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The best ways to tell fortunes with money. Fortune telling with Tarot cards for money “Full Cup”

No matter how a person views the financial issue, money invariably plays an important role in our lives. It is thanks to monetary wealth and material resources that many problems can be solved: to provide the necessary level of comfort, to realize your plans, to make your desires come true. Therefore, fortune telling for money and wealth has been in demand since ancient times and enjoyed enormous popularity. This type of divination allows you to get answers to questions that are relevant to modern people. Will the planned enterprise bring material success? When and where to expect profit? Is it worth making a deal? Is it possible to spend the available funds now or is it better to save?

General rules of fortune telling for wealth

In order for fortune telling to be truthful and for you to receive comprehensive answers to all your questions related to the material sphere, you must follow a few simple general rules.

  1. If you choose fortune telling for money using cards, then be sure to purchase a brand new deck for these purposes.
  2. During fortune telling, light a green candle on the table (green is the color of money and success in business).
  3. Before fortune telling, it is recommended to put the most expensive ring you have on your finger. It will be considered a kind of symbol and “anchor” for wealth.
  4. Using essential oils or incense sticks, fill the room where you are going to tell fortunes with “money aromas.” The following plant scents are suitable for these purposes: nutmeg, bergamot, orange, cinnamon, cloves, mint, basil, ginger, pine or jasmine.
  5. It is recommended to cast a fortune on wealth during the energetically bright time of day. Namely, from five in the morning to eight in the evening.

What are money fortune telling?

There are a large number of ways to tell fortunes about wealth and material well-being. These include various solitaire games and variants of card fortune-telling (using Tarot and playing cards), water fortune-telling, fortune-telling with banknotes, and much more. We bring to your attention several of the most interesting, effective and common types of money divination. Choose the one you like. The main thing in this matter is to concentrate as much as possible and tune in to the “money wave”.

Ancient card fortune telling for financial profit

This method will allow you to find out whether you will achieve financial success in the near future. So, take a new deck of cards, carefully shuffle it, thinking about the subject of divination. Then, with your left hand, you should pull out any nine cards and lay them out on the table in the direction from left to right. Look at which suit cards predominate in your layout? This will be the key to deciphering fortune telling. So, if you get the most club cards, you will soon receive an impressive amount of money, possibly receive an inheritance, win the lottery, etc. The suits of hearts and diamonds indicate that your financial situation is stable and no major changes are expected in this area. The predominance of spades cards threatens losses and damages.

Fortune telling for money using water

This method of money fortune telling dates back to ancient times. It is very simple and effective. You should take a clean glass (ideally if it is made of crystal), fill it with running water and during the full moon place it on the window so that the moon's rays literally pierce the contents of the glass with their light.

Look into your glass in the morning. If something falls into the water during the night, expect quick profit. If the water remains clean in the near future, you will not be in danger of increasing your level of material wealth.

Card spread for wealth

This version of money fortune telling will allow you to find out whether you will achieve real great wealth and which way the money will come to you.

You need to take a deck of cards in your left hand, hold it in your hand for a while, concentrating on financial issues. Then shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table. Place one card on the left side, the other on the right. As a result, you should have two piles of eighteen cards each. You can immediately remove the left pile. Take the right pile in your hands and lay out two cards from it at once. If there is a match (two kings, two sevens, etc.), put the paired cards aside - their interpretation will be the answer to your questions about the method of getting rich. If there are no coincidences in your layout, then you are not destined to get rich. At least in the near future.

Interpretation of cards in a wealth reading

Sixes– a rich life is possible, but your path to it will be long and thorny. You will have to work hard, but the result is worth it.

Sevens- they say that financial success will come to you by chance, without much effort. The main thing is to trust your intuition and believe in luck!

Eights- indicate that a given person can get rich with the power of words. What does it mean? Perhaps business negotiations, public speaking, journalistic or writing activities will bring you financial success.

Nines– the incentive for you to get rich will be the desire to impress your loved one.

Dozens- they say that you can get a lot of money through gambling or the lottery.

Jacks– your wealth and material well-being are somehow connected with children.

Ladies- you will achieve wealth on your own. However, perhaps on the way to the desired goal there will be gossip, tricks and intrigue.

Kings- they say that wealth will come into your life with the help of a man. If we are talking about a woman, then this usually means a successful marriage with a wealthy person. If the fortuneteller is a man, then a business partner or male patron will probably help him get rich.

Two Aces- the most successful coincidence in this scenario. It indicates that you are very successful financially. In the future, you will have the opportunity to become seriously rich, and will spend the rest of your life in material prosperity, not knowing the need for anything.

Fortune telling with coins

Fortune telling should be carried out during the new moon. Prepare coins of different denominations for the ritual. For Russians, these will be coins of ten and fifty kopecks, as well as in denominations of one, two, five and ten rubles. Now wrap the money in green or red cloth, tie it in a knot and put it under your pillow.

In this article:

Fortune telling for prosperity and wealth has existed for a long time. There are special prediction techniques using playing cards and solitaire, rituals on banknotes and coins, on cereals, fire, and others.

In addition, numerous universal tools can be used to answer this question.

Ancient fortune telling for money

Every person dreams of wealth; this desire has existed as long as people themselves have existed. Whether now or centuries and millennia ago, man always wanted to have enough means to subsist, and dreamed that he would have more of these means than others.

That is why fortune telling with money has a very long history and is very popular in our time.

Fortune telling about the receipt of funds

For this fortune telling you will need a standard playing deck. Shuffle the cards, concentrating on your question about wealth, and then pull out 9 random cards and place them in a row face down on the table. Now reveal the cards one by one from left to right. When all the cards are revealed, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the dominant suit.

If your layout is dominated by red cards - diamonds or hearts, this means that at present there is no immediate change in your financial situation, you need to work more and take active steps to achieve your dream of wealth.

If the suit of spades dominates on the table, this is a bad omen, and you need to cut expenses as soon as possible, do not plan large purchases and try to save as much money as possible, since you may soon need a large sum for unforeseen needs.

The best sign is considered to be a layout in which clubs predominate, because they have been associated with money since ancient times. If there is more of this suit on your table, then you can really get rich in the near future. But even with such a prediction, you should not relax, because any fortune telling is only a possibility, not an inevitability. Work and move towards your goal and remember that fate and fortune favor you.

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How to guess with money on water

This is an ancient and very simple version of predicting the future, which people have been using for many hundreds of years. To carry out such fortune telling, you will need clean, or better yet, spring water. On the night of the new moon, fill a transparent glass with water and place it on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in the liquid; if this is not possible, it will be enough for rays of moonlight to fall into the water, open the window. After that, go to bed.

Early in the morning, go to the water and carefully look at the contents of the glass. If any objects appeared in the water overnight, this is a sure sign that in the near future, if not wealth, then significant financial income awaits you. It is also worth noting that the more foreign objects there are in the glass, and the larger they are in size, the greater the profit you will make.

Ritual with coins

This method can hardly be called ordinary fortune telling; rather, it is a whole magical ritual in which active actions are required from the performer. This ritual is performed only during the waxing moon, preferably immediately after the new moon.

Prepare coins of all denominations that are currently in use: 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, total: 8 pieces. Coins should be selected in the best possible condition; they should not be heavily soiled or damaged. They also need to be thoroughly washed and polished to make them look like new.

All these actions are necessary for fortune telling, but it is also worth remembering that the more carefully you carry out all these actions, the more carefully and accurately you treat coins, the more likely it is that you will not only recognize your future, but will also be able to attract material well-being.

This method is characterized by careful preparation for the session.

You need to put all the prepared coins in a new bag made of natural fabric; if it is not possible to get a new one, you can use the used one, as long as it is clean. Place the bag at the head of your bed or under your pillow and leave it there for one night. The next evening, place a thick red candle and a small bowl of cereal on the table. Also take out a bag of coins, make a wish for wealth and financial well-being, and then in one motion pour the coins from the bag into a cup of cereal.

Take any oblong wooden object, such as a wooden spoon, and slowly stir the contents of the bowl, then cover it with the bag containing the money. Now you need to take a handful of its contents from the bowl without looking and place it on the table in front of you. Depending on the number and denomination of coins in front of you, you can make a prediction about your financial well-being in the future.

  • 1 kopeck - Challenges and a possible shortage of funds await you ahead, learn to save money.
  • 5 kopecks - To get rich, you need to carefully monitor your expenses.
  • 10 kopecks - No serious financial income is expected in the near future.
  • 50 kopecks - A sign of average income, as well as help; it is likely that in the near future one of your relatives or friends will need money.
  • 1 ruble - You will have financial income, but you can spend it on gifts or holidays.
  • 2 rubles - Soon you will unexpectedly receive a small but pleasant profit; if you invest this money in a business, then in the future it will give a very good income.
  • 5 rubles - It is likely that you will soon receive serious income, this may be due to a promotion on the career ladder or an unexpected win (successful sale of something).
  • 10 rubles - The largest coin, which indicates that your financial situation will soon change dramatically; you will have numerous and large cash receipts related to work or business. At the same time, if you took out only this one coin, then the financial income will be large, but short-lived, and you need to use it wisely.

If you haven’t pulled out a single coin, don’t be too upset, this is not a bad sign at all, it simply indicates that your financial situation will not change in the near future. There is also a possibility that the fortune telling did not take place at all. In any case, you should repeat the ritual in a month, on the next new moon.

The most favorable situation is considered to be when the performer managed to pull out more than half of all the coins in the bowl onto the table. This means that in the near future he will receive serious financial income from various sources.

We can say that if you pulled out a lot of coins, then soon you will literally attract wealth to yourself. You've probably met or heard about such people who make a profit no matter what they do. In this case, you can be congratulated, you really have the opportunity to get rich. The main thing is to use it correctly.

The financial issue is a pressing issue for many people. We don’t always find answers to the age-old questions: where can I get money, when will I become rich and what will bring me profit? That is why we bring to your attention fortune telling for money. They will help you answer many of your questions related to your financial well-being.

Fortune telling with playing cards. In order to find out what awaits you in terms of finances in the future, you need to take a deck of 36 cards. Shuffle it and ask a question regarding your material wealth.

Then start laying out the cards into two piles, face down: card to the left, card to the right. As a result, you should have two equal stacks. Take the right pile of cards and start laying them out one by one face down, two cards at a time. If you come across paired cards, for example, two aces or two nines, then put them aside. Once you have formed pairs, and there may be several of them, then it’s time to start interpreting the fortune telling. The meaning of cards for fortune telling in this version is as follows:

Two aces - you will get rich very soon. Financial success awaits you. Moreover, you can distribute the money received in such a way that it will bring you even more income.

Two Kings - You can become rich thanks to a male representative. If you are a woman, then a rich suitor will probably appear in your life, and you will be able to get married successfully. If you are a man, then a like-minded person, investor or sponsor will help you find financial stability.

Two ladies - You can achieve wealth only on your own, thanks to intelligence and perseverance. In addition, to achieve your goal you will need to show cunning and flexibility of mind.

Two Jacks - You will get money thanks to your children. How this will happen is unknown, however, they will play a big role in your financial success.

Two tens - “easy money” awaits you. You can't earn much by working hard. A lucky chance can enrich you. For example, this could be a win in a casino, a lottery, a game on the stock exchange, or an unexpected inheritance. The main thing is to stop in time and properly manage the capital received.

Two nines - You will gain wealth. However, in the process of achieving financial success, money will not be your end goal. You may want to prove your abilities to someone. It will be important for you to achieve more recognition of yourself as an independent person than money.

Two eights - monetary success awaits you. You can become rich thanks to your communication skills. Anything related to speech can bring you great profits. For example, successful negotiations, writing a book, public speaking. If, despite all this, you still have the gift of persuasion, then you are guaranteed wealth!

Two sevens - Money will come to you by luck. Most likely, you will find yourself in the right place at the right time. You'll be very lucky. Your task is to keep Fortune as long as possible, but at the same time not to abuse her kindness.

Two sixes - You will be rich, but you will not get money as quickly as you would like. Difficulties, serious decisions and choices between things that are important to you await you. But in the end, you can achieve financial success.

If during the fortune-telling process you did not get a single pair, then this is a sign that it is simply not your destiny to get rich. Or perhaps financial success will not come to you very soon. In any case, even if the cards tell you about incredible wealth, this is not a reason to rely on the prediction and do nothing. Financial success, in most cases, comes as a result of work, perseverance and flexible intelligence. You can, of course, wait for manna from heaven, but this will only delay your finest hour. Did you like the article? Then be sure to put

Since time immemorial, people have been striving to find out their future, using various methods of divination - on cards, hot wax, coffee grounds or with the help of other objects. But the most relevant are fortune-telling for money and success, as well as carrying out certain rituals to attract good luck and profit, since many believe that thanks to such actions one can quickly achieve material well-being and get rich.

General rules

It's no secret that monetary wealth will be able to solve almost all problems: ensure the desired standard of living, significantly improve the quality of health, make many dreams come true. Therefore, if financial difficulties arise, you can use money fortune telling to find out when your financial situation will change for the better.

There are different techniques of divination, which differ in their rules and features. You need to start making predictions with full confidence in the truthful result, and if you are not serious about the process, it is better not to do this.

So that after fortune telling you can get answers to exciting questions related to material wealth, During the ritual, several simple rules should be followed:

These tips will help you during fortune telling to attract monetary energy, which will help eliminate material problems and attract success and good luck in the future.

Types of money fortune telling

Fortune telling for wealth includes various options for card fortune telling, and predictions can also be obtained using special manipulations with a variety of objects. During the process, it is advisable to carry out money rituals that attract good luck and contribute to the emergence of financial profit.

There are two types of such fortune telling:

  1. Cash. They are carried out solely to find out about changes in your financial situation in the near future.
  2. Are common. This divination allows you to obtain additional information related to finances, for example: about a promotion at work, business development, the receipt of an inheritance or the sale of a house.

It is recommended to predict the future and carry out related rituals aimed at attracting money and good luck during the full moon, or when it begins to grow. It is believed that the waxing moon symbolizes growth and multiplication, and the full moon can guarantee clear stability in the material plane.

Available methods of fortune telling

We invite you to find out a few interesting and popular types of money divination. You can choose one of them and try to find out what can await you in the near future. Before starting the mysterious process, you need to prepare special items necessary for fortune telling, mentally formulate the question of interest and be sure to tune in to obtain a positive result.

Predictions using cards

There are various options for card fortune telling, they can help you find out whether you will achieve a stable income or achieve real wealth. Here are the most famous and effective methods of such divination - study them carefully and start predicting your future.

Simple card layout. This option can be used to tell fortunes for money in the near future. You need to take a deck of cards (preferably new) and mix it thoroughly. It is important that the cards have not been used for the game before, otherwise such fortune telling will not be trusted. Slide the top of the shuffled deck towards you with your left hand, mentally ask a question about material wealth and pull out any 9 cards. Then place them next to each other.

Now you need to look at the card images and determine what they mean. If clubs predominate, this means that the financial situation will soon improve significantly. A large number of red suits suggests that you should not wait for money to arrive. The presence of cards of the spades suit can indicate that the problem of the financial crisis will be resolved quickly and easily.

Card fortune telling- will I become rich? With the help of this prediction, you can find out whether you can truly get rich, and where the money for this will come from.

Take the deck in your left hand, hold it and think about material wealth. Then mix the cards well and arrange them into two piles so that the suit symbols are on the inside.

Now remove the stack on the left side, and take the part of the cards that was on the right side in your hands, take out 2 pieces from there and place them on the table, suits up. If you come across paired images, for example: two queens or two aces, you need to put them in a separate place. These cards will tell you the answer to your question about wealth. If you don’t come across a single paired card, then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to get rich.

In a wealth scenario cards with the same image have the following meaning:

  • Aces are great luck, success in financial affairs, the prospect of becoming a very wealthy person in the future.
  • Kings - material wealth will come to you with the help of a man. For a woman, this can mean a profitable marriage with a rich man. And if a man tells fortunes, it means that he will achieve wealth with the help of a business partner or with the assistance of a wealthy relative.
  • Ladies - you will get rich on your own, using your mind and talent.
  • Jacks - you will gain financial independence thanks to your children.
  • Tens - big money will appear after winning the lottery.
  • Nines - you can become rich in order to win the favor of your loved one.
  • Eights - material well-being will come through active and creative activity.
  • Sevens - monetary success will soon await you, and you won’t need to put any effort into it.
  • Sixes - you can become rich if you work hard and persistently pursue your goal.

It is worth remembering that fortune telling on cards cannot be done very often; it is recommended to do this once every 2-3 months, otherwise the prediction result will be incorrect.

Fortune telling on the water

This method of divination has been known since ancient times, and due to its simplicity it is quite popular and in demand today. You need to tell fortunes with water during the full moon, the light of which should penetrate well into the window of the room where the ritual will be performed.

Take a clean, transparent glass and fill it with running water. After this, place the vessel on the windowsill in a place so that it is illuminated from all sides by the moon's rays. Then go straight to bed.

In the morning you need to examine the contents of the glass. If you find any debris, an insect or a blade of grass on the surface of the water, it means that your financial situation will soon improve. Perhaps you will find a high-paying job, make a profitable deal, or receive a cash gift. If the water remains completely clean, this indicates that financial wealth will remain at the same level.

You can guess in this way both in summer and winter, and during the ritual the window does not have to be left open.

Fortune telling using coins

It is recommended to make predictions using small money during the new moon. To do this, you will need coins from 10 kopecks to 10 rubles. The prepared money should be placed in a small green cloth, tied tightly and placed under the pillow at night.

Exactly one day later, lay a red tablecloth on the table and place a lit candle. Then pour some cereal into a plate and put coins there. During these actions, think about various issues related to material well-being. Then close your eyes and scoop up a small amount of cereal with your hand. Depending on what kind of money you come across, it can be assumed that financial wealth will be provided to you in the near future.

In this fortune telling, coins have the following meaning:

Don't worry too much if you only pull out cereal without the presence of coins. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the ritual in a month and you will definitely be lucky.

So that financial success always accompanies you, you need to believe in your luck, stop envying rich people and think about your own goals. There are several simple rules for attracting money into your life:

Remember, financial well-being always depends only on you - your emotions, actions and thoughts. Work for yourself, think positively, treat money wisely - this will help you achieve the desired wealth.

Attention, TODAY only!

Tarot spread for money " Full bowl» will show the cause of financial difficulties, tell you what to do in the near future to increase your well-being, and also show events and circumstances that will help improve your financial situation.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Layout diagram and meaning of Tarot cards in fortune telling for money “Full Cup”

Card 1 – The main reason for financial difficulties in the present
Card 2 – Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation
Card 3 – What personal qualities or actions are necessary to increase your material wealth
Card 4 – What needs to be done to improve well-being

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

The main reason for financial difficulties in the present

The “Moderation” card means the golden mean, harmony, balance, correct proportions, adequacy of actions. A feeling of balance between the internal and external worlds, recovery. External and internal calm, the need to observe moderation in everything. Thrift, diplomacy, self-discipline, ability to wait. Faith in Higher goals, helping to overcome crisis situations.

Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation

The Four of Pentacles that you have drawn symbolizes hyper-caution, the desire to retain values, the reluctance and inexpediency of sharing, and greed. Possessiveness, heightened need for security, immobility, fixation on material things. Fear of change. The end of progress, limited aspirations, resting on laurels and unwillingness to move on.

What personal qualities or actions are necessary to increase material wealth?

Here you see the Two of Wands, which indicates neutrality, indifference, lack of inspiration. Broken obligations, indecision, indifference, delay of active actions. Deadlock situation, unwillingness to participate in a life situation. Minor quarrels, conflicts, unexpected interference. Detachment and dissatisfaction in the absence of visible reasons for this. Satiety. A test of maturity, of the ability to interact with other people.

What needs to be done to improve well-being

The Strength card shows desire, passion, readiness to fight, good health and optimism, the victory of mental and spiritual forces over animal forces. Refusal of aggressive suppression of one’s instincts in favor of their soft, careful taming, release of additional internal energy reserves. Belief in victory, in one’s own strength, vitality. The joy of physical labor and sports.



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