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Onegin and Chatsky whose character is more significant. Cheat sheet: Onegin and Chatsky are different people of the same era. Sample essay text

Evgeny Onegin and Alexander Chatsky are characters in various literary works by A. Pushkin and A. Griboyedov, however, they have something in common: the heroes are not fully understood and not accepted by society. But along with this, the acting characters also have distinctive features. If Onegin is a frequent visitor to formal balls and dinners, then Chatsky rejects such a lifestyle, considering it meaningless. Evgeny treats people arrogantly, Alexander, on the contrary, is friendly towards everyone, but if he sees himself as right, he defends this point of view. Below in the table the characteristics of these heroes are presented.

Eugene Onegin Alexander Chatsky


He is 26 years old The exact age is not specified - it is known that he is a young man.


Hereditary nobleman A rich nobleman, he has 400 serfs in his possession

Place of Birth

Petersburg Born in Moscow


He received his basic education at home. Evgeniy was never subject to strict educational criteria. The whole process took place in such a way as not to tire Onegin’s mind with unnecessary information. He received his primary education in the house of Famusov, who took him in after the death of his parents, and then studied abroad.


Onegin never served in either civil or military service. Just returned from a trip abroad. He left military service, but did not become an official.

Having brothers and sisters

He has no brothers or sisters The only child in the family.

Attitude to social life

Evgeniy is a frequent visitor to balls and dinner parties. He is an active figure in social life. His appearance never goes unnoticed; he is a crowd favorite. Evgeny himself is not distinguished by his love for such a pastime - he is already quite tired of this order. He is bored and does not find the former consolation for himself. Disappointed with secular society. The principles by which the aristocracy lives are alien to him. He considers Russian aristocrats a shameful phenomenon, since most of them are far from the concept of aristocracy and live idly, lining their pockets with other people's money. He is bored and unbearable in such a society; he prefers to distance himself from such an environment.

Attitude towards love and women

Eugene loves the company of beautiful women, but does not recognize the postulates of love. In most cases, he confines himself to coquetry - the thought of marriage has not yet ripened in his plans. Women recognize him as attractive - Onegin's skill in terms of seduction is at a high level. Be enthusiastic about the feeling of love. He is in love with Famusov’s daughter, Sophia. His sense of truth, he does not understand how one can be a hypocrite in love, therefore, when he finds out that his beloved has been fooling him, but in fact loves Molchalin, who creates the appearance of being in love in order to gain access to Famusov’s wealth, he experiences deep grief , is disappointed in the sincerity of love.

Ability to maintain friendships

Does not recognize feelings of friendship. He gets along with people easily and breaks up easily. He is ready to maintain friendly relations, but does not see people who are ready to do the same for him.

Attitude towards people

Arrogant towards other people, regardless of their status, talents, skills and moral character. He has a positive and friendly attitude, but is ready to defend his point of view, and does not hesitate to express his true opinion about the state of things. When communicating with others, he often resorts to causticity and insolence, is arrogant and proud - in this image he tries to expose the vices of society.

Interest in life

He does not see the point in any activity, he has no interest in life. Full of the desire to expose the vices of society in order to stop its degradation, he is defeated, but does not lose interest in life.

Features of temperament

Onegin is distinguished by a cold and calculating mind. He knows how to hide his thoughts and emotions. Hot-tempered and overly emotional. It is difficult for him to restrain himself and not enter into a discussion.

Attitude to art

He perceives art on an intuitive level - he does not have the knowledge to analyze certain works. Recognizes the positive impact the power of art has on people. He is upset that people who are ready to develop art are considered abnormal.


Cold, reserved Impulsive and emotional.

Attachment to fashion trends

Dandy, he likes to be fashionable Fashion trends disgust him. He doesn't understand people who chase fashion. It is enough for Chatsky that his suit is clean and tidy.

The ability to be a hypocrite

Masterfully masters the ability to be a hypocrite He does not have the ability to be a hypocrite and considers it a vice of humanity.

Leisure organization

Spends his free time aimlessly - does not know what to do. Engaged in self-development.


He is a wealthy and independent person. A rich and independent person.

Willingness to travel

The need to travel and travel does not frighten him. He lived abroad for three years, traveling around the world, but then returned to his homeland.

How others perceive you

They think he's a weirdo They think he has gone crazy.

Summary of life's journey

Unknown. Based on the assumption of researchers of fragments of the unfinished chapter 10, he dies. He leaves Moscow so as not to go crazy from the traditional orders and morality of high society.

Evgeny Onegin and Alexander Chatsky are characters in various literary works by A. Pushkin and A. Griboyedov, however, they have something in common: the heroes are not fully understood and not accepted by society. But along with this, the acting characters also have distinctive features. If Onegin is a frequent visitor to formal balls and dinners, then Chatsky rejects such a lifestyle, considering it meaningless. Evgeny treats people arrogantly, Alexander, on the contrary, is friendly towards everyone, but if he sees himself as right, he defends this point of view. Below in the table the characteristics of these heroes are presented.

Eugene Onegin Alexander Chatsky


He is 26 years old The exact age is not specified - it is known that he is a young man.


Hereditary nobleman A rich nobleman, he has 400 serfs in his possession

Place of Birth

Petersburg Born in Moscow


He received his basic education at home. Evgeniy was never subject to strict educational criteria. The whole process took place in such a way as not to tire Onegin’s mind with unnecessary information. He received his primary education in the house of Famusov, who took him in after the death of his parents, and then studied abroad.


Onegin never served in either civil or military service. Just returned from a trip abroad. He left military service, but did not become an official.

Having brothers and sisters

He has no brothers or sisters The only child in the family.

Attitude to social life

Evgeniy is a frequent visitor to balls and dinner parties. He is an active figure in social life. His appearance never goes unnoticed; he is a crowd favorite. Evgeny himself is not distinguished by his love for such a pastime - he is already quite tired of this order. He is bored and does not find the former consolation for himself. Disappointed with secular society. The principles by which the aristocracy lives are alien to him. He considers Russian aristocrats a shameful phenomenon, since most of them are far from the concept of aristocracy and live idly, lining their pockets with other people's money. He is bored and unbearable in such a society; he prefers to distance himself from such an environment.

Attitude towards love and women

Eugene loves the company of beautiful women, but does not recognize the postulates of love. In most cases, he confines himself to coquetry - the thought of marriage has not yet ripened in his plans. Women recognize him as attractive - Onegin's skill in terms of seduction is at a high level. Be enthusiastic about the feeling of love. He is in love with Famusov’s daughter, Sophia. His sense of truth, he does not understand how one can be a hypocrite in love, therefore, when he finds out that his beloved has been fooling him, but in fact loves Molchalin, who creates the appearance of being in love in order to gain access to Famusov’s wealth, he experiences deep grief , is disappointed in the sincerity of love.

Ability to maintain friendships

Does not recognize feelings of friendship. He gets along with people easily and breaks up easily. He is ready to maintain friendly relations, but does not see people who are ready to do the same for him.

Attitude towards people

Arrogant towards other people, regardless of their status, talents, skills and moral character. He has a positive and friendly attitude, but is ready to defend his point of view, and does not hesitate to express his true opinion about the state of things. When communicating with others, he often resorts to causticity and insolence, is arrogant and proud - in this image he tries to expose the vices of society.

Interest in life

He does not see the point in any activity, he has no interest in life. Full of the desire to expose the vices of society in order to stop its degradation, he is defeated, but does not lose interest in life.

Features of temperament

Onegin is distinguished by a cold and calculating mind. He knows how to hide his thoughts and emotions. Hot-tempered and overly emotional. It is difficult for him to restrain himself and not enter into a discussion.

Attitude to art

He perceives art on an intuitive level - he does not have the knowledge to analyze certain works. Recognizes the positive impact the power of art has on people. He is upset that people who are ready to develop art are considered abnormal.


Cold, reserved Impulsive and emotional.

Attachment to fashion trends

Dandy, he likes to be fashionable Fashion trends disgust him. He doesn't understand people who chase fashion. It is enough for Chatsky that his suit is clean and tidy.

The ability to be a hypocrite

Masterfully masters the ability to be a hypocrite He does not have the ability to be a hypocrite and considers it a vice of humanity.

Leisure organization

Spends his free time aimlessly - does not know what to do. Engaged in self-development.


He is a wealthy and independent person. A rich and independent person.

Willingness to travel

The need to travel and travel does not frighten him. He lived abroad for three years, traveling around the world, but then returned to his homeland.

How others perceive you

They think he's a weirdo They think he has gone crazy.

Summary of life's journey

Unknown. Based on the assumption of researchers of fragments of the unfinished chapter 10, he dies. He leaves Moscow so as not to go crazy from the traditional orders and morality of high society.

The socio-psychological type of the superfluous person is one of the most popular in Russian literature. Many writers turned to him in their works, and the most striking characters of this type can be called Eugene Onegin from the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin and Alexander Chatsky from A.S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”. Let's look at the similarities and differences between these two heroes.

Chatsky and Onegin are people of the same age, representing the capital's aristocracy. Both characters received a decent education, possessing extraordinary mental abilities and critical thinking. Their similarity is also manifested in smaller details: Both Chatsky and Pechorin traveled a lot, their lovers were both fond of French novels. However, the main common feature is their ability to see the emptiness of their rotten society.

Thus, Chatsky angrily denounces him in his famous monologue:

Where, show us, are the fathers of the fatherland,

Which ones should we take as models?

Aren't these the ones who are rich in robbery?

Onegin shares these thoughts, noticing all the lack of spirituality and idle bustle of people around. That is why the hero leaves for his estate, “having cast off the burden of the conditions of light.”

There are much more differences between these characters. As the reader can see, Alexander Chatsky is a true patriot of his country, ready to work for the good of the fatherland. Unlike Onegin, he does not lose interest in life; on the contrary, his soul is filled with the desire to change society, for this he exposes the vices of “Famus” Moscow. Evgeny does not see the meaning in life, and therefore he has no interest in it. When communicating with people, Chatsky does not hesitate to express his point of view, often using various barbs. Chatsky has a hot temper, and it is difficult for him not to enter into discussions and arguments, while Evgeny Onegin appears as a cold and calculating person who knows how to restrain himself and hide his thoughts from the people around him. In addition, heroes in love also differ. Alexander Chatsky is sincerely in love with Sophia: “...And yet I love you without memory...”. After he finds out who the girl was really in love with and how hypocritical she was towards himself, the character is disappointed in the sincerity of his feelings, because his pride was really wounded. Eugene Onegin, in turn, is not capable of such feelings - his soul is devastated by numerous petty novels, and he himself does not believe in love, being too selfish. That’s why he renounces Tatyana Larina’s love, even though this love could give him spiritual harmony.

Thus, both heroes of famous works are individuals who are not understood and accepted by society; both heroes belong to the type of “superfluous person,” however, in their images the reader can see two paths of social life of a nobleman of that time. Personalities like Chatsky showed active protest and tried to change the existing system, while “Eugene Onegin” is simply passive

but they did not accept the orders of society and doomed themselves to a painful search for truth, which led them to nowhere.

Works by A.S. Griboyedov and A.S. Pushkin is often compared to each other. They were created around the same time, but it seems that their main characters have nothing in common. But it is not so. Both writers created the literary image of the “superfluous man.” Onegin and Chatsky are distinguished by their intelligence, received a good education, but they have no place in their social environment. Love and personal happiness are inaccessible to these characters.

Characteristic features of Alexander Chatsky

Alexander Chatsky, the hero of the comedy “Woe from Wit,” does not want to serve the highest ranks, but would gladly serve society. He is distinguished by honesty and openness, the hero does not wear masks, is proud and does not want to humiliate himself. He has no desire for power or wealth, like, for example, Skalozub. Chatsky is trying to find truly worthy role models. He is unusually brave and can stand up to society.

He is striving to comprehend the world, to search for a truly noble goal. His love for Sophia is great and pure, he is ready to sacrifice himself for her sake. He is not afraid to be honest, does not hide his thoughts and ideas, trying to open the eyes of others to the truth that he has comprehended. Flattery and meanness, slavish philosophy are alien to him. He is internally free and is not afraid to look crazy among representatives of the “Famus” society.

He is characterized by youthful maximalism, devotion to the highest ideals and values, and the desire to benefit others.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is a patriot in the highest and truest sense of the word. But his love for the Motherland is effective, he strives to transform it, to correct its inherent vices. The serfdom system and social injustice in general evoke a powerful internal protest in him. The ideas of the Enlightenment are closer to him; he values ​​reason and justice. This leads to the fact that the young man constantly makes speeches filled with righteous anger. And yet he remains lonely and misunderstood.

It is loneliness, the absence of like-minded people, that unites the heroes of the two works. Their lives seem meaningless, since all impulses are doomed to failure and misunderstanding.

Personal characteristics of Evgeny Onegin

The title character of the novel in verse is also lonely in high society. When he had fun at social events, he broke the hearts of women. But the meaningless pastime began to weigh on him. A series of similar balls and dinners could not make him happy.

The hero was overcome by melancholy and lost interest in life. If Alexander Chatsky’s protest is expressed loudly and openly, then in Onegin it is hidden and cold. Detachment and apathy are the most important personality traits of Pushkin’s character. Even Tatiana's love and the beauty of nature could not return him to an active life. Moreover, he kills Lensky during a duel, essentially without meaning to. Why is his suffering so intense?

The reason lies in himself, the peculiarities of upbringing. He did not take into account the feelings of other people, being guided only by his own needs and desires. The personality of Napoleon became fatal in Onegin's life. At that time, it was believed that large-scale people were allowed everything. A great man is equal to God.

Evgeny Onegin is used to constantly wearing a mask and being a hypocrite. His natural impulses have long been suppressed. He does not trust his feelings, is guided only by reason and is unable to trust others. He treats others rather arrogantly, and ultimately brings them nothing but suffering. At the same time, Evgeny Onegin himself suffers. All his ordeals, the search for himself and his place in the world do not lead to results. All attempts to find remain fruitless.

Love for the changed Tatyana comes as a surprise, giving hope for inner rebirth. This feeling helped him open up, stop hiding himself and his true self. The girl revealed to him the world of eternal moral values, giving him a chance to change. But since the ending of the novel in verse is open, we do not know the subsequent fate of Eugene Onegin. Was he able to use this chance?

So, Alexander Chatsky and Evgeny Onegin are related by confrontation with society, internal loneliness. The heroes of both works could not find a way out and turned out to be the first characters in Russian literature to embody the image of the “superfluous man.”

Pechorin, Chatsky and Onegin are the heroes of the most famous novels of all times. All of them are representatives of the nobility. Each of them stands out for its character, actions and other qualities that are remembered by the reader and stored in memory for a lifetime. All three have one common problem - loneliness.

Alexander Chatsky is educated and smart, noble and honest, young and ardent. He boldly speaks out about the problem of serfs and other problems of his time. Despite the fact that his words are not without some truth, no one responds to them. His fellow citizens, Muscovites, present his actions as an element of psychological disorder. Labeled a mad man, he leaves with his head held high, remaining misunderstood.

Evgeny Onegin is the most sympathetic character for many readers. Initially, it seems that he is the same spoiled rake as everyone else in St. Petersburg. He is handsome, so he is in demand among ladies, attends evenings, theaters and leads a free lifestyle. But soon Evgeniy became bored with such a life. It is there that he meets Lensky and kills him. His story with Tatyana Larina leaves nothing in the hero’s soul except indifference. Only when he meets the young widow again does he throw himself into her lap and beg for love. Tatyana, out of conscience, does not reciprocate, dooming Evgeny Onegin, like Chatsky, to loneliness.

Pechorin has a successful career - he is an army officer. He was not a secular person and was not interested in politics either. The character of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” remains a selfish person throughout the entire work. He, without hesitation, destroys the destinies of other people. Pechorin is called Onegin's younger brother. He also gets shot in a duel, which leads to the death of his comrade. He treats Princess Mary just as cruelly, just as Onegin did with Tatiana. Pechorin's act can be called even more daring and cruel.

Of all three characters, critics consider only Chatsky to be a figure, who was subject not only to bold speeches. Another significant difference between Chatsky and Onegin and Pechorin is that Alexander, having fallen in love with Sophia, is truly sincere and tries with all his might to protect her from everything evil in the world.

And yet, everyone is interested in how Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov could create such different, but at the same time similar characters. Contemporaries believe that Onegin, Chatsky and Pechorin can be called “superfluous people” in their separate worlds. It is also interesting that Pushkin wrote the novel in verse, which gives Onegin a more romantic image. Lermontov's work is the first psychological novel that forces the reader to penetrate deeper into the essence of his nature. But Griboyedov has a tragedy, the title of which reveals the whole essence of the work. Summing up, we can realize that all three representatives did not find a place in life and were forced to become lonely and abandoned.

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