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Monuments to literary heroes. Monuments to literary heroes Square of Those Who Stood to Death

For general information Monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. Moscow. Installed in 1954. Sculptor S. M. Orlov. 800th anniversary of Moscow in 1947 by decision Soviet leadership was planned to be celebrated on a special scale. By personal order of J.V. Stalin, in 1946, an expedition was even sent to Kyiv, led by archaeologist and anthropologist M.M. Gerasimov, with the goal of finding the remains of Yuri Dolgoruky. According to Stalin's idea, during the anniversary celebrations there should have been a solemn reburial of the prince's ashes. However, the expedition was unsuccessful; when studying the “official” burial place of the prince that still exists today, it turned out that it was false. Also in 1946, in September, a competition was held for best project monument. Despite the fact that the best Soviet sculptors (including Vera Mukhina) took part in the competition, S. M. Orlov’s project was declared the winner. For him in the same year the sculptor was awarded the Stalin Prize

Tsar Cannon. Installed in the Moscow Kremlin in 1586. The cannon was made by master Andrei Chokhov. On the Tsar Cannon there is an image of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and the inscription: This cannon was poured out in the most important and reigning city of Moscow, in the summer of 7094, in the third year of his state. The cannon was made by cannon litter Ondrei Chokhov For general information

The Tsar Bell is a monument of Russian foundry art of the 18th century. Installed in the Moscow Kremlin in 1836 on a pedestal (design by O. Montferrand). In 1730, Anna Ioannovna ordered the broken Grigoriev bell to be recast with the addition of metal and the weight of the bell to be increased to 10 thousand pounds. The son of Field Marshal Minich was instructed to find a master in Paris for this work. Minich offered this work to the royal mechanic Germain, but he considered it a joke to cast a bell of such a size. I. Motorin contracted to do this work. After all approvals, the bell was cast by Russian craftsmen I. Motorin and his son M. Motorin at the Cannon Yard. To cast the bell, in addition to new metal, the metal of the old broken bell from the times of Boris Godunov and Alexei Mikhailovich was used. For general information

Catherine II - legislator of the city. Sculptor F.I. Shubin. The statue represents an allegorical ceremonial portrait Empress Catherine II. In the works of F.I. Shubin, her image occupies a significant place. The statue “Catherine II the Legislator” was created for the holiday organized by G.A. Potemkin in honor of the Empress in the Tauride Palace

I. Shchedrin. Sea nymphs of the city Sculptural group decorating the portal of the Admiralty For general information

Angel crowning the Alexandria Column. Petersburg. B.I. Orlovsky The Alexandria Column was erected in the Empire style in 1834 in the center Palace Square architect O. Montferrand by decree of Emperor Nicholas I in memory of the victory of his elder brother Alexander I over Napoleon. The angel's face is given features of a portrait resemblance to Emperor Alexander I

Monuments to M.I. Kutuzov and M.T. Barclay de Tolly. Saint Petersburg. Kazan Cathedral. Sculptor B.I. Orlovsky. Both monuments were founded in 1818 by order of Alexander I. The installation and opening of the monuments took place in 1837 under Emperor Nicholas I. on the anniversary of 15 years since the expulsion of Napoleon's troops from Russia. Unfortunately, Orlovsky did not live to see any of the openings, dying on December 16, 1837, just 9 days before the opening of the monument to Barclay de Tolly

Monument to fabulist Krylov. St. Petersburg Sculptor P.I. Klodt The first monument in Russia to the fabulist I.A. Krylov by the famous sculptor P.K. Klodt appeared in May 1885 in St. Petersburg. Cast at the expense of St. Petersburg residents, it stands in the Summer Garden, where I.A. Krylov loved to take walks in the mornings. For general information

Monument to the Heroes of Plevna (architect and sculptor V. Sherwood) a monument to Russian grenadiers who fell in the battle near Plevna, during Russian-Turkish War gg. Moscow. The chapel-monument to the grenadiers was built on the initiative and voluntary donations of the surviving grenadiers who took part in the Battle of Plevna. The opening of the Plevna Chapel took place (November 28) on December 11, 1887, on the day of the tenth anniversary of the Battle of Plevna

Nestor - chronicler - 1891 Sculptor M.M. Antokolsky

Ermak - 1891 Sculptor M.M. Antokolsky For general information

Monument to Peter I. Sculptor M. M. Antokolsky. The monument was erected in Taganrog in 1903. On the front side of the pedestal of the monument there is an inscription: “To Emperor Peter I of Taganrog.” The dates on the pedestal mean the 200th anniversary of Taganrog, in honor of which this monument was created. Emperor Peter is depicted in the uniform of an officer of the Preobrazhensky Regiment For general information

The monument to Nicholas I in the center of St. Isaac's Square was erected on July 25, 1859, a year after the completion of St. Isaac's Cathedral. The authors of the monument are the architect O. Montferrand and the sculptor P.K. Klodt. The monument is unique for its engineering solution. The six-meter bronze group, created by the talented sculptor Klodt, has only two points of support - the emperor’s rearing horse stands on its two hind hooves. The total height of the monument is more than 16 meters. Emperor Nicholas I is depicted in the dress uniform of the Cavalry Regiment. The equestrian sculpture is mounted on a high figured pedestal, which is decorated with allegorical sculptures and high reliefs on historical topics. The four allegorical sculptures represent Wisdom, Strength, Faith and Justice. According to legend, the emperor’s wife and three daughters posed for these sculptures. High reliefs created by sculptures N. A. Ramazanov and R. K. Zaleman illustrate major events reign of the emperor - the suppression of the Decembrist uprising (1825), the pacification of the cholera riot on Sennaya Square by Nicholas I (1831), the awarding of Speransky on the occasion of the compilation of the first Code of Laws (1832) and the opening of the Vorobinsky Bridge on railway St. Petersburg-Moscow (1851) Monument to Nicholas I. St. Petersburg. Sculptor P.K. Klodt For general information

“Cobblestone, weapon of the proletariat” is a sculpture made by the Soviet sculptor I. D. Shadr in 1927 from plaster and cast in bronze in 1947. A bronze copy was installed in 1967 in the Presnensky district of Moscow, in the December Uprising Park in honor of the December armed uprising in Moscow in 1905.

Worker and collective farmer. Moscow. Monument of monumental art, "ideal and symbol Soviet era", which is a dynamic sculptural group of two figures with a hammer and sickle raised above their heads. It was created for the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937. Sculptor V. Mukhina

The fountain “Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR” is one of the main symbols of VDNKh. It embodied the ideals of friendship and peace, which were the main strategy and center line politics of the USSR in the 1950s. Around it are installed, covered with gold leaf, 16 girls, symbolizing the republics of the USSR until 1956, when the sixteenth Karelo-Finnish SSR was transformed into the autonomous republic of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

The Motherland is calling. Compositional center of the Monument of Glory on Mamayev Kurgan, dedicated to the heroes Battle of Stalingrad. Volgograd. Sculptor E.V. Vuchetich. Construction of the monument began in May 1959 and was completed by 1967 (celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Victory).

Monument to the Warrior-Liberator. The War Memorial in Treptower Park (Berlin, Germany) is the largest such monument outside former USSR. Sculptor E. V. Vuchetich. Opened in 1950. A young soldier with a rescued German girl in his arms and a sword cutting through a defeated swastika. The prototype for the sculptor was soviet soldier, a native of the village of Voznesenki, Kemerovo region, Nikolai Masalov, who saved a German girl during the storming of Berlin in April 1945. In the sketch of the monument, the soldier held a machine gun in his free hand, but at the suggestion of I.V. Stalin, E.V. Vuchetich replaced the machine gun with a sword

Tombstone N. S. Khrushchev ( Novodevichy Cemetery). Ernst Neizvestny. In 1976, Unknown emigrated. For his work, Neizvestny was criticized by N. S. Khrushchev, who in 1962, at an exhibition, called his sculptures “degenerate art”:

For general information In 1991 in Peter and Paul Fortress an unusual monument to Peter I by sculptor M.M. was erected. Shemyakina. The monument caused a mixed reaction from the public. The emperor is depicted sitting in a hard bronze chair, with his hands on the armrests. The pedestal under the figure is small; it only defines the area occupied by the sculpture and is not high. This is unusual for a public monument erected in memory of a significant person. Tradition requires a pedestal that elevates the hero above the viewer. What Shemyakin did, according to critics, smacks of familiarity, completely inappropriate. The first thing that catches your eye, and before which all other reproaches pale, is the king’s round, clean-shaven head. Shemyakin explained that his sculpture is not a ceremonial portrait of the emperor. In a moment of short rest, Peter sat down, removing the wig from his shaved head.

Monument “In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet” (monument to Peter). Moscow Sculptor Z. Tsereteli. The monument to Peter I was erected in 1997 by order of the Moscow Government on an artificial island built at the separation of the Moscow River and the Vodootvodny Canal For general information

The Tsar Cannon is a monument to Russian artillery and foundry art, 1586. Russian master Andrei Chokhov.

Tsar Bell I. Motorin and M. Motorin 1733-1735

The Tsar Bell
I. Motorin and M.
Motorin 1733-1735

Monument to Peter
Senate Square in St. Petersburg.
Author French
sculptor Falcone.
"The Bronze Horseman" - one
of the main characters
Northern capital.
Peter's right hand
directed to the side

“Monument to Suvorov” 1801, St. Petersburg M. Kozlovsky.

Monuments to Kutuzov 1835 and Barclay de Tolly 1836 At the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg (Galberg and Orlovsky)

Monuments to Kutuzov 1835 and Barclay de Tolly
1836 At the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg (Galberg and

Monument to the “Millennium of the Russian State” - 1862, to the thousandth anniversary of the calling of the Varangians. Author: Mikhail Mikeshin.

Russian" –
1862, to
thousand year old
anniversary of vocation
Author: Mikhail

Dedicated to the leaders of the second people's militia during the Polish intervention in the Time of Troubles, and the victory over Poland in 1612. Author:

Minin and
leaders of the second
people's militia in
Polish time
intervention in Troubles
time and victory
over Poland in 1612.
Author: Ivan Martos.

Monument to Catherine II St. Petersburg 1873. Alexander Opekushin

Monument to A.S. Pushkin
Alexander Opekushin

PC. Klodt. “Monument to Nicholas I” 1859

P. K. Klodt. 1805-1967. Sculptural compositions “Horse Tamers” on Anichkov Bridge

Monument to Alexander III. In 1899-1909 P. Trubetskoy

Monument Alexander III. In 1899-1909
gg. P. Trubetskoy

I. Antokolsky. “Nestor the Chronicler” (Vladimir) “Ivan the Terrible” 1875,

The main symbol of Sevastopol. “In memory of the ships sunk in 1854 and 1855. to block the entrance to the roadstead.”

Main symbol Sevastopol. "In memory
ships sunk in 1854 and 1855 For
barriers to the entrance to the roadstead.”

Alexander Column. 1834. The column-monument is a tribute from Emperor Nicholas I to his brother, Alexander I, the conqueror of Napoleon.

“Cobblestone is a weapon of the proletariat” Ivan Shadr. 1927.

"Cobblestone is a weapon
proletariat" Ivan Shadr. 1927.
Gorky 1939.

“Worker and Collective Farm Woman” is an outstanding monument of monumental art, “an ideal and symbol of the Soviet era. Author: Mukhina V.I. 1937

"Worker and
collective farmer" -
outstanding monument
art, "ideal and
symbol of the Soviet era.
Author: Mukhina V.I.

Monument to Yuri Dolgoruky Moscow sculptural monument to the “founder of the city”, the first Suzdal prince (later also the great

to the prince
Kievsky). Installed
in 1954. Sculptors
S. M. Orlov, A. P.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Here is “Post No. 1” - the main guard post of the Russian
Federation. The inscription “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.”
1966-1967 Eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was
lit from the fire on the Champ de Mars.

Center figure
Mamayev Kurgan in
Volgograd sculpture
Buried under the statue
34,500 people –
soldier and
Author: sculptor E.V.

Memorial to the Panfilov Heroes. It was here, not far from the village of Dubosekovo, in November 1941 that the famous words were uttered:

Memorial to the Panfilov Heroes.
It was here, near the village of Dubosekovo, in November 1941
years, the now famous words were uttered: “Great
Russia, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us.”

Square of Those Who Stood to the Death

Quotes from the famous order No. 227 are engraved on the base,
published in 1942: “Not a step back!”, “Stand to the death!”, “Beyond the Volga
There is no Earth for us.”
At the monument to the warrior is the face of Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikov,
commander of the 62nd Army.

Monument in Treptower Park Berlin “Warrior-Liberator” Sculptor - Evgeniy Vuchetich. Architect - Belopolsky.

in Treptower Park
"Warrior Liberator"
Sculptor Evgeniy Vuchetich.
Architect -

Monument “Motherland” at the Piskarevskoye cemetery. Place of mass graves of victims of the siege of Leningrad and soldiers of the Leningrad Front (and

Monument “Motherland” at the Piskarevskoye cemetery.
Place of mass graves of victims of the siege of Leningrad and soldiers
Leningrad Front (authors - architects E. A. Levinson and A. V. Vasiliev)

Monument to the Conquerors of Space, 1964.

"To the conquerors

Monument to Gagarin 1980 P. I. Bondarenko

Monument to Marshal Zhukov 1995 Sculptor V. M. Klykova

V. M. Klykova


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