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Description of the image of grandmother in childhood is bitter. Essay “The Image of a Grandmother (Based on Gorky’s story “Childhood”). The importance of grandmother in the life of a writer

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In the story “Childhood,” M. Gorky spoke about his childhood years, in which his grandmother occupied perhaps the most important place. Strange, very plump, big-headed, with huge eyes, a loose reddish nose. The boy's grandmother appeared in his life when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there.
The boy sees and understands that his grandmother is beautiful on the inside, she is soft, affectionate, kind, trying to understand and help in any situation.
Despite her plumpness, the grandmother walked very easily, smoothly and deftly. Her movements were like a cat's.
Grandma had a very pleasant snow-white smile, her eyes flashed with warm light, and her face became young and bright.
Her hair was black, very thick, long and unruly. Therefore, when my grandmother combed her hair with a rare-toothed comb, she usually got angry.
The grandmother spoke cheerfully, smoothly, in a singsong voice. She mentioned God often. Everything she said was warm and affectionate, so the boy became friends with his grandmother from the first day, she became his most faithful and closest friend, the most understanding person. Later he realized that his grandmother was the kind of person who gives her love selflessly; she loves the world as it is.
M. Gorky reverently remembers his grandmother, and perhaps it was his unselfish attitude towards people that helped the writer later endure M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” is autobiographical. Everyone who surrounded Alyosha Peshkov helped the writer grow, albeit with the pain of memories and grievances, but it was a school.
His grandmother Akulina Ivanovna aroused trembling, still unconscious love in the boy. A man of a rich soul, colorful appearance, possessing the wisdom that is characteristic of the Russian people.
Alexey saw his grandmother for the first time when she was “in her sixth decade of summer and spring.” The way I perceived it the world grandma, no one could. From the shore floating past, from the domes of churches sunk in the sky, she could cry or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such tales that the hardened bearded sailors asked: “Come on, grandmother, tell me something else!” For Alyosha Peshkov, grandmother became the light that everyone should have in life. She became his most faithful friend, “the most understandable and closest person.” “She was all dark, but she glowed from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”
Alyosha learned selfless love from his grandmother, since his grandfather’s family, where he unwittingly ended up, lived according to the harsh rules established by his usurper grandfather. It seems that from time to time there is a glimpse of a kind person in him, but the shell snaps shut... and don’t cross, otherwise the reprisal will be with rods. The grandmother knew her grandfather’s character well and was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. She could become a mountain for anyone if her grandfather was wrong.
The house was filled with her warmth, her love and light, living energy. She put her whole soul into caring for her children and grandchildren. The unwanted Gypsy, thrown under the gate of the house, was accepted by the grandmother as if she were her own, she fed the boy and left him. Working from dawn until late at night around the house, my grandmother saw everyone and everything that happened around her, paying attention to everyone who needed her.
And her heroism during the fire was equal to the elements. Both the flame and the grandmother fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was dear to her, was her home, her household; the fire burned what it considered its prey. The fire was extinguished, the grandmother received burns, but she also found words of consolation for others.
M. Gorky went through the school of generosity and severity, love and malice, but all his life he tried to analyze his actions, give love, and educate himself. And thank fate that he had such a wonderful grandmother.

M. Gorky wrote the story “Childhood”, where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkov. All events and heroes of the work are depicted by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

The image of the grandmother whom Alyosha loved so much helps to reveal the character of the main character more deeply.

The grandmother is the complete opposite of her grandfather and her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. The grandmother is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, and is dissatisfied with the severity of the grandfather. What especially stood out on the grandmother’s face were the eyes, thanks to which the heroine “shone from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Grandma’s character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the bottom of her heart, and knows how to appreciate true beauty, tied to the house: “I remember my grandmother’s childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny.” It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when his grandfather punished him for ruining the tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to hold a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about life. Living with her grandmother, Alyosha listens every evening to stories about the life of the Kashirin family. When it came to the business life of the family, the grandmother “speaking laughingly, aloofly, somehow from a distance, like a neighbor, and not the second eldest in the house.”

There were no material benefits life values heroines. Pity and compassion for people are the main qualities of the grandmother’s character, which is why she worries and suffers after the death of her foundling, Gypsy. The wise woman perceives the difficulties encountered in life as God’s tests, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Gypsy: “Grandfather wanted to take Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let’s take him for ourselves; This is what God sent us to those places that died. After all, I had eighteen births... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything and even made my children into angels. I’m both sorry and happy!” During the fire: “illuminated by the fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping pace everywhere, in charge of everything, seeing everything.” Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who “looked at them and cried silently,” worrying about the future of her grandson.

The grandmother’s entire life was spent for the benefit of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the main character. Wise woman smooths out " lead abominations wild Russian life", spiritually enriching difficult life of people.

(Option 2)

The young grandson describes the grandmother, watching her, talking to her, listening to her, he gets to know people and the world. The grandmother was “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny loose nose... soft and surprisingly interesting,” “stooped, almost hunchbacked, and she moved easily and deftly, like a big cat.” This is only a description of her appearance, but here are observations: “She was all dark, but she shone from the inside - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Her life was truly dark: she begged for alms with her disabled mother, then mastered the skill of a lacemaker, was married off at the age of fourteen, gave birth to her first child by the age of fifteen, had eighteen children, of whom only three survived. My husband has been beating me brutally all my life, and not a word in response, he justifies everything: “He’s angry, it’s hard for him, the old man, everything’s a failure... Don’t feel too sorry for me... I’m also to blame.” Sons are beasts, but they all rush to their defense and teach their grandson: “Who is to blame for what is none of your business. The Lord will judge and naka

The image of a grandmother. Based on Gorky's story Childhood

M. Gorky wrote the story “Childhood”, where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkov. All events and heroes of the work are depicted by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

The image of the grandmother whom Alyosha loved so much helps to reveal the character of the main character more deeply.

The grandmother is the complete opposite of her grandfather and her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. The grandmother is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, and is dissatisfied with the severity of the grandfather. What especially stood out on the grandmother’s face were the eyes, thanks to which the heroine “shone from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

The grandmother’s character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the bottom of her heart, knows how to appreciate true beauty, and is attached to home: “I remember my grandmother’s childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny.” It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when his grandfather punished him for ruining the tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to hold a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about life. Living with her grandmother, Alyosha listens every evening to stories about the life of the Kashirin family. When it came to the business life of the family, the grandmother “speaking laughingly, aloofly, somehow from a distance, like a neighbor, and not the second eldest in the house.”

Material goods were not the heroine’s life values. Pity and compassion for people are the main qualities of the grandmother’s character, which is why she worries and suffers after the death of her foundling, Gypsy. The wise woman perceives the difficulties encountered in life as God’s tests, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Gypsy: “Grandfather wanted to take Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let’s take him for ourselves; This is what God sent us to those places that died. After all, I had eighteen births... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything and even made my children into angels. I’m both sorry and happy!” During the fire: “illuminated by the fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping pace everywhere, in charge of everything, seeing everything.” Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who “looked at them and cried silently,” worrying about the future of her grandson.

The grandmother’s entire life was spent for the benefit of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the main character. A wise woman smoothes out the “leaden abominations of wild Russian life”, spiritually enriching the difficult lives of people.

(Option 2)

The young grandson describes the grandmother, watching her, talking to her, listening to her, he gets to know people and the world. The grandmother was “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny loose nose... soft and surprisingly interesting,” “stooped, almost hunchbacked, and she moved easily and deftly, like a big cat.” This is only a description of her appearance, but here are observations: “She was all dark, but she shone from the inside - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Her life was truly dark: she begged for alms with her disabled mother, then mastered the skill of a lacemaker, was married off at the age of fourteen, gave birth to her first child by the age of fifteen, had eighteen children, of whom only three survived. My husband has been beating me brutally all my life, and not a word in response, he justifies everything: “He’s angry, it’s hard for him, the old man, everything’s a failure... Don’t feel too sorry for me... I’m also to blame.” Sons are beasts, but they all rush to their defense and teach their grandson: “Who is to blame for what is none of your business. The Lord judges and punishes." What saved her, gave her inner light? “She knew countless fairy tales, stories and poems,” “she danced as if she were telling something,” talked with God (“He will understand. Whatever you say to him, he will understand...”) and the Mother of God (“Source of joy, most pure beauty, apple tree in bloom!..”) as with equals, with horses (“What, child? What, kitten? Want to play pranks? Well, indulge, God’s fun!”), birds, plants, brownies. There is a lot of strength, inner fire, restlessness of life in her: “Grandmother cooked, sewed, dug in the garden and in the garden, spun all day like a huge head over heels driven by an invisible whip, sniffed tobacco, sneezed deliciously and said, wiping her sweaty face: “Hello , honest peace, forever and ever! During the fire, she kept up with everything: she managed to order the icons to be taken out of the house and the children to be taken away, to take out the vitriol from the workshop, to stop the horse, to organize and thank the neighbors; with burnt hands after a fire, she gave birth. Five townspeople beat a man - the grandmother rushes to the rescue, waving a yoke. Listen to the comments about this woman from your grandfather (“Hooray, you blessed fool... you don’t feel sorry for anything...”), your grandson (“You are absolutely a saint, they torture and torture you, but you don’t care!”).

Neither wealth nor poverty, neither sorrow nor joy changes it. “And the grandmother herself, as if cast from copper, is unchangeable,” like life itself.

In the first part of his autobiographical trilogy the writer M. Gorky impartially depicted the “leaden abominations” of life that surrounded the main character, Alyosha Peshkov, in his childhood. The boy was lucky that this hard time Next to him were sympathetic and kind people, like Akulina Ivanovna and the never-failing Tsyganok.

Bright image of a grandmother

In Gorky's story "Childhood" Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina undoubtedly occupies a central place. She, like a guardian angel, protects her grandson, who has fallen from a friendly family into a completely different world, filled with envy, cruelty, and mutual enmity. Reading the work, you involuntarily wonder how the grandmother, who spent many years in the atmosphere of the Kashirins’ house, was able to retain those best human qualities what were given to her at birth? Fate never spoiled this woman, but every time she found the strength not only to live according to God’s laws, but also to brighten up the hardships of the people around her.

Biography of the heroine

The image of the grandmother in Gorky’s story “Childhood” emerges gradually. We learn about the life of Akulina Ivanovna mainly from her conversations with Alyosha: how she, together with her disabled mother, begged for alms until she was nine years old, how she learned from her the wonderful art of weaving lace, how at the age of fourteen she was married to Kashirin. She was also bitter future life. She gave birth to eighteen children, and only three of them survived. And they never got along with each other. It was painful for the grandmother to watch her two sons fight to the death over the inheritance. The grandfather did not spare his wife either: even in old age he often beat her. And although the heroine was much taller and stronger than him, she endured the screams and beatings in silence. Believed that everything that happens to a person belongs to him God's will registered. It was also a significant challenge that before her death, my grandmother had to earn her own piece of bread: my grandfather sold all his property and left her with nothing.

Portrait of Akulina Ivanovna

The image of the grandmother in Gorky’s story “Childhood” is given through Alyosha’s perception of her. When he first met, she seemed to the boy “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and... a loose nose.” Despite her tall stature and stoop, Akulina Ivanovna moved softly and smoothly, which made her resemble a cat. She especially transformed during the dance: she became younger and prettier.

My grandmother had thick black hair, which she spent a long time combing. Maybe that’s why it all seemed outwardly dark. But when you look at her closely, you get the feeling that the heroine is glowing from within. This cheerful, warm, unquenchable light came from her big eyes.

Grandma was also an excellent storyteller and knew countless interesting stories and folk legends - some of them are introduced by Gorky into his story “Childhood”. And in general, wherever Akulina Ivanovna found herself, she attracted people to her like a magnet.

In caring for others

Alyosha didn’t remember his grandmother ever complaining. On the contrary, she often tried to take on someone else’s guilt and could expose herself to blows in order to save others from the pain. This is what happened that evening when the grandfather subjected Alyosha to his first punishment. And when the enraged Mikhail began to break into his father’s house: the grandmother tried to calm her son down, and he broke her arm. And Akulina Ivanovna didn’t think about herself at all when she rushed into the burning workshop to protect everyone from the vitriol explosion. Even the horse, agitated by the fire, did not obey his grandfather, behaved like a mouse next to this fearless woman. It is no coincidence that the heroes of Gorky’s story “Childhood” Hard time lives were heading towards her.

And Alyosha really loved watching and listening to how his grandmother prayed to God. Every evening she told him about what happened in the house. And she always asked to help someone, to bring some sense into someone. This prayer, coming from the heart, was close and understandable to the boy, in contrast to the memorized words that his grandfather uttered.

This is how, episode by episode, the image of the grandmother in Gorky’s story “Childhood” takes shape. This is a portrait of a kind, sympathetic, sincere, morally pure, brave, determined woman. She has experienced a lot over the years, but has remained unchanged, “as if made of cast copper,” like our difficult life itself.

The autobiographical story “Childhood” by M. Gorky is filled with various childhood impressions of the boy Alyosha. Alyosha keeps the warmest and brightest memories of his first faithful and reliable friend - his grandmother. Alyosha says that her grandmother, who appeared after the death of her father, immediately became “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person.”

Grandma was not like other people. She spoke, “singing the words somehow especially,” and her smile made her whole face young and bright. Grandmother’s eyes flash with an “inexpressibly pleasant light,” and in general “she was all dark, but she shone from within—through her eyes—with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

The grandmother’s love for the world, her stories, an inexhaustible sense of humor and touching tenderness and care for the boy internally enriched Alyosha and gave him the strength to endure trials in later life.

Listening to grandma is “inexpressibly pleasant.” Alyosha says that the grandmother told her outlandish stories and fairy tales quietly and mysteriously - “she speaks as if she were singing,” as if pouring strength into the boy’s heart, lifting him up.

While traveling on the ship, Alyosha was surprised and attracted by his grandmother’s ability to see the beauty of nature and admire it to the point of tears.

The grandmother’s appearance (stooped, almost hunchbacked, very plump) unexpectedly contrasts with her ability to move easily and deftly. During the dance, Akulina Ivanovna “floated along the floor silently, as if through air,” because it was not for nothing that Alyosha compared her to a big soft cat. Grandma's dance is not an ordinary dance, but a story, a journey. During the dance, Akulina Ivanovna became “violently beautiful and sweet,” because these wonderful minutes returned her youth.

Having found himself in a new environment, in his grandfather’s family, Alyosha remains lonely, since a way of life filled with “the hot fog of mutual enmity of everyone with everyone” is alien to the boy, whose heart demanded love and warmth. And again the grandmother appears nearby. She tries to justify the innocent boy in front of his grandfather, stands up for him, feels sorry for him, and does not allow him to be beaten. And although she, of course, would not be able to protect her grandson from all troubles, with her presence she supports him, prompts him best ways behavior and interaction with abusive relatives. After all, the spirit itself, the atmosphere of the Kashirins’ house were as alien to her as it was to Alyosha. During conversations with the boy about the life of this family, the grandmother “said laughing, aloofly, somehow from a distance, like a neighbor.”

The behavior of the grandmother during the fire is strikingly different from the reaction of the rest of the household. Without hesitation, she rushes into the burning house to take out the explosive “bucket bottle” of oil of vitriol. Without losing her composure, the grandmother stops the frightened horse and calms it down with gentle words. Heartily and judiciously asks for help from neighbors. Extreme composure and determination replace softness and compliance from the first minutes of the fire. Grandma is on time everywhere with her efficient and precise orders. Even after the fire, Akulina Ivanovna finds the strength to support others without complaining about her own pain. Material from the site

This touching love and care for other people is also manifested in good attitude grandmothers to the blind - former master Gregory. She felt sorry for him, talked to him, fed him, putting the burden of someone else's guilt before this man on her strong feminine shoulders.

Even ruin and poverty could not harden grandmother’s heart. In the most difficult periods of her life, she still retains her characteristic compassion, generosity, and love of humanity.

Observing her grandmother, having a close relationship with her, open receptivity to her selfless love for people, her ability to see beauty, the gentleness but inflexibility of her character helped Alyosha better understand life and grow into a real Man.

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