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"Casting Pearls Before Swine": Biblical Origins, Meaning and Moral. The meaning of the phraseological unit “Throwing pearls before swine”

When a person sprays himself in front of someone to no avail, we, in order to save his strength and nervous system, we can say: “You shouldn’t throw pearls before swine.” What exactly the latter means, we will analyze today.


The expression in question goes back to the Bible, namely to Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ. Let us quote the saying in full: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Someone will ask, what does beads have to do with it? The beads here are despite the fact that there is also another translation of the Bible - Church Slavonic. We will not present it in full here, because it is difficult to understand. modern man. Let's just say that pearls there are beads. Accordingly, the expression “throwing pearls before swine” is a kind of hybrid of two translations of the Bible: on the one hand, the Synodal, and on the other, Church Slavonic.


The interpretation of Christ's instruction is multifaceted, but this is usually said when a person does not measure the strength of his eloquence with the capabilities of the audience. Moreover, of course, the form of the saying is quite harsh, but the person using it does not always want to offend people.

For example, there is an opinion that a teenager is able to perceive philosophy only from the age of 14–15; earlier it makes no sense to pump him up with wisdom, because he will not absorb it. Thus, if a teacher speaks to schoolchildren who have not reached the designated age, then he will be doing exactly what can be defined as “throwing beads.”

Thus, we understand that when they say “don’t throw pearls before swine,” they just want to emphasize, albeit in an overly harsh form, the difference between the speaker and the recipients of his speech. In a more general form, we can say that this is how a person is advised not to waste energy on those who do not appreciate it.

The cult film of E. Ryazanov and the saying about beads

Despite the fact that the film Love affair at work" came out in Soviet time, when, in general, references to the Bible were not welcomed at all, two very interesting quotes. One refers us to the topic of our conversation today, and the other, although not biblical, is also very interesting.

Everyone knows well that when a new deputy director, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, came to the institution where the heroes work, he organized an evening of getting to know his subordinates and employees. On it, a former classmate of Novoseltsev encouraged Anatoly Efremovich to hit on Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina so that he could take the vacant position of head of the light industry department.

Anatoly Efremovich, as a gentle man, for a long time did not dare to implement the plan of his institute friend, but now he plucks up courage and with the words: “Now I’ll refresh myself and start throwing beads,” he boldly rushes towards, as it turned out, his fate. True, the audience knows that all this was not at all easy, because the plot of Ryazanov’s entire film is built around the hate-love of Kalugina and Novoseltsev.

An incomplete quotation from the Bible was covered by an incomplete quotation from a Spanish communist?

Besides the reference to Jesus Christ and the saying “casting pearls before swine,” the film contains what may have been biblical wisdom.

When Novoseltsev came the next day to apologize to his boss for his “concert” yesterday, the following dialogue took place between them:

Sit down, Comrade Novoseltsev...

No, thanks…

Anatoly Efremovich, sit down, don’t be shy.

It's better to die standing.

The last phrase is attributed to many people, but it was absolutely accurately said in 1936 at a rally in Paris by the Spanish communist Dolores Ibarruri: “The Spanish people prefer to die on their feet rather than live on their knees.”

It’s amazing, but two truncated, almost hidden quotes in Soviet film classics are connected by one theme - a person’s preservation of his dignity. The difference is that “throwing pearls before swine” is a phraseology that calls for not getting involved in arguments and debates with people who are not worth it, but the saying of the Spanish communist implies active resistance to evil through violence. Moreover, the rally at which the woman spoke was anti-fascist. After a rather fascinating, as it seems to us, linguistic journey into the world of cinema, we move on to the morality of expression.

Morality of phraseology

At this point God himself ordered us to engage in interpretation. The moral is simple and wise, like much of what is written in the most printed book in the world. If you are told “you should not throw pearls before swine” (the Bible gave us this expression), then this can mean in different variations that you should not pay attention to those who do not deserve it. In other words, it is better to save your energy and eloquence for another place, perhaps for another time.

There is a more general moral here, it sounds like this: don’t waste yourself. And here it doesn’t matter whether a person has an audience in the form of “pigs” or not. It is a pity that a person begins to understand such a simple morality only when the heat of youth subsides and the reasonable coolness of maturity replaces youthful ardor.

In youth, people usually scatter their pearls around themselves without regret. Youth has a lot of energy and time, so everything is spent recklessly, but when resources become scarce, a person begins to think.

Surprisingly, according to the history of the phraseology “throwing pearls before swine” (its origin clearly indicates this to us), such wisdom was achieved by a still young man by modern standards.

Conclusions from Wisdom

There are many benefits to using your time wisely. Firstly, if a person does not get angry with many, then he has more attention to those who deserve it. Secondly, he retains his nerves. Thirdly, as a consequence of the second, he lives longer and enjoys life.

One thing is bad: the ability not to throw pearls before swine (the meaning of the expression was discussed a little earlier from many sides) comes to a person, as a rule, too late. Therefore, readers can be advised to quickly become familiar with biblical wisdom and draw from it extremely useful and practical conclusions for themselves.

Pearls are not thrown before swine: the meaning of phraseology

“Pearls are not thrown before swine,” said Jesus Christ in his Sermon on the Mount. Time flies, forgetting about the brakes, and the meaning of some ancient sayings is lost. Therefore, today we will analyze the meaning of the phraseological unit, its synonyms and consider (just a little) cultural influence.


Let's start, as always, with the origin. The reader is primarily interested in what the source of the expression is. We are happy to explain: this stable phrase comes from the Bible - the most printed book so far. The Gospel of Matthew gave us the phrase “Do not throw pearls before swine.” After all, it contains the famous Sermon on the Mount of the Savior, in which the core of Christian doctrine finds its refuge.

Let's explain the terms “beads” and “pig”. In general, pigs are quite cute creatures, especially if they are decorative, of course, boars that blissfully in the dirt can hardly be called cute, but still. For Jews, as is well known, pigs are dirty, vile animals, so in this sense, calling the audience pigs is a very harsh assessment. Now we can understand how much Christ “highly” valued the ignorant crowd.

Lost in translation

Nowadays the expression “beads are not thrown before swine” may cause confusion, because baubles are firmly associated with the word “beads”. And here the puzzle is solved simply: it’s all about the difficulties of translation. But first let's give full text sayings. “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.” Now is the time to talk about linguistic subtleties: in the Church Slavonic translation, pearls are beads. And we have given the full classical, synodal version of the expression in full just above. It’s hard to resist making a remark here: it’s not surprising that the Bible is the most printed book in the world - what energy there is in the expressions!


When the source of the aphorism “pearls are not thrown before swine” (see the history of the origin of the expression above) has been established, you can move on to the meaning. This is what they say about unsuccessful attempts to convince someone of something. Typically, a speech pattern comes to mind when the speaker and the audience do not match in intellectual capabilities, sometimes such a contradiction is imaginary.

For example, remember the case of A.E. Novoseltsev and L.P. Kalugina from E. Ryazanov’s comedy “Office Romance.” This biblical phrase is heard there in the episode where Yu. G. Samokhvalov celebrates his appointment to a new position.

“Simp” Novoseltsev is sure that his boss cannot speak on high topics and appreciate the beauty of subtle matters. But it turns out that she understands poetry no worse than the “speaker.”

Do you understand now what “don’t throw your pearls before swine” means?


There is only one thing to understand about the words and expressions that are intended to replace the biblical aphorism: they must convey the meaninglessness of the action. For example:

  • Pound water in a mortar.
  • Sisyphus' work.
  • At least there's a stake on your head.
  • Everything is in vain / in vain.
  • Everything is decay.

In fact, there can be as many replacements as there are contexts. Most of the changes are justified stylistically. For example, with foreigners who may know the Bible well, but Russian poorly, you need to express yourself more simply so that there is no confusion. In other words, the phrase “beads are not thrown before swine,” the meaning of which we are analyzing, needs to be completely replaced. Although a full-fledged synonym can hardly be found, the expression is too beautiful.

Hermann Hesse and his "Game of Glass Beads"

You don’t need to be a recognized literary critic to understand: the title of the novel and the phraseological unit are connected. Only throwing beads turns into a game. You can re-read the novel several times, but still not understand exactly what the Masters of the Game are doing. It is clear that they created a synthesis of art, religion and philosophy. The goal of the game is an endless interpretation of cultural meanings, closed on itself.

It is characteristic that the Masters of the Game have lost the public: no one understands their studies. They do this in their narrow community in a closed state within a state - Castalia. The latter arose as a response and response to the vulgarity that swept the world. Modern, right? Castalia is a citadel of spirituality.

Game competitions are broadcast on the radio, but there is a suspicion that no one listens to them, no one needs them. Why delve into something you won’t understand anyway?

And so it happened: the speakers and the audience in Hesse’s utopia (or dystopia, or parable) were separated.

The German writer drew certain conclusions from the biblical saying and turned the throwing of beads into an aesthetic gesture. But if the reader thought at this point that the classic of world literature was at one with the Castalians, then he was mistaken. To clarify the Master’s position, we recommend reading the novel.

“Civil defense” and phraseology

Yegor Letov has a song called “The Glass Bead Game.” The reader, if desired, can listen to it quite easily, because it lasts a little more than two minutes. So, for the Russian musician the phrase “bead game” takes on new colors, even in comparison with Hesse, and not just with Christ. Throwing pearls in front of a “pack of pigs” is a clear provocative act. Moreover, it is difficult to say who the poet meant by pigs, either his own audience, which does not understand the deep or profound (as you like) meaning of the song, or party functionaries who at one time tried to fight rock music without sparing their bellies .

And yes, if Hesse (let’s reveal a secret) balances play with life, then E. Letov revels in intellectualism and opposes himself to the “low” crowd of pigs.

“Strange connections happen.” Who would have thought that Christ, Hesse and Letov would gather under one flag.

Not modesty, but rationality

We have already realized that practicing eloquence in front of an unprepared public is pointless. Let's leave that side alone for now and finally talk about the personality of the speaker. What does phraseology teach him?

Pride is the most terrible sin. And in order not to succumb to it, you need to watch yourself vigilantly. After all, sometimes a person knows in advance that the audience is so-so, but still he is drawn to speak out, why? It's simple: he wants to show off, to build a bridge between himself and people. It seems that if we interpret the expression “Do not cast pearls before swine” from the Gospel, we can extract the same meaning.

Who needs guidance the most? Of course, young people. Youth still believes that it can fundamentally change something in the world, ignite the hearts of people. Ideological guys and girls believe, just like Socrates: people live this way and not otherwise, only because they wander in the dark and do not know the truth.

But Christ, with his saying, calls not to waste time on those who do not want to follow the path of light, but prefer to wander in darkness. As practice shows, strength may be needed for something else, for something more important and intimate.

There is such a program on Russian television as “The Glass Bead Game”. Its host, Igor Volgin, ends each episode with the same phrase: “Read and re-read the classics.” Good advice, especially since the Bible is an eternal book, regardless of denominational preferences. Moreover, even atheists can read it - there will be no harm.

What does the proverb “You shouldn’t throw pearls before swine” mean?


Don't throw pearls before swine

Gelya Nathan

This is not a proverb, it is an inaccurate quote from the Gospel of Matthew. I won’t quote Christ’s words verbatim, since I don’t remember, but the point is that you shouldn’t prove something to people who cannot and do not want to understand and accept your point of view due to their beliefs, upbringing, etc. The mention of pigs here is not offensive, but is given as an example - pigs are deeply indifferent to beads, no matter how beautiful and valuable they are, give them acorns, so there’s no point in throwing them.

What does the expression “throwing pearls before swine” mean?

User deleted

Sometimes means highest degree arrogance :-))

In general, here is a Dictionary of popular expressions.
From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 7, art. 6) contains words from the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ (Russian translation): “Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn , they didn’t tear you to pieces.”

The word “beads” (as pearls were previously called in Rus') entered modern Russian speech from the Church Slavonic text of the Bible.

Often quoted in Latin: Margaritas ante porcos [Margaritas ante porcos]. Translation: Pearls before swine.

Allegorically: you shouldn’t talk about something that your interlocutors can neither understand nor appreciate properly. A. S. Pushkin (letter to A. A. Bestuzhev, end of January 1825): “The first sign smart person- at first glance, know who you are dealing with, and not throw pearls in front of the Repetilovs and the like.”

Who are the pigs that, according to the Bible, you shouldn’t throw pearls at?

Alexander lxxv

No such name

Etymology of the word beads: In Russian. came from Church Slav. Corresponds to folk pearl. Borrowing through Turk. *bu:sr from Arabic. busra "fake pearls, bugles." Pigs here are just animals. And the meaning of the expression is “do not waste the light of your wisdom on those who will not heed it, for you were not born to heed (initially by the fact of birth).

The expression “throwing pearls before swine” came to us from the Gospel and has an allegorical meaning. It is used if they want to talk about wasted efforts to explain or prove something to someone who does not understand or DOES NOT WANT to understand. In the original it sounds like this: “Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls (beads) before swine, lest they trample it under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

007 S Sergey

This Biblical expression: Throwing pearls before swine, has a deep allegorical meaning. Beads, if I’m not mistaken, are those pearls of innermost thoughts and high feelings, the word of God. Pigs are a type of people who cannot accept, understand, or appreciate - THE WISDOM OF THE WORD.

A truly rich speech is replete with elegant epithets, apt comparisons, and pithy idioms. In order to skillfully use all the abundance of beauties of the Russian language, you need to know and understand the interpretation of the words and So, for example, what does the idiom “cast pearls before swine” mean? We need to figure this out.

The meaning of phraseology

It is impossible to consider the interpretation of an idiom by the meaning of each individual word in its composition. Phraseologism, first of all, is stable and therefore you need to work with the entire structure at once. This is the main difficulty of translation. The essence of phraseological units cannot be conveyed literally; they exist within the same language, therefore, they vary depending on the people and their culture.

In this article we will try to answer the question, what does it mean to “throw beads”? How did it happen that pigs and shiny beads were included in one expression? Probably, in order to give a phraseological unit a clear negative connotation, to connect objects that, in principle, do not go together. And it’s true, since this expression is used when they want to warn a person against wasting effort and energy in an attempt to influence another person.

According to dictionaries of phraseological units, the expression “pearls are not thrown before swine” means “there is no need to try to prove and explain something to someone who is not able to understand your motives and will not appreciate your efforts properly.” It is difficult to disagree with the centuries-old wisdom contained in these words.

The history of the origin of the expression “Pearls are not thrown before swine”

This phraseological unit has existed for a very long time. The authorship of these words belongs to Jesus. In his Sermon on the Mount, delivered on a slope in front of his disciples and a crowd of people gathered, he urged them not to throw pearls to pigs, lest they trample them and tear to pieces the thrower. gems. This wisdom has come to us thanks to the Evangelist Matthew.

In the original version, as you can see, the phraseological unit “throwing beads” contains the word “pearls”. Nowadays, the expression exists in two versions. After all, what's the difference? A pig is unlikely to be able to distinguish beautiful sea pearls from shiny glass substitutes. Likewise, a person who does not want to properly understand what is being said to him will not notice the difference between authenticity and falsehood.

Another one interesting detail: the word “beads” came to Old Slavonic language from Arabic through Turkic. In the original it meant “fake pearls.”

As you can see, the expression “pearls are not thrown before swine” has a very old and sacred history. The fact that it has survived so many centuries speaks of its wisdom and relevance at any time.


In the Russian language, there are countless ways to express your reluctance to engage in useless things, to explain something to people who do not want to understand the words you said. The phraseological phrase “beads are not thrown before swine” is only one of possible options. Synonyms for this expression may vary depending on required value. For example, you can say “you are doing useless work” in the following ways: “you are pounding water in a mortar”, “carrying water in a sieve”, “carrying firewood into the forest”, “performing Sisyphean labor”, “pouring from empty to empty”.

The interpretation of “explaining something to a person who does not want to understand” has the following phraseological units: “you can’t brew beer with fools,” “like peas against a wall,” “you tell him, but he doesn’t give a damn.”

Although the meaning of many phraseological units can be characterized in one word, in the case of the expression “pearls are not thrown before swine,” this is unlikely to be done, but you can use it instead of many emotionally pale phrases. Worth a try. For example, say “throwing pearls before swine” instead of “having a useless discussion with an uninterested interlocutor” or “trying to convince someone who does not want to listen to weighty arguments.” The speech will only become more beautiful.


It is a great happiness if you manage to meet a good interlocutor who knows how to listen and willingly delve into the essence of the dialogue. In the company of such a person, you want to “plunge headlong into the conversation,” “become a nightingale.”

They say “we don’t throw pearls before swine,” but nevertheless, it’s worth trying to interest your opponent in your point of view, “put everything into perspective” and “explain it on your fingers.” Or ask about his vision of events. It can be so unexpected and interesting that you will listen “with bated breath”, “without taking a breath” and “catching on every word”.

The antonymic meaning of the phraseological unit “we don’t throw pearls before swine” is expressed in the following words: “communicate with a good interlocutor, equal to yourself. And also enjoy this communication and exchange of opinions.”

The use of the expression “pearls are not thrown before swine” in literature and colloquial speech

It would be strange if such an ancient, wise and effective phraseology were not actively used by writers of all times. The 18th century English diplomat and writer the Earl of Chesterfield used it in his Letters to his Son. In them, he says that you should not waste your time communicating with “empty-headed youths” who are unable to listen to reasonable arguments, because this is as useless as throwing pearls before swine. The Earl of Chesterfield was not the first and not the only one who noted the effectiveness of this phraseological unit.

But you shouldn’t assume that set expressions are only good in novels and stories. The speech of each of us will become much more beautiful if we turn to folk wisdom and diversify our vocabulary with it. After all, every word in Russian phraseological units was selected with special care: they contain hidden that cherished meaning that will be relevant for many centuries to come.

And remember, dear readers: there is no need to cast pearls before swine. It is better to save it for those who can appreciate the true brilliance of your thought.

19.09.2018 18.02.2019 Alexander Firtsev

Not everyone will dare to open their soul, especially if there is no confidence that the interlocutor will not only be able to hear innermost thoughts, but will also understand and take the words spoken seriously. To describe a situation when it makes no sense for the interlocutor to talk about personal things, to open up feelings, because he simply will not understand what was said, the phraseological unit “ cast pearls before swine" How did this stable phrase appear in the Russian language, and why does it carry such a subtext?

The meaning of phraseology

This popular expression used in book speech and journalism in the context of a warning or understanding of the failure of attempts to convince unreceptive opponents or partners. For example, this expression is used by A. Pushkin when assessing the comedy “Woe from Wit.” The poet notes that the main distinguishing feature of an intelligent person is to initially know who you will be dealing with and not “throw pearls” in front of people of a certain type.

Origin of phraseology

The phraseology “throwing pearls before swine” has a religious origin. This phrase was originally used in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus Christ pronounces it during the famous Sermon on the Mount. The entire quote is not part of the overall narrative, but sounds like a separate parting word and guide to action. In the Synodal translation of the Bible, it sounds like a call not to give holy things to dogs and not to throw pearls before swine. Otherwise, animals may trample it and tear to pieces those who threw the pearls.

The key message of this expression is that pigs are unable to appreciate the beauty of pearls. This inability to appreciate beauty is put in parallel with the ability for mutual understanding between people.

You may have noticed that the word “beads” is used in phraseological units, but for some reason we started calling them pearls. The thing is that in the Church Slavonic language the word “beads” was used to call pearls.

There is also an assumption that the meaning of the phraseological unit has been transformed and distorted over time. The essence of the phrase was the meaninglessness of trusting a saint to those people who do not have faith in the sacred principle and existing spiritual values. By trusting such unworthy people, a person defiles the Almighty, that is, in this case, pearls become beads.

In addition, there is another unusual version of the use, as well as the interpretation of the phraseological unit “throwing pearls before swine.” The statement is referred to as the slang of card players, emphasizing that such a phrase emphasizes a successful distribution of cards. The bottom line is that “there is no point in talking about the layout to a person who has no idea about the card game,” and he is considered a “pig” among experts. Although this version of the interpretation of the expression is not considered plausible, unlike the traditional interpretation, it has the right to exist.

The expression “throwing pearls before swine” comes from the Bible, more precisely from the Gospel of Matthew. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Pearls and beads

The expression “throwing pearls before swine” came into Russian from a Church Slavonic text Holy Scripture. In the Church Slavonic language the word “beads” had a different meaning. Now small beads are called beads - in the modern world they are glass, in ancient times, as a rule, they were bone. But in the Church Slavonic language the word “beads” meant pearls.

Thus, the Savior spoke not about beads in the modern sense, but about pearls. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more thankless task than throwing such a jewel in front of pigs, expecting that the animals will be able to appreciate it.

Meaning of the expression

This quotation from the Gospel, which has become a catchphrase, can plunge you into bewilderment. In Christianity, unlike pagan religions (for example, Egyptian), there has never been any “secret knowledge” available only to a narrow circle of select people. Yes, myself Christian faith is open to all people, regardless of their nationality - this religion does not know any discrimination. Therefore, it seems strange to compare some people with “pigs”, before whom it is not worth throwing precious pearls - the word of God.

This comparison is understandable to a Christian who has to communicate with unchurched and unbelieving people. IN modern world Every Christian finds himself in this situation—even monks have to at least sometimes deal with atheists.

Even if an unchurched person asks a Christian questions about faith, this does not always indicate a true desire to understand something, to learn something. This may be caused by a desire to mock the person, to see how he will cope with tricky questions. After such conversations, a Christian feels only fatigue and devastation, which is by no means good for the soul, since it easily leads to the sin of despondency. The unbeliever will celebrate the victory and become convinced that he is right; this will also harm him.

It was precisely such conversations that the Savior warned his followers against, calling “not to throw pearls before swine.” Of course, this does not mean that non-believers should be looked down upon, comparing them to pigs - this would be a manifestation of pride, but to explain the word God to man who does not want to perceive and understand it is not worth it.

Hello, dear creatives! How are you feeling? Today we will not talk about beading techniques and how to wear jewelry. Let's talk about philosophy. Probably, each of you has heard the following phrase: “Don’t throw pearls before swine.” Do you know what it means and where it came from? Let's figure it out.

In the article you will learn:

  1. What does the phrase “don’t throw pearls before swine” mean?
  2. Where does the phrase “don’t throw your pearls before swine” come from?
  3. What does beads have to do with it?

I originally came across this phrase in the Gospel of Matthew, specifically in the sixth verse of the seventh chapter. It contains the words of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. The words sound like this: “Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

  1. Shrines are a sacrament of the Christian faith.
  2. Dogs are people who blaspheme and scold Christ.
  3. Pigs are passionate people who do dirty things.
  4. Throwing means teaching, teaching, enlightening, offering sacred things to these dirty people.

What does it mean to cast pearls before swine?

The phraseology of throwing pearls before swine in everyday life will naturally be interpreted differently in a particular case. This phrase is often used in speech when a person wants to say that there is no need to waste your time trying to explain something if the other person does not strive to understand it and is not able to appreciate it.

What does beads have to do with it?

When they say this expression “throwing before swine,” beads are understood here not as a material for creativity, not as glass, but as human values. Values ​​are emotional, spiritual, intellectual, material.

It is also our knowledge, our work and our efforts, our dreams and goals, desires and thoughts.

In the context of the expression we are analyzing, this means the following: you should not flaunt your values ​​in front of people. You shouldn’t share, you shouldn’t pour out your soul, complain and ask. There is no need to completely reveal to a person (literally to a pig) your innermost secrets and dreams.

You should not argue with people, conflict and prove that you are right. There is no need to waste your personal time on those who are not interested in you.

Otherwise, one day it may turn against you, i.e. in the context of the phrase: “people will bark at you, curse you.”

But why do we throw beads in front of people? We want to prove that we are right, to convince of something, to appear better. Why are they rushing in front of us? yes for the same reasons.

What does the expression cast pearls before swine mean in other sources?

  1. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. Throwing pearls before swine means expressing thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them.
  2. Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. Throwing pearls before swine means it is in vain to talk about something or prove that you are right to someone who is not able or does not want to understand it.
  3. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. There is no specific phrase for our request in this dictionary. But there is a decoding of the word “beads” and examples of its use: - do not throw beads before swine, lest they trample them underfoot; - tears are not beads, you can’t bring them down.
  4. Michelson's large explanatory and phraseological dictionary. This source uses the following expression: - beads of eloquence - to use, use sophisticated expressions, loud words, but not always convincing.

That's probably all. I think I have clearly explained what the expression “don’t throw your pearls before swine” means. I hope you found it interesting to read and think about.

“Who should I throw in front of then? Who should I open up to and who should I talk to?” - you ask. To those who are truly close to you, who are ready to listen to you day and night. Who will always come to the rescue and listen to even your most delusional nonsense. In front of your loved ones for real.

Appreciate every second of your time! Remember, this is your value. Don't waste it on useless conversations with pigs. After all, sometimes it happens that there is not enough for anything. Don't throw pearls before swine.

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