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Image characterization of assol from the work Scarlet Sails. “Scarlet Sails” characteristic of Assol. Are there scarlet sails?

>Characteristics of the heroes Scarlet Sails

Characteristics of the hero Assol

Assol – main character stories by Alexander Green " Scarlet Sails", a girl whose dream came true. Assol lost her mother early, and she was raised by her father, the stern and reserved Longren, who, however, dearly loved his daughter. Their fellow villagers avoided them, since according to the tavern owner, Longren was a cruel and heartless person. He did not lend a helping hand to him when he was in trouble and could have drowned. And the tavern owner kept silent about the fact that it was his fault that Mary, Assol’s mother and Longren’s lover, died. Since then, Assol and her father were disliked in the village. Moreover, Assol became known as crazy after her story about her meeting with Egle, a collector of fairy tales, who predicted to her that in due time a brave prince would come for her on a white ship with scarlet sails. For this, she was called nothing less than “ship’s Assol.”

By nature this was a girl with a sensitive imagination and kind hearted. She could speak to trees and bushes as if they were alive, take care of her little brothers, and sincerely dream. When she grew up, she became a real beauty. Everything Assol put on seemed new and charming. Her face was childishly naive and radiant, and she never for a moment forgot about her dream, vividly imagining it. Although Longren hoped that time will pass, and she will forget the words of the storyteller Egle.

The ability to dream selflessly and ignore the evil ridicule of others did the girl good. In fact, someone special came into her life and put a ring on her finger while she slept. After this, she became even more confident that “he” would soon appear in her life. And indeed, soon that same ship with scarlet sails appeared in the village of Kaperna, and with it Arthur Gray - the captain of the ship, a brave sailor and simply a noble man, who, having heard the story about Assol and her dream, decided to make it come true. This happened because he accidentally saw her sleeping and fell in love with her at first sight. Having put the ring on her finger, he began to find out everything about Assol, and thus learned about her dream.

After she saw him too, she also immediately fell in love with him. She accepted Gray's offer to leave the village with him on a ship, not forgetting to take her father with her.

Perhaps, no less than Gray, Assol inspires faith in success and brings the glow of good luck. Two people coexisted in Gray's soul. And in Assol’s soul there lived two Assols, “mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity.” One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who knew how to make toys, diligently sew, cook, and wash floors. The other, the one that Green called a living poem “with all the wonders of its consonances and images,” was itself the embodiment of poetry. Trembling and worrying, Assol lived in anticipation of a miracle. And in this reciprocity of shadows and light, in this beautiful irregularity, there was, like Gray’s, its own correctness, there was something inherent in both of them. high art transform the world, inspire many amazing discoveries“ethereal-subtle”, “inexpressible”, “but important, like purity and warmth.”

Everything that Assol saw around her, everything that she lived with, became “a lace of secrets in the image of everyday life.” The very sound of her name, as strange and unusual to the ear as the tender name Suok in “Three Fat Men,” foreshadowed a meeting with a creature unlike the others. Aigle, for example, likes that the name is so strange, so monotonous, musical, like the whistle of an arrow or the noise of a sea shell. “What would I do,” he says thoughtfully to Assol, “if you were called one of those euphonious, but unbearably familiar names that are alien to the Beautiful Unknown? Moreover, I don’t want to know who you are, who your parents are and how you live. Why break the spell?

What is the source of Assol's charm? Greene is not going to ask us any riddles about this. There is so much purity, spontaneity, naturalness in her soul, such a readiness to see the world with eyes in which nothing adult remains - big eyes child, that together with her we are imbued with the expectation of the Beautiful Unknown. Assol enthusiastically promises his friend, the coal miner Philip, that one day, when Philip fills his basket with coal, it will turn into a fragrant bush. And Philip really begins to imagine that buds are creeping out of the old twigs and leaves are splashing across the basket. Trembling and worrying, Assol goes to the seashore, intensely looking for a white ship with a scarlet sail on the horizon. And we, too, not believing that we believe, are waiting for his appearance.

“These minutes were happiness for her,” Green wrote about his heroine, “it’s difficult for us to escape into a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.” And what a triumph over the prosaic, rough, one-dimensional, flat and philistine idea of ​​life, devoid of any flight of fancy, does the author of the book experience together with his heroes, when, in front of the shocked residents of Kaperna, a ship suddenly appears with the very sails whose name is still for a time it sounded like mockery.

The heroine of “Scarlet Sails” at one time seemed to some critics of the book to be a character, although poetic, but passive and inactive. This reproach was addressed to Green more than once. Is he really that fair? Gray was given the strength, opportunity, and desire to make Assol’s dream come true. But let us remember that it was none other than Assol who inspired Gray to do his act! Assol helped Gray understand one simple truth.

Olya inspired Gray to do his act! Assol helped Gray understand one simple truth. Understand and have confidence in it: you need to do so-called miracles with your own hands. And maybe that’s why Gray didn’t want anyone else but Assol.

Here, it turns out, how in Green’s extravaganza, fate, will and character traits are ultimately happily, almost fabulously, and at the same time irreversibly, inevitably intertwined. The meeting of the storyteller Egle with Assol determines the purpose of her existence. The painting depicting a ship rising on the crest of a sea wall, which Gray loved to look at for a long time as a child, became for him “that with the right word in the conversation of the soul with life, without which it would be difficult for him to understand himself.” A huge sea gradually settled inside the little boy. He got along with it...

But isn't that fleeting vision of a miniature boat that Greene once saw in a toy store window somewhere in the same category? This insignificant impression turned out to be very necessary and very important for the writer.

“Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green captivates the reader not only with its romantic and fairy-tale plot, but also with its main characters. The image of Assol in the story embodies a bright faith in dreams and fairy tales, kindness and tenderness, meekness and love.

Childhood Assol

Assol was born into the family of a sailor Longren. The girl's mother died when she was not even a year old. Assol was raised by his father. The girl helped him in everything, was obedient and kind, and learned everything quickly. A characterization of Assol from the work “Scarlet Sails” is impossible without mentioning some moments of her life in Kapern.

In his early childhood The heroine suffered because other children, on the instructions of their parents, were afraid of her and did not play with her, because they considered the girl’s father a murderer. Soon, having cried a sea of ​​​​tears and overcome resentment, the girl learned to play herself, living in her mysterious world of fantasy and dreams. In her own world, completely different from reality, Assol did not lose the ability to rejoice and love. Her love and kindness extend to nature and the only person, besides her father, who understands her in Caperne - the coal miner Philip.

The girl is kind, she does not remember the insults and malice with which the inhabitants of Kaperna shower her, she is smart and hardworking, never despairs, and also knows how to truly dream - this is the characteristic of Assol from “Scarlet Sails”.

Meeting with a storyteller

Assol often helped her father, she took toys to the city for sale and bought the necessary products. One day, while walking through the forest, the girl met an old collector of legends, Egl, who told her about how a ship with scarlet sails would sail to Kaperna and take her away from here forever.

“One morning a scarlet sail will sparkle in the distance of the sea... Then you will see a brave and handsome prince; he will stand and stretch out his hands to you.” So said the old storyteller, and Assol began to wait for the scarlet sails, believing the prediction with all her heart. Old Longren decided not to deprive the girl of such a gift, thinking that she would grow up and forget about this strange meeting in the forest.

Dream and Kaperna

Unfortunately, Assol lives in a very mundane place. It is very difficult for her here, because both she and those around her are aware of her alienation and peculiarity.

“But you don’t tell fairy tales... don’t sing songs. And if they tell and sing, then these are stories about cunning men and soldiers, dirty as unwashed feet... quatrains.” - this is what Aigle says about Caperne.

It would seem that in such a place it is impossible for Assol’s fragile dream to survive, but the girl carefully carries it through dirty ridicule and insults. And it doesn’t matter that she is considered crazy and is evilly called “the ship’s Assol”; Gray only needs one look at her to understand that all the stories are vile fiction.

The characteristics of Assol and Gray are completely different from the characteristics of the inhabitants of the town, both of them are from a completely different world. There is no place for them in Kaperna.

Scarlet Sails

Little Assol, like an insanely expensive toy, keeps the prediction of an old collector of legends. And even though they laugh at her and consider her crazy, the girl does not despair.

When Assol wakes up one day with Gray's ring on her finger, she realizes that her Scarlet Sails are already on their way.

The main idea of ​​the work is that you need to be able to dream, not forget and not betray your dream, and then it will definitely come true. The description of Assol from the story “Scarlet Sails” confirms this.

Work test

The story about Assol begins with the first years of her life in the city of Kaperna. As she grows up, the girl changes, but always remains charming. At the age of five, Green notes that she had a kind but nervous face that brought a smile to her father's face. At 13, she was a thin and very tanned girl with expressive and clean features. Since the family's income is small, Assol's costume is very poor. She is modest, hides her hair under a headscarf, and averts her eyes. She is not like the rest of the villagers and this scares them away. She resembled a swallow and was always friendly with others.
Important! At the age of 17-20, when she meets Captain Gray, Assol has turned into an attractive short girl with thick brown hair and delicate features.
What seemed surprising was that she retained the childlike naivety in her eyes and the bright light that only babies have.

Rice. 1. Illustrations for the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Nonna Aleshina

Assol family

Assol was left without a mother when she was still infant: she died when the baby was only 5 months old. Returning from sailing, the father takes care of his daughter.
Important! Longren (Assol's father) was a cruel and callous man, but still he gives up his fishing business and remains in the village to raise Assol.
He tries to make toys, but it doesn't bring in much money. From an early age, his daughter helps him - she takes toys to the city to sell them. The villagers shun the cruel Longren and his strange daughter, but they live in love and harmony with each other.

Rice. 2. Illustrations for the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Nonna Aleshina

The character of Assol in “Scarlet Sails”

Assol grows up alone. As a child, the heroine had no one to communicate with - fearing stories about the girl’s father, other parents forbade their children to play with her. Assol suffered greatly from the fact that she had no one to talk to heart to heart.
Important! In search of warmth, the girl gets closer to the surrounding nature - she talks to trees and bushes. Her own world of illusions helped Assol maintain the ability to love and rejoice.
All her warmth and kindness went only to her father and coal miner Philip - the only person in Kapern who communicated with her. Despite the attitude of others, the girl does not hold grudges or get angry, she is smart and dreamy. Young Assol is a good housewife. Since childhood, she has been accustomed to helping her father; she knows how to cook, clean, sew, and save money. The girl loves to read and can write. She is completely immersed in the world of books, perceiving the meaning between the lines.
Important! As a child, the song collector Egle tells her a story about scarlet sails, in which we're talking about that one day a ship with scarlet sails will end up in Kaperna and take her away from here forever. This dream conquers Assol's heart. She believes in it with all her soul and does not give up on it even under the weight of ridicule from her neighbors. The girl constantly sits on the shore and waits for her ship.
Melancholy and lack of human warmth made Assol timid. She deeply feels any insults, subtly feels the experiences of others and strives to help anyone. Her differences from the local residents in the village led to the fact that Assol began to be called crazy, crazy, they made fun of her, calling her nothing more than “ship Assol.”

Rice. 3. Illustrations for the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Nonna Aleshina One day she woke up with a ring on her finger, which Gray had carefully put on her as she slept, and realized that the legend would soon become a reality. After several days, a ship with the noble Captain Gray appeared on the horizon, who made her dream come true. Wild stories are told about Assol in the village, but one glance was enough for the lover to understand that this was a lie. Assol in the story “Scarlet Sails” is sharply contrasted with the inhabitants of his village. She is the embodiment of kindness and humility, romance and dreaminess. Alexander Green created a portrait that subsequently inspired many writers, artists, musicians and ordinary people who were shown that dreams can come true. We recommend watching interesting video about the story “Scarlet Sails”.

Assol is a girl’s name that has become a household name. It symbolizes romance, openness and the truth of real feelings. Assol and faith in love are two synonymous concepts. The image and characterization of Assol in the story “Scarlet Sails” will help to understand the characteristics of the heroine of the work of art.

The heroine's appearance

The reader meets Assol as an eight-month-old baby, left without a mother, waiting for her sailor father in the care of a kind neighbor's old man, he looked after the child for 3 months. At the end of the book the girl is already between 17-20. At this age, her dream comes true and she meets Gray.

The girl's appearance changes:

  • 5 years old – a kind, nervous face that brings a smile to his father’s face.
  • 10-13 years old - a thin, tanned girl with dark thick hair, dark eyes and a gentle smile with a small mouth. Her appearance is expressive and clean; the author compares her to a swallow in flight.
  • 17-20 years old - amazing attractiveness is visible in all features: short, dark brown. Long eyelashes fall like a shadow onto her cheeks, the delicate contours of her face make anyone passing by look at her.

At every age, one epithet is suitable for a girl - charm. This is also surprising because Assol’s clothes are poor and cheap. It’s difficult to become noticeable in such outfits, but this is not for Assol. She has her own style, a special ability to dress. A scarf runs through the exterior like a subtle detail: it covers the young head, hides the thick strands, and hides the gaze.

The appearance of a charming, modest woman is not popular in Kaperna; it frightens residents with its wildness and intelligence hidden inside deep dark eyes. It is impossible to imagine a girl at the market among women with rough hands and loose speech.

Family and raising a girl

The family lives in a village by the sea. Much is unknown: the country, the nearby city, the sea. The village of Kaperna, where is such a village located? Only on the pages of a novel. Sailor's family - an ordinary family seaside villages. The father's name is Longren, the mother's name is Mary. Unable to cope with the disease, the mother dies when the child was only 5 months old. Longren begins to take care of his daughter, he leaves his fishing business and tries to make toys. Assol grows up and helps her father; she goes to the city to leave her father’s fakes for sale. Assol and Longren live in poverty, but in love. Life is simple and monotonous.

Character of the heroine

The formation of character takes place against the background of loneliness. The family is treated with caution after the incident with Menners. Loneliness was boring, but Assol found someone to be friends with. Nature became her closest environment. Melancholy made the girl timid and suffering. Animation in the face rarely appeared.

Main character traits:

Deep soul. The girl feels everything and everyone around her. She sincerely experiences the hardships of life and tries to help those she meets. Assol takes the insults hard and shrinks as if from a blow.

Thrift. She sews, tidies, cooks, saves - does everything that a woman from a poor family needs to be able to do.

Individuality. The girl did not fit into the usual characters of the seaside village. They don’t understand her, they call her crazy, touched. They laugh and make fun of this special girl, but in their hearts they understand that they cannot become like that, they cannot understand her thoughts.

Love for nature. Assol talks to the trees, they are her friends, loyal and honest, unlike people. They are waiting for the girl, greeting her with the trembling of leaves.

Even while reading, the girl is connected with nature. A little green bug crawls across the page and knows where to stop. He seems to be asking her to turn her gaze to the sea, where a ship with scarlet sails awaits.

The fate of the heroine

The children's fairy tale that the song collector Egle told the girl lives in her soul. Assol does not refuse her, is not afraid of ridicule, does not cheat on her. True to her dream, she looks into the distance, waiting for a ship in the depths of the sea. And he comes.

It is interesting that the reader continues to talk about Assol after Gray appears in her life. I would like to imagine how the dear beauty’s life, stingy with joy, will change when the book has already been read. This author’s skill has captivated more than one generation of readers. The fairy tale has become reality. You need to believe in your destiny for it to happen.



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