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Musical piece Peter and the Wolf. Peter and the Wolf - a symphonic tale (1936). Questions and tasks

This presentation

Introduces children to the timbres and expressive capabilities of musical instruments symphony orchestra;

With the keynotes of the heroes of the fairy tale by S.S. Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf";

Develops pitch and timbre ear for music, lexicon to determine the nature of the musical images of a symphonic fairy tale.

This material can be used in lessons on the topics: “Portrait in music”, “Musical instruments”.



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Slide captions:

Abstract for the presentation of a lesson in 2nd grade on the topic symphonic tale“Peter and the Wolf” This presentation introduces children to the timbres and expressive capabilities of musical instruments of a symphony orchestra; with the keynotes of the heroes of the fairy tale by S.S. Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf"; develops pitch and timbre musical ear, vocabulary for determining the nature of musical images of a symphonic fairy tale. This material can be used in lessons on the topics: “Portrait in music”, “Musical instruments”.

S.S. Prokofiev symphonic tale “Peter and the Wolf”

Prokofiev Sergei Sergeevich Born in the village of Sontsovka, Ekaterinoslav province on April 23, 1891 in the family of an agronomist. From the age of 5 he studied piano under the guidance of his mother, and from the age of 6 he began composing music. Already at this time he showed outstanding musical abilities. By the age of ten, he had already written several works, among which was the opera “Giant”. At the age of 12, Prokofiev entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where he studied for 10 years. He graduated from it in 1909 in composition, and in 1914 in piano and conducting.

Symphonic tales have already been found in Russian classical music, but Prokofiev’s tale was radically different from others. The composer did not turn to folklore sources, but composed the plot of the fairy tale himself. And her main character- quite modern boy Peter. This is not easy music for a symphony orchestra. This is music with lyrics. Music and recitation here act alternately: first the artist reads the text, and then the music sounds. Prokofiev's tale is a kind of fascinating guide to the symphony orchestra. Each actor of this tale is depicted in the orchestra with his instrument.

The first performance of this tale took place at a festive afternoon concert for children, organized by the Moscow Philharmonic on May 2, 1936, with the orchestra conducted by the author. The symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" has become incredibly popular all over the world. The plot and music of the fairy tale still inspire animators, dancers, theater directors, circus performers

The first to film “Peter and the Wolf” (1946) was Walt Disney, to whom S. Prokofiev, during a personal meeting in the USA, presented the score of the as yet unpublished work. In 2006 In Poland, a new animated version of "Peter and the Wolf" was created. Ballet art also does not stand aside from the plot of Peter and the Wolf. At the moment, there are several ballet interpretations of this fairy tale, both Russian and foreign. The original production of the Royal Ballet School of Great Britain to the music of Sergei Prokofiev is interesting because the main roles in it are played by children (young David Johnson plays the role of Petit).

Plot: Early morning Pioneer Petya goes out onto a large green lawn. His acquaintance Bird sits on a high tree, which, noticing Petya, flies down. The Duck sneaks through the slightly open gate and heads to the pond to swim. She begins to argue with the bird about who should be considered a real bird - the Duck, which does not fly, but swims, or the bird, which cannot swim. The Cat is watching them, ready to catch one of them, but the bird, warned by Petya, flies up into the tree, and the duck ends up in the pond, and the Cat is left with nothing. Petya's grandfather comes out. He begins to grumble at his grandson, warning him that a big one is walking in the forest. Gray wolf, and, despite Petya’s assurances that the pioneers are not afraid of wolves, takes him away. Soon the Wolf actually appears. The cat quickly climbs the tree, and the Duck jumps out of the pond, but the wolf overtakes her and swallows her. Petya climbs over the fence with the help of a rope and finds himself on a tall tree. He asks the bird to distract the wolf, and when he tries to catch her, he puts a noose around the wolf's tail. The Wolf tries to free himself, but Petya ties the other end of the rope to a tree, and the noose is tightened even tighter on the Wolf’s tail. Hunters emerge from the forest. Petya helps them tie up the Wolf and take him to the zoo. The work ends with a general procession in which all its characters participate.

Fairy tale characters grandfather duck wolf bird hunters cat Petya

string quartet - two violins, viola and cello Petya





Wolf Three Horns

Hunters Timpani and Bass Drum

Test yourself: Which composer composed the symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”? Name the heroes of this fairy tale. What instruments of the symphony orchestra represent the pioneer Petya? Which character's theme does the clarinet represent? Depicts timpani and bass drum. What instrument whistles the bird? Which instrument conveys the grumpy intonations of the grandfather?

Test yourself Petya Bird Duck Cat Grandfather Wolf Hunters Clarinet Oboe String quartet Flute Three horns Timpani and drum Bassoon

The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the municipal educational institution “Gymnasium No. 34” Krasilnikova I.Yu. Saratov

Subject: Symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf".

Lesson type: lesson in mastering new knowledge and methods of action (learning new material)

Target: formation of the concept of “expressiveness of the sound of musical speech”


- Teach children to listen to music, understand its character and content.
- Introduce the instruments of a symphony orchestra ( appearance, timbre coloring), with the themes of the heroes of the fairy tale by S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".
- Develop Creative skills, the ability to analyze musical images of fairy tale characters.
- Nurturing students’ listening culture and love of music.

Planned result:

- Teach children to distinguish musical instruments of the symphony theater.

Introduce children to the work of S.S. Prokofiev. "Peter and the Wolf."

Equipment: Presentation, images of instruments, audio tale “Peter and the Wolf”.

During the classes.

Stages. Formed UUD.

Teacher activities

Student activities

1. Motivation for educational activities.

2. Update background knowledge and methods of action. Identifying the problem.

3. Solving the problem.

4. Primary consolidation.

5. Organization of independent work.

6. Information about homework.

7. Reflection on educational activities.

Hello children! Today we will get acquainted with the Symphonic TaleProkofiev Sergei Sergeevich (1891-1953), “Peter and the Wolf.”



Q: Look at the board. What is the name of the fairy tale?

Fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf"

Q: What kind of fairy tale is this?


Q: -Why exactly symphonic?

It is played by a symphony orchestra

The fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” was written in 1936. And this is not just a fairy tale, which will teach us to recognize the sound of the instruments of a symphony orchestra not only in a musical picture, but even in a serious symphonic music. A musical instrument comes to life in sound, just like an actor on stage, it plays its role. We will be convinced of this by getting acquainted with the symphonic fairy tale.

Listening to the Symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”

Can you name me all the heroes of the fairy tale and their musical instrument?

Petya – string quartet: violin, viola, cello, double bass;

Grandfather - Bassoon;

Birdie - flute;

Cat – Clarinet;

Duck – Oboe;

Wolf – Horns

Hunters – Timpani and Bass Drum

Today I invite you to draw the hero or heroes you like most, and sign the names of the instruments depicting him.

Today you learned a lot about the instruments of a symphony orchestra; what fairy tale did we listen to today?


Children participate in the conversation.

Children listen to the teacher.

Listen to a fairy tale.

Children name instruments.

Violin High register bowed stringed musical instrument

Viola A string-bowed musical instrument of the same structure as the violin, but somewhat larger in size, which is why it sounds in a lower register.

Cello String musical instrument of bass and tenor register

Double bass A stringed musical instrument. The largest in size and lowest sounding instrument of the violin family

Flute is a woodwind musical instrument.

Clarinet reed woodwind musical instrument

Bassoon reed woodwind musical instrument of bass, tenor and partially alto register

The horn is a brass musical instrument of the tenor register.

Oboe woodwind reed musical instrument

Timpani is a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch

Big drum percussion musical instrument

I would like... to tell our young men and women: love and study the great art of music... It will make you richer, purer, more perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new strengths in yourself that were previously unknown to you.
“Music will bring you even closer to the ideal of the perfect person, which is the goal of our communist construction.” These words of the outstanding Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich can be fully addressed to our children. How formerly man comes into contact with art, the richer his world of feelings, thoughts, and ideas will be.
Previously means in childhood.
Soviet composers created many musical works for children, including symphonic fairy tales. But the most striking and imaginative remains Sergei Prokofiev’s symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf,” introducing children to the world of great music.
Outstanding Soviet composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) - author of the operas “The Love for Three Oranges”, “War and Peace”, “Semyon Kotko”, “The Tale of a Real Man”, ballets “Romeo and Juliet”, “Cinderella”, symphonic, instrumental, piano and many other works - in 1936 he wrote a symphonic fairy tale for children “Peter and the Wolf”. The idea of ​​creating such a work was suggested to him by the chief director of the Central children's theater Natalia Sats, all her creative life dedicated to art for children.
Prokofiev, who is sensitive to the times, quickly responded to the proposal to create a work, the purpose of which is to introduce children to the instruments that make up a symphony orchestra. Together with N.I. Sats, the composer chose the form of such a work: an orchestra and a presenter (reader). The composer assigned different “roles” to this tale to the instruments and their groups: the bird – the flute, the wolf – the horns, Petya – the string quartet.
“The first performance of “Peter and the Wolf” on the stage of the Central Children's Theater took place on May 5, 1936. “At the request of Sergei Sergeevich, I was the performer of a fairy tale. Together we thought about how they would be shown all the instruments one by one, then the children would hear the sound of each.
...Sergei Sergeevich was present at all rehearsals, ensuring that not only the semantic, but also the rhythm and intonation performance of the text was in an inextricable creative connection with the orchestral sound,” recalls Natalia Ilyinichna Sats in her book “Children Come to the Theater.” On the record, this fairy tale sounds in her performance.
Unusual shape this symphonic work(orchestra and leader) makes it possible to introduce children to serious music joyfully and easily. Prokofiev's music, bright, imaginative, and tinged with humor, is easily perceived by young listeners.
“I really liked the music about Petya, the bird and the wolf. When I listened to her, I recognized everyone. The cat was beautiful, she walked so that no one could hear, she was cunning. The duck was lopsided and stupid. When the wolf ate her, I felt sorry. I was glad when I heard her voice at the end,” said little listener Volodya Dobuzhinsky.
The cheerful bird, the brave Petya, the grumpy but kind grandfather are known and loved in Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin, New York... in all countries of the world.
For more than thirty years, the fairy tale about Petya and the wolf has been traveling around the planet, radiating ideas of goodness, joy, light, helping children learn to understand and love music.
Let this symphonic fairy tale come to your home today...

Tatiana Martynova
Getting to know the fairy tale characters and those depicting them musical instruments S. Prokofiev “Peter and the Wolf”

(1 slide) We present to your attention an interactive guide to listening to the symphony fairy tales for children« Petya and the wolf» .

The wonderful Russian composer S.S. Prokofiev composed a musical fairy tale, in which he introduces children to instruments symphony orchestra. Every musical instrument in a fairy tale characterizes a certain character, so it’s easier to feel expressive capabilities everyone tool. I would like to note that the composer found the timbres musical instruments, which are similar to the voices of his heroes. IN fairy tale music conveys not only the timbre of the voice, but also depicts movement, manner of gait. Conveying the manner of movement, the composer uses fairy tale march, but the characters of these marches are different.

(2 slide) You see the boy is a pioneer Peter. Petya's melody is carefree, friendly, and cheerful. It starts with this melody fairy tale. His character is brave, resourceful and kind. Petya depict string instruments.

Petya's theme is cheerful, his gait is bouncing, light, and fast.

(3 slide) The bird is busy, nimble, nimble. The bird's melody is fast, nimble, sometimes light, fluttering, abrupt, sometimes more smooth, fussy, flying. Birdie depicts a flute. The sound of the flute is bright, light, high. The voices of the bird and the flute are very similar. The melody of the bird flute always sounds when we're talking about about the bird. The bird flutters quickly, carefree and cheerfully.

(4 slide) Duck - its melody is slow, unhurried. The duck waddles around awkwardly. Music depicts this gait is leisurely, important, the duck’s melody is played by the oboe. He has a slightly nasal voice and depicts The duck's quack is very similar. The duck's tune always sounds when it is mentioned in fairy tale. The duck moves slowly, awkwardly, waddling from side to side. The trilobed size emphasizes clumsiness, depicts falling in a duck's gait, first on one leg, then on the other.

(5 slide) Cat, the melody of an insidious, cunning cat is played by a clarinet. This tool has great potential. It is very mobile, with different timbre colors. A sneaking cat, ready to rush after its prey at any moment, he depicts low, insinuating, cautious, abrupt sounds with sudden accents. The cat sneaks around unnoticed on its velvet paws and is always on the alert. Stops in the melody (steps and looks around) emphasizes her cautious nature. The cat moves stealthily, carefully, deftly.

(6 slide) old grandfather portrays a strict, leisurely, grumbling melody, grandfather walks with difficulty. AND slow music, conveys his heavy gait, the grandfather’s voice is low. The melody is played by a bassoon: lowest woodwind tool. Grandfather's theme is also a march, but heavy, angry, stern, slow.

(7 slide) The wolf is represented by three horns. Their voices form chords - ugly, harsh, grinding, hoarse. Subject the wolf is frighteningly menacing, But the wolf let himself be caught, but how - by the tail, and to whom - an unarmed boy and a brave bird. This makes him in fairy tale not so scary, but rather unlucky and funny. Subject wolfalso a bit like a march: she conveys his menacing steps.

(8 slide) Every hero fairy tales have their own melody, which always sounds when he appears, such a melody - a recognizable portrait - is called a leitmotif. Now the leitmotifs of Cats, Ducks and Wolf.

(9 slide) And now Petya’s leitmotifs will sound, The wolf and the birds, the nature of the melody changes due to the plot fairy tales, but he is always recognizable.

(10 slide) Hunters are portrayed as stupid in fairy tales(they were following the tracks wolf and fired in vain from their guns, depict percussion instruments– timpani, drums. Hunters also appear in fairy tale to the march, but this march is playful, springy, with unexpected accents, sharp, bouncing. The hunters walk with a dashing gait, now cautiously, now flaunting their courage, which they never had time to demonstrate. There are playful embellishments in the melody, and jumping, scattered chords in the accompaniment. At the end of the hunters' march, their threatening and useless gunfire is heard.

(11 slide) Ends fairy tale a solemn procession of all heroes.

(12 slide) Wolf in the zoo is not so scary, but rather unlucky and funny.

(13 slide) Thus, in a playful way using a musical fairy tale can introduce children to instruments symphony orchestra.

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Sergei Prokofiev.
Petya and the wolf.
Symphonic tale

Performers: Natalia Sats, State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the USSR

A symphonic tale by Sergei Prokofiev performed by the USSR State Academic Symphony Orchestra. This piece is specifically written to present listeners with expressive possibilities. various instruments and introduce them to the basics musical language. Natalya Sats will talk about the symphonic orchestra and the instruments-characters of the fairy tale.

Outstanding Soviet composer Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) - author of the operas “The Love for Three Oranges”, “War and Peace”, “Semyon Kotko”, “The Tale of a Real Man”, ballets “Romeo and Juliet”, “Cinderella”, symphonic, instrumental, piano and many other works - in 1936 he wrote a symphonic fairy tale for children “Peter and the Wolf”. The idea to create such a work was suggested to him by the chief director of the Central Children's Theater, Natalia Sats, who devoted her entire creative life to art for children.
Prokofiev, who is sensitive to the times, quickly responded to the proposal to create a work, the purpose of which is to introduce children to the instruments that make up a symphony orchestra. Together with N.I. Sats, the composer chose the form of such a work: an orchestra and a presenter (reader). The composer assigned different “roles” to this tale to the instruments and their groups: the bird – the flute, the wolf – the horns, Petya – the string quartet.
“The first performance of “Peter and the Wolf” on the stage of the Central Children's Theater took place on May 5, 1936. “At the request of Sergei Sergeevich, I was the performer of a fairy tale. Together we thought about how they would be shown all the instruments one by one, then the children would hear the sound of each.
...Sergei Sergeevich was present at all rehearsals, ensuring that not only the semantic, but also the rhythm and intonation performance of the text was in an inextricable creative connection with the orchestral sound,” recalls Natalia Ilyinichna Sats in her book “Children Come to the Theater.” On the record, this fairy tale sounds in her performance.
The unusual form of this symphonic work (orchestra and leader) makes it possible to introduce children to serious music joyfully and easily. Prokofiev's music, bright, imaginative, and tinged with humor, is easily perceived by young listeners.
“I really liked the music about Petya, the bird and the wolf. When I listened to her, I recognized everyone. The cat was beautiful, she walked so that no one could hear, she was cunning. The duck was lopsided and stupid. When the wolf ate her, I felt sorry. I was glad when I heard her voice at the end,” said little listener Volodya Dobuzhinsky.
The cheerful bird, the brave Petya, the grumpy but kind grandfather are known and loved in Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin, New York... in all countries of the world.
For more than thirty years, the fairy tale about Petya and the wolf has been traveling around the planet, radiating ideas of goodness, joy, light, helping children learn to understand and love music.
Let this symphonic fairy tale come to your home today...
© 1970



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