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Not wired internet. We'll tell you how to connect the Internet to a laptop (wired version)

Read how to connect your computer to the Internet through everything possible ways and connections for: router, modem, phone, USB, Wi-Fi. Very simple!

Today, all computer users experience inconvenience if the device does not have access to the Internet. Connecting to the global network allows you to complete any task of finding the necessary information, communicate with people from any corner of the earth and work with a huge number of sites.

Let's look at how to connect the Internet to a computer via a router or an Ethernet cable, as well as all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Before performing any of the methods, you must first ensure that a twisted pair cable or fiber optic cable is installed in your home. It allows you to connect to the Internet provider's network and gain access to the global network. Only after this you need to choose a connection method.

How to bring Internet into your home?

  • First you need to choose a provider. Find out which companies in your city provide Internet services. Check out the available rates and reviews from other consumers;
  • After choosing a provider, contact the company's support service and order an Internet connection service. Within a few days, the organization’s employees will come to your home and install a twisted pair cable;
  • After connecting the required cable, you can choose how to connect your computer to the network - using a wireless router or a direct cable connection to the device.

How to connect your computer to the Internet via a Wi-Fi router

A router (or router) is a special device whose purpose is to send data packets between the global network and devices connected to the router. Externally, any one is a small block with one or several antennas.

On the back of the router there are ports for connecting the patch cord (Internet cable) and LAN ports, which are used to connect the device to the network wired. The number of antennas determines the Wi-Fi coverage and signal strength.

A standard router has one or two antennas and a coverage radius of up to 150-200 meters. This indicator is quite sufficient for use in an apartment or house. If there is a need to create a demon wired Internet- networks for an office and other large premises, routers with 4 antennas or special extenders are used - small gadgets that expand the existing coverage area of ​​the router.

There are several ways to connect to the Internet using a wireless router:

  • Creating a single access point. As a result, you will be able to connect any home gadget that supports Wi-Fi technology (laptops, computers, smartphones, tablets, Smart TV and others) to the network;
  • Wired connection to a router to create a home network. You can not only create an access point, but also connect your computer to the router at any time using a patch cord and LAN ports. Before connecting two and more computers to the Internet, make sure that the main Ethernet network cable is also connected to the router. Otherwise, you will simply create a home network without Internet access.

Connecting a Windows computer to an already configured Wi-Fi network

The easiest way to gain access to the global network is to use an already turned on and configured router. If you are in an establishment with Wi-Fi access, you can easily connect your laptop or any other gadget to the Internet.

  • You need to open the Wi-Fi network management window on your device and look at the list of available connections;
  • Each access point has its own name. Find the name you need and click on it. Next, enter (if the network is open, you will not need to enter a password).
  • The device will automatically connect to the hotspot and you can start using the Internet.

Please note that at the stage of establishing a wireless connection with the router, your device shows the signal quality. If the network has poor reception, this may cause a sudden Internet shutdown or the inability to connect even with correct password. We recommend that you move closer to the router and try setting up the connection again.

It is important to remember about the security of personal data when using public open Wi-Fi networks. With the help of such connections, an attacker can easily gain access to personal data stored on your device. This could be payment card data, passwords, access to e-mail, cloud services.

When connecting to public Wi-Fi in crowded places, we do not recommend paying for purchases on the Internet or accessing online banking sites. This may result in theft of confidential information. Using open networks for regular surfing will not harm either you or your computer.

Setting up a new router

If you purchased a new router and want to configure it for further connection to the Internet, you can do this in 10 minutes. All routers are configured according to the same scheme, so no difficulties will arise. The only thing you need to consider is the presence of an Internet cable in your home. Make sure to connect to this service from your provider.

Follow the instructions to create a Wi-Fi access point yourself:
  • Unpack the router. In its package you will find the device itself, a patch cord for connecting other devices and a power cable. Also, most devices come with initial setup dials, and some models' antennas may be removable;
  • Connect the antennas to the router if they are disconnected. Then expand the router. There are two types of connectors on the rear panel - WAN (for connecting an Internet cable) and LAN (for creating switching devices within the same network). Also, some models may have USB ports that can be used to connect flash drives;

  • Connect to the WAN port the Internet wire that the provider brought into the room (also, this port can simply be designated by the word Internet and be colored yellow);
  • Then connect the power cable, the connector for which is round in shape and is also located on the back panel of the router;
  • Plug in the device and press the power button on the same back panel. One or more LED indicators on the router body should start working.

Ready. You have connected the router to the Internet and activated its operation. Now you need to perform basic setup of the router so that other computers and mobile gadgets can connect to it.

To do this, follow these steps:
  • Turn on your computer and activate the Wi-Fi option. In Windows OS, just click on the network icon in the tray and activate the service;

  • When the router is turned on, it will appear as an active Wi-Fi network. As a rule, the network name matches the device model name. When you connect for the first time, the network will be open, that is, you will not need to enter a password;
  • After connecting the router to a computer via a wireless network, you need to carry out basic configuration of the router - set a password, network name, provider data and other options. To do this you need to go to settings. This can be done using the disk that came with the package or using the web settings;
  • If you have a disk, insert it into your computer's disk drive and follow any instructions that appear in the program. As a rule, you will need to connect to an access point and immediately set a password, security level and network name;
  • To configure using the web interface, make sure that the connection is established and the router is connected to the power supply. Then open any browser and enter the address or in the address bar. A window for entering the administrator login and password should appear. By default these are admin and admin. Also, login information is indicated on the bottom cover of the router itself.

  • In the window that opens, go to the quick settings tab and follow all the instructions - set a password, encryption type, connection name and provider information. If you don't know how to enter the ISP address or the company you want is not listed, contact your Internet service provider to obtain this information.

Close the router's web interface. Now you can connect any computer and gadget to a wireless network. Use the previously set password to gain access to the Internet. As for the router menu, depending on the model and firmware of the router, it may have different type or be English speaking. All instructions for using the menu can be found in the instructions for the router or on the website of the gadget manufacturer.

How to Connect a Computer to the Internet Using an Ethernet Cable

Let's look at how to connect the Internet to a computer via cable. If you already have a router with an active connection to the global network, just take a patch cord and connect it to the LAN port on the router, and on the computer to the Ethernet port. The final design looks like this:

You can also connect your Ethernet provider directly to your computer. This is done if there is no need to connect other gadgets to the network or when the computer does not support WiFi technology. One of the advantages of directly connecting an Internet cable to a computer is faster Internet operation.

How to connect your computer to the Internet using a USB cable

There are times when the fastest and most convenient methods of connecting to the Internet are not available. Then a smartphone or USB modem with a SIM card comes to the rescue. Connecting the Internet to a computer in this case is very simple!

Instructions for connecting to the Internet using:

  1. You must have a cable with which you charge your smartphone. One end of it, as always, is plugged into the Smartphone, and the other end, instead of charging, is plugged into the USB port on the computer.
  2. In the smartphone settings, go to: Additional functions – USB modem. Check the “enable” box
  3. Within a few seconds, your WIndows will detect the new device and show you that a wired connection has been established.

Important! In order to use the Internet from your phone to your computer or laptop, you must have a connection tariff plan with Internet access support. Carefully monitor the traffic consumption on your phone!

When connecting a USB modem with a SIM card to a computer or laptop, follow the instructions given to you when concluding a contract for Internet provision with a mobile operator. As a rule, you just need to insert the modem into the USB port of your computer and wait for the application and drivers to install. Everything happens automatically.

How to connect your computer to the Internet using Bluetooth

If you forgot to take a USB cable for your phone with you, but really want to connect your laptop to the Internet, that’s also not a problem. You can connect the Internet to your computer from your phone via Bluetooth. To do this, several conditions must be met:

  1. Your laptop must support Bluetooth connection,
  2. The smartphone should be no further than 1-3 meters from the laptop (the closer the better),
  3. Your phone must have a data plan that supports data transfer
Instructions for connecting the Internet via Bluetooth
  1. First you need to establish a connection (pairing) between your computer and smartphone. To do this, in the computer tray (where the clock is in the Windows panel), click on the Bluetooth icon.
  2. Next, click Settings. And there select “Allow other devices to discover this computer.” Save the new settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.
  3. On your phone, go to Settings - Bluetooth - turn on the device.
  4. Next, on the phone, go to Settings - Additional functions - Bluetooth modem. Let's turn it on.
  5. Now on the computer, click on the Bluetooth icon in the tray again. Only now with the right mouse button! Select “Add device” from the pop-up menu.
  6. If you previously completed step 3 on your smartphone, the computer will detect your phone. Click on its name and select the “Next” button.
  7. A window with a PIN code will appear. The numbers must match on both the smartphone and the computer. If everything is ok, click on the “Yes” button. The computer will connect the smartphone and spend some time automatically installing drivers.
  8. You will have to click on the Blueeooth icon on your computer again and select “Show devices”. Select the connected phone and right-click on it.
  9. A window with a menu will appear there, in which you need to select “Connect via”. Windows will make the connection on its own. All! Now you can use the Internet at a not very high speed. Of course, you won’t watch the movies, but it’s easy to surf the news.

Bottom line

After familiarizing yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages, choose the type of connection to the global network that suits you. Before connecting your Windows computer to the Internet, make sure that your provider has activated the service for your subscriber number. Otherwise. Even after successful creation your home network Internet may not work.

How do you connect to the Internet? Below in the comments you can ask a question of interest that arose during the connection stage.

To access the Internet, there are several ways to connect it, which differ from each other, in fact, in the connection technology itself, tariffs for use, as well as technical characteristics, which determine the speed of information transfer, the stability of the connection itself, the response time, and other subtleties. As you can see, the quality of the Internet depends not only on the hardware capabilities of the computer or mobile device used, as some believe. The providers of this service - special organizations, the so-called providers - are responsible for the quality of the Internet connection itself.

But, about everything in more detail - we will consider below the most common methods of connecting to the Internet, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

1. Satellite Internet

2. Mobile Internet

The name itself speaks for itself. This is the Internet, which you can use wherever you are within the coverage area of ​​your provider (mobile operator). There are two connection options here: via mobile phone or via a special modem. The latter can be connected to a smartphone, tablet or laptop via USB ports (miniUSB) as a separate small device. Manufacturers often equip some models of computer and mobile equipment with such a modem.

Almost all modern mobile phones have Internet access. Somewhat outdated models are connected using slow and at the same time expensive GPRS technology. And for more modern mobile devices– smartphones and tablets - mobile operators offer high-speed connection technologies that can provide access to the Internet wherever this operator has coverage. These are technologies such as: CDMA, WiMAX, LTE, UMTS. If the gadget is not equipped with a built-in modem that can support these technologies, almost all mobile operators can offer their own branded plug-in modem.

The data transfer speeds of these technologies can vary greatly depending on the user's location. However, special Internet signal amplifiers are now being produced that can increase this speed significantly.

3. Telephone connection (dialup)

This is by far one of the most common methods of connecting to the Internet in Russia, but far from the best. Used if a landline telephone is installed in the apartment. By connecting a computer or laptop via a wired modem to a telephone line, you gain access to the Internet. The phone will naturally be busy at this time, and it will not be possible to use it until the end of the Internet session. And this is not the only drawback of a telephone connection - for example, this method of Internet connection is one of the most expensive, and perhaps the slowest.

4. Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is one of the modern species wireless communication. Almost all smartphones, tablets and laptops have a built-in special module that allows you to access the Internet while within the range of Wi-Fi access points (usually a range of about 100 m). The Wi-Fi module can also be purchased separately and connected to a PC either as a separate built-in card or as an external device connected via USB.

So far, this type of connection is not in widespread demand among Russian users, despite the fact that many, by connecting an Internet network cable to a router, could freely move around the house with a laptop, tablet or smartphone and use the Internet. In Russia, Wi-Fi is more of an additional feature for the service business. Users can (as a rule, completely free) have access to the Internet in various public places - at airports, train stations, cafes, hotels, gas stations, etc.

Wi-Fi technology itself is quite fast, but due to the fact that access points are usually overloaded, the final speed sometimes leaves much to be desired.


ADSL is a special type of Internet connection via a telephone line, and access to the Internet does not interfere with the operation of the phone. The quality of such a connection is an order of magnitude higher than with a regular telephone connection. It has a high information transfer speed and excellent stability.

6. Direct connection

This is the best way to connect to the Internet today. The user's computer is connected to the provider using a regular network cable. The advantages of this connection are its high speed, stability, reliability, and low cost. But this method, unfortunately, is available only in large populated areas - where the cable lines of local providers run.

There is no doubt that today wireless Internet connections based on the use of ADSL modems are becoming increasingly widespread. But sometimes (and very often) it is necessary to set up a connection bypassing such devices, using a direct connection from the computer to the provider via cable. Next we’ll talk about how to connect the Internet via cable to a computer. It’s worth immediately taking into account some nuances, as well as the appearance possible problems, errors or failures of the created connection, which will be considered separately.

How to connect the Internet on a computer via cable: what is needed for this?

Main and prerequisite, without which it will be simply impossible to implement your plan, is the presence of an installed network adapter on your computer or laptop, for which all the necessary drivers must be installed (sometimes it may be necessary to update them to the latest versions).

Of course, any of the latest Windows operating systems installs such drivers on their own (either during its initial installation or when a new connected device is detected), but if you have an original disk with a set of such control software, it is better to install the “native” device drivers exactly from this set.

Only in this case will the functionality of the network card be fully guaranteed. We'll look at issues related to updating drivers a little later, but looking ahead a little, it should be said that updating using system tools is not recommended (it will become clear why later).

The second point is related to the cable used, which will be connected directly to the corresponding port of the network card. These cables have RJ-45 connectors. Finally, the user must sign an agreement with the provider company, which not only provides access to the Internet, but also provides a preliminary list of all the basic settings and addresses that will need to be registered independently if the support specialist does not do this.

In general, by and large, if you understand how to connect the Internet on a computer via a cable from a router or modem, there is nothing particularly complicated here. If desired, any user who has even the slightest understanding of the basics of working with Windows systems can perform such operations independently. And this whole process will only take a few minutes. Why in this case was it mentioned that you can use a cable from a router? Yes, only because it is completely identical to standard power cords that are available for sale in any specialized store.

How to access network presets on different systems?

So, we seem to have decided on the equipment. Now let's look at some basic settings and ways to access them in different versions of Windows. If we talk about how to connect the Internet on a computer via a cable from a router in Windows XP, in this system you can access network parameters directly from the start menu, which has a corresponding item listed in separate category. In later versions it is also there, but it is not in the main list, but in the utilities section. In Windows 10, the easiest way is to use RMB on the start button, where the desired section will be shown in the list. In general, for all systems without exception, you can use a universal tool in the form of the “Control Panel”, in which you need to go to the network and sharing management section, after which you will need to refer to the link to change the properties of the network adapter.

In this case, we are interested in the one for which Ethernet or “Local Area Network Connection” is indicated in the description.

Difference between dynamic and static IP addresses

Let’s leave aside for now questions regarding how to connect the Internet via a cable to a computer, and let’s look at one important nuance. Typically, providers offer to use two types of addresses to create a connection: static and dynamic. The difference between them is not as great as it might seem at first glance. A static address is assigned to each individual computer and does not change during Internet access, that is, it is permanent. The dynamic address changes with each session (its new value is set).

Some people mistakenly believe that this is akin to, Nothing like that! VPN clients or proxy servers simply change external addresses so that the user machine cannot be identified by territorial reference, and have nothing to do with internal addresses. The address is changed by selecting an unused one in this moment IP from the available addresses of the provider itself, which in no way affects the change in regional location. But which one should you choose if the provider really suggests using one or the other? It is believed that best quality Communication is ensured only when setting a static address, so choose this option, although dynamic addresses look somewhat simpler to configure.

How to connect the Internet on a computer via cable in Windows 7 and other systems: standard method for setting up a connection

To establish an Internet connection, first of all, you need to use the RMB on the selected network adapter to call up the properties item, and then go to the IPv4 protocol settings. Address fields must be filled in according to the list issued by the provider.

However, if for some reason you don’t have it, or you’ve lost it, enter the combination, say, in the IP field for the static address, the subnet mask is almost always, and enter 192.168 in the gateway field. 1.1. For dynamic IPs, if provided, you can set to receive all addresses automatically.

Just below you should fill in the fields for the addresses of the primary and alternative DNS servers. They will have to be clarified with the provider. If this turns out to be impossible, no big deal. Set it to automatic, or use free combinations like the one from Google above, which work just as well. Next, just save the changes, reboot, just in case, and check your Internet access.

Note: when setting up, especially pay attention to the option to disable proxies for local addresses if the use of a server of this type is not provided by the provider, otherwise problems may arise with the connection.

Setting up a broadband connection

Now let’s briefly talk about how to connect the Internet via cable to your computer if you plan to set up a high-speed PPPoE connection. In this case, in the network management section, you first need to create a new connection and then specify its type.

This will be either PPPoE for direct communication with the provider without using network devices, or dial-up in the case of using modems, for example, 3G/4G standards. After this, you need to enter a username with a password and set a new name for the created connection. Upon completion of all procedures, you just need to press the connect button.

What to pay attention to when using a router?

As for routers, we won’t dwell on them much, since wireless connections are not discussed in this material.

However, it is worth noting that many modern models can be used as modems, so first, in the web interface of the device, after logging in through any web browser, the router must be switched to modem mode.

Questions about setting up the Internet when using the services of the Rostelecom operator

Finally, as an example, let’s look at how to set up the Internet on a computer via a Rostelecom cable, step by step.

In principle, the IPv4 protocol is not particularly different from everything described, and may look as shown in the image above, but taking into account the entry of addresses that are present in the service agreement and the activation of the IPv6 protocol. There shouldn't be any difficulties here.

Now briefly about how to set up the Internet on a computer via a Rostelecom cable in Windows 7 or any other system if you are using a router and a PPPoE connection. Go to the router’s web interface (, use admin/admin as the login and password, specify PPPoE in the connection type, enter the login and password from the contract (not to be confused with authorizing access to the router settings), and most importantly - in In the VPI/VCI parameters, set your region. After completing the operations, save the changes and reboot the modem/router.

Possible problems and troubleshooting

As for possible errors communication installations, it is impossible to foresee everything. But as a first step, use the following methods:

  • check that the IP address and gateway are entered correctly;
  • replace the standard values ​​for DNS with combinations from Google;
  • disable proxy use;
  • update your network card drivers (it’s best to use automated programs like Driver Booster);
  • temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall;
  • delete the existing connection and create it again.

If all else fails, call the Windows troubleshooter and follow the tips to fix the situation. If this does not help, contact your Internet service provider directly.

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not use the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web has filled our lives both at work and at home, from children to the elderly, because many of them are also trying to keep up with the development of computer technology. Therefore, the problem of connecting to the Internet is relevant to a wide audience. After reading this article, you will understand that connecting your computer to the Internet is not difficult at all. Since many people prefer latest version Windows 8 software, the article describes the actions of the user of this particular system, but if you have a different edition of Windows, you can also use these instructions, basically the connection system is the same.

First, decide on the source of Internet access: a landline connection, a Wi-Fi router or mobile Internet (via a SIM card). Enter into an agreement with the provider if necessary, and he will usually provide you with necessary equipment, starting with cable and ending with a high-speed modem or even a router. In case of use mobile internet you need to purchase a special modem or use a mobile phone that is connected to the computer via a USB port. But in this case, the Internet speed is much slower. As soon as you have an Internet connection, start setting up the computer itself. To do this, go to the Start menu via account administrator. In the window that opens, right-click and the “All Applications” heading will appear in the lower right corner. Select it by clicking the left mouse button.

Among all applications, select “Control Panel”. A new window will open different categories of settings for setting up your computer, open the second one in the list - “Network and Internet”.

Then go to the “Network and Sharing Center”, where in the upper left corner click on the “Change adapter settings” option.

In the “Network Connections” window that opens, move the cursor to the “Local Area Connection” symbol and call up the context menu using the right mouse button. From the suggested functions, select “Properties”.

Go to the “Network” tab, highlight the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” heading and click on the “Properties” button.

In the next window, configure the final settings: check the boxes next to the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” functions.

If desired or necessary, in the event of a network failure, you need to set the addresses automatically, you need to adjust the parameters manually. Required information available from your network provider.

Connecting your computer to a wireless Wi-Fi networks, first repeat steps 2 and 3. Next, open the “Network and Sharing Center” and click on the “Connect to a network” option.

A window will pop up on the right showing the network connection settings. Check to see if Airplane mode is active - it should be turned off.

Below is a list of available connections. Left-click on the network of your choice and you will see a proposal to connect - click on it. You can also check the box next to “Connect automatically” - and your computer will connect to this network itself, if it is available. Usually, when checking the network requirements, you need to enter a password, but sometimes there is “free” Wi-Fi, which is provided by some establishments.

If you have followed all the instructions exactly, then your computer is already connected to the Internet, and you can enjoy access to the global information network. Otherwise, contact your provider's customer service center, and specialists will definitely help you solve all problems. If you still have questions, watch the video, which also illustrates step-by-step instruction Internet connection on Windows 8.

Welcome to the blog. Anyone who subscribed to the site's news probably noticed that a few weeks ago I wrote about what to do if there is no Internet on the computer and the icon appears. For many, this article has even helped them cope with most problems at least somehow related to access to the Internet.

But, here we will analyze this topic more thoroughly and consider all sorts of inconveniences due to which the Internet connected via cable does not work. We will learn how to correctly diagnose the problem and what can be done to fix it, and we will also figure out in which cases the problem is with the computer hardware, and in which with the software part of the system.

Therefore, if you have connected the cable to the computer, but there is no Internet, then let’s not drag our feet and start looking for the cause of this malfunction.

The Internet does not work connected via cable or without Internet access

Every user who has ever worked on a computer knows that if a yellow triangle appears on the network icon, it means there are some problems with the connection or it is completely absent. It so happens that users most often encounter this problem when surfing the Internet. So let's start with it.

1. Of course, first of all, I will advise you the simplest solution to the problem - this is a regular reboot of the computer. This advice may seem strange and stupid to some, but this particular solution helps to cope with most problems related to the Internet and more.

2. Next, we try to pull the cable out of the network card, wait a few seconds and insert it back. The acquisition of a network address should begin, after which the computer will receive an IP and the Internet connection should be restored. If nothing works out, don't despair and just move on to the next point.

3. Now, having gone into network connections, we try to disable “ Ethernet" and turn it back on. Sometimes this is enough to get rid of the “” icon.

4. If your Internet does not work, connected via a cable, which is connected to the Wi-Fi router on the other side, then in this case we perform the following steps. First, we remove the power (220V) from the router and after a couple of minutes we insert it back, so we will reboot the point Wi-Fi access. After this, be sure to restart your computer, everything should work.

I started to encounter a similar problem on my home network, I haven’t figured out the reason yet, but as a temporary solution I’m using the option that you just read about.

When I find the reason, I will definitely share it with you in this article as an addition.

5. The next thing to check is the settings for obtaining an IP address. Most providers today works with automatic receipt IP, respectively, the same settings should be set in your connection.

Let's go to " Network Sharing Center", click on network adapters and find the network connection there.

Having opened properties, connections, as shown below, double-click and go to “ Internet protocol IPv4».

There, for normal operation, we need to set points on the parameter " Automatically obtaining an IP address" We do the same with DNS servers.

Don’t forget to save all changes by clicking on “ OK».

If before this the Internet did not work for you, which was connected via cable, then after setting the necessary parameters everything should be fine.

But, on the other hand, there are quite a few providers who use dedicated IP addresses and static network settings. Usually, if this is practiced, the connected Internet wizard notifies the user about this and therefore, in theory, they are aware of all these matters.

So, if you are using this type of setup, then you should again go to Internet protocol IPv4 and instead of the machine, indicate the required addresses. IP, mask, gateway and other values ​​can be obtained from the technical operator. your provider's support.

6. And finally, there may be problems on the part of the provider, so be sure to call them and make sure whether their equipment works in the house or not, and also whether everything is in order with access to the Internet.

This seems to be all you should check. If more than one point does not help you, then write to me with detailed description and we will try to find a solution to the problem together. Also, if I forgot something, I’ll be sure to write it here later, here’s another thing, if you share with us in the comments some other interesting solution to the problem of a non-working Internet connected via cable, then I’ll also insert it into this article, as one more point.

The Internet does not work, the network cable is not connected

Now let's figure out what to do if a red cross appears on the icon in the form of a screen responsible for the network with a message that the network cable is not connected.

1. Of course, based on the words of the message, the first thing we do is check whether the cable is tightly inserted into the computer or whether it is inserted at all or not.

If you are using a router, then check the connection on both sides. If all " OK“, but the cross still hasn’t disappeared, then we move on.

2. The notification: “the network cable is not connected” may also appear because the network card is simply disabled. To enable it, follow these steps:

After this, the computer should start " Identification» network, and get an IP address.

3. After turning on the network card, I also recommend checking the status of “ Network connection" Since in a disabled state the Internet will not work, but only display all the same warning that the network cable is not connected.

4. So, if everything is turned on and connected, but the Internet still does not work, try to find another network cable and try connecting to the Internet using it. If the screen doesn't care, it will light up network cable is not connected, then most likely the problem is either in the network adapter of your PC, or the provider’s equipment installed in your home is not working.

5. Having tried all the tips given above, nothing helped you and the Internet connected via cable still does not work, then again I recommend calling the operator of the provider and consulting with him about the condition of their equipment. If the operator notifies you that there are no problems at the address, then you can certainly conclude that the Internet is not working precisely because of the network card.

6. Of course, I understand that not everyone can check the connection using another board, but if there is a chance that you can do this, be sure to check it, perhaps all the problems are due to it.

7. And finally, you also have the opportunity to call a technician from the provider, who will come and tell you what the problem is and help you set up your computer if it was related to the network ( !!! Master network cards do not change!!! ), or if damaged cable will do for you new one and connect it where you need it...

Based on these recommendations, you can diagnose your computer and figure out why the Internet connected via cable is not working and easily restore it. I sincerely hope that all my advice will still be useful and will help you solve all your Internet-related problems.



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Education and formation of conditioned reflexes

Education and formation of conditioned reflexes

“Nervous system” - The midbrain is well developed. The improvement of the nervous system also affected the development of sensory organs. Nervous system of fish...

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