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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "World of Wonders". Excursion to the school museum on the topic What is interesting in the local history museum

Summer camp 2014.

Trip to the Local Lore Museum

On June 17, the Pathfinders detachment made an excursion to the Meshkov House, which houses the historical exhibition of the Perm Museum of Local Lore. The children learned about the past of our region, starting from the ancient Stone Age and ending with the latest events of the twentieth century.

Household items were presented on the excursion different eras, costumes, jewelry, weapons. Particularly interesting were the objects of the Perm animal style, reflecting the connection between nature and man of ancient eras. The guys tried to unravel the meaning of ancient objects in which images of animals and human faces were intricately intertwined and mixed.

At all times, people wore jewelry. It was very interesting to look at jewelry made from ancient coins brought from the Mari village. Coins were also used for their intended purpose. The children learned a lot about the history of money and the origin of their names.

Our region developed as a mining region. The guys were able to see not only ore samples, but also machines, equipment, and weapons produced at Perm enterprises. The boys were greatly impressed by artillery shells, aircraft engines, machine guns and other samples military equipment of the past.

The guys were pleased with the excursion, having learned a lot about the history and culture of our region. Studying both the distant and near past turned out to be a very exciting activity.

Excursion to the museum

On January 30, students of the Kozelsk boarding school, members of the “From Heart to Heart” club took an excursion to the Museum of Local Lore. The children were given a very interesting and educational tour of the museum hall with different exhibitions that helped them understand and see the life of our ancestors. How, thanks to their work, our city was founded and developed.

The students listened with pleasure and looked at the exhibits with curiosity. The children especially liked the “Battle Glory” hall, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. This room featured photographic portraits of war veterans and lists of those awarded orders and medals. In the windows there are awards and award certificates, Thanksgiving letters, front-line correspondence, personal belongings of war participants, weapon models.

Everyone also liked the hall where the exhibition on decorative creativity, it presented the works of residents of our city. The works combined diversity different techniques: embroidery, patchwork mosaic, soft toy, beadwork, ceramics and much more.

The children were delighted with visiting the museum. I was left with many impressions from the exhibits I saw. At the end of the excursions, the children thanked the guide for detailed story about exhibition works.

The topic of the lesson is an excursion to local history museum

"History of my region"

“When we want to touch history,

Or you want to plunge into a beautiful world

Let's go to the museum we go to the halls,

And we have a lot of interesting things for ourselves

We find it."


introducing children to history native land;

the desire to preserve and enhance its history.


to provide knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of authentic monuments, material and spiritual culture of our city;

consolidate the concepts of “museum”, “ historical sources»;

expand and deepen students’ knowledge of history hometown;

develop logical thinking, curiosity, ability to conduct comparative analysis;

systematize and generalize children's knowledge about wild animals;

develop curiosity, attentiveness, observation;

    Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an excursion to our local history museum, where we will get acquainted with the history of our region and city.

The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in ancient times.

How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum (from the Greek μουσεῖον - house of the Muses) is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational activities.

    Children's trip to the local history museum.

Meeting with the guide

Course of the lesson - excursions.

1. Exhibition “Sing the Land of Aldan”, dedicated to the Year literature. “Aldan – pages of history.”

Several years ago, the boundless taiga was noisy in the Aldan region. There was not a single populated area in the vast area. And suddenly life burst into life here. People began to flock here from everywhere. Many people. Wooden buildings appeared along the streams, and roads began to be built. This was a difficult time. There were no cars or airplanes. The birth of the mountainous Aldan, the first-born of the gold industry of Yakutia, was not easy.

At the call of the regional Komsomol committee, Yakut rural youth went into production. She was a leading force not only in mining

They persistently mastered mining professions and became masters of their craft. It was here that they received hardening at work. Aldan workers were always in the forefront of competition and justified the high assessment of their work.

Aldan turned from a prospector into a highly mechanized one: to replace manual labor dredges, excavators and bulldozers, modern enrichment factories arrived.

At the Aldanzoloto plant, gold extraction factories and dredges are constantly being reconstructed, powerful earth-moving equipment is being introduced into mining. The second birth of Aldan as a gold-mining region of the country was the discovery of the Kuranakh gold deposit and the commissioning of a gold extraction factory in Kuranakh.

The Aldan region remains the leading gold mining region of the republic.

And for the first time, Aldan’s gold was discovered by the communist worker Voldemar Bertin and the hunter, non-party Yakut Mikhail Tarabukin.

The gold mining industry of Yakutia, which began with the discovery and development of the underground wealth of Aldan, has glorious history. Their names and deeds deserve recognition. About the pioneers and discoverers of the gold-bearing sands of the Aldan land, about the difficult beginning of its development in the conditions of economic devastation after civil war, about the first steps in the formation of the gold industry, about the general labor upsurge of enthusiasts who began to build new life, we learn from books, from old records that were written by the workers themselves, the gold miners.

“The miners were driving home after a work shift, feeling pleasantly tired in their bodies. And everyone thought that tomorrow it would not be easier - there would be the same intense task, and they would complete it again. And they will be pleased with themselves, just as any person who has overcome difficulties is pleased.”

2. The world of ancient secrets and mysteries.

In addition, unique finds related to the life of ancient people - hunting, household, and art objects - are exhibited here and stored in the museum collections. All this is of interest both to scientists from all over the world and to visitors who have the opportunity to come into contact with an era that is approximately 20 thousand years distant from our time.

Yakutia is a world of ancient secrets and mysteries that attracts and calls travelers from different corners Earth. Only the bravest and bravest dare to challenge the wayward north, which behind its harsh icy mask hides sincere cordiality and hospitality, incredible generosity and a huge amount of ancient treasures.

The main wealth of the region is its amazing nature. Among the snowy natural charm, Yakutia stands out like a precious pearl, whose history is filled with many ancient secrets and legends telling about the life of the north and its glorious traditions.

3. A unique find.

“In a unique area at a depth of about 100 m, we were able to find rich material for research - soft and fatty tissues, mammoth wool.” People have found mammoth bones since ancient times. But then there was no representative of the animal world on earth that would have bones of such impressive sizes, and this gave rise to many legends. According to one of them, people believed that somewhere deep underground lives a giant beast that does not show itself to people, and can only be discovered after its death. And from the words “ma” - earth, “mut” - mole, they began to call this beast - mamut. According to another legend, he was called Inder. In those days, there was tundra here, herds of mammoths grazed, and people settled. The mammoth was the most numerous representative of the fauna that existed at that time. Mammoth was a good catch for hunters - it provided a lot of meat, and the bones were used for construction and heating of homes. By straightening them, ancient people made spears from mammoth tusks.

In addition to hunting and household tools, amulets were also made. Ancient people revered this majestic animal, which provided food, warmth, and material for building and heating homes.

4. Culture and life of the peoples of our region.

The Evens have lived in the North-East of Russia since ancient times. Evens – nomadic people. The life of a taiga person is closely connected with the forest. They built storage sheds from wood to store food and things, made the frame of a dwelling from poles, and built fences for deer. From soft birch and pine wood they made sleds and cargo sleds (tolgokil), tables on short legs (nastol), oars (ulivur), and drawers for utensils (savodal). Wooden objects were decorated with patterns that were applied with a knife, chisel, or drill. They carved wooden masks for shamans, graceful figurines of animals and birds, wooden dishes, children's toys - whistles, dolls.

The tent served as their housing. Three main "turgu" poles. The “turgus” at the top were connected by a fork and installed in such a way that two of them, forming one of the sides of the triangle, were placed oriented towards the path along which they came to the site.

Men were engaged in blacksmithing, processing bone and wood, weaving belts, leather lassos, harnesses, etc., women - dressing hides and rovduga, making clothes, bedding, pack bags, covers, etc. Even blacksmiths made knives, gun parts, etc.

The main material of traditional Even clothing was deer fur, as well as mountain sheep and rovdug fur (suede made from deer skins). The sides and hem were trimmed with a fur strip, and the seams were covered with a strip decorated with beads.

It is typical that at the birth of a child, he was allocated a part of the herd, which, together with the offspring, was considered his property. Children were taught horse riding from early childhood.

Hunting was a traditional activity of the Evenks. It provided the bulk of the needs of Evenki families for food and raw materials for the manufacturing industries of home production. The hunting weapons were a bow (nuua), a spear (gid), a palm-spear (ogpka), a knife (khirkan), a crossbow (berken), a trap-mouth (nan) and a gun. They hunted on horseback on deer, on snow skis (kai-sar) and covered with fur (merengte), chasing, stealth, with a decoy deer, and a hunting dog.

They hunted sable, squirrel, red and black-brown fox, ermine, wolverine, otter, wild deer, elk, mountain sheep, hare, goose, ducks, hazel grouse, partridge, wood grouse, etc.

5. Cult veneration of the Evenks.

Cult of the bear.

Bear hunting, regulated by strict rules and rituals, occupied a special place. The bear was called allegorically, often with words borrowed from the languages ​​of neighboring peoples (Yakuts, Russians, Yukaghirs). On the occasion of the hunt for a bear, a bear festival was held. The Bear Festival (Mans. yany pike - “big dances”, nivkh, chkhyf lerand - “bear game”) is a set of rituals associated with the cult of the bear. The rituals are accompanied by playing musical instruments, ritual and entertaining dancing, singing. There are myths about how the bear festival rituals originated. An Evenki myth tells about a girl who went into the forest, fell into a bear’s den and spent the winter there. In the spring, she returned to her parents and gave birth to a bear cub, which they raised. Later the girl married a man and gave birth to a boy. Both brothers grew up and decided to compete. The younger brother, the man, killed the older brother, the bear.

Bear meat is eaten at night throughout the holiday (up to three days), and in the intervals between meals they dance, play, and sing. Among the Evenks, the eldest of the hunters killed the bear. The holiday took place in the house of the hunter who caught the bear. Bear hunting was surrounded by special rules and rituals, which were associated with the veneration of this animal.

The shaman's assistants are sacred birds...

The following birds enjoyed cult veneration among the Orochon Evenks: raven (oli), eagle (kiran), swan (gakh), loon (ukan), teal duck (chirkoni), black woodpecker (kirokta), cuckoo (ku-ku), sandpiper (Chukchumo), snipe (Oliptykin), titmouse (Chipiche-chiche). All these birds were considered the shaman’s assistants in healing rituals, obtaining deer souls, and health for the family. All of these birds are inviolable; it is strictly forbidden to kill them or eat their meat.

The Evenks consider a raven to be a man transformed into a bird. It was believed that crows could take Evenki girls as wives, but they just did not understand the language. Evenk hunters believed that crows helped protect reindeer herds from predators, looking for animals during hunting, identifying them with their cries. Among shamans, the raven acts as the guardian of the shaman's soul during rituals.

“If someone kills a raven, then the soul of the latter flies to its “father Khara Syagylakh” with a complaint against the offender. Then this god terribly punishes the offender-hunter, sending illness to him.”

The eagle was a leading character in shamanic mythology. This is the only bird that can drive away hostile spirits from the shamanic soul. In all rituals, he was the leader and protector of a flock of birds carrying the soul of the shaman.

Loon is a shamanic attribute. In shamanic mythology, this is one of the helping spirits, through which the shaman flies along the “Paths of Birds” to the source of Dolbor, a river originating in the Upper World. Bird spirits act as messengers to the spirits of the Upper World. Many Evenks believe that the earth was created by a loon. It happened like this: “In the beginning there was water. There lived then two brothers - Khargi and Seveki. Seveki was kind and lived above, and the evil Khargi lived below. Seveki's assistants were gogol and loon. The loon dived and reached the ground. Gradually the land grew and took on its modern appearance.”

6. Final part.

The man is greatest creation nature. It came out of the animal world in the course of many years of evolution. Nature taught him to work, think, produce, see beauty, observe and comprehend the world. Man would not become man without nature. Nature is everything that surrounds us: living and nonliving.

How much we love to say that man is the master of nature, we call ourselves “Homo sapiens.” And how often we forget that, first of all, man is a child of nature. Everything that surrounds us: forests, rivers, lakes is not only a habitat for birds, fish, animals, but also a human habitat. And birds, fish, animals, plants are our brothers, children of our one mother - nature.


What did you like best about the museum?

What animal legends did you learn about on the excursion?

What would you like to know more about?

A trip to the Olkhovatsky Museum of Local Lore.

Educator preparatory group Kravchenko Olga Ivanovna

Today we are beginning to look at many things differently, we are discovering something for ourselves and re-evaluating it; unfortunately, we have managed to lose what our grandparents saved for years. How did Russian people live, how did they relax and how did they work? What were you thinking about? What did you pass on to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Will children be able to answer these questions? We must restore the connection of times, return lost human values. Without the past there is no future. Introducing children to the origins folk culture- one of the most important tasks of preschool pedagogy. The children of the preparatory group "Romashki" were invited to the Olkhovatsky Museum of Local Lore. We went on an excursion on a school bus.

While driving, we remembered the names of streets, rivers, and sights of the village. At the museum we were met by its owner, Olga Aleksandrovna Ivakhnenko.

She had a very interesting conversation, from which the children learned about the history of our village: about people who lived in past centuries, their way of life, about ancient animals.

The children were very impressed by the story about the Great Patriotic War,

about the history of the sugar factory, about the folk craftsmen of our region.

Everyone looked at the museum’s exhibits with interest: household items and clothing of people of different generations, ancient coins, war trophies.

Olga Alexandrovna accompanied the children with the melody of toys - whistles, donated to the museum by folk craftsmen.

Everyone really enjoyed the trip.

Legends of deep antiquity

Excursion to the school local history museum

Purpose of the excursion: formation of knowledge on the history of the settlement of the native land, about the work and life of the Trans-Ural peasants on the basis of folklore data and museum exhibits.

Tour objectives:

1. Educational: during the excursion, ensure the assimilation of the main factors that influenced the development of their native land.

2. Educational: develop the ability to work with various sources of information and analyze the information received.

3. Educators: to develop an interest in the history of the native land and the achievements of their ancestors.

Expected results .

During the excursion, students will be able to:

Express your own opinion;

Use different sources of information;

Use the acquired knowledge in communicating with people.

Equipment: exhibits of the school museum.

After Ermak’s campaign in 1581–1582. people flocked to Siberia. Yuri Konetsky wrote in his poem “Verkhoturye”:

Rus' went to Siberia along the highway.

Some from the road, and some with a tassel,

Someone with a horse for fresh grass,

Some are attracted by free land.

Some are secret, some are shackles in the glands,

Some are walking about business, some are doing so...

With the bryakuntsy on the troika - the boss,

Orderly voivode or clerk.

In rattles, carts, koshevas,

In boots, in bast shoes, barefoot

Are they trying to torture a lot of happiness?

Was it because of the previous grief that he ran?

People also walked to the Trans-Urals, which stretched in a strip between the Father Urals and Mother Siberia. The names of settlers often indicate where people came to our region from. The peasants came from Verkhoturye, Tyumen and Tobolsk districts, from Russia.

Ustyuzhanins - from Ustyug, Basargins - from the north European Russia, Permyakovs, Zyryanovs - from the Perm province (Komi-Permyaks and Komi-Zyryans), Bulatov - a surname of Turkic origin, etc. (1, pp. 16, 17).

In the Trans-Urals, Russian people encountered Tatars and Bashkirs. It often happened that they attacked Turkic peoples and took people captive. This is what the legend says about it.

Non-Russian people lived beyond Tobol. The pits from their yurts are still preserved. They once took away a very young girl, about 7 years old. She grew up among non-Russian people. Then she was married off. The son was born and began to grow.

An old Russian woman went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Non-Russian people swooped down on her like kites and took her away. The husband gave the old woman to his young wife as a goose farm to rock the child. The captive saw the mistress and recognized her lost daughter. And she sang a mournful song.

A ballad was written based on this story:

Like across the river

Yes for Daria

Evil Tatars

Duvan was duvanili.

On Duvanitsa

Got it,

Got it

Mother-in-law to son-in-law.

How the son-in-law took his mother-in-law

In the distant steppe,

Into the distant steppe

To his young wife.

Well, wife,

Worker for you

Russian from Rus'


You make her

Seven things to do.

First thing -

Rock the child

Another thing -

To spin the tow;

And the third thing -

Herd geese.


The cradle rocks

The cradle rocks

Here's a baby rocking

Here's a baby rocking


“You bei, I bei,

Boyar son,

You are like your father -

Little Tatar boy is angry,

And according to mother -

You are a little Russian

But by gender

You are my grandson.

After all, your mother is

My own daughter.

She is seven years old

"It's completely taken."

When the hostess heard this song, she jumped up all over. She ran up to her mother, fell at her feet and cried bitter tears:

You are my dear Empress,

You didn't tell me

Why didn't you confess to me?

This song interested Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, who recorded it for himself (2, p. 164).

INXVIIcentury, the lands along the Iset River began to be actively populated. In 1644, the monastery was founded by the monk Dalmat (in the world Dmitry Ioannovich Mokrinsky). At the foot of a high place he dug a cave and settled as a hermit. And these lands belonged to a noble Tatar, the Tyumen Murza Iligei. He rode up with a detachment of Tatars, entered the saint’s cave with a drawn blade, but in a conversation he found out that Dalmata’s mother was a baptized Tatar from his family. In 1646, he gave Dalmatian ownership of the entire estate and gave him his battle cone and chain mail.

They built a wooden monastery, but in 1651 the Kalmyks attacked, burned the monastery, tortured the monks, only Dalmat survived. Monks and peasants with their families came to him again. His own son John (in monasticism Isaac) came. Built wooden church in the name of the Assumption Mother of God(3, pp. 5 – 11).

Model of the monastery in the Dalmatovo Museum of Local Lore. Photo: L. Plotnikova

In 1664, the monastery burned down again and was rebuilt again. In 1697, the monk Dalmat died at the age of 103. And his son Isaac built a stone monastery.

The museum exhibits testify to the difficult and dangerous times: flails, cannonballs, shackles.

The peaceful life of the peasants was filled with hard work. Proverbs talk about this.

“Bread and water are our food.”

“It’s not a problem that there’s quinoa in the rye, but it’s a disaster that there’s neither rye nor quinoa.”


Without salt, without bread, half of lunch.

No one has lunch without bread.

If there is a land of bread, then there is heaven under the spruce.

There is not a piece of bread, and there is melancholy in the upper room.

Pay attention to the tools used by Trans-Ural peasants. What do you think these riddles are about?

    She feeds the whole world, but she herself is hungry (plow).

    There are a lot of legs, but the (harrow) rides home from the field on its back.

    Small, stooped, he will run around all the fields, and come home by winter (sickle).

    It is mounted on a tree, in the summer - in the meadow, in the winter - on a hook (scythe).

Here's another riddle:

Show a sieve for sowing seeds, a mortar, a millstone, a shovel on which the rolls were sent to the oven.

Pay attention to household items and clothing of the villagers. Our museum presents things that keep the warmth of the hands of craftswomen: towels, lace, embroidery. They brought to us ideas about beauty and happiness. Winter evenings women spun, knitted, and wove. The girls themselves prepared the dowry: towels, tablecloths, sashes, etc. In rich families, the bride gave the groom reins and a carpet girth. While working, they sang, listened to fairy tales, legends, spiritual poems and biblical legends.

Among them was the legend of the “global flood.”

When Noah loaded the ark, he placed a dog to guard the entrance. And she was, like people, without fur. The devil sent in wind, rain, and hail.

When the dog shrank from the cold, the devil crawled up to her, tempting her with a warm fur coat, but the dog held on, performing honest service.

He immediately began to gnaw at the ship and gnawed through it. Water flowed into the hole and the ark sank. Trouble was imminent.

Then the cat rushed at the mouse and ate it, and then plugged the hole with its body. God saw this and gave earrings to all the “sisters,” commanding: “Let the dog grow a fur coat, and let the snake have a mark on its forehead - a “white star” so that it stands out from the snakes.

The dog is ordered to live in the yard (a big misdemeanor!), the cat, for its responsibility, is ordered to live in the house, next to the person. The snake is also allowed to be close to people who are obliged to pour milk for it (2, p. 172).

The Christian world is reflected in the exhibits of the museum. This is a church bell, a chalice, and crosses.

Tasks for students:

Ask your relatives and elderly people what fairy tales, songs, ditties, legends they know;

Take notes.


1. Antropov, V.I. Katai Land / V.I. Antropov. – Kurgan, Parus-M., !998. - 304 p.

2. History of the Kurgan land from ancient times to the early 60sXIXcentury. Tutorial for studentsVVIIclasses of schools in the Kurgan region. – Kurgan, 1997. – 206 p.

3. Venerable Dalmatian of Isetsky, founder of the Holy Dormition of Dalmatovsky monastery(1594 – 1697). Booklet.



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