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Prayer for everything to go well at work. Prayer for everyone to be healthy

We bless the person who loves us, sacrifices himself for us. Therefore, if you want to have communication with angels and saints, if you want to have peace in your soul and lead a spiritual life, then you must take care of the good of your neighbors, that is, explore what they want, what they understand, value, what pleases them, and please them without committing a sin.

Christ took upon Himself the entirety of human nature, even our immaculate passions, everything except sin, and became a perfect man, like us in everything. He wants the same from us. Just as He condescended to us and fully accepted us, so we, fully accepting our neighbors, will behave with them in such a way that they understand us, love us, are grateful to us, and remember us. Nobody cares what I think, what I want, what I like. It is I who must desire what others want, and then people will bless me.

Do you want angels and saints to be your friends? Do you want to be loved by God? Make every effort, strive fully to ensure that people bless you, that is, love you, pray to God for you, because you help them, because thanks to you their heart opens.

Who would bless an inept, slow, unpleasant, down-to-earth person? A person who cannot feel the heart of his neighbor, penetrate his soul, enter his position, his life, help him? Only the one who is capable of all this glorifies God.

If we really want to glorify God, let's see if people respect us, if they love us, if they rejoice in the fact that we are near them? If yes, then we will say: “Glory to You, God, everything is fine with me both in communicating with people and in my spiritual life!”

So, don't be a quirky person, rude, capricious, lazy. Saint Anthony kissed the hands of those monks who quickly fulfilled their obedience. Forget about yourself and live in such a way that the whole brotherhood and the heart of each brother benefits. Otherwise, you will not find peace, joy and love anywhere: neither on earth nor in heaven. You will selfishly withdraw into yourself and think that you are living a spiritual life. Be under everyone's feet so that your neighbor can easily step on you. When you become a carpet on which another person can walk, God makes you a saving instrument of the Church.

However, first you yourself must learn to bless your neighbor, praise him, listen to everything he tells you. Even if your neighbor is crazy, listen to him, smile at him, say yes to him. This is what worldly people do too; shouldn’t we, the sons of God, do this? God tolerates all of us complete madmen, but we cannot tolerate the dozens or hundreds of people who make up our own society?

Some people, out of humility or out of a desire to become like saints, believe that they should behave in such a way that others do not love them, do not understand them, or take offense at them. This is wrong, because people always love a holy person. If someone is not loved, then this person does not build the Church, does not glorify God and does not value spiritual communication.

And of course, the main meaning of this rule is that you elevate their hearts, help them have chaste and pure thoughts, a spiritual mind. In other words, for being kind, forgiving, spiritual person. I look at you - and it elevates my soul, teaches me, for example, to fast. Your very appearance exposes my life. Love also has this deepest spiritual meaning, although it does not lose the simple human meaning. The text of the rule is ancient, capacious and covers all these meanings, connecting them as tightly as the body is connected to the soul.

However, the question arises: “Perhaps the desire to please others is people-pleasing?”

People-pleasing manifests itself not in our relationships with people, but in our inner motives. If I want to be loved and blessed for the glory of God, that's fine. And if I strive for this for the sake of my own glory, then this is selfishness and vanity. In a few days my emptiness and this selfishness will be revealed, and I will become a laughing stock. Out of people-pleasing and vanity, one can be diligent in work and care about profit, but not about the person and his heart. Only the humble think about their neighbors.

Consequently, people-pleasing concerns not our connections with people, but our relationship with God: are we honest before Him. I cannot treat my neighbor poorly under the pretext of pleasing God or humility. Whether the one with whom I am dealing is humble, or selfish, or demonic, I must behave with him as he says here Reverend Anthony, but we just need to do this for the sake of the glory of God, because we are one body, one Church, one person. For example, I show my love to someone. Why am I doing this? Maybe there is some kind of cunning hidden inside me? The motive of my love should not be pride, egocentrism.

Let us not be mistaken: Saint Anthony does not call us to please people. This is the kind of trick Satan gives us. After all, when we behave according to the advice of St. Anthony, people understand us, love us and we feel great, we are calm and joyful. Otherwise, we will not be able to stay in a communal monastery. Even two people will not be able to get along together if they do not behave like this. When my neighbor does not understand me, is not happy with me, does not love me, is looking for a way to get rid of me, refuses me, then I feel loneliness, my soul is bad, I am tormented by doubts, I feel like a failure and one fine day I will leave from the monastery.

None of us realizes that if our neighbors don’t love us, then we ourselves are to blame. We do not understand this for the reason that we judge things rationally and approach everything with human standards. For example, every day I reproach you for doing your needlework poorly, and you avoid me. What should I do? I must find some way to make you realize your mistake yourself. I will show you a product similar to yours, but beautifully made, and you yourself will be interested in how it can be done, or I will turn to the abbot. I will not quarrel with you, because even if I am obliged to give you instructions, you must first want to listen to them.

Even when another person sins, I do not dare to say to him: “May God burn you!” Doesn't he know what God wants? Of course he knows, but there is some motive, a reason that has great strength in his soul. This means that no matter what I say to him, my words are powerless to change his heart. Only if a person really doesn’t know something, and we skillfully explain everything to him, will he immediately understand everything. And if he asks for more details, we’ll do that too.

≈ Schema-Archimandrite Emilian (Vafidis) ≈

From the book "Sober Life and Ascetic Rules"

Sometimes life teaches us all invaluable lessons. True, sometimes she has to directly hammer the same lesson into your head before it reaches you, and sometimes it only takes one - but really strong - life experience for this lesson to be forever imprinted in your consciousness. But why don't you try to learn life lessons from more than just what happened to you?

In this article I want to present to you 88 things that I was lucky enough to learn about life, about the world and its inhabitants:

  1. You can't change other people - and besides, it's rude to even try.
  2. Losing weight is a hundred times more difficult than simply trying not to gain it.
  3. If you're talking to someone you don't know very well, it's possible that you're talking to someone who knows a lot more about the subject you're talking about.
  4. Neither the most expensive nor the cheapest model is usually worth the money paid for them.
  5. Everyone loves those who do not throw around unnecessary words.
  6. Bad moods come and go as they please, and trying to force them away will likely only make them stay with you much longer than you'd like.
  7. Children are incredibly honest until we adults teach them to lie.
  8. If you're watching a show where all the characters look incredibly good, it's probably not worth watching.
  9. When you start talking in a loud voice, things usually get worse.
  10. When you think you're worried about what others think of you, you're actually only worried about what you think of yourself.
  11. If you encounter a problem, the responsibility for solving it always lies with you - no matter who caused it.
  12. You never have to deal with all of time at once - just one moment at a time.
  13. If you've never questioned your actions, chances are you've made a ton of mistakes.
  14. Managing your desires is the most important skill you can learn.
  15. Nobody can know everything.
  16. Being a cynic is too easy to be useful.
  17. Every person you meet on the street is as complex and multifaceted as you are.
  18. When you hate something, the hatred is reflected back. This applies to people, situations, and inanimate objects.
  19. If you want to learn more about life, read the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. They are a true treasury of knowledge about life, happiness and kindness.
  20. People are prone to exaggeration. Everything and always.
  21. Anger only proves that you are weak in spirit. The same can be said about violence.
  22. People cannot destroy our planet, but they can deprive it of its ability to support life. In general, this is what we do.
  23. When people don't like the situation they find themselves in, they often withdraw from it into their own thoughts.
  24. Those who complain the most end up achieving the least.
  25. The longer you put something off “for later,” the more difficult and scary it becomes for you to do it.
  26. Loan debt eats its way into your soul.
  27. Nobody knows even a small part of everything that happens in the world. The world is too big for one person to know.
  28. Most of what we see is really just what we think we see.
  29. People who are able to show themselves to the world as they are are as rare as diamonds.
  30. The most common addiction is dependence on familiar comfort. He destroys dreams and breaks people.
  31. If you think that what you are doing now is absolutely safe, there may be something that is not so safe, but much more effective method do the same.
  32. The greatest invention in the history of mankind is spoken language.
  33. The favorite pastime of those who shun responsibility is to blame those who take it upon themselves for their failures.
  34. Any person you meet on your life path, in some ways better than you.
  35. Evidence is just a collection of opinions that coincide with your own.
  36. The best faith is knowledge.
  37. Fulfilling your desires is not selfishness at all.
  38. What distinguishes humans from animals? Yes, the fact that animals can easily be themselves.
  39. The only way to escape from the quagmire that has sucked you in is to figure out what is going on in the depths of your soul.
  40. Whoever you are, you are mortal. But if you understand and accept this, then you are alive.
  41. Revenge for the sake of revenge is undignified and irresponsible.
  42. If you sort your life into sections, your life will be much simpler.
  43. There is truth hidden in every cliché. Yes, it has been repeated so many times that when you hear it, you raise your gaze to the ceiling in silent protest - but this does not make the truth go away. She's still there.
  44. Most often, people hurt others because they themselves are hurt. Try to heal them, if only in your power - this will help them not to hurt others anymore.
  45. Quality is always better than quantity - be it material goods, friends or valuable experience.
  46. If everyone read National Geographic, the world would be a much better place.
  47. If you are unhappy alone, you will be unhappy in any relationship.
  48. Nothing is free. Even if you don't have to pay for something, you still have to spend time on it.
  49. Emotions also exist to create prejudices in us – both “for” and “against”. Know that they can hinder us just as easily as they can help us.
  50. Addiction to something is a much more serious problem in society than we think. It is present in all of us in one form or another, although we usually call it something else.
  51. If you feel like you have a “sick feeling in the pit of your stomach,” you probably do. Tension in the abdominal area often indicates your true feelings about something - regardless of all other arguments and persuasion.
  52. By changing the way you walk and dress, you change the way you feel. And the way others think about you, too, whether you like it or not.
  53. Everyone who knows how to drive considers their skill to be slightly above average.
  54. If you are consumed by the desire to punish others, take a closer look at yourself - perhaps the source of this desire lies somewhere there?
  55. Most people think too much about nonsense.
  56. If you’re going to lie on something, then only on a high-quality orthopedic mattress. After all, you'll spend a third of your life on it.
  57. If you have no friends, there is nothing worse than this.
  58. Writing someone off is no better than direct physical violence.
  59. We are all hypocrites - even though we try not to be.
  60. Justice is something idealized and difficult to achieve, but despite this, many are ready to sacrifice many human lives on the way to it.
  61. If you tell children something in one or two short sentences, they will usually understand.
  62. If you are tempted to buy something on sale, first think, is there a catch?
  63. Spouting swear words left and right makes you look like an idiot.
  64. Words have enormous power. One word spoken at the wrong time can hurt for life.
  65. Want to brighten someone's day? Just be unusually polite to this person.
  66. Most of what children learn from their parents, they never thought to teach them.
  67. When you hear about the “secret ingredient” of a dish, it usually turns out to be butter. In incredible quantities.
  68. If you don't like a dish the first time, give it a second chance
  69. No matter what problem you face, it is rarely as painful as the fear associated with it.
  70. Nothing ever happens exactly as expected.
  71. Most people simply do not know how to accept compliments and offers of help.
  72. There are too few women in power structures. And the world has been suffering from this for a very, very long time.
  73. When you break a promise to yourself, you feel absolutely terrible. Well, if it starts to become a habit, you start to hate yourself.
  74. Nine out of ten things I was terribly worried about never happened. I didn’t even think about nine of the ten things that did happen.
  75. You can't hide yours Bad mood from people who know you well - but this is not a reason to be impolite.
  76. Sometimes you have to cut some people out of your life - even if they are part of your family.
  77. The best way to find peace is to look at the starry ocean.
  78. There's no point in finishing a book you don't like. Life is too short for this. Swallow your pride and put it back on the shelf.
  79. There is often no connection between the price of batteries and how long they will last.
  80. Learning something new usually requires only a little more effort than learning something familiar.
  81. Life is a journey alone, but you often get fellow travelers. Some are for the long term, most are for the short term.
  82. One of the best things you can do for your children is to take them outdoors or on vacation by car. No, I don't have children, but I was once a child.
  83. The less property you have, the more useful it is for you.
  84. Einstein was much wiser than smarter, which is why he was a genius.
  85. When you feel like your life is boring you, read a good book.
  86. You are only torturing yourself, wishing that everything would be different.
  87. The ability to be happy is the ability to understand and accept change.
  88. “Killing time” is the worst of crimes. It is priceless and cannot be returned.

Translation of the article

There are times in our lives when it seems like the world has turned its back on us: work isn’t going well, opportunities slip through our fingers, one trouble is replaced by another, and the desire to give up everything, move away and never return is brewing.

I have compiled a list of 20 reasons that I hope will give you the motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward despite all the challenges. After all, it often happens that people stop fighting and give up, being just one step away from their cherished goal.

1. Remember: as long as you are alive, anything is possible.

There's only one a respectful reason stop fighting for your goals and dreams - death. As long as you are alive, healthy and free, you have every opportunity to continue. And do this until you achieve them.

2. Stay realistic

The chance of mastering something the first time is negligible. It takes time (sometimes a lot of time) to learn something, acquire the right skills and understand how to apply them correctly.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

3. Be persistent like Michael Jordan.

Michael is perhaps the best athlete in the history of basketball. He himself says that his path to the pinnacle of fame lay through constant failures. And his whole secret was that he never gave up and never gave up. He did not give up even when he realized that he had missed more than 300 shots, and many times he failed the last decisive shot that he was entrusted with making. Every time Michael fell, he found the strength to rise again.

4. Learn the will to live from Lance Armstrong

Doctors diagnosed cyclist Lance Armstrong, and the disease was gradually killing him. However, Lance found the strength and faith to defeat her. Moreover, after his recovery, he became the only athlete to finish first in the overall Tour de France six times in a row.

5. Remember the story of the person whose action inspired the idea of ​​the marathon

In ancient times, when the Persians landed on the shores of Greece, an envoy was sent to Sparta to ask for help in fighting the Persians. All hope was placed on this envoy, because there were simply no other ways of communication and help.

Legend has it that this man covered a distance of 240 kilometers on his own feet in just two days. And a little later he ran another 40 kilometers to announce the victory of the Greeks over the Persians. True, after that he died on the spot.

When the challenges that befall you seem too difficult and you want to give up, remember this story and think about what it took for that first marathon runner to overcome such a distance in such a time. a short time. Don't try to repeat what he did, but use this story for inspiration.

6. Pull yourself out of rock bottom like Chris Gardner

Have you seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”? It is based on real events from the life of Chris Gardner. This is a man who was able to pull himself out from the very bottom of a miserable life, when there was no work, no housing, no food. And yet, Chris found the strength not to give up where many other people would have given up, and to achieve his goal. He became .

If thoughts about quitting creep into your head, I recommend watching the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith.

7. Be resilient like Kanye West

Surely you have heard about this famous rap artist. Read his biography, I'm sure it will inspire you. This is the story of how to survive with the bare minimum to survive and become one of the most famous and respected people in the world.

8. Stay true to your principles like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous human rights activists in South Africa. His life story is impressive in that he spent 27 years in prison for his Political Views, which he chose not to give up even in exchange for freedom.

9. Know that you are strong

You are stronger than you think. One small obstacle cannot and should not stop you from achieving your goals, just like the next 10, 20 or even 100 obstacles.

10. Prove to yourself that you can

It is unlikely that you want to be remembered as a person who is weak and unable to realize himself. Go, prove to yourself and the whole world that you can, that you are worthy and will definitely achieve your goals, no matter what. The only way for you to lose is to give up yourself.

11. Have you done this before?

If someone has already done what you have in mind before you, then you can do it too. Even if there is only one person in the world who could do it, this is already strong evidence that you can do it too.

12. Believe in your dream

Don't sell yourself short! There will be many more people in life who will want to keep you where you are now. They will convince you that you have conceived the impossible and you need to face the truth. My advice to you: don't let anyone ruin yours.

13. Family and friends need you

Let the people you love and close to you become a source of inspiration and motivation to force yourself to move on. Try and don’t give up for them if you don’t find a reason to do it for yourself.

14. Don't give up because I ask you to.

15. There are people in worse situations

There are many people right now who are in a much more difficult situation than you. So, when you wake up thinking about canceling your morning run, remember how many people in the world cannot even walk and how much they are willing to give to be able to run every morning.

So take advantage of this amazing opportunity to live. life to the fullest, which you have.

16. "Get Rich or Die"

This phrase belongs to Curtis Jackson (50 Cent). 50 Cent is rich and self-made. And the fact that he was shot nine times did not stop him. Face your fears and don't choose easy way, which usually means only one thing - to give up.

17. Let your enemies hate you

There will always be those who will. There will always be a lot of naysayers and people who will try to drag you down with them. Ignore them and don't take what they say to heart. Let the skeptics doubt, but continue to believe in yourself.

18. You deserve happiness

Never let anyone convince you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and successful. Stick to this position and never doubt it until you achieve your cherished goal.

19. Inspire others

Be an example for others as a person who never gives up under any circumstances. Who knows what someone else could achieve just by looking at you one day and also deciding to never give up.

20. You never know how close you are to success.

Many people gave up, not even suspecting that they were just one step away from success. No one knows for sure when success will come. Perhaps this will happen tomorrow, or maybe in a year or two. But if you stop, stop trying and give up, you will not achieve it in 10 years, or even by the end of your life.

The next time you want to give up everything, think, because it may very well be that success is waiting for you just around the next corner.

All that is required of you is not to give up!

The source of fatigue is not in the body, but in the mind. You can do much more than you think.

Relying only on yourself is a great way to stop being disappointed in people and live in a great mood.

Life gives us a lot of chances, but, more often than not, we are just too lazy to swim.

All people are two-faced. The first personality is kind, sincere, sympathetic. The second appears when the first is abused.

Hell? Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. There is only Heaven and... Earth.

The most important thing in communication is to hear what was not said. Peter Drucker

What began as a lie must end as a lie; this is the law of nature. Fedor Dostoevsky

Words are like keys. With the right choice, you can open any soul and close any mouth.

To respect or not to respect a person is your choice. Being respectful is your upbringing.

Rule hot air balloon: throw away everything unnecessary to gain height.

We don't make mistakes about people, we just rush to see them as we want them to be.

You can't lose what doesn't exist. You cannot destroy what is not built. You can only dispel the illusion of what seems real.

To achieve complete harmony in life, you need to swap just two things: at 7 am you should want to eat, and at 1 am you should want to sleep.

Music is life. As long as it sounds, nothing dies forever. A musician, performing music, lives with memories as if they were real events.

I will never deceive someone who sincerely trusts me. But I won’t prove the truth to anyone who doesn’t believe me.

If you don't make mistakes, it means you're solving problems that are too simple. And this is a big mistake.

There is nothing random in life, and everything that happens to us happens in right time and in the right place.

If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

Time is an amazing phenomenon. There is so little of it when you are late and so much of it when you are waiting.

What you think is what you feel. What you feel is what you emit. What you emit is what you receive.

No the best way to take revenge than to erase from memory. Janusz Leon Wisniewski

Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are worthy people, but because you are a worthy person. (Confucius)

Family is what is worth waking up for every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them.

There will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.

Love dies from fatigue, and oblivion buries it.

Otherwise, the words arranged take on a different meaning, otherwise the thoughts arranged make a different impression.

He who wages war on others has not made peace with himself.

By trusting a person unconditionally, you end up getting one of two things: either a person for life, or a lesson for life.

Don't get closer to a person than he allows, and don't let a person get closer than he deserves.

To discover new parts of the world, you need to have the courage to lose sight of old shores.

Don't expect a miracle, create a miracle yourself. And run, run away from pessimists, skeptics, whiners, push them away. They destroy expectation and faith in the miracles of life.

In life, you should strive not to overtake others, but yourself.

There are three golden qualities in a person’s character: patience, a sense of proportion and the ability to remain silent. Sometimes they help in life more than intelligence, talent and beauty.

Learn not to tell anyone anything. Then everything will be fine.

A diamond that falls into the mud still remains a diamond, and dust that rises to the skies remains dust.

Keep your soul light. Against all odds, no matter what. This is the light by which the same bright souls will find you.

People don't always need advice. Sometimes they need a hand to support them. An ear that will listen and a heart that will understand.

It is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the one who best adapts to change.

If there are rumors about you, you are a person. Remember: never discuss or envy bad things. They envy the best, discuss the best.

Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.

Never criticize another person's actions if you don't know why he did them. Perhaps, under the same circumstances, you would have done the same.

Conscience usually torments those who are not guilty. Erich Maria Remarque

Learn to say “thank you” to what is left behind. It certainly taught us something important.

You are silent, but you are no longer understood correctly.

Society often forgives the criminal. But not a dreamer. Oscar Wilde

In our unreliable world, there is nothing more difficult to achieve and fragile than trust.

The past is always with us, waiting to change the present.

The end of lies does not mean the beginning of truth. Frederic Beigbeder

Being offended and indignant is like drinking poison in the hope that it will kill your enemies.

The worst thing is not “it doesn’t work out again.” The worst thing is “I don’t want to try anymore.”

You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.

No one in the world will meet you halfway. If you need something, take it yourself, always do only what you decide.

You don't sing a song to get to the last note. The singing itself brings joy. The same goes for life. The joy is in living.

The greatest flaw in life is its eternal incompleteness due to our habit of postponing from day to day. He who finishes his life's work every evening does not need time.

He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it. August von Platen

The one who is able to tame his heart will submit to the whole world. Paulo Coelho

Make your work a life-filled life, not a work-filled life.

Our actions can lift us to the skies and throw us into the deepest abyss. We are the children of our deeds. Victor Hugo.

If you want to achieve your goal, you need to make at least a little progress towards it every day.

When you see an eagle, you see an example of Perfection - so look at the sky more often.

Wanting change is the first step. But the second is to achieve them!

The only difference between a good dinner and life is that sweets are served at the end.

Sometimes the person you don't notice becomes the one you need most.

You can't change the past, but you can stretch yourself and change the future.

A strong person is not the one who is doing well, but the one who is doing well, DESPITE ANYTHING!

Remember the rule. Treat a woman like a person. Then how to a princess. Then how to greek goddess, and then again as a person.

When you have nothing to lose, you can risk everything...

I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do and understand. Confucius

You can wait if you have something to wait for.

There is no need to think about what life was or will be like. There is no past and there will be no future. Everything happens here and now.

It's not about predicting the future, but about creating it.

Be with those who make you happy.

You need to do the impossible. You need to work hard. And if you succeed, you are positive, you have a ray of hope.

Love lives only when there is respect for each other and freedom. The desire to possess another as a thing is absurd.

Look at what you are thinking about now, this will become your future. Think about good things, about love, success, luck, abundance and joy. And enjoy it in the future.

The only way to survive is to constantly set yourself new challenges.

The fewer expectations in your head, the more surprises there are in life.

Those who do not understand their past are forced to relive it again.

There is sun in every person. Just let it shine. Socrates

I still don’t regret anything, if only because it’s pointless.

I don't like loneliness. I just don’t make unnecessary acquaintances so as not to be disappointed in people again.

Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise, because the pain that you cause to another will sooner or later come back to you.

Those who succeed in this world come and find the circumstances they need. If they cannot find them, then they create them themselves.

It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.

It is not always the one who is to blame who asks for forgiveness. Most often this is done by those who value relationships...

Appreciate those who can see three things in you: the sadness behind the smile, the love behind the anger, and the reason for your silence.

Any problem ceases to be a problem with the right attitude.

Nobody can say anything about you. Whatever people say, they are talking about themselves.

Always choose the best one hard way— you won’t meet any competitors on it.

It doesn't matter that you walk slowly... the main thing is don't stop.

If you decide to act, close the door to doubt. Friedrich Nietzsche

People most often use the word “nothing” in order to hide behind it a very important “something”.

You become melancholic when you think about life, and you become cynical when you see what most people make of it. Remarque

Don’t forget that position comes from the word “duty,” work comes from the word “slave,” and dismissal comes from the word “will.”

I don't choose friends. This activity is tedious and useless. I find it much more interesting to choose vegetables at the market. Friends are gifts from fate.

people in modern world worried about financial insolvency, physical imperfections and much more. But people forget about the soul and its needs for mercy, compassion, and care. By focusing too much on worldly goods, a person loses the feeling of happiness, peace of mind, peace of mind. And only then do people think about the need to change something. Talk about successful outcome things are possible in those cases when a person himself realizes that he needs the help of the Almighty, and he is ready to completely entrust his life to Him. God can even help a girl who is suffering greatly from breaking up with her boyfriend. Even if Orthodoxy does not adhere to the concept of “relationship before marriage.” Today in this article we will present the texts of some prayers that will help improve your life, make it happier and better.

How can prayer make life better?

The text of the prayer that everything will be fine in life and in the family is very popular. It is used in completely different cases. There are prayers for a good outcome both in the general sense of the word and in narrow areas of life. It is a prayer request that is the only force on Earth that can change even the most unfavorable outcome, turning it in the opposite direction. Anyone who puts their sincere feelings for God into prayer can change the situation. How and why prayer helps in life can be understood by considering how it works and who is the root cause of everything:

  1. Through Prayer, a person communicates with God himself and His Saints.
  2. The Lord penetrates into the very heart of everyone and helps if their thoughts are pure.
  3. God predicts how the desires of one will affect other people and what feelings it evokes in the person asking.
  4. If the Almighty sees that a person really needs success, this will bring happiness to him and other living beings, He will definitely help in the implementation of plans.

Of course, we want our life and the life of our loved ones to be ideal. But only God knows what she must be like in order to pass her lessons, endure sorrows and disappointments, and in order to ultimately experience boundless happiness.

Prayers to the Lord and Saints that everything will be fine

It is customary to read a prayer in cases where the joy has left, if relatives and loved ones are sick or sad for no reason. You can also turn to the Lord with prayer if success does not come in one endeavor or another:

Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!

According to the rules, reading the prayer text “about good things” must be done when the day has already passed, that is, before going to bed.

If it seems to you that prayer to God is not helping, although not enough time has passed, or you have not been able to understand and pronounce it correctly, you can simultaneously resort to prayer to Saint Matrona so that everything works out and is good in life and family. Elder Blessed Matrona of Moscow helps everyone who is pure in heart and soul.

My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.



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