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Samples of applications to the management company. Sample applications to the management company: nuances of drafting

A complaint against the actions (inaction) of the management company (the organization servicing the residential building), expressed as follows:

  1. the presence of water and condensate in the basement of a residential building
  2. the basement of a residential building is cluttered and dirty, there is no basement lighting
  3. penetration of rodents into the basement and apartments; the management company does not carry out deratization and disinfection to destroy rodents
  4. the foundation of a building (residential building) is destroyed
  5. An illegal restriction of heat and water supply was carried out due to the debt of a number of owners.

Recommended on this topic acquainted with judicial practice in review: Responsibilities of a management company in the housing and communal services sector for maintenance and repairs. Arbitrage practice

Other examples of complaints:"Complaint against the management company. Examples and samples of complaints"

To the Prosecutor's Office of the Leninsky District of Omsk
644020, Omsk, Ave. K. Marx, 77

To the Main Directorate of Housing Control,
state construction supervision and
state examination of the Omsk region
644043, Omsk, st. Karl Liebknecht, 33

residents of house No. ... on the street. ....., in Omsk

complaint against the actions (inaction) of the management company

1. Since the end of September 2012, on information stands located at the entrances of building No. ... on the street. ....., the following advertisement was posted in Omsk:

“Dear residents! The heating is not turned on in our building due to the large debt of residents under the heading “Heating and hot water.”

The authors of this message did not sign, but in the entire house there is indeed no heating not only (although it has already been provided to all residential buildings located in the block), but also the consumption of hot water has been limited. In addition, not only has the supply of hot water been limited (no pressure, no temperature), but its quality has also been reduced, which is reflected in the color of the “trickle” coming out of the tap (yellow-brown).

The actions of those who carried out actions to limit heat and water supply are illegal, which they cannot but know about.

clause 2.6.2. When preparing housing stock for use in winter, you must:
- bring the territory of households into a technically sound condition, ensuring unimpeded drainage of atmospheric and melt water from the blind area, from descents (entrances) to the basement and their window pits;
- ensure proper waterproofing of foundations, basement and plinth walls and their interface with adjacent structures, staircases, basements and attics, elevator engine rooms, serviceability of fire hydrants.

clause 4.1.1. The housing maintenance organization must ensure:
good condition of foundations and basement walls of buildings; Violation of rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings and (or) residential premises

Based on the above, we request:

bring to administrative responsibility for committing the above actions (inactions) those responsible for this.

Please provide the answer on the merits of this appeal (complaint) to the owner of apartment No. ... Full name.

05.10.2012 Signatures of citizens - owners of residential premises of the house:
1. ..... (full name, apartment number, signature)
2. .....
3. .....

All documents to the court(procedural documents):

Statements of claim to court;
Applications to court (public legal relations, special proceedings..);
Petitions to court, statements;
Objections (response) to the statement of claim, complaint, arguments to the court;
Complaints to the court (appeal, cassation, supervisory, private);
Complaints against a decision in a case of an administrative offense;
Complaints to the prosecutor's office and other authorities;
Complaints, statements, petitions in criminal proceedings;
Other procedural documents;
Pre-trial claims (samples), demands, responses to claims.

IN management company. These papers raise a huge number of questions among the population. After all, not everyone understands how to write complaints under certain circumstances. You also have to figure out where to send this or that letter. What should the population pay attention to? How to file a complaint? What will help bring your idea to life? All this will be discussed a little later. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems at first glance. Every citizen is able to independently implement his plans without much difficulty.

What is a complaint against the Criminal Code

The first step is to understand what a management company is. What documents are we talking about?

The point is that a complaint against the management company is a way for the population to respond to the inaction of service companies. A unique form of defending one’s rights and opportunities. Samples of complaints represent only a model for constructing the demands of the population. In the case under study - violations or inactions of the management companies managing the house.

Accordingly, each document will differ in its originality. But some patterns still exist. You can rely on them in order to know approximately what the complaint looks like in a particular case.

Where to contact

Where should I send the paper I'm studying? Often, residents file complaints, but cannot find an organization that will review the document in in the prescribed manner. How to act in such circumstances?

Today, for heating or other reasons will be presented later) is sent to:

  • to the housing inspection;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to court (usually district).

It all depends on the reason for the population's discontent. Typically, claims are settled out of court. And only in extreme cases are complaints drawn up and sent to the courts.

Types of complaints

It should also be taken into account that the document being studied can be presented in several forms. Which ones?

Firstly, you have to remember - a complaint against the Criminal Code can only be made in writing. It is important. Sometimes it is allowed to compose a document on a computer and print it. Today, you can also use electronic interpretation of the complaint. But the fact remains that the paper must be written.

Secondly, there are several types of complaints. Namely:

  1. Personal/single. Such a document is usually written by just one person; in practice, such complaints are rare. They are not particularly significant.
  2. The most common document type. It is compiled by several residents/houses/entrances, then submitted in the prescribed manner to certain authorities. Typically, it is precisely these types of complaints to the management company that prove effective.

This concludes the classification of the paper being studied. As already mentioned, in reality it is collective complaints that take place. They respond faster. After all, one person who complains about the Criminal Code is not a problem. And when there are a lot of dissatisfied people, this means that the service organization is really not fulfilling its responsibilities.

Application procedure

There is a certain procedure for filing complaints against the management company. It must be adhered to by all residents who have any complaints. How to act correctly?

Today, any claims against actions/inactions of the management company are accepted in the following order:

  1. A citizen or group of residents files a complaint. Rules for writing a document and several ready-made templates will be presented later.
  2. The document is sent to the management company of a particular building.
  3. A response from the organization is awaited. The complaint can be considered, and the problem regarding it can be resolved. Or the management company ignores the requests submitted by residents.
  4. In the second case, it is necessary to obtain any evidence of contacting the management company with a complaint in the prescribed manner. After this, a new appeal is written. But it is already submitted to Rospotrebnadzor or the housing inspection.
  5. Going to court is a last resort. It is recommended to go to this body with a complaint of the established form after the inaction of housing inspectors. Evidence indicating attempts to resolve the dispute pre-trial must be provided.

It is this algorithm of action that is recommended for residents of any buildings to follow if they have any complaints against management companies that maintain apartments. How is the document being studied compiled? What will a collective complaint to the management company look like? A sample of documentation presented a little later will help you understand this issue.

Beginning of the document

So, now you can consider the rules for writing complaints. Remembering them is not as difficult as it seems. Exist general recommendations that will help bring your idea to life.

Great attention is paid to the beginning of the document. It will be the same for all types of complaints against the management company. The following tips will help:

  1. The organization to which the letter is sent is initially written in the upper right corner.
  2. The name of the head of the management company or public housing estate is written under this inscription. It is not necessary, but it is advisable not to neglect this feature.
  3. Next, you need to write the full name of all persons who apply and sign the complaint. It is necessary to indicate contacts for communication with dissatisfied citizens.

All this - general tips, which will help to correctly identify the persons involved in the case. Similar rules apply not only to complaints, but also to other letters.

Main part

  1. In the middle of the sheet you must write “Complaint”. The reason for the request is indicated below.
  2. The main part is the place where residents talk about their complaints in a brief but at the same time detailed form. History is written in detail.
  3. If there is any evidence of certain actions, they are indicated in the complaint and are also listed at the end.
  4. Be sure to write the purpose of the appeal of dissatisfied persons.
  5. The document ends with the date of application and the signature of all applicants.

Based on all the listed rules, you can see what sample complaints to the management company will look like. How are such documents prepared?

Failure to fulfill duties

A very common case is the failure of the management company to fulfill its duties. How to act in such circumstances? What will a complaint about the inaction of the management company look like? A sample of this paper, presented below, will help to correctly record certain grievances of residents.

Today you can use the following template:

“We, the residents of building No. 5, located at the address: Moscow, Ivan Susanin Street, ask you to respond to the inaction of the management company StroyGrad. On August 15, 2013, we filed a complaint with the Criminal Code for failure to fulfill maintenance obligations apartment building. Namely, improper cleaning of the entrance, as well as the presence of a broken elevator. But this document did not bring results. Evidence of appeal has been presented. Please respond to our complaint and influence the management company StroyGrad."

There is nothing difficult or special about drawing up a document. This is the pattern that often occurs in most cases. What might another complaint to the State Housing Property Committee against a management company look like? A sample of it is presented below!


Sometimes claims arise on issues related to the heating season. Residents very often turn to the management companies that serve them in order to resolve many problems.

A sample complaint from residents against the management company regarding issues related to heating is sometimes interpreted as follows:

“We, residents of an apartment building located at the address: St. Petersburg, Petrishcheva Street, building 45, ask you to pay attention to our complaint. Due to weather conditions, the heating season in the city began on October 5, 2017. But from that time until "Today, heating is not supplied to our house. The management company has not responded to our complaint in any way. Evidence of the lack of heating and the appeal to the management company is attached."

This is another template that you can rely on when drafting your document. As you might guess, we're talking about only about the main part of the paper. In a similar way, a complaint is filed with Rospotrebnadzor against the management company. An example of any given template can be slightly modified and redirected to the specified service.


Sometimes residents talk about illegal advertisements being posted in their hallways. Management companies are obliged to combat this problem. But in practice, such cases remain unattended. From now on, it is clear how to compose the Sample published below, which will help indicate the population’s dissatisfaction with advertising in entrances.

The document template looks like this:

“I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, living at the address: Russia, Saratov, Melnikova street, building 7, ask you to respond to illegally placed advertising in our entrance. On the morning of May 7, 2008, I discovered advertising banners on the first floor of our house ". Their photographs are attached. No one responded to my numerous appeals to the Criminal Code. I ask you to remove the illegally placed advertising in our house."

Living in an apartment building, not only residents of cities, but also, often, urban-type settlements, in mandatory enter into a collective agreement with housing and communal services, HOA (homeowners' association) or another management company (management company). This agreement governs the relationship between the two parties, which stipulates that the residents undertake in a timely manner, and the management company undertakes to carry out the work to provide these same services. The same agreement is the basis for holding the parties accountable in case of non-compliance with its terms.

In Russia, unfortunately, situations very often occur when a management company, housing and communal services or other responsible organization fulfill their duties in bad faith, at the wrong time, or even avoid some work altogether. Such moments cannot be ignored and expect that someone else will solve the problem. If the yard is not cleaned, if the garbage is not removed on time, if there are constant interruptions in water and electricity, the roof is leaking, the plaster is crumbling in the entrance - this is the work of the management company and housing and communal services, which they are not doing.

How to properly file a claim (an example), in what cases, to whom you can write a statement and how to do it correctly, what Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for, when you can contact the prosecutor's office and the court - we will consider further.

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Responsibilities of the management company and housing and communal services

The reason to complain about the management company is its failure to fulfill its obligations under the contract. As a standard, the agreement between residents and the housing and communal services management company specifies the full maintenance of the residential building that will be provided. It also indicates the timing of their completion, the scale of work, how often they will be carried out, and their cost. It is important to note that the list of services provided is not arbitrary, at the request of the management company, but standard, provided regulations Russian Federation. Moreover, each owner of an apartment in a residential building has the right to receive a copy of the contract; moreover, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, this is a mandatory condition.

The responsibilities of the management company include:

  • Maintenance;
  • routine inspections of structures and buildings;
  • carrying out repair work (current and major) in a residential building;
  • seasonal work on the territory of the house (removing leaves, snow, whitewashing trees, etc.);
  • work of emergency and dispatch services;
  • cleaning staircases, attics and basements;
  • yard cleaning all year round;
  • maintaining the improvement of the territory of a residential building;
  • garbage removal and control of sanitary standards;
  • plantings in the area near the house;
  • repair of engineering equipment and systems;
  • accounting and storage of technical documentation.

If the above services are not provided or are provided but not in full, residents have a legal right. An example of this is given below.

Reason for complaint

An application or claim against a management company or housing and communal services can be written and submitted to the State Housing Property Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, or the court in cases where:

Often the management company is also responsible for replacing light bulbs in hallways. If she completely ignores this fact, this is exactly the same reason to write a complaint.

Refusal of the Criminal Code to accept the complaint

In the event that the housing and communal services management company refuses to accept the application during a personal visit of the applicant or to sign a copy of it, kept for itself, it must be sent by mail. There is one small nuance here, you must send it with a valuable letter with a description of the attachment. You can also send a letter with a notification so that you know exactly when it was received. An inventory and notification will be required in case of going to court.

If the Criminal Code accepted the complaint, but no response or action followed, no measures were taken to eliminate the cause of the appeal, or a letter was received in response with a reply “no funds”, then you need to write an application to a higher organization - the housing inspection, and then to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, the court. It is advisable to attach copies of letters.

Drawing up a complaint

There are no clear requirements on how to write the text of a complaint to the housing inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court on the Criminal Code, so there is no need to look for a form for this purpose. An example of such a statement is presented below. However, there are certain standards and requirements for what information must be included in the claim.

Firstly, the claim must be exclusively written, not oral. You must write the full name of the organization you are applying to. Below is indicated from whom, the address of the residential building, full list residents who filed a complaint, their feedback information. The text of the claim should describe its essence in detail, preferably with evidence (photos). It is also good if there are references to legislation and specific clauses of the contract that have been violated. The application must be marked with the date of its submission and the signatures of all those submitting it.

In addition to photographs, a copy of the contract and other available documents (acts, conclusions) must be attached to the complaint. It is important to note that it is better to draw up such a statement in two copies so that you can keep one.

In addition, it is imperative to ensure that the complaint has been registered and to note on your copy the date and registration number, along with the signature of the responsible employee, regardless of where it is submitted.

Collective statement

An application for non-compliance with the terms of the contract can be submitted not only on one’s own behalf, but also collectively, from the residents of an entrance, house or several apartments. Such a complaint will even have an advantage. In this case, the text of the application is written on behalf of the team, which is indicated in the header of the document and certified by the personal signature of each participant. Otherwise, the text of the complaint remains unchanged.

It is worth noting that in addition to the surnames and initials of the residents, their residential address, apartment numbers, and passport details are also written. Next in general procedure, as the example (sample) below shows, the essence of the statement and requirement is recorded.

What else can be noted separately is that in order for the commission to arrive to evaluate and verify the authenticity of the complaint, it must be filed on behalf of at least thirty owners of different apartments in this residential building.

Application example

To the state housing inspection (Your city)

from (Full name of the applicant) , who resides at the address:

(indicate full address and contact details)


Management Company (indicate its full name and legal address) , which is responsible for our residential apartment house, does not fulfill its obligations under the contract in full, namely (indicate the reason, the essence of the complaint, you can give an example from the contract) .

There was no response to the complaints that I repeatedly sent to the management company.

I ask for assistance and an inspection of our house, which is located at (indicate full address) , because the management company is inactive.

(date of application) (signature, full name)

Where to file a complaint

There are several options for where to complain about the management company. Let's look at them in order.

Housing inspection

This is the very first body to which complaints about the Criminal Code are made. Above, we have already discussed how to write a complaint against a management company to the State Housing Inspectorate (GZHI) and provided an example of a statement.


A complaint against the management company to Rospotrebnadzor can be filed by any citizen in person or via the Internet on the state online portal. Rospotrebnadzor considers appeals regarding the justification for increasing tariffs for utility services, checking financial statements, violations of the rules stipulated in the contract Federal laws, as well as violations of the rights of citizens provided for by the agreement. When submitting an appeal to Rospotrebnadzor, you must indicate whether you have previously applied to any authorities, and indicate which authorities and what their response was. After considering the complaint, an inspection and appropriate measures will be taken to eliminate the reasons for the complaint.

Prosecutor's office

The next higher authority where you can complain about the management company is the prosecutor's office. However, it considers allegations of deliberate embezzlement of funds, false reporting, fraud, as well as illegal actions and inactions of regulatory organizations. Therefore, you can write a statement to the prosecutor’s office against the management company only for these reasons. After an inspection by the prosecutor's office, the applicant receives grounds to go to court.


After failing to achieve the desired results by appealing to the Criminal Code, GZHI, Rospotrebnadzor, or other authority, after an inspection by the prosecutor’s office, residents have the right to go to court. You must contact the court and write a statement, copies of all previous appeals and responses, a copy of the contract and other documents (if any), photographs indicating violations. The court considers applications if the issue concerns a material claim, monetary compensation, damage and injuries caused to residents through the fault of the management company. In this case, we recommend that you seek advice from our housing lawyers. They will tell you how to sue the housing and communal services management company so that you can subsequently win the case.

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In Russia, the third largest problem is the housing and communal services sector. Quite often, citizens send applications to management companies with various claims. This procedure has many features. If you study them, each tenant will be able to defend their rights before the management company. How to properly file complaints against the actions of the Criminal Code? What is the procedure for submitting this document? Where can you turn if the housing rights of the population are violated?

Complaint concept

First, let's figure out what a complaint filed with the Criminal Code is. Why is this document needed?

A complaint is a document that allows you to protect the legal rights of the population. In our case - housing. The corresponding statement indicates certain violations and calls on the authorized bodies to correct the situation.

As a rule, this document is drawn up in case of any violations of established housing legislation and violations by the management company. If residents have any complaints, they can express them. An application to a management company has many features and nuances. But in general, drawing up such a document is not as difficult as it seems.

Reasons for appeals

When can complaints be filed with the Criminal Code? As already mentioned, in case of violations of the rights of residents, it is customary to send appropriate complaints to these organizations. Most often the population is faced with:

  • lack of cleaning of the local area;
  • violation of heating on/off timing;
  • additional charges for housing and communal services;
  • inaccuracies in rent calculations;
  • lack of cleaning of entrances;
  • refusal to carry out home repairs or violations of established deadlines for operations.

This is not a complete list of situations in which it is necessary to file complaints. But how to do that? What tips and recommendations will help bring your idea to life? Where can I send an application to the management company?

Types of complaints

Before looking for answers to the questions posed, it is necessary to understand what types of complaints can be encountered in practice.

In total, there are 2 types of documents - collective and personal. The first option is most common.

A personal complaint is a statement about a violation of the rights of one tenant. Management companies and other authorities do not always quickly consider such requests. Therefore they are rare.

Collective statements to the management company are a way to express the dissatisfaction of a group of residents. Authorized bodies respond to such requests more quickly. As a rule, it is collective complaints that reflect real housing problems.

Where to contact

Now you can figure out where to send applications to the Criminal Code. Much depends on the reason why residents seek protection of their legal rights and interests.

In any case, if housing rights and freedoms are violated, you can complain:

  • to the management company;
  • to the housing inspection;
  • in the HOA;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to court;
  • to the prosecutor.

As a rule, the bulk of requests are received by the first 3 authorities. If they do not act, then people write complaints to Rospotrebnadzor. Only in exceptional cases is it necessary to contact a prosecutor or even a judge. How to properly prepare an application to the management company? What tips and tricks will help you write a competent appeal?

Presentation form

The first thing to understand is that any complaint must be made in writing. Oral complaints have no legal force. In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, submitted applications will have to be addressed to higher authorities.

It is important to take into account that in order to bring the idea to life, citizens must present evidence of attempts to peacefully resolve the issue. Namely, the appeals to the Criminal Code that they sent earlier. If there are no such documents, then the court, the prosecutor, the HOA, and the housing inspection will refer the residents to the Criminal Code to rectify the situation.

It doesn’t matter how exactly the application will be created - printed on a PC or written by hand. The main thing is that the applicants have a tangible medium with the corresponding complaint.


An application to a management company, like any other claim, has its own structure. In our case, the document will be no different from ordinary complaints.

The application must contain the following elements:

  1. "A cap". This is the beginning of the document. It is drawn up in the upper right corner of the sheet. Contains information about the authority to which the document is sent and information about applicants (with contact details).
  2. Name. It is written on a new line, in the middle. This is usually the word "Statement" or "Complaint".
  3. Clarification. It brings specificity to the appeal. Write the clarification on a new line, under the name of the document, with a small letter. For example, “...against the management company due to violations of the start of the heating season.”
  4. Main part. Here it is necessary to state the essence of the claims. At the end, the evidence and materials attached to the appeal are listed.
  5. Appeal. Usually this part is a request for help. Citizens are asking to conduct an inspection of the Criminal Code and take measures to eliminate certain violations.
  6. Conclusion. Here they write the date of drawing up the application to the management company / HOA / housing estate, and also the applicants put their signatures.

In general, the structure of the application does not cause any difficulties. Every citizen who has ever worked with certain documents or appeals will be able to comply with it.

Basic Rules

How to write an application to the management company? It is enough to observe literacy and rules of business correspondence.

In other words, the statement from residents should be:

  • submitted in writing;
  • literate;
  • coherent;
  • logical;
  • free of profanity and jargon;
  • designed according to established rules while maintaining the structure;
  • true.

Step-by-step instruction

How to write this document will be presented later. Some people are interested in step-by-step instruction on the preparation of the paper being studied. It is needed for those who do not want to rewrite complaints several times.

Step-by-step instructions for writing an application to the management company or to a higher authority look like this:

  1. Take Blank sheet A4. If you are planning a long appeal, you can prepare several sheets.
  2. Place a “header” in the upper right corner of the future document. First you need to write the name of the organization considering the claim. Next (on a new line) indicate her address and telephone number (if possible - e-mail).
  3. After these steps, you need to write “From” on a new line.
  4. Register the full name of the applicants with contact details (telephone numbers, email addresses, registration).
  5. Write the word “Complaint” in the center of the sheet. Under it, indicate a clarification - the reason for filing the corresponding claim.
  6. Compose the main part of the document. Here, as already mentioned, you will need to outline the essence of the complaint. The text should be coherent and logical. Preferably short. Third-party information that does not in any way affect the course of the case is not indicated.
  7. After the main part, write “Please” (“We ask”). Next, you should ask the authorized body to consider the claim with the submitted materials, conduct a check with the Criminal Code and correct the situation. It is also recommended to write proposals for resolving complaints here.
  8. List in a numbered list all materials and documents attached to the application.
  9. Put the date of the application (on the left side of the page) and sign (on the right).

That's all. Nothing difficult, special or incomprehensible. A competent person will be able to cope with the task in no time. A much more difficult matter is to directly submit the corresponding application to the management company. Why? This is due to the fact that certain rules have to be followed, without which protecting the interests of residents is almost impossible.

Complaint to the Criminal Code

Do you need to submit a complaint to the management company about a leak or lack of repairs in the entrance? It doesn’t matter for what reasons citizens decided to complain to the Criminal Code. The main thing is that this is only the first stage of protecting the rights and freedoms of residents.

The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. File a complaint. To do this, you must follow the previously proposed tips.
  2. Collect evidence of certain violations.
  3. File a complaint with the Criminal Code. It is advisable to do this by sending the document by registered mail with notification. This way, citizens will be able to prove the fact of appealing to the Criminal Code in order to peacefully resolve controversial issues.
  4. Wait for an answer. Typically, management companies must respond to applications within 30 days.

What to do if such actions did not help? It is necessary to try several more times to send a complaint to the management company. No point? Then you can proceed to the next step.

HOA and inspections

Namely, file claims with housing inspectors and homeowners associations. is drawn up in exactly the same way as the previously proposed document. The only difference is that in such an appeal it is necessary to indicate repeated attempts to communicate with the Criminal Code. All this is documented.

It is important to submit the application in duplicate. One document remains with the inspectorate, the other with the applicants. The homeowners association or housing estate put information on the second copy of the claim that the paper was accepted for consideration. Without this step, residents will not be able to move forward if their requests are not met. A response to a claim usually arrives within 1 month.


It’s clear how to write an application to the management company. A sample of this document will be presented below. If the housing inspection has not responded to the residents’ appeal, you will have to move on. The next stage is submitting an application to Rospotrebnadzor.

Complaints related to the provision of services by the management company should be sent here. The application procedure is simple. Need to:

  1. Write a complaint. It must indicate attempts to resolve issues through HOAs, housing estates and management companies.
  2. Collect a package of documents proving certain actions. Notifications of receipt of previous complaints must be attached.
  3. Submit an application with documents to Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Wait for notification that your application has been accepted for consideration.

All. Now all that remains is to wait for a response. The response to an appeal is not regulated at the legislative level in any way. But in practice, most often Rospotrebnadzor tries to make a decision on a particular issue within a month.


Sometimes it is necessary to submit an application to the prosecutor's office against the management company. A sample of this document is presented below.

Such a decision is usually made when the management company commits serious violations, and all other organizations are inactive. Typically, contacting a prosecutor is the stage following complaints to Rospotrebnadzor.

The procedure and rules for drawing up the corresponding application will be exactly the same as in all previous cases.


The last step that can help protect the rights of residents is filing a claim against the management company. Typically, judicial authorities are contacted when the claim is of a material nature and it is necessary to make compensation for damage.

The claim must be filed locally legal registration UK. You can draw up a document using the previously proposed tips and recommendations.

As practice shows, litigation can quickly resolve almost any housing problem. The court will study the materials brought to its attention and make one or another decision. As a rule, judicial authorities usually side with residents whose rights are truly violated.


How will the management company respond to repairs carried out in violation of the deadlines? What about a complaint about the lack of cleaning in the yard? Below are typical appeals from citizens to the Criminal Code, the prosecutor's office, the court and the housing estate.

These templates are not exhaustive. Each application will look different. Not a single sample application to the prosecutor's office for a management company will be repeated twice.

However, by studying the proposed samples, you can familiarize yourself with the basic principles of drawing up claims. How to write an application for a management company? The answer to this question will no longer be difficult! The main thing is to collect evidence of certain appeals. Neither the court, nor the prosecutor, nor the housing inspection will respond to claims against the management company if the residents have not previously directly contacted the service company. It is possible that certain disputes can be resolved peacefully.

It is submitted to the management company, as to any other authority, in several copies. Compliance with this rule will help residents prove that they tried in every possible way to solve the problem before complaining to one or another authority.

The state of the Housing and Communal Fund (HCF) is not satisfactory for many.

Some people don’t pay attention, others scold to themselves or when talking to a neighbor.

But few people take real steps to change anything.

Maintenance of apartment buildings is carried out by management companies. On their shoulders lies the responsibility for the timely repair of buildings and the supply of electricity, water and heat.

If you are not satisfied with something in public services, then one of the options is to write a complaint to the management company. On what grounds should you write a complaint and what should it contain - main topic our article.

For what reasons do they write complaints to the management company?

Common reasons for dissatisfaction with the management company can be summarized as follows:

  • Poor quality provision of housing and communal services or interruptions in supply.
  • Poor preparation of the house for the heating season, refusal to prepare.
  • Absence or incorrect preparation of reports on the activities of the management company.
  • Refusal to hold a meeting of owners, unwillingness to comply with the legal demands of the residents of the house.
  • Refusal to provide a full list of housing and communal services, increased payment without documentary grounds.
  • Violation of the requirements specified in the agreement with the management company.

The specific reasons for filing a complaint with a higher authority regarding housing and communal services are very diverse:

  • Poor, low-quality heating, interruptions in heat supply in winter. Even if people can escape from low temperatures in apartments with the help of heaters, batteries and heating systems cannot withstand low temperatures. Batteries are subject to defrosting and may burst, which raises the question of fin heating. Replacing pipes is a very expensive undertaking. If the heating system is not prepared on time, this is a good reason to file a complaint.
  • Maintaining the lighting system in the entrance. It is not always pleasant to screw in new light bulbs to replace burned out ones at your own expense. In addition, in the dark you can easily trip and fall down the stairs.
  • Non-working elevator, clogged garbage chute. A broken elevator is a big inconvenience for residents of a high-rise building. A clogged garbage disposal can lead to insects and rodents.
  • The need for major or cosmetic repairs at the entrance. Management companies may not pay attention to the terrible condition of the entrances, crumbling plaster and poor electrical wiring for years. A complaint should be written to encourage action in this direction.

Submission order

Complaints against the management company can and should be filed with the court, the housing inspectorate or Rospotrebnadzor.

But solving problems through these bodies may take long time, and utilities often require rapid response.

Important! It’s easier to try writing a complaint directly to the management company. This right is spelled out in the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 dated 02/07/92.

Such a complaint avoids many formalities that are possible when sending a complaint to other authorities.

Filing a complaint begins with a written statement, which describes all claims and demands and affixes the signatures of interested parties. It will be better if all residents of the apartment building sign.

The complaint is sent to the management company, and the company either responds to the complaint and takes measures to eliminate housing and communal services problems, or ignores the complaint.
If there is no response from the management company, you should write a statement to the court authorities, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities dealing with problems of services in the housing and communal services sector.

A good step would be to contact the local department of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. What are its tasks?

  • Correct, targeted use of housing stock of management companies.
  • Compliance with the rules of working with citizens’ requests and deadlines for their execution.
  • Monitoring the legally correct implementation of the rules technical operation housing stock, engineering equipment and networks.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of citizens' rights to provide high-quality and timely housing and communal services.


If this does not help, the path lies with the prosecutor’s office or court. Court is preferable. The management company will have to implement its decisions in any case, even with the help of bailiffs.

How to compose

The application form to the management company does not have a uniform state standard. The complaint must be drawn up in written or printed form and must be certified by the signature of the applicant.

To make a complaint to the housing and communal services company, the following applies: general rules preparation of documents:

  • In the header of the application, in the upper right corner, the details of the official (position and full name), full name and legal address of the organization are indicated. Then the applicant’s full name and contact information are indicated.
  • In the middle of the sheet is written the word “Application” or “Appeal”.
  • Below, in red, the essence of the problem and options for solving the situation are outlined as fully as possible. Resolution options may be in the form of a petition or a demand, whichever is more appropriate.
  • If there are Additional materials on the case, then under the body of the application the word “Attachment” is written and the attached documents are listed (photos or videos, receipts and checks).
  • At the end of the application, it is advisable to write: “Based on Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On appealing to court decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens,” I ask you to provide a response to the application within 1 month on the measures taken to eliminate the violated rights.”
  • The date of writing the application and the signature of the applicant with a transcript are indicated.


It will be a big plus to indicate in the application links to the legislative documents on the basis of which the complaint is being filed (Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Housing Code, Rules for the maintenance of common property, etc.).

Additional requirements when filing a complaint:
    • When contacting the management company in writing, 2 copies of the application are created, one of which remains with the company, and the second is certified by its employee as accepted and remains in the hands of the applicant. This allows the management company to be held accountable if it does not comply with the requirements or does not comply in full.
    • The complaint can be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The notice is proof of acceptance of the complaint.
  • Employees may be asked to submit a complaint via feedback on the website or at email management company. A conscientious company will definitely consider them. But you should know that appeals of this kind cannot be considered legal, they are simply questions and suggestions. If the company does not respond to them, then it will not be possible to hold it accountable in court or other authorities.
  • The application is drawn up legally correct and in an official style. Applications containing obscene words, jargon or aggression are usually not accepted for consideration.


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