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Four leaf clover symbol. Four-leaf clover: the meaning of a great luck talisman

Clover (lat. Trifolium). Traditionally it has three leaves, but there are exceptions. One of the luckiest signs is to find a four-leaf clover. You need to pick it and immediately make a wish. It is certainly in this year come true. In the Western tradition, there is a belief that such a plant brings good luck to the finder, especially if it is found by accident. According to legend, each of the plates of the four-plate sheet represents something specific: the first - hope, the second - faith, the third - love, and the fourth - luck. According to others: one petal for fame, one for wealth, one for love and one for health. Both options are great!

Magical uses

Clover is very widely used in both folk medicine, and in magical rituals. Clover belongs to the Mercury plants. Moreover, the four-leaf clover has a special purpose. People believed that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will definitely have great luck in life. The clover leaf should be dried and always carried with you. He will protect from evil people, witchcraft, ward off illness and attract all the good things. The person who found this rare specimen, from now on and forever pursues luck and success. Moreover, this lucky man himself brings good luck to everyone who meets him, collaborates with him, or is simply in his neighborhood.
Magical Powers: protection, money, love, loyalty, exile evil spirits, success.
Two-Leaf Clover: If you find this clover, you will soon find a lover.
Three leaf clover: worn as strong amulet- amulet.
Quatrefoil: it protects against madness, strengthens spiritual powers, makes it possible to detect the presence of spirits and leads the one who wears it to gold, money or treasures.
If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, mutual love will break out between them.
Seven grains of wheat, placed on a 4-leaf leaf, make it possible to see fairies.
If you put a four-leaf clover in your shoe before leaving the house, then you will have the opportunity to meet new love.
Five-leaf clover: has the power to attract money and is usually carried with you for this purpose. White clover: counteracts damage and the evil eye when scattered around the room or carried with you. Red Clover: If added to bath water, it will help you solve your financial problems. It is also used in making love potions, and its infusion is used to drive out evil spirits by sprinkling it around the house. In general, clover has the ability to repel snakes and evil spirits, and if you are disappointed in love, then wrap the clover in a piece of blue silk and wear it near your heart - this will help you cope with the situation. According to one ancient legend, for many years an old magician lived in the hollow of a mighty tree with his friend, a raven, whom he taught to predict the future. When the old man died, the raven flew over the forest and mourned his friend. Where the bird shed tears on the ground - a flower grew in the spring - raven eye(crowberry, monoberry, rannik, cross-grass, quatrefoil). And in the language of flowers, clover means waiting. All these are the ideas of our ancestors.

There is also a belief that a leaf of a four-leaf clover saves young people from having to go through military service. Young girls believed that a four-leaf clover would help them get married happily. It is best to find four-leaf clovers on a full moon, or on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, when all the herbs carry special witchcraft powers. In some nations, the four-leaf clover represents the solar wheel, divided into four sectors. This is a symbol of the infinity of all living things. Various drugs were also prepared based on clover. Clover is a very common component of youth-preserving skin care products. With the help of clover, wounds were healed; it helped to survive after the bites of poisonous snakes and insects. If you take a bath with clover flowers, you will never know what poverty is.

The four-leaf clover is considered a symbol of happiness in Ireland. His role in the development of early Christianity can hardly be overestimated. According to legend, Saint Patrick used a clover leaf to explain the doctrine of the Holy Trinity to local pagans. So the Celts became imbued with Irish Catholics.
In general, clover plants can have large quantity blades in leaves: the record number recorded is twenty-one. It is estimated that there is an average of one multileaf plant for every 10,000 clover plants.
There is still no definitive answer to the question whether the appearance of four-leaf clover plants is determined genetically or depends on conditions environment, in which such a plant grew. The comparative rarity of such plants suggests the possible presence in the plant genome of a recessive allele that produces an effect with a very low frequency. According to another version, the appearance of four-leaf clover may be caused by a somatic mutation or a developmental disorder caused by environmental conditions. It is also possible that such an anomaly is the result of a random interaction of several genes in a single plant. It is also possible that any of the above reasons may be triggered in each individual case.
There are companies that cultivate four-leaf clover plants using a variety of means. The English naturalist writer Richard Mabey, in his book “Flora Britannica,” writes that in the United States there are farms that specialize in growing four-leaf clovers and produce up to 10,000 of these plants in plastic packaging per day. (Price 5-7$ per piece). These farms, he said, use certain secret genetically modified ingredients in plant nutrition that cause the necessary deviations. Nevertheless, there are also ubiquitous varieties of clover, which with an increased frequency have four or more bladed leaves. Mabey also writes that, according to children, five-leaf clover plants bring even greater luck than four-leaf clover plants.
Several other plants can be confused with four-leaf clover, such as the plant Oxalis tetraphylla, a species of wood sorrel also called rabbit cabbage, whose leaves resemble clover leaves.

Now about the healing properties of clover.

It must be said that the healing qualities of both white and red clover are very similar. Moreover, for the production of medicinal preparations, the number of leaves on the branches does not matter. It can be a four-leaf clover, a three-leaf clover, or even a five-leaf clover. Clover preparations are used to relieve dry cough. After taking clover infusions, phlegm comes out easier, and coughing attacks are no longer so painful. Clover also removes excess fluid from the body, improves sweating and destroys harmful microbes. Clover decoctions and infusions are good for acute respiratory diseases and asthma. If you suffer from high blood cholesterol, then you need to take clover products. Clover is also good for normalizing metabolism. Clover will help improve the condition diabetes mellitus. If you have wounds that take a long time to heal, then try clover remedy. It will definitely help, as it not only destroys microbes, but also promotes the growth of new tissue. Clover is a wonderful immunomodulator. It is used for weight loss and to enrich the body with oxygen, as it improves tissue trophism. IN northern regions Clover flowers infused with milk are a favorite and ancient remedy for improving the condition of veins and blood vessels. In addition, they say that such a remedy helps a woman prolong her youth. Clover is also used to normalize blood composition and increase hemoglobin levels. In some countries, clover is eaten. It is added to salads and first courses. Only the above-ground parts of the plant are used for the production of dietary supplements (dietary additives) and medicines. Making clover tincture is very simple. Take half a liter of vodka and forty grams of clover heads, put it all in a dark container, seal it well and put it in a closet for fifteen days. Then you can pass the resulting infusion through a sieve and consume twenty grams once a day.

Embroidery pattern:

Scientists estimate that four-leaf clovers occur 1 time in 10 thousand ordinary three-leaf clovers.
What it is: genetic anomalies, or some environmental reasons, is still not known for sure.

From 4 four-leaf clover leaves:

The 1st symbolizes faith;
2nd - hope:
3rd - love;
4th - happiness and good luck.

Legends about four leaf clover there are a great many in the world.

According to ancient Celtic beliefs, the Druids (priests and poets of the Celts) considered the four-leaf clover to be the most effective protection against evil spirits.

One old German legend says that when Eve was expelled, she took a four-leaf clover with her from paradise, as a particle and embodiment of paradise.

In Christianity, the four-leaf clover was interpreted both as a cross and as the 4 Gospels.

On the picture: New Year card with a 4-leaf clover - a wish of good luck. 1900, Germany.

Four-leaf clovers are so popular around the world that many people are obsessed with collecting four-leaf clovers. Their collections sometimes reach several tens of thousands of lucky flowers.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world record recorded on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2005, belongs to one George Kaminski ( George Kaminski). He collected 72 thousand 927 four-leaf clovers.
George Kaminsky is serving a sentence for kindnapping in Pennsylvania State Prison (USA). He collected his almost 73 thousand flowers of good luck over 25 years in the prison yard during walks. I just found 1 flower among the grass. Kaminski told reporters The Washington Post, that he began searching and collecting four-leaf clovers to show younger prisoners that they can find something to do with their minds even in prison.

The four-leaf clover industry is booming. According to rumors, somewhere in the United States there are plantations where four-leaf clovers are grown. Of course, the secret of their production is kept in the strictest confidence.
Four-leaf clovers can be bought all over the world in shops and stores selling souvenirs, talismans and amulets. IN last years Internet trade in four-leaf clovers is also gaining momentum.

This is Gustavo Hernandez ( Gustavo Hernandez) from Mexico City, Mexico, who sells potted four-leaf clovers as seedlings out of his car. The photo was taken in 2005.
Author of the photo Mary Jordan, The Washington Post.

An engineer by training, Gustavo Hernandez began growing four-leaf clovers in his garden in 1995 as a hobby and selling them on the streets of Mexico City. He says he can sell up to 20 plants in a good week. The price of potted four-leaf clovers ranges from $5 to $7 each, depending on the size of the flower.
It is not known whether the four-leaf clover brought good luck to Hernandez himself. Correspondent The Washington Post he said that his life was not particularly lucky - he had to go through a difficult divorce and great financial difficulties. But he does not lose heart, he believes that his happiness is still ahead.

The unique clover is found not only with 4 leaves, but also with 5 leaves, and even more.
In the Guinness Book of Records ( Guinness World Records) in 2008, it was recorded that in May 2002, Japanese farmer Shigeo Obara grew in his garden 18 -leaf clover.

But Shigeo Obara did not stop there.
Already in 2008, on June 11, he announced that he had found a clover with 21 leaf.

From Guinness Book of Records (Guiness World Records. 2011):

"The most leaves on a clover stem ( Trifolium repens L.) is 56 and was discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki City, Iwate, Japan, on May 10, 2009".

Sales of four-leaf clover typically increase annually in St.Patrick 's Day March 17. But do not confuse a four-leaf clover with a shamrock. This just makes the Irish smile.

As you know, the symbol of Ireland is the three-leaf clover. shamrock(Irish) Seamr?g, English Shamrock). English word shamrock, presumably comes from the Gali word seamrog, which means "little clover". The Irish word for clover is seamair, A seamr?g(i.e. trefoil) - diminutive form this word.

According to legend, Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, used the example of a shamrock to explain to people the dogma of the Holy Trinity: the unity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The four-leaf clover is a rare specimen of nature. Clover usually has three green leaves. Finding a stem with four leaves in nature is considered a difficult task. But this difficulty, according to legend, is “compensated” by benefits that seem to come from nowhere.

Since ancient times, people have attached sacred meanings to the quatrefoil. Even now, many believe in the mystical properties of an ordinary-looking plant. What do we know about it in general, not only about the flora specimen, but also about its symbolism?

History of the origin of the four-leaf clover

According to ancient legend, a magical plant that originally grew in the fields of Eden. Eve took this beautiful natural gift with her before leaving Paradise with Adam forever. Having crossed the line of the sacred place, the maiden preserved it for the sake of memory of the past. This story is proof that already in ancient times people firmly believed in the power of an elegant plant!

From a scientific point of view, there are several reasons for the appearance of such an atypical flower:

  1. specific environmental conditions where it grew;
  2. heredity in connection with the genetic characteristics of the species;
  3. mutation;
  4. developmental disorder.

The leaves may have more than four blades. One multileaf exception occurs in approximately 10 thousand plants.

There are many explanations for the origin. The correct one is the one in which the person himself believes.

The meaning of the four-leaf clover symbol

Common meanings for all four petals are as follows:

  • The first (Element – ​​Fire) means unprecedented glory;
  • The second (Element – ​​Water) foreshadows the acquisition of good luck and material wealth;
  • The third (Element – ​​Air) promises unshakable selfless love, happiness and hope;
  • The fourth (Element – ​​Earth) exudes health.

The unity of these meanings makes it possible for a person to comprehend harmony in himself and in the world around him.

Regardless of religion, beliefs and nationality, the four-leaf clover symbolizes exclusively good things. Its owner becomes happy, inspired and spiritualized. Moreover, the shape of the object is unimportant. A person who believes in supernatural phenomena will feel the effect both from a living plant and from earrings, pendants and any other jewelry that has been given an original shape.

Four leaf clover in different cultures

Each nation strives to exalt its culture, giving its own interpretation of certain things. The situation is exactly the same with four-leaf clovers.

  1. The Slavs felt that the plant was given to people from above. Particular power arose in him on the night of Ivan Kupala (from July 22 to 23). Unprecedented miracles awaited the finder; no troubles or adversities beset the lucky one. The girls created an amulet from it and expected a quick happy marriage.
  2. In India, people showed reverence to the flower. It is not for nothing that there are so many of his sketches on clothes, chests, boxes and carpets that have survived to this day. It was believed that its presence in the house in any form is reliable protection against the intentions of evil spirits.
  3. The Egyptians painted their mirrors. The plant protected people from the harmful influence of the looking glass.
  4. The Indians believed that drawings of natural gifts on the walls of their homes, trees, and rocks would help them survive dangerous hunting and get a large harvest from agriculture.

In Ireland, the shamrock has become a symbol of the country! Heavenly patron Saint Patrick, with the help of this attribute, initiated the pagans into the great sacrament of the Holy Trinity. The first leaf is God the Father, the second is God the Son, the third is the Holy Spirit. The sermon inspired the people, and after it many accepted Christianity. Since then, the shamrock has been a symbol of Ireland, as well as a sign of St. Patrick's Day.

Where does it grow and how can you find it?

In Russia, clover can be found in almost any clearing or lawn, along roads and in places where livestock graze. Four-leaf clovers can also be found in city parks. As an additional option, it is recommended to choose a meadow or a place that is abundantly overgrown with greenery.

Clover's favorite habitat is dry areas of land, covered with the shade of trees. Searches will be more productive in late summer after heavy rains.

When a cluster of plants is found, there is no need to immediately move your hands sharply or hastily sort through the leaves, wanting to quickly find a four-leaf clover. It's better to choose small areas and lightly look around them. Then, trusting your inner instinct, carefully approach a group of flowers and search. Almost everything depends on inspiration and diligence!

How to wear and use a talisman

To make a talisman, it is not necessary to resort to such expensive materials as gold or silver. Wood, clay and even plastic may well be suitable.

To protect your homeland from evil spirits, and yourself from damage and quarrels with loved ones, you need to dry out the existing stem. Then you need to place it under glass and hang it above front door. Such a talisman will additionally decorate the interior of the room.

You can make an amulet yourself, which will always be inseparable from the owner. It brings wealth and success in society. It is enough to place one dried leaf in a small flask, case or bag and hang it around your neck.

Also, people often use a ring with the image of a four-leaf clover as a talisman. It is comfortable to wear and looks attractive. Purchasing is not a problem since the product is common.

Meaning of four leaf clover tattoo

Four-leaf clover tattoos are trendy nowadays. If performed by a man, then it brings financial prosperity and protects from evil. If a woman, she attracts her betrothed. The location of the tattoo does not in any way affect the properties: it can be done without fear on any part of the body.

Using other objects in the composition in combination with the quatrefoil can change the meaning of the tattoo. For example, a cross will enable the owner to receive God's mercy. Violets are a sign of unbearable grief for lost love, roses are a sign of strengthening relationships.

Clover is a plant that symbolizes magical luck. A twig with three leaves symbolizes the mystical triad for humans: harmony of soul, consciousness and body.

Sometimes there are branches with four petals, which can bring a person good luck and success.

Most strongly in magical powers The flower is believed in in Ireland. The plant reaches its greatest strength during the full moon and on St. Patrick's Day.

And, in general, if this plant appears in the yard or garden, then love, luck and prosperity will flourish in the house.

Theories of the origin of the symbol of good luck

According to many beliefs, the four-leaf clover was brought to earth by Eve. During her exile, Eve picked a sprig of clover as a souvenir of paradise.

So, the plant appeared in earthly gardens. The belief has existed for several millennia and is used by many religions and beliefs.

Note! For every nation, the story of the appearance of a plant on earth is modified in accordance with religious characteristics.

The meaning of the flower in all religions, beliefs and convictions carries the sacred meaning of a magical principle.

Clover is chosen as a talisman, amulet, protection, and a symbol of good luck. The range of values ​​is determined by latitude religious views people.

Depending on the characteristics of the religion, various qualities are attributed to the plant:

Country and culture Flower meaning
Egypt In Egypt, clover is a symbol of protection from otherworldly forces. A flower leaf was depicted on mirrors to protect a person from the influence of the looking glass.
India In India, the clover petal can be found as a pattern on clothing. Woven carpets are always decorated with a flower symbol. The plant serves as protection against dark forces and malevolent energy attacks
America The Native Americans, the Indians, used the image of clover as a symbol of a successful hunt. Around the place where the tribe was located, leaves were drawn on trees and rocks. This served as a talisman for the tribe against attacks.
Slavs The Slavs valued clover leaves. The flower was part of bouquets of herbs that were burned on the Solstice holiday. The dried flower was carried with you, wrapped in cloth. Such a talisman gave a person strength, preserved youth and beauty
Ireland In Ireland, clover leaves, especially four-leaf clovers, can be used as decorations, depicted on various household items and clothing. Even the emerald color of the plant is used more often than others. For the Irish it is a symbol of good luck, luck, protection from everything bad.

Clover tattoo

IN Lately, the clover leaf has become a very popular tattoo. Many people know that each design on the body has its own meanings and affects a person’s life in different ways. Those who want to attract good luck and achieve success get a tattoo of the presented plant.

Each interpretation of the drawing has its own meaning. The number of leaves, color - influences fate.

It is believed that the design of a flower is defined as: one leaf for health, the second for fame, the third for wealth, and the fourth is intended to attract love.

A common use for this type of tattoo is as a talisman, which is done for good luck.

Features of a clover tattoo:

  • For a girl A plant tattoo with four petals has a huge impact on life and love.

    Such a girl does not complain about the number of gentlemen and often marries successfully. The combination of clover with other flowers is quite common. The flower carries a meaning, and the clover increases it.

  • For a guy such a symbol will become an ally who will bring career growth, material wealth and respect.

    Such a powerful amulet will help in the fight against competitors and enemies. Will help create a strong family union.

  • The brighter drawing on the body, the more it attracts positivity and positive energy, the better it wards off trouble and dark forces.

    If you get a tattoo in an inconspicuous place, it will help in the fight against damage and the evil eye. The size of the drawing has no special meaning, other than aesthetic.

In prison circles, a clover tattoo means that a person belongs to lower caste thieves

Therefore, before getting a tattoo for life, you should think carefully, even if it is a four-leaf clover.

Where and how to use a talisman in everyday life

Depending on where clover is depicted and what materials are used, its magical influence on a person’s fate is determined.

IN Everyday life people use some objects or images as talismans and amulets.

Features of use in everyday life:

  1. Image plants may be present in ornaments on clothing or other accessories.

    This use promises the owner protection from the evil eye and damage. A particularly effective amulet is the embroidery of a treasured flower.

  2. Suspension, A pendant with the image of a four-leaf clover will help you achieve good results in your undertakings. Will attract good luck.

    About such a person we can say that the owner of such jewelry is creative, creative person, so he can emerge victorious from any situation.

  3. Wallets green with the image of a four-leaf clover will help protect capital from waste.

    Owners of such accessories easily increase money and almost never experience theft or loss of money.

  4. Ring with four leaf clover on the hand of a girl or woman - this is good talisman, if a person is looking for love.

    It is the fourth petal that enhances the energy of sexuality and attractiveness of a female individual.

  5. Earrings, which are made in the shape of a four-leaf clover bring the owner success in love and career.

A piece of jewelry made of precious metal and decorated with natural stone is already a strong amulet.

And, if it is also made in the shape of a clover leaf, then magical properties jewelry increases several times.

Attention! Metal and stone should be selected in accordance with the person's zodiac sign. The energy of each element of the decoration must coincide with the person’s aura.

Except the strong magical influences, precious talismans are highly aesthetic and attractive.

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But on the other hand, a five-leaf clover brings bad luck. In China, clover is an emblem of spring. In childhood, our senses are especially heightened; we are accompanied by many sounds, colors and smells. Perhaps this happened especially vividly in the summer. Everyone can remember a wonderful summer outside the city with grandma, at the dacha, or just a walk in the forest. And nature is a variety of plants and flowers. One of the plants of our childhood was clover or, in common parlance, porridge. Small round inflorescences, white or pink. The pink ones were larger and if you pulled out their stamens and licked them, they were sweet. I also really liked the clover leaves, three leaves gathered into one. There are many legends around the shamrock clover, of course, the most famous legend is about the fourth leaf. Finding such a four-leaf clover is considered incredible luck. But first things first. The name trifolium means "having three leaves." Shamrock, Clover, Porridge.
White clover has been known since ancient times for its medicinal properties, and in Victorian era has become a very popular motif in ornaments.
The most famous clover myth tells that St. Patrick used three leaves on one stem to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity - the leaves represented God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is also believed that with the help of a clover leaf, Patrick expelled all the snakes from the settlements where he was located. Indeed, it is believed that where clover grows, snakes never crawl. This is probably why the clover, or shamrock, is a symbol of Ireland.
The only country where clover is a national symbol is the Caribbean island of Montserrat, originally founded as an Irish Catholic colony, where they stamp their passports in the shape of a shamrock.
On the flag of the Canadian city of Montreal, the shamrock is placed in the lower right part. It symbolizes the ethnic Irish, one of the four main groups that made up the city's population in the 19th century, when the flag was officially adopted.

The shamrock also appears on the Northern Ireland Police Force flag.
The first mention of the connection between the baptist and clover occurs at the beginning of the 18th century in the diary of the wandering Protestant Caleb Threlkeld. He wrote: “People wear this plant (white clover) in their hats every year on March 17th, the day they call St. Patrick's Day. They say that with the help of a shamrock he explained the mystery of the Holy Trinity.” Of course, such a legend was born in a Catholic environment in order to remove earlier references to the magical beliefs of the Druids, who lived on these same lands from time immemorial. So among the Druids, there were rituals associated with clover. The Druids, who saw the shamrock as an emblem of fertility, abundance and rebirth, scattered the ashes of clover over arable land during the spring festival. A rare four-leaf clover variety symbolized the four natural elements in pagan culture: earth, air, fire and water. The Druids greatly revered the four-leaf clover. They considered it incredible luck because... it is very rare. This clover brought good luck to its owner and those around him, and made any potion twice as powerful. Clover of the usual three-leaf form is used as an amulet of youth. Each of the quatrefoil plates, in addition to elemental symbols, was also assigned its own characteristics: the first plate is hope, the second plate is faith, the third is love, and the fourth is luck.
The quatrefoil protected against madness, strengthened spiritual strength, made it possible to determine the presence of spirits and led the one who wears it to gold, money or treasures. If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, mutual love will break out between them.
The superstition surrounding the quatrefoil's luck is so old that no one can say exactly how or where it originated. There is one myth that says that when Eve was expelled from paradise, she took the quatrefoil with her. Since clover was a plant from the Garden of Eden, it came to be considered a sign of good luck if it was found in someone's garden.
The belief in the four-leaf clover's luck still exists, so modern subculture Many pendants, amulets and various images of four-leaf clovers are made. Myths say that whoever finds such a clover must put it in his wallet, then money and luck will always accompany this person. Now there are entire companies engaged in the cultivation of four-leaf clover plants - for making gifts and amulets.
Dream books say that seeing a clover flower in a dream means prosperity, walking through a beautiful blooming and fragrant clover field means fulfillment. cherished desires, to see a withered clover field - to bitter regret. In the language of flowers, clover represents good luck. Its main properties: protection from troubles of various kinds and attracting good luck in the search for happiness.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) used the juice of fresh clover grass as a wound-healing agent for scrofula, and a decoction of the herb as a diuretic for kidney diseases. IN Central Asia Clover decoction is also used as an astringent for weak digestion, malaria, and colds. The antifungal substance trifolysin was isolated from the roots. Clover is believed to be good for headaches and dizziness.

Our ancestors depicted the magical emblem of the shamrock on the gates and walls of their homes, the American Indians painted it on rocks, the Egyptians painted a magical sign on a mirror surface, and the Indians embroidered the shamrock on clothes and scarves. The Celts assured that the four-leaf clover is capable of not only protecting its owner from witchcraft spells, but also providing him with the opportunity to look into Magic world elves and fairies.
In ancient Egyptian iconography, the trefoil - cross - is an attribute of Anubis, the god of the underworld with the head of a jackal, who escorted the souls of the dead to the Kingdom of the Dead. A special type of trefoil (altar) cross is also known in Christian iconography. In heraldry, the classic French form of the trefoil (club) is an equilateral triangle formed by three closely adjacent circles (one above two) resting on a short, thick stem. Such a heraldic trefoil, well known to everyone by its corresponding suit playing cards, can be painted black, white or natural green. German heraldry is characterized by the so-called “rut crown” - a ribbon on which numerous emblems of black or green trefoil are applied at certain intervals. The heraldic ornament of the “rut crown” can now be seen in the coat of arms of the German principality of Liechtenstein.
A cross with clover leaves is called the "Bottonian Cross" in heraldry. The clover leaf is a symbol of the Trinity, and the cross expresses the same idea. It is also used to symbolize the Resurrection of Christ.
A variation of the Bottoni cross is the Irish Cross - with four-leaf clover leaves - the national symbol of Ireland.

The trefoil symbol is inextricably linked with the triquer (Triquerta) or trinity - this is a very ancient symbol that was used by many peoples of Europe. The Latin designation for the symbol, derived from the words tri- (“three”) and quetrus (“coal”), originally simply meant triangle and was used to designate various triangular shapes.
Trikvere was used in the Bronze Age by the peoples of northern Europe. This symbol depicted the position of the sun in the sky; the three corners of the symbol corresponded to sunrise, zenith and sunset. Also, this symbol represents life, death and return to life as an endless cycle, as well as the three forces of nature: earth, air and water. Three circles, as components of one of the variants of the sign, symbolize the female element and the element of fertility. Many religions use the number three as sacred or divine. The symbol of three intersecting leaves was found 5000 years ago in Indian culture, its meaning has been known since the 8th century. When this symbol was placed within a circle, it became a pagan magical sign of infinity, representing the triple goddess. Three forces are initially the source of both magic and the development of the personality itself.
The three circles symbolize the feminine element and the element of fertility. The meaning of the Trefoil is to combine the incompatible.
In Celtic culture, Triqueur is found on crosses and ornamentation as a symbol of the sea god Manannan.
In Scandinavian and Teutonic symbolism, the sign is associated with Thor.
In Chinese semiotics, clover is a sign of Spring.
The oxalis trefoil, which the Arabs call “shamrah,” symbolized the Persian Triads. He also personifies all triads, the Mystic Tree, the “sun wheel”.

Russia also had its own legends associated with clover and trefoil (Trikver). He was one of the symbols of the Varangians and was present in the ancient applied arts. It was believed that the magical properties of clover itself are most powerful on a moonlit night, the days of the solstice and equinox, especially on the night of Ivana Kupala from 22 to 23 June. Our ancestors believed that clover carries great power love, happiness, beauty and youth. Its leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with them in a clean piece of paper or, later, in a handkerchief. And the good helper warded off troubles, evil eyes, damage, love spells - he preserved the happiness of the person who bowed and tore it off. Great-grandmothers also did the following procedure with clover: at dawn, when everyone was sleeping, they went out into the clearing and collected dew from it. They poured it into a small vessel, and then put three branches of clover in it for the whole day. And at night they washed themselves with this water, which served as a cream for wrinkles.

As we can see, the symbol of the trefoil and quatrefoil has very ancient, magical roots that have sprouted up to the present day and are actively used in modern art.



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Education and formation of conditioned reflexes

Education and formation of conditioned reflexes

“Nervous system” - The midbrain is well developed. The improvement of the nervous system also affected the development of sense organs. Nervous system of fish...

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