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Museum and Exhibition Center named after. Lisa Chaikina. The Liza Chaikina Museum is proudly covered with siding at the Liza Chaikina Museum and Exhibition Center

Museum- Exhibition Center them. L. Chaikina as part of the Tver Regional House folk art is a methodological center for the preservation and development of traditional folk culture. On its basis, international, all-Russian, interregional, regional exhibitions of folk traditional artistic crafts, seminars, conferences, competitions, master classes are held, there is a fund of works of traditional folk art.

It hosts such exhibitions of folk, modern and amateur art as: the All-Russian exhibition “Potters of Russia. Toy. Children's creativity" 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009; All-Russian exhibition of art and documentary photography “Russia - 2000” 2000, “Unquenchable Light of Victory” 2005, “Banner of the Fatherland” 2008, exhibition of laureates All-Russian festivals patchwork sewing (2000-2009), All-Russian exhibition “The Art of Modern Embroidery” 2008, 2010

The creative team of the Museum and Exhibition Center named after. L. Chaikina created a whole complex of conceptual and educational projects: regional exhibitions of fine and decorative arts, artistic crafts and crafts: the exhibition of artistic crafts and crafts “Wreath of Talents”, the regional exhibition of wood carving and painting “Tver Carvers”, the regional exhibition of hand-made toys “Toy Makers”, regional exhibition “Tver Folk Costume. History and modernity."

One of the positive results of the work of the Museum and Exhibition Center named after. L. Chaikina is the Project “Original Art of the Tver Land”, which allows you to fully and widely present the work of artists, photographers, masters of arts and crafts and visual arts individual municipality.

Along with this, the Museum and Exhibition Center is actively working to interact with educational institutions primary vocational education artistic profile. This allows us to gradually solve the personnel problem in the culture industry.

Regional exhibitions of fine and decorative arts are very popular among visitors: “Warrior and Creator” (artists and craftsmen - participants in battles and home front workers in the Patriotic War), “I love this land” 1999, 2001, “Glorious Sons of the Fatherland" 2000, "Victory Salute" 2005; 2010 (within the framework of the All-Russian festival).

Since 2010, the “School of Craftsmanship” began operating, the goals and objectives of which are to master the skills of traditional artistic crafts through a special program.

The exhibitions host master classes for artists and children, traditional holidays, excursions, seminars, and laboratories.

What is a museum? A museum is a local cultural concentration. Where what is a monument of the past is preserved as much as possible. That is why appropriate buildings have always been chosen for museums. A home for local history must itself be a part of history. This is how provincial museums are most often structured, especially in those places where tourists have nothing else to see. There was a museum in Peno too. Yes, not a simple one, but dedicated to Lisa Chaikina. The Penovsky region is generally inseparable from this brave and beautiful female name, how inseparable from the Shirkov churchyard, from the magnificent lakes. But if Shirkov and the lakes are still the property of the area, then the village itself could only boast of a monument to Liza Chaikina and her museum. In all guidebooks these are the main attractions of the village of Peno. And now there is one less attraction. The museum in Peno no longer exists.

Or rather, formally it exists. But one of the most valuable pre-war buildings that survived the war and bombings is no longer there.

Local authorities decided that the museum building itself was just a suitcase for antiquities, and the house could not be an object of historical pride. Lisa's personal belongings are important, but the building turned out to be unimportant. Started major renovation essentially destroyed appearance museum.

This is what the house looked like this winter.

Photo by Alexander Tereshchenkov:

Let’s read a short bravura in Penov’s newspaper “Zvezda” under the paradoxical title “Cultural Heritage”:

“In Peno, a major overhaul of the Elizaveta Ivanovna Chaikina Museum has begun, which for many years has been the main museum of the area. Opened in 1973, it continues to be a necessary link in the cultural and patriotic education. This museum is our history. And it is very symbolic that its renovation began in May, when museum workers celebrate their professional holiday. We would like to remind you that at the end of last year, the Department of Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports took part in a program for co-financing the costs of municipal programs to ensure the availability of priority facilities and services. Thanks to the allocated funds, the museum's rafter system and roof will be repaired, in addition, the building will be insulated and covered with siding, and the porch will be repaired. Some of the work has been completed; in general, it is planned to put the facility into operation by mid-June. Supporting museums and museum exhibitions and preserving history is a priority for the regional authorities. So, at a gala event dedicated to the celebration International Day museums, acting governor Igor Rudenya said: - The Tver region is one of the oldest and largest centers of museum affairs in Russia. Each of our cities, towns and villages are proud of their own unique history. Such a cultural layer, such a number of cultural objects that we inherited from previous generations, provide enormous potential for the development of the region. It is important to preserve and develop these institutions, because their activities are directly related to the development of society."

Let everyone decide for themselves how to relate this text to reality. The building, which still remembers the “pre-village” history of Peno and the first years of the life of this settlement, has already lost its platbands and will be covered with siding. Let us note that the pre-war buildings in Peno can be counted on one hand. So, the other day one of them burned down - a cultural center. What's left to see here? There is a lot of siding in Tver, as well as burgundy metal tiles.

Of course, one could argue that the building was not an object cultural heritage, however, the status of the museum building is not important for tourists at all. Tourists love old houses; they know how to feel the atmosphere of a place. A tourist does not travel hundreds of kilometers to look at the things of the famous partisan, covered with cheap vinyl material. It is difficult to say why all this is unknown to local authorities. They have some kind of abstract pride in their history, although in a place where there is so little interesting, this little needs to be especially protected.

In general, there is one less museum in the Tver region. There are the same number of collections left, there is even more siding, and the unique museum has disappeared, turning into an ordinary suitcase with unique things.

Photo: Museum and Exhibition Center named after. Lisa Chaikina

Photo and description

Museum and Exhibition Center named after. Lisa Chaikina is part of the Tver House of Folk Art and is a methodological center for preserving the traditions of folk culture. It is located in the building of the former Museum of Komsomol Glory named after Liza Chaikina and still bears the name of this famous partisan. All-Russian, interregional, international and regional exhibitions of traditional folk arts and crafts, conferences, seminars, master classes, competitions are held here, and there is a fund of works of folk art. During the existence of the museum and exhibition center, more than 70 exhibitions were held here.

The main activity of the center is related to the development of all genres and types of amateur artistic creativity: theatrical, musical, choreographic, circus, film and photography, folk arts and crafts, poetry and painting. The center pays special attention to the development children's creativity, propaganda folk customs, support for “folk” groups, cultural centers, craft and folklore centers. The main topic The exhibition activity of the center is to introduce people to the works and traditions of folk culture.

Today the museum and exhibition center named after. Lisa Chaikina is the largest specialized exhibition site in Tver. The most complex and diverse exhibition projects are carried out here, thanks to spacious halls, modular equipment, and good lighting. The conference hall allows you to hold meetings, musical evenings, seminars, conferences, and film screenings in the center.

The employees of the museum and exhibition center have created a whole range of large-scale projects, including the exhibition of arts and crafts “Wreath of Talents”, regional exhibitions “Tver Carvers”, “Toy Makers”, “Tver Folk Costume”. The idea of ​​an exhibition dedicated to Tver folk costume arose due to the increased interest in historical values ​​in different areas folk art. The exhibition introduced visitors to Tver folk costume, its history and what it has become today. The exhibition would feature clothing from the 19th and 20th centuries from the collections of the Tver United Museum, Tver State University, the All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum in Torzhok, Tver music school Torzhok school of gold embroidery, public and school museums, cultural centers, folklore groups, arts and crafts enterprises in Tver. Also, costumes were presented by collectors and directly by the authors of the works. The exhibition was held back in 2001, but over the following years the center’s specialists collected materials about Tver folk costume and participated in All-Russian and regional conferences and seminars. In 2011, the center hosted an International Forum dedicated to the problems of studying and preserving folk costumes in the CIS countries.

The project entitled “Original Art of the Tver Land” made it possible to most widely present the work of masters of arts and crafts, artists and photographers of Tver. The exhibition “Wreath of Talents” has already been held five times. And each time she collected works of at least two hundred artists from all districts of the Tver region. “Wreath of Talents” not only demonstrates the work performed by talented fellow countrymen, but also reveals true spiritual values ​​to people and enriches inner world everyone who came.

The museum and exhibition center is actively working with educational institutions of artistic profile. Since 2010, the center has operated a “School of Craftsmanship”, whose students master the skills of traditional artistic crafts. Exhibitions of arts and crafts and fine arts: “I love this land”, “Warrior and Creator” (the craftsmen are war participants and home front workers), “Glorious Sons of the Fatherland”, “Victory Salute”. During the exhibitions, master classes are held for everyone, excursions, traditional holidays, laboratories, and seminars.

Letters from friends ZATEEVO.

The material was sent by Milena, 14 years old, Tver.

I was born and live in Tver - one of the most beautiful and ancient cities Russia, which is located on both sides of the beautiful Volga. I want the guys from different corners our country.

To the Great Patriotic War During two months of occupation by the German invaders, the city's industrial enterprises and residential buildings were destroyed. The city had to be rebuilt from ruins.

Tver is a city of builders, science, students, one of the cultural centers of Russia, one of the centers of tourism.

Museum and Exhibition Center named after. E.I. Chaikina.

The museum is named after the brave partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union Liza Chaikina. A street in Tver is named after Lisa Chaikina. The main exhibition is dedicated to her life and feat.

During the war, she was a scout for the Penovsky partisan detachment in the Tver region. The museum has photocopies of the leaflets she distributed, military weapon, a schematic map and the path that Lisa took while completing her last task. She visited 14 villages occupied by the enemy, distributing leaflets among the Soviet people, instilling in them faith in victory.

While carrying out the task, Liza Chaikina was captured by the Nazis on the denunciation of a traitor and after interrogations and inhuman torture they shot her. Lisa was buried in a mass grave in the city of Peno. The House-Museum of E. Chaikina was opened in Peno.

During the war, a partisan youth brigade and a squadron of aircraft of the 630th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment were named after Chaikina. N. Biryukov’s novel “The Seagull” and M. Komissarova’s poem “Liza Chaikina” are dedicated to her feat.

The museum is quite large. The museum's exhibitions tell about the destinies of the youth of the Tver region, who became famous throughout the country. For example, the name of Andrei Bochkin is associated with the construction of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations. Lev Sheinin became a famous Soviet investigator and writer.
The museum preserves relics: the Budenovka helmet of Chapaevite Matvey Dementyev, the bowler hat and lighter of Petrograd Front volunteer Pavel Kuzmin and many others.

In the halls of modernity You can see exhibitions of folk art not only of craftsmen from our city, but also from the entire Tver region.
Here are photos I took in the folk art halls of the Lisa Chaikina Museum.

Very original ceramics.

Amazing creation on the bark of a tree.

In the museum you can see the wonderful works of Torzhok gold seamstresses.

Gold embroidery craft, one of the oldest artistic crafts, has been known in the Tver region since the 13th century. The regional city of Torzhok is the center of goldsmiths. Gold embroidery decorated clothes and shoes. Gold embroidery is performed with gilded and silver threads on leather, suede, velvet, and silk.



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