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Low-calorie sweets: list of dietary desserts. Desserts for weight loss

Many people dream of losing weight, but prevailing stereotypes prevent them. Some people think that by dieting, they are depriving themselves of the pleasure of delicious food.

In fact, there are many foods and diet recipes that will appeal to every person.

The healthiest sweet foods you can eat while losing weight

For those with a sweet tooth, there is a separate list of products that will not affect your diet or figure in any way, but will allow you to enjoy a pleasant taste.

bitter chocolate

This chocolate has the same calorie content as other types of chocolate: approximately 500 kcal per 100 g of product.

Dark chocolate contains more cocoa products than other types. It contains caffeine and theobromine, which stimulate nervous system. It is better to eat this chocolate before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The daily dose for weight loss is 10-15 g.


A very healthy product that mainly consists of fructose. It does not contain glucose, unlike sugar. Insulin is not required to digest honey.

However, fructose is a simple carbohydrate. When losing weight, it should not be abused. The recommended dose of honey for weight watchers is 8 g per day.

Dried fruits and candied fruits

They have different glycemic indexes. For example, in dates and raisins it is approximately the same as in sugar.

Due to heat treatment, all dried and candied fruits have a higher glycemic index than fresh fruits. You should consume no more than 40-50 g of these products per day.

Prunes are very effective for weight loss. It has a mild laxative effect and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet fruits and berries

When losing weight, you need to know the glycemic index of berries and fruits. The higher it is, the greater the jump in insulin levels in the blood, which interferes with the weight loss process.

Foods containing a glycemic index of less than 50 are believed to promote weight loss. They can be eaten while dieting.

Note! This applies only to fresh fruits that have not been thermally processed. For example, canned fruits and berries have a much higher glycemic index.


This product consists of apple pectin and egg white. In marshmallows prepared according to the right technology, should contain no more than 300 kcal per 100 g.

When losing weight, it is recommended to consume this product occasionally until 4 o'clock in the afternoon in small quantities.


It is the lowest calorie sweet product. There are 250 kcal per 100 g of marmalade. During the diet, it is allowed to be eaten in limited quantities in the first half of the day.


It is higher in calories than marshmallows and marmalade, so it has 320 kcal per 100 g. In addition to pectin and egg white, honey is added to the marshmallow. It can also be consumed during a diet in small doses.


This type of sweet has a high glycemic index and calorie content. However, this the product is quickly absorbed by the body. Nutritionists allow it to be eaten during weight loss in very small quantities.

How to eat sweets while losing weight

Anyone can prepare dietary sweets when losing weight. The recipes are varied and delicious.

During a diet, many people give up sweets first. But this is wrong, since prolonged restriction inevitably leads to breakdowns.

You need to listen to your desires and learn to satisfy them in a way that is safe for your figure.

According to nutritionists, people gain weight not from the sweet foods themselves, but from their quantity. Also Weight gain is influenced by the time of consumption of desserts and the conditions under which a person eats them.

The hormone insulin distributes carbohydrates in the body. Some of the glucose remains in the blood, some goes to glycogen, and some is stored as fat. If you learn to eat sweets correctly, you can avoid fat deposits.

What you need to do to eat desserts and lose weight:

Be careful! There are many dessert products sold in stores that contain fats (margarine, trans fats, palm oil). They are very poorly digestible and have a high calorie content.

It is better to prepare your own dietary sweets when losing weight. Homemade recipes are currently available in large quantities.

Features of preparing dietary desserts at home

If you prepare sweet dishes at home, you can completely control their composition, excluding harmful ingredients.

Rules for preparing dietary dishes:

  • When cooking, you need to minimize portions of glucose and fructose. These are fast carbohydrates that slow down the weight loss process;
  • Fats should not be added to dietary sweets when losing weight. They are poorly absorbed by the body and almost always increase body weight;
  • You need to choose recipes that exclude harmful ingredients;
  • During cooking, omit the egg yolk. Only protein can be used;
  • You need to buy low-fat dairy products or low-fat products.

Cooked according to special recipes diet sweets when losing weight, you can’t eat too much. It is better to eat them in the morning, no more than 150 g per day.

Recipes for dietary sweets for weight loss

Fortunately for those with a sweet tooth, today there are many low-calorie dessert recipes. At the same time, they are quite simple to prepare.

Diet ice cream

This dish contains no fat.

To make ice cream you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 7-10 pcs. strawberries;
  • 7 g gelatin.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Place the milk in the freezer for 20 minutes. This must be done so that an ice crust forms on top.
  2. Pour 50 g of boiling water over the gelatin and stir well, leaving no lumps.
  3. Grind the strawberries in a blender.
  4. Remove the milk from the refrigerator and also beat in a blender. After the milk begins to increase in volume, pour in the heated gelatin in a thin stream.
  5. After this add strawberry puree. Light diet ice cream is ready.

Interesting fact! When adding gelatin to dishes, you need to remember that it is pure protein. It nourishes cartilage tissue and promotes faster bone recovery after damage.

"Bird's milk"

To prepare a tender soufflé, you should take:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • vanillin.

The recipe is:

Cupcake "Minute"

To prepare diet cupcakes you will need:

  • 6 tsp. cottage cheese without fat;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tsp. oatmeal;
  • 100 g prunes.

Follow the instructions:

Fruit jelly cake

To make dietary sweets, you need to take:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 450 g grapes;
  • 2 plums;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 3 nectarines;
  • 60 g gelatin.

Prepare as follows:

Cottage cheese casserole

To prepare a low-fat casserole, you will need:

  • 40 g whole grain wheat flour;
  • 200 g cottage cheese without fat;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 2 eggs.
  • salt;
  • a piece of lemon;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda


Dried fruit candies

They are very helpful. They can completely replace store-bought sweets with questionable ingredients.

To prepare you need to take:

  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 100 g dates;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • coconut flakes;
  • cocoa;
  • sesame.

The dish should be prepared as follows:

  1. Remove seeds from dried fruits and rinse well in hot water.
  2. Coarsely chop all dried fruits and nuts. You need to grind them in a blender, but not too much. Each ingredient must be visible.
  3. Form small balls from the fruit mixture and roll them in sesame seeds, coconut flakes and cocoa.

Attention! Coconut flakes and sesame seeds are very high-calorie foods, so they should be used to a minimum.

Oat cookies

To prepare it you will need:

  • 190 g oatmeal;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 150 g of any nuts and dried fruits.


Berry cheesecake in a slow cooker

To prepare a delicious delicacy, you need:

  • 150 g oatmeal;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 4 g baking powder;
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder;
  • sweetener;
  • 800 g cottage cheese without fat;
  • 10 g semolina.

The cooking process itself is as follows:

No Bake Banana Yogurt Cake

For the cooking process you will need:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 6 kiwi;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 90 g water;
  • 450 ml yogurt without additives;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 24 g gelatin;
  • 200 g shortbread cookies;
  • 7 g lemon juice.

You need to prepare it like this:

Apples baked with honey and cinnamon

For apple dessert you need to take:

  • 3 apples;
  • cinnamon;
  • 25 g honey.

The recipe is simple:

  1. Peel the apples so that a through hole is formed in the middle of each apple.
  2. Pour honey on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  3. Place the fruit in the microwave for 7 minutes.

To prepare dietary sweets when losing weight, it is better to use recipes that indicate calories. Thus, you can find out exactly how much you can eat of a particular dish.

Fruit salad recipe for weight loss

Fruits are one of the most delicious dietary foods. Thanks to the wide variety of sweet fruits, you can prepare different salads from them every day. In addition to taste, fruits have many beneficial substances.

Fruit salad is the simplest salad for losing weight. To prepare it you will need any fruit and unsweetened corn flakes. Natural yogurt should be used as a dressing.

For cooking fruit salad required:

  • apple;
  • 5 pieces. prunes;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • 100 g kefir.

Proceed like this:

Recipes for dietary sweets are not only very appetizing, but also will not add weight to your figure. They can be prepared not only while losing weight, but also after it.

The main thing is to understand that unhealthy and fatty desserts can be replaced with low-calorie and no less tasty sweets.

This video will introduce you to what dietary sweets you can eat while losing weight, as well as their recipes:

From this video you will learn how you can eat sweets without harming your figure:

There are so many people in the world who don't like them at all. appearance! More than half of them are thinking about losing weight. Overweight affects all over the world, from young children to the very elderly. Nutritionists and other doctors of various specialties come to their aid. And, of course, there are simply a huge number of diets. But any diet is a difficult, sometimes very difficult process, which can sometimes drive a person into depression. Therefore, before choosing one of the methods of losing weight, you should take the problem of weight loss very seriously and certainly involve specialists. You need to understand: there are no ideal diets. Each of them has limitations. Often a diet, especially an untested one and invented by someone without special education, can cause serious harm to the body and cause chronic diseases.

The menu must be delicious

When talking about diet, people immediately remember hunger and the complete absence of sweets. But today this perception can be called erroneous. After all, for example, the method proposed by Pierre Dukan includes dietary sweets, and their list is very diverse.

Therefore, it makes sense to briefly consider possible options, which are capable of people adhering to a certain type of diet. Dietary sweets, the recipes for which will be described below, are easy to make at home. Since people are mostly busy and lack time for long-term culinary activities, these are quite simple diet recipes.

The most popular products from the sweet category are candies, cookies, cakes, chocolate, pastries, eclairs, mousses, cheesecakes, buns, cheesecakes and donuts. Such a list will suit any sweet tooth and satisfy his needs without forcing him into strict limits.

Unusual delicacy

Sweets are dietary sweets if prepared correctly. For the first method, you need to take three tablespoons of dry milk, preferably skim milk, and one third of a glass of skim cocoa. It will still be required, but a reservation should be made here. Most of these products are unsafe. Therefore, the most harmless solution would be to use sugar replacement tablets made exclusively on a natural basis, for example, using stevia.

The final ingredient is liquid milk, also skimmed. Everything should be whipped with a blender, transferred to silicone molds and placed in the freezer.

For the second method, you will need approximately 60 ml of coffee and three tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, in the amount of 2 tbsp. and a spoonful of cocoa (as in the previous recipe, low-fat). There will be enough gelatin if you measure one teaspoon. The sweetener is taken based on personal preference. Gelatin dissolves in coffee. After swelling, it is heated in a water bath, but there is no need to bring it to a boil. Sweet tablets are crushed and mixed with all the ingredients. The resulting mass, pre-arranged into molds, is sent to the freezer to cool.

Cookies are one of the most popular delicacies; both adults and children love them. Therefore, you can crunch cookies deliciously and nutritionally even on a diet. To do this, beat the egg whites (4 pieces) with a pinch of salt. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar substitute, Nut flavor (if you can’t find one, you can add lemon or another flavor), and oat bran. Mix everything with the egg whites and place on a baking sheet previously lined with baking paper. You can use a spatula for this. You can sprinkle dietary cookies with bran. The temperature at which the product is baked should be 160 degrees.

Diet cake

"Napoleon" is well known and in demand. You can bake its analogue without worrying at all about the calories you eat, because it will be a diet cake. You need three for the cakes. chicken eggs, two tablespoons of corn starch and a sweetener, which is added to taste. The ingredients are mixed and baked in a pan like pancakes or dried in the oven.

For the cream, take corn starch, sugar substitute and vanillin, mix them with a small amount of milk, always cold. Separately, bring 250 ml of milk to a boil, add the resulting mixture to it, stirring constantly. After boiling again, the cream is cooked for a few more minutes.

Chocolate: white and black

If you really want to see dietary sweets on the table, but have very little time, you can try homemade chocolate. It contains the following ingredients: dry milk - six tablespoons, liquid skim milk - 12 tablespoons, sugar substitute, vanillin. Adding cocoa or instant coffee produces dark chocolate. The products are thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. The delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer due to the fact that it melts quickly due to the lack of special additives.

Appetizing eclairs

Sometimes it’s impossible to pass by this delicacy, it looks so appetizing. If the desire to eat an eclair or two is simply irresistible, this recipe can come to the rescue. For the dough, beat two yolks with a mixer and add two tablespoons of casein (or analogues), salt and baking powder. After this, the dough is kneaded, small sausages are rolled and baked at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. To prepare the cream, you need half a glass of milk, a tablespoon of corn starch and one teaspoon each of cocoa and vanilla.

Sweetener is added to taste. After mixing all the ingredients, you need to heat the mixture in a small saucepan until it thickens. To turn eclairs into dietary sweets, all that remains is to coat the cut buns with cream and enjoy their taste.

Low calorie mousse

Mousse is a wonderful type of dessert. It is easy and quick to prepare. If you can’t get rid of the thought of what to cook that is healthy and simple, this delicacy will be an excellent option.

For example, a very simple recipe: add sweetener to a liter of skim milk and heat until boiling, then add three beaten eggs and two tablespoons of cornstarch. Next, the entire mixture is stirred and heated again, but the second time it does not boil.

Cheesecakes for breakfast

This delicacy, familiar to everyone since childhood, is perfect for a hearty breakfast. Generally dietary cottage cheese recipes, including cheesecakes, very well satisfy the feeling of hunger. For the dish in question, 180 grams of crumbly cottage cheese with the lowest possible fat content is well suited. You also need one egg, one and a half tablespoons of oat bran, one tablespoon each of wheat bran and isolate (soybean can be used). Sugar substitute is added to taste. Everything is whipped with a blender, then fried with a few drops of oil in a frying pan under a lid over low heat.

Fast and helpful

When recalling delicious dietary recipes, one cannot help but describe the buns. They can be made sweet or salty by grating cheese or adding cottage cheese. The dough is very easy to prepare. Six tablespoons of milk powder are mixed with two eggs, baking powder and vanilla.

Salt and sweetener are added to taste. The mixture is baked for just ten minutes at 180 degrees in a preheated oven.

Low calorie cheesecakes

Those who prefer dietary sweets know a variety of recipes, and among them, cheesecakes seem very tempting.

The first method, like all the previous ones, is extremely simple. You will need the following products:

Cottage cheese - one pack, preferably low-fat;

Two tablespoons of lemon juice;

Two tablespoons of cornstarch;


Three yolks;

Five proteins.

To begin with, create a tight foam, then very carefully introduce cottage cheese into it. Separately, the remaining ingredients must be mixed. Combine the thick mass with the protein mixture. This cheesecake can be baked in a slow cooker or in the oven.

Another recipe is more refined and interesting. The dough for it is prepared from oat bran.

Oat bran, ground to flour - 4.5 tablespoons;

Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

Water - 2 tablespoons;

Sweetener to taste.

Cottage cheese, as in the first case, soft, low-fat - 800 g;

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;




Decoration (optional):

Hibiscus - 1 sachet;


Agar-agar - 1 heaped teaspoon;

Water - 1 glass 200-250 ml.

The whites should be separated from the yolks and whipped into an elastic dense foam, and the yolks, water, sugar substitute, baking powder and bran should be mixed. Next, combine the resulting mixture with the protein foam and beat gently, preferably with a wooden spatula. After this, the dough is poured into the prepared form and placed in a preheated oven.

At the next stage we deal with the filling. Using a mixer, the cottage cheese and sweetener are beaten, then the eggs and mixture are added, everything is beaten again. The resulting mass is poured onto the cake, leveled and returned to the oven, while the temperature should not exceed 160 degrees. When the curd mass sets and thickens, the product can be considered ready.

Jelly for decoration is not a necessary component, but if the decision to prepare it is still made, you need to mix a glass of boiling water, agar-agar, a sweetener and a tea bag in a convenient container. This mixture will need to be brought to a boil with constant stirring. At the very beginning of boiling, the dishes are removed from the heat and their contents are cooled.


There are various delicious dietary donut recipes. One of them contains eggs (2 pcs.), corn starch (4 tbsp.), cottage cheese (4 tbsp.), baking powder, yeast (1 tsp.), sweetener.

Mix the ingredients, wait for the dough to rise, and bake either in molds or just in small circles. Baking time is no more than twenty minutes. Bon appetit!

Dessert does not always spoil your figure, especially when you know how to choose it and how much you can eat. However, it is best to be able to prepare simple and light desserts that will only benefit both your mood and your figure.

Now it has become very fashionable and profitable to hang a label on a wide variety of products with the magic word “low-calorie”. There are many people who want to lose weight and this has become in a simple way to distinguish your product from others, however, this does not mean that this product will benefit your health and figure, so you need to learn to distinguish real, healthy food products from the rest.

An excellent example is the most ordinary cake, which is sold in any supermarket. It looks exactly like everyone else, and the cream and sponge cake are there, but it says “low-calorie product” on it.

There is, of course, a catch here, and more than one. Firstly, this cake, compared to others, may have a little less calories, but this does not mean that there are few of them! Secondly, when we're talking about about the right and dietary nutrition, classic cakes and pastries, regardless of the manufacturer’s promises about the absence of calories, are not at all good for your figure, much less for your health.

How to choose a low-calorie dessert

If you are on a strict diet, then sometimes it is quite possible to indulge in sweets. Apart from counting calories at least occasionally, choose desserts that contain as few processed ingredients as possible, such as whipped cream. If you want a cake, choose one with cream made from sour cream or yogurt, for example. It's better to eat a piece of homemade honey cake with nuts and sour cream cream than the store-bought counterpart, stuffed with flavors and dyes.

However, if we are talking about the lowest-calorie desserts, they are usually made from fruits, milk, low-fat cream, and yogurt. Nowadays you can more often find frozen yogurt ice cream with fruit or fruit sorbets.

Nutritionists recommend eating not sweets, but dried fruits for tea, even though they are quite high in calories. The fact is that dried fruits are rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, therefore, in limited quantities they only bring benefits to the body. Dried apricots are rich in potassium, prunes fiber and vitamin K, figs magnesium and B vitamins.

Another category of low-calorie desserts is baked fruits. The beauty is that they are often very sweet on their own and don’t need any added sweetener, but if you do, we can make do with a minimal amount of brown sugar or honey.

Among store-bought sweets, marshmallows and marshmallows, although very sweet, are lighter than cakes and the ingredients are quite simple and understandable.

We always choose black chocolate, it is rich in magnesium and, although quite high in calories, is healthier than milk. Dark chocolate has a low glycemic index and you can eat a couple of squares in the first half of the day without worrying about the consequences.

So, the lowest calorie desserts are:

  • Fruits, dried fruits, baked fruits;
  • Sherbets, yogurt ice cream;
  • Jelly;
  • Curd desserts.

The main rules when choosing dessert:

  • The ingredients should be as simple and clear as possible, without dyes, flavors and any other substances whose names do not sound like food;
  • Let the dessert have a little more calories - but it will be more natural. After all, calories are also needed - this is energy;
  • If possible, the combination of flour+fat+sugar should be avoided. It is this combination that is most dangerous for the figure;
  • Give preference to desserts made from fruits in any form, perhaps with the addition of light curd creams.

How much and how often can you eat desserts while dieting?

The picture doesn't look so bad at first, right? Unfortunately, I hasten to disappoint you - everything listed above can be eaten only occasionally and only in small portions, if you are serious about losing extra pounds.

For weight loss You can only eat one serving of light dessert per week. It should be yogurt ice cream, sorbet or panna cotta. If you bake fruits without sugar or even honey, you can bake them more often – one serving per day.

To support weight You can allow yourself dessert a little more often - 2-3 servings a week and again, not just any desserts, but low-calorie ones. Dried fruits, dark chocolate and honey can be eaten in small quantities, also several times a week, but only in the first half of the day.

10 light and delicious desserts. Recipes

It is quite difficult to find and recognize light, low-calorie and healthy desserts on sale, but there are many simple recipes, which can be easily prepared at home. In addition, when you cook yourself, you choose the best and freshest ingredients, which is important.

I offer you several simple recipes for delicious but very light desserts.

  • Baked fruits with honey and nuts

For 4 servings you will need a handful of walnuts, 2 level spoons of raisins, 2 teaspoons of honey and ground cinnamon if desired.

Preparation: Cut the apples into halves, remove the center and place on a baking sheet. The baking sheet can be lined with foil or greased with oil. Place raisins on half, then nuts, and honey on top. Cover the top with foil and bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and leave for another 20 minutes.

  • Panna cotta

Panna cotta can be a very high-calorie dessert if you make it with heavy cream, but if you use low-fat cream, it's a different matter.

The preparation is very simple: you need to heat the cream on the stove and add a little sugar and swollen gelatin (1 sachet for 500 ml of cream). Mix until gelatin and sugar dissolve and when the cream almost boils, remove from heat, pour into molds and place in refrigerator until cool. Of course, you can eat the dessert right out of the mold, but if you really want beauty, then pour hot water into the container and place the bottom of the mold with panna cotta for a few seconds. Next, place a plate on top and screw it in sharply. We remove the form and what remains is a beautiful snow-white light mass. The best topping for panna cotta is seasonal fruit puree (in winter we use frozen berries).

  • Banana ice cream

This is simply an amazing dessert. You only need one single ingredient and with the help of a little trick, you will get delicious and tender ice cream. For 2 servings you will need one large ripe banana.

Preparation: cut the banana into slices, place in a container, close with a lid and place in the freezer for at least 2 hours. After 2 hours, take out the chopped banana and place it in a blender and blend until the mass becomes homogeneous, stopping the process from time to time and stirring. When the mixture is soft and creamy, place it in a container and return it to the refrigerator. Once the ice cream has hardened, it is ready to eat.

  • Ricotta cheese with fruit

If you want a dairy dessert, then let it be cottage cheese or yogurt. We chop any seasonal fruits, add honey to taste and use ricotta cheese, mascarpone or yogurt as cream. Easy and simple, and most importantly tasty and healthy!

  • Baked apples with oatmeal

A great dessert for cold winter days when you want a warm, warming meal.

You will need: apples, oatmeal, brown sugar, cinnamon.

Preparation: Cut the apples into cubes and place on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon. Add flakes mixed with butter on top and place in the oven until the dessert turns golden brown.

  • Tangerine jelly with honey

To prepare this jelly, fresh tangerine juice is used, and the product is decorated with a spoon of mascarpone or Philadelphia cheese.

  • Raspberry sorbet

Sherbet can be made from any fruit and berries. The main rule is to beat the fruits while they are frozen, then place them in the freezer again. If necessary, add water, honey and other ingredients to taste.

  • Cheesecake

Not the lowest-calorie option, but you must admit that there is not enough dough, you can also add minimal sugar if you cook it yourself, and cottage cheese is healthy. There are many recipes on the Internet - just choose the one that contains less fat and flour.

  • Fruit and berry smoothie

Milk, a handful of berries, a banana and a spoon of honey are all you need to get real pleasure and treat yourself to a sweet and healthy drink.

If for one reason or another you have to eat dietary food, this absolutely does not mean that you cannot please yourself with an amazingly delicious dessert. After all, there are a huge number of simple and delicious recipes how to prepare dietary desserts. Believe me, dietary desserts are absolutely not inferior to classic desserts in taste and appetizing appearance. Therefore, in this category you will find recipes on how to prepare delicious dietary desserts. In this category, everyone will be able to choose a delicious dessert recipe to suit their taste and wishes. After all, here are recipes on how you can easily and simply prepare, for example, dietary desserts from cottage cheese, a dietary dessert from apples and other equally tasty and healthy fruits, as well as desserts for weight loss. As for desserts with cottage cheese, low-calorie cottage cheese desserts are allowed even by many effective and popular diets. After all, cottage cheese is a very healthy product, and it will not affect your figure at all. Low-calorie, delicious desserts are very easy to prepare, especially with recipes that include step by step photos. Recipes dietary desserts with a photo is simply a salvation for many housewives, especially beginners. Such recipes will help you both in preparing, serving, and decorating the dessert. But decorating desserts is a very important process, especially if you are preparing a dessert for a festive feast. Choose the recipes for dietary desserts that you like, start cooking and pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious, but at the same time very healthy, gourmet desserts. However, remember, even dietary desserts should not be abused at all.


Blueberry Lenten Ice Cream

Ingredients: blueberries, sugar, water, lime

Very often I make delicious berry ice cream for my family. Today I invite you to try delicious Lenten ice cream with blueberries and lime.


- 200 grams of blueberries,
- 70 grams of sugar,
- 100 grams of water,
- half a lime.


Soufflé "Bird's milk"

Ingredients: proteins, sugar, gelatin, water

Try this delicious Bird's Milk soufflé. I described the cooking recipe in detail for you, so you won’t have any problems with cooking.


- egg whites - 2 pcs.,
- gelatin - 10 grams,
- water - 35 ml.,
- sugar - half a glass.


Fried bananas in a frying pan

Ingredients: water, sugar, butter, banana

If you want to try a really special dessert, then make these delicious easy to make fried bananas.


- 30 ml. water,
- 3-4 tbsp. Sahara,
- 40 grams of butter,
- 2 bananas.


Oatmeal dessert for those with a sweet tooth

Ingredients: oat flakes, bran, egg, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, yogurt, jam

If you also have a sweet tooth and really want to lose weight, then be sure to check out this simple recipe for a delicious dietary dessert made from oatmeal with yogurt.


- one and a half glasses of oatmeal,
- half a glass of bran,
- 2 eggs,
- 2 tbsp. powdered sugar,
- 1 tbsp. cinnamon,
- half tsp baking powder,
- 2 cups of yogurt,
- jam or any cream.


Marshmallow made from peach jelly and protein mass

Ingredients: peach jelly, sugar, water, proteins

We offer you a delicious, appetizing and light dessert made from jelly - marshmallows. You can prepare it not only for your loved ones. If you pack the sweets in a beautiful box, you will get a nice edible gift.

For the recipe you will need:

- peach jelly - 90 g;
- sugar - 50 g;
- water - 125 ml;
- egg white - 2 pcs.


Cleansing jelly for a flat stomach made from prunes, beets and oatmeal

Ingredients: oatmeal, beets, prunes, water

Due to intestinal slagging, deposits often appear, which not only harm the body, but also add weight. To effectively cleanse the intestines, you need to eat foods that have cleansing properties. These are oatmeal, beets and prunes. What can you cook from them? A tasty and healthy drink.

Beverage products:
- oat flakes - 200 g,
- one beet,
- a handful of prunes,
- liter of purified water.


Pumpkin baked in slices in the oven

Ingredients: pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, ginger

All pumpkin lovers will love our recipe today, in which we suggest baking the red beauty in slices in the oven - with sugar, cinnamon and ginger. It will be tasty, beautiful, and healthy!

- nutmeg pumpkin - 1 kg;
- sugar - 3-4 tbsp;
- ground cinnamon - 1-2 tsp;
- ground ginger - 0.5 tsp.


Simple and delicious baked apples in the oven

Ingredients: apples, sugar

There are probably few gourmets who don’t love juicy baked apples. For all its wonderful taste, this dessert is also healthy and low in calories, which allows you to consume it in almost unlimited quantities!


- apples - several pieces;
- granulated sugar;
- powdered sugar.


Homemade candied ginger

Ingredients: ginger, water, sugar, powdered sugar, star anise

Candied ginger is used in baking, used to decorate dishes, and added to hot drinks: tea, coffee, mulled wine, milk. Candied ginger is excellent in fighting colds.


- water;
- sugar;
- ginger;
- several stars of star anise;
- powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.


Ginger with honey and lemon

Ingredients: ginger, honey, lemon

Very tasty and useful combination: ginger-honey-lemon. It turns out to be a unique recipe for health, which will help with colds, and will be useful as a preventive measure, and will simply serve as a tasty delicacy.

- ginger, root - 300 g;
- honey - 150 gr;
- lemon - 200 gr.


Baked pumpkin with honey in the oven

Ingredients: pumpkin, orange, honey, ground cinnamon

We offer the recipe very delicious dessert- pumpkin baked in the oven with cinnamon, orange and honey. A wonderful dessert for adults and children is easy to prepare, as you can see for yourself by reading our recipe.

- 500 grams of pumpkin,
- 2 tablespoons of honey,
- half an orange fruit,
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.


Dried fruit candies with nuts

Ingredients: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, Walnut, coconut flakes

It turns out that sweets can be healthy! Homemade sweets made from nuts and dried fruits are clear proof of this. Please your sweet tooth with an unusual and tasty delicacy made by yourself. They will probably appreciate your efforts and ask for more!


- 1 glass of dried apricots;
- 1 glass of prunes;
- 1 glass of raisins;
- 1 glass of walnuts;
- 0.5 cups of coconut flakes.


Homemade candied pumpkin

Ingredients: pumpkin, lemon juice, sugar, water, cinnamon

If you don’t know how to quickly and easily prepare candied pumpkin, then we will be happy to help you. Our recipe is very simple, in which pumpkin slices are baked in the oven, saving you time. And the spices make the taste of this dessert unforgettable!

- pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
- lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp;
- sugar - 0.2 kg;
- water - 0.3 kg;
- ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.


Melon sorbet

Ingredients: melon, white rum, lemon, sugar

Melon sorbet prepared according to this recipe is aromatic, tasty and, what is important for many women, low in calories. The dessert is excellent and suitable for serving on a holiday table. See the recipe for all the details.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1 kg melon;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of rum;
- one lemon;
- 1/2 cup sugar.


Apricot panna cotta

Ingredients: cream, apricots, sugar, instant gelatin, water, berries, mint, grated chocolate

Panna cotta made from fresh apricots and cream is tender in both taste and consistency. This dessert would be appropriate for any occasion. festive table. It is not difficult to prepare, but there are still some subtleties in preparation. Read the recipe for all the details.

For the recipe you will need:
- half a liter of cream with 10% fat content;
- eight apricots;
- 100 g sugar;
- 15 grams of instant gelatin;
- 60 ml of water.
For decoration:
- berries, apricot pieces, mint, grated chocolate.


Yogurt smoothie with oatmeal and fruit

Ingredients: yogurt, rolled oatmeal, banana, melon, pears

By preparing this smoothie, you will charge yourself with energy and vitamins for the rest of the day. It is easy and quick to prepare, so this is another plus for preparing this nutritious shake to become a healthy habit. Well, shall we try?

- natural yogurt - 1 tbsp.,
- pears - 2 pcs.,
- banana - 1 pc.,
- small melon - 1 pc.,
- rolled oats - 3 tbsp.

Do you remember the taste fried potatoes, you love to eat meat with ketchup, and a hamburger during your lunch break just melts in your mouth. But your favorite jeans are bursting at the seams, your stomach has to be pulled in to fit into your skirt, and thoughts of a tender cake won’t leave you. Diet, excess weight, active exercises for weight loss and the dream of beautiful body- it becomes a burden, a routine thing. You want to eat constantly, carrots no longer seem sweet to you, and the reflection in the mirror gives birth to the thought of giving up all earthly delights in your head.

And here you are again trying to pull yourself together. You count calories, make a food consumption plan, take notes on the lost kilograms. You become tired more often at work, your head hurts, and your brain refuses to perceive any information. This is not surprising, because mental work requires glucose, sucrose and chocolate, which you only see in dreams and on store displays. By losing extra pounds, you can lose your job, because no one needs an employee who is late in the morning, sits with a sullen and angry face, not remembering last changes in contracts and agreements. To enrich the body with the necessary amount of glucose without harming your health and figure, dietary desserts for weight loss come to the rescue.

The main mistake of all women losing weight is that they prefer fruits. If you eat two apples a day as dessert, your weight gain will be 30-50 grams. And this will be your excess weight, which will decorate your tummy. Fruits contain sucrose and glucose, which enrich the body with organic elements necessary to maintain the body in good shape. Thus, your body will store fat from sucrose, and use glucose for brain function.

Also fruit jelly It is recommended to eat with dried fruits. When dieting, you can add 4-5 dried fruits. You shouldn’t eat them separately in large quantities if jelly is already included in your diet. Dried fruits are healthy and rich in vitamins. They satisfy hunger, do not contain peptides, are well absorbed, and speed up metabolism. Gelatin can be filled with natural juice or nectar, then the taste will be softer. This dessert can be consumed several times a week.

    The average daily intake of jelly is 250−300 grams, taking into account its consumption 3−4 times a week.

    If you eat jelly every day, you are allowed to eat no more than 50 grams per day.

    It is better to prepare jelly at home - it will not contain as many preservatives and dyes as store-bought ready-made jelly.

    When preparing jelly in powder form, it is recommended to fill it with juices, compotes, jelly or nectar.

    If you bought just gelatin, pour it with any tasty fruit drink, except soda.

But jelly candies are strictly contraindicated. They do not contain any natural products. Yes, it’s convenient to eat them at work when you want something to snack on, but it’s better to replace them with marmalade. And it's okay that there is sugar on it. Drink coffee and tea without pills, replacing sugar, and it will be delicious for you.

By the way, sugar substitutes have a very bad effect on the liver. If you have problems with this organ, eliminate all chemical and dietary supplements. It is also better to drink natural coffee, and not 3 in 1. All natural instant coffee is a scam. And those that supposedly do not contain caffeine are harmful to the heart.

Yes, in addition to the main advantages, a smoothie is useful because it contains only natural products - ripe fruits and vegetables. Milk-based cocktails can be drunk daily. If you eat one vegetable and fruit every day, then it is better to make a smoothie that contains a little bit of everything. Moreover, it is not very convenient to eat all the ingredients separately, because you feel full, and the body still does not receive everything planned for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Milkshakes are not harmful to your figure, even if you drink milk every day. Many bodybuilding athletes build their bodies with milkshakes. Only in your case will there be some fruit or ice cream floating in the milk. Cocktails and fruit smoothies improve performance:

  • Digestive system;
  • Metabolism;
  • Cleaning system;
  • Heart and liver;
  • Brain;
  • Blood circulation.

Thanks to diet drinks, you can not only eat delicious sweets, but also wash them down not with bitter green tea, but with a tasty drink.

In addition to fruits, you can eat 30 grams of dark chocolate daily. It has a good effect on brain function, enriches the body with hormones of happiness, without causing the formation of subcutaneous fat.

Do you remember, there were such interesting tasty buns that could be used instead of sugar in tea, as a basis for mixing mastic, or as an independent dish for roasting over a fire. They come in white and pink, uniform and with curly lines. There is another recipe that will be useful to you if you are losing weight. Marshmallow (translated from English as marshmallow) can be baked as a product from which a simple and a delicious cake. Each marshmallow is coated with jam or preserves, dropped to the bottom of a baking sheet and that’s it. The dish is baked for 3-4 minutes.

You can also make sugar-free marshmallows or marshmallows at home. This dessert contains more carbohydrates and virtually no fat. What does it mean? The fact that this dessert is best consumed at lunch, since carbohydrates are necessary for strength and energy, 65-70 kcal in a 100 gram serving is about a hundredth of a spoon of fat in your body.

At home cooking marshmallows you will need a sugar substitute, which negatively affects liver function. It is worth consulting with your doctor in advance before introducing a sugar substitute into your diet.

Cooking is great, but you go to the store every day and you can buy marshmallows instead of cooking them for 40 minutes at home. What is it, and what benefit or harm does it bring to your figure?

According to its presentation, marshmallows can be multi-colored. They are based on food dyes, and they are not at all harmful to your figure. In terms of consistency, marshmallows can be airy, sticky and hard. As a general rule, regular marshmallows should come off and leave bits of pulp behind. It is sticky, white, and difficult to separate from the main mass. Marshmallows that have a lot of lines and decorations on them will be harder. It bites off well, the mass does not tear, the surface is uniform. Such marshmallows are not recommended for consumption during a diet.

If you can't determine exactly which marshmallow is healthy, press it. White marshmallows of soft consistency will be crushed in your hands, fingerprints will remain. Hard marshmallows, which are not good for your figure, do not deform, and pressure marks disappear after another minute.

Below is a summary table of data for each dietary dessert mentioned.

When adding dried fruits, nuts, ice cream and other dietary fillers, data values ​​may vary depending on the value of the products and their quantity.



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