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Is higher education necessary in our time? Is higher education necessary in our time: personal development, modern conditions of employment, advice in building a career

If necessary higher education to gain success and material wealth? Today this question can already be classified as rhetorical. The employer requires a diploma of higher education; already from elementary school, teachers and parents talk about the importance of studying at a university. At the same time, everyone knows that a diploma does not at all guarantee employment for a good position, but rather ways of self-realization and professional growth in modern world enough without it. In addition, everyone has many successful and decently earning acquaintances without education. Maybe then it’s not worth spending precious years of youth and significant funds to obtain the coveted diploma?

Some statistics

An analysis of a survey conducted among Russians suggests that higher education is valued quite highly today. Thus, as many as 74% of respondents are confident in the need for it. At the same time, 24% consider early employment of young people a priority.

About 67% of Russians are ready to spend heavily on the education of their children and grandchildren. Moreover, only 57% of older people agree to save for the future of their offspring.

Young people, on the contrary, are more determined – as many as 80% are firmly convinced of the benefits of education.
It is interesting that obtaining a higher education in the eyes of the majority of respondents is not only an opportunity for material well-being, but also a path to self-improvement. This suggests that our population considers spiritual growth and human development important.

Why against

Among those same 26% of people surveyed who are skeptical about higher education, many cite the following arguments.

  • Price

It’s good if the graduate is on a budget and does not pay tuition, otherwise the family will face serious costs.

  • Time

Why do you need a higher education if you can go straight to work? Anyone young man I want to start earning money and gain independence from my parents as early as possible, and not wait 4-5 years, struggling with textbooks.

  • Irrationality of education

Higher education involves studying many unnecessary and uninteresting subjects that will never be useful in the future.

  • Number of universities

Nowadays, the number of so-called commercial institutions has increased. Low passing scores correspond to the quality of teaching. The qualifications of teachers in such institutions also leave much to be desired.

  • Lack of practical skills of graduates

Unlike technical schools and colleges that provide working specialties, a university provides only theoretical knowledge in the field of profession.

  • No guarantees

No one can say with complete confidence that having received the long-awaited diploma, they will be able to get a prestigious job in their specialty.
At first glance, it is difficult to disagree with many statements, because the university really does not provide any job specialty, does not teach how to make money or build your own business. But why then are so many students sitting in classes, taking coursework, tests, laboratory and theses? Maybe, in fact, the race for higher education takes away an extra 4-5 years of youth, after which you will have to go to a lower position and earn pennies, instead of going to work right away and becoming rich and successful.

Of course - for

Naturally, among those who have not graduated from universities there are many people who have achieved success in every sense, so it makes no sense to say that having a higher education is absolutely necessary. However, there are many serious reasons to still enroll in a university.

  • Developing intuition

A university is not needed for a student to store formulas, constants and theorems in his head. It must teach you to think, understand and not be afraid of completely new tasks and extreme situations. A person with a higher education receives certain skills and a map of such human knowledge that allows him to intuitively make the right decision. This is it true value higher education, and not in the presence of encyclopedic erudition.

  • Always in good shape

The young graduate has a flexible and powerful brain that is capable of learning quickly. This session clearly proves this! But education is also very useful for older people. By mastering new information, a person forces the brain to work and prevents it from aging. In fact, educated and well-read people do not lose clarity of mind and have excellent memory.

  • Connections

Study time is a great opportunity to acquire useful contacts, which we cannot do without in our time.

  • Changing career path

Anything can happen in life. Often, even if you have a decent job, you won’t be able to get a job without a specialized higher education.

  • "Educated" is a priority

Any manager, when hiring an employee, prepares for the fact that he will have to be trained and retrained, introduced to the realities of a particular enterprise. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a red-diploma student or just a smart person. However, the “crust” will still be a big plus in favor of the applicant.

  • "Walk while you're young"

Student years are the most vivid impressions and memories. They will last a lifetime. This is the time when young people not only learn to be independent, but also fall in love, go out, have fun, and create strong friendships. There is simply no point in missing out on all this!

Many, after receiving an education, do not stop there and continue to develop and improve themselves throughout their lives. Such people often become successful. The main thing here is that education becomes a means and not an end in itself. If a person doesn’t want to learn, why force him? Maybe someone likes the work of a welder, then he should go to a vocational school, where he will be taught the craft and given a decent and well-paid job. And for those who dream of acting, it is better to listen to their heart and boldly comprehend the basics of art. Otherwise, he is unlikely to become a good specialist in another field. How often can you meet those who have studied for 5 years at the institute for a specialty that is uninteresting to them, but do not want to work, and cannot!

You can’t become a dropout either the best option. Such a person cannot be trusted. What employer would want to have an employee who is not used to getting things done?
Therefore, most often the most successful students are those who:

  • choose a profession based on the call of their hearts, and not on parental insistence;
  • receive education purposefully, consciously, clearly imagining themselves in professional activities;
  • do not deviate from their goals and improve their education even when employed.

Who needs your higher education diploma

Often in our time, job advertisements contain a requirement for a higher education.

It is understandable when we are talking about specialists such as doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers, etc. But why would an employer have a sales consultant with an education, or a secretary, or even a security guard?

Often he wants to be sure that he is hiring a person who, at a minimum, knows how to communicate with people and behave within the bounds of decency. And he hardly needs the crust itself.

This is easy to check by phone. All you have to do is call the ad and ask if you need a higher education diploma. Most likely, you will be told that it is desirable, but not required.
Psychology will explain everything here. By asking the right question, you will show yourself as a competent and intelligent person who sincerely does not understand how a higher education can be useful in the performance of work duties.

But why then are such requirements presented to applicants? Most often, this is necessary in order to scare away unwanted people who want to apply for a vacant position.

Employer's opinion

To make it easier to understand the employer’s motives, it is enough to listen to the opinion of one of them.
Elena, who is the head of a department at one of the large companies in Moscow, has had to select personnel more than once: “There are professional areas in which you cannot do without higher education in any case - doctors, engineers, teachers... Trade does not require a “tower”, but When selecting employees for my department, I give preference to certified candidates. Why? As an employer, I need, first of all, literate people who can communicate and think. Without education, I’m ready to hire only a person with “bright eyes” and experience.”
Employers are confident that a person who has graduated from a university is able to work, has a broad outlook and knows how to analyze information.

What kind of education to have - everyone decides for himself. And let it not be an extreme necessity or a guarantee life success, but with it comes a career path, and life path may become much easier.

The answer to the question “Is education necessary?” depends on what meaning a person puts into this word. If we're talking about about a document confirming graduation from an educational institution, then in some cases you can do without it. The diploma itself does not give anything and should not be an end in itself. But if by education we mean the acquisition and improvement of knowledge, expansion of one’s horizons and professional skills, then it is necessary for the development of a person as an individual.

General education

Education is the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities that a person acquires in different periods own life. The educational process begins in childhood and can continue throughout life. You can acquire knowledge in educational institutions with the help of teachers or engage in self-education. The right to education is enshrined in the Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights and other legal acts.

General education programs include:

  1. Preschool education programs. small children, if it is not mandatory? Preschool education lays the foundation for intellectual and physical development child. If parents for some reason cannot or do not want to take their child to the nursery preschool, they must engage in its education on their own.
  2. General education programs. General education also called school or secondary education. Without a certificate of secondary education, it is impossible to continue studying in technical or higher education. educational institution, therefore, get a specialty. besides receiving the document? School not only provides basic knowledge in various subjects, but teaches discipline, adaptation in society, and develops character.
  3. Higher education programs. everyone? Of course not, since not every person aspires to become a civil servant, office worker or manager. Many build their lives differently, and for this they only need the knowledge gained at school, or after completing specialized courses, in the process of self-education. Although for a person with a higher education diploma, more prospects and opportunities open up.


Self-education is a kind of superstructure over the foundation of basic knowledge acquired at school or institute. The self-study program consists only of required material in accordance with the interests and needs of a particular person.

Independent acquisition of additional knowledge, mastery of skills and abilities provides complete freedom to choose sources of information, as well as the amount of time spent. This is the beauty of this type of education.

Functions of education and its value for society

Education as a part of social culture performs several interrelated functions:

  1. Reproduction function. It consists of the reproduction of culture in new generations on the basis of professional experience, achievements of science and art, spiritual and cultural values. Education creates a sense of responsibility to future generations for the preservation and enrichment of cultural heritage.
  2. Development function. Implies the development of individual human personalities and society as a whole. Education helps young people to join the life of society and integrate into social system, become a full-fledged citizen of the country, achieve success in society. Education influences a person’s social status, ensures mobility, and promotes self-affirmation.

The potential of any state and its prospects further development directly depend on the level of moral, economic and cultural spheres. Education is a fundamental factor in interaction between members of society and the attractiveness of the country as a whole.

The importance of education for a person

Speaking about the benefits of education for society, it is impossible to underestimate its importance directly for each individual. In the modern world, education is one of the main value orientations in society. Education does not only mean obtaining professional knowledge and skills, but also personal development. Educated person has a number of advantages:

  • freedom and independence;
  • stability of existence;
  • universalism (the need for harmony, justice, tolerance);
  • success in society, social approval;
  • power, respectful attitude of others.

Currently, education is not a priority for a select few, but is available to everyone. Therefore, each of us is the arbiter of our own destiny.

In general, it depends on how you want to live in the future and how important the opinions of others are to you.

  • There are specialties in which you will definitely not be able to achieve success without a specialized higher education (medicine, law, engineering, etc.). So if you think one of these majors is your calling, it seems clear that this is the education you need.
  • If you don’t know 1000% exactly what you want to do in the future, it’s better to get some kind of higher education (in this case, I advise you to choose a faculty based on your interests, and not on high pay, because if you are very bored, there is a high probability that you will not complete your studies before receiving your diploma, but you will still most likely be working outside your profession), and here’s why:
    • With a higher education diploma it is much easier to find a higher paying job than without it. Here's the question: do you need such a highly paid job? It's deeper than it seems. Yes, perhaps it won’t be difficult for you alone to live in a rented room with three other people, eat buckwheat and buy clothes once every five years. What if you want to start a family? You would probably like to raise your children in more favorable conditions (and in principle, quite a lot of money is spent on children). The phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is about how being super rich won’t necessarily make you happy, not about how being poor won’t make it hard.
    • In principle, prejudices in society are such that people with higher education, who have gone through the realities of studying at a university, are somehow better, smarter, more intelligent than people without it.
    • While studying at university you can make many new connections, both business and personal, where you are more likely to such you won't get the opportunity.
    • Even if now it seems to you that you can do without the “goodies” of higher education, there is a high probability that in 10-20 years you will regret your decision not to receive it. I personally know many such people. But the problem is that at the age when you regret it, it is much less likely that you will be able to financially endure your studies (surely, you will be able to work less if you start studying, not to mention possible costs for the training itself)

Yes, there are people who, without having a higher education, started their own business and became millionaires (or at least well-off). But it is very important to understand that such people - an exception. Where did they have so much knowledge about how to produce a product/service? how to present it in the market? how to attract clients? how to manage a company?
These people have either gone through a lot difficult path, which not everyone can do, or they are damn lucky, and such luck is also extremely rare.

There are areas in which higher education is not necessary to achieve success, and these are mainly creative or sports professions. If you see yourself in this, ask yourself two questions:

  1. Are my abilities in this area sufficient to receive a stable income that meets my needs?
  2. Is the risk of no longer being able to work in this field for any reason (due to injury, for example)?

If your answer to both questions is confidently positive, you can do without higher education. If you are not very sure about any of this, it is better to have a backup plan so as not to be left with nothing.

Higher education is one of the first points in describing the requirements for most vacancies. In fact, HR specialists do not often file higher education diplomas in employees’ personal files. There is an idea that universal higher education is necessary, and life without it will go downhill. But is this really so? The approach to higher education has become overgrown with many clichés. Today we will look at the most common reasons for obtaining higher education, and what they lead to in reality. To understand whether you need to start.

When is higher education needed?

    Obtaining a specialty that is impossible to study on your own. And this is perhaps the only one hundred percent objective reason. Indeed, a number of specialties require higher education. For example, becoming a doctor or chemical engineer without long-term specialized training impossible. Higher education provides close control over the acquisition of skills and provides a basis for practicing them in practice.

    Initially, the higher education system was aimed specifically at teaching specific skills, the independent development of which difficult, unreliable or even unethical. Over time, higher education began to cover a wider range of activities and expanded to professions that previously did not require higher education.

    Increasing the general level of erudition. Higher education primarily teaches not a specialty, but what where to find information and how to process it to learn the specialty on your own. This is one of the key skills for successfully adapting to changing living conditions. Of course, you can learn this without a university, but the institute provides a good opportunity to do this in a short time. If you want to learn how to learn, a college degree can really help. In addition, higher education provides knowledge in general basic academic disciplines - psychology, philosophy, economic theory, sociology, law, conflictology. Basic knowledge on these subjects can only help in life. At least for general development.

    A smooth transition from childhood to adulthood. If the two previous reasons apply to people of any age, then this one applies only to school graduates. Adulthood different from the everyday life of yesterday's schoolchild. For many teenagers, the period of adaptation to a new status can be traumatic. Students can become a kind of psychological buffer for saying goodbye to childhood. The reason for pursuing higher education is, of course, subjective and not for everyone. But it’s still a plus sign, because the desire to be a student in order to prolong your carefree youth at least a little more is completely normal.

Whenever it seems necessary

    Inability to receive Good work without higher education. The manipulation, beloved by older generations, “if you don’t study, you will become a janitor,” of course, firmly settles in the consciousness and takes on a negative connotation. If such attitudes force you to get a higher education, then it is better to think hard before entering a university or even work with a psychologist. This will help separate real desire from imposed feelings of guilt. Success in life depends on one's ability to adapt, not one's penchant for academic success. But we're talking about something else.

    Getting a good job without a higher education is not so difficult, it’s enough have any skills. Doing renovations in apartments, for example, is good work. Being a flight attendant on a passenger plane, responsible for the safety of passengers, while seeing the whole world is also good. Neither one nor the other specialty requires higher education. And the list goes on and on. In addition, some positions that do not require higher education for employment allow you to study at the employer’s expense. This can be done, for example, by the police.

    Impossibility of being a respected specialist (and person) without higher education. This reason also requires psychological work. Or, again, real examples that destroy this myth. Midwives, jewelers, architectural restorers - all of them do not have higher education, only secondary education. But it is unlikely that anyone will call their work little respected.

Bad reasons to get a higher education

    Parents said - it is necessary. Listening to parents is good, and no one argues with that. But a person lives his life independently and only he determines the need for training, the right specialty for himself, etc. Parents, of course, can advise something, but they must make categorical decisions only about themselves.

    Everyone gets a higher education. Doing something for a company is not the path that will lead to success. Getting an education is a conscious, responsible step that can seriously change your life. And this step should be based on personal goals and desires.

Higher education is a great tool that can make you a professional. But it is not necessary for every specialty. For example, many humanitarian areas can be mastered independently much faster and much more deeply than at a university. A trivial example of this is famous writers, poets who did not receive higher education, but throughout their lives honed their literary skills and achieved brilliant success. Technical specialists were also not spared from obtaining higher education. Many well-known companies can showcase self-taught programmers on their staff who are in no way inferior to their colleagues with a diploma.

Examples can be given endlessly, but the essence is the same: higher education is not always the only source for mastering a profession

The decision to obtain higher education should be purely individual. Some people really need it; it is simply impossible to carry out certain types of activities without higher education. Higher education is a wonderful tool that can unlock extraordinary potential. But in modern times, even without higher education, you can live with dignity, there is no doubt about that. Therefore, whether you need higher education or not is not controversial issue. This is a question whose solution is determined individually in each specific case. And the decision depends on goals, wishes And existing skills And resources.

Hello, friends. Today is November 4, 2016, and in this article we will try to understand the question of whether higher education is necessary in our time to modern man in current living conditions.

It’s worth noting right away that the topic is very sensitive, so your opinion may differ radically from the proposed version. Please share your thoughts in the comments.

If we consider the domestic labor market 20-25 years ago (or earlier), then people with a higher education diploma were by default considered first-class specialists in their field. Therefore, every decent parent considered it his duty to educate his child, thus giving him a “ticket to a comfortable future.”

Let's think about whether this model works now? Offhand, several contradictory opinions can be identified:

  1. Today no one needs a diploma.
  2. Higher education has always been valued and its importance should not be underestimated.

Let's look at each opinion, and then try to draw a conclusion in favor of one of the options.

Point of view No. 1. No one is interested in education

As the first reinforced concrete proof, I would like to present short list people who did not need a diploma to fulfill their dreams and achieve success in life.

  • Michael Dell. Since 2013 included in the list of 100 richest people planets (49th place). IN currently the amount of his capital exceeds 16 billion.
  • Bill Gates . From the age of 13 he began to actively move towards his goal. Mastered programming and founded Microsoft. With enviable frequency, he tops the ranking of the world's richest people.
  • Coco Chanel. It is difficult to meet a person who was able to influence the fashion trends of the last century so much. Despite the fact that Coco passed away in 1971, her creation (the house of Chanel) continues to conquer the planet today.
  • John Rockefeller. The first dollar billionaire in human history. Achieved success from poverty, without outside help or advice. It is impossible to imagine how powerful this man's impact was on the US industrial sector.
  • Walt Disney. I don’t know if it’s worth commenting on this name at all. An amazing person whose masterpieces will live in our hearts forever.

As noted, this is a fairly limited list of people to look up to.

Now let’s look at a few more reasons why traditional education is not necessary:

  • One-sided and excessively wide supply of material.
  • Low quality of teaching, based on the presentation of useless and unclaimed theories.
  • Inflated cost of training, without any guarantee of subsequent employment.
  • A huge number of educational institutions upsets the balance in the labor market. As a result, supply clearly dominates demand, and many specialists are forced to look for an alternative source of income (often extremely unpleasant).

Today, if a person really needs knowledge, there are many paid/free courses and trainings that allow you to quickly progress in your chosen direction. It's much faster and cheaper than going to college.

Let's say if you want to get a popular Internet profession and self-realization, you can do it in online university Netology.

With such preparation, the emphasis is on useful knowledge, rather than on completing a bloated 5-year abstract program that has no practical foundation.

Don't believe me? According to statistics, about 80% of new employees hear the phrase “ forget everything you were taught at your institute" Agree, there is something to think about.

But for example, here is a list of courses and trainings on the Internet that have good feedback and give me confidence:

  1. If you want to become a successful blogger and make good money from your blog, then you can take training at the School of Bloggers of Alexander Borisov. Here.
  2. Launching a product business on the Internet. Learn to make money by selling goods online. Here.
  3. Get more in demand and highly paid profession on the Internet you can. Here.
  4. School of Successful Trading. Here.
  5. Center for Financial Culture. I recommend. Here.

Point of view No. 2.

Let's assume that the chosen specialty is the direction to which you are ready to devote best years life. In this case, an education diploma gives you the following advantages:

  • Opportunity to get a position in a better company.
  • Broad prospects for career advancement.
  • Stable workplace with all social security.
  • New acquaintances, business connections.

In addition to all this, a diploma is an element of prestige and is intended to increase human self-esteem. Well, it's time to move on to the conclusion.

So, is higher education necessary? It’s unfortunate, but it’s impossible to answer unequivocally. It all depends on your priority life goal.

To figure it out, ask yourself questions like this:

  • What prospects does a diploma open?
  • Is there a more efficient and fast way achieve the desired result?
  • Will lack of formal education affect your image? How strong? Is it possible to survive this?

Only after receiving honest answers can you make the only correct decision. Good luck!

P.S And here is another useful material, where the author of this video shares his opinion about whether higher education is necessary for a modern person, taking as an example quite famous and successful personalities, namely Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and, well, the man who changed the world!



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