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Massage of the tongue and body for the development of correct speech in children. How to do speech therapy massage for children at home

Speech therapy massage is a procedure aimed at correcting pronunciation, improving the tone of facial muscles and solving problems of the speech apparatus.

The specialist who prescribes logomassage must first examine the child for the presence of various diseases. And only after that prescribe a massage course, its duration and technique.

Types of massage

Experts share speech therapy massage into several main types:

  • Traditional.
  • Hardware.
  • Probe.
  • Dyakova massage.
  • Self-massage.
  • Spot.

The traditional type of speech therapy massage is performed using light stroking and rubbing. In order to relax the muscles, the specialist makes light movements, and to restore active muscle tone, energetic and fast movements are used.

For hardware speech therapy massage The use of special devices, including vacuum and vibration massagers, is typical.

Probe speech therapy massage is aimed at eliminating problems with speech motor skills. Using special probes, the tongue, palate and lips are massaged.

Dyakova’s speech therapy massage is the most common technique that is designed specifically to eliminate speech problems in children.

Self-massage is a technique in which the child independently performs a series of developed exercises. . The system includes movements of the hands, tongue and teeth.

Acupressure relaxes the facial muscles, affecting biologically active muscles.

Massage technique

In order for speech therapy massage to be an effective procedure, it is worth Special attention give to the lips, soft palate, lips and tongue. The technique itself involves several stages:

In order for the effect to be noticeable after speech therapy massage of the tongue, it is necessary to undergo 10–20 sessions.


The procedure must begin exclusively from the forehead. First, the middle of the forehead is treated with stroking movements, gradually moving to the temporal part. Then the specialist should move from the eyebrows to the upper part. Next, you need to use a special device, which allows you to perform vibration movements.

Cheeks and nose

Speech therapy facial massage begins with stroking movements, which are done from the middle of the forehead, gradually moving to the temporal region. The specialist then moves from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. Kneading and vibration movements are made in the same direction (alternately). Vibration massage is performed with a special vibration massager.

After the forehead, you need to move on to the cheeks. The process involves kneading the area from the corners of the mouth to the temples. These movements should be light and relaxing. After this, you need to move on to relaxing movements on the muscles. cheeks to the wings of the nose. The nasolabial fold is processed to the corners of the mouth from the nasal wings.

Mouth, chin and neck

The lips are massaged from the middle to the corners. Both the upper and lower lips are treated in the same way. Then you can move on to the chin. You need to start from the middle, gradually moving to its corners. Light movements should also be used to stroke the neck.. All actions are aimed at relaxing the muscles.

The advantages of logomassage lie primarily in eliminating problems associated with speech underdevelopment. In addition, the following advantages can be highlighted:

But there are also some disadvantages to this method:

  • Despite the fact that the procedure is carried out at home, the child may feel discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the initial stages.
  • The impact during the procedure occurs only on the facial muscles.

In order for a child to reduce discomfort, it is necessary to take care comfortable conditions in room. To eliminate painful sensations, the massage therapist should not have additional jewelry, long nails and warm your palms before starting the procedure.

Manipulations should be carried out no earlier than two hours after eating. The oral cavity must be cleared of food debris and even the slightest crumbs.

In order to get the maximum effect in a short time, the procedure should be carried out every day at least 20 times. It is very important that the duration and number of sessions are set by a specialist. The duration may be affected by the degree of speech impairment, nervous tension child and his desire to continue the procedure. The first session should not last longer than 5-6 minutes. Each time the duration should increase.

In order for the child not to be afraid of logomassage, the massage therapist needs to make the child feel comfortable. At home, you can begin the procedures not while lying on the massage table, which can cause fear in the child, but while sitting. After a few sessions, you can ask the baby to lie down in a horizontal position.

Too much complex shapes violations need to be corrected over a period of a year or more. But only the speech therapist should set the deadline.

In order to carry out treatment using logomassage, a specialist must have sufficient experience and skills in carrying out such a procedure. It is important that the child does not experience too much pain. Mild discomfort during the procedure should only be present during the initial stages of the massage. After some time, this discomfort should completely disappear.

To carry out this, the specialist must use the following equipment:

  1. Sterile medical gloves.
  2. A mask must be used during the procedure.
  3. Massage oil with a pleasant aroma.
  4. ammonia should always be on hand if the child suddenly needs help.

Indications for the procedure

Under no circumstances should you prescribe speech therapy massage of the tongue yourself. The specialist prescribes the procedure only after all muscles of the speech apparatus have been examined. After this examination, clear causes of problems are identified and pedagogical treatment is prescribed. Only after no positive effect the child is not observed, speech therapy massage is prescribed.

Those children who have serious problems with speech functions cannot do without logomassage. As for the clear indications for it, they are as follows:

  • Speech sounds are not pronounced clearly by the child.
  • The tone of the muscles that influence articulation is seriously impaired.
  • Stuttering, which appeared against the background of a neurotic nature.
  • Speech delay.
  • The emergence of difficulty in mastering writing.
  • Involuntary salivation.

Children who attend massage sessions can see significant improvements within just a few procedures.


Like any medical procedure, massage has some contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed if the child has skin rashes, stomatitis is diagnosed with the appearance of white ulcers in the mouth, the lymph nodes are enlarged, and there is a fungus on the skin.

The procedure cannot be performed if during the procedure the child is undergoing treatment for acute respiratory infections, stomatitis or conjunctivitis. You cannot perform a massage if you are diagnosed with cancer.


In order for speech therapy massage to please you with its effect, the child must not be afraid of the procedure. The baby should be prepared for the fact that massage will help eliminate speech problems. The course should only be prescribed by a specialist, after conducting a certain examination.

Many modern parents are faced with speech development disorders in their children. Speech therapy massage for a child activates the articulatory muscles, increases the strength of the voice, improves speech breathing, and forms the correct bite. It has a complex effect on muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels and tissues of the speech apparatus.

Speech therapists often use articulation massage for hypotonicity or hypertonicity, which has a beneficial effect on speech development, eliminating deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Possible contraindications for the following diseases:

  • viral colds;
  • eye infections (conjunctivitis);
  • skin diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

A specialist’s massage, like speech therapy massage for children at home, must meet hygienic requirements.

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to ventilate the room. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child in the room.

The duration depends on the individual health of the child. It is recommended to start with 1-2 minutes, towards the end of the course maximum duration one session can be 15-25 minutes.

Scheme of session durations by age:

  • 0-3 years – 10 minutes;
  • 4-7 years – 15 minutes;
  • 7-10 years – 25 minutes.

The course usually consists of 10-30 daily sessions, which can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

To carry out the procedure, it is important to place the child in a comfortable position. This is either a lying position with a bolster under your head or a semi-sitting position in a reclining chair.

Main types of logomassage

Distinguish the following types speech therapy massage:

  • Manual, called classic, is performed next to the problem area or directly on it using stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. When performing manual massage, the speech therapist uses a spatula, pacifier, and toothbrush.
  • Acupressure is an effect on active points associated with problem areas for speech.
  • Hardware massage involves the use of special vibration devices.
  • Probe massage was introduced by the famous speech therapist E.V. Novikova, who developed special probes.
  • Self-massage involves the child performing the procedure independently.

Method E.V. Novikova

For dysarthria, a speech therapist usually prescribes a probe speech therapy massage. A set of probes developed by E.V. Novikov, are eight devices in the form of forks, hatchets, etc.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves the use of probes if the parents have undergone special training. If you have doubts or have any questions after learning speech therapy massage, it is strongly recommended that you clarify them with specialists in your field - speech therapists, and not try to experiment on your child

It is important to remember that probe massage of the tongue is carried out only by an experienced specialist who has undergone professional training!

Probe speech therapy massage allows you to correct speech and achieve the following results:

  • normalization of speech breathing,
  • sound pronunciation correction,
  • increasing the strength of the voice,
  • improvement of the nervous system.

The sequence of exposure to problem areas with probes is determined by a specialist. The child should not experience pain. Probe procedures are contraindicated for children under 6 months.

Probe massage of the tongue is carried out using the following techniques:

  1. The fork probe is used to pierce the tongue, which leads to rhythmic contraction of muscle fibers. After this, oscillatory and rotational movements begin with a probe installed at a certain point on the tongue for 5 seconds.
  2. A figure-eight probe is used to press on the tongue.
  3. Sled probes (3 different types devices) allow you to press on the tongue, stimulating muscle fibers.
  4. Using a hatchet probe, pressing and sliding movements are performed.
  5. The cross probe, by pressing on the tongue and pushing back, promotes muscle contraction.
  6. The pusher probe allows you to apply pressure on the tongue for 5 seconds, then relax.

Probe speech therapy massage is used in a course for 2-3 weeks. Each exercise is performed 30 times. Sometimes one course of treatment is enough for children. Logomassage can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Logomassage at home

Facial massage for children for speech development can also be done at home. Parents should definitely consult with a specialist about how to do speech therapy massage, paying special attention to possible contraindications.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves massage of the face (using fingers and teaspoons) and tongue, including relaxing, gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus

Speech therapy facial massage is based on rubbing, stroking, kneading. It is necessary to take into account that the child should be comfortable.

Facial massage for children for speech development is carried out in stages:

  1. Forehead. First, strokes are used from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the eyebrows to the hair. After stroking light movements warm up the forehead.
  2. Cheeks. Kneading and stretching movements are performed from the corners of the mouth to the temples along the cheeks, from the cheekbones to the lower jaw.
  3. Nose. The wings of the nose are stroked, gently stretched, after which strokes are applied from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  4. Mouth. The upper and lower lips are alternately stroked and stretched towards the corners of the mouth.
  5. Chin. Stroking and kneading are performed from the middle of the mouth to the corners.
  6. Neck. Stroking and kneading movements are performed in the neck area.

Speech therapy facial massage can be performed using teaspoons.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is one of the modern effective methods for the development of children’s speech.. It is important to use smooth spoons to avoid hurting your baby's face.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is performed using the following techniques:

  1. Stroking the baby's temples with spoons.
  2. Stroking the eye sockets.
  3. Stroking the cheeks.
  4. Rubbing your temples with heaps of spoons.
  5. Rubbing the area between the eyebrows with heaps of spoons.
  6. Rubbing the nasolabial area with the end of a spoon.
  7. Stroking the upper and lower lips with gentle pressure.
  8. Kneading the chin and cheekbones.

To make the procedure easier, you need to prepare 4 teaspoons in advance.

Tongue massage for speech correction

Speech therapy tongue massage for children is prescribed for dysarthria, characterized by the presence of a short sublingual frenulum.

Before you start massaging your child’s tongue, you need to do relaxing gymnastics:

  1. The tongue is turned first to the right, then to the left, slightly pulling it, taking it with your fingers: thumb lies on top, middle and index - below.
  2. The tongue is slowly curled forward onto the index finger.

Effective speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is impossible without relaxation neck muscles, collar area and jaw, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

The procedure is performed in the direction from the root to the tip of the tongue using fingers, a plastic or wooden spatula or a soft toothbrush.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is performed in a strict sequence:

  1. Using a spatula or index finger, stroke the longitudinal lingual muscles 9-10 times.
  2. Use a spatula to press rhythmically along the entire length 5-6 times.
  3. Using an index finger or a toothbrush, perform transverse strokes 5-6 times.
  4. The lateral muscles of the tongue are stroked with the thumb and index finger.
  5. Use your fingers to warm up the entire area of ​​the tongue for 7-9 seconds.
  6. The fingers perform movements in the form of rubbing.
  7. Use your fingers to gently shake the tip of the tongue, followed by light and vigorous pressure with a spatula.
  8. Use your fingers to lightly squeeze the lateral muscles of the tongue, holding for 1-2 seconds.
  9. Lightly pinch the tongue with your fingers, then pat with a spatula for 10 seconds.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home must meet hygiene requirements. The rooms should be ventilated and warm.

Effective speech therapy massage for children at home means strict compliance with the specialist’s requirements. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times a day in combination. You cannot skip sessions, because... only painstaking regular work can lead to positive changes in speech development child.

Relaxation of speech muscles

Relaxing speech therapy massage is used for spasmodic conditions of speech muscles (muscles of the face, lips and tongue). Increased muscle tone is relieved with gentle stroking and light pressure.

The procedure begins with relaxation of the neck muscles, for which smooth rotational movements of the head are performed. Next, stroking movements are carried out for the facial muscles, then for the labial muscles. The session ends with light rotating and tapping movements of the fingers on the lips.

Relaxation of the facial and neck muscles helps reduce hypertension and improve the child’s speech activity.

Speech therapy massage for children at home is effective together with articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics is performed in front of a mirror. As a rule, the child repeats the movements after the speech therapist or the parent if speech therapy massage is used for dysarthria at home.

Gymnastics for a child’s articulatory apparatus includes the following exercises for the tongue and lips:

  • shows his tongue, stretching it out as much as possible,
  • pulls it gently towards the chin and nose,
  • shakes to relax muscles,
  • pulls aside
  • collects lips with a tube,
  • stretches, fixing with fingers in the corners of the mouth,
  • raises upper lip
  • lowers his lower lip
  • squeezes,
  • licks.

Speech therapy massage for children at home also includes gymnastics to develop the child’s proper breathing.

In speech therapy, there are many exercises aimed at developing the child’s correct breathing in a playful way:

  • « Get the ball into the goal" Smiling, blow so that the stream of air goes in the middle of the tongue lying on the lower lip. You need to blow the cotton wool onto the edge of the table.
  • « Blow away a snowflake" Place a small paper snowflake on the tip of your tongue and try to blow it away. The mouth should be slightly open and the tongue should stick out.
  • « Bubble" Need to inflate big soap bubble. Or arrange a competition among children to see who can blow up the most soap balls.
  • « Inflate the toy" You can arrange a competition for children to see who can inflate the toy faster.

For a child with speech problems, especially stuttering, it is useful to buy toys wind instruments to correct breathing.

Work on correcting a child’s speech is necessarily accompanied by learning tongue twisters. Constantly learning tongue twisters will allow you to cope with complex words that are difficult to pronounce. These may be difficult to pronounce sonorant sounds “R”, “L”, hissing “Shch”, “Sh”, etc. In addition, the child masters the tempo-rhythms of speech, because he not only needs to pronounce the “insidious” sounds correctly, but also do it as quickly as possible.

Thus, speech therapy massage for children at home includes probe and relaxing massage of the face (using fingers and spoons) and tongue, as well as gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus. To carry out the procedure with probes at home, parents must undergo special training. Experts recommend using several types of influence on the articulatory apparatus to effectively correct speech in children.

Speech therapy massage refers to one of the speech therapy techniques and is a method of mechanical action that improves the condition of the peripheral speech apparatus.

For severe speech disorders, speech therapy massage is used. It allows you to correct sound pronunciation, improves the condition of the voice, normalizes the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus, and reduces the time for the formation of pronunciation speech. Even with severe neurological symptoms, the use of speech therapy massage gives good results.

Focus on the muscles of the cheeks, lips, tongue and soft palate. To choose treatment tactics, before the session, the massage therapist must palpate the muscles and pay attention to the condition of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, tongue, cheeks and lips.

Speech therapy massage has the following goals:

  • Stimulation of spoken language in children with developmental delays
  • Reducing excessive salivation
  • Reduced hypertonicity of the muscles involved in articulation.
  • Activation of muscles with insufficient contractility.
  • Stimulation of kinesthetic sensations.
  • Reducing the degree of muscle motor disorders during conjugal movements, hyperkinesis, and impaired coordination of movements.
  • Creating conditions for the development of voluntary movements of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Increasing the elasticity of muscle fibers and contractile function.

Speech therapy massage for children

Position of the child during the session

Before performing speech therapy massage, to normalize muscle tone, you should choose the correct position for the child. The most optimal:

  1. The child is placed on his back, with a small bolster or flat pillow placed under his neck. The head should be tilted back slightly.
  2. You can massage in a chair with a high headrest.
  3. Small children are massaged in a stroller in a semi-sitting position.
  4. It is advisable to sit children who are afraid on their mother’s lap.

Massage for low muscle tone

Speech therapy massage begins with the area of ​​the upper shoulder girdle and neck. In this area, all movements are soft, light, and embracing. At the same time, the purpose of the massage is to activate the muscles that are associated with the muscles of the tongue and floor of the mouth. Movements must necessarily involve the floor of the mouth, since these muscles are directly connected to the root of the tongue.

When moving on to the articulatory muscles, one should take into account the area that is less active in children. The emphasis in the work concerns those muscles that do not allow the child to make certain articulatory movements. For example, movement disorders can be localized in the area of ​​the masticatory muscle, zygomatic muscles, and buccal muscles. It is necessary to carry out movements quite actively in these areas.

The direction of massage movements is from the center to the periphery. Classic massage techniques are used. The force of pressure should increase gradually. The pressure should not cause pain in children.

Massage technique

  1. Forehead area: longitudinal and transverse stroking.
  2. Stroking the upper border of the eye sockets.
  3. Stroking from the wings of the nose to the ears.
  4. Stroking the lower jaw from the chin to the ears.
  5. Spiral kneading of the zygomatic muscle.
  6. Kneading the cheek muscle (pinching, spiral movements).
  7. Treatment of the buccal muscle on both sides. The massage therapist kneads the muscle from the inside with one finger, and the outside with the other fingers.
  8. Treatment of the labial muscles. Directions of movement: from the middle of the lip to the corners. The upper and lower lips are treated separately. Stroking and pinching of lips are used.
  9. Treatment of the nasolabial fold.
  10. Application of vibration techniques (manual or hardware method).

In children with convulsive syndrome, vibrations are contraindicated!

Massage for increased muscle tone

Relaxing speech therapy massage is prescribed for children with increased tone of articulatory muscles. When performing this, the child chooses a position in which tonic reflexes would manifest themselves to a lesser extent.
Muscle relaxation is achieved by light massage movements from the periphery to the center with a slight pressure force. All movements are sliding. Lightly pressing. Repeat each 8 times. Slow movements reduce tissue excitability.

Massage technique

Begin by relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Massage and passive head movements are performed. Holding the child's head, turn the head clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Slowly turn your head in one direction and the other. Relaxing the neck muscles helps reduce the tone of the tongue root.

Relaxing massage of facial muscles:

  • Longitudinal and transverse stroking of the forehead
  • Stroking the eye socket area.
  • Stroking from the bridge of the nose along the upper edge of the eye sockets to the temples.
  • Stroking from the forehead to the cheeks, chin, neck to the collarbones.
  • Stroking from the earlobes to the wings of the nose.
  • Forceps-like stroking of the lower jaw.
  • Pressing from the beginning of hair growth down over the entire surface of the face.

Relaxation of the lip muscles:

  • Stroking the upper and lower lips from the corner to the center.
  • Each lip is processed separately.
  • Stroking the upper lip from top to bottom.
  • Stroking the lower lip from bottom to top.
  • Treatment of nasolabial folds in the direction from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  • Press on the lips with light rotational movements.
  • Tapping lips with fingertips.
  • Differential massage

In children, a mixed pattern of muscle tone disorders is often observed. In some muscle groups the tone is increased, in others it is decreased. In this regard, differential speech therapy muscle massage is performed.

Conditions for speech therapy massage

The room should be comfortable and warm. Special requirements for the hands of a massage therapist. They should be warm, clean, without any inflammatory diseases, without decorations, with short-cropped nails. The massage is carried out 2 hours after eating. Before the session, the child’s mouth should be cleaned of crumbs and food debris.

Massage is prescribed in a course of 20 sessions. It is advisable to do it every day. After a month's break, it is advisable to repeat the course. With severe speech impairments in children, the duration of treatment increases.

Depending on the severity of the speech apparatus disorders and the age of the child, the session time can be from 5 to 25 minutes. The first session lasts 5 minutes. In the future, the duration of the massage is increased.

When performing a massage, the child should be calm and not feel pain or discomfort. Every child needs an approach. You should not place it in a horizontal position from the first procedures. It is better to do the first session in a sitting position. Over time, children become accustomed to massage.

If the child is in a negative mood, during the first procedure, perform only light massage movements on the facial muscles. You can conduct massage sessions in the presence of your mother. Massage is effective only if children develop a sense of trust.

Contraindications for massage

Massage is not prescribed for the following diseases:

  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections.
  • Herpes on the lip, face
  • Inflammatory eye diseases
  • Oral inflammation

Massage children with convulsive syndrome with caution. If the child cries, struggles and screams, the massage should be stopped and the child calmed down.

Speech therapy tongue massage for children

If the tone of the tongue is increased, a speech therapy massage for children is performed using a relaxing technique; if the tone decreases, a strengthening massage is performed. For hypotension, the techniques are more intense and active. If you have increased tone, it is advisable to hold a warm herbal infusion in your mouth for some time before the procedure.

Tongue massage for children can be done with a finger through a gauze pad or with special probes. The finger must be in a fingertip. You can massage using a wooden or metal spatula.

Before you begin massaging the tongue, you should determine the boundary of the gag and pharyngeal reflex. The first sessions should treat the tongue muscles without reaching this border. With each subsequent session everything is processed large surface language.

The procedure cannot be carried out immediately after feeding. The child's mouth should be open with his tongue protruding. The massage therapist fixes the tongue with a gauze napkin.

Speech therapy massage technique

  1. Gentle stroking is carried out in various directions.
  2. Impact on the longitudinal muscles from the root to the tip of the tongue.
  3. Impact on the transverse muscles of the tongue from the center to the edges.
  4. The movements are circular and spiral across the entire surface of the tongue.
  5. Patting the entire surface of the tongue.
  6. Pressure on the longitudinal muscles.
  7. Massage of the frenulum of the tongue. The direction of movement is from top to bottom.
  8. Massage through a gauze napkin. Perform rubbing movements.

Speech therapy massage at home

Before giving your child speech therapy massage at home, you should consult with a speech therapist. Professional speech therapy massage includes language treatment, which is performed using special probes. These devices can easily injure the delicate mucous membranes of the mouth. It is best to use a spatula or toothbrush at home.

Savostkina E.N. teacher-speech therapist MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 28 “Golden Cockerel”

In recent decades, the number of children with speech disorders has been steadily increasing, and, as a rule, the most severe ones. In addition to children with a disorder of one or two sounds, you can increasingly meet children who have 10-12 sounds missing or distorted, or even more. Often added to this are confusions of sounds, their replacement and violations of the syllabic structure, that is, the child cannot reproduce words without errors, rearranges syllables, simplifies consonant sequences, etc. Disturbances in the acquisition of the grammatical structure of the native language are also common.

Correct, good speech is communication, self-expression, an instrument of cognition, and the prevention of most school problems.

Speech is conditioned reflex. To produce it you need physiological basis- Availability unconditioned reflexes, normal hearing, healthy articulation and nervous system. The work of a speech therapist without preparing this basis is often ineffective.

Massage in speech therapy correction - part comprehensive work. This method is especially effective for severe speech disorders - alalia, dysarthria, etc.

One of the most effective ways Correction of speech disorders is speech therapy massage and self-massage.

Not only effective, but also ancient - massage has been known for more than one millennium, among all peoples of the world. Since ancient times, massage has been part of the art of medicine.

The history of the origin of the word is not entirely clear "massage" . So, some authors believe that it came from Arabic "mass" or "rnasch" - “gently press, touch” , others - from Greek "masso" - "squeeze with hands" , the third - from Latin "massa" - "sticky to fingers" .

Only in late XIX century, science has become seriously interested in massage. Since then, many methods of therapeutic, sports, cosmetic and health massage have been developed.

According to Professor B.R. Yaremenko, massage accelerates the reverse development of speech disorders by 4-5 times! You can do it both in classes with a speech therapist and at home with your mother. Massage is not addictive, but there are always benefits.

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself using hands or aids.

The use of self-massage with spoons in a complex correctional work in overcoming speech disorders significantly increases its effectiveness. Self-massage in speech therapy correction can be used to prevent dysarthric disorders in early preschool age, and it is also a dynamic articulation exercise that causes an effect similar to massage. Basic massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration.

One of the new methods of speech therapy massage is massage with spoons, proposed and described by the famous St. Petersburg speech therapist, author of many manuals on speech therapy and preschool education - Olga Igorevna Krupenchuk, which has a number of advantages. Firstly, it helps to avoid a negative reaction to probe massage; the massage movements are quite simple, which allows you to teach children self-massage. Spoons do not require sterilization - just wash them. Secondly, different temperatures of the spoons can be used for a relaxing or stimulating massage. The area of ​​influence of a spoon, even a coffee spoon, is much larger than the area of ​​influence of a finger. You can use a spoon to make movements that are impossible to do with your finger. For example, pressing with the side edge, rubbing movements with the edge of a spoon, deep kneading of a large area; movements pushing back the lips, kneading the lips and cheeks with support on the entire scoop.

Thirdly, it can be easily mastered by interested parents and used at home.

In addition to all this, the use of spoon self-massage in speech therapy also provides development fine motor skills in a child, helps in the practical acquisition of prepositions and prepositional words.

A child, doing self-massage with spoons, easily learns the names of parts of the face.

Massage with spoons can be carried out both in a subgroup lesson and in an individual one, including it as necessary in the structure of the lesson.

When doing self-massage, the child performs movements with a pleasant effort and will never hurt himself.

You can take different spoons, which helps keep children interested in the activity. For children preschool age It is better to use coffee spoons. Spoons should be made of stainless steel with a minimum of decoration on the handle and a round rather than sharp tip.

If your child has a strong gag reflex, simply temporarily prevent him from moving the spoon in his mouth. And gradually in individually deal with this problem: massage your tongue, starting from the tip, gradually moving the reflex boundary deeper. Talking with the child during the massage helps a lot, distracting his attention from the procedure. The fact is that the reason for this phenomenon is often psychological: an entrenched reaction to some influence in the past.

If the muscles are hypotonic and the child needs a stimulating massage, place a glass of water in front of him. cold water and let him put spoons in there from time to time. For muscle hypertonicity, place a glass of warm water in front of him and let the child dip his spoons into it.

For massage you need to take 2 spoons for each child.

While working with your child, you can massage him with spoons, and then teach him self-massage so that he can do this at home under parental supervision.

Children learn self-massage techniques with spoons under the guidance of a teacher and speech therapist. When teaching children self-massage with spoons, the speech therapist demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it. Children perform massage techniques independently: first, with visual control (mirror), and then without it. Before performing self-massage techniques, children should take a calm, relaxed position. As children become familiar with hand and finger movements, they will become more coordinated and accurate. When self-massage techniques are mastered by children, it is possible to perform movements accompanied by a poetic text. The exercise is performed while reading a poem, and this is also no coincidence. Poems, as rhythmically organized speech, contribute to the formation of a sense of rhythm in children and are a nonspecific way to correct violations of syllabic structure.

The form of implementation can be either individual or subgroup (4-5 people). Self-massage can be included in speech therapy session, while self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

Thus, massage with spoons has an effective effect in the prevention and correction of speech disorders.

Using self-massage with spoons in our work with children of middle and senior preschool age, we have identified positive results. Self-massage helps to normalize the muscle tone of facial and articulatory muscles, and the formation of the correct structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Significantly reduces salivation, hyperkinesis, synkenesis and tongue deviation. The development of fine motor skills, precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which helps not only in speech therapy work, but also improves self-care skills in children, promotes best training children in class. Self-massage with spoons using poetic forms helps improve memory by correlating movements with the text of poems.

Self-massage with spoons has a huge impact on the delivery and automation of sounds, as well as the assimilation and use of sound in independent speech children.


  1. Krupenchuk O.I. Speech therapy massage with spoons. SPb.: Publishing House "Litera" , 2014.
  2. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Training program

The appearance of a small copy of mom or dad in the family causes joy and tenderness. First, you look at his every fold and feature, and then you impatiently wait for him to say the first word. As long as the baby is just cooing, there is no reason to worry. Growing up, the baby begins to master speech skills, but the child’s development is always individual. It may turn out that your treasure will encounter certain difficulties while mastering speech. Obvious delays or various defects require timely correction. For the last ten years, speech therapy has resorted to massage of the child’s tongue - this massage is aimed at eliminating various articulation disorders and speech defects in children.

Speech therapy massage is a very effective procedure that is aimed at developing problem areas language and improved articulation

In what cases is it used?

Massage is the oldest method of treating various ailments. Studying the human body, healers in many countries found special points that, when pressed, could cure many diseases. The speech therapy version of massage for children works on the same principle. Certain points of the tongue, lips, earlobes, cheeks and hands are exposed to manual influence. This massage is prescribed to children when they are diagnosed with the following congenital or acquired abnormalities:

  • partial loss or slight impairment of voice;
  • various speech defects;
  • hypertonicity of the facial muscles (more details in the article:);
  • uncontrolled salivation;
  • dysarthria (limited mobility of the lips, tongue, palate);
  • problems with the development of articulatory muscles;
  • (all types);
  • severe tension in the facial muscles, causing pronunciation pathology.

Speech defects in a child require correction, otherwise in the future they will become a serious problem, an obstacle to many activities. Massage is one of the most effective means to correct articulation

What problems does massage correct?

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Speech therapy massage is presented in several types: probe massage by Novikova, massage according to Dyakova, Prikhodko, Krause. Using various techniques and techniques, they all perform the following tasks:

  • normalize the tone and motility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • increase the duration and force of exhalation;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand manipulation;
  • develop rhythmic movement of limbs and breathing;
  • develop visual differentiated movements;
  • stimulate kinetic movements;
  • improve emotional reactions;
  • contribute to the development of hand manipulation with objects;
  • reduce the severity of stuttering (more details in the article:);
  • reduce manifestation.

Of course, the greatest effect is achieved when speech therapy massage is performed by a trained specialist. If you do not have the opportunity to see a specialist, you can learn some of the techniques of speech therapy massage on your own.

We have prepared for you a description of simple exercises that you can perform at home.

Hand massage techniques

Scientific evidence of the connection between fine motor skills and speech skills was obtained by doctors back in the 14th century. Studies have shown that fine motor skills of the fingers are directly related to the functions of the brain. Scientists have also identified areas of responsibility for each finger:

  • the large one is connected to the brain;
  • the index finger is responsible for the stomach;
  • medium affects the spine and intestines;
  • unnamed helps the liver;
  • The little finger works on the heart.

We will begin our training with finger exercises, especially since speech therapy finger massage is safe and beneficial for everyone, it can also be performed on a newborn child (see also:). At the same time, it promotes the development of fine motor skills in children. Before you start massaging your baby’s hands, take care of the hygiene of your own hands - be sure to disinfect them with alcohol or use sterilium, lubricate your palms with baby oil. Let's start massaging the hands:

  1. We work the little finger from the nail to the base, kneading each joint well. We do the exercise on both arms.
  2. Press the pads of all fingers 3-10 times. First we apply light pressure, then increase the pressure and increase the number of pressures.
  3. An exercise similar to the white-sided magpie. We massage the baby's palm with the index finger, making circular movements.
  4. We use the same circular movements, but we move the index finger from the edge to the center of the child’s palm. We repeat the technique several times.
  5. For this exercise you need to take a ring massager. We put it on each finger in turn, starting with the little finger.
  6. We take a rubber ball with spikes or a special wooden massager. We guide the baby along the palm from the wrist to the fingers.

Acupressure and circular massage of the tongue works on the development of the articulatory apparatus. It is better to find out how much your child needs it from a specialist; consultation is also important for competent implementation of the exercises. It is useful to watch the video at the end of the article.

At home, tongue exercises can be done with an electric toothbrush or with a set of children's toothbrushes from the Kampol company (more details in the article:). They will almost completely replace special speech therapy instruments.

When massaging the tongue, circular and point movements alternate, each technique is repeated 3-10 times. Examples of exercises:

  • We massage the tongue pointwise, moving the brush from the base along the left edge, the tip of the tongue and along the right edge. "We are writing" English letter U.
  • We repeat the exercise. We make circular movements.
  • We move the toothbrush in a zigzag pattern, from base to tip, alternating circles and dots.
  • We massage the edge on the left side, first pointwise, then in circles. We repeat the exercise on the right edge.
  • We draw out the bird (V), starting from the bridle and ending at the tip (we recommend reading:). We “draw” the bird’s tails, first on the left side, then on the right. We alternate massage techniques.
  • We draw two parallel lines - the left edge, then the right edge. We alternate movements, starting with point movements.

It is advisable for parents to master massage techniques from a speech therapist, and only then conduct sessions on their own. Such reinsurance is necessary so as not to harm the delicate articulatory apparatus

Lip massage

Children react differently to strange facial manipulations - especially at the beginning of your lessons, misunderstandings may arise. Try to calm the child down and explain the benefits of massage. Do these exercises:

  1. Lay the ends index fingers on the wings of the nose. Stroking with pressure, moving your fingers along the nasolabial folds. Repeat the movements 8-10 times.
  2. Place your index fingers on the hollow of your upper lip and move them towards the corners of your lips. The movement should be rubbing.
  3. Do the same manipulation with the lower lip. Repeat both exercises 8-10 times.
  4. Pinch your upper and lower lips alternately using your thumb and index finger. Move your fingers from one corner to the other. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  5. Tap with your index finger above and below your lower lip, making a circle clockwise. The exercises are performed in an active rhythm with increasing strength of movements.
  6. With your index fingers at the tips of your lips, gather your upper lip into an accordion, then your lower lip. Repeat 8-10 times.

The end of the speech therapy massage is working with the earlobes. 50 circular movements are performed - first in the left direction, then in the right. Between big and index fingers, at their base, a “speech point” is located. We massage it in a circular motion in the same way as the earlobe. After completing the speech therapy massage, praise the child for his patience and encourage him fun game or an interesting fairy tale. It is important that your manipulations bring pleasure to the baby and do not frighten him.



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