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In this article I will describe step by step how to merge local disks in Windows 7. previous versions operating systems, in order to work (divide/merge) a local disk, it was necessary to download additional software. In Windows 7, you can get by with built-in utilities.

Attention!!! All information will be deleted from the local drive that you want to connect, so transfer all data to other drives or external media. The disk you want to connect to, if you increase the space correctly, all the information will remain.

Initially, I have drives C, D, F, Y. The goal is to combine drive F with drive D (everything has been deleted from drive F).

To merge disks, right-click on "Computer" on the desktop and select "Control". If the shortcut is not on the desktop, click "Start" then on "Computer" right click and select "Control".

Next, select the volume (local disk) that needs to be merged and right-click on it, select "Delete volume". If the "Delete volume" line is not active, read the article.

The next step is to delete the partition; to do this, right-click on the remote volume and select "Delete partition". If the line is not active, read the article The Delete partition/Delete volume field is not active .

Next, on the volume (disk) to which you need to add space (local disk that needs to be enlarged), right-click and select "Extend volume".

The volume expansion wizard will launch, read about its capabilities and click "Further".

In the next window, select the disk that needs to be connected and the amount of space to be connected, since in this example there is only one disk and I want to connect all the free space of this disk, we leave everything by default and click "Further".

In the next window we look at all the parameters we specified, if everything is specified correctly, click "Ready".

As a result of all these actions, we have an enlarged D disk.

Yes, this is a CORS issue caused by using ajax. But as user320550 asks, what if you NEED to use the "async:false" property? I found that using the withCredentials: false property as a workaround fixes the problem in firefox and does not affect other browsers.

I'm trying to understand what's going on here. I've been doing this for hours and can't figure out why this is happening.

I'm making several AJAX calls and I keep getting this error only in Firefox (version 21) on Mac OS X.

Here's the error:




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