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Basic methods of speed reading techniques and the benefits of increasing speed. Speed ​​reading: how to learn to read quickly - methodology, training, exercises

There are some professions where the result of work depends on the speed of reading, for example, an announcer or radio host. But such skills will also be useful in childhood, when it is necessary to read a sufficient number of texts and at the same time memorize them.

You can develop this ability in yourself, the main thing is to know what exercises are intended for this.

The speed reading technique is based on several stages. But in order for the teaching to give a full result, you need to set yourself up correctly and understand why it is needed.

Speed ​​training methods

Learning to read quickly is not easy, just like any other skill. Therefore, for such purposes, there are several methods; accordingly, each person will be able to choose for himself exactly what suits him. It’s worth saying right away that, in addition to reading quickly, you need to remember information, especially if your job depends on it.

To read and memorize texts, you can use one of the following techniques:

  1. "Sighting". In this case, the text is “scanned” with the eyes and the main ideas are immediately highlighted. Thus, reading occurs in parts, only those moments that carry a semantic load.

To learn this technique of quick reading and memorization, you should practice on a simple subject. They put it in front of them and look at it closely for several seconds. Then they close their eyes and try to reproduce in memory all the smallest details.

Having opened your eyes, it is worth comparing two images - real and virtual. Having found 3-4 differences, the exercise is repeated, and so on up to 7 times. This will help you remember even small details.

After practicing on the subject, you can proceed to the text. The sheet is placed in front of you for half a minute and during this time you need to be able to highlight 3 main thoughts. You can make the exercise more difficult by increasing the size of the passage or trying to find more ideas.

  1. Keywords . The author always tries to convey some idea to his reader. To do this, he uses keywords. They are the ones responsible for the perception of the text, and they can also be used for memorization.

To do this, the topic is initially determined and an approximate list of words that can correspond to it is compiled in your head. Having taken the text in your hands, you should quickly skim through the sentences and “catch” those that best reflect the topic. To begin with, such words and phrases can be written down, and in the future everything will take place on a subconscious level.

  1. Articulation suppression. This technique is well suited for teaching children. From childhood, children are taught to read aloud, but some people continue this habit into adulthood. And although the words are not spoken out loud, the lips move to the rhythm of the words. And this slows down learning to read quickly.

To master this technique, you should beat the beat with your fingers while reading. This allows you to take your mind off the silent pronunciation of words.

  1. Visual memory. This speed reading technique allows you to learn to memorize long words. This technique is already beginning to be introduced in kindergartens, when children are shown complex words consisting of 8-10 letters.

Adults can also master this technique. For this exercise you will need cards with long words written on them. You can purchase them in a store or find them online and print them yourself. Such classes must be carried out every day, spending 30-40 minutes on it.

The student just looks at the card for a couple of seconds, and the main thing is not to let him have time to read it. Next, the subject is asked to repeat what he saw. Thus, not only reading speed is trained, but also memorization practice. It is best to start with small words - 6-7 letters.

  1. Vertical reading. To read quickly, you should be able to see not only the next word, but the entire line as a whole. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with Schulte’s exercises.

For such training you will need special square lined tables, where numbers are drawn in a chaotic order. At the initial stage, only 16 numbers are used, gradually increasing them to 25, 36 and 49. In each such card, the numbers will be arranged differently. This fast reading technique requires focusing the gaze on a central point, and without taking your eyes off it, the subject must find the numbers one by one.

All these techniques help not only learn to read quickly, but also remember the meaning. But each exercise must be started with a small load, especially if the exercises are carried out with a child.

Developing brain activity

Before learning the technique of quick reading and memorization, you should know that brain activity also plays an important role in such activities.

It is more convenient to engage in such development together, but, alas, this is not always possible. You can independently develop yourself by reading books that have complex words, for example, about technology or medicine.

Scientists have proven that the ability to read quickly is also influenced by the way the text is perceived. If this is the letter method, then the person will read slower than with the dictionary method. You can read words even if the letters are in a chaotic order, except for the first and last.

To train not only your reading ability, but also your brain, you can use the following exercises::

  1. Based on the studies mentioned above, it is possible to read texts where the letters are out of place. But for this exercise you will need an assistant;
  2. You can also learn to read texts quickly by crossing out letters. To do this, words are written in which all vowels are removed. The partner’s task is to read and understand the meaning of the sentence;
  3. To stimulate the brain to be active, you need to learn to read through the word. To do this, you will need text where the words will be “erased”. For beginners, you need passages in which only every 3-4 words are missing. In the future, as development progresses, there may be more erased words - every second. But here it is important that the student not only read the sentences, but also understand what they mean we're talking about. Accordingly, after reading the passage, the person should be asked to tell what was said in it. Next, the original and training text are compared;
  4. brainstorm. This technique also requires a partner. Here you will need two identical passages. The text is read in turn, taking into account time, after which each participant will have to retell it. In this version, not only speed reading is trained, but also text memorization. Accordingly, both the memory and the speech apparatus are trained at the same time.

One of the main principles of speed reading is the ability to highlight the main points. To learn how to do this, it is recommended to read and write down the main ideas. Over time, this skill will become automatic.

To master the speed reading technique better, you need to become familiar with the literature. Exactly ordinary books will help develop the speech apparatus, not to mention erudition. But even here, not everything is so simple.

In order for reading books to be beneficial, you should remember the following points:

  1. concentration . When picking up a book, you need to completely disconnect from the world around you in order to understand the meaning of the text;
  2. don't repeat yourself. Many people, when reading passages, mentally or out loud, repeat certain passages. This habit makes you waste more time;
  3. holistic assessment. You need to learn to highlight the main ideas. There may be several of them per paragraph, or there may be only one. If you develop this skill in yourself, then the brain will identify information in blocks;
  4. bookmarks Don’t be shy and define for yourself interesting places. In the future, seeing such a bookmark, the brain will automatically be able to reproduce what was written on that page. For convenience, you can use multi-colored bookmarks and then the brain will create an association between the meaning of the text and the color.

Many people do not like to read and this needs to be overcome. Personal interest and motivation are important here in order to learn to quickly perceive and remember any information. If a person does not understand why he is doing all this, then the result will have to wait a long time.

When mentioning the speed reading technique, most people have the following questions: what causes an increase in reading speed?

But they are all based on a few basic rules. So:

Some readers, unnoticed by themselves, read any text twice - both easy and difficult, as if to be sure. The areas of such repeated eye fixations that occur during traditional reading are sometimes very large.

As our research has shown, when reading slowly, regressions are a fairly common occurrence, and their number is usually from 10 to 15 for a text of 100 words. It is clear that such frequent recurrent eye movements sharply reduce reading speed.

The main goal of reception is a deeper understanding of a text that has already been read once. The speed reading technique recommends re-reading only after finishing reading the entire text.

When reading a text with regressions, the eyes move backward, for example, from point 2 to point 3, although there is no need for this. If this happens on every line of text, then obviously the reader reads the entire text twice.

It is this kind of regression that is considered one of the main disadvantages of traditional slow reading. Along with regressions during slow reading, recurrent eye movements were also noticed, caused by the apparent difficulties of the text.

These returns are also a disadvantage of reading. Very often, further reading resolves the questions that have arisen and makes returns unnecessary. What is the nature of regression?

The first reason is force of habit. Record the reasons for repeated reading: is the text really difficult or lack of attention?

Remember: eliminating regressions increases your reading speed by two times and the quality of your reading comprehension by three times.


Articulation- these are involuntary movements of the lips, tongue, and elements of the larynx when reading a text to oneself. The movements of the speech organs when reading silently are inhibited only externally, but in fact they are in constant hidden movement.

The intensity of these micro-movements depends, first of all, on the level of development of reading skills and the complexity of the text. The less developed the skill of reading silently (in children) and the more complex the text, the more pronounced the articulation.

Many people say they have no articulation or don't know what it is. Others, on the contrary, claim that they constantly hear someone muttering next to them when they read the text.

Even if the reader declares that he does not have articulation, special measurements can be used to detect it. X-ray filming of pharyngeal modulations during reading showed the presence of intracavitary articulation even in people who read relatively quickly.

Indeed, eliminating the internal pronunciation of words is the most important source of increasing speed reading.

Moreover, even if it seems to you that you are not pronouncing words, then this is not so, the method of teaching reading, driven into our heads with primary school- that is, reading aloud - makes itself felt and, as we know, relearning is much harder than learning.

The defect in pronunciation of readable words can be divided into the following components:

1. When recitation is accompanied mechanical movements: moving the lips, moving the tongue, or, even worse - audio - mechanical effects - muttering, etc. To combat this is quite simple - hold something in your teeth, or even better, hold your tongue with your teeth - no matter how funny, but By changing the pain sensation (the degree of compression of the teeth), you will be able to control the entire process of eradicating this inhibitory factor.

2. The most difficult thing to eradicate is pronouncing words in the brain, i.e., the speech center. The method used here is to knock out a wedge with a wedge. The center that controls movement is located somewhere next to the speech center, and you can try to suppress the speech center with the motor center - it’s super difficult to fight this - holding something in your teeth won’t help, but you can try the following. You record some kind of rhythm (but not music) on a cassette - for example, a metronome. Moreover, there should be several records with different beat frequencies and combined with a variable beat frequency. You need to read to this beat (rhythm) and make movements while reading.

The main thing in the problem of fast reading is not so much speed as optimality, the efficiency of obtaining meaningful information thanks to the correct choice of a program for the semantic perception of the text.

Readers, as a rule, do not think about how to read a particular text. As a result, it is equally slow to read.

This or that reading speed and technique is subject, first of all, to the goals, objectives and guidelines that the reader sets for himself. It is the development of appropriate programs, the ability to flexibly use each of them at the right time, that determine the ability to read quickly.

Typically, traditional reading uses a small field of view. The field of view is understood as a section of text that is clearly perceived by the eyes during one fixation of the gaze.

In traditional reading, when perceived in best case scenario 2-3 words, the field of view is very small. As a result, the eyes make many unnecessary jumps and fixations (stops).

This technique can be called fragmentation of the gaze. The wider the field of view, the more information is perceived at each stop of the eyes, the fewer these stops, and as a result, reading becomes more effective. A fast reader, in one fixation of his gaze, manages to perceive not 2-3 words, but an entire line, an entire sentence, sometimes an entire paragraph.

Reading text in whole phrases Not only is it more efficient in terms of speed, it also promotes deeper reading comprehension. This happens because the perception of large fragments of text during moments of fixation with the gaze evokes visual-figurative ideas that clearly clarify the meaning of the text.

The reading speed is also significantly reduced by the unproductive transition of the eyes from the end of each line read to the beginning of a new one. How many lines there are on the page, there are so many unnecessary transitions, i.e., idle eye movements, which are spent on; not only time, but also energy.

When reading quickly, eye movement is more economical: vertically, from top to bottom in the center of the page.


Problem understanding the text has been studied fruitfully by psychologists for quite a long time. What is understanding? Psychologists call understanding the establishment of a logical connection between objects by using existing knowledge.

When reading a simple text, understanding seems to merge with perception - we instantly recall previously acquired knowledge (we realize known value words) or select from existing knowledge those needed in this moment and connect them with new experiences.

But very often, when reading an unfamiliar and difficult text, understanding the subject (application of knowledge and establishing new logical connections) is a complex process that unfolds over time.

To comprehend the text in such cases, it is necessary not only to be attentive when reading, to have knowledge and be able to apply it, but also to master certain thinking techniques. If it is necessary to remember a text, a person first tries to understand it better and uses various techniques for this.

Most often, readers use two main techniques: highlighting semantic reference points And anticipation.

Identification of supporting semantic points is as follows. Dividing the text into parts, their semantic grouping leads to the identification of semantic support points that deepen understanding and facilitate subsequent memorization of the material.

Psychologists have found that the basis of understanding can be everything that we associate with, what is remembered or what itself “pops up” as connected with it. These may be some minor words, additional details, definitions, etc.

Any association can be a support in this sense. A semantic support point is something short, compressed, but at the same time serving as the basis for some broader content. Comprehension comes down to grasping the main ideas in the text, meaningful words, short phrases that predetermine the text of subsequent pages.

The technique of highlighting semantic reference points is like a process of filtering and compressing the text without losing the basis.

Another technique used to further comprehend the text being read is called anticipation or anticipation, i.e. a semantic guess. What is anticipation? This is the psychological process of orientation towards a foreseeable future.

It is based on knowledge of the logic of the development of an event, assimilation of the results of the analysis of signs, previously carried out by operational thinking. Anticipation is provided by the so-called hidden reaction of expectation, which sets the reader up for certain actions, when according to the text there seems to be no sufficient basis for these reactions.

The phenomenon of anticipation is possible only when thinking actively works in a productive mode. With this type of reading, the reader relies more on the content of the text as a whole than on the meaning of individual words. The main thing is to comprehend the idea of ​​content, to identify the main intention of the author of the text.

Thus, when learning to read quickly, the ability to anticipate is the main factor in the formation of a unique sense of phrasal stereotypes and the accumulation of a sufficient vocabulary of text cliches. Identification of phrase stereotypes is one of the first prerequisites for developing automaticity of semantic text processing.


What is attention? Attention- this is the selective orientation of consciousness when performing certain work. Fast reading requires increased attention. Unfortunately, we are not always organized and do not know how to manage our attention when reading.

Most readers' reading speed is far below what they could achieve without compromising comprehension. For a slow reader, attention often switches to extraneous thoughts and objects, and interest in the text decreases. Therefore, large fragments are read mechanically and the meaning of what is read does not reach consciousness.

Such a reader, noticing that he is thinking about extraneous things, is often forced to re-read the passage again. A person who reads quickly is able to control his attention.

Ability to concentrate focusing on a problem is one of the components of successful mental work. Try training your ability to concentrate by mentally reading words back to front.

When you mentally read a word backwards, you have to picture it letter by letter and then read those letters. For example - “word” - “ovols”, “road” - “agorod”. If your consciousness is distracted by a third-party object, then the thread is instantly lost and you have to do the exercise again. This way you can train your attention.

This exercise can be done in public transport and thereby use wasted time to your advantage. Start with simple four-letter words. Gradually try to operate with longer words.


read two newspapers, one magazine (scientific, technical or popular science) and 50-100 pages of any book. Mastering the technique of speed reading really is a process of complex influence on various aspects of human mental activity.

Figuratively speaking, in the learning process it is realized program for technical re-equipment of the brain. A restructuring of consciousness is taking place, existing stereotypes of thinking are being broken. There are good books on teaching speed reading. For example, the book by Andreev O. A. and Khromov L. N. “Learning to read quickly.”

But the most effective option for learning to read quickly is special training and group classes.

The main thing is to remember that speed reading is not for the elite. Diligence and consistency of training are important.

All children read slowly. Reading speed depends on vocabulary child and how much time he devotes to learning. If your child reads too slowly, gets low grades in reading, and teachers ask you to tutor your child, then it’s time to learn speed reading at home. Of course, you can use the services of private teachers who will take care of your child for a “very modest amount”, but is it worth paying if you have the opportunity to study on your own? There is another advantage to this: you will be able to spend more time with your son or daughter.

What is speed reading?

If a child begins to fall behind in school in many subjects and he does not have enough time allotted in class to familiarize himself with the information provided in the textbook, it will be simply excellent to teach him speed reading. Of course, he will not become a genius who can completely read all the sheets in the time when his classmates read only the first page. Speed ​​reading involves highlighting only the main thing and completely discarding unnecessary information, that is, that verbal garbage that does not affect the essence of what is being presented.

At what age can a child be taught speed reading?

There is no specific threshold here. The opinions of experts are divided, and some believe that it is necessary to teach speed reading to a child before the age of ten, while others argue with this opinion, arguing that it is impossible to learn such a technique before the age of fourteen.

Speed ​​reading at home for children should begin at the age when the child can correctly comprehend the text, that is, not only can read, but also understand the essence. This age is different for everyone and largely depends on the teachers in kindergarten, teachers primary classes and parents. So, to understand that your baby is ready to learn speed reading, you should focus on four basics:

  1. The ability not only to distinguish letters, but also to construct syllables and words from them.
  2. Correct reading comprehension. That is, if a child read about a turtle, but says about a horse, then he is not ready, because he does not understand the meaning.
  3. The ability to select only the most important things from the entire text.
  4. Can retell reading material.

And in order for speed reading at home (we will describe exercises for mastering this skill) to bring greater effect, it is worth starting from the child’s activity. If he is not assiduous, then you should wait a little until the hyperactivity passes.

Mistakes made during training

How to learn speed reading at home without desire? There is only one answer, it’s completely impossible, so before starting the course, you should start from the child’s wishes. If he does not want to read at all (applies to preschool age), then you shouldn’t force him, as the desire to learn will completely disappear. So, if the child is determined to learn, then you can start.

The first thing every parent should remember is that you should not spend a lot of time on initial skills, and initial exercises should not last more than fifteen minutes. After this, you should let the child rest for about an hour and continue further. Why? It’s just that a small amount of material is absorbed quickly, but a child may remember absolutely nothing from a large volume.

Teach your child not letters, but sounds, that is, say not “EM”, but “M”. Otherwise, the child will read “emaema” instead of “mother.”

Learn to read right away in syllables, not letters, so the process will go faster. Stop all attempts by your baby to move his lips when reading to himself. Teachers assure that with such movement the child will take too long to comprehend the same word.

Speed ​​reading at home for children: exercises for the brain

Of course, you can choose a technique yourself, but you can also use a proven method used by specialists. The main thing is to choose one training method, and not change it daily. So, let’s start mastering speed reading at home; we’ll start an effective course with brain training.

Find a pair

To develop your thinking speed, you can start this exercise from the very beginning. early age, the main thing is that the baby already knows the letters and knows how to work with syllables. You can buy, or you can draw cards yourself, on which the syllables will be written. Place them randomly on the table and encourage your child to make up words that he can find. For example: “vo-da”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”. With each exercise, complicate the task by adding one syllable to the words.

The cards should contain syllables of the words that the child has already seen; the main thing here is attention and memory.

Read in a minute

Take a book that you haven't read yet and invite your child to read a few lines. Record the time yourself and mark with a pencil the place where it stopped after a minute. Then ask to read the same passage again, and the number of words this time will be higher. Repeat the exercise every day.


Speed ​​reading at home will become much more productive if you intensively train your visual memory. Write the incorrect sentence on a piece of paper and its corrected version on another. For example: “A frog was sitting in a green meadow” and “A frog was sitting in a green meadow.” Ask your child to quickly read the first version, and then just as quickly - the second. You will be surprised, but the baby will read the second version just as correctly as the first. This is visual memory.

You can do the same thing not with sentences, but with words, removing all vowels or several letters from the second option.

If you don’t succeed the first time, ask to find the mistakes made in a sentence or word, and continue training every day.

Visual perception

Do dictations with your child, just not the ones we are used to writing at school, but visual ones. Take a book with large letters and Blank sheet. Close all sentences except the first one from your child and give him a minute to study it. Then cover the entire text and let him write what he read on a piece of paper. Do the same with subsequent sentences.

Not with a stick, but with a carrot

If your child is unable to master speed reading at home, or the exercises are not being given as needed, then do not scold him under any circumstances. Try again and again, and be sure to praise for each success. The learner should only have good mood, positive attitude And positive emotions. If you scold him, he will be pinched internally, and, most likely, you will not have to wait for success, and the result will get worse.

Why does a child need speed reading?

Speed ​​reading helps to quickly assimilate the material covered and eliminate all errors in reading. For example, if a child often “stammers,” confuses letters and syllables, or “swallows endings,” then this technique will help get rid of these issues.

By increasing the reading speed, the child will do better in school and will learn to separate the important from the unnecessary in the material covered.

Speed ​​reading is great for developing memory. This is very important when learning, because every day children are given a huge amount of information, and developed memory will help you better absorb information, which means your grades will improve!

In addition to reading and the exercises provided above, the child should also practice speed speech. Prepare tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings for him. Speed ​​reading at home will be more productive if the baby can speak quickly.

When reading, place the book on your lap, and while reading, move your finger along the line, the child should sit next to you and try to keep up with your movement. Slide your finger a little faster each time.

Speed ​​reading for children at home: reviews

Many parents who independently tutored their child noticed that after completing the course, he showed better performance in school. Also, the children who completed this course became much more attentive.

There are those who write that the teacher was unable to teach speed reading because the child was uncomfortable in class. Children feel more relaxed with their parents.

There are parents who claim that they did not have the patience to teach their child on their own, and they decided that they did not really need it.

Speed ​​reading- literally fast reading. This skill is acquired by people for different purposes; some are able to process documents faster, others read more, and others add it to their intellectual abilities. In any case, the skill of speed reading brings many benefits to those who have mastered it.

For development speed reading special programs and exercises are used that increase the results of quick and high-quality perception of information.

Online exercises

Development of speed reading

In order to achieve good results, you need to practice regularly, and in order to learn to read quickly, you also need to try, because the development of speed reading is a skill that is achieved only by working on yourself.

For most people, increasing the reading speed to 500-700 words will be enough, and this speed is achieved quite easily. For those who want to learn to read, understand and remember more than 700 words per minute, they will most likely have to work hard and go through special programs and techniques.

Sign up for our Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. If you now read 200 words per minute, then after a month of training you will read 500-900 words per minute. After two months, 900-1800 words per minute. After three months, 1800-4500 words per minute. And in 4-6 months of training you can achieve a reading speed of 10,000 words per minute.

Since 2015, 1,507 people from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Orenburg, have studied under our program. Nizhny Novgorod, Kyiv, Minsk and other cities.

If you learn to speed read on your own, then such results will be difficult to achieve and will take much more time. Without a special program, it is unlikely that you will be able to read more than 500 words per minute.

For comparison, it is difficult for an athlete without special training and a coach not to achieve the results that athletes achieve under special programs and under the supervision of a coach.

Reviews about the course

How to read correctly?

Remember your childhood, first you were taught to parse letters, then read syllables from them, then read simple words by syllables. Later, you quickly read small words, but large and especially unfamiliar words were sometimes not read even the first time. As you moved step by step, year after year, as a child you learned to read faster and faster, and your brain remembered and recognized more and more words. No one has ever taught you to read in any other way. In the best case, you were taught to navigate the text, read fluently, understand its structure and somehow remember it, so that later you could study it in more detail, without mixing everything up in your head.

So, first there were letters, then syllables, then words and the most commonly used phrases. People who learn to read even faster read in phrases, lines, and even several lines at a time, and then generally in paragraphs and even pages.

Also speed reading You can teach children too, in some cases they can learn even faster than adults and they like it. The main thing is to develop the habit of following certain rules, such as not going back and concentrating on the content of the text, automatically following the rules of the chosen methodology and not overthinking.

It is worth noting that the skill quick reading requires long and painstaking work, so first you need to solve several issues:

  • How quickly I want to learn to read
  • How fast do I need to read?
  • How much time am I willing to spend daily/weekly on training?

There are several ways to quickly read:

Selective reading

Selective reading- this is the skill of quickly structuring text and understanding its structure, selecting and reading the desired block of text of any length. This approach is used when there is no point in reading the entire text, but you just need to glean specific data from it, for example, the definition of a word in a dictionary or some technical, financial, or similar information.

It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for reading fiction, because works of art require complete immersion of the reader. There may be exceptions if you learn something specific from a work of art, for example, why and how Raskolnikov killed the pawnbroker’s grandmother in Dostoevsky’s book “Crime and Punishment,” but this is no longer structured text recognition, but a quick reading, similar to rewinding a videotape.

Quickly read all text

Quick Read- this is when the entire text is read at high speed, with full understanding and memorization of the necessary information.

In this way, you can read any texts, starting from technical and scientific texts, and ending with works of art. True, it is worth noting that literary texts it is more difficult to read because they are read for the soul. This means that you need to have time to immerse yourself in the text and enjoy it, if of course there is such a need for this.

It is also not always convenient to read beautiful romantic works at the limit of your capabilities, when you just want to relax in the evening after a working day. But if you can’t wait to find out what’s ahead and your emotions grab you and carry you away along with the book, then without noticing it, the person begins to speed up and read comfortably, as quickly as he can.

I warn you that when reading quickly with good immersion in the text, you can get so carried away that the world will cease to exist and fade among bright images and paintings book to read, which will also improve over time as the skill develops, and reading a book will be like a beautiful film that was shot personally for you by your brain.

So beautiful minutes of pages and hours of books fly by unnoticed...

I had experience reading both texts, and fiction was always read more slowly, and if you don’t maintain the skill speed reading and read only works of fiction, then this skill may eventually drop to colloquial speech.

Read at speeds above 800 words per minute

  1. Stop talking to yourself readable text, because the speaking speed even “to oneself” can be no more than 800, maximum (in my experience) 900 words per minute.

    At first it will be very difficult to wean the brain, which has been accustomed for centuries to read without speaking, just with your eyes, but then it will be easier. The main thing is not to start reciting again until the skill becomes stronger.

  2. Do not go back, read only forward, even if it becomes unclear.

    By returning, you will only slow down the whole process and then you will not be able to read quickly, because you will return every time. And the brain is lazy, it will ask you to go back every time until you wean it off.

    At first, when reading quickly, many details in the text will be incomprehensible and you will want to go back and re-read the text again and again, but then the brain adapts and will make fewer and fewer such errors until their number tends to zero.

    This is similar to an athlete lifting more weight or speed than he is comfortable with in order for the muscles to strengthen and develop under the load. It’s the same here, we take the brain out of its comfort zone and force it to train.

  3. View width. When reading more than 300 words per minute, you have to move your eyes very quickly across the text. This is useful for short reading, but with prolonged reading, the eyes get very tired and may not even have time to move.

    Therefore, it is necessary to increase the width of the view and develop peripheral vision.

Reviews about the speed reading development course


Involves reading by sight. Text ranging in size from a paragraph to a page is as if photographed by the eye, and all information is immediately recognized and understood by the brain; to develop such a skill you will have to work long and hard.

How to quickly develop photoreading?

The “Film Reading in 7 Days” course will help us with this, which, unlike traditional speed reading development courses, increases your reading speed to 30,000 words per minute in about 7 days, even if you have not studied speed reading at all.

This course uses Andrei Patrushev’s proprietary methodology and is taught by the author of the methodology himself. The point is, what are you for? a short time looking through the whole book different ways in a special program, which was also developed by the author of this course.

After one or more viewings of the book at an incredible speed, you will need to perform secret exercises from the course in order to get the information you read from the subconscious. It sounds fantastic, but it’s not cheap either, since the technique is new and no one seems to have copied it yet.

If your discount of 2200 rubles disappears, just click on the button again Sign up for a course

Facts and records

    The maximum reading speed record belongs to 16-year-old Kiev resident Irina Ivachenko - 163,333 words per minute with full understanding of what was read.

    V. I. Lenin read 2500 words per minute

    Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich) read more than five thousand pages a day and had a habit of highlighting key words and main thoughts

    R. Lullia is the creator of the first speed reading techniques, which were taught by A. S. Pushkin, N. Bonaparte and other great personalities

Courses for the development of speed reading and brain

Sign up for our online courses to develop your speed reading and brain. Engage and develop with us.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month and even road maps.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick subtraction, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games. Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points vision. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, save money and invest it in the future.

Hello my curious ones. Concluding a small series about the ability to read quickly for children today, as promised, we will give exercises for speed reading to master this technique. So if you're looking to homeschool yourself, welcome to the training track!

Lesson plan:

Expanding the angle of view

First of all, exercises for developing speed reading skills for children should be aimed at the ability to concentrate on the necessary information and see as much as possible at one glance, that is, over and over again expand the scope of the text. Something that is difficult for children to do without special training.

Their small text capture is one of the reasons for the slow search and perception of information. To a large extent, it is precisely because of the small field of vision that children are taught to read first by syllables, and only then by whole phrases.

So, let's go! Our main assistant in this is Schulte tables. There are plenty of them on the Internet, you can print them out. There are even games based on these signs online for a while. Schulte tables can contain both letters and numbers, most often the latter.

The main goal is an unfocused gaze, which makes it possible to “take” a large area of ​​the page (on a computer, the screen). The exercise can be in different variations:

  • we look for identical elements with the help of an absent-minded glance,
  • remember greatest number elements,
  • We look at the middle of the line, and with our eyes we try to see the signs on the far left and right.

All this is done using a non-moving view from a central table object. By the way, this Schulte technique is good for people too.

There are also graphic pyramids, at the top of which the visual angle is the smallest, and closer to the base it widens noticeably. You will have to go down from it to master “wide-format” vision.

You can turn it around:

Training concentration

The worked out one makes it possible to find the main idea among the “water”.

We turn on both hemispheres

To do this, we take a text that is not difficult for a child and begin to read it several sentences or one paragraph at a time. You just need to do this with one eye: either the right or the left. This simple trick involves both hemispheres of the brain.

Let's celebrate the main thing

This technique is often used by scientists, and other famous personalities too. They through a simple pencil, or better yet, a marker, highlight for themselves the most important thing in the text - 2-3 thoughts, by which you can judge the entire text on the page. Moreover, they don’t just highlight, but put their notes in the form of “!”, “+” or “-”, thereby agreeing or doubting.

Name the colors

A very interesting exercise that even adults don’t always cope with right away. Here are the words for you.

When moving to each next one, you must name the color in which the word is written, and not read what is written!

Looking for words

A simple exercise, but quite effective in developing attention. You need to find all the words in the text starting with a given letter. Another option is possible: find a specific word or even phrase on the page. It's better to do this for a while.


This is the easiest way for children to practice concentration. So-called trick riddles and trick questions are good for speed reading. Well, for example,

Down with regression

In order not to return your eyes to the text you read, we do these exercises that will increase your reading speed.

Cut off half a line

While reading the text, cover half of the line with a piece of paper for the child. This will teach you to guess what is written and develop a pattern of moving forward, and not going back - “before it’s closed, take a peek.”

We indicate

Take a regular pencil or pen as a pointer. Well, if you really want to play teacher, you can use a real mini-pointer. What are we doing? As we read the text, we constantly move the pointer forward so that the child’s gaze follows it intuitively, “without turning” back.

Read at speed

Similar to school. Take a timer and improve your results. The peak will be reading with a metronome.

By clicking it you need to go to the next line. Instead of the device, a parent can sit and, after a set interval, which gets shorter each time the training is performed, will smack the table with their palm. The claps have ended, which means the lines must also end. And now questions about the text!

Reading without articulation

Pronouncing words in children while reading is a real scourge for speed reading techniques, since additional articulation slows down the speed.


This is the name of the command that must be used to train silent reading. Hearing the command “lips!”, the child presses his finger and reads to himself. Hearing “out loud!”, he begins to read aloud.

Occupying the mouth

Even if chewing a pencil is a bad habit, it’s better to put a cup of nuts. Some people recommend chewing gum, but I doubt it: you can swallow it without chewing.

Drumming on the table

Helps block speech drumroll fingers. You just need to choose a tune and work it out in advance: first an easy one for “playing”, then you can make it more difficult.

To the music

Training your memory

The development of memory is of no small importance in learning to speed read.

Repairing the word

To read, we take a text with missing letters, which we will have to guess “as the play progresses.” This requires keeping in mind the words and meaning of what you have previously read.

Inside out

Let's turn the page upside down and try to read the text now from right to left. Such exercises for children are useful for developing letter standards in memory, and it does not matter how they are located.

Restoring the chain

A set of words is taken so that each previous one is preferably connected with the next one, for example, car-street-traffic light and so on, so that the child can line them up in a chain. You can start with 5, then increase their number to 10. The entire chain is listened to once, and then the words in the previous in the prescribed manner restored simply out loud or on a piece of paper.

We write visual dictations

The dictations developed by Professor Fedorenko consist of 6 sentences, their length increases by one or two letters. The child is given time to read the text, doing it line by line. First, one line is opened, read, and played. Then only the second line opens from under the sheet of paper. And in this sequence the entire text is remembered.

Long live thinking

Decide regularly logic problems? So your thinking is fine. What does thinking give? It turns off the eyes regarding unnecessary information and separates the important from the unimportant.

Compose texts

We do this for a while according to a given scenario:

  • where all words begin only with a certain letter,
  • where the given words should be used.

Let's play

In “cities”, “vegetables”, “fruits” and the like, as well as simply in words for a certain letter of the alphabet, selecting the ones you need in the allotted period of time.

These simple exercises will help you master the technique of speed reading at home. The main thing is regularity of training, and then everything will definitely work out! Ready? Then let's get started, attention, let's go!

"ShkolaLa" wishes you good luck! It also offers to subscribe to blog news and join to our VKontakte group.

See you again!



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