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What do they pray to St. Spyridon of Trimythous? Real cases when communicating with Saint Spyridon. Where is the shrine containing the relics of the saint?

Numerous saints, even during their lifetime, devoted all their time to helping people, and each had his own area in which he was stronger. Even after death, a huge number of believers, through prayer, ask the saints for help in solving various problems.

How does Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt help?

Prayer requests and sincere faith Help people all over the world solve various life problems:

  1. The saint is considered the most powerful in the financial sphere, as people who have problems with money turn to him.
  2. Sick people can count on the help of the saint, as he helps in healing various diseases.
  3. People who work with animals ask in their prayers that the saint protect livestock from various diseases, increase milk yield and help with other problems.
  4. Parents pray to keep their child out of trouble and put him on the right path.
  5. Saint Spyridon helps to find Good work, which will not only generate income, but will also be to your liking. Sincere prayer requests help solve different problems in business.
  6. It is not forbidden to turn to the saint even to solve everyday problems.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky - life

The clergy are convinced that in order to understand the saint, it is necessary to penetrate the spirit of his time. History has preserved a huge number of facts concerning personal life miracle worker. The life of Saint Spyridon began in 270, and he was born on the island of Cyprus into a wealthy family. For his faith and love, the Lord awarded him the power to heal people and help people solve other problems. In adulthood, he married, but misfortune happened and his beloved wife died. Spiridon humbly accepted what happened and continued to help people.

He became a clergyman and decided to distribute all his property to the poorest families in Cyprus. After that, he began to wander around the island, performing various miracles. Around 348, he prayed and the Lord turned to him, predicting his imminent death. The relics of the saint remained in his homeland and the most amazing body remained practically unchanged. Every year, the temple servants change Saint Spyridon’s clothes, and his slippers always turn out to be worn out, as if he were traveling around the world, helping people. The shoes are cut into pieces and sent to different corners world where they are used as a shrine.

Miracles of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

The Church confirms that the saint performed miracles during his lifetime and many of them have documentary evidence.

  1. When Spiridon of Trimifuntsky's daughter Irina died, a woman came to him and began to cry that she had given her her gold jewelry and did not know where she hid it. The saint saw that she was telling the truth, then he approached the coffin and asked his daughter to show where she had placed the woman’s jewelry. At that same moment, in front of people’s eyes, Irina stood up and pointed with her hand where she had left her things. After this, Spiridon said that his daughter could rest in peace.
  2. The help of Saint Spyridon was also global, so one year in the places where he lived there was a famine and then, in order to save the poor, he turned snakes into gold, with the help of which they were able to buy grain from the rich.
  3. One day, a friend of the saint was put in prison because of slander, and Saint Spyridon went to save him, but his path was blocked by the seething Jordan. With his prayer, he was able to force the stream to stop and a dry path appeared in front of him, along which he crossed to the other bank.
  4. After death, a huge number of people testify that they see Spiridon, who comes to them in Hard time and provides assistance. This explains the worn-out shoes on the saint’s relics.
  5. A mother came to the temple where the relics of the saint were kept with her son, mute from birth. They prayed in the temple and when the relics of Spyridon were carried over the child, he immediately spoke.
  6. The girl, suffering from, could not be saved by any medicine, and only by venerating the icon and the relics, she felt endued and became healthy.

How to pray to Saint Spyridon correctly?

In order for prayer requests to be heard, several rules must be taken into account.

  1. It is important to say the text before the image, so if you pray outside of church, then buy an icon for yourself in a church shop.
  2. The prayer text must be memorized, but if your memory is poor, then write the text on a piece of paper and read it. You can say it out loud or to yourself. You are allowed to pray in your own words, since the main thing is sincerity and openness.
  3. When turning to the Higher Powers, it is important not to be distracted by anything, so you should first turn off your phone, turn off the TV, and so on.
  4. Before turning to a saint, it is recommended to ask the Higher Powers for forgiveness for sins, bad deeds and thoughts. Having received the blessing, you can move on to prayer requests.
  5. The story of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky says that the day of his memory is usually celebrated on December 12; it is believed that on this day prayers are especially effective.
  6. The Akathist must be read for 40 days in a row at any time, with the exception of days of fasting. It is important to say prayers until the problem is solved and improvement occurs.
  7. During prayer you need to light it near the image.
  8. To speed up the result, it is recommended to additionally use visualization. Imagine that the saint is nearby and hears every word spoken.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon

There are several prayer texts that can be used to contact Saint Spyridon. It is important to understand that they are not a magic wand and what you want will not “fall on your head.” Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous will help if a person acts and makes attempts to solve problems. Higher powers only create favorable conditions, and everything else is in the hands of man.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky prayer for money

It has already been said that the main area in which Spiridon is the main assistant is finance. During his earthly life and after his death, he helps people who have material problems. It is important to understand that the prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky about financial well-being should be pronounced not for banal enrichment, but to receive help in difficult situations, for example, when money is needed for an operation.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky prayer for housing

Selling a home is a responsible business and many people are worried about the successful outcome of the case, given the presence of numerous scammers. Prayer to Saint Spyridon for help can be used not only for successful sales, but also purchases square meters. There is much evidence of how sincere petitions have helped people solve their housing problems.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky - prayer for work

Problems at work can arise in a variety of ways, starting with small wages and ending with troubles with management. A sincere prayer to Saint Spyridon for help at work will help in any situation. For example, you can read it before entering the boss’s office or before giving a report. You can pronounce words not only out loud, but also to yourself. It is important not to forget that after receiving what you want, you must thank the saint.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon before trial

Court decisions are not always fair and deserved, and this can ruin a person’s life forever. To protect yourself, you can ask Saint Spyridon for help.

  1. Sincere petitions will save an innocent person from a wrong verdict. Even guilty people who sincerely repent for their mistakes and want a chance to correct themselves can pray. They ask the Wonderworker for intercession, representation, the Lord’s help and remission of sins.
  2. The prayer text must be repeated before each court hearing. It is best to pray by kneeling in front of the image.
  3. The words must be repeated several times.

How to thank Saint Spyridon for his help?

Many people forget that it is necessary to turn to the Higher powers not only in difficult times, but in moments of joy, to express gratitude for the help provided. The clergy believe that the image of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous should be in every home, so that the believer can turn to him at any time at the call of his heart. To thank the saint, you do not need to memorize prayers, since you can say everything in your own words, most importantly, from the heart.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky is the only one in Orthodox religion a saint who is directly allowed to pray for money.

Brief life of Spiridon of Trimifuntsky

It is quite easy to recognize a saint on an icon. The miracle worker is depicted wearing a pointed cap, such as was worn by Greek shepherds. He was a shepherd in ordinary life. Herding sheep on the island of Cyprus. He married a kind, chaste woman, and a daughter was born into the family. His wife died early, and Spiridon continued to lead a righteous life.

During the reign of Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, Spyridon was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt, who gave the second part of the name. Spyridon of Trimythous is revered by believers in many countries. But only Orthodox Christians open the shrine containing the relics for veneration.

In his house there was always a shelter and a piece of bread for the orphans and the poor; he shared money with the poor. For his kindness and meekness, the Lord rewarded Saint Spyridon with the gift of a seer and healer.

The miracle worker once healed the son of Emperor Constantius, and briefly resurrected his own daughter. The date of his death was revealed to the saint. He died praying. The saint's last speeches were words of love for God and neighbors. Spyridon was buried in Trimifunt in the Church of the Holy Apostles.

Miracles of the saint during his life and after

Saint Spyridon became famous for his miracles during his lifetime. He was able to end the drought - thanks to his prayers, rains began on the island, and the Cypriots were saved from starvation.

Saving an acquaintance from an unjust trial, Spiridone of Trimifuntsky managed to part the waters of the river that blocked his path. Witnesses to this miracle quickly notified the judge. He greeted the saint with honors and released the innocent man from custody.

But it happened to him to be irreconcilable with people leading an unrighteous lifestyle. The seer saw the hidden sins of people, pointed them out, and if sinners did not want to take the path of correction, he severely punished them. Thus, through the prayers of Saint Spyridon, the evil and greedy grain merchant was punished, and the poor residents were rewarded.

When the saint conducted services, the lamps spontaneously filled with oil, and angels served him, singing under the arches of the temple.

Surprisingly, the saint does not stop “traveling” even after his death. In the 7th century, his relics were transferred to Constantinople, then they were transported to the island of Corfu.

The right hand - the holy right hand of Spyridon - was kept in Rome, but relatively recently - in 1984, as a result of agreements reached, it was returned to Corfu.

Who and how does the saint help today?

Many pilgrims were lucky enough to visit Corfu and touch the shrine and pray to Spyridon of Trimythous for money in close proximity to the relics.

Eyewitnesses testify that the temple servants do not always manage to open the shrine containing the relics. Sometimes it is locked from the inside. This fact suggests that Saint Spyridon is absent at this time. He constantly goes to God to convey to Him requests that people entrust to him in prayers.

Over the course of a year, Spiridon’s shoes made of soft fabric from such hikes wear out to holes. He is put on new shoes, and the old ones are given to especially distinguished believers. They, even a small piece of fabric from these shoes, have enormous power.

The vestments on the saint are also periodically changed, which also becomes unusable. His hair and nails continue to grow to this day, and his body temperature, like that of a living person, is 36.6 degrees.

In 2018, the relics of the saint, namely the right hand of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, visited Russia. In September-October they were available to pilgrims in Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from early morning until late evening. The silver ark with the relics traveled through 12 more cities of Russia, and then returned safely to Corfu.

This unprecedented case in the history of relics testifies to the strength and respect that the Russian Orthodox Church has gained throughout the world.

Prayers to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky help in solving financial issues and in all transactions related to money. They resort to prayer to His Holiness if a large purchase is planned, for example, a car or apartment, moving, or exchanging living space. And also in cases of upcoming large expenses.

Rules for turning to a saint for help

IN Orthodox churches The saint's memory is celebrated on December 12. On this day, the prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky reaches special power. IN church calendar there are 4 more days for special prayers to St. Spyridon of Trimythous. These days the island hosts religious processions, prayers for the gift of money and prosperity.

In 2007, Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu brought the shoe and donated it to the Moscow St. Daniel Monastery. The prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is constantly read by believers at this shrine.

In the old quiet center of Moscow in Bryusov Lane in the Church of the Resurrection on the Assumption Vrazhek there is an amazing icon with the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. It is located to the right of the altar. It is small, in a metal frame.

Prayer at this icon also performs miracles. They say that through the prayer of one of the parishioners, the lid of the coffin with the relics of the saint was opened. There were many witnesses to this miracle. The abbot of the temple, looking at the miracle revealed, said that the one who opened it could close the lid.

Then the parishioner read the prayer again, and the ark closed.

How to read a prayer correctly

The holy prayer for money can be read at any time, preferably after the main prayers - “Our Father” and “Creed”. It is not necessary to memorize the prayer; reading from a piece of paper is allowed. But from time to time the words of the prayer will become more and more understandable and will soon be firmly fixed in memory, so that the cheat sheet will no longer be needed.

To be sure, you can read the Akathist at least once a week before the icon of the saint. A small book is available in almost every church bookstore. Be sure to purchase an icon depicting a saint. You can even carry a small pocket icon in your wallet,

Help from Spiridon will follow very quickly. It’s not for nothing that he is called a miracle worker. If there is no expected result, there may be several reasons:

  • The prayers were not so diligent and sincere. It may be worth persevering and continuing your prayer vow.
  • The desired result from prayers will not come, since the thoughts were not entirely pure and can harm a person.
  • The petitioner is not attentive enough to the signs given and does not see something obvious that itself comes into his hands.
  • And finally, perhaps there is no need to bother the saint with prayers on trivial matters. He is diligently concerned about all those who suffer.

Text and meaning of prayers

There are three prayer texts of appeals to Saint Spyridon according to for various reasons. Their content is largely similar. All of them describe the good deeds of the miracle worker, glorify him and contain a request to turn to the Lord and pray for the needs of the suffering.

First prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and wonderworker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you completely put the heretics to shame. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues. For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels invisibly in the church you had those singing and serving with you. Sitsa, therefore, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you are given the gift of understanding all the secret human deeds and convicting those who live unrighteously. You zealously helped many living in poverty and lack, you nourished the poor people abundantly during famine, and you created many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future. us, may we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven before the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with your merciful eye at the people standing here and asking for your strong help. Pray to the compassion of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession ! Deliver all who come to God through undoubted faith from all spiritual and physical troubles. from all yearnings and devilish slander! Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the baby, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to all those who require your strong help, even useful for salvation! For if we are guided and observed by your prayers, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and To the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

They also ask the saint for a peaceful, sinless, serene life, mental and physical health, help, abundance, good luck in business and prosperity.

You need to start every day with a prayer for financial well-being until the desired result is achieved.

There are prayers to Saint Spyridon for work and housing. They are also read for at least 30 days.

You can listen to recorded prayers, but it is better to do the prayer work yourself. And you should never neglect thanksgiving prayers saints who came to the rescue in difficult life situations.

It is not customary to talk about any material benefits. However, we are all human, and people tend to make requests for all earthly needs, including help in financial matters.

It just so happens that most often they pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, remembering his help to the poor without dowries, as well as St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, whose acts of mercy are described among the many miracles revealed by the saint not only during his lifetime, but also many centuries after his repose. How does the icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky help?

The story of a saint

If you don’t yet know what the sacred image of the saint looks like, then among the many icons of other saints it can be identified by its unusual headdress, which is a simple shepherd’s cap. And all because before becoming the Bishop of Trimifuntsky, he was an ordinary farmer and shepherd. The Cypriot saint was awarded the high priestly rank for his virtuous and righteous, truly holy life.

His election as a bishop was a real joy for the ordinary inhabitants of Cyprus - after all, he was equal in origin to them, and he was also known as a helper and benefactor of the needy, with whom he shared his last. Even after becoming a bishop, St. Spiridon led a completely modest, even ascetic lifestyle. These virtues of his were rewarded by the Lord, who gave his faithful servant a special gift - miracles.

There is an interesting historical moment in the saint’s biography: he, together with Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, a miracle worker, participated in the First Ecumenical (Nicene) Council.

In those years (and this is the 4th century AD), when oppression Christian Church subsided, various heretical teachings began to arise. One of them was Arianism, which should have been debunked and condemned at the Council. The main postulate of the false teaching was the non-recognition of the holiness of Jesus Christ and the non-acceptance of the unity of the Holy Trinity.

There is evidence that some of the eminent hierarchs present at the Council, fearing that the former simple shepherd would not be able to defeat the Arians in a theological dispute, prevented his speech. But what happened next showed them that by the actions of St. Spiridon was guided by the Lord Himself.

The Bishop of Trimifuntsky took the plinth and, squeezing it in his hand, performed a miracle: a fire immediately poured out of the brick, a fiery flame shot up, and a lump of clay remained in the saint’s hand. So clearly and very eloquently he explained the unity of the Three Hypostases of the Holy Trinity - three in one.

The life of the saint is replete with examples of miracles performed by him. Some are like a fairy tale.

  • The Rain Case by His Prayer during the drought and the deliverance of the island's inhabitants from hunger due to crop failure, it became almost textbook.
  • But rain could be not only a blessing, but also a punishment. So, again in a dry year, a rich merchant was punished by the saints for selling grain at, as they would say now, speculative prices. The downpour that broke out through Spyridon’s prayer washed away the rich man’s granaries.
  • In the troparion to Bishop Trimifuntsky there are these words: “thou hast transformed the serpent into gold...”. This incident is also described in the life. A poor peasant turned to the saint to lend him money to buy grain for sowing. The next morning Spiridon brought him a gold bar. The farmer's affairs improved, and soon he was able to repay the debt.

    The saint offered to pray with gratitude to the one who was such a generous lender, and asked the Lord to return the gold to its original form. The ingot hissed, wriggled and turned into a snake.

  • One of the most wonderful, but also the rarest miracles in practice God's saints- resurrection of the dead. There were such cases with Saint Spyridon. One day a grief-stricken mother came to him with a dead baby in her arms. The saint said a prayer and the child came to life. This shocked the woman so much that her heart could not stand it and she died. But another hot bishop resurrected her too.
  • Angels singing invisibly in an empty church when Spyridon entered, Bishop of Trimifuntsky; empty lamps filled with oil - through the prayer of the saint; the water element submitting to him; healing of a terminally ill king; various cases foresight - the list goes on and on.

The relics of the saint, which are preserved on the Greek island of Corfu, in its capital Kerkyra, in the temple in the name of St., have no less power of miracle-working. Spiridon. Many Orthodox Christians come here to venerate the incorruptible remains. The very fact that the island has never been captured by the Turks in its entire history, unlike other pieces of land in the Ionian Sea, indicates high holy patronage.

Scientists still cannot explain the phenomenon of incorruptibility of relics and especially that they have the temperature of an ordinary living human body - 36.6.

And also the saint to this day helps those asking for help, from time to time leaving the shrine and “travelling” across the earth. The temple servants say that the shrine is closed with two locks, which need to be unlocked and locked at the same time, so two people need to do this. There are days when it is impossible to open it. The ministers understand: this means that the saint has again set out to “wander” - to help those who called him through prayer.

By the way, the fact that the Bishop of Trimifuntsky is not always on site is also evidenced by worn out shoes: They are forced to change them twice a year. And as a shrine they are passed on to many Orthodox churches.

Meaning of the icon

The image of the saint, who lived so far from our country, has been loved and revered in our country for a long time. A big role in this is played by the fact that it was created as if specifically to help sick, poor, needy (in different senses) people. But this does not mean that a completely healthy and wealthy Christian cannot pray to him, even if he were sincere in his prayers and righteous in his planned deeds.

The icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is in many churches. In some versions, the saint holds a folio of Holy Scripture in his left hand, and a brick in his right, in remembrance of the proof of the Trinity.

Through prayers in front of the icon of the saint, Russian soldiers have won victories since the time of Ivan the Terrible. In the past, regimental chapels were consecrated in his name, or chapels were dedicated to him.

Speaking about the meaning of the icon of St. Spiridon, I’m tempted to use a verbal cliché: it’s hard to overestimate it. It gives us confidence that the saint is always nearby, he knows all our troubles and needs, and if we humbly ask for deliverance from them, he bestows his help.

What does it help with, what do they pray for?

As already mentioned, most often prayer requests are offered in front of the icon for the resolution of purely worldly problems. And in order to more accurately answer the question “how does Spyridon of Trimifuntsky help?”, it is best to read his life, which describes situations in the resolution of which he more than once became the main assistant.

  • The most common people who ask for help in raising money are: resolving financial difficulties.
  • People who have lost or are looking for decent work, also come with prayer about this.
  • Often arise problems with financial debts and their timely repayment. The saint becomes the first assistant here too.
  • An equally important life question is own housing. It would seem that the situation is completely hopeless, but through the prayers of St. Spiridon and from here there is an exit.
  • Villagers usually pray for their peasant needs– about preventing the death of livestock, about preserving the harvest, especially in dry years. In the life of the saint, cases of his help in such situations are noted more than once.
  • Crop failure It can also manifest itself from diseases in the fields, heavy rains - who can help with this?
  • Take place litigation, property disputes? Also feel free to contact Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.
  • How much in life family problems! How much misunderstanding and even cruelty towards loved ones! Offer prayers to this heavenly intercessor.
  • If you need help with healing from all sorts of ailments- turn your gaze to the icon.
  • Successful buying and selling, business success– these are also themes of prayers.
  • Do you have to solve an important problem, look for the right way out? And with this request you can turn to the saint.
  • Pious people ask strengthening in faith when oppressed by enemies.

As always when praying to To the Higher Powers, one must do this with a pure heart, showing selflessness and piety. Help does not always appear right away; often you have to wait for it for years, and a person can lose faith - there is no need to make such a mistake. Faith combined with patience can move mountains.

And also: if you get what you want, don’t forget to thank. If you say “thank you” to others in response to a favor, you will learn and prayers of thanksgiving.

Where is the shrine located?

As already noted, almost every Orthodox Christian has an image of a saint. Many believers kneel before him in prayer. Some of the icons were painted by monks on Mount Athos and donated to our churches, or donated by priests from Kerkyra, where the relics of St. Spiridon.

The icon, glorified by special miracles, is located in the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word, which is located very close to Tverskaya. The reliquary, located in the center of the icon and equipped with a door, contains particles of the saint’s relics. Eyewitnesses testify that the door opens by itself during fervent supplication prayer and closes at the end, and soon after that the request is fulfilled.

The sacred gift from the brothers in faith from the island of Corfu is received and in the Danilov Monastery, in its Intercession Church. This is a velvet slipper containing the relics of a saint. It is placed in an icon case under his icon. Miracles happened here too.

Another address for finding the miraculous icon: Bashkiria, Yazykovoe village, Intercession Church.


Prayer for financial well-being:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky became famous among the people for his numerous miracles. The elder was a God-fearing man, for which he was awarded by Christ the gift of foresight; he could control the weather, resurrect the dead, heal illnesses, and guide people to virtue. The icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous is the wonderful face of a God-loving elder who has an infinite love for humanity.

Life of the Wonderworker

The Wonderworker was born in Cyprus into a simple working-class family. He was a kind and humble child, tending sheep. High education he did not receive it, but from an early age he tried to live piously, taking the example of virtues from the Old Testament forefathers. The young man loved to host travelers, was gentle with people, and helped the poor. He transferred all the virtues to family life, having married a meek and chaste virgin.

Read about the saint:

Unfortunately, Spiridon became a widower early. He gave all his property and finances to the poor. IN good deeds The Lord Himself helped the man; with His holy help, the future saint learned to heal ailments, cast out demons, and help people in all their needs.

The consequence of Spyridon's godly life was his appointment to the post of Bishop Trimifunt. But being in high position, the saint, as before, was merciful and did virtue.

In 325, Spyridon participated in the 1st Ecumenical Council, where he denounced the philosopher who called for the acceptance of the heretical teaching of Arius. He showed the audience proof of the unity in the Holy Trinity: taking a brick in his hands, he squeezed it with force. As a result, a fiery flame came out of the brick, then a thick stream of water flowed out of it, and the clay remained in the hands of the saint. Thus it happened that there is one brick, and three elements - the same is true in the Trinity: It has three Persons, but the Divinity is One. His subsequent speech about Christ and doctrinal dogmas yielded blissful results: the previously furious Aryan heretic instantly became a defender of Orthodoxy and accepted Baptism.

Wonderworker Spiridon of Trimifutinsky

Miracles of Saint Spyridon

One day, Cyprus suffered a severe drought: people were dying of thirst and hunger, previously rich harvests withered on the vine. The saint offered prayers to the Almighty and the long-awaited downpour sanctified the Cypriot land, which soon yielded a rich harvest, the famine and human pestilence stopped.

Spiridon always helped poor people in their needs. One day, a poor man asked a wealthy townsman for a loan of grains for sowing and promised to repay the debt after harvesting. But the rich man demanded gold from the poor man as collateral. The upset peasant came with his grief to the miracle worker and he promised to help him by sending the poor man home. Taking the snake in his hands, the miracle worker turned it into gold and gave it to the plowman, so that he would give it as collateral and return it after the harvest. Having received the grain, the farmer sowed the field and received a rich harvest. Having bought the gold from the rich man, he returned the ingot to the saint, who, in front of the peasant’s eyes, again transformed the gold into a snake. The peasant was very surprised by the miracle performed and thanked God.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

One day a pagan townswoman came to Spyridon. Weeping bitterly, she laid the dead body of the baby at the feet of the saint. Having prayed to the Almighty, the saint infused life into the baby. The amazed mother, seeing her child alive, immediately died of joy. But the saint ordered her to resurrect and stand on her feet. The woman seemed to have awakened from deep sleep, stood up and took her beloved child in her arms.

The end of life's journey

The height of the rank was not a reason for the pride of the saint. He worked in the fields along with the poor. During the harvest, a miracle happened and Spiridon’s head was covered with cool dew, and his hair changed color. The saint realized that the Heavenly Father was calling him to Himself, that the time had come to leave earthly life for heavenly life. Around 348, he gave up his soul to the Lord.

Spyridon of Trimifunt was buried with honor in the city of Trimifunt, and at his tomb, for the Glory of the Lord, numerous miracles and healings were performed and continue to be performed to this day.

Miraculous icon and cancer with relics

The face of the holy wonderworker rests on the iconostasis of everyone Orthodox church. Spiridon always responds to heartfelt prayer.

What can you pray to Saint Spyridon for:

The relics of the saint are located on the Greek island of Corfu in a church consecrated in his honor. Hand ( right hand) Spyridon of Trimifuntsky rests in Rome. Over the centuries, the saint's body remains incorruptible, his temperature is always 36.6 degrees. Through the glass of the shrine, the hair, skin and teeth of the saint are clearly visible. Scientists are still unable to explain the phenomenon of the incorruptibility of the body of a saint. The clergy periodically change the clothes and shoes in which the saint is dressed, because they often wear out.

Cancer with the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

There is a legend among the people that the great saint sometimes goes to travel around the world and helps those in need.

The sarcophagus is locked and open only for worship by Orthodox Christians. It is decorated with countless ornaments made of silver and gold, which is people’s gratitude for Spiridon’s miracles through their prayers.

In Moscow, in one of the churches of the Danilov Monastery, a shrine is kept - the saint’s shoe, brought from Corfu. From time to time, clerics notice that it wears out, as if the miracle worker wore it during his wanderings around the world.

The icon kept in the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word is marked by miracles. In its center is depicted an ark carrying part of the holy relics of Spyridon. It happened that one day a temple servant was praying fervently before the face and suddenly saw the door of the relics open. The woman repeated her request again - the door closed and the request was soon fulfilled.

Meaning of the image

Orthodox people have long venerated the holy face of the blessed wonderworker. During his earthly life, Spyridon favored the poor, the sick and the needy. And to this day he helps those who pray to him, including healthy, wealthy Christians.

Icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

He was always sincere in prayer and righteous in deeds.

Prayer Requests

Most often, before the holy face of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, people ask for resolution of problems:

  • in case of job loss and layoff;
  • on resolving material problems;
  • about finding a decent income;
  • on timely repayment of debts;
  • about purchasing your own home;
  • on preventing sudden loss of livestock in peasant villages;
  • about preserving the harvest;
  • during litigation;
  • in healing from illnesses;
  • to resolve family problems;
  • to prevent cruelty between loved ones;
  • for business success;
  • when oppressed by enemies;
  • for guidance in making important and fateful decisions.
Important! It is necessary to understand that the saints and their Faces do not “specialize” in fulfilling petitions in any particular areas. Appeal to heavenly intercessors should occur with faith in the Power of the Heavenly Father, and not by the power of a separate icon or prayer.

Only pure and honest thoughts should be present in prayer, the appeal should be selfless and pious.

When a prayer book asks for something, you must thank God for absolutely everything. For grief and joy, wealth and poverty. With the Lord everything is providential and according to merit.

Attention! Prayer requests to the Higher Powers must be carried out with a pure heart, selflessly and piously.

But it is important to know that the request may not be fulfilled as quickly as the prayer book wishes. Perhaps you will have to wait for its execution not a year or two, or even more. In this case, it is important not to lose faith, because faith and patience can move mountains!

The veneration of the icon takes place annually on December 25th. It is this day that falls on the date of the winter solstice, from which the sunny day begins to arrive. From the time of ancient Rus' This day was called “Spiridon’s turn.”

Watch the video about Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Good afternoon My name is Irina.
I want to tell you about the help of the great Saint Spyridon of Trimythous to me.
For several years we tried to sell an apartment for which we paid a mortgage. The apartment remained in another city, and we lived in Moscow. it was hard: I was alone, with a child, without help from other people. I earned little, and I had to constantly work part-time to make ends meet. I had to take out another credit card, but in the end this only added extra costs.
The apartment took a long time to sell. Since it is mortgaged, many potential buyers turned around and left. This burden (living in Moscow and paying for a mortgage on an apartment in another city) lasted a total of 4 years.
In my third year of living in Moscow, I came across information about the priest Spiridon Trimifuntsky, and I remembered that I had heard about him before from a woman whom he helped solve her housing problem. Then this story seemed like a fairy tale to me, I was surprised, delighted and forgot. Now I decided to ask the saint to help me.
In February, my daughter read the akathist for 40 days to Father Spiridon and asked her to help solve the problem with her apartment. Spring passed, summer came, but no changes occurred. I thought that the saint did not hear us. In June, the owner of the apartment we rented said that she was selling the apartment and we urgently needed to look for another one. It was like a bolt from the blue. The time to move was approaching, but the apartment was not located: we needed it in this area (my daughter was in school), for little money and without a deposit, in decent condition with furniture. They were either expensive, broken, or far from school. And so, when there was already a week left before the deadline to move out of the apartment, “by chance” (I later realized that it was not by chance) I saw an advertisement for renting an apartment in the building in which we lived. I called, it turned out that they were renting out an apartment in our entrance, on the floor above. And the apartment met absolutely all the requirements!! We were happy to move. Later I realized that it was Father Spyridon who helped the Lord with his prayers for us.
Time passed, and I again decided to read the akathist to Father Spyridon and ask him for help: the apartment was still on sale, but we still lived in a rented apartment and could barely make ends meet. This time I read it alone. It was in autumn. It's here New Year and we waited with hope for a miracle.
A miracle came in January in the form of the owner of our apartment: my grandmother was over 70, and she did everything as her daughter said. And my daughter wanted money. Therefore, the landlady announced that she herself was moving into this apartment on February 1, “and you can go wherever you want, but don’t let you be here” (of course, the apartment was simply rented out at a higher price, with big collateral- it is clear that she would not have received this money from us). We were warned 10 days in advance. During this time, we again needed to find an apartment with all the previous requirements. We started looking at apartments again, and just when hope was beginning to fade, we found an apartment with wonderful owners, freshly renovated, and at reasonable prices. Again Father Spiridon heard me and helped me precisely at the critical moment! Thanks God! God is marvelous in His Saints!
But in the meantime, the mortgage was paid and the apartment was sold... the main problem remained unresolved. I prayed to Spiridon, went to the temple on Bryusov Lane in Moscow - there are always people there who turn to the Saint for help, and I was among them.
In June they called me and informed me that there was a buyer for the apartment. We talked with the buyer by phone and agreed to conclude an agreement on a deposit for a month. In a month, we will either settle all the issues and make a deal, or we won’t. I tried to think that everything would work out, continued to go to church and read a prayer to Spiridon.
In July, she came to settle the formalities; the deal was supposed to take place on Friday, but it fell through. I found out that in this city (the city of Engels, Saratov region) a temple was built to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. I went there over the weekend, defended the service, and on Monday the deal was successfully completed. The apartment has been sold!! paid off all debts! My shoulders even straightened and my back straightened!) Truly, God is marvelous in His saints!
Dear believers! Do not doubt the help of Holy Father Spyridon of Trimifuntsky! He hears everyone and helps. As one man once said, saints are not an army of wizards. Remember that to perform a miracle, you yourself need to try: read a prayer, try to become better yourself, and do not forget to give thanks. Thank those people who suddenly appear and help you, and then your paths diverge (the Lord sent them); thank the Saint whom you asked for help - imagine how many people pray to him for help, and he heard and helped you too; thank the Lord for his mercy to you and for the fact that He gave His Saints to the world and Helps us, people, through their prayers for us and in this also Shows His love for us. After all, if we always felt good and comfortable, how would we know that the Lord Hears and Loves us?
I believe that Father Spyridon hears all prayers and helps. And I know, I see by example that he shows miracles of help in difficult housing issues. I tell this to all my friends and you too.
Thank God for everything!



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