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Erroneous public opinion arguments. !!!!soooooo!!!! essay fathers and sons on the topic of whether public opinion can be wrong

Society is a complex and constantly evolving system in which all elements are somehow connected with each other. Society has a huge influence on a person and participates in his upbringing.

Public opinion is the opinion of the majority. It is not surprising that it has big influence per person. It is believed that if many people adhere to a position, then it is correct. But is this really so? Sometimes public opinion regarding an incident, phenomenon, or person can be erroneous. People tend to make mistakes and draw hasty conclusions.

In Russian fiction there are many examples of erroneous public opinion.

As a first argument, consider Yakovlev’s story “Ledum”, which tells the story of the boy Kostya. Teachers and classmates considered him strange and treated him with distrust.

Kostya yawned in class, and after the last lesson he immediately ran away from school.

One day, teacher Zhenechka (that’s what the kids called her) decided to find out what was the reason for her student’s unusual behavior. She discreetly accompanied him after classes. Zhenya was amazed that the strange and reserved boy turned out to be a very kind, sympathetic, noble person. Every day Kostya walked the dogs of those owners who could not do this on their own. The boy also took care of a dog whose owner died. The teacher and classmates were wrong: they made hasty conclusions.

As a second argument, let us analyze Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” An important character in this work is Sonya Marmeladova. She made money by selling her own body. Society considered her an immoral girl, a sinner. However, no one knew why she lived like this.

Former official Marmeladov, Sonya's father, lost his job due to his addiction to alcohol, his wife Katerina Ivanovna suffered from consumption, and the children were too young to work. Sonya was forced to provide for her family. She “went with the yellow ticket”, sacrificed her honor and reputation in order to save her family from poverty and hunger.

Sonya Marmeladova helps not only her loved ones: she does not abandon Rodion Raskolnikov, who suffers because of the murder he committed. The girl forces him to admit his guilt and goes with him to hard labor in Siberia.

Sonya Marmeladova - moral ideal Dostoevsky because of his positive qualities. Knowing the history of her life, it is difficult to say that she is a sinner. Sonya is a kind, merciful, honest girl.

Thus, public opinion may be wrong. People didn’t know Kostya and Sonya, what kind of personalities they were, what qualities they had, and probably therefore assumed the worst. Society has drawn conclusions based only on part of the truth and its own conjectures. It did not see nobility and responsiveness in Sonya and Kostya.

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Society is a complex and constantly evolving system in which all elements are somehow connected with each other. Society has a huge influence on a person and participates in his upbringing. Public opinion is the opinion of the majority. It is not surprising that it has a great influence on a person. It is believed that if many people adhere to a position, then it is correct. But is this really so? Sometimes public opinion regarding an incident, phenomenon, or person can be erroneous. People tend to make mistakes and draw hasty conclusions. There are many examples of erroneous public opinion in Russian fiction. As a first argument, consider Yakovlev’s story “Ledum”, which tells the story of the boy Kostya. Teachers and classmates considered him strange and treated him with distrust. Kosta yawned in class, and after the last lesson he immediately ran away from school. One day, teacher Zhenechka (that’s what the kids called her) decided to find out what was the reason for her student’s unusual behavior. She discreetly accompanied him after classes. Zhenya was amazed that the strange and reserved boy turned out to be a very kind, sympathetic, noble person. Every day, Costa walked the dogs of those owners who could not do this on their own. The boy also took care of a dog whose owner died. The teacher and classmates were wrong: they made hasty conclusions. As a second argument, let us analyze Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” An important character in this work is Sonya Marmeladova. She made money by selling her own body. Society considered her an immoral girl, a sinner. However, no one knew why she lived like this. Former official Marmeladov, Sonya's father, lost his job due to addiction to alcohol, his wife Katerina Ivanovna suffered from consumption, and the children were too young to work. Sonya was forced to provide for her family. She “went with the yellow ticket”, sacrificed her honor and reputation in order to save her family from poverty and hunger. Sonya Marmeladova helps not only her loved ones: she does not abandon Rodion Raskolnikov, who suffers because of the murder he committed. The girl forces him to admit his guilt and goes with him to hard labor in Siberia. Sonya Marmeladova is Dostoevsky's moral ideal because of his positive qualities. Knowing the history of her life, it is difficult to say that she is a sinner. Sonya is a kind, merciful, honest girl. Thus, public opinion may be wrong. People didn’t know Kosta and Sonya, what kind of personalities they were, what qualities they had, and probably therefore assumed the worst. Society has drawn conclusions based only on part of the truth and its own conjectures. It did not see nobility and responsiveness in Sonya and Kostya.



Detect the fact of error public statements are possible, as is known, and without going beyond the analysis of recorded judgments, by simply comparing them, in particular by detecting contradictions in their content. Let’s say, in response to the question: “What do you think is more characteristic of your peers: purposefulness or lack of purpose?” - 85.3 percent of respondents chose the first part of the alternative, 11 percent chose the second, and 3.7 percent did not give a definite answer. This opinion would be obviously false if, say, in response to another question on the survey: “Do you personally have a goal in life?” - the majority of respondents would answer negatively - a concept of a population that contradicts the actual characteristics of the units that make up the population cannot be considered correct. Just In order to determine the degree of truth of statements, questions that mutually control each other are introduced into the questionnaire, and a correlation analysis of opinions is carried out.

Another thing - nature of fallibility public statements. In most cases, its determination turns out to be impossible in the area of ​​consideration of fixed judgments alone. Searching for an answer to the question “why?” force us to turn to the sphere of opinion formation.

If we look at the issue in general, truth andfalsity of statements public depend firsteverything from the reasoning subject himself, as well as the sourcenicknames from which he draws knowledge. In particular, with regard to the first, it is known that different social environments are characterized by different “signs”: depending on their objective position in relation to sources and media, they are distinguished by more or less awareness of certain issues; depending on the level of culture - greater or lesser ability to perceive and assimilate incoming information; finally, depending on the relationship between the interests of a given environment and the general trends of social development - greater or lesser interest in accepting objective information. The same must be said about sources of information: they can carry truth or lies depending on the degree of their competence, the nature of their social interests (profitable or unprofitable), etc. In essence, consider the problem of forming public opinionmeaningwants to consider the role of all these factors in the complex “behavior” of the subject of the statement and the source of information.

As is known, as a base of educationopinions can act: firstly, rumors, rumors,gossip; Secondly, personal experience individual, accumulated in the process of practical activity; Thirdly, collectiveexperience“other” people, formalized in information received by the individual. In the real process of opinion formation, the importance of information sources is unequal. Of course, the biggest role is played collectiveexperience, since it includes such elements as mass media and the individual’s social environment (the experience of “small groups”). In addition, the mentioned sources in most cases “work” not on their own, not directly, but refracted through the experience of the social environment, the action of official sources of information. But from the point of view of the interests of the analysis, the proposed sequence of consideration seems appropriate, and an isolated, “pure form” consideration of each of the named sources is not only desirable, but also necessary.

We are all accustomed to judging other people, even if we try not to do so. But any opinion, be it personal or public, may turn out to be wrong.

As he eloquently exclaims in one of his monologues main character comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” Alexander Andreevich Chatsky: “Who are the judges?..”. Really, who? Where does this condemnation and rejection of others who are not like us come from?

Why do we often consider kind, simple-minded people to be “idiots,” as everyone called Prince Myshkin behind his back in the novel of the same name by F. M. Dostoevsky. And we immediately classify everyone who rebels and rebels against the opinion of the majority as “Chatsky” and try to make them laugh?

Probably, it is important for every person to feel involved in something, which is why he is so eager to join the opinion of the majority. “If many people think so, then it makes sense,” he thinks and, forgetting about his reasonable doubts, joins “ strong of the world this."

But all this is good only until such a person stumbles and makes a mistake, after which his acquaintances begin to condemn him. And then, feeling their dissatisfied gaze on himself, he will understand what the majority opinion is and how unpleasant it can be if directed against you.

I think each of us has found ourselves in a similar situation at least once. Everyone felt like Chatsky, Myshkin, and perhaps even Bazarov. And how, at that moment, I probably wanted to prove to everyone that I was right, or at least defend my choice.

But this is not so easy to do, since public opinion does not tolerate attacks on its authority. It automatically classifies everyone who tries to do this in one way or another as a “black sheep.” Meanwhile, as a rule, it is precisely such non-standard individuals, having achieved success in the future, who become trendsetters and form this very public opinion.



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