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Male and female names. The happiest names for girls: list and interesting facts

December 18 is the Civil Registry Office Workers' Day. Dear ladies not only announce the creation of new families to the Mendelssohn march, but also do more routine work every day: registering deaths, adoptions and births of new children.

This year, more than 101 thousand babies were born in the capital, last year 134.5 thousand, in 2011 - 125 thousand. Most often, parents chose such names for their sons as: Artem, Alexander, Maxim, Ivan, Mikhail, and for girls - Sofia (Sofya), Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Anna. But from year to year there are also parents who want their heirs to have a name that no one else in the world will have. kindergarten, class, school, institute... What exactly motivates them to do this, they probably don’t really know themselves, but the fact remains a fact.

Casper you are my beloved

The Moscow Civil Registry Office "RG" spoke about the most unusual names registered in Moscow since 1998. So, the boys were called Dmitry-Amethyst, Matvey-Rainbow, Nikolai-Nikita-Nil, Count, Gift, Ivan-Kolovrat, Mercury, Kantogor-Egor, March, Christamrirados, Prince, Prince, Cosmos, Angel, Wind, Will, Dolphin, Yaroslav-Lyutobor, Ilya Bogodar, Kasper Beloved, Arkhip-Ural, Eremey Patron, Keith, Luke-Happiness, Summerset Ocean, Monono Nikita, Ogneslav, Buddha-Alexander, Mister, Peace.

The girls were given the following non-trivial names: Uslada, Polina-Polina, Goluba, April, Cherry, India, Princess Daniella, Rosiyana, Russia, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Luna, Lyalya, Angel Maria, Lunalika, Princess Angelina, Alyosha-Kaprina, Oceana, Joy , Alena-Flower, Delphine, Fox, Radostina, Sofia-Solnyshko.

As the department's press service explained, there is no fashion or tendency to become interested in unusual names in Moscow. Every year from one to 12 cases of non-standard adverbs are registered. According to the head of the Moscow Civil Registry Office, Irina Muravyova, most often exotic name is expecting a child in a family where one of the parents is a foreigner.

For the love of VIA Gre

Residents of the Moscow region are less creative with non-standard names. So, according to statistics from the last three years of the registry office in the Moscow region, the boys were called: Anikey, Ion, Ermak, Lukilianne, Hoan, Altair, Andre, Prince, Yakub, Jason, Julius, Daniel. Girls: Zemfira, Cassandra, Esther, Zabava, Kupava, Ustina, Avdotya, Consuelo, Bereza, Cassiopeia, Madonna, Roksolana, Malina, Mercedes, Bagheera.

An unusual name is registered in the registry office of the town of Korolev near Moscow - Viagra. Happy parents - driver Nikolai and housewife Anastasia explain their choice for three reasons. The first of them is the beauty and originality of the name, the second is that the drug of the same name contributed to the long-awaited conception of a child, and the third reason is the long-standing love for the group “VIA Gra”.

In Russian registry offices in the last three years such names as Zhuzha, Tulip, Lettuce, Millionaire, and Air Traffic Controller have been registered. By the way, people abroad are also great at making things up. Thus, according to the American pension fund, every year hundreds and thousands of children with unusual names are registered in the USA: Eros, Charisma, Lancelot, Lexus, Fantasia and even Messiah. Thus, over the past two years, no less than 1,000 Messiahs have been registered.

Right to change

However, psychologists say: children with unusual names can have a lot of problems in adulthood. Especially if the associations that an unusual name evokes among strangers do not correspond personal qualities child. After all, what more unusual name, the more it attracts the attention of strangers. Therefore, from childhood, such a child will feel unusual and different from others. This, naturally, will leave a very deep mark on the psyche. Not every child and not every adult can withstand increased attention to their person.

But if the young Prince or a graduate of the Angel-Maria school does not want to continue his life path with names like that, they have the right to change them. Before the age of 14, this is done by contacting the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, after 14 years - through the registry office, but with written permission from the parents. Well, after reaching adulthood, that is, 18 years old, a young person has the right to independently come to the registry office, write an application and change his name. This year, by the way, 6,455 people took advantage of this right, last year - 8,320, the year before - 7,834.

In the name of the Revolution

After October revolution In Soviet Russia, it was fashionable to give children the most unimaginable names. In the dictionary of Russian personal names, the author of which is Nikandr Petrovsky (the name, by the way, is also not the most common), you can find the following popular names of that era: Electrification, Revolution, Decree, Smychka, Tractor, Algebrina, Turbine, Diesel, Railcar.

It happened that the girls were called Dazdraperma (from the slogan “Long live the First of May”), Revdit (“Child of the Revolution”), Pofistal (“Winner of Fascism Joseph Stalin”) and even Perkosrak (“First Space Rocket”).

But among the strange revolutionary names there were also those that then caught on and were used to call babies for a long time afterwards. For example, Vladlen (abbreviated as Vladimir Lenin), Ninel (the same Lenin, only in reverse), Kim (Communist Youth International).

Stars do it too

World celebrities are also not averse to inventing something like this.

Thus, in the family of football player David Beckham, one of the children was named Brooklyn in honor of the New York area. American rock musician Frank Zappa named his daughter Lunar Satellite. The daughter of the famous film actress Gwyneth Paltrow received the simple name Apple, and David Bowie christened his son Zoe: the singer thought this was a good consonance - Zoe Bowie. By the way, the son never appreciated his parent’s wild creative imagination. Having grown up, he replaced Zoe with the neutral Joe, which, they say, greatly upset his father.

Other hollywood celebrities turned out to be no less original. Today, among star children there are such names as Dandelion (Dandelion), Pitches (Peach), Pixie (Fairy) and even Fifi Trixiebel - a combination of sounds that defies translation.

Help "RG"

The longest name in the world is borne by an Indian whose surname is Brahmatra. It consists of 1478 letters, representing a series of names of historical places, names of famous diplomats, theologians, scientists, etc. merged together. It takes at least ten minutes to read it.

Compared to him full name Miss S. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lecken from Montana in the USA - sheer trifles, only 598 letters. A lush set of names is not uncommon in Spain. Famous artist Pablo Picasso's full name was Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso.

And in France there lived a family without a surname. Instead, she bore a set of numbers - 1792. And four sons in this family bore the names of the months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange family, Mr. March 1792, died in September 1904.

7 female names with a difficult fate: the most not lucky names for girls Parents choose a name for the baby even before his birth. There are quite a lot of criteria for choosing: some name their child a fashionable name, some a rare one, some in honor of a close relative. In this matter, you also need to focus on the meaning of the name so that the child’s life is happy. There are very strong female names, which give a person tough and strong character, but will this make its owner happy? Of course, when choosing a name for a child, you should not rely only on its meaning, but it’s still worth listening. Alexandra - derived from male name, which imposes on its owner certain traits inherent in the opposite sex. Most often, Sasha has to shoulder the problems of the whole family on her fragile shoulders, work long and hard, and constantly solve other people’s problems. The personal drama is that the Alexandras are very lazy by nature and would like to do, for example, yoga somewhere in India, but the reality is completely different. Faith - strong name. Its owner has a very strong character, she is courageous and decisive, knows how to defend the truth, and desperately fights for her rights. Fate, as if trying to justify such a name, presents trials and difficulties for Vera. She, of course, will overcome them all, but, alas, she will no longer have the strength to rejoice. Inna is the name of a woman with a very complex and absurd character, it is very difficult to get along with people, she does not know how to give in and compromise. They always blame other people for all their troubles, they are very arrogant, they believe that everyone owes them something. They never draw conclusions from past situations and do not learn from their mistakes, so they spend their entire lives in a constant struggle with themselves and others. Hope - all their lives they try to meet the requirements and expectations of others, who see in them a symbol of support, help, and a vest into which, secretly, they can cry. Nadya strives to be the first, to be on time everywhere and to jump above her head, expecting praise and approval, but in the end she runs out of strength for this. Despite the fact that Nadya has a very turbulent personal life in her youth, it rarely results in family happiness and in adulthood they are usually lonely. Elvira, the owner of this name, has a very quarrelsome nature. Wherever her foot steps, conflicts and showdowns arise out of nowhere. This greatly hinders their ability to build a career; they often change jobs and, accordingly, are not very successful in their careers. financially. IN personal life also, few people agree to tolerate their peculiar disposition and quarrelsome character. Lyudmila - bearers of this name are very vulnerable and impressionable women. They devote themselves entirely to family and caring for loved ones, so they suffer greatly from the troubles of one of their relatives, illness or loss loved one. They believe that under such circumstances they cannot enjoy life, so they prefer to suffer. Tamara - women with this name overshadow their personal happiness with constant suspicions of their partner of treason and betrayal, they try to fight it, but it is useless. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or empty fantasy, they exhaust themselves so much with these experiences, right up to a nervous breakdown and cardiovascular diseases. They are rarely happy in marriage; they either constantly check and control their husbands, or they simply “strangle” their spouse with their attention and love.

When choosing what to name a newborn child, parents should be sure to familiarize themselves with the meaning of the names they like. Perhaps some of them have negative energy and can provide bad influence not only on the character, but also on the future of the baby.

Women's names that bring misfortune

Inna (translated from Latin means “stormy stream”). One of the most unlucky female names. Its owners have a difficult character, which helps them achieve their goals only by turning into a bitchy person. As a result, such women become careerists, but remain deeply unhappy and lonely. In marriage, Innas manifest themselves as grumpy wives who love to quarrel out of nowhere.

Antonina (translated from Latin means “opponent”). The owners of this name tend to take on a heavy burden in the form of responsibility for other people. Very often they look for problems for themselves by getting involved with people who simply exploit them. Especially it concerns love relationship. Antonines idealize the chosen one, not noticing his shortcomings. As a result, they are often deceived.

Kira (translated from ancient Greek means “lady”). An intractable character and innate stubbornness make life very difficult for the owners of this name. In childhood and adolescence, this manifests itself in frequent conflicts with peers. Over the years negative qualities only getting worse. Kiras, who were unable to cope with their violent temper, experience difficulties in the professional and love spheres.

Dina (one of the meanings is “retribution”). The contradictory nature of women with this name becomes the root cause of all their troubles. As a rule, they are quick-tempered, touchy and vindictive. Deans have a hard time getting along with other people and have high demands on those around them.

Milena (meaning “sweetheart”). Beautiful Slavic name actually has weak energy. Girls who wear it grow up to be infantile and weak-willed women, subject to the influence of others. They are afraid to leave their comfort zone, so in very rare cases they achieve something in life.

The most unlucky male names

Herman (translated from Latin means “native”, “close”). A “heavy” masculine name, endowing its owner with unscrupulousness, arrogance and selfishness. With such a set of qualities, he is unlucky either in friendship or in love. Germans often take out their dissatisfaction with life on loved ones.

Taras (translated from Greek means “troublemaker”). The translation of a name already says a lot about its owner. The rebellious spirit manifests itself from childhood, forcing parents to literally take their heads. By doing something solely out of rebellious motives, Taras harms himself and makes life difficult for the people around him. In addition, he is stubborn, touchy and sometimes overly proud.

Boris (one of the meanings is “fighter”). A man with this name faces a difficult path in life, filled with difficulties and obstacles that he will have to constantly overcome. Nothing is given to him for nothing; in this case, you can forget about random luck. Boris takes losses hard; he perceives each of his mistakes as a global tragedy.

Savely (according to one version - “hard work”). Unfortunately, the owner of this beautiful name doomed to hardships and trials. His main problems arise when communicating with the opposite sex. In the eyes of women, he looks like a passive pessimist. Failures in love and career can easily provoke depression in Savely, which he would prefer to “treat” with alcohol.

Anatoly (translated from ancient Greek means “eastern”). The main problem of men with this name is poor health. In childhood, they are constantly sick and by adolescence they develop chronic diseases. Anatolians are also weak-willed, which is often expressed in the appearance of various kinds of addictions (especially to alcohol). In their personal lives, these men are also unhappy. As a rule, they fall in love with oppressive women, who eventually turn them into henpecked men.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the name, like the zodiac sign, has a certain influence on a person’s character. But, as you know, if you sow character, you will reap destiny. A name is, first of all, an energy that is given to us from birth. For example, have you noticed that women with one name are usually happy in their personal lives, but not with another?

Let's take the most common ones in Russia. Eg, Elena. What is a typical Lena like? She is smiling, active, rarely plump, often pretty, men like her, knows how to “treat” them, for example, receive gifts... She likes to go to different parties, and is not inclined to sort things out.

The fact is that the name Elena corresponds to the sign Gemini, which add lightness and curiosity to her. Lena is not inclined to fall deeply in love, and, having broken up with a man, she usually does not make a tragedy out of it. In a word, Elena is the ideal lover. But not the wife.

The ideal wife is Natalia(this name corresponds to Scales). She is more strict than Elena, from the first impression - somewhat prickly, but principled and reliable, at the same time very selective in her affections... If the owner of this name is infatuated with someone, then it is hardly worth courting her. Natalya does not tolerate defeats in life, she can be vindictive, but in Hard time will always lend a shoulder. With age, she often gets fatter, at least not as prone as Lena.

Tatiana amorous and sexy, also proud, somewhat scandalous, and not inclined to listen to advice... It’s useless to “attack” her. With all this, Tanya often tends to enter into complex and even confusing relationships with fans. She is sometimes capable of falling in love, figuratively speaking, “on the edge of a cliff,” since the patron of the name is Scorpion- requires strong emotions. By the way, like Natalia, Tatyana will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Just twenty years ago, the third most common female name was Irina. Its bearers are extraordinary natures, not limited to family concerns. Often, Irina are excellent specialists, often leaders. These energetic ladies are able to supplant men in many areas, because they are under the protection of Leo. They also have a lot of determination.

For bearers of this name it is very important not to lose self-confidence. While they are “in the spirit”, all doors open for them. But if the energy drops as a result of suffering disappointments or illnesses, Irina can fall into a protracted streak of severe failures.

As for the situation, it often turns out far from rosy for these women. Home love, most likely, remains only a romantic memory. Irina experiences divorces more often than others and remarriages, since it is not easy for these strong-willed and emancipated women to find happiness next to men who, on the contrary, do not differ in strength of character. The motto of Irina’s fan sounds something like this: “Seize the moment of favor!”

Irins are characterized by rationality. Indeed, outside the sphere of romantic experiences, these women demonstrate extraordinary practicality...

One of the most colorful female names should be recognized as the name Olga. The woman so called has a dual nature: a cold mind and a warm heart. She has good self-control and behaves quite reasonably, at least without the obvious emotional outbursts characteristic of, say, Tatyana. Olga's mind is distinguished by a certain prudence: for example, she can lie and repeat the same lie after many years. And it won’t go astray if you have to repeat it. Has a specific mind and the ability to find Right way to achieve what you want.

But if such a woman falls in love, her behavior changes radically. No one is capable, perhaps, of experiencing deeper feelings, and often with a tinge of extreme drama. From unhappy love, Olga can seriously and even undermine nervous system. The fact is that given name corresponds sign Taurus, ruled by the goddess of love Venus. And Venus is directly related to sex. It is believed that Olga has access to heights of pleasure unknown to most women. She might simply lose consciousness...

Such women are capable of making “slaves” from their parents, and later from their husbands. Often the husband satisfies Olga’s slightest whims, and does it with pleasure.

Another one of those who became Lately popular female names - Catherine. The full form is rarely used. Katya, as a rule, knows her worth, and also knows well what she wants. She knows how, if necessary, to keep people (including the opposite sex) at the correct distance, she is quite selfish and at the same time somewhat mysterious... In short, Katya’s character is a typical city woman, often giving the impression of a “woman with pretensions.” Katya usually lacks simple human warmth, but she is focused on life success and often achieves it, because this name corresponds to the sign Leo. The main obstacle on her way is the overestimation of her own mind. Such women live mainly by passions, although according to them appearance this is not usually the case.

Interestingly, two Russian female names are Hope And Lyudmila, extremely common in the recent past, are considered unlucky. Moreover, Nadezhda (sign Virgo) usually endures the hardships of fate quite passively, but Lyudmila (sign Libra), due to its explosive nature, often literally seeks adventures on its own head, for example, it can get married early and thoughtlessly... At the same time, the owners of these names often at the last moment have things that seem to have been “on track” falling through... Perhaps as a result of such bad luck, both of these names have now lost their former popularity.

Vadim Levin, astropsychologist

(Prepared by Irina Shlionskaya)

Parents choose a name for their baby before he is born. There are quite a lot of criteria for choosing: some name the child a fashionable name, some a rare one, some in honor of a close relative

There are very strong female names that give a person a tough and strong character, but will this make its owner happy? Of course, when choosing a name for a child, you should not rely only on its meaning, but it’s still worth listening.

Alexandra is a derivative of a man’s name, which imposes on its owner certain traits inherent in the opposite sex. Most often, Sasha has to shoulder the problems of the whole family on her fragile shoulders, work long and hard, and constantly solve other people’s problems. The personal drama is that the Alexandras are very lazy by nature and would like to do, for example, yoga somewhere in India, but the reality is completely different.

Faith is a strong name. Its owner has a very strong character, she is courageous and decisive, knows how to defend the truth, and desperately fights for her rights. Fate, as if trying to justify such a name, presents trials and difficulties for Vera. She, of course, will overcome them all, but, alas, she will no longer have the strength to rejoice.

Inna is the name of a woman with a very complex and absurd character, it is very difficult to get along with people, she does not know how to give in and compromise. They always blame other people for all their troubles, they are very arrogant, they believe that everyone owes them something. They never draw conclusions from past situations and do not learn from their mistakes, so they spend their entire lives in a constant struggle with themselves and others.

Hope - all their lives they try to meet the requirements and expectations of others, who see in them a symbol of support, help, and a vest into which, secretly, they can cry. Nadya strives to be the first, to be on time everywhere and to jump above her head, expecting praise and approval, but in the end she runs out of strength for this. Despite the fact that Nadya has a very turbulent personal life in her youth, it rarely results in family happiness and in adulthood they are usually lonely.

Elvira, the owner of this name, has a very quarrelsome nature. Wherever her foot steps, conflicts and showdowns arise out of nowhere. This greatly hinders them from building a career; they often change jobs, and therefore are not very successful financially. In personal life, too, few people agree to tolerate their peculiar disposition and quarrelsome character.

Lyudmila - bearers of this name are very vulnerable and impressionable women. They devote themselves entirely to family and caring for loved ones, so they suffer greatly from the troubles of one of their relatives, illness or loss of a loved one. They believe that under such circumstances they cannot enjoy life, so they prefer to suffer.

Tamara - women with this name overshadow their personal happiness with constant suspicions of their partner of treason and betrayal, they try to fight it, but it is useless. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or empty fantasy, they exhaust themselves so much with these experiences, right up to a nervous breakdown and cardiovascular diseases. They are rarely happy in marriage; they either constantly check and control their husbands, or they simply “strangle” their spouse with their attention and love.



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