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List of plants in the promotion feed. Set for growing plants "Promotion Plantation" - "How to grow a whole vegetable garden at home

I would like to tell you how I transplanted seedlings from Aktsiya-Plantation pots. After spending some time monitoring the Internet, I did not find any information about this process. Then I decided to do it myself, maybe it will be useful to someone. I’m not a gardener and no one has ever worked with seedlings at home. Therefore, I didn’t really have any idea what or how. Having bought everything in advance in the same Tape (fortunately the guys were prepared and on the store shelves you could find everything you needed at a ridiculous price) I started to the process.

Here are the pots themselves. I came across onion seeds, radishes and morning glory flowers.

That's what it took during my debut.

I took the soil and poured it into the pot.

There was a recommendation for replanting the plants for the seedlings. Allegedly, they can be planted in their own small peat pot directly into the ground and the roots of the plant will easily grow through it. But these are radishes... How will they grow in one heap? What will come of it then? And I decided to remove this peat pot and plant the seedlings.

Then she carefully removed the soil and separated each shoot. This must be done very carefully, because the root system is all tangled and can be easily damaged.

When the seedlings were divided, I index finger made indentations in the pot. And I planted one seedling in each hole. The recesses were made at some distance from each other.

Good day to everyone who stopped by!

In this review, I would like to tell you about a very exciting promotion from the Lenta chain of stores, thanks to which I think I fell in love with the garden and for the first time in my life I wanted to plant and grow something - This is the Plantation Promotion.

The essence of which is to grow plants right at home.

The promotion runs from March 9, 2017 to April 19, 2017.

Terms of action:

Only from March 09 to April 19, 2017, make a purchase in the amount of 1,200 rubles in Lenta hypermarkets or in the amount of 500 rubles in Lenta supermarkets

Present your Lenta loyalty card

Get 1 collection set “Promotion Plantation” for growing real plants

In total, you can collect 16 different plants - and here they are:

  1. Radish
  2. Arugula
  3. Peas
  4. Basil
  5. Cucumber
  6. Mustard
  7. morning glory
  8. Pepper
  9. Parsley
  10. Sunflower
  11. Tomato
  12. Beet
  13. Pumpkin
  14. Dill
  15. Spinach

I have on this moment only six plants, but I was lucky that they were all different and none were the same. I think the mission to collect the remaining ten is not feasible, but still I am counting on 4-5 more plants, because just the other day we are going to buy at Lenta.

You can also get plants for purchasing partner products participating in the promotion - you can find out about this on the pages of the catalog of the Lenta chain of stores.

The growing kit consists of natural elements: seeds, peat tablet, planting pot. Each kit includes instructions for planting and general recommendations for growing plants.

Please note that each plant has its own individual growth period. The degree and speed of plant germination depends on growing conditions, watering, and seed storage conditions. Do not forget to transplant the plant into a larger pot in time.

Please note: the peat pot, peat tablet, pot packaging and seed packaging are not intended for human consumption. We also ask you to be careful if you have individual allergic reactions to certain plants when growing them.

And here are my plants - cucumber, sunflower, beets, radishes, peas and basil.

They were in these cardboard boxes, inside was a planting pot, a peat tablet and the seeds themselves - each bag of seeds was labeled and indicated the expiration date and the date by which the seeds must be planted.

All necessary instructions on planting plants is located on the double page of our cardboard label.

There is also a ruler for measuring the height of the soil - this is necessary for planting, but personally, after the first pot, I did everything by eye, and there is also a special sign with the name of the plant and the date of planting and replanting, in order to stick this sign into our pot with plant and sign when it was planted.

For planting, we will need, in addition to our kit, warm water (I took boiled water), a bowl to soak the peat tablet in it, a spoon and a measuring cup.

I did everything according to the instructions, put the tablet in a plate and poured 40 ml of warm water on it, then waited for the tablet to swell and turn into full-fledged soil.

She crushed it with a spoon and began to put it in our pot.

I filled the pot not reaching the edge by 5 mm - 1 cm, it depends on how much soil was obtained from our peat tablet. We definitely need to leave some soil to cover our seeds.

I planted the seeds - carefully distributing them in a pot and covered them with the remaining soil, poured water - 1-2 teaspoons, after which I wrote the planting date on a sign - for me it is 04/1/17 and stuck it in our pot with the plant.

I did the same with the rest of the plants. After which I put all the pots in such a small box for convenience and placed them on the computer desk next to the window - here I have the brightest and coolest place, and there is also no direct light here Sun rays- plants should feel comfortable here.

Also, don’t forget to water our plants.


If suddenly your peat tablet does not swell, then the water is not hot enough, I probably suffered like this with three pots, after which I went to boil the kettle and exchanged my plate for a measuring cup - since it was not too deep, the water did not completely cover tablet and because of this it did not swell and it was not soil, but rather just dirty water.

As soon as I changed the container and began to pour hotter water, the process went much better and the soil became thicker and there was more of it than in the first three pots. Therefore, I advise you to take this moment into account.

Now I just have to wait for my sprouts to sprout - as the plants grow, I will make updates and add photos! Therefore, if anyone is interested, subscribe and watch the growth of my plants with me!

I really really liked this promotion, this time Lenta really tried not only for children, but this process will be interesting for both adults and teenagers. I’ve already made plans to buy larger pots so that I can replant my plants and continue growing them)

By the way, for this you can buy everything you need at Lenta, as part of the promotion there are now special boxes for seedlings, so I’m thinking of buying them, but first of course you need to grow something)

It’s very exciting and relaxing). Now I have a second hobby!

6 days have passed since the plants were planted; they were planted on 04/1/17, today is 04/7/17.

Almost all the sprouts have sprouted, except for the basil and cucumber, but today they too have made small progress; it is clear that the sprouts are hatching. Tomorrow I will transplant radishes, peas and sunflowers into seedling boxes that I bought the other day at Lenta - if everything goes well, I will post photographs of the transplanted plants here for further observation.

In the meantime, admire what I have grown)

By the way, I watered the plants every day (morning and evening, perhaps that’s why something grew).

Thank you all for your attention!

Advantages: You can see what some plants look like, feel like a gardener and even harvest a small harvest

Disadvantages: Not all efforts lead to a positive result; some plants could not be grown

It must be said that the “Promotion Plantation” kits provide everything for germinating seeds and obtaining seedlings. It consists of a peat pot, a peat tablet and the corresponding seeds vegetable crops. I was very pleased that I came across different seeds. So, following the instructions, I soaked each tablet with warm water to get the soil for growing. Then I filled a pot with part of each dissolved peat tablet and sowed the seeds. After that, I sprinkled the seeds with the rest of the soil and watered the future plants. Naturally, all this was done one by one.

Three days later the radishes sprouted first, a few days later arugula and mustard sprouts appeared simultaneously, but the beets sprouted only a week later. When the seedlings reached a height of 4-5 cm, I transplanted the radishes, mustard and arugula along with peat pots into larger diameter pots. The beets have not yet reached the stage; they are growing very slowly. Of course, I had doubts that radishes, which are a root vegetable, would be able to grow deep through the peat pot. But the instructions clearly state that this is how it should be replanted. In the end, I followed these instructions.

As soon as I replanted these three plants, the weather suddenly deteriorated, winter was almost back, so this also affected my window garden. Plant growth has slowed down. When it warmed up again and the sun shone, the transplanted crops began to grow. But suddenly a problem happened to the arugula - it got sick and began to wither. All the soil in her pot and the plant itself were covered with some kind of white coating. It was very strange and offensive, because the care for all the crops was the same and the soil into which I transplanted them was also the same. Please note that I specifically purchased soil for growing vegetables and new pots. As a result, I had to throw away the arugula. I feel sorry for her most of all, because the leaves of this plant can be eaten. And it was interesting to see how arugula grows.

Time passes, but the beets remain in place. These plants are so thin that it seems they will not survive. I haven’t even replanted them yet, especially since winter has made another attempt to return.

Another root vegetable, radish, is growing slowly, but I have doubts that I will be able to harvest it, even for fun. I have dacha experience, and I know radish bushes in open ground they look much stronger and greener, and sometimes you can even see the tops of red root vegetables on the surface of the ground after rain. Of course, there is still time, perhaps with the return of warmth, the radishes on the window will get stronger.

But the mustard grows, and no cold snap outside the window scares it. It looks quite nice, perhaps it will even bloom in due time, and then, lo and behold, the seeds will ripen.



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