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Processing and improving photos in PhotoShop. How to improve image quality in Photoshop

Do you think that all photo editors are equally difficult to use, and only a professional can do high-quality photo processing? Use the PhotoMASTER program, and soon your point of view will radically change! Read the article and learn how to improve any photo in just a few simple steps.

STEP 1. Improving the photo

If the photo was taken in poor lighting, then you need to adjust its tone. Drag the Exposure slider to the right to lighten, and to the left to darken. If you want to change only dark or light tones, correct only highlighted areas, or “pull out” details from the shadows, then adjust the necessary parameters. Let's increase the exposure to 30, reduce the "Shadows" to -40 and set the "Darks" to -21. White balance problems can be resolved using the Temperature scale. Let's move the slider to 44, then the photo will become “warmer”.

STEP 2. Working with color

For detailed settings, go to the “Colors” tab. Here you can change one shade to another, adjust the saturation and brightness of any color separately from all others. Let's tone down the color of the roof in the background by moving the slider on the "Crimson" scale in the "Saturation" subsection to -100. Let's give the photo a warm tone using toning. In the palette, choose a warm, rich shade of yellow. On the “Strength” scale, set the value to 13. Leave the blending mode at its default – “Overlay”.

STEP 3. Add sharpness

Does the photo seem blurry? Go to the “Sharpness” menu - here you can easily correct the annoying defect. In the “Sharpening” subsection on the “Strength” scale, set the value to 95. Don’t forget to first set the image scale to 100%, so you can make the most precise adjustments.

STEP 4. Editing the composition

Does the photo have a lot of empty space around the edges? Get rid of it, it's so easy! Go to Composition > Crop. Select the appropriate proportions from the list or designate the cropping boundaries yourself using a frame. Save the changes by clicking the “Apply” button.

STEP 5. Add vignetting

If you want to emphasize the center of the photo, use the vignetting feature. You can carefully darken the edges of the photo or, conversely, lighten them - this will give the photo additional lightness. Go to Composition > Vignetting and adjust the strength of the effect. Let's set the value to -70. If necessary, adjust additional edge processing parameters: degree of “roundness” and contour shading.

STEP 6. Retouch the photo

Now let's do the retouching. In the top panel, click the “Retouching” section. In the bottom panel, press the zoom button several times to zoom in on a fragment of the photo (“+”). We need to remove the shadows under the eyes. In the right panel, click the “Corrector” button. We select right size brushes (at a scale of 83% you need to take a brush size of 9.6). Apply the brush under the eyes, starting from the bridge of the nose. Set the exposure value to 5. Lighten the shadows. Save the result by clicking on the “Apply” button.

STEP 7. Removing the photo from unnecessary elements

The blade of grass in the foreground looks superfluous. To remove it, we need to go to the “Stamp” menu in the “Retouching” section. The cursor changed to a target. We set the size so that the sight is slightly larger than the blade of grass itself. We draw a brush over the fragment that needs to be corrected. The blade of grass disappeared, automatically replacing the skin tone. The gray roof in the background also distracts attention from the model. Let's disguise it. Let's take a large stamp size, for example, 52, and fragment by fragment we will “cover” the roof. Let's take the greenery in the background as a “donor”.

STEP 8. Add text

Some photographers put a signature or copyright on the photo. We'll put initials. In the top panel, select the “Inscriptions” section. Choose any font. For initials, the font “Gabriola” works well. In the right panel enter required letters, change the size and color, and place them, for example, in the lower right corner.

Ready! Photography has become more expressive and of higher quality. Now you know how to improve the quality of any photo. Install the program on your computer and all the necessary tools for image processing will always be at your fingertips!

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and readers of my blog. Of course, everyone wants their photos to look good and beautiful, but unfortunately this does not always work out. Therefore, today I would like to tell you how to improve the quality of a photo in Photoshop, and completely simple methods, which absolutely anyone can handle.

Of course, it’s best to immediately watch some kind of complete training course on improving the quality of photos in Photoshop. And I would recommend watching these video tutorials, since this course is specifically designed to make photographs much better and higher quality than they turned out initially. But if you don’t want to study these issues much, you can look at some of the basics that I offered you in this article.

If you see that you have a dull, dark or overexposed image, then you can try, or play with the levels. Let's see how levels work.

Enter the menu “Image” - “Correction” - “Levels”, or press the key combination CTRL+L. A window with levels will open and something similar to a graph will be displayed.

The first thing you need to look at is whether there is white space around the edges or not. As we can see, in our case there is an empty area on the right side, but on the left side it is not empty, it is also quite small. Then we move the right slider to the area where the void ends. And on the left side, move the slider a little to the right.

As a result, we can already see that the image has become much better.


Naturally, an important factor in improving the quality of a photograph is sharpness, since it is important for us that the image looks clearer. You can read mine, but in my case I will select "Filters" − "Sharpening""Smart Sharpen".

After that, you can play with the effect and radius sliders. Here I decided to put the effect on 50 percent, and the radius 1 . It may be different for you.

And as we can see, the image quality has again improved.

Noise Removal

When there is various noise in a photo (most often these bad pixels appear due to poor lighting or shooting from a mobile phone), this is of course unpleasant. But Photoshop will help you reduce the intensity of noise, which will make your photo better.

To do this you need to go to “Filter” - “Noise” - "Dust and Scratches". There are only two parameters here. And it is with them that we have to play. The Radius parameter adds a little blur, but as a rule it does not spoil the photo, but smoothes out unnecessary noise. Try setting the parameter to 1 or 2 and see the result. Isohelium can be left untouched, or increased by a few units at most.

The only thing is that in some cases, removing noise from a full image may not really help. This path may make the photo appear blurrier. And in order to reduce our losses and build an optimal balance between grain and blur, we need to work with each channel separately.

In order to activate channels, you will need to click on the tab of the same name in the layers panel. If this tab is not there, then go to the “Window” menu and select “Channels” there. A special tab will immediately appear in the layers panel. So go straight to it.

Here you will see 4 channels: 1 general (RGB), and the other three relate to each color separately. The trick is that the overall noise in a photograph can be reflected for the most part in only one channel. That's why we'll look at our situation. Press successive key combinations CTRL+3, CTRL+4, CTRL+5.

Look carefully, there is a channel here that contains more noise than other channels. I personally didn’t find such a channel, but this happens quite often. But if the blue channel was the most problematic, then I would leave only it active and go to “Filter” - “Noise” - "Dust and Scratches". And here I will do the same thing as above, i.e. turn the sliders.

Next you can click on CTRL+2 to make all channels visible and see what our result will look like. As you can see, due to the change in one channel, the picture began to look better, but if this is applied in a general merge, it will still turn out worse.

If you see a little blur, you can tighten it up using the same sharpening. The picture may not be perfectly clean, but at least it will look better than it did originally.


Another pretty good function for image correction. With help we can also pay attention to brightness, light, contrast, etc. Again, you just need to enter the menu “Image” - “Correction” - “Exposure”.

3 sliders will appear in front of you. They are the ones who allow you to change your photo, improving its quality and display. I won't explain what each slider does. Take a look for yourself and see what changes. I think you will find a place where the photo will look great.


This is simply a wonderful feature, and as you already understand, it is responsible for the richness and saturation of the image. Let's see how this feature works. To do this, again go to the “Image” - “Correction” menu, only now select the “Juicity” item.

Here, as you already understand, you will control the richness and saturation of the image. So take the flag in your hands and start moving the sliders. By moving them to a certain distance, we can see that the image has become truly brighter and more colorful.

Of course, this is just a minimal fraction of what can actually be done with images in Photoshop. To tell about all the possibilities, you will have to write many long articles or even publish your own course. Rather, I’m showing you the possibilities of work, that even if you get a photo of poor quality, then all is not lost, and with the help of our editor you can correct some things.

But here I meant working with ordinary images, and not photographs of our grandparents, which have already grown old, wrinkled, scratched, worn out, etc. (in the sense of photography, not grandparents). I’d rather talk about how to improve the quality of an old photograph in another article, since we will have a separate conversation about this and completely different tools.

But now you know how to improve the quality of a photograph in Photoshop in the simplest ways that do not require any supernatural knowledge.

But if you want to learn Photoshop well, all its tools, techniques and functions, but I highly recommend you watch this wonderful video course, thanks to which you will learn to “swim” in Photoshop like a fish in water. Everything is told clearly and to the point. The course is simply amazing.

Well, this concludes my lesson for today. I hope you liked it, so don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates, and also share the article with your friends on in social networks. I look forward to seeing you again as a guest. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.


The first five people to leave a comment on this article will receive 4 points in my . Good luck!

JPEG (also known as jpg) are images that have been compressed to reduce file size, making them ideal for sharing and posting online. As a result, if you try to enlarge or reuse an image, it may appear grainy or retouched. You can improve the quality of JPEG files by adjusting the external attributes, color, and contrast of the image using an image editor. If you have experience with image processing, Topaz DeJPEG is a great addition to your existing image editors. If you are new to this business, you should try some free program, like Pixlr. If you're new to working in Photoshop, its powerful tools are more than enough to improve your image!


Working at Pixlr

    Download or launch Pixlr online. Pixlr is a powerful image editor that is used by both professionals and amateurs in the field of image editing. Pixlr not only has a free online editor, but also an installable graphics editor for PC and mobile devices. To get a more advanced version of the program, you need to subscribe.

    Open the image you want to change. The quality of the final image after all changes will depend on the resolution (number of pixels) of the original image. Pixlr strongly encourages all users to undertake image editing as quickly as possible. high resolution. This is especially true if you are trying to stretch a photo - enlarging a low-resolution image will cause the white spaces between the pixels to widen, causing the image to look distorted. To upload an image, do the following:

    Resize the image. The file size depends on the number of pixels - the more pixels, the larger the file itself will be. Uploading, uploading, and downloading large JPEG files are slow processes. Reducing the number of pixels by altering images will allow you to send photos much faster.

    Crop the image. Cropping allows you to easily remove unwanted parts of a photo. Cropping the image will also reduce the file size.

    Reduce image noise. This filter is available in both the free Pixlr Editor and its paid version. Select Filter > Remove Noise. The phrase “Remove Noise” will appear above the photo, indicating that noise or distortion in the image has been reduced. Continue reducing the noise until you achieve the desired result.

    Use the Brush tool to reduce noise. Brush is only available in the free Pixlr Editor and its paid subscription. Paint over discolored pixels to reduce grain. Use a brush to correct areas where detail is lacking.

    • Enlarge the image until you can see individual pixels. Click View > Zoom In.
    • Select the Eyedropper tool from the Tools panel. It is located directly above the hand icon. Use the eyedropper next to the cell you want to color to select a color.
    • Select Brush again. It is located above the paint can icon. Click on the number next to the word "Brush" to expand the tool options. Reduce the brush opacity to 40% and the hardness to 10%. Choose the brush shape and diameter according to your needs.
    • Gently brush over the pixels to blend the colors. Use single clicks to apply paint to the image. Use the dropper to change the color as needed.
    • To reduce mosquito noise, or distortion that occurs near the sharp edges of objects, it is necessary to incorporate the colors of the object and its surroundings. Reducing the brush size and opacity will ensure you... O greater control over the instrument.
    • Periodically zoom out to evaluate the work done.
  1. Retouch areas of increased detail using the Stamp tool. This feature is only available in the free Pixlr Editor and its paid subscription. The Stamp tool allows you to capture and recreate segments of an image. With it, you can copy and paste both individual pixels and entire parts. Because Stamp can capture and reproduce a variety of colors, it is ideal for eliminating or reducing mosquito noise in areas of high detail.

    Set up Color tone and image contrast. Pixlr gives users the ability to modify an image and improve its quality. The Color tool can be used to change the hue, saturation, light level, and vibrancy of an image. If an image is overexposed or underexposed, you can adjust its contrast and brightness using the Contrast tool.

    • To access these tools in Pixlr, go to Optimize > Color/Cleanup > Contrast.
    • To access these tools in Pixlr Editor, go to Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast > Contrast.
    • To access these tools in Pixlr Express, go to Tools > Adjustments > Color/Tools > Adjustments > Contrast.
  2. Optimize your image using various tools. Pixlr has a variety of brush tools and filters that you can use to clean up minor flaws or change general form Images. These are the tools:

    Add an effect to your image. Using a set of effects in Pixlr, you can transform every pixel of an image. Each "effect" tool changes appearance individual pixels using mathematical formulas. There are nine different effects available in Pixlr. Each effect also has several sub-effects. The following categories will be available to you:

    Save the image and adjust its size and quality. When you're done with the image, choose File > Save As, click the Save button, or select Save Image. If you are working in Pixlr or Pixlr Editor, a dialog box should appear on your screen. In Pixlr, you'll be able to rename the image, choose a Format (choose JPEG), and decide where exactly to save the image. Once you have made your choice, click the “Save” button. In Pixlr Editor you can also change the file name. Before the image is saved, the program will prompt you to set the "Image Quality".

    Working at Topaz DeJPEG

    1. Make sure Topaz DeJPEG is supported by your graphics editor. Topaz DeJPEG is a plugin for your main image editor that is used to improve the quality of JPEG images. The free trial version of the plugin is supported by programs such as Adobe Photoshop(Windows and Mac), PaintShop Pro (Windows), Photo Impact (Windows) and IrfanView (Windows).

      Download and install the plugin. To download the free trial, open the following page in your browser: www.topazlabs.com/download. Enter your email address and choose an account password, then click the "Download" button. Scroll down to: "Topaz DeJPEG" and select operating system(Windows or Mac). After this, the download should begin, and a trial license key should be sent to your email.

      • Close Photoshop. If you are running Adobe Photoshop, you will need to close it before running the DeJPEG installation. Users of other programs may skip this step.
      • Run the installer. Double-click the downloaded installer to activate the trial version. When you are asked to enter your trial license key (obtained through email), do this and then click the Install button to begin the installation.
    2. Import DeJPEG into a graphics editor. Before you can use the plugin, you need to add the DeJPEG filter folder to the root folder of your program. Full path to the DeJPEG plugin folder: Program Files >> Topaz Labs >> Topaz DeJPEG 4.

      • Photoshop: Photoshop users can skip straight to the next step as DeJPEG will automatically install in your Photoshop plugins folder.
      • Paintshop Pro: Open the File menu and select Settings, then File Folders. On the left side of the screen, select “Plugins” and then click the “Add” button. Open the DeJPEG plugin folder, then click OK.
      • Photo Impact: Launch the program and press the F6 key on your keyboard. Select "Plugins" from the list and click the "..." button at the end of the first empty plugin folder. Select the DeJPEG plugin folder and then click the "OK" button. Before running the filter for the first time, be sure to restart Photo Impact.
      • IrfanView: Launch the program, then expand the Image menu. Open the Effects tab and select the Adobe 8BF filters filter. Select "Add 8BF Filters" from the menu. Now navigate to the DeJPEG plugin folder and click OK.
    3. Run the filter. Open the JPEG file in a basic graphics editor, then launch DeJPEG.

      • Photoshop: In the “Filters” menu, first select “Topaz Labs”, then “DeJPEG 4”.
      • Paintshop Pro: From the Effects menu, select Plugins, then Topaz DeJPEG.
      • Photo Impact: Open the Effect menu and select Topaz DeJPEG.
      • IrfanView: Open the Image menu, click the Effects button, and then click Adobe 8BF Filters. Select "Topaz DeJPEG" from the list of filters.
    4. Enlarge the problem area. Click on the magnifying glass icon (+) to zoom in on the area of ​​the image where compression artifacts are visible.

      Scroll through the default effect sets. Standard sets of effects in DeJPEG are located on the left side of the screen. Click on each preset to apply it to your image. Watch how sets improve or decrease image quality. Select the set that best optimizes the JPEG image. It's okay if it's not perfect, we haven't finished setting up all the parameters yet.

      Adjust the slider in the “Lighting” mode (Luminance). Select the appropriate mode from the list under the caption: “Preview Mode”. Now open the Main tab to view settings that can be used to correct those details that were not affected by the effects set.

      • Reduce Artifacts(Removing Artifacts): First, move the slider all the way to the left. Then start slowly moving it to the right, observing the result in the preview area. Moving the slider to the right may soften the edges, but it will also reduce noise and pixelation. Keep moving the slider to the right until you find the sweet spot.
      • Sharpen(Sharpness): This slider should bring back sharpness to those edges that were softened by artifact removal. Moving the slider to the right should sharpen the image.
      • Sharp Radius(Focus Radius): This slider is used in conjunction with the Sharpen tool. Move the slider left and right until the edges become sharp and the artifacts disappear.
    5. Customize the colors. If the use of previous tools has affected color scheme of your image, go to Color mode by selecting the Color option under Preview Mode.

      • Smooth Color(Optimal colors). Move the slider left and right until you're happy with the image in the preview panel.
      • Clear Edge Radius(Edge matching radius). If you want to change the color detail at the edges, open the Advanced tab, then raise the Edge Matching Radius slider. Use this option in conjunction with the Edge Threshold tool until you are happy with the image.
      • Adjust the "Saturation" parameter(Saturation). If colors appear washed out, move the Saturation slider to the right to increase the color level.
      • Add some grain. Experiment with the Grain option to make the image appear more natural. Move the slider to the right to increase the graininess.
    6. Zoom out to see the results of your edits. Before saving your work, click on the magnifying glass icon (-) until the entire image is in the preview area. If you don't like the changes, continue tweaking the effect sets, lighting modes, and colors until you're happy with your image.

      Click OK to apply the changes. Applying the filter may take several minutes.

    Working in Adobe Photoshop

      Decide what quality your image will be. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort fixing the small details of a low-quality compressed JPEG file.

      Enlarge the image. Open the JPEG file in Photoshop and then zoom in on the image by clicking the magnifying glass icon (+) in the upper left corner of the toolbar. Continue pressing the button until the zoom percentage in the bottom left corner of the screen reads “300%.” Notice the pixels and color mismatches that appear when zoomed in this way.

      Find the Reduce Noise filter. Open the Filter menu, select Noise, and then Reduce Noise.

    1. Adjust noise reduction settings. To get started, check the View option to see changes in real time.

      • Intensity: This parameter sets the intensity of noise reduction. The lower the quality of the JPEG file, the higher this parameter should be. To see the effect of increasing the intensity, drag the slider to the right.
      • Save details: A lower value will make the image blurrier and softer, but will also eliminate noise.
      • Sharpness details: By making the edges of your image sharper, a high Sharpness Detail score compensates for the low detail retention rate. Make sure the Remove JPEG Artifacts option is checked.
      • If you are happy with the results of your edits, click OK to save the new image.
    2. Minimize mosquito noise and color mismatch in areas that lack fine detail (e.g. human skin, cheeks, hair). Your goal is to make sharp transitions between colors as soft and natural as possible. Leave the important details of certain parts of the image (eg eyes, ears, insect wings) for the Stamp Tool, which we'll cover in the next step.

      • Zoom in until you see areas with sharp color transitions in the work area.
      • Use the Eyedropper Tool to select a color near the area you want to remove.
      • Select the Brush tool. In short, all you need to do is sketch out the colored pixels. Set the Hardness to 10%, the Opacity to 40%, and the Pressure to 100%.
      • Use single strokes to apply paint to color blocks. When coloring an image, do not hold down the mouse button, otherwise it will look unnatural. Don't be afraid to change the shade to complement the surrounding shades, shadows and highlights of the original image.
      • Lower the brush opacity up to 10% for smooth transitions between different areas, for example between the eyebrow and the skin. You will have to take colors from both the brow and the skin to accurately outline this transition area. Due to the low opacity, everything you do will look natural, so don’t be afraid to lightly brush the skin with your eyebrow color, or vice versa.
    3. Use the Stamp Tool in areas with big amount small parts (eyes, teeth, insect wings). Since it is quite difficult to select and use one color in these places, you can use a stamp to select the exact combination of colors. “Stamp” allows you to select part of an image and literally transfer it to another part of the image.

      • Select "Stamp" from the toolbar and hold Alt key until the cursor turns into a crosshair. Select an area close to the color range you want, but avoid compression artifacts. Otherwise you may end up copying artifacts.
      • Choose the right brush size, which would cover the distortion (anywhere from 1 to 10 pixels). Set the brush hardness to 10-30% and the opacity to 30%. To correct color distortions, use the same single mouse clicks as in the previous example. Change the area of ​​the image you are using as a reference frequently (while holding down the ALT key).
      • Reduce opacity for transitional parts of the image. Irregular colors can sometimes interfere with the shape of the image (the edges of the pupil are not a smooth round shape, but are interrupted by raised lines). You may have to use the brush repeatedly to get the edges right.
    • Photoshop's history only stores a certain number of your most recent clicks, and you'll be making a lot of them during processing. Once you zoom out from the image, you may find that you processed some part of it incorrectly, but Photoshop won't be able to take you back to that moment. To avoid this, make copies of your image so you can always go back to the "before change" stage. The image duplication button is located at the bottom of the history window. Scroll to the top of the list to see all your saved copies.
    • Don't be afraid to experiment with stamp and brush settings, especially if you're more or less familiar with Photoshop. If you are not satisfied with the processing result, simply change the settings.
    • If you are working with photography, pay attention to the different shades. Depending on lighting, shadows and reflections blue flower can have different shades - blue, violet, ultramarine, green, brown and so on. Try to capture these colors as best you can by using a low opacity brush. Use a stamp if the concentration is concentrated on a small area. a large number of different shades.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Perhaps, each of us has photographs that we inherently like, but have a number of serious shortcomings, due to which they unnecessarily gather dust in some folder on our home computer.

What to do if you look great in the frame, but the photo is too dark or full of unnatural colors? I'll tell you about how to improve photo quality, without even basic skills in image processing in Photoshop, but only using free online graphic editors.

Basic techniques for improving photo quality

Let's look at the typical shortcomings of photographs and the most simple ways their elimination. Photo processing in online editors will help with this (different editors will be discussed here, but there is such a universal tool, which is very often called - it can also be successfully used to solve this problem, but there is no particular point in describing it here, because you will find a comprehensive overview at the link provided).

Photos that are too dark or too light look boring and monotonous, they have little detail, and sometimes it’s difficult to even see a face or subject. This problem can be dealt with by controlling parameters such as brightness, exposure, levels and curves. In simple online photo editors Usually only brightness adjustment is available, which is quite sufficient in most cases. But know that if the photo is so light that it has absolutely white areas, then no one, even a professional photo editor, will help you restore the details there because information about them is simply not available on digital media. The same applies to dark areas, although it is worth noting that for digital photography, too much light is still worse than too little.

Insufficient contrast makes the photo faceless and dull. The more noticeable the difference between the lightest and darkest areas, the brighter and clearer the photo. But I don’t recommend setting the contrast to maximum - this leads to the loss of important details in the picture and makes the photo rough and unattractive.

Incorrect color rendering- this is one of the common problems that causes the need to further process (improve) photos (including in simple online services). Agree, blue foliage or a green face does not look very attractive. Therefore, editors have such an option as color temperature, which allows you to give a photo a warmer or cooler tint. It is also possible to separately edit each of the three color channels: red, green or blue. By moving the desired slider, you can remove the unpleasant tint from the photo.

Another parameter related to color is saturation. With its maximum value, all colors will be bright and rich, and with its minimum value you will get a black and white photo, which is a very popular artistic effect among photographers. But with maximum saturation, I would advise you to behave more carefully - the principle applies here: all good things in moderation.

But what should you do if in a photo where your face is captured from the optimal angle, with shining eyes and a magnificent smile, but the whole picture is spoiled by a pimple on your forehead or a small scar on your cheek? Here it will come to your aid retouch— quite a few online editors have this feature. The photo editor will automatically determine in which part of the photo the face is located, even out the skin tone and eliminate minor defects! Within seconds you look perfect, like a model on the cover of a magazine. Advanced retouching editors allow you to correct all facial imperfections manually.

Online editor FotoStars - great photo in one click

We’ve talked about typical photo problems, now I’d like to introduce you to an extremely simple, but very functional free editor for online photo processing - fotostars.me. You can work in it, even if your computer knowledge is limited to how to turn it on and go to your own page on social networks. Don't believe me? Let's better try!

I’ll take as an example a couple of not very successful photographs taken with a very weak smartphone camera, also in poor lighting, and I’ll show what fotostars.me can make from these unpresentable shots.

This photo shows very beautiful flowers(at least that's what they really were).

But let's figure out why this photo is not impressive? Firstly, we don’t see lush, green foliage. Here the leaves have acquired some kind of faded, bluish tint. I would also like to see the flowers themselves bright orange, warmer. Open the free online editor fotostars and We will try to improve the quality of this photo.

Click “edit photo” and select a picture with our flowers. And so, it opened in the online editor window. On the right you can see a toolbar that will help us take an attractive photo.

First, let's open instrument temperature and make the overall tone of the photo warmer. By moving the slider to the right, you move the picture to warmer shades, and to the left, to cooler shades.

And so, after the simplest online processing, I received a more attractive photo, in which the color of the foliage is similar to natural, and in general the picture began to look positive and cheerful. Click “apply” and move on to the next step.

In the “colors” tab we see a greater variety of settings for processing our experimental image.

Let's start in order. Using the option " brightness"You can make the picture lighter or darker. Ours is lighter than we would like, so at the first stage of editing, let's move the slider a little to the left. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will lose important details. Well, now it's much better.

A little contrast in our photo won't hurt either; the details will be clearer, which will significantly improve the perception.

The following sliders allow you to edit each of the three separately digital channels , so if you need to emphasize a certain tone or give a photo a tint, then use them. If you are happy with the colors, then you don’t need to touch them. And I'll probably add a little green.

Very interesting tool processing - focus. It will allow you to hide unpresentable elements at the edges of the frame and focus on the main object. Since we have a lot of these main objects, I will stretch the frame to the maximum possible size. Now the photo is sharp in the center, and the edges are softer and blurry.

This interesting effect distracted attention from unpresentable objects below and to the left, and also created the illusion of volumetric space.

Well, in conclusion, let's try add some interesting effect automatic processing that will make the photo stand out from thousands of similar ones. Open the appropriate tab and experiment. Once you like the result, click “apply”. I liked the “summer” effect, maybe you’ll like something else. There is a considerable choice here (especially considering that this is an absolutely free online service).

Want more frame, for example, like this one.

Let's finish here and download the final image.

I prefer to save files to best quality. But if you need a picture that takes up less space on the disk, then the quality can be reduced a little (in principle, it will be possible later if necessary).

Let's compare the original photo and the result for clarity.

Above we see a very ordinary picture, but below we got a very original image that looks artistic. As you've seen, you don't need to be a professional photographer or retoucher to take pictures like this.

I'll show you Another example of online photo processing initially not too much High Quality. Let's take a dog like this.

It should be black, but in the photo it looks gray. The grass is faded, and in general, it seems that it is cloudy outside, although the picture was taken on a sunny spring day. Now, using the online tools already known to you at fotostars.me, we will return the spring mood to the picture.

At the first step of processing a little I'll crop the photo, because there is too much empty space below, this worsens the perception. fotostars.me has its own cropping tool, so there is no need to look for another editor that performs this function.

Let's work with brightness, contrast, sharpness, add an effect, and this is what we got. Five minutes of online editing, and the result is amazing!

Portrait retouching online is easy!

Now I will introduce you to an excellent editor who will make your portrait unsurpassed. Skin defects, fine wrinkles, expressionless eyes - these are all in the past! All you have to do is upload a photo, and in a few seconds it will look much better.

Another one of my favorite online retouching tools is retouch.net. It differs from the previous one in that it gives the user the opportunity to independently change some image settings. When working with it, you can rely on your own taste, and not on the program’s algorithms.

On home page select the “retouching” tab and upload our portrait. I specifically took a high-quality photograph in which the texture of the skin and minor facial defects are clearly visible. Let's see how this online editor copes with the task.

The simplest and most effective tool is smooth skin ( skin smoothing). The tab has a slider with which you can adjust the intensity of the action. As you can see, after online processing, the skin tone has become smoother, and its texture is almost invisible.

Once you have achieved the desired result, click apply. If you make a mistake and want to start retouching again, then undo at the top of the workspace will help you undo last changes(Steps).

Now a few words about the remaining options. When you open the spray tan tab, you will see a color palette and a brush, the size of which can be adjusted using a slider. With this tool you can change tone individual areas of the skin or the entire face.

The treatment tool called blemish removal is just a dream! Even those with perfect skin, under the gaze of the lens, will find at least one small pimple or pigment spot that catches your eye in the photograph. This tool will help retouch skin defects very easy. Adjust the size of the brush and click on the defect, and it will instantly disappear without leaving a trace!

The blush option is a great option to add some blush. Choose the color you want and apply it to your face with a brush.

Do you think your eyes are small? Make them more! Point the enlarger tool at them and make them look however you like!

Do you want dark ones? long eyelashes on the picture? The mascara processing tool is at your service. One stroke of the brush over the eyelashes - and the virtual makeup is ready. This skillful retouching tool can also be used on eyebrows.

Have you always dreamed of changing eye color? In the photograph this is quite possible. Open the online eye color correction tool, select a color and click on the iris in the photo.

By the way, if the hated “red eye” effect is present, then the red eye tool will eliminate it in a couple of seconds.

Well, the final touch is to retouch the lips. Lip tint allows you to choose the color of your virtual lipstick. Just apply it with a brush carefully, without going beyond the contours. This requires some skill, but nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence!

Well, now I’m happy with the photo, I save it and compare the result with the source. Retouch.net coped with the task at 5+, our result after online processing it looks very similar to a professional photo from the cover of a glamor magazine. And you can do it yourself in just 5 minutes!

Now you know everything about how to quickly and easily turn a mediocre photo into an artistic photograph, eliminate a number of shortcomings and highlight the advantages. Feel free to move on to practice, good luck with your photos and easy retouching!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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