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Why does a person not like to look into the eyes? Possible reasons why a person does not look into the eyes are complexes. Psychological techniques

It is not for nothing that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. It is the gaze that helps us learn about the feelings and emotions of the interlocutor, even if outwardly he does not show them in any way. However, there are times when a person does not look you in the eye. How to evaluate this? In our article we will tell you the main reasons for this.

Why doesn't a person make eye contact when talking?

Eyes are the link between human soul and those around outside world, so they are not capable of lying. One of the most common versions as to why a person does not make eye contact is that the person is simply deceiving or hiding the truth.

However, psychologists have proven the fact that this is not true in any case. There are several probable reasons why a person does not look you in the eyes and looks away.


This reason has been scientifically confirmed. Shy people tend to hide their own feelings, but their eyes can easily make them obvious. A look can convey interest, love and much more, and a person does not always want his feelings to be understood at this very moment. Therefore, a person cannot constantly look into the eyes.

Excessive amount of information

Just a second glance is enough for a person to receive as much information about another as he could get in several hours of communication. Due to the overload of this information, it is necessary to look away for a while.


Often, constant face-to-face communication makes you nervous and irritating. It begins to seem that the interlocutor is trying to unravel your entire essence, and this is not pleasant for anyone. That's why the person doesn't make eye contact.

Feeling of self-doubt

If during a conversation a person is nervously fiddling with something, fiddling with his hair, the tip of his nose, his ears, this is a clear sign of real emotional excitement. This type of person does not look you in the eye because he is unsure of his own actions and what kind of look would be appropriate in this situation.

Heavy look

The heavy, piercing gaze of the interlocutor causes a feeling of discomfort; it is unpleasant to look into the eyes of such a person.

Lack of interest in the interlocutor

You can recognize a lack of interest not only by looking away, but also by yawning, regularly glancing at your watch, interrupting the conversation under various pretexts, etc. In this case, it is better to try to stop communication as soon as possible.

So that communication always carries positive character, and was productive, learn to look away from the eyes of your interlocutor as little as possible. Thanks to this, it will be easier for you in both friendships and work relationships.

Why doesn't a person make eye contact when talking?

According to some observations of people, it was revealed that most people do not look each other in the eyes when talking. People in love use eye contact to a greater extent, while ordinary interlocutors, as a rule, do not make eye contact at all.

At the same time, it was revealed that managers who have an effective management style look them straight in the eyes when communicating with their subordinates.

We all know that we need to look the other person in the eye when talking, but few of us are able to do this comfortably. Sometimes a person doesn't make eye contact. We try to look our interlocutor in the eyes, even if we are not very comfortable, but at these moments we feel awkward because we have not been accustomed to this since childhood.

In some countries (especially Muslim countries), women do not make eye contact at all when interacting with men or older people, as this is a sign of disrespect.

Some people believe that when communicating you should look at the bridge of your interlocutor's nose, but such close attention can make your opponent nervous. Well, a direct and persistent gaze sometimes causes uncertainty in a person.

How to learn to look people in the eyes

Try to look at your interlocutor with a softer gaze, while trying to cover a larger area with your eyes, then you will be able to see your interlocutor with peripheral vision for a very long time. The main thing is not to lose eye contact, do not be nervous, and try to behave calmly when talking.

When looking a person straight in the eyes, pay attention to your facial expression; you should look at him softly and kindly. As a rule, when you look closely, you can see a certain rigidity in the gaze, caused by the effort not to look away. If you want to avoid this, then imagine that you are mentally supporting your interlocutor by the shoulder, then your gaze will definitely acquire a certain warmth.

Sometimes a person does not make eye contact during a dialogue. After all, not everyone can look calmly into the eyes, since most of us do not have confidence in ourselves and in what we say. But this is very important, because when making eye contact, the main cause of nervousness is precisely uncertainty.

The main thing is to understand that by looking your interlocutor straight in the eyes, you are thereby establishing contact with him. At the same time, you must be open and your the main objective– win over your interlocutor.

Try to be attentive to the facial expression of your interlocutor; you can “mirror” him somewhat, that is, take the same pose, or demonstrate emotions using the same facial expressions.

The main thing is not to confuse the ability to look into the eyes with the ugly habit of looking at people, since the latter most often causes hostility on the part of your interlocutor.

Question from Dos:

Good afternoon Oleg Yurievich! From the beginning, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you for your work (advice to people), for your concern for people who very often have various questions to which they are looking for answers, but cannot immediately get answers to them on their own. I think your help is invaluable to them. I really hope that my question will not remain without your answer either.

I am already over 40 years old, thank God, I have big family, wife, children. Together with my wife we ​​are engaged in their upbringing and development. In a word, I am happy with many things in this life, except for one thing. IN Lately I began to notice that when talking with people (relatives/friends/acquaintances/colleagues) I often look away and cannot look into their eyes for a long time (3-5 seconds). Although a calm and friendly conversation). Inside I feel as if if I look into the eyes of my interlocutor for a long time, I will become more aggressive or something :-). Then I begin to feel some kind of self-doubt, internal discomfort, anger. I can’t understand whether it’s in my genes, or my upbringing, or from school. I don’t know how to deal with this and what to do. Can he develop rules for communicating with people, an attitude (like brothers)? In a word, I don’t know how to treat people correctly, maybe even, maybe first of all, myself? Please tell me what to do? What to do? Confused. Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards, Dos

Dos, thank you for your activity. It's been a while since male representatives asked questions. We'll figure out.

Naturally, as usual, introduction that the task you have addressed is your lesson, your test, your cockroaches in your head. Everything that I will formulate for you here is just my point of view, my experience, and, naturally, my cockroaches. So, the most correct option is to read, think and make a decision yourself.

Let's start from the end. “How to treat people... yourself?”

There aren't many options here. The most correct and proven approach is to treat people with Love and respect. All other options will not bring significant benefit to you, first of all. This, in my opinion, is our main task, for which we came into this world. Doing this is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance, but, realistically, with a certain desire and understanding of what and how to do. In principle, this entire site is dedicated to this topic, where to start, what to learn, and how to look for the right choice in various situations.

Traditional question: “How can I treat a rapist, murderer, etc. with Love and respect?” The question is indeed not the simplest. And here there is one detail that few people take into account in their reflections.

Where, in most cases, from modern man is information taken about all these negative cases and situations? Most often, from the media. TV, Internet, rumors and conversations. Yes, not the best events occur regularly in different parts of our country and the whole world. Naturally, in order to increase their income and popularity, all this is broadcast as often and in detail as possible. Such a time, Taurus dictates its own rules.

So here it is. A man sits in his favorite chair and receives another set of information about a “blatant, scandalous, nightmarish” event. Naturally, without sufficient preparation, the response will be negative. Certain strings of the soul, concepts of honor, goodness and conscience will certainly be touched.

How many people wonder what happens next with all this negativity?

This is not just a set of thoughts and emotions, it is energy that will definitely interact with the surrounding space and develop further. Unless, of course, it is transformed in time in the right direction.

And what happens? Somewhere, thousands of kilometers away, another figure has done miracles, with all the ensuing consequences, both for him and for those around him, and you, voluntarily, considering yourself a reasonable person, bring a piece of such negativity to the place in which, in this moment time, you are. That one is distant, no good man did something nasty, and you, a good person, allowed yourself to allocate such energy to yourself, your family and friends.

Is it normal? Is the fact that you received negative information a reason to fill the space around you with negativity?

It's one thing when events concern you personally. When you meet such a person on the street, these are your lessons, these are your tasks, your choice. And it’s a completely different matter when the event takes place hundreds of kilometers away from you. It will not be possible to intervene here, unless, of course, you have certain skills, and automatically adding another portion of negativity to the world is not the best the best option.

How to relate? Yes, as for small, unreasonable children. People go through their own stages of learning, hit their bumps, and make mistakes. All the participants who are directly affected by this, also, it was no coincidence that they ended up in this place, in given time. These are their lessons.

You won’t be able to get the full picture via the Internet or TV, but for a real analysis you need to know and understand a lot of things. So, at a certain stage, the most optimal option is a calm, even reaction to any event without unnecessary emotions. It’s not easy to do this right away, but with some training it’s quite possible. Only with such skill does one have a chance to look deeper into the causes of events and be able to influence the course of the process, but this is a completely different topic.

Now about how to look your interlocutor in the eyes.

Everything is simple here. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, a phrase familiar to everyone. During eye contact, information is exchanged on a, so to speak, non-verbal level. What we are saying is one level, what is transmitted through the eyes is a completely different level of transmission.

And here, the determining factor is internal state person.

There are figures who have gained a certain access to power and, as usual, without thinking about the consequences, begin to manipulate others to achieve their, usually mercantile, goals. You meet such a gaze as a concrete slab descends on your head. The pressure feels quite decent. Naturally, sooner or later, such manipulators will pay in full for all their actions. This is not the kind of harmony, a direct violation of all laws.

Those people who have worked hard on themselves have learned, seen and felt a lot of things real value Love looks completely different. Here you can draw an analogy with the sun - there is light, and warmth, and you want to live, and everything around you blossoms. You yourself have probably met such people. This is the real level of a Human.

These are, so to speak, two extremes, between which the main range of interaction between people occurs through the eyes. How more power the manipulator, the heavier the gaze, the more love in a person, the more light in the eyes, the more life-giving the effect. Determine where you are today on this scale.

Naturally, there is also a zero mark in this graph. There is a minimum of strength, a head full of fears of not being on time, being late, not complying, vanity and haste are a common state. Hence the empty look. Well, there’s nothing there, and there’s nowhere to get it from. All desires are imposed from the outside, all aspirations are from the arsenal of the Golden Taurus, at work there is a terrarium, at home there are cohabitants for whom there is constantly not enough time.

But conscience doesn't go away. She will not give you peace under any conditions. Hence the constant internal discord. A person understands with his soul that he is not doing something, but the chosen circumstances dictate their conditions. No matter how you look another person in the eye, there is no way to talk to yourself honestly.

So I can’t look you in the eye. There is simply no strength.

I have, of course, exaggerated things a bit here. But this, you understand, is for better designation of the entire scheme.

State of Love – a person calmly, benevolently, gently looks into the eyes of any person. There is nothing to hide, there is a sincere desire to give another piece of warmth and light.

Inner fears - you can’t look them in the eye. Suddenly, someone gets into my soul, suddenly they say all sorts of nasty things, suddenly they notice how much crap I have accumulated there. I’d rather curl up into a ball, like a hedgehog, with my needles out, so the enemy won’t get through.

Naturally, there is no need to go to extremes, and constantly look closely into the eyes of everyone. Not the best option. Here you need to be gentler, more careful, taking into account both the personality of the interlocutor and the circumstances. If you wish, you can learn all this over time.

And in your situation, Dos, if this has happened, and the habit of averting your eyes has become permanent, it makes sense to calmly and honestly deal with the reasons. What and when became a good reason to hide from your interlocutor, from the world? Based on your question, you have already started this process, so the result will definitely be there.

Plus, there is very good exercise with a candle or with the sun. More detailed description you can find in the article.

There will be Love in the heart, and there will be a calm, strong, bright look of a wise Person.

Good luck to you!

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There has long been an assertion that one can read through the eyes everything that happens in a person’s soul: his experiences, dishonesty or, conversely, sincerity. Therefore, direct eye contact always means, first of all, a person’s openness. And only those who have nothing to hide, fear or be ashamed of anything can be open.

So, when a girl doesn't make eye contact, she is most likely experiencing one of these feelings. It is worth noting that the concepts of fear, shame and secrecy are not identical here. To find out the cause of the problem, try to analyze the girl’s behavior. After all, depending on the reason, you need to choose the tactics of your actions that can prevent reticence.

Personal experiences

First, remember that your girlfriend is a full-fledged person, and she has a personal life. In this personal life a lot of things can happen that you don't even know about. Therefore, if they look away from your eyes, you should not immediately look for problems in yourself or imagine yourself as a victim of betrayal.

If your relationship has not yet reached the required level of trust, then the girl may be proud enough to reveal her emotional experiences and events in her personal life. Therefore, such a moment can just help strengthen the thread of trust. Try asking your partner about what happened to her, asking indirect, unobtrusive questions so as not to scare her.

Look in my eyes

This phrase is often used when one person is trying to find out whether the person he is talking to is telling the truth. If a girl assures that everything is fine with her, then you should pay attention to other circumstances. Perhaps you really are being deceived. It is very difficult to tell a person a lie and at the same time look him straight in the eyes. Psychologists note that this irresistible instinct comes from childhood: kids always cover their faces with their hands when they tell a lie.

If your suspicions are increasingly confirmed, then you should talk to the girl, asking her direct questions. You are unlikely to find out anything in such a situation with hints, but open question will dot all the i's, since she will have no way to retreat.

What is the girl afraid of?

Did your relationship start recently? Then it's no surprise that your partner avoids direct gazes.

Girls are often embarrassed by their new boyfriends and intimacy with them. Therefore, any hint of this very closeness gives an inexplicable result. Remember that prolonged eye contact in romantic movie scenes usually ends with a kiss. Your girlfriend may be afraid of this outcome, especially if she is an introvert and you have not kissed yet. It would be a mistake to correct such a situation with direct conversations. Extra words can take away the charm and romance from the beginning of a relationship. Nevertheless, try through your actions to achieve trust, which will help the girl open up.

In personal communication with a person, the eyes play one of the most important roles, and for some, the leading one. But it is not always easy to establish close contact with the interlocutor, and every now and then, against our will, the gaze is averted to the side. By finding out the reasons for such a reaction, you can solve this problem forever.


Uncertainty and low self-esteem Most often they interfere with looking directly into the eyes. Moreover, in the absence of self-esteem, he consciously avoids making eye contact, because he is subconsciously afraid that he will be judged or neglected.

Therefore, relax. Remember that no one owes you anything, and you also owe absolutely nothing. And all you can give your interlocutor now is sincere interest in his words. Feel as natural as possible, no matter how trite, but be. Connecting views is just a detuning of contact; no one will get into your soul and do anything.

Another reason is the presence of deception. Often people do not make eye contact because they are not entirely pure in their actions, and their conscience sometimes does not allow them to raise their gaze even above the floor. Fear that they will be taken to clean water, is enormous, and internal shame protects the deceiver.

So, sort yourself out. Maybe you are hiding something? If contact with a person is important to you, then the best way out is to put everything in its place. After all, honesty is the basis of communication, and an open look only emphasizes this openness.

Focusing on the other person's speech or the words you are delivering will help you establish a gaze on their face. Try to remove all the fuss from your feelings, feel the clear line of your conversation and fix the figure in front of you.

However, if you want to achieve trust that you once lost, then this can only be done through actions, that is, always keep your promises and always do what you say.


It is very difficult to gain the trust of a girl who is suspicious of everything. In this case, no matter what you do, she will look for a dirty trick.

Helpful advice

It happens that people don’t find it right away mutual language, but don’t get upset and give up - make new attempts.

Without trust Strong, sincere and open relationships between people are impossible. It is measured by a person’s willingness to talk about his experiences, joys and worries. It is especially not easy to achieve trust between unfamiliar people.


Communicate a lot. The more time people spend with each other and the more they talk about various topics, the faster they will begin to feel calm and relaxed in each other’s company, and this will contribute to the beginning trust relationships.

Start first. In order for it to develop between people, someone must begin to show it. Let you take the initiative in your relationship. Share your experiences, consult with him, ask for his opinion - in a word, show that you are ready to make contact and deepen your relationship, developing trust.

Show that you value your relationship. Of course, if you reassure a person of this day after day, he may doubt your intentions and sincerity. Instead, make it a point to defend and support his decisions in conversations with others. Even if this is not easy for you, do not give up, but do so only if you really have inner conviction in what you say and do.

Don't gossip. Never allow yourself to speak negatively about him in conversations with others, and also do not have the habit of “washing people’s bones” in conversations with him. Remember that if a person talks to someone about others, then he also talks to others about the person with whom he is gossiping. This is an immutable principle and a smart guy will be able to recognize your tendency to excessive talkativeness.

Appreciate even a little trust. Don't take someone's willingness to share their thoughts with you for granted. You need to understand that this is much more difficult for most than for women. Therefore, do not forget to thank him for the thoughts expressed and show in small things that you are worthy of trust - do not spread the information you heard from him.

Please be patient. A person cannot start trusting automatically. He must feel in his soul that he is disposed towards you. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait until your boyfriend notices your efforts and is also ready to trust you. Even if it takes longer than you thought, do not despair, such trust will not disappear because of a minor quarrel or misunderstanding.

Video on the topic


  • trust a guy in 2019

Kisses can have their own special meaning depending on what they are. The place where a person touches his lips is also of particular importance: it allows one to distinguish a loving kiss from a friendly, parental, or brotherly one.

Features of the meaning of kisses

Much depends on how exactly a person gives a kiss. By pressing his lips to his hand and holding it there for a few seconds, the man demonstrates to the woman strong love and passion, which for one reason or another he does not dare to express otherwise. A light touch of the lips on the hand has a different meaning - it is only a sign of politeness.

If you want to show adoration and tenderness, you can give a kiss several times: for example, touch each finger with your lips in turn.

A French kiss on the lips means passion. However, it does not always symbolize love, since it is used not only by people who are sincerely in love with each other, but also by simply lovers. A light sliding kiss on the lips is a symbol of gentle, careful handling. It is given to each other by lovers. Finally, a short kiss with pursed lips is a sign of habit. It is often used by spouses who have lived together for many years.

Kissing places and their meaning

A kiss on the forehead has many meanings. Most often it is called parental: if an adult gives it to a child, young girl or guy, this is how he demonstrates his patronage and care. The man does this, wanting to show that she will be behind him, like behind a stone wall. A woman touches a man’s forehead with her lips, trying to support him in a difficult situation and demonstrate her readiness to always be there.

This kiss has another, much more difficult and sad meaning. This is what they give to deceased people, seeing them off on their last journey.

A kiss on the neck symbolizes strong sexual desire. This is a very intimate sign, available only to lovers. As a rule, men use it more often than women. Touching your stomach with your lips has a similar meaning.

By kissing eyes or hair, people demonstrate a caring, reverent attitude, tenderness, and sincere affection. It is also a sign of romantic love. By kissing the eyes, you can console a person, dry tears, show sympathy and a desire to help and support.

A kiss on the cheek is classified as friendly. It means sympathy, warm feelings, location. Friends can also occasionally use a kiss on the nose: this is a gesture of trust and tenderness, as well as a symbol of friendly feelings. If a guy or girl kisses their significant other on the nose, this can be equated to the phrase “You are a very sweet and funny person.”

One of the common statements that many people have probably heard is: “The eyes are the window to the soul.” And almost everyone agrees with him. But what is the general meaning of these words?

Why can eyes express what’s in a person’s soul?

Vision is the most important of the senses given to humans by nature. With its help, people receive about 80% of all information coming from outside. Eyes make it possible to perceive the world. Therefore, this visual organ involuntarily expresses a person’s mood, and even his secret thoughts. If he is happy, happy if he is overwhelmed positive emotions, this will immediately be reflected in his eyes, they will “sparkle.”

It’s not for nothing that they say, for example, that lovers have happy eyes.

And, conversely, if a person is dissatisfied with something, especially angry, his eyes immediately become cold, prickly, and angry. And when he is very angry, his eyes even begin to “throw sparks.” Everything is clear here without words.

This is where the expression withering gaze came from.

Some people have probably heard the phrase: “Smile with your eyes.” It may seem strange, even ridiculous. Well, do they smile with their eyes? Nevertheless, a person can express his sympathy to another person with one glance and show interest. It is no coincidence that many loves begin with the fact that a couple accidentally met eyes.

A person with kind, “radiant” eyes involuntarily creates a warm, benevolent aura around himself. Other people will instinctively be drawn to him. Such a person is friendly and responsive.

If a person’s eyes are somehow cloudy, “glassy,” this means that either he has serious problems that make him forget about the surrounding reality, or he himself has isolated himself from it, not wanting to reveal his soul to anyone. Such a look may also indicate that the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs that inhibit the reaction.

Can a person's eyes lie?

Skeptics might argue that many people are good at hiding their emotions! Maybe, for example, a person is only happy in appearance, but in his soul “the cats are scratching.” However, if a person’s amusement is feigned, his eyes will remain sad in 99% of cases. And this will not pass by an attentive observer.

In the same way, a person can for some reason pretend to be dissatisfied or angry. But the cheerful sparkles in his eyes will explain that this discontent is only feigned. You can deceive with words and facial expressions, but it is immeasurably harder to deceive with your eyes. That is why we can safely agree with the statement that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Why doesn't a person make eye contact? There is a widespread belief that he is telling lies and deliberately hiding his gaze so as not to reveal his real intentions. This may well be true, but there are a number of other reasons why the interlocutor specifically avoids eye contact. A person may not make eye contact because of his character, temperament, lack of courage, or lack of self-confidence. The qualities that form the personality in each of us are expressed differently, and this affects how sociable a person is and how he behaves during a conversation.

A person does not make eye contact when talking - the main reasons

Banal shyness

This fact has been confirmed by scientific research. A person knows that a glance can give away feelings, so he deliberately averts it. Many lovers try to hide their increased interest because they are afraid to openly express their feelings or are waiting for the right moment. If at the same time your interlocutor blushes and begins to say some nonsense, then love is obvious here!


These people find it difficult to communicate with others because they constantly worry about what people will think of them. An insecure person rarely makes eye contact, and often does so furtively, because he is very worried about his emotional experiences and thinks about how best to behave during a conversation.

Heavy unpleasant look from the interlocutor

Such people are often called energy vampires, who seem to deliberately “drill” with their gaze, wanting to suppress and show their superiority. The heavy, gaze of the opponent seems to penetrate the interlocutor, causing discomfort and causing unpleasant emotions. In these cases, eye contact is very difficult, so many try to avoid it, for example, by lowering their eyes to the floor.


Some people may be tired of attempts at close eye contact on the part of their interlocutors; they think that they are trying to catch them in something bad and experience unpleasant emotions and irritation about this.

What the interlocutor says is absolutely not interesting

If an averted indifferent glance is combined with a yawn, and the person you are talking to often looks at his watch, then you should quickly stop this dialogue, since it is ineffective. In this case, there is no sense of verbal and non-verbal exchange of information.

Intense information flow

In a few seconds of close visual contact, you can get a very large amount of information, which is equivalent to many hours of frank communication. Therefore, even during a confidential conversation, friends sometimes look away in order to distract themselves and digest the information received.

Why does a person close his eyes when talking?

A squinted gaze means precise concentration of attention on a specific object. A narrowed, intense gaze can indicate an increased tendency to criticism and hostility, as well as betray callousness this person. Half-closed eyelids of the interlocutor during a conversation indicate his high self-esteem, arrogance, swagger, and complete inertia to current events.

If the interlocutor closes his eyes without much effort, without squinting them, it means that he is trying to abstract himself from external events. Such self-isolation helps to concentrate well on thinking about some task, reflect on upcoming events and enjoy sensual visual images.

Considering the situation as a whole, it is quite possible to understand why a person hides his eyes when talking.

Some people ask why a person doesn't make eye contact when talking. Sometimes there may be several reasons for this, the reception is completely different. Therefore, it is impossible to say that a person is lying or hiding something.

Reasons why a person does not make eye contact

  • Shyness or lack of self-confidence;
  • If he wants to hide something, such as affection or love;
  • The insincerity of his feelings. On the contrary, he may hide something, the fact that he is married, married or other acts;
  • Heavy look. People who are very powerful have an incredibly heavy gaze that pierces and is unpleasant to others. Cold, seemingly empty, embittered eyes will not please everyone;
  • Doesn’t want to give information about himself, is used to avoiding answers, often lies;
  • No interest in the interlocutor, fatigue.

Other reasons:

When there's just nothing left to say

Looking straight ahead imposes certain obligations, such as answering honestly a question that has not yet been answered. I don’t want to lie, but I can’t tell the truth either. That is why a person hides his gaze and avoids answering. There can be a lot of reasons. And an open, “honest” look does not always mean that a person is not lying. They hold up just fine when looked at point-blank. Such people are used to it, and their gaze is quite trained.

If you are shy and vulnerable

Don't pay attention to this fact Special attention. Not everyone likes to be in close quarters; many are stressed by crowds and views from all sides. If one is confident, the other may be in constant turmoil. Therefore, you should not judge by the look and assume that since a person does not look into the eyes, it means that he is lying, in love or wants to deceive. Maybe he's just not confident in himself or doesn't want to show his weaknesses. People are different. Upbringing, habits or character very often leave their mark.

How to make a person look into your eyes?

If a person does not look into the eyes, then you can try to look into them furtively. Call for a conversation by interesting topic, intrigue, ask complex issue and see the reaction. Many people open up at this time. You can look at his communication with other people. If a person does not make eye contact all the time, perhaps he has such a character. May be stubborn or hide feelings. He cannot control himself all the time, so sooner or later he will be able to look into his eyes.

Not all people like to look directly at the other person. Some people generally find direct gaze unpleasant. If a person avoids looking at you, it doesn’t mean that he is hiding something or not saying anything, maybe he just has that style of communication. Most often, people who are shy and unsure of themselves look away. Also, some people do not make eye contact if their parents, bosses are authoritarian, or they have a habit of submission. It’s easier to lower your eyes and tell them “yes” than to hold your gaze.



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