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People born on the border of signs. Strong self-control is required, and once acquired, it will allow a person to correct another shortcoming - the inability to concentrate, which is inherent in this adaptable, but to some extent contradictory

Astrology is a wise science, and therefore it is able to answer many questions. In addition, she can explain what kind of horoscope should be read to people born at the junction of two different signs of the Zodiac (or in other words, on the cusp). For example, your birthday is December 21st. Who are you in this case? You probably feel the power of Sagittarius and Capricorn at the same time, but you cannot get rid of the obsessive feeling that you do not belong to either of them. And there is a reason for this.

Born on the edge between the signs of the zodiac

On the days of the cusp, those born in the transition of the constellations are very sensitive, because at this time the energy is constantly changing its form. Witches believe that magic is at its strongest at such times, as neighboring constellations reach limitless power, empowering all other signs.

If you were lucky enough to be born on the cusp, your energy combines the signs of two constellations at once. Therefore, if you want to know about your magical abilities, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the information about the two signs of the Zodiac bordering each other.

Let's take a look at everything passing signs. And if you were born on such a day, you will surely like the information below.

Cusp of the Prophets. Born between Pisces and Aries (March 19-25)

In such people, a spark of Fish Waters is visible, symbolizing unlimited magical abilities and intuition. This is the spark of Creation, the spark of Aries. Spring has come, and the arrival of the vernal equinox testifies to the time of change - the cusp of the Prophets. Whether they understand or not, these people can give material form to anything they think of. That is why the cusp got its name. But Prophets not only have strong intuition or the ability to predict the future, but also the ability to make dreams come true.

Most famous representatives Prophets: Johann Sebastian Bach, Glenn Close.

Cusp of Heroes. Born between Aries and Taurus (April 18-22)

The energy of fire in them is mixed with the magic of the earth, and the result is majestic volcano. Those born in the transition between Aries and Taurus love to be in the know and in control of everything in their lives. It is even difficult for them to imagine that part of their life would be without observation. Heroes are distinguished by stubbornness, courage and courage. They are guided by the call of their heart and can become real leaders if they sometimes listen to others.

The most famous representatives of Heroes: Jessica Lange and James Franco.

Cusp of Genius. Born between Taurus and Gemini (May 18-22)

Taurus is one of the most rational signs of the zodiac. But if you combine his energy with bright Gemini, then the results will be amazing: the earthly essence of Taurus receives a powerful energy charge of Gemini. Their combination of intellectual and mnemonic abilities is amazing. But all Geniuses “fly high” so much that they periodically need to be “lowered to the ground”. Remember, the energy of Taurus is also present in such people - they become outstanding scientists, who, however, should listen to their hearts more often.

The most famous representatives of the Heroes: singer Cher.

Cusp of the Enlightened. Born between Gemini and Cancer (June 17-23)

If you were born between June 17th and 23rd, remember that this is the time of the Summer Solstice. The forces of the Sun are so strong that they can far exceed the power of the cusp. The knowledge of Gemini here is intertwined with the Waters of Cancer and Enlightenment, and the Moon in the sky meets Mercury. Really talented people loving art, can use their power to become famous.

The most famous representatives of the Enlightened: Paul McCarthy and Nicole Kidman.

Mermaid Cusp. Born between Cancer and Leo (July 19-24)

What happens when the emotionality of Cancer turns into the bright radiance of Leo? Magic! Those who are lucky enough to be born during this period have a unique ability to enchant everyone around, just like in fairy tales about charming, but extremely sensitive Mermaids. Unfortunately, the majority of those born from 19 to 24 July early childhood block this gift in themselves in order to protect themselves from mistakes. But now you know the secret - open the lock behind which the magic was hidden, and let yourself shine again!

The most famous representatives of the Mermaids: Robin Williams, Daniel Radcliffe, Jennifer Lopez.

Cusp of the Inventors. Born between Leo and Virgo (August 20-24)

In such people, the brightest energy and inspiration of the Sun in Leo meets the incredible possibilities of Virgo. This is how Inventors are born. AND we are talking not about pure science, but about all kinds of ideas that can change the course of our lives. Inventors draw their strength from love. Employers of such personalities feel envy towards subordinates who always have a ready solution. Keeping their sanity at all times makes Inventors excellent leaders. But the only thing they should not do is to judge others and themselves.

The most famous representatives of the Inventors: Kim Cattrall, Coco Chanel, Usain Bolt.

Elven cusp. Born between Virgo and Libra (September 19-25)

What happens when 2 different energies of perfectionism converge in one place? Elves appear - smart, beautiful and magical creatures, personifying one of the most unusual cusps. Those born in the transition of the constellations Virgo and Libra are real idealists. This is the period of the autumn equinox - the time of absolute balance in everything, when Magic and Beauty come to the fore. Elves love to pamper themselves, and those they care about are surrounded by peace and beauty. As long as the emotional balance is maintained, such people get everything they want.

The most famous representatives of the Elves: Will Smith and Bill Murray.

Cusp of Seekers. Born between Libra and Scorpio (October 21-24)

Seekers are born the moment Libra's natural curiosity meets Scorpio's obsession with the truth. They cannot live without the truth, and therefore they are ready to make every effort to find out what they are looking for. Seekers almost always find a way to reach their goal or, as they like to put it, their truth. The potential of such people is huge, but only as long as they are not captured by the narrowness of thinking. Seekers' obsession can be quite creative if they find a balance between affection and love.

The most famous representatives of the Seekers: Pablo Picasso, Weird Al Yankovic.

Cusp Centauri. Born between Scorpio and Sagittarius (November 20-23)

The Centauri cusp combines the instincts and passion of Scorpios with the playful nature of Sagittarius. Since ancient times, Centaurs have been considered great warriors and teachers. They are equally good at manipulating and motivating others. Their unique strength helps to take on any task that seems impossible to others. Practical yet emotional, Centaurus always get things done with a fine balance between what they need and what they really want. But the fact that the Centaurus can win any war doesn't mean that every battle is without consequences.

The most famous representatives of the Centaurs: Jodie Foster, John F. Kennedy, Calvin Klein.

Cusp of the Awakened. Born between Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 19-25)

This is the time of the winter solstice, the day when the Sun King dies, only to be reborn soon after. These are the days of the Awakened. For people born on December 19-25, the sun gives a unique ability of cosmic awareness. The Awakened are the prophets of the new age, capable of changing absolutely everything. Far-sighted and practical, the gaze of the representatives of this cusp reveals what is not available to the rest of the signs of the Zodiac. They have the courage to go after their dreams, regardless of any difficulties or obstacles. The secret of their success is simple - they believe.

The most famous representatives of the Awakened: Alice Milano, Ricky Martin

Cusp of Leaders. Born between Capricorn and Aquarius (January 18-21)

Bold, strong and at the same time eccentric and unique, Leaders firmly believe that there is only one right way - theirs. This can only be understood if you were born in the transition between the constellations of Capricorn and Aquarius. You can solve any problem. At the same time, determined and smart Leaders are able to move all the limits (even their own) in order to be able to work even better. Victory is their only option, and loyalty to their cause and stubbornness makes such people simply irresistible.

The most famous representatives of the Leaders: Christian Dior, Janis Joplin.

Fey Cusp. Born between Aquarius and Pisces (February 17-20)

When magic meets mystery, and the secret wisdom of Aquarius meets the empathy of Pisces, Fairies are born. These creatures belong to another world, however, despite this, they attract incredible wealth and power. The main thing is to learn how to constructively express your insecurities, and then no one will be able to stop Fey in their path.

The most famous representatives of the Fae: Rihanna, Kurt Cobain

Did you know that there are border signs of the zodiac? Who belongs to them and what characteristic is inherent in these, no doubt, interesting people?

Traditional astrology divides the year into twelve zodiac signs. They have long been carefully described - we know what qualities characterize them, we know their shortcomings, advantages, abilities, limitations, etc., etc. In addition, each of the signs is divided into three decades. People born in the central one are the quintessence of all the features attributed to the sign. People born in the first and third decades are influenced by "neighbors". But how does this happen in the case of people who were born, as it were, between the signs of the zodiac - directly at the turn of the change of one patron constellation by another?

This unique time when the energy of the world changes, is subject to fluctuations. It is no coincidence that magic is especially strong these days. People in such periods are also born interesting, they are considered representatives of the border signs of the Zodiac. What are their names? They do not have special names - just two adjacent signs are indicated. But much more can be said about the horoscope for the border signs of the zodiac, about how these people live, what features they have. Let's get started!

Border signs of the zodiac: Pisces - Aries, March 19-25, the time of the prophets

People born in the zodiac sign between Pisces and Aries combine the extraordinary intuition and sensitivity of Pisces with the energy and life force punchy lamb. This is the time of the spring equinox, when energy gives its charges the gift to foresee the future. Even if they do not define this ability as a gift of foresight, their intuition invariably works flawlessly. The border sign Pisces Aries always chooses the right path and makes the right decisions. In addition, these people have a huge driving, penetrating power - they are able to create a reality in accordance with their needs. They strive for happiness and achieve their goals. And also help others.

Famous people born at this time: Glenn Close, Johann Sebastian Bach.

Border signs of the zodiac: Aries - Taurus, April 18-22, the time of heroes

In the case of a zodiac sign between Aries and Taurus, a very strong Fire energy connects with the Earth energy. This is an explosive mixture. People born in this sign are patient. They try to always keep their lives and loved ones under control. They are always masters of the situation. They begin to get nervous when they lose control, when something slips out of their hands. Then they happen to explode. Border sign Aries Taurus - these people are very stubborn, but also courageous and compassionate. They have developed an instinct of patronage, which makes them stand up for the weak, disadvantaged and offended. In life, they should be guided by their hearts and listen more carefully to what people say to them.

Famous people born at this time: James Franco, Jessica Lange.

Border signs of the zodiac: Taurus - Gemini, May 18-22, the time of the wise

The zodiac sign between Taurus and Gemini is a powerful combination of the rational, down to earth and sensible Bull and the world-conscious, unstable Gemini. This makes for a very interesting mixture. People born at this time are characterized by a thirst for knowledge. The Taurus part keeps them in place, and the Gemini part makes them receive information about other cultures. If people were born in the border sign of Taurus Gemini, then they are excellent scientists or writers. Happy to go out into the world, but in a special way so that you can gain as much as possible along the way. It is sometimes good to replace their analytical mind with the voice of the heart, it is useful for them to listen to people, feel and taste something, and not just study with the help of intelligence.

Famous people born at this time: Cher.

Border signs of the zodiac: Gemini - Cancer, June 17-23, the time of the enlightened

The time of the zodiac sign between Gemini and Cancer is summer solstice. This is a special time of the year. The energy on such days is so great that it can push the boundaries of the worlds and our ideas. In this intersign reigns the Sun, which plunges into the waters of the enlightenment of Cancer. People born in the border sign Gemini Cancer are endowed with extraordinary sensitivity, creativity, artistic talent and excellent taste. Their imagination is simply huge. Perfectly realize themselves in art. You just need to go down to the ground from time to time - in order to gain strength.

Famous people born at this time: Nicole Kidman, Paul McCartney.

Border signs of the zodiac: Cancer - Leo, July 19-24, the time of the sirens

The zodiac sign between Cancer and Leo combines the royal power and strength of solar Leos with the sensitivity and emotionality of Cancers. Men and women born at this time are characterized by unusual magnetism. They have some sort of magical effect on others. There are no people who would be able to resist their charm. Representatives of the border sign Cancer Leo glow with inner light and are distinguished good character. And the most interesting thing is that it is their environment that sees, but not themselves. They do not value themselves and are overly modest. And this, in turn, leads to the imposition of restrictions on oneself and the failure to use the maximum of one's capabilities.

Famous people born at this time: Robin Williams, Jennifer Lopez.

Border signs of the zodiac: Leo - Virgo, August 20-24, the time of inventors

The vital energy and solar magnetism of Leo are combined here with the extraordinary talent and determination of Virgos. This is the time when innovators and inventors come to the world. And here it is interesting that we are talking not only about those who have chosen a scientific career, but also about ordinary people who think about how to improve the world around them. Representatives of the zodiac sign between Leo and Virgo perfectly organize their work, and it happens that the authorities simply envy them. However, these people reach the top of their capabilities when they love and are loved. It is love that is their "motor" and driving force. Of the disadvantages of the boundary sign Leo Virgo - sometimes they do not quite fairly condemn others.

Famous people born at this time: Coco Chanel, Kim Catroll.

Border signs of the zodiac: Virgo - Libra, September 19-25, the time of the elves

The zodiac sign between Virgo and Libra falls on the autumnal equinox. This is a time of balance and energy. People born in this period combine two strong and balanced energies. It often happens that they become perfectionists. They have a penchant for beauty and a talent for magic. They don't even consciously create strong amulets and personal protective rituals for their loved ones. However, family and friends always come first for them. Representatives of the border sign Virgo Libra are able to create around themselves a warm, friendly atmosphere that attracts others. They also have the power to create reality.

Famous people born at this time: Will Smith, Bill Murray.

Border signs of the zodiac: Libra - Scorpio, October 21-24, the time of the seekers

People born in this zodiac sign between Libra and Scorpio combine the natural curiosity about the world that characterizes the first, with the insight and desire to discover the truth that Scorpios carry within themselves. They very accurately outline uncertain moments in other people's versions of the world order and seek to clarify any situation. Nothing escapes their sight. Representatives of the border sign Libra Scorpio believe in truth and honesty, demand it from themselves and others. They are excellent scientists, but also police officers. The qualities of their "dark side" - they can be unnecessarily distrustful and fall into obsession.

Famous people born at this time: Pablo Picasso, Carrie Fisher.

Border signs of the zodiac: Scorpio - Sagittarius, November 20-23, the time of the centaurs

The combination of Scorpio and Sagittarius is a very interesting combination. Scorpios are very smart, focused people. Add to this the sense of humor and cheerfulness of Sagittarius - and we have a recipe for an unusual personality. The zodiac sign between Scorpio and Sagittarius are people who have authority among others. They are masters and teachers. Their dark side is that only they themselves know their intentions. It is never clear whether they are masterfully manipulating others or simply motivating. Representatives of the border sign Scorpio Sagittarius are very consistent and always perform the tasks assigned to them - even those that seem impossible to others.

Famous people born at this time: - John F. Kennedy, Jodie Foster.

Border signs of the zodiac: Sagittarius - Capricorn, December 19-25, awakening time

The time of the zodiac sign between Sagittarius and Capricorn falls on the day of the winter solstice. This is the moment when the Sun that dominates the world dies and is reborn - even stronger and more beautiful than ever. He gives people born on these days unprecedented strength and energy. They are very conscious and awakened, open to ancient knowledge but also to new experiences. Thanks to this, representatives of the border sign Sagittarius Capricorn have influence on others. Their open minds are able to change even ossified structures. They see more than others and stubbornly move towards the goal. They never give up and make more and more attempts until they achieve a result.

Famous people born at this time: Ricky Martin, Alyssa Milano.

Border signs of the zodiac: Capricorn - Aquarius, January 18-21, the time of leaders

People born in the zodiac sign between Capricorn and Aquarius are strong, powerful, intelligent, but also eccentric. Uncertainty and hesitation are alien to them. They always know what they want and are determined to achieve it. They do not recognize compromises and half measures. If they are appropriately motivated, they are able to find a way out of the very worst situation as well as ways to achieve the goal. They set themselves the bar high and have the gift of persuasion. Representatives of the border sign Capricorn Aquarius know how to inspire others to fight. They are stubborn and persistent.

Famous people born at this time: Janis Joplin, Christian Dior.

Border signs of the zodiac: Aquarius - Pisces, February 17-21, the time of magicians and sorceresses

People born in the zodiac sign between Aquarius and Pisces combine the secret wisdom and insight of the former with the sensitivity and empathy of the latter. This leads to the fact that they become real magicians. It seems that they are not of this world - ephemeral, dreamy, mysterious. Representatives of the border sign Aquarius Pisces have great power to attract good fortune and prosperity. However, the only way to bring magic to life is through its own ways of expressing expression and direction. creativity. They must learn to curb fantasy and think constructively.

Famous people born at this time: Kurt Cobain, Rihanna.

There are people who cannot accurately determine their zodiac sign. This happens because they were born on the day when the Sun moves from one constellation to another. One and the same date, some astrologers can rank as a sign of Libra, for example, while others consider it already the prerogative of Scorpio. To explain more clearly, many sources indicate that October 23 is the last day when the Sun predominates in the part of eclecticism close to the constellation Libra, and the famous astrologer in his horoscopes assigns the same calendar number to the first day of the supremacy of the part of Scorpio. It is noteworthy that the zodiacal division is not constellations at all, but equal parts of the whole eclecticism as a whole. True, they are named after constellations close to them. In the article, we would like to deal with the border signs of the zodiac in more detail and try to understand how people born at the junction of two signs differ from others.

The Magic of Numbers

You can dislike math and hate numbers. However, the entire human life. First, going to shops and other "institutions" require financial calculations. Secondly, already from birth, a person is surrounded by numbers: the date of birth, the number of the tag in the hospital, and so on. Numbers permeate our entire lives. According to astrologers and numerologists, the fate of a person depends on them. By the way, astrologers and fortune tellers build their theories, substantiating them with numbers and unique combinations of them. While the townsfolk are at a loss as to how to calculate the boundary sign of the zodiac, they have already determined the clear boundaries of calendar dates, which, in fact, refer to the periods of birth of people under the auspices of the combined sign.

Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself

People born under the border sign of the zodiac are more perfect and much more enterprising than others, according to astrologers. It is noteworthy that for many, everything related to astrology is not serious. They do not believe in predictions by the stars, they do not recognize forecasts made by date of birth. They are not interested, and sometimes even funny, what numerologists and those who know a lot about horoscopes are talking about. For people who deny astrology, there will never be a question what are the border signs of the zodiac. They should not be blamed for this, because no scientific evidence in the plausibility astrological forecasts does not exist. Believe it or not - everyone decides, and no one can force it. However, our material is collected exclusively for people who are passionate about astrology, who listen to horoscopes and do not deny the magic of numbers.

Subtleties and edges

Borderline assumes the birth of a person at the junction of two parts of eclecticism. It is worth saying that such people are also mistakenly called Ophiuchus, although initially astrologers gave this definition to those who were born between November 30 and December 17. They explained such an unusual attribution of the category of persons to a mysterious astrological sign by the fact that it was during the above time period that the Sun moves and dominates in 13, while a little-known part of the circle of the entire celestial sphere. Later, this definition migrated to the masses, who did not fully understand the correctness and true value new term. Now you can hear how those born at the junction of the change of zodiacal signs are called Ophiuchus, which is fundamentally wrong.

New research

Few people know that in astrology there is the concept of the upper horoscope. These are 12 zodiacs that can influence human destiny only in rare cases. By the way, because of this, astrologers dubbed them sleeping. Those who are passionate about the science of the stars should pay close attention to the upper horoscope in order to study in detail their destiny on earth.

Characteristic features inherent only in the border signs of the zodiac: spring

It is worth dwelling in more detail on some of the character traits of people with an indefinite zodiac sign in order to understand how they differ from others:

  1. Pisces in union with Aries (born from 20 to 20). Such people got the will from the fiery sign, but also rational thinking from the sign of Pisces. In general, a person born under the auspices of the interweaving of these two constellations thinks rationally, always clearly calculating any life situation. Purposeful, but sometimes lacking a sense of determination, such a person can easily occupy leadership positions, but with influential higher authorities in order to listen to the opinion strong personality.
  2. Aries - Taurus (born from 19 to 26 April). The horoscope of the border signs of the zodiac of this group characterizes people as morally strong, leading a huge number of followers. They are natural born leaders. Sometimes they go too far, not controlling the crazy craving for total control over the situation, but they succeed in most cases.
  3. Taurus - Gemini (born from 19 to 26 May). The first sign balances the willingness of Gemini to rush into any adventure or take on two things at the same time. It is possible that among the representatives of such signs there are no large businessmen, but middle managers of them may well turn out.

zodiac signs: summer

  1. Gemini - Cancer (boundary dates of the zodiac signs from June 20 to 27). The indecision of Cancer is more than compensated by the adventurism of Gemini. Therefore, this combination of zodiacs can lead to success in business. But it is important to remember: only a rational approach, in alliance with determination, will solve many problems. The positive thing is that such people are not afraid of everything new, which is extremely important in any business.
  2. Cancer - Leo (born between July 22 and 29). This combination suggests a person who is ready to move forward without looking back. Cancer smooths out Leo's overconfidence, so this union is good and promises a wonderful future for a person who was born under his auspices.
  3. The border signs of the zodiac Leo - Virgo (born from August 21 to 28) harmoniously complement each other. The lion is always forward, full interesting ideas. Virgo also helps to bring all ideas to life. Such a sign is distinguished by the fact that it is proud, but not arrogant. Perhaps this is one of the best combinations in the world of horoscope signs. Although everything is conditional. But if you compare this tandem with others, then it often looks advantageous. And this key moment leading to the joy of existence, when life is filled with meaning. Unlike the border signs of the Pisces zodiac, for example, there is no uncertainty about own forces, and such a moment is key in terms of the formation of character and personal qualities.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs: autumn

  1. Virgo - Libra (born in the period from 21 to 29 September) suggests a complete unity of the mind and cunning. However, such signs lack a certain degree of adventurism. Representatives of this boundary sign will never embark on risky ventures if a rational approach indicates a stable percentage of risks. However, the lack of romanticism can be distinguished from the shortcomings. Always only the aforementioned rational approach to business. Even love is perceived by these signs not as a gift, but as if it were daily work.
  2. Libra - Scorpio (all born from October 21 to 29). Representatives of this combination are able to find compromises, while paying attention to a sense of pride. They will always achieve their goals. Scorpio, endowed with magnetism and always attracting everyone around him, coupled with the balanced decision-making of Libra, an excellent border tandem. People born in this time period show initiative in everything and can achieve a lot if they wish: to become a leader, to achieve creative heights in drawing or in the writing field.
  3. The union of Scorpio and Sagittarius (born November 20 to 28) is a truly unique combination that symbolizes adventurous and knowledgeable people. Astrologers consider such a union one of the most successful. From Scorpio, people absorb the desire to rule and be the first, and from Sagittarius - the ability to accurately hit the target, to find interaction with the people around them.

Border signs of the horoscope: winter

  1. The grouping of Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 20-28) leads to the fact that such representatives are drawn to the new, comprehend knowledge. This helps in real life. However, they cannot be called workaholics. At the slightest opportunity, representatives of this borderline combination will get away from unnecessary labor.
  2. The creative tandem of Capricorn with Aquarius (January 19-26) brings ideas, as well as a certain degree of thoughtfulness. This crucial point. It is worth looking at the upper horoscope for the border signs of the zodiac in order to discover an abundance of new things and expand your ideas about yourself.
  3. From February 18 to 26, the border combination of Aquarius and Pisces is celebrated. The result of such a combination is the ability to keep the most intimate secrets and secrets. Therefore, people are drawn to the representatives of these signs, united by the community of stars. They have a valuable desire to listen, to come to the rescue even in cases where there were no requests. Representatives of these signs become good diplomats, politicians and psychologists. Often among them there are teachers and educators.


But is it possible to bypass the question concerning Cupid? The theme of love always excites, disturbs the soul, plays on memories. It is worth remembering that true love, according to astrologers, comes when the planets and stars find each other. It is always necessary to focus on which signs are suitable for each other, and which are categorically contraindicated, like incompatible drugs. Of course, you should not follow this maniacally, because there is always the opportunity to correct your own character in the struggle for your own happiness.

Choose a life partner by the stars

Compatibility (quite the cost) of the border signs of the zodiac in love is a difficult question. To find a life partner, you must first know yourself. It concerns the features of which sign predominate in a person to a greater extent. Based on this, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. But sometimes there are difficulties in determining, because the qualities in a person born at the junction of two zodiac signs appear in almost equal degrees. In this case, you can draw up an individual map by contacting a professional astrologer, or listen to your own heart, which will tell you the right path.

Summing up

Every person is unique. Character, ability, ability to overcome obstacles or lack of all of the above in any of us is present in varying degrees. The representative of the border sign of the zodiac combines the features of two celestials at once. Astrologers quite rightly classify such people as interesting personalities capable of great accomplishments. True, you should not rely only on horoscopes, building your own path through self-knowledge and improving day by day. This is the only way to find the path that leads to happiness and success.

Most often, we understand the nature of those people who are the classic representatives of the signs of the Zodiac. But there are those people who were born at the junctions of the signs of the Zodiac. The meaning of this concept in astrology, and indeed, esotericism, is as follows:
The sun lingers in each zodiac for a certain amount of time. At the moment when it passes from one sign to another and is the junction of two signs.
Usually people born at this time acquire characteristics several zodiacs at once.

I would like to note that some of these people are lucky. They have good traits character from two signs at once:
On the fire signs the influence of Water (transmit wisdom) and Earth (stability) are well suited.
Water signs Fire brings passion, Air helps in solving difficult life situations.
The merging of Air signs with Water gives them a prudent worldview of being, and the Earth in air sign makes it possible to solve domestic problems favorably.
earth signs in combination with Fire, they acquire energy and dynamism, and Air gives skill in entertainment.

What kind of people and when were born at the junction of signs? And what could this mean?

January 16 - 22 (Capricorn-Aquarius) - cusp of fantasy and secret: The constancy of Capricorn and the eccentricity of Aquarius give such people unique qualities. With characters like this, you will forget what boredom means. Outwardly, they may be quirky, calm or shy, but inside they always have passions. Nature endowed them with wild imagination, so they are great creative professions. On the personal front, they may experience difficulties.
February 15 - 21 (Aquarius-Pisces) - cusp of susceptibility: at this time, people are born with the bizarre energy of Aquarius and the elegiacity of Pisces. In character traits there is friendliness, wisdom, foresight, artistry and spirituality. They have incredible intuition and know how to feel subtle worlds. Often helpless and impractical, but they have a powerful mind.
March 17 - 23 (Pisces-Aries) - cusp of triumph: why triumph? People born at this time took energy from both signs. They do not like to dream, rarely make plans. They prefer to act decisively and fearlessly. For such natures in life, everything will turn out well if they manage to take advantage of the character traits of 2 signs - the dexterity of Aries and the restraint of Pisces.
April 16 - 22 (Aries-Taurus) - cusp of dominion: The fusion of the traits of these zodiac signs gives their owners incredible leadership qualities. The perfect combination of the impulsiveness of Aries and the practicality of Taurus. These people are rarely interested in the feelings and emotions of their surroundings, and no one argues that this is a useful quality. But still, it is necessary to find a harmonious middle, otherwise there is every chance to turn into an insensitive blockhead.
May 17 - 23 (Taurus-Gemini) - activity cusp: combines physical and psychological strength. These character traits help you find an approach to people, adapt to life circumstances and achieve your goals. They like to take on too many responsibilities, which is harmful to their health. Often such people do not hear others, they need to fix it.

June 17 - 23 (Gemini-Cancer) - cusp of magic: combine the fast pace of the Gemini and the leisurely pace of the Cancer. On the one hand, these are faithful, resilient, attentive and curious natures. On the other hand, they are selfish, frivolous and emotional. When these qualities are mixed, a brilliant personality is obtained.
July 19 - 25 (Cancer-Leo) - cusp of the paradox: There are contradictions in such people, Cancer is vulnerable, and Leo is brave. Agree, a little uncomfortable, so there are frequent ups and downs in their lives. They love creativity, fun, passion, but at the same time they are rather capricious and fickle. In order to acquire a balance of energies, they should choose the work where it is necessary to help those who need it.
August 19 - 25 (Leo-Virgo) - fault cusp: Doesn't sound like much, but it's really not a big deal. In such natures, something that would seem impossible to be in one person is combined. Having chosen a goal for themselves, they can go all their lives towards it and not turn off their path. If the qualities of Leo predominate in them, then they will always need popularity and attention. If Virgo's traits dominate, such people choose a calmer and quieter environment.
September 19 - 25 (Virgo-Libra) - cusp of beauty: at this time, those who are beautiful in any of their manifestations, externally and internally, are born. perfectly balanced and calm people who are always confident in their decisions. Sometimes they are stingy with emotions, but they love attention. Innate diplomacy, analytical thinking and practicality allow them to understand and communicate with perfect different people.
October 19 - 25 (Libra-Scorpio) - cusp of experience and analysis: both signs are under the influence of "passionate" planets (Venus, Pluto). Such people are endowed with incredible passion, sexuality and intelligence. Most often outwardly beautiful people with very expressive and attractive eyes. Publicity is vital for these natures, they do not like loneliness. Since they are bright, sexy and driving, you should be careful not to succumb to the demon of arrogance.

November 18 - 24 (Scorpio-Sagittarius) - cusp of the uprising: the ruling planets of these signs give their wards rebellious energy and strength. Such individuals have fearlessness on the verge of a foul. Nothing for them can block the path to the intended goal. Such powerful energy can be controlled only under one condition - direction in a useful direction. If they curb it, they can be wonderful, generous, devoted natures with a great sense of humor.
December 18 - 24 (Sagittarius-Capricorn) - cusp of providence: have incredible spirituality. The energy of Sagittarius ideally coexists with the energy of Capricorn. These people are hardworking, practical, fearless and cheerful. They achieve their goals, love to travel and strive to change the world. The last character trait is very important for such natures. It is vital for them to feel useful and meaningful to the world.

At the junction of the signs of the Zodiac, people are born who are equally affected by the influence of two constellations at the same time. Such a joint is called a cupsid - this is a certain border,
the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

People born at the intersection of zodiac signs

Celebrating a birthday during this transitional period are extremely sensitive people, many of them are believed to have magical powers, because this is the time when any magic is at its peak.

The horoscope of those born at the junction of two signs of the Zodiac is only partly right, since both signs must be taken into account and their combinations sometimes contradict each other so much that it is difficult
understand how these characteristics can fit in one person.

Horoscope at the junction of zodiac signs

Pisces - Aries (19.03. -25.03)

People at the junction of the signs of the Zodiac Aries - fish have mystical intuition, there is a theory that Simoron was invented by just such people - everything they think about has
property to come true. Thus, they not only predict the future, but also directly influence it.

Aries-Taurus (18.04 - 22.04)

The two elements mix in these people and give rise to a volcanic mixture of earth and fire. They know how to control the smallest details of their lives, in an incomprehensible way they remain aware of all the events, even if they are far away. The leadership potential of these brave and courageous people rolls over.

Taurus - Gemini (18.05 - 22.05)

Those born at the junction of the signs of the Zodiac Taurus and Gemini are often considered the geniuses of their time, the intelligence and energy of Gemini are combined in them with perseverance and
efficiency Taurus, which gives simply amazing results. This is a rational, but at the same time ambitious alliance.

Gemini - Cancer (17.06 - 23.06)

This union absorbs not only the power of two signs, but also the power of the Sun - after all, the Solstice takes place just in this period of time. At this time, people of great talent are born, who feel the beauty of this world and are able to embody this beauty in works of art.

Cancer-Leo (19.07 - 24.07)

The most controversial union among people born at the junction of zodiac signs. The elements of water and the elements of fire oppose each other, endowing their border guards with
emotionality, intuition and expressiveness. This is a sign that enchants everyone and everything, but lets only the elect come close.

Leo - Virgo (20.08 - 24.08)

These are inventors. The perseverance and meticulousness of the Virgin is combined in them with the ambition of the Lions. These are respected leaders, people of instant reaction and practicality, combined with

Virgo - Libra (19.09 - 25.09)

An unusual combination of balance, idealism and practicality. People at the junction of the zodiac signs Virgo and Libra are sensitive, it is extremely important for them to maintain their emotional strength, because
only being in harmony, they decorate the world and bring good to everyone around them.

Libra - Scorpio (21.10-24.10)

These people are travelers. Curiosity and the search for truth are the qualities that draw them into the unknown. They are purposeful, they succeed in a lot, while internal conflict love for the unknown and affection for the family always goes along with them, if they manage to find a solution that satisfies both sides, their life will be fabulously happy.

Scorpio - Sagittarius (20.11 -23.11)

They are great manipulators. They can motivate a person, they can control him, and it depends only on them where it will lead. People born at the junction of these zodiac signs know how to defend their point of view, but these wars for justice cause huge gaps in emotional balance.

Sagittarius - Capricorn (19.12 - 25.12)

And again the Sun rules the ball, this time the period of the winter Solstice begins. At this time, the heroes of our time appear, far-sighted and practical people, capable of
to make such changes in the world that they will be remembered for a long time.

Capricorn - Aquarius (18.01 - 21.01)

The stubborn people who were born on these numbers believe that there are only 2 opinions: theirs and the wrong one. They are brave, purposeful, but incredibly stubborn: if this sign is something
he decides, you can’t move him out of the way. Those born at the junction of these zodiac signs are winners, they simply do not recognize other options.

Aquarius - Pisces (17.02 - 20.02)

Magically, such people attract luxury and wealth into their lives. These are vulnerable, insecure people, and at the same time people who are interested in everything new and



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