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People want to be happy - this is their natural need. according to V. S. Rozov (Unified State Examination in Russian). Collection of ideal social studies essays

Happiness... Every person strives to feel this state of mind. What is happiness built on? Does it depend on external conditions? It is this problem that V. S. Rozov is thinking about.

This question has always interested humanity and to this day has not lost its relevance, because a state of happiness gives rise to the desire to live. The problem raised belongs to the category of philosophical ones.

This conclusion can be drawn due to the fact that in the text we're talking about about internal harmony, the individual’s perception of life. Reflecting on this problem, the author cites an example from the life of the narrator: even being almost immobilized physically, he felt full spiritually. The author draws attention to the fact that the state of happiness directly depends on how the person himself perceives the world. Razov notes that it is pointless to sit back and wait for support or some sign from the outside. Viktor Sergeevich insists that the main stage of the path to happiness is a strong-willed “struggle with oneself.”

One cannot but agree with V.S. Rozov. Really, internal state a person depends mainly on himself.

My position is confirmed by experience fiction. Many authors have raised this problem in their works. One cannot help but recall M. Gorky’s drama “At the Depths,” where the wanderer Luke says that one must learn to be happy, despite external circumstances. Probably, this hero is one of the main preachers who call to look for the strength to live in Russian literature.

Another striking example is the figure of Natasha Rostova from L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” The heroine rejoiced at everything that surrounded her and felt happiness without visible reasons. Natasha enjoyed her life.

So, it is a person’s inner harmony that allows him not to feel deprived. Happiness does not depend on a person’s living conditions, but on how he perceives the world around him.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2014-06-17

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Happiness is that component of your Soul that lives in you and rejoices.

He rejoices in every day, the sun, the sky; the opportunity to live, breathe, contemplate and be filled with that natural force that around you washes and nourishes your human body.

Happiness is being yourself at every moment of your life. Be able to accept its surprises, joys, misunderstandings, and everything that makes the Soul “flutter”, rejoice, worry, get out, get to know yourself and the world around you.

This, that state...

Happiness - the main objective and the meaning of human life!

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Happiness is a person’s feeling of a pleasant state in the process of receiving pleasure.

Transforming opposites into harmony.
Each person has his own, personal, individual idea of ​​happiness.

Ordinary happiness is short-lived, because the amount of pleasure received is always limited by the recipient.

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CHAPTER 1. Happiness with honor

CHAPTER 2. Do it yourself

CHAPTER 3. “I want”, “I can’t” and “I must”

CHAPTER 4. By someone else's hands

CHAPTER 6. The Great Turning

CHAPTER 8. Seven-year step

CHAPTER 9. Fire, good and evil

CHAPTER 10. About sweets

CHAPTER 11. How will it all happen?

CHAPTER 12. Charter of Goodwill

CHAPTER 13. Conveniences, joys, worries

CHAPTER 14. Time for business, time for fun

CHAPTER 15. What to do with lazy people?

CHAPTER 16. Out of old habit

CHAPTER 17. By great initiative

CHAPTER 18. All and some

CHAPTER 19. Fun time is coming

And life, comrades... is very good! Ark. Gaidar

Happiness with Honor

This book was written for those who want to grow up happy and help everyone become happy.

So it's for you too. I am sure that you, my friend, dream that you and other people have a very good life. Is it true? Who doesn't want that?

I have heard a lot of different debates about happiness. Some said: “Strength, health - all happiness lies in them.” Others disagreed: “Living richly, having everything - that’s what happiness is!” Still others argued: “Happiness is glory: so that everyone knows you!” “Knowing your business well in life means being happy,” many argued. And others added: “The main thing for happiness is a clear conscience, so that you are not ashamed to look people in the eye.”

And I have heard many other discussions about happiness.

I just haven’t heard anyone say: “I don’t want happiness. I don’t want a good life! I want to be unhappy.”

I have never met such eccentrics.

All people want to be happy.

But how do we understand happiness? What is it?

Here lies in front of me a letter that came from Belarus. It was written by a schoolboy. His name is Vitaly Kolyadich.

“I ask for your advice on what to do to become very happy, and how to figure out who is happy and who is not.” Yes, it’s not easy to answer such a letter right away! So, some said, happiness is wealth, money. Of course, the rich have always lived better than the poor. But real happiness, for example, true friendship, cannot be bought with money. If, say, a person knows that he got money dishonestly, deprived someone, took it from others, and people around him are living poorly and they curse him, then no matter how rich the person is, he still feels a little uneasy. Conscience is sharp. But no amount of money can pay off your conscience.

Of course, it is very important to be healthy, strong, and cope with any task. But what to do if a person cannot find something to do, they do not give him work for his strong, skillful hands? But this is what happens to millions of people in America, in all capitalist countries. This means that happiness does not lie in force alone!

Those who believe that all happiness is in glory are also mistaken; as if the one everyone knows is happy. Glory to glory is different. Good fame really makes a person happy. And he doesn’t know how to get rid of bad fame... The fame of a person’s bad deeds follows him everywhere, disgraces him, reproaches him. What kind of joy is there?! No, that means not all fame is happiness. A person must live, work and treat people in such a way as to honestly earn real glory.

There are also those who believe in random, blind happiness, which goes indiscriminately to those who are simply, as they say, lucky in life. But this is an unfaithful, short and fragile happiness. Today a person accidentally succeeded in something, but if he blindly stumbled upon luck, tomorrow his luck may change him...

Yes, not every happiness you and I agree on. Happiness that is dishonest, greedy, blind, unscrupulous, and lonely is not good for us. Well, for example, is it possible to be truly happy if everyone else around you is unhappy? If, because of laziness, fear or greed, you have not done what you should have done in life?..

We stand for happiness with honor!

In our opinion, happy is the one who creates happiness not only for himself, but for everyone. Who loves people and whom they respect and love. Who feels that he has enough strength, knowledge and skills to make life better together with all people. He who knows and loves his work enjoys life and boldly thinks about tomorrow, is not afraid of difficulties, feels the right person among other people and gives them all his strength. After all, happiness is not only about having, taking, receiving. Don’t you, for example, rejoice when you can give something to your father and mother, a friend or friend, to help them in some way? This means that happiness lies in giving, helping others, sharing joy with them. He is the only one who is truly happy who can tell people: “My happiness is a piece of our great common happiness.”

But has there ever been a completely happy life on earth?

And can it even exist?

Let's talk about all this!

This book talks about how people have been searching for the path to happiness for thousands of years. How they finally understood what was stopping them from being happy. How they dared to make life very good. And what it will be like, this very good life.

To look into the future and see this already very close good life, you need to know what happened to people in the old days, what is happening today. So let's figure it out in order.

With your own hands

Look, my friend, at your hands, look at them with respect and hope. After all, everything that surrounds you, everything that has been built, erected, mined in the world - the table at which you sit, and the desk in the classroom where you study, and the window through which you look at White light, and the roof over your head, and everything you are dressed and shod in, and the page on which these words are printed, and the bread, without which you cannot live a day - everything, absolutely everything has been done human hands. They operate with a pen and a hammer. They hold the steering wheels of ships and the steering wheels of cars, shovels and microscopes. They are able to carefully place a piece of sugar in your cup of tea and a heavy brick in the foundation of a new house, extract a pearl from the depths of the sea and a thorn from your finger. Both a baby's rattle and a soldier's rifle can be handled by human hands. They can accurately throw the ball into a basketball basket and a rocket to the moon.

(1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need. (2) But where does the very core of happiness lie? (3) (I will note right away that I am only thinking, and not expressing the truths that I myself am only striving for.) (4) Is it hidden in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? (5) Yes and no. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these prosperity, a person can suffer from various spiritual adversities. (7) Does it lie in health? (8) Of course, yes, but at the same time no. (9) Gorky wisely and slyly noted that life will always be bad enough for the desire for the best not to fade away in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and delve into it yourself.” (11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: “If you want to be an optimist...” (12) And also – “look into it yourself.” (13) In the hospital I lay in a cast up to my chest for almost six months on my back, but when the unbearable pain passed, I was cheerful. (14) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” (15) And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” (16) My spirit was healthy. (17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual; they used to say: “The Kingdom of God is within us.” (18) The harmonious structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the individual himself, although, I repeat, external conditions human existence play an important role in its formation. (19) But not the most important one. (20) With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our life, which have accumulated in abundance, I will still first of all highlight the fight with ourselves. (21) You can’t expect someone from the outside to come and make your life good. (22) You must fight for the “honest fellow” in yourself, otherwise there will be trouble. (V. Rozov)

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What is happiness and how to achieve it? Here the main problem, which is the focus of attention of V.S. Rozov.

Reflecting on this issue, V.S. Rozov says that the desire to be happy is a natural human need, but not everyone understands where true happiness lies: in health, in food or in clothes. Referring to the statements of M. Gorky and A. P. Chekhov, the author emphasizes that, " if you want to be an optimist... delve into it yourself"V.S. Rozov proves the validity of this statement using an example from own life. Finding himself in a hospital bed for six months, he realized true happiness. He was not worried about intolerable pain, the main thing was that “his spirit was healthy.”

I agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that happiness does not depend on material wealth, but on spiritual harmony and beauty, therefore I can safely call a person for whom kindness, mercy, and compassion are important values.

The problem of happiness has been repeatedly discussed in our


  • 1 of 1 K1 Formulation of source text problems
  • 3 of 3 K2

All people want to know what it means to be happy, and different ways are trying to achieve this. However, despite the desire to live a bright and happy life, most people don't know how to achieve this.

It is difficult to define happiness because we live in a constant paradox. On the one hand, it seems that every step we take brings us to some extent closer to achieving happiness, but on the other hand, everything we have achieved is always not enough for us.

Now happiness has become a myth, reflected in objects that make some people happier and others, on the contrary, unhappy.

Desperately searching for happiness

It is enough to “surf” the Internet to see how obsessed we all are with the search for happiness. Millions of articles teach what you should and shouldn't do to become happy. We want to spread happiness into all areas of our lives: at work, as a couple, in the family, in every day.

We are looking for tips that make us feel lucky at every step. Such searches can continue endlessly; in the end, they become an empty ideal and it becomes impossible to achieve a result.

The definition we give to happiness is increasingly similar to the definition of romantic love that sounds from the screens of romantic films.

Following stereotypes, we fall into psychological materialism, where we turn not only into anxious consumers, but also into eternal seekers of happiness, which someone must build for us

Positive psychology constantly reminds us of the “bad” habits that keep us captive: waiting all week for Friday to have fun, waiting all year for vacation to relax, daydreaming about... ideal partner to understand what love is.

But if we limit ourselves to waiting and eternally programming happiness... What will we get in the end? This is one of the pressing problems modern man. However, another problem is that we often mistake for happiness something that is built from outside world and what society imposes on us:

  • A good job, a home, the latest model telephone, new fashionable shoes, stylish furniture in the apartment, a modern computer.
  • Be in a relationship, have children and many friends.

Following these stereotypes, we gradually fall into psychological materialism, where we turn not only into anxious consumers, but also into eternal seekers of happiness, which someone else must build for us.

Commercial happiness

International corporations are taking advantage of our desire for happiness. It is no coincidence that the economic crisis coincided with marketing strategies that convince us that happiness is money

Such artificial happiness conquers and sells only because everyone wants to be happy. Companies understand this, which is why it is important for them to win the trust and love of their customers. Everything is used: tricks, manipulations. Companies play on our emotions in order to get us to try a product “that is sure to bring us happiness.”

It is no coincidence that the economic crisis coincided with marketing strategies that convince us that happiness is money.

Dictatorship of Happiness

In addition to the fact that happiness has become an object of consumption, it was imposed on us as an unshakable dogma. The motto “I want to be happy” was replaced with “I must be happy.” In this context, we believed in another new truth: “To want is to be able.”

They give two results: on the one hand, from “nothing is impossible” or “I smile more and complain less” there is no positivism or motivation left, and on the other hand, “I should be happy” and “I wanted , but I couldn’t, something just went wrong.”

During the period of crisis in which we are modern society Where selling happiness is the chosen marketing strategy, it is important to keep in mind that we do not have to want to be happy. And that failure to achieve a goal is not always our fault.

Happiness doesn't come alone

Happiness is a subjective feeling, like many others. Personal life Each of us consists of emotions and feelings that arise from both positivity and resentment, sadness and anger.

Every emotion is useful, every emotion is necessary and performs a special function. Emotions give meaning to our existence and give us experience.

What do you need to be happy?

Happiness is not built according to a given model and does not consist of a magic formula. Each of us has our own experiences, characteristics, tastes and preferences. What makes one happy brings sadness and sadness to another.

Happiness is not in another purchase of a T-shirt with a life-affirming inscription or a smile for a selfie. You cannot build your own happiness by adhering to other people's plans and goals.

It’s much easier to be happy: you need to ask yourself the right questions and look for answers that are close to you, and not to the standards imposed on you.

Make decisions that you think are best for you, not decisions that others think will benefit you.

One of the most effective secrets to build your own happiness is Everyday life: Make decisions that you think are best for you, not decisions that others think will benefit you.

  • If your happiness is to spend the entire weekend reading an exciting book in silence, forget about those who tell you that you are boring.
  • If your happiness is to love yourself, and not to look for someone to love you, do not listen to those who say that you need to look for an ideal partner.
  • If your happiness comes from doing a job that makes your eyes light up and doesn't make it hard to get up in the morning, don't listen to those who say you need a more lucrative job.

My plans for today: to be happy

Happiness should not be postponed for Friday, or for the holidays, or for the time when you have a home and an ideal husband. You live now, in this very moment. Of course, each of us has our own responsibilities. And there will always be someone who will say: “It is impossible to be happy under the weight of daily responsibility at work and at home.”

The main thing is that whatever you do, allow yourself to decide on your interests and goals, and do not let others take advantage of you. Why waste your life on other people's dreams?

As Aldous Huxley wrote: “Everyone is happy now.” We drill this into children from the age of five. But doesn’t another freedom beckon you - the freedom to be happy in a different way? Somehow, let’s say, in your own way, and not according to the general pattern?



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