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Amateur hockey skates. Hockey skates - the best and most reliable models for professionals and beginners

In ice hockey there are no trifles - every element of equipment is important and the effectiveness of the player’s actions and the degree of his protection from damage depend on the correct choice. But, whatever one may say, the most important thing is the foundation. The basis of a hockey player's basics is skates.

Let's listen to the opinions of professionals on this matter. And to begin with, a word to the founders of hockey. (Simultaneous translation)

Now the opinion of Russian players.

A remarkable defender in the recent past, and now a hockey analyst, shares his advice - Alexander Khavanov.

I would like to immediately note that I cannot give a universal recipe that would suit everyone on how to choose skates. This process is individual, everyone is different and everyone’s feet are different. But, of course, there are a number of things that make sense to focus on when visiting a store.

Size matters
There is a rule that everyone who has ever purchased a pair of skates probably knows about. It states that skates should be half a size (in North American sizing) larger than your feet. To be honest, I would not recommend taking this advice as an absolute guide to action. Main criterion all the same, it’s how comfortable the foot is in the boot, and this is again determined by the preferences of each person and his habits. My skates are, as they say, tight. There are players who choose skates even smaller than their feet,
in order to then distribute them. The idea here is that the longer the blade, the less maneuverability. To increase their mobility on ice, people deliberately use smaller skates. As for children just starting to learn to skate, then, in my opinion, those parents who take skates several sizes larger to grow are wrong. This is a surefire way to ruin a child's skating.

Hard or soft
It is very important to know in advance what you want from your skates. Accordingly, the worst thing is to choose skates without knowing what you want to get from them. There are a great variety of skates on the market now, and there is plenty to choose from. But this is a difficult and responsible process in which it is important different nuances. Skates come with a high and low rise, soft, hard and very hard, with a high and low heel. It's easy to get confused here. The owner of a high instep, naturally, should take skates with a high instep - everything is more or less obvious here. With rigidity, not everything is clear. On the one hand, a hard boot is better at preventing injuries. On the other hand, it does not provide the freedom of action that a soft boot provides. Therefore, professionals whose feet are ready for specific loads mainly use soft skates. A new, insufficiently prepared person, going out on the ice in these, can twist his ankle. Therefore, I would advise beginners to choose skates that are stiffer, reducing the risk of getting an unnecessary injury, as they say, out of the blue. I would not strictly differentiate between skates that are better suited for defenders and attackers. It again depends on who is comfortable with what. It is believed that they should differ in the degree of protection of the leg. Of course, everyone needs protection. But no matter how hard the boot is, a direct hit from the puck will still hurt, unless, of course, you wear skates nine sizes too big. So, I repeat, first of all you should pay attention to how well the skate fits your foot.
Three pairs per season
During a regular season, I “kill” three pairs of skates - two are enough for the regular season, one more for the playoffs. The main sign that it’s time to change your skates is that as they wear out, they no longer support your feet. Which, of course, can lead to injury. For people who do not play hockey professionally, a pair of skates, of course, will last a long time - you can skate on one for several years. But it won’t hurt to notice in time that the shoes are worn out.
Thermal molding is not a panacea
Almost all skate manufacturers are now actively using materials that allow the skates to take the shape of the player’s foot when heated. This is a useful thing. But I still think that it’s even more important to space the skates correctly so that they work like your leg, so that they, as they say, “bend” under your foot. Any person is initially uncomfortable wearing skates. And if they dynamically interact well with the foot, the discomfort is greatly reduced.
On It usually takes at least a week to break in skates normally. Almost all professional skates are equipped with an anatomical felt tongue with a molded liner, an antimicrobial non-slip insole, and an improved system for fastening and adjusting the blade to the cup.


1. Find out unique features structure of your foot, which can affect the formation of excess pressure points and lead to discomfort during use.

2. Study your old skates - they can tell you a lot. The wear of the insole will tell you whether the size was chosen correctly. High wear areas will indicate points of excess pressure caused by incorrect skate selection. For example, the insole in an incorrectly fitted skate has a foot print that does not reach the edge of the insole.

3. Socks. When selecting skates, wear the socks you will use when skating. It is recommended to wear thin socks, which will allow the boot to mold to your foot faster and more accurately and take the unique shape of your foot.

4. Putting on shoes. Loosen the boot laces to the third hole from the bottom. Pull out the tongue, tilt it forward and put on the boot. The foot should feel comfortable while on the insole and “fill” the shoe entirely, without leaving the instep and toe areas empty.

5. Heel. Before you lace up your boot, vigorously move your foot back in the boot. The tongue of a properly laced boot should keep the foot pushed back and not allow the foot to move or move at the heel. If the heel area of ​​the foot moves freely and is not held close to the heel of the skate, this means that you need to try on either a smaller skate or a skate that is less full.

6. Front part. Stand straight with your legs closed. In this position, the toes should only lightly touch the front inside of the boot and, when applying force, should touch more intensely, but not press or interfere.

7. First steps. Walk/sit for 10-15 minutes. This will help you once again make sure of the comfort and correct selection of the size and model of skates. If the heel does not “slide” forward in the boot or move from side to side, if the boot fits snugly but not uncomfortably on the foot, and if the toes just lightly touch the toe of the boot, this means that the size is completely correct.

Steel nuances
When sliding on ice main role blade plays.
The principle of sliding of a skate is as follows: from the friction of the sharp edges of the blade, the ice underneath melts, and the skate slides along a kind of “water cushion” (that is, actually over wet ice), due to which the sliding speed greatly increases.
Before purchasing skates please pay attention Special attention on the glass used in the design (the skate segment between the blade and the boot itself). His most popular model today is TUUK
Custom +. It is good in all respects - except, perhaps, for one thing: in extreme cold it can crack.
If you go out on the ice in severe cold, preference should be given to a frost-resistant model - the TUUK series

Hockey skate size
To understand how to choose the right skates, you need to keep in mind that hockey skates have their own sizing system, so your shoe size will not be the same size as your skates.
Each hockey equipment manufacturer provides its own sizing chart. Thanks to these tables you can choose skates the right size, comparing your shoe size and country of residence. But do not forget that tables vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Let's look at how to choose skates that suit your length. Put the boot on your foot, slide your foot back so that your heel is pressed firmly against the heel of the skate. In this position, your toes should lightly touch the toe of the shoe. If your toes rest on the toe, you should take a skate size larger.
Sometimes it happens that the length of a hockey boot fits your foot perfectly, but the width is either too narrow or too wide. In this case, you need to move on to choosing skates with the same size, but a different fullness (this will be written below).
The question often arises: how to choose skates for a child? Given your foot height, it is recommended to choose skates half a size larger. A half size will be equivalent to the thickness of one finger between the heel of the boot and the heel of the foot. If you do not want to harm your child, then you should not buy skates larger than half a size. A large shoe will wobble on your foot, leading to poor balance, falls, and leg or ankle injuries.
Below we provide size correspondence tables for the most popular hockey skate manufacturers in our country.


Russia38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5
6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
EASTON 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5

Adults/SR (continued)

Russia43 43.5 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 46.5 47
9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13
9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12
EASTON 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12


Russia32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 38.5
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
- 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
EASTON - 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5


Russia26 27 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32
Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 -
Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13
EASTON Y09 Y10 Y11 Y11.5 Y12 Y12.5 Y13 Y13.5

Most likely, this is the first question that arises before a person who decides to take up hockey. Skates are the most important piece of equipment and an athlete’s capabilities largely depend on whether they are properly selected. Let's look at the basic parameters of the skate that raise questions and doubts when purchasing.

Determining the right size and trying on hockey skates

Perhaps this is one of the most important points. When choosing skates, you should focus on the length of the insole rather than the size, since the compliance of these parameters varies among different manufacturers and does not have a clear standard, just like with regular shoes. For convenience, we provide a table with the correspondence of European shoe sizes, skate sizes and insole lengths. Skate sizes are indicated for Graf, Bauer, Nike.

Hockey skate sizes

Shoe size40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 47 47.5 48 49
Insole length, cm25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32.5
Skate size6 6.5 7.5 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13

Hockey skates must fit snugly to your feet; to do this, you need to select a boot strictly in size, taking into account the socks in which you plan to skate.

When trying on, lace the boot well along the entire length. The skates should fit tightly, the leg should be well fixed, but not overtightened, it should be convenient and comfortable.
The foot, being on the insole, completely fills the shoe, leaving no empty space in the instep and toes. But you shouldn’t go to extremes; your fingers shouldn’t rest heavily on the toe, just touch lightly. The heel area is also fixed, there should be no empty space.

After lacing up your shoes, stand on both feet, if possible, walk a little, feel if you are comfortable, you can even do a few squats.

Fullness and elevation of the leg

These are standard parameters for any boots, not just hockey boots. All you have to do is measure and choose at what fullness and elevation the leg feels more comfortable. It should be noted that different lines of the same company, while designating the same fullness, have different boot widths. For example, Bauer, of the three lines - Vapor - has the narrowest last and low rise, Supreme - has average values, and Nexus has the widest fullness and high lift, and in addition, each of these lines is available in three fullness options ( C, D, EE,) . Lines from other manufacturers also have similar differences.

Indications of the fullness of hockey skates:

  • C or N – narrow boot. Approximately 0.6 cm narrower than D
  • D or R – standard width
  • E(EE) or W – wide boot. Approximately 0.6 cm wider than D

Boot stiffness

This is also a very important parameter that affects the quality of skating and protection. By and large, modern skates from major hockey brands (Bauer, Graf, Easton, Reebok) are provided with the appropriate level of boot rigidity. Composite skates have maximum rigidity; these are usually the top models in the line. On the other hand, the stiffer the boot, the longer it will take you to get used to it and wear it in, experiencing discomfort when skating; on average, this process can take up to a month, and sometimes more. But thanks to the following parameter, some hard skates do not have this drawback.


This feature is mainly found in professional and semi-professional boots. Thermoforming allows, due to the softening thermofoam inside the boot, to shape the boot taking into account the characteristics of your foot. But it should be understood that the boot must be suitable, since after the thermoforming procedure the boot cannot perfectly take the shape of any leg, but only the best fit and fixation of a correctly selected skate.


Nowadays, the blades of almost all skates are made of stainless steel or its modifications. Apart from weight, the main parameter of a blade is its hardness; it determines how often it will have to be sharpened and how long it will last.

The blades of the above-mentioned major hockey brands, even in the entry-level price range, are made of high-quality steel and hold an edge well. But when buying skates from non-specialized brands (Nordway, Oxelo, Action, etc.), you need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to be sharpened often.
It is worth noting that some professional and semi-professional skates are equipped with removable blades, which makes them easier to transport for sharpening or emergency replacement. But at the initial stage, this does not play a significant role.


The cup for hockey skates must be durable to withstand pucks and impacts from sticks. It is also important to keep in mind where you are skating; any glasses are suitable for indoor skating, but if you like to skate in -15 frost, you need to choose frost-resistant glasses, for example Bauer Tuuk, Graf Ultra Light 5000 and Cobra NT-3000.
The next difference is the lift height and inclination angle. It is positioned that skates with a large angle of inclination are intended for attackers, as they allow them to quickly develop speed, brake and provide greater maneuverability.

On this moment, the most versatile and comfortable glasses are considered to be TUUK, from Bauer, so if you are choosing skates for the first time, it would be advisable to start with them.


It is not uncommon for an opponent's puck or stick to hit the tongue of a boot, so when choosing skates you should pay attention to its thickness and protection, and the presence of additional inserts.

Price of skates

Now let’s look at a completely non-technical, but important parameter. The price range of hockey skates is very wide, from 1 to 50 thousand rubles. Skates up to 5 thousand are currently mainly sold in small sports stores and hypermarkets such as Sportmaster and Decathlon. They are designed more for simple skating, and then with a stretch, than for playing hockey, since they do not have proper protection, and a less powerful hit from the puck can be very painful and even lead to injury.

From 5 thousand to 10 thousand, you can already buy amateur-level skates from well-known brands. They do not have a high level of protection, but at the same time they will have the correct geometry and good fixation, which will noticeably affect skating. If you have a small budget for purchasing, this option will be optimal.

Semi-professional level skates will cost 10 – 25 thousand; they have the advantages of skates in the previous price category and at the same time have good protection.

Professional skates will cost from 25 and above. They have, or at least should have, a standard level of protection; the latest technologies are used in their manufacture, but at the same time they often have their drawbacks, which I will try to talk about in future articles.

Bottom line

With the exception of size, the choice of hockey skates depends entirely on your intentions, how and where you will play. For beginners, we recommend starting with models in the mid-price category; good options would be: Bauer Vapor x500, Supreme s150. These skates have the correct geometry, protection suitable for the amateur level, and cost quite reasonable money (about 9,000 rubles)

Hockey skates are an essential part of a player's equipment. Incorrect selection of equipment affects the quality of the game. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose. Speed ​​and safety depend on the choice of hockey skates.

The density of the boot's texture is required to securely secure the ankle. The components of the structure are thoroughly secured. The soft tongue is more durable than walking and figure boots.

Professional footwear is characterized by rigidity and lightness.

Modifications and modifications increase the cost of sports products.

Boot Features:

  • massiveness;
  • internal, external protection;
  • Lacing above the ankle.

In front and behind, the blades extend beyond the shoes and are attached to special sockets.

Blades and cups from various shoe manufacturers have a similar device that helps hockey players maneuver on the field and move quickly. They differ in design. Manufacturers use samples:

  1. , - Pro/Proformance.
  2. — Cobra.
  3. - Razor

The production of boots is based on wear-resistant and reliable synthetics, which protects against the impact of a stick or puck. Foam padding inside the shoe adds protection, while soft lining provides comfort.

Amateur models

Made from leatherette. They perfectly protect the ankle joint from frontal impacts, however, protection from the side is unreliable. Features of this type of shoe:

  • softness;
  • comfortable leg girth when lacing;
  • long ride without discomfort.

In amateur specimens, the last is stiffer, and the blade and heel are made of texture, which is responsible for greater comfort.

Amateur samples are divided into 2 types:

  • walking;
  • curly.

To avoid injury, you need to know how to choose hockey skates. Figured samples are suitable for relaxing at the skating rink and skating to musical accompaniment: there is a notch on the toe.

Semi-professional models

The advantages of such models include:

  • high quality professional blades;
  • reliability of protection;
  • variety of materials;
  • application of innovations: thermoforming, air chamber with pumping, composites, ventilated soles, metal mesh in external finishing.

Key indicators of semi-professional models:

  • weigh more compared to the professional model;
  • replace high-strength Kevlar with another durable but cheap material;
  • service life is reduced.

Such models are popular among professional hockey players. Users of the equipment are players in the teenage and amateur divisions who want to skate on the ice in high-quality boots.

Selection of products for children

It is not allowed to buy hockey skates for a child a size or two larger: confidence in movement and maneuver is at risk.

The sizes of hockey boots and household shoes do not correspond to each other.

Goes to branded products comparison table sizes. When the fullness is not suitable, try on a boot with a different fullness.

How to measure

When choosing boots, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Put on socks. Preferably thin. The model will fit adequately on the foot.
  2. Putting on shoes. Loosen the laces to the third slot at the bottom. The tongue is pulled out, pointing forward, and put on. The foot, which is located on the tab, completely fills the shoe without voids. The leg is comfortable.
  3. The heel does not move. The tongue of properly laced boots fixes the foot and prevents movement in the heel area. Otherwise, choose another sample.
  4. Do not restrict movement in the front.
  5. Walk for 10 minutes. A feeling of comfort will allow you to ensure that the selection of the specimen is correct.

When the heel does not move back and forth, the shoe sits tightly on the foot, there is no discomfort, and the toes lightly touch the toe of the shoe, then the size of the model is chosen correctly.

How to care

When caring for products, observe the following requirements:

  1. Blades are sharpened in a timely manner.
  2. After classes, remove the stuck snow and wipe the products dry. Rust also threatens the screws.
  3. If worn, replace the cover promptly.
  4. Do not forget to carefully dry your shoes and polish the leather.
  5. A dry sole prevents the product from rotting.
  6. Dry your boots away from heating and heating devices.
  7. Monitor the fastening of the blade. Tighten the screws, but carefully.
  8. Always carry spare laces in your bag.

The difference between hockey models and others

Hockey boots have enhanced protection to ensure the safety of the player. Shoes for hockey skates are made from durable synthetic texture:

  • nubuck;
  • nylon;
  • thermoplastic.

Hockey blades use chrome or nickel steel. Hardened stainless steel is not used very often.

Among the skates for professional hockey players are:

  • for forwards;
  • defenders;
  • goalkeepers.

For example, for goalie skates it is typical:

  • wide blade and its length;
  • shortened back;
  • the presence of holes in the glass for attaching shields;
  • lack of heel in the shoe.
  1. Hockey skates are selected half a size larger, and figure skates are exactly the right size.

Rating of the best skate models

There are different models of skates. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to choose a product based on your personal needs.

Profy Next Z

Semi-professional model. On the outside there are inclusions of artificial leather that perfectly resist dampness and cold. Provides heel and toe protection. The anatomical insole makes riding comfortable. Wide, long laces do not rub your feet or wear out.

Stainless steel blades require regular sharpening and maintenance. Durable plastic is used for blade covers.


  • excellent fixation of the foot;
  • don't rub your feet.


  • Regular blade maintenance.

Nordway NDW500

The sample is distinguished by its maneuverability. Available in 2 variations: wide or narrow. A fitting is required before purchasing. The toe is protected like that of semi-professional skates. Not suitable for active sports: the impact of the puck or stick is felt. The reinforced tongue and durable, high heel counter provide additional protection against injury.

Steel blades are made from hardened metal using Solid Blade technology, which keeps the blades sharp for a long time. Allows you to have a great time on the outdoor skating rink.


  • a warm specimen made of breathable texture;
  • stylish design;
  • safety.


  • not suitable for professional hockey players;
  • The laces are stretched and require replacement.

Bauer Vapor X800 S17

An excellent example of hockey skates for men. The production of the boot is based on composite materials: they are rigid, but do not restrict the foot. Reliable fixation of the foot and heel without restriction of movement.

The sample is reliably protected in areas where there is a risk of injury:

  • reinforced heel with rubberized inserts;
  • felt tongue with nylon pad.

The sole is made of molded plastic, so the blade is not removable.


  • fit for experienced players and beginners;
  • reliable level of protection;
  • quality factor


An excellent option for hockey players who are starting their journey in the sport. The insulated Cambrelle lining will keep your feet warm in cold weather. The body made of first-class plastic is not afraid of the cold. Additional synthetic lining resists abrasion and other mechanical stress. Modern appearance, is not inferior to professional skates. Anatomical inserts under the ankle provide additional support for the ankle and reduce the risk of sprains.

The anatomical insole is made of foam plastic, the last is moderately movable and comfortable. Allows maneuvering.

Blades made of high-carbon steel with a special coating eliminate the need for periodic sharpening.


  • stylish design;
  • additional insulating coating;
  • strength.

Bauer Supreme One.4

Popular among winter sports. Classical appearance. Composite materials are used in the manufacture of the housing. Protects the foot from being hit by a boot blade. Reliable fixation ensures minimal stress on the joints during maneuvers.

The upper edge features a Total Edge Comfort overlay that combats foot chafing. High heel with medium rigidity thanks to plastic and rubber inserts. Monolithic lacing serves for additional fixation of shoes.


  • lightness;
  • affordable price;
  • ventilation system;
  • breathable texture.

Picking up best model, not worth saving. Second-rate ammunition provokes injuries on the playing field.


In this article we will look at the features and differences between hockey skates and all other types and how to choose them correctly.

At first glance, all hockey skates are the same; if they can somehow be distinguished from figure skates, then the difference between them is not striking.

Let's start with the fact that there are hockey skates and “hockey” skates in quotation marks, that is, they are similar in appearance to real ones, but are not suitable for hockey, but rather suitable for measured gliding for the sake of relaxation. The boots of such recreational skates are usually made of synthetics, leatherette and artificial leather. Such a boot will not protect you from being hit by the puck and will not prevent injury, since all protection comes down to a hard toe, which, at best, will save other skaters from the blade. Overall the boot itself is quite soft and comfortable. You will be able to ride for your pleasure quite and comfortably. Such skates are inexpensive due to cheap materials, and therefore are often common at skate rental points.

Hockey skates

Real hockey skates intended for sports are much more expensive. The easiest option for beginners at the height of the season is at least $100. The main feature of hockey skates is the greater rigidity of the boot, which provides good fixation of the ankle joint, and therefore reduces the risk of injury significantly. The rigidity of the boot depends on the material of manufacture. Most often, hockey boots are made of nylon, and plastic or foam elements are also inserted into the composition of the boot. Even the tongue in hockey boots, although soft, is significantly stronger than that of recreational skates.

The more expensive the boots, the more perfect they are. Often you can install a blade for beginners in the sport as well as for an advanced level. This makes it possible to choose a model that meets necessary requirements in quality and price.

In advanced boots in the price category starting from $150, various improvements appear, for example, thermoforming to the shape of the foot, foam inserts that remember the silhouette of the ankle and make it easier to get used to the boot, air chambers, tongue protection, additional side protection, metal mesh in the outer trim, ventilated sole and much more. Well, the more professional the boots, the stiffer they are, but lighter in weight.

Let's take a closer look at some of the announced features.

Thermoforming allows the boot to fit exactly according to the silhouette of the owner’s foot. Of course, it does not fit all skates to all feet, but only makes an already exactly fitting boot more comfortable and perfect in shape, which reduces the adaptation time, negating calluses, abrasions and other inconveniences. How is this done? The boot contains a material (foam or plastic) that softens when heated, and when cooled, takes the required shape and hardens.

To heat up the thermoplastic material, the shoe is placed in a special oven for several minutes. Then the owner puts on the boots, which have become softer and more pliable, laces them up and waits 10-15 minutes until the boots take on his individual contour. The skates fit, as they say, like a glove: they do not need to be additionally broken in, they do not pinch or rub anywhere. This process can be repeated several times and not for the entire boot, but for the necessary part of it; for this, the necessary tools are used.

Thermoplastic skates cannot be stored near heating or heating devices, and after the molding process it is not recommended to exceed the temperature of more than 40-45 degrees.

Air chambers with pumping located just above the bone inside the boot, it encircles the ankle joint, and on the surface of the boot there is a mini-pump - the so-called frog, if you press on it, air enters the chamber, due to which the shin is covered more tightly and fixed more securely. This PUMP technology was first used by Reebok in sneakers in 1989.

Lacing lock - This is a specially shaped loop fixed between the upper lacing zone and the instep of the boot. This design allows the top and bottom to be laced separately. Alternatively, you can secure the shin more firmly by tightening the upper part and loosening the lower part so as not to squeeze the leg. This technology can be found on skates of the middle and higher class from manufacturers CCM and Reebok.

In the next price tier from $300, boots become even more sophisticated, the struggle to minimize weight and increase the degree of protection continues, technologies are improved: carbon, Kevlar, tongues become more anatomically shaped and thermoformed, tongues with a spring appear, which releases part of the energy during a push , metal inserts on the sole, up to composite boots that can be completely molded.

The upper limit for similar mass-produced models can be about $1000 per pair (Bauer Supreme Total One / Vapor X:60).


Hockey skates, in addition to the boots themselves, consist of metal blades (runner), which are fixed in the so-called glass - a special plastic holder (holder). The glass, in turn, is screwed to the sole with rivets or screws. The blade can be removable, or it can be attached to the boot for life. Each manufacturer offers its own blade mounting scheme.

The plastic from which the holder is made may be varying degrees strength. But in any case, he must cope with impacts from the puck, other people’s skates, and sticks. Therefore, manufacturing companies are looking for a middle ground between the strength of the material and the weight of the skate; this explains the presence of holes in the glasses to reduce weight.

Modern blades are far from just a piece of metal; they have a number of important characteristics that you need to pay attention to.

Pleasure skates have regular blades, which are a strip of stainless steel, often quite soft, and usually non-removable. Cunning manufacturers often label them “stainless,” which means stainless, but they themselves explain in the skate care manual that they need to be wiped with a dry cloth, removed the covers while drying, and wiped dry again. Failure to comply with such measures will inevitably lead to the appearance of traces of rye on the blades ().

One of the most important properties of blades is their hardness. This affects the frequency of skate sharpening. Judge for yourself: inexpensive skates with soft stainless steel will last no more than a couple of days of vigorous skating; blades on mid-price skates will last at the same pace for about a week.

Alternative to stainless steel– carbon - Carbon Steel. It is found in the inexpensive segment, and is certainly harder, but it is recommended to take care of skates with such blades even more carefully and in no case forget about them until the next rides and do not leave them damp.

There are also skates designed only for artificial ice (often found in large sports stores and entertainment centers, instead of ice - plastic), they are marked with the inscription "S.I." (Synthetic Ice). The blades for them are made of high-carbon steel, and the hardness (~60 HRC) is comparable to files. Sharpening on such skates when gliding on regular ice saved long time, however, they are intended only for rental, so you can’t expect any special frills or technical bells and whistles from them. Regular blades are not suitable for synthetic ice, since they become dull after just a few minutes of sliding.

Hockey skates for beginners are not fundamentally different from recreational skates., only the steel of the blades is of better quality. Often they already have a brand marking, unlike the nameless “High Quality Steel” or “Stainless Steel Blade”. Blades are made of stainless steel or carbon steel. Each manufacturer has different quality. Practice shows that budget Graf skates (Cobra Pro-2000) require sharpening less often than their classmates CCM/Reebok and Bauer.

Skates from the mid-price segment may already have removable blades. Steel, as a rule, is of high quality from all manufacturers, so when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the design of how the blades are mounted in the glass.

The most common option is screwing it with two screws from the side; this does not require professional skills or equipment, it is convenient, and makes it possible to replace the blade without removing the blade. The disadvantages of this scheme include the possibility of arbitrary unscrewing and loss of the screw during sliding, which requires regular monitoring and tightening of the fasteners. This system is used by skate manufacturers CCM/Reebok, Easton, Torspo, Mission.

By the way, the latter uses Pitch 3 technology on the blades and glasses on medium and expensive models, that is, using a screw in the mounting pattern, it is possible to change the height of the heel, fixing the depth of fixation of the blade in one of three positions. This way you can customize your skate and experiment with the boot-blade combination. Here are some of these combinations for the Pitch 3 blade:

PITCH -1 = Bauer + Tuuk
PITCH N = Graf + Tuuk / CCM + ProLite
PITCH +1 = Graf + Cobra

The next fastening scheme involves connecting the blade to the glass using a special hook in the front and a screw in the back. The screw pierces the back of the glass perpendicular to the surface of the ice. To get to this screw, you need to pull out the insole. In particular, this fastening pattern is found on TUUK blades.

As we already wrote above, expensive models weigh less due to special holes in the blades. However, the top models did not stop there; only the lower part of the blades remains steel, and the rest is made of plastic (CCM Rocket Runner) or aluminum (TUUK Lightspeed Fusion Runner).

There are also extravagant fastening compositions, such as the T-Blade system, which occupies its own niche in the market. In this design, metal is used to a minimum, in particular the steel section has a weight of no more than 6 grams and a thickness of 1 mm. The remaining parts are mainly made of plastic or composite materials. This makes the T-Blade 20% lighter than conventional lightweight blades.

This system consists of an openwork glass made of plastic or composite; a composite blade is screwed onto it using a pair of the same openwork plastic bars and mounting screws. On work surface A six-gram edge made of high-grade steel is fixed. The quality of the steel extends the period without sharpening by 3-5 times compared to conventional blades. If the blade becomes dull, you can easily disconnect it and screw on a new one with factory sharpening. The sharpening is almost perfect. You can select the sharpening profile at the time of purchase. This design does not allow for re-sharpening, as the strip of metal at the end of the blade is too thin and heats up during sharpening, causing the composite to melt.

But such blades glide more than a third better than ordinary ones. This is all due to the same heating - when rubbing against ice, the temperature of the steel increases by 3-4 degrees more than environment and the ice melts a little, which affects the quality of gliding. More flexible blade material adds maneuverability when turning and performing certain elements. This composition may seem fragile, but according to the manufacturer, it can withstand a puck hit at minus 30 degrees. T-Blade technology is found in different time many popular brands CCM, Bauer, Graf, Botas, and K2.

The Thermablade design also falls into the category of non-standard blades. From the name it is already clear that temperature is directly related to the process. Visually, these blades are indistinguishable from ordinary ones. However, if you hold the blade in the area of ​​the heel post for a couple of seconds, an indicator will flash inside it, meaning that the blade... has begun to work. The glass contains a special battery (charging and docking station included) and electronic circuitry, and a heater is installed on the blade. Once the process is started, the blade heats up and its sliding characteristics improve.

Thermablade technology was used by NHL players, but they decided to abandon it because the reviews were controversial, but there is no ban on its use.

Selection and fitting

When choosing skates, the most important thing is the comfort of the boot and last. After all, no bells and whistles and technological improvements will help if somewhere there is pressure, rubbing and skating turns into flour, not pleasure. Once you have found your size, pay attention to the stiffness - one of the the most important characteristics shoe. Remember that in real professional versions it can be comparable to 8mm plywood, and if the foot is not prepared for this, do not expect anything good. Squeeze the screw loops at the top, located opposite each other, with your thumb and forefinger, so you can imagine the rigidity of the boot without even trying it on. If the loops easily move towards each other, and the boot is crumpled like a rag, then you are holding in your hands a clearly walking option. If the boot does not give in so easily, but still wrinkles, these are boots for novice hockey players. If the upper loops could not be connected, this is an average model. Well, if the edges of the shoe didn’t even move, these are real professional hockey skates. This is, of course, not a universal way to check skates, but it will serve as a good help when focusing on price.

If you are a beginner and are looking for your first skates for learning and relaxing on the ice, then take a closer look at recreational skates and skates for beginner hockey players, in particular for the initial Graf models (Super 101/103/105).

If you intend to constantly and actively skate or are seriously thinking about hockey at the amateur level, then recreational skates are not suitable for you, since their rigidity is insufficient for good protection, the leg is not properly fixed, which can lead to disastrous consequences during fast movements. Over time, when the boot begins to crumple and tear, there will be practically no use from it, simply because these skates are not designed for such a pace and nature of maneuvers: the plastic heel may break, and the pseudo-leather one will simply tear. In addition, on recreational skates, during vigorous skating, the lacing becomes loose, which leads to the need to periodically lace the foot tighter to ensure fixation, and this is harmful to the blood circulation of the foot. Your feet can get cold on an outdoor skating rink, even if you're wearing wool socks. Reinforced lacing digs into your foot, as these skates have a soft tongue. Well, of course, when playing hockey, harsh maneuvers, hits with the puck, and tangling with other people’s skates are inevitable, and the insufficient rigidity of the boot will not be able to protect you from this. So consider inexpensive hockey skates. For example, Reebok 1K seasons 2007-2009.

Well, for those who cannot see themselves without vigorous action on the skating rink, moderately aggressive skating and active games of hockey, skates for beginners are not suitable due to excessive softness, so the choice will have to be made from more expensive options. You can pay attention to the Flexlite line from Bauer.

Be that as it may, the choice is yours: you need to go and measure, measure, measure, in the end you will find your hobby.

It would not be amiss to add that many companies offer in their mid-priced and higher-priced lines some skates with different deck options k: regular, for high arches, low arches or for people with flat feet.

When trying on, put on the boot, find a comfortable position for the heel and only then lace it up. Wear the socks you intend to ride in. For indoor skates, you can wear a thin one, for open skates, a thicker one. The foot should be comfortable in the boot, nothing should press, rub or squeeze anywhere, the toes should not be pressed tightly against the toe of the boot, otherwise they will freeze.

Sitting in laced boots, you will not understand whether they are comfortable or not, in addition, this is fraught with numbness in your feet. So be more active, wander around the store, stomp around, check how clearly your leg is fixed, and whether you can perform maneuvers. The forward tilt of the shin is limited by the flexibility of the boot and the height of the lacing. If it is important for you to quickly gain speed and start quickly, to be mobile, leave the upper holes in the lacing unfilled, but it is important to understand that this will slightly damage the lateral support.

If the top loop of the lacing is pressing on your foot, you will need to either loosen it or look for skates with a thicker tongue. If you intend to try on several pairs of skates, it is better to immediately ask for a special lacing hook, otherwise you may tear off the skin.

The question of choosing a blade will become relevant if you ride constantly and energetically, in other cases, regular blades will do. Removable blades should be considered by more or less experienced amateur hockey players, or by those who sharpen their skates too often, which renders them unusable.

The same thing with glasses. The broken glass must be selected based on the purpose of the skates. If you've done some daring maneuvers or been hit by a puck on your skates, it's not surprising if the glass just can't handle it.

Among other things, glasses must be frost-resistant. This is especially true if you consider yourself to be someone who likes to play in cold temperatures below 10 degrees, since any durable plastic becomes brittle at this temperature. The TUUK models from Bauer, Graf Ultra Light 5000 and Cobra NT-3000 have proven themselves well for outdoor skating rinks, but the no less famous TUUK Custom+ are designed for indoor skating rinks.

When selecting a glass, problems may arise due to the fact that the height of the heel where it is located varies among different manufacturers. TUUK glasses have gained lasting fame, which explains why they are standard equipment on skates from other companies, for example, Graf.

It makes sense to buy T-Blade blades if you will be riding a flawless artificial ice, where you can unleash the potential of these blades. It is necessary to find out the sharpening radius and blade length in advance. If you know for sure that you will rarely leave the rink somewhere in the Central Park of Culture and Culture, then you should think carefully about the need for such an expensive purchase.

And finally, about blades, avoid purchasing a product from an unknown manufacturer, made from something unknown and where, otherwise unknown things can happen when skating on ice.

Hockey skate sharpening

Here we will only briefly mention that there is no need for a beginner to delve into the intricacies of sharpening. This service is usually provided at most rental skating rinks; you can also ask for skates to be sharpened at a specialty store when purchasing new skates.



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