a sensual nature, loving luxury and prone to excesses: in food, drink, drugs, love. Especially in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being. The instinctive beginning manifested itself even when he was riding a tricycle. And it doesn’t matter that he looks like Huckleberry Finn, covered in freckles, and does not at all resemble a dangerous seducer. The faster you will find yourself in his power, without even understanding how this could happen.

Scorpio does not allow defeats. Therefore, if he feels that he is not able to bewitch you with his gaze, he will use poison that will paralyze your feelings. At the same time, outwardly he will remain absolutely calm. His favorite manner is complete indifference until he feels that the victim is in his power and he can allow himself to enjoy it to his fullest.

Every Scorpio is his own decree. He usually follows the rules as long as they do not contradict his own ideas, goals and objectives. But as soon as something or someone interferes with Scorpio in the implementation of his plans, he will send everyone to hell, not caring at all about the consequences. Scorpio makes all vital decisions independently; the opinions of friends, relatives, neighbors and even his wife mean as little to him as the opinions of his ill-wishers. Here you may be offended, thinking that he could take your opinion into account. Now try, putting aside the offense, to look at the matter from the other side. Are there many men in the world who are ready to solve complex life problems on their own, without pushing or prompting? It's sad to admit this, but there are few of them. And if your Scorpio is one of those who takes full responsibility, then that's great, isn't it?

In order to respect and love Scorpio even more, it is enough to see him in action when clouds have gathered over him. While other men are panicking, angry, grumbling or simply confused, he rolls up his sleeves and rushes into battle. He does not expect that his life’s path will be strewn with flowers alone, and therefore, when trouble comes, he perceives it not as thunder from heaven, but as the most ordinary everyday situation that must be solved in the same way as all others. Needless to say, with such a wise philosophical view, life turns out to be much simpler and more enjoyable.

Scorpio is very selective in choosing friends and acquaintances. He will not surround himself with people whom he does not love, does not respect, does not appreciate.

Scorpio is not inclined to show his feelings in public. Sometimes you may feel that he is rude, inconsiderate and even cruel. He may even allow himself to laugh at you in front of strangers. Only later, left alone with you, will he admit his true attitude towards you.

If you are a delicate nature, things will be difficult for you and Scorpio. But if you can survive the most acute period of addiction, you yourself will probably melt into a stronger personality. Unlike other men who tell their wives (without taking their eyes off the newspaper) vulgar, ingrained compliments, such as “you’re lovely as always, little fish,” Scorpio will only praise you if you really deserve it. His praise is worth a dozen others.

As for jealousy, this is a very, very difficult question. Scorpio's wife, like Caesar's wife, should be above suspicion. If you are jealous, it is better to convince yourself that this is not so. You will constantly watch how women hang around his neck. But what can you do about it when he is so irresistibly charming? In such cases, you can only hope that no flattery or other temptations affect him; he has a strong natural immunity against this. Well, did you feel better after my words? Hope so.

Scorpio is an unusually stern father. He will not allow children to be lazy and play around, but will teach them to respect themselves and their property. While they are small, he will fiercely protect them, as he protects everything that he passionately loves. But once they grow up, he will teach them to defend themselves and fight for themselves. Sometimes Scorpio children consider their fathers too domineering and harsh, but only as they grow up do they realize how much they have learned from them and feel gratitude towards them.

As for the Scorpio husband, if you completely trust him and share all his thoughts, he will be attentive, caring, gentle and will repay you for everything with such love that many women can only dream of.

Linda Goodman "Astrology with a Smile"

If the Sun falls in a man’s horoscope, this carries certain information, but for a more complete picture, it is advisable to look at which zodiac signs the other planets fall into, which houses of the horoscope they are in, how they are connected to each other, etc. The best way to get this information is at.

She lies, as Scorpios sometimes lie in a desperate attempt to hide their deepest feelings. No experience? She has experience of endless embodiments of Pluto's wisdom. Ignore her careful attempts to suppress her feelings.
His self-confidence, which he shows so easily and casually, makes the Scorpio girl fall in love with Leo from the very beginning. She also has self-confidence (let's face it, much more than he does), but she doesn't know how to show it with such brilliance. So, the Scorpio woman sees a lot in Leo that is worthy of admiration and even respect. Unlike her, he found a way to express himself. Her confidence in her own inner knowledge, which always lives in her, seems to her to be securely locked. Perhaps he had the key, and if so, what wonderful freedom he could give her!
He is attracted to her for almost the same reasons. Usually she is unaware of the impression of cool poise and inner wisdom that she makes on others simply with a deep, deep look. Most people she looks at like that immediately turn away to avoid who knows what. Only they are absolutely sure that they would like to avoid this. But the brave and persistent Leo is not like that. Her gaze fascinates him. Sometimes he feels that he is drowning in the serene cold pool of her eyes, sometimes that she silently conveys knowledge to him, opening mystical secrets, and sometimes - that he came dangerously close to the large and foaming waves raging in the depths of her scorpion-like gaze, and this greatly excites Leo, unless he was frightened by ghosts in childhood.
She is jealous of his ability to spread heat around him. No matter how much she wants something else, the warmth she feels turns into a kind of distant coldness even with those she loves the most, since she belongs to the sign of Water. But the Leo man is ruled by the fiery Sun, even when he is angry or sulking. It's impossible to be around a Leo and not feel the heat. sun rays, permeating your entire being. When he is happy, it seems to you that you are basking near a cozy fire; when it is neither hot nor cold, you feel as if you are warming yourself by hot coals; and when he is excited, you remember the terrible forest fire. If only she could lavish her own, much deeper emotions with such generous carelessness! She is always trying to show her feelings more openly, and it is so difficult, and here comes a man who can demonstrate his pride and prejudices so gracefully and effortlessly. He even walks gracefully, like “a big cat making its way through the jungle. And his step undoubtedly speaks of royal dignity. It's no surprise that she falls passionately in love with him. No wonder she adores him; And it’s not surprising that a Scorpio girl attracts a Leo man. There is nothing in the world that he would love more than adoration. Just veneration. When the Serpent sneaks into their fresh, green Eden, they are both surprised, hurt and disappointed. What could have happened? So many things remain beautiful... what could go wrong?
It is not difficult to answer these questions. I recently visited two friends in Cripple Creek, Colorado (they have a restaurant there), Carol (he's a Leo) and his wife Barbara (she's a Scorpio). Just for fun, I invited them to play an astrological game of telegrams. “I asked Barbara; “Can you identify what you dislike most about Carol and what irritates you the most? In short, what causes the most friction in your relationship?” She thought for a second and, looking at her Leo husband with one of those cold and hard looks, loudly announced: “Arrogance.” ( Last days they had some small difficulties, which all couples have from time to time.) Not wanting to be in the middle of a conflict between Fire and Water, I tried not to look closely into Leo’s eyes and cheerfully asked him the same question. Without hesitating for a second, he scowled at her and growled angrily, “Silence!”
"Perfect! - I exclaimed. - Just excellent!" They turned to me in bewilderment. Then I hastened to explain: “I want to say, your answers are a great example of disharmony between Leo and Scorpio.... That is, between all Leos and all Scorpios,” I quickly corrected myself. Then I asked Lev Carol the second question: “Now how can you define in one word the quality of Barbara that attracts you most, which you admire most?” His barely restrained anger suddenly melted, like ice melts on a sunny afternoon, he looked at her with genuine tenderness and softly said something absolutely wonderful: “Perhaps devotion. “He paused and then continued: “When I was lying in the hospital a month ago in a cast from my fingers to my hip, drunk on sedatives, I saw her every time I opened my eyes.” She just sat there in case I needed anything. It's not far from Cripple Creek to St. Francis Hospital in Colorado Springs, and she has so much going on with the restaurant and the kids and the house and everything that I don't understand how she found the time and energy to be there . But she was always there. She's always there... when I need her... - Then he blushed and finished, stammering: - I think she... Well, like I said... I can't think of another word other than "loyalty." .
As he spoke, the Scorpio woman's eyes filled with tears, and she fought back them with effort. The tension that existed between them before miraculously disappeared, and they looked at each other briefly but meaningfully as Lev's eyes also began to shine with tears. Although I did not want to disrupt this amazing moment, I nevertheless continued the game and asked Barbara: “What about you? What one word would you choose to describe everything? positive traits Carol, why do you love him?
She was silent. A very long time. Finally, startled and obviously frustrated by her inability to express what she was thinking, she mumbled apologetically to both of us, “I'm sorry, you know, it's... But I... I just can't think about it... I just Don't know". There followed several more minutes of silence, which I'm sure seemed like an eternity to Carol. However, being a Leo, he almost never suffered from a lack of words, so he hastened to intervene: “Come on, Barbara, don’t be shy. Why don’t you just assume the word is ‘cute’?” Barbara was still silent. “You’re looking for this word, aren’t you? "Cute"? Or maybe the word “perfect” suits me better?”
We laughed nervously. That is, Leo and I laughed, his Scorpio wife made a weak attempt to smile, then apologized and went to the kitchen to bring more coffee. Now even Leo fell silent. I felt that it was better for me not to say anything either. The state of discomfort became almost tangible. But suddenly Barbara jumped out of the kitchen with a towel in her hand and smiled joyfully. “I just found the word! - she announced with obvious relief. - This word is “reliability”. He's so... Inspiring confidence! I can always count on him to keep his word. He never lets me or anyone down. If he promises, then I know he will do everything to keep his promise. He is the most reliable person I have met in my life. I think... well, I think the word I would choose is "reliability."
Such a waterfall of words from a woman who two minutes ago seemed speechless! And so happy expression faces of satisfaction that she was finally able to express her true feelings.
Leo broke into a smile, as Leos do when they are pleased but embarrassed, and playfully remarked: “Do you want to add the words ‘cute’ and ‘perfect’?” His wife finally gave him a royal compliment. For the next half hour, such tenderness emanated from them that I apologized and left early, making sure once again that astrology can work wonders when used correctly.
It is true that a Scorpio woman's silence can irritate and anger a Leo man. He is more open in expressing his pleasures and displeasures; he needs to talk about his happiness and his sorrows. It never occurs to a Leo man that a Pluto-ruled woman is silent due to his constant pressure.
The Scorpio woman is deeply hurt and enraged by Leo’s unbearable arrogance, but at the same time she rarely realizes that all she needs to do is praise him in time, completely sincerely (Scorpios are not capable of lying), and he will purr with delight, completely forgetting why he growled . This requires a bit of introspection. And although Scorpio is more capable of introspection than Leo, Leo forgives more easily than Scorpio, so it turns out to be a wonderful balance... Or it could work out if both tried.
Sexual relations between a Leo man and a Scorpio woman can be somewhat uneven - sometimes cold, sometimes hot. His warm power seems erotic to her, but at the same time cozy and gentle. He finds in her hidden silent power of passion a sensual challenge to his impulsive romantic nature. With some mutual concessions (for example, a little more affectionate words on her part and a little more sensitive attention on his part), the desire that they felt when they first met will remain. But if she is too silent and he is too arrogant, then the initial passion can turn into moderate, boring tenderness, and they will make real love less and less often... The Scorpio woman already knows what everyone should know Leo man: Good sex does not begin with a physiological need, it begins in the mind and heart and gradually develops into physical desire, which leads to emotional peace and harmony.
One of the reasons that often causes sexual coldness between them is her sometimes sharp resentment of his admiring female fans, who often follow Leo everywhere like loving puppies, and his refusal to give them an icy rebuff. And in general, he is delighted with this, can you imagine? Yes I can. Leo sometimes needs the valerian of adoration, but this rarely leads to infidelity, in fact never if his wife fights this threat with the most powerful weapon in the world - love. A Leo man who gets enough adoration and admiration at home, in his own domain, will never stray far from the pride he shares with his girlfriend. Leo's deepest instinct is loyalty. It takes a lot of causeless jealousy for him to change his nature. Logic can convince a Scorpio woman that if her Leo's female circle admires and desires him, then he must also admire or desire them. But logic sometimes turns out to be the most deceptive of all systems of lies. Out of resentment or anger, justified or not, a Scorpio woman can easily cheat. She would have to be very careful with her emotions because Leo does not forgive physical infidelity, no matter what he says or does to deserve it.
Yes, I know it's selfish, but that's how Leos are. With extremely rare exceptions, if a Leo discovers that his girlfriend has cheated on him with another man, it means the end. Leo should know that it takes a lot of effort to push this woman into the arms of someone else. If this is ever to happen, Leo must ask himself what she needed so badly and what he may have unconsciously denied her. It could be a child, a job, or just a little more attention, sometimes a little more tenderness.
When the gap between pride and resentment widens so that neither dare cross it, it is almost always the woman who must take the first step. No matter how much he longs for reconciliation, Leo finds it too humiliating to apologize. He is afraid that if he backs down one day, he will lose his throne. He will often undeservedly place the blame on her shoulders, desperately hoping that she will accept it, and then he can generously forgive and everything will be sunny and warm again. Unfortunately, many Leo men do not know any other way to restore harmony.
For Leo, any manifestation of tenderness is preferable to the silence of loneliness. But the Scorpio woman would rather be alone than have only half of his heart. And here it lies deepest ocean differences between those who are subject to the square of the combination 4-10, an ocean that can only be overcome with the help of the ship of love.

Leo Woman Scorpio Man

The strong character of the Scorpio man will help him win the inevitable victory in any serious clash with the Lioness. He belongs to the sign of Water, and this is the most powerful of all elements. The fire may dry out without a trace, and the water will ooze out drop by drop, destroying even granite. Throwing a boulder into a stream will not change its flow, but throw a burning torch into the ocean, and how long will the flame last?

Of course, everything depends on the strength of the flow and flame, but most Leo women and Scorpio men correspond to each other, and in the more familiar combinations of Leo and Scorpio, whose individual vibrations are balanced, the Water-Scorpio will win much more great experience souls than Leo, since it is ahead of Leo on the Karmic circle. You need to know about this when your relationship is just beginning, because, on the other hand, you never know for sure which of the two has overtaken the other and by how many turns. However, you can be sure that even if the Lioness makes the millionth circle of her Higher Self in a certain incarnation, it is because she has not yet fully mastered the lessons of the seven signs ahead. Because Scorpio is astrally ahead, even if he makes only the thousandth circle, in this particular combination, in this incarnation, he is karmically destined to teach her something, whether she likes it or not. The same is true for the Leo man and Scorpio woman. Leo can't overcome this star-crossed doom and win, so the wiser thing to do is relax and accept it.

The Leo girl may come across as warm, generous, outgoing and friendly, but that doesn't mean she enjoys being scrutinized like a butterfly. She feels uncomfortable under the impossibly deep and intense gaze of Scorpio, who is trying to comprehend the depths of her mind, her heart and soul, not to mention her body. If the desire in his gaze appears too soon, she will not hesitate to turn his Water into ice, even though she is magnetically attracted to him. A lioness can't stand familiarity from a stranger, so it's better to wait until you get to know her better. Don't stare at the Queen, otherwise you might be removed from the ball with a royal gesture full of contempt.

Their first quarrel may be over money. She loves to spend it, although she can be surprisingly practical about how and what to distribute it on, and only occasionally goes beyond the bounds and goes on brilliant sprees. He, too, can be touchingly generous on occasion, but he will not like her attempts to control his expenses, but he will certainly want to do this towards her. Only an atypical Lioness will take this condescendingly. The overall budget is almost always problematic for them. She will easily spend money, while being offended and even quarreling when he starts complaining that the money has already run out this month. The Scorpio man will put up with this for a very short time, and then he will become menacingly silent and give his chosen one a stony look, and this is hardly the ideal situation in which love can bloom.

Harmony can be achieved by opening separate bank accounts, with no questions asked or keeping track of who spent how much on what, even though her checking account may only be supported by gifts or a portion of her earnings (which is unlikely to be necessary since the typical Leo woman is already will have saved some money by the time he meets his Eagle for the first time). Almost all Lionesses are business girls. She can happily do housework after her wedding to the man she adores, but not for long, until she wants to find some interest outside the home in order to strengthen her sense of self-worth.

The Leo woman enthusiastically does housework only if it The White house, a castle with towers on a high hill or a huge empire.

The sexual relationship between the Lioness and the Eagle should be subtle, his stormy and somewhat mystical manifestations of love will at first delight her, but over time she will need more obvious manifestations of tenderness, richer and more tangible, more varied assurances of his devotion . He will find that her strange mixture of aloofness and fire is constantly stimulating, and he is unlikely to get bored with the constant challenge she poses. But if he comes across her chilling dignity too often, he will lose that living magnetism that thrilled her at first. In addition, he may begin to take revenge by refusing sex. This is one of the most unkind ways of responding to an offended Scorpio, even when he acts unconsciously.

If this man and woman really try, then, despite the obstacles of their 4-10 square combination, they can make a wonderful couple. Much may be against them at first, but still they may well become close. Imagine a calm and clear lake in the moonlight with a thousand bright fires floating on its surface and throwing diamond sparks towards the velvet midnight sky. How do fires manage to stay afloat and not go out? They are lit, on rafts. For the Fire sign Leo and the Water sign Scorpio, common goals can become such rafts.

If the Eagle and his Lioness one day find such a common goal (or cause), they can work wonders. His passion is her strength. Or is her passion his strength? It doesn't matter because they both have both. Beneath the Leo woman's brightness and courage lies deep insecurity, and she can become as sad and restless as a lioness in a zoo cage if her friend denies her the right to be an individual. As for him, Scorpio's strong need for her cheerfulness, which can illuminate his life, can cause violent outbursts of Plutonic jealousy and feelings of possessiveness. He will have to realize that this woman just has to be the center of attention sometimes, or she will fade away. If there are men among her friends who adore her, this does not mean at all that she is promiscuous, she is simply exercising her royal right to be admired. The selfish Eagle can't stand it when other men court his woman, but that's exactly what will happen if he leaves her alone. A lioness will never agree to sit by the fireplace, mend her husband's socks, satisfy her passion at night and indulge his power complex in the morning. So unless both put in the work, the path for these two lovers can be rocky at times. But do you know what to do with stones? Take them away. Just pick it up and throw it away.

If she can learn to appreciate the emotional security and exceptional devotion he offers her, and if he can learn to truly appreciate her warm, generous, sunny spirit, they can turn the astrological square of tension and clashes between their signs into powerful energy squared , which will create an amazingly strong attachment, because love, like a ship, is always stronger and more reliable when it is tested by a storm.

Despite her passion for flirting in her youth, the Lioness will be faithful and devoted to her husband when she gets married, she just needs his hand to be soft and not too strict.

If this man and woman look deeply into each other's eyes to see their true natures, they will understand that they do not need jealousy or rivalry.

Trying to strengthen a relationship through children often fails for other couples; but for Leo and Scorpio, Fate has magically decreed that if their need and desires are strong enough, the child will lead the way to Unity.



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