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Literary antipodes are characters opposite to each other. Literary antipodes are characters opposite to each other. See what “Antipode” is in other dictionaries
Read the text fragment below and complete tasks C1, C2


Chatsky, Natalya Dmitrievna, Platon Mikhailovich

Natalya Dmitrievna

Here is my Platon Mikhailych.


Old friend, we have known each other for a long time, this is fate!

Platon Mikhailovich

Hello, Chatsky, brother!


Dear Plato, nice,

A certificate of praise for you: you behave properly.

Platon Mikhailovich

As you can see, brother:

Moscow resident and married.


Have you forgotten the noise of the camp, comrades and brothers?

Calm and lazy?

Platon Mikhailovich

No, there are still things to do:

I play a duet on the flute



What did you say five years ago?

Well, constant taste! in husbands everything is more precious!

Platon Mikhailovich

Brother, if you get married, then remember me!

Out of boredom you will whistle the same thing over and over again.


Boredom! How? are you paying her tribute?

Natalya Dmitrievna

My Platon Mikhailych is inclined to do different things,

Which are not there now - for exercises and shows,

To the playpen...sometimes he misses mornings.


And who, dear friend, tells you to be idle?

They will give it to a regiment or squadron. Are you the chief or the headquarters? *

Natalya Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailych is in very poor health.


My health is weak! How long ago?

Natalya Dmitrievna

All rumatism and headaches.


More movement. To the village, to a warm region.

Be on horseback more often. The village is paradise in summer.

Natalya Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailych loves the city,

Moscow; Why will he waste his days in the wilderness!


Moscow and the city... You're an eccentric!

Do you remember before?

Platon Mikhailovich

Yes, brother, it's not like that anymore...

A.S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit."

C1. Why didn’t Natalya Dmitrievna and her husband like Chatsky’s advice?

Platon Mikhailovich and Natalya Dmitrievna are unpleasant to hear Chatsky’s advice. On the one hand, Platon Mikhailovich is old friend the main character, he is embarrassed by the presence of his former comrade, because he has changed too much. In his younger years, Gorich was a cheerful, active and lively person, but now, according to Chatsky, he is “calm and lazy.” Having fallen under his wife's heel, he turned into a decrepit wreck. On the other hand, Natalya Dmitrievna takes care of her husband, invents illnesses for him (“all rumatism and headaches”), activities that she does not like, a way of life that is alien to him (“Platon Mikhalych loves the city”). Such a husband is easy to command. The meeting of Platon Mikhailovich with Chatsky is like a meeting with the past - with “the noise of the camp, comrades and brothers,” and Natalya Dmitrievna is very afraid that her husband will leave her power.

C2. In what works of Russian writers are antipodean heroes depicted and in what ways can these heroes be compared with the participants in this scene of “Woe from Wit”?

An antipode is a hero of a literary work, opposed to some other hero in beliefs, views and tastes. L.N. resorted to depicting the antipodes in their works. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, M. Lermontov and many other writers.

In the episode proposed for analysis, the antipodes are Chatsky and Gorich. They have different attitude to life, different understandings of family happiness. Chatsky is disgusted by an idle life, he craves some kind of activity. In the novel " Captain's daughter", for example, A.S. Pushkin also contrasts two heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin. Grinev is a conscientious, noble and honest person. Shvabrin, in contrast, is capable of meanness and low acts: he envies Grinev, ridicules him, betrays his military duty and swears allegiance to the impostor Pugachev.

In the novel “Hero of Our Time,” Lermontov contrasts Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Grushnitsky is unbearable for his falseness and posturing; he always tries to imitate someone. Taking revenge on Pechorin, he commits not feats, but meanness. The duel scene reveals the honesty, generosity of Pechorin and the base qualities of Grushnitsky. Even before death, he grimaces and lies, and petty pride turns out to be stronger for him than nobility.

Thus, antipodean heroes are always important in literary work: it is their opposition that helps to reveal the author’s position.

Vorobyova Ekaterina, 11 A class 2013

Natalya Dmitrievna and Platon Mikhailovich did not like Chatsky’s advice for several reasons. The first thing we see when reading this passage is Platon Mikhailovich’s submission to his wife. Chatsky’s advice encouraged his old friend to live his own life, but Natalya Dmitrievna did not want to lose her power - this becomes the first reason that Chatsky’s words did not please the heroes. The second reason is that Chatsky reminds Platon Mikhailovich about past life, filled with “camp noise”; Gorich bitterly regrets that this life cannot be returned. The third reason we can attribute is that Platon Mikhailovich envies Chatsky for his freedom and regrets getting married: “If you get married, then remember me!”

Antipodean heroes are depicted in many works of Russian literature, one of which is the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time".

The antipodal heroes in the work are Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Like Platon Mikhailovich, Grushnitsky is an old friend for the protagonist. However, if the friendship of Chatsky and Gorich remains unchanged, then Pechorin and Grushnitsky enter into a serious conflict, which ends in a quarrel, mutual hatred, a duel and murder.

Such heroes are also depicted in the story “The Captain's Daughter” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin, like Griboyedov’s antipodean heroes, are military men. However, unlike Chatsky and Gorich, there is and never was real friendship between Pushkin’s heroes; Shvabrin only pretends to respect Grinev, and then their relationship turns into enmity and hatred towards each other.

Updated: 2018-08-14

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  • Why didn’t Natalya Dmitrievna and her husband like Chatsky’s advice? Famusov’s worldview “Woe from Wit”

In a broad sense, antipodes are entities opposite to each other. The term is borrowed from where it denoted opposing things, phenomena and quantities. The concept is used in physics, philosophy, literature and other areas of science and art.

Where do the Antipodes live?

In terms of geography, we can, for example, call the inhabitants of New Zealand and Spain antipodes, since these countries are located in strictly opposite points of the planet.

Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, among other meanings, unanimously highlight the following: antipodes are people of opposite views, beliefs, actions, etc. It is with this meaning that the literary device, with the help of which the author creates a picture of life and expresses his concept.

The antipodean hero is interesting not only from the point of view of plot collisions. His presence creates a conflict and helps the reader take a closer look at the main character, see the hidden motives of his actions, and thoroughly understand the idea of ​​the work.

Russian classics are rich in such literary pairs that represent the antipodes. Moreover, these characters can not only be enemies, but that does not prevent them from being antipodes. Onegin and Lensky, about whom Pushkin says that they are “like ice and fire”, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, Grinev and Shvabrin, Oblomov and Stolz, the Karamazovs - Ivan and Alyosha - this is not a complete series of names.

Eternal duel

In A. Griboyedov’s brilliant comedy “Woe from Wit,” the ardent and witty Chatsky also has antipodes. This is, first of all, the “modest” Molchalin. These people would not be placed side by side at all - they are so far from each other in their way of thinking, but they are only brought together by one object of love - Sofya Famusova. Both heroes are smart in their own way, but this intelligence is different. Molchalin, convinced that “one must depend on others,” won recognition for his obsequiousness, courtesy, pragmatic professionalism and caution. In contrast, the sincere, talented, independent Chatsky, who “wants to preach freedom,” is recognized by the majority as crazy. The common sense of the conformist Molchalin, it would seem, triumphs over the “crazy” daring rejection of vulgarity, hypocrisy and stupidity. However, sympathy is still on the side of the freedom lover Chatsky, who leaves Moscow with a broken heart. The presence of an antipodean hero in the play makes the conflict especially expressive and emphasizes how typical the fate of a loner who decides to contradict the majority is.

The secret of true love

In F. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” it is not immediately possible to recognize the antipodes of the main character. At first glance, Svidrigailov and Luzhin seem completely opposite to Raskolnikov, from whom the hero wants to protect and save people. However, we gradually understand that Raskolnikov, absorbed in his idea, is, rather, their double - in the inhuman, cynical and criminal content of this idea. Nevertheless, Raskolnikov has antipodes - this is Porfiry Petrovich. The latter was fascinated by similar Raskolnikov views in his youth, but his conscience did not allow him to follow this path. And Sonya also “transgressed,” but not by taking the lives of others, but by sacrificing herself for the sake of others. Thanks to this contrast, the author helps us understand what the true essence of Christian charity and love is.


A map of the world, where each point is superimposed with its antipode.

In mathematics antipodes- points opposite to the center on the sphere. For a ball, such points are called diametrically opposite. It can also designate any second object that is completely opposite to the first (from the chosen point of view, coordinate system).

In art

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  • Vladimir Vysotsky wrote “Song of the Antipodes” for music album“Alice in Wonderland” based on the fairy tale of the same name by L. Carroll.


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    ANTIPODE- ANTIPODE, huh, husband. 1. A person who is the opposite of someone. according to beliefs, properties, tastes (book). 2. The one or those who live in diametrically opposite points of the globe (special). | adj. antipodal, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    antipode- ah, m., book. (whose or to whom) A person with opposite l. views, beliefs, tastes, character traits. By nature, I am the opposite of Pechorin (Grigorovich). Synonyms: opposite Etymology: From Greek antipodes ‘located... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

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