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Draw a bunny with a pencil step by step for beginners. How to draw a hare step by step. Cool and funny pictures with bunnies

This cute furry animal is often found in children's fairy tales and folklore and is distinguished by its dexterity, intelligence and resourcefulness. In nature, these animals are nocturnal and have plenty of enemies. You have to flee or hide, cleverly confusing your tracks. According to one funny legend, God was so carried away creating beautiful long ears for a hare that there was not enough material for the heart, and it turned out to be tiny and therefore cowardly. But this does not stop hares from being favorite characters and heroes of popular cartoons. Let's try to draw a hare with a pencil step by step.

  1. To draw a hare with a pencil, we first “build” it from the simplest geometric shapes. Let's draw the body with a large horizontal oval, and draw the head, powerful hind legs and long ears with the same oval. Usually the hare is depicted sitting and as if alert, ready to jump at any moment.

  2. Now let's try to give these ovals the shape of an animal. The muzzle will be slightly pointed at the bottom, and the body will be slightly arched in the neck area. Hares big eyes, framed in light short wool, movable spout, short tail, like a drop. Draw the strong hind legs and see how they differ from the front ones. The animal pushes off with its hind legs when running or jumping, so they are very developed and much larger and longer in size than the front ones. The animal’s ears also look like elongated drops; they taper at the base.

  3. Let us indicate the direction of the fur with short strokes. This must be done so that the drawing does not turn out flat. On the chest and belly, the fur is softer and directed downward; on the head and the rest of the body, it seems to “fit” the animal’s body, the strokes go along the back to the tail, gradually and smoothly descending to the bottom at different angles. We shade the darkest areas of the drawing - the right ear and the right front paw.

  4. Now, using those preliminary guiding strokes, we draw the hare’s fur with a soft pencil. We leave the lightest areas - inside the left ear, near the nose and around the eye. We also carefully shade the eye, leaving small circles inside - these will be highlights. Try to show in the drawing the shadows inside the hare's ear. At the base they will be the darkest and gradually towards the top the lines become lighter and thinner.

  5. The first four stages were essentially a preliminary sketch. Only now does the drawing begin. Using the softest pencil (softness 6-9B), we begin to tint the entire drawing. Try to remember all the time where the light and shadow are in order to understand which areas need to be drawn more densely and which ones can be left alone. We leave light the outer part of the hare's left ear, the area near the nose, approximately the middle of the body and the upper thigh of the hind leg. Make the right front leg, hind leg, eye and base of the right ear dark. You need to make the back part of the back above the tail and on the neck a little darker.

  6. If everything worked out with the tonality and the drawing does not seem flat, then we make all these areas even more contrasting. For the final drawing, take a sharpened soft pencil and carefully go over the entire image. Draw a dark nose (on a hare it is rough and wet, which means some tiny areas will be illuminated, so don’t shade the nose too heavily). Make thin hairs inside the left ear, draw the outline of the ears darker. The fur on the belly is very soft and fluffy, show this with rare strokes at different angles, but don’t get carried away, it should remain quite light. The fur will be the coarsest and shortest on the back, especially where it meets the tail. Squint and evaluate the entire drawing. The main emphasis should be on the hare's head, its expressive and sparkling eyes. Place small dots around the nose on a white area and draw a mustache.

Drawing a hare with a pencil is quite simple; drawing its fur can be difficult. But if you practice a little, you will get better and better every time. This skill will definitely come in handy for drawings of different animals, so it’s worth learning how to draw fur correctly.

I'll tell you. A cute little furball, no less cute than . I thought for a long time what I could tell about the hare. In general, he is an ordinary animal, eating everything he finds, including leaves and roots; he can even eat a dandelion. And they can also eat it with pleasure, or even a person, if they catch it. To catch this beast, people have, of course, come up with many cunning methods. We will not go into details, because this is scary and now we will not talk about that at all. Let's get down to business

How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's draw circles for all parts of the body: ears, head, neck, torso, legs.
Step two. On the head, draw a circle indicating the nose and eye. Let’s also finish drawing the front legs.
Step three. Let's move on to detail. Let's outline the bunny's face and ears with a thicker line. The previously drawn circles can be erased little by little. We'll do the same with the limbs.
Step four. Let's draw a mustache and show the fur with strokes.
Step five. All that remains is to erase all the auxiliary lines and add some shadows to give it a realistic look. Result:
Do you like zaya? If yes, you should click Like and tell your friends! If not, draw your own and attach the picture below under this article! And, as usual, you can make me write a lesson on a topic that interests you. You can do this on the page -. And for a snack, I suggest you draw other cute animals.

Among the most common wild animals, of course, the hare stands out. Every child knows about the existence of this forest inhabitant not only from stories and poems, but also from cartoons.

This interesting animal is of great interest to children, because appearance The hare is very similar to the rabbit, the differences between them are not significant. The hare has more developed limbs, since constant physical activity allowed the muscles of the paws to develop well, unlike ordinary rabbits.

Drawing a hare is not so difficult, but there are still some peculiarities in creating a sketch of this animal. It is best to start drawing with your children with light sketches, which will be represented by simple geometric shapes.

It is not necessary to draw lines too precisely and evenly, because they will only serve as a guide and will help determine the proportions of the hare and its location on a sheet of paper. It will be much easier for children to create a sketch step by step if the first stages of drawing take place under the supervision of an adult.

If you look at the drawing of a bunny, you can roughly divide its body into three parts: the head, the front and the back. Thanks to marking a sheet of paper and three circles of different sizes, you will be able to sketch out the initial contours of a wild animal.

It is also necessary to decide at what time we will draw the hare, because in spring and summer its coat color is gray, and in winter it is white. Everyone knows that the process of changing fur is a vital necessity for a bunny, in this way it camouflages itself from predators in the environment.

Taking into account this feature, you don’t have to paint over the finished sketch of the animal, thanks to this you will be able to draw a white hare in winter. Although it will be possible to clarify with children exactly what color of the animal they want to see in their own drawing.

Having figured out the details of the future sketch of the hare, you can start drawing it step by step. By strictly following the following recommendations, you will be able to reproduce a realistic image of a bunny. Of course, this task will be quite difficult for children; parents’ help at every stage of drawing is required.

The process of creating an image of a wild animal

  • To draw a bunny, you need to divide a sheet of paper into 9 equal-sized squares. The marking lines should be drawn carefully and thinly so that later they can be easily removed with an eraser.

Now it won’t be difficult to draw 3 circles step by step, so we sketch the image of a sitting bunny.

  • Once the initial contours have been drawn, the marking lines can be deleted. Now you can draw an animal without auxiliary lines. We draw with a pencil several circles, from which the limbs will later be depicted.

  • We continue to draw the paws; this task will be quite difficult for children, so this stage is best done by adults. It is worth considering that the hare's hind legs are long; in the sketch they will practically touch the front ones.

We draw the contours, do not put excessive pressure on the sheet of paper with a pencil, since then you will have to erase some of them. In the upper circle you need to draw the area where the muzzle will be placed. Don't forget to draw two circles to represent the ears.

  • If you managed to accurately depict all the contours as in the figure, then most of the work has already been done. First, we begin to draw the contours of the animal’s ears, draw the eyes, and after that we outline the created image. This kind of work will be very interesting for children.

You should start drawing a contour line from the head to the side towards the hind legs. We draw the obligatory element of the sketch - the tail, detail the body, and draw a line in front. Now you can start removing lines that are outside the boundaries of the contours.

  • We draw the details of the face, and then we begin to draw the animal’s “fur coat” with a pencil. Now the hare's face is almost ready, this is exactly what it should look like before last stage.

  • We give the image a realistic look, depicting the details of the face. We draw the pupil, detail the ears along with the nose and mouth, and don’t forget to draw a mustache.

  • Now the drawing of the hare, created in stages, is ready; if desired, you can paint it using colored pencils. Landscape on background, green grass and blue sky will help “revive” the created image.

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a bunny. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a bunny we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from films, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them using special patterns, which must be repeated quite accurately. But if you want, when you start drawing a bunny, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will give it a more cartoonish feel.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try making a sketch not with outlines, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

You can draw a bunny on clean slate paper, sitting next to the computer and looking at the hint steps on the monitor.

Or you can print 2 sheets of A4 with step by step instructions, and practice directly on them.

Drawing sequence:

3. Draw the bunny’s eyes and eyebrows.

5. Below we draw an oval slightly larger than the head - this is the body.

6. Draw a bang or forelock between the ears - the bunny will look cuter with it. We add the front legs to the body.

7. Draw the hind (in the picture - lower) legs. A circle can indicate a hare's belly.

8. Color the resulting bunny.

Here's a cute guy we've come up with:

If your child is afraid to visit the dentist, you can accompany the drawing process with a story that the bunny has such white and strong teeth because he constantly visits the pediatric dentist. And he’s not at all afraid, although it is generally accepted that all bunnies are cowards. And all because there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of there.

Now you know how to draw a bunny and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

Hello, dear readers!

There are a lot of requests coming to the site to do a lesson. This cute animal is found in fairy tales and folk proverbs. All children love him madly, precisely for his sweet and funny appearance. The little bunny can be found at all holidays, from children's matinees to adult corporate events.

As usual, the drawing process will proceed in stages, for more correct management work.

Stages of work

Making a general simple outline

As usual, we start with the outline of our future work. Here we roughly lay out the drawing into proportions, roughly outline the head, ears and body. Based on these control points in the future, individual elements will be identified and subsequently drawn.

Highlighting the features of the drawing

Now we need to build a more “live” and realistic shape of our bunny. To do this, we, as it were, smooth out our contour from the previous stage. We begin to draw the ears, muzzle and paws.

Adding shape and basic detailing

Now we can roughly sketch out the location of the elements of our character’s face - nose, eyes and mouth. I also recommend at this stage get rid of the rest contour lines, i.e. just carefully remove the excess.

Almost done

The penultimate stage - we begin to detail and work out the elements. We can start drawing out the fur to give our hare more realism. Let's also finish the work with the muzzle. Don't forget to remove unnecessary contour lines and markings.

Ready drawing of a hare

Let's finish our creativity. At the last stage it is worth paying attention more attention namely the details - drawing the fur, highlighting the eyes and nose, paws, ears. I also advise adding a small shadow for more volume.

Congratulations! You drew our beautiful hare step by step. The animal, as for me, turned out to be very sweet and kind, truly a children's favorite. Then you can print it out and give it to your child to paint with paints or pencils.

Step-by-step drawn pictures of a hare

Option 1

Option 2



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