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Why is the new phone slow? Android slows down: what to do? General recommendations and troubleshooting tips

Over time, the phone begins to slow down and glitch after purchase. This is a fairly common problem on Android. A slow phone is almost impossible to use. It responds too late to clicks, takes a long time to launch applications, and sometimes does not even respond to user actions. In most cases this is (both operational and permanent). The solution to the problem can be cleaning the phone from unnecessary files and programs, as well as updating the system.

Clearing the phone's system memory

In most cases, increasing the free space on your smartphone will significantly improve its performance. A big problem on many devices is the limited amount of system memory. Regular updates of standard applications clog it, so when there is very little space left, the smartphone will definitely freeze. Transferring programs to the built-in memory will help eliminate these slowdowns. To do this you need to do the following:

After this, most of the data will be moved to the built-in memory, freeing up space on the system partition.

Clearing the cache and stopping unnecessary services

One option is to clear the app cache or stop unnecessary android services. Standard functions of the Android system allow every user to do this. After this, your device will be much less dull. Particularly large volumes of temporary files can be stored in browsers and applications social networks. Take the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. As per the previous instructions, go to the list of all applications on your phone.
  2. Select the program in which you want to delete the cache.
  3. Click the Clear Cache button.

In the Running Applications section, you can find active programs and services. Some of them can be stopped by freeing up space in RAM.

Be careful as disabling some important services may cause your device to not function properly. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with what each process is responsible for.

Cleaning the download folder

When a user downloads various videos or documents for viewing, they remain in a special “Downloads” folder. If you don’t look there for a long time, your mobile phone can seriously slow down due to a critical lack of memory. We recommend clearing this directory of unnecessary files. To do this, you need to go to the file browser and find the Download folder on the built-in memory. Clean it afterwards.

We use third-party applications

If your phone slows down even after clearing the memory, then you should resort to specialized programs that can remove all junk from your gadget. Why can't you use them right away? The problem is that you may not have enough memory to install third-party applications, so first of all you need to free it up with standard functions.

A popular and easy-to-use program for such tasks is Clean Master. The application is distributed in Google Play absolutely free, and also has the widest functionality. What to do if your Android is slow? Clear the cache using Clean Master. To do this you need:

IN Play Market There are also dozens of analogues available that will cope with cleaning Android no less effectively. To reduce lag in the future, we recommend performing this procedure regularly.

Android slows down, what to do: extreme measures

Android OS is still slow and you don't know what to do? There are radical solutions. You can update the operating system. In new versions, as a rule, developers have already fixed many minor errors, which improves performance. To update the phone firmware you need to do the following:

The second option is . Your phone will be completely cleared of user data such as applications, photos and videos, and mobile numbers in the phone memory.

If your Android phone (Samsung, Xiomi, Lenovo, Asus, ZTE, Huawei, Sony, etc.) is frozen and it has a non-removable battery, this is not a big problem.

Modern Android phones have a hidden feature to manually restart the operating system.

It consists in holding the power button on the device not for five seconds, as usual, but for 20-30 seconds.

This prolonged action actually causes the phone to reboot. Of course, many owners mobile devices with a non-removable battery, if the phone freezes, they feel completely helpless. That's why this guide was created.

There is absolutely no need for you to panic in such a situation. Just hold the off button for longer than the usual period of time.

Sometimes you need to simultaneously press and hold one more (volume down and power) or even two buttons.

If nothing happens - there is absolutely no reaction, then you just have to wait until the battery is completely discharged.

Of course, you don’t want to wait, but it’s better than taking it to the repair shop to have it disassembled and reloaded. Let's dig a little deeper.

How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable battery Samsung A3

Although phones are improving all the time, sometimes progress can work against us. This happened with devices that have a non-removable battery.

Previously, if it froze, I quickly pulled out the battery, plugged it in again, turned it on and that’s it - the problem was solved.

Today, such resuscitation will not work on many Android devices, such as on my Samsung A3.

What helped me was pressing the “Power” + “Volume Down” buttons for about ten seconds. The device turned off and on.

Why does my Android phone freeze and not reboot?

If the phone freezes and does not respond to touch, then this is either a system glitch or a screen problem - in the touchscreen.

In practice, the phone freezes most often due to applications - they may not have enough RAM and some kind of error may occur.

If the battery is removable, then don’t fuss, just take it out for a minute - a 100% working way to get rid of the freeze.

When classic version does not work - it remains forced: simultaneously pressing the "Off" and "Volume" buttons (what volume and even two at once depends on the device - Xiomi, Samsung, Asus, Sony, ZTE, Lenovo, Huawei)

What to do with your Android phone to get rid of freezes

Sometimes the phone can be rebooted, but the freeze keeps coming back. Then try

One of the main reasons for freezing is low performance (weak device), so in such devices it is advisable not to use effects, such as animated wallpapers - they heavily load the memory and processor.

Also, do not even overload the memory card - this also contributes to freezing. The optimal balance is when 10 percent of the memory remains free.

NOTE: manufacturers of phones with an unearthly battery are well aware that the phone may freeze and not respond to anything, so they provide a way out of this situation - holding the power button until the Android OS reboots. Good luck.

Hello, dear readers! Surely many of you are owners of Android tablets. Such devices please with their performance after purchase, but over time, many users complain about the deterioration of this parameter.

If your Android tablet slows down, what should you do? How to restore the device to its former power?

Reasons for braking

There are only two options: the hardware has failed or a software failure has occurred. The latter happens more often, but first you need to rule out a hardware failure.

Hardware problems

Observe whether the device gets hot during prolonged use. If the answer is yes, then the processor or video card is overheating, which is why it freezes.

The only option for you is to give your tablet a rest after hard work.

It happens that it may turn off after loading some powerful program. In this case, it is recommended to enter it in service center for cleaning cooling systems.

An impact can cause braking. Impact damage can cause problems with the screen, which many regard as braking.

Neither the owners of Prestigio gadgets nor any other ones are insured against mechanical influences. In this case, you need to send the device to a service center for repair.

Connectable devices

Sometimes USB drives, keyboards, mice and modems cause problems with Android. This happens when the gadget is poorly assembled. Try disabling them and check the speed. It is also recommended to remove the memory card and SIM card.

If the performance improves, insert external devices one by one to identify which one is causing the glitches.

Software glitch

Despite the development of ever newer versions of the Android operating system, it has drawbacks. So what should you pay attention to? Let's find out!

OS update

Updates for the OS are constantly coming out. They fix detected bugs and glitches. If there is no automatic update, open the settings yourself and update the system.

Background applications

If the OS is updated and was fine before, the problem may be hidden in clogged memory. Go to settings, select “Applications”, then “Running” and disable those that you do not need.

This method allows you to clear the RAM, which is responsible for the stable operation of the gadget. If you notice improvements, you can forcefully remove unused programs. Pay special attention to RAM gobblers.

As you can see, a lack of memory can significantly affect the performance of the gadget. This applies to both powerful Asus tablets and all others.

To avoid this, you need to defragment it more often, scan the device for incorrectly installed or incompatible applications, or viruses.

Frequent installation and removal of applications and programs fragments files. As a result, the tablet starts to slow down during hard work.

Safe mode

If you cannot remove applications, go to safe mode. It will only display system services. You need to hold down the power button and volume rocker until the corresponding menu appears.

Then confirm the operation, remove conflicting applications and simply reboot the gadget.

Service software

If the tablet is very slow, download service applications to scan the device and clear the memory of debris. There are many free utilities that will scan, clean and provide a report and recommendations, such as CleanMaster.

Also check your device for viruses. Any free antivirus program will help with this.


If all else fails, restore factory settings. In the settings we find the item “Backup and reset”, then “Reset settings”.

Item “Reset settings”

Attention! Restoring factory settings involves deleting personal information, personal settings, installed applications without the possibility of recovery.

Therefore, first save the necessary information on another device.

If this measure did not help, perhaps the firmware itself is buggy. In this case, you will need to reflash the tablet.

Problems with Samsung tablets

All of the above measures can also be used if you have a Samsung Tab 2 or 3. But here there are two types of reset: software and hardware.

The first one allows you to select deletion options. Information is deleted from internal memory, and from the map.

A hard reset is performed through a special menu, after which contacts, SMS messages, games and applications may remain.

How to perform a soft reset:

  • enter the menu, find the “Settings” item;
  • « Accounts" or "Personal data";
  • "Restore and reset" or " Backup and reset";
  • “Reset settings” or “Reset data”;
  • "Delete everything".

After this, your Samsung Tab 3 or 2 tablet will permanently delete all existing information and return the gadget to its factory state.

How to do a hard reset:

  • hold down the volume and power buttons or hold down the home screen, power and volume keys;
  • in the menu that appears, select the item “Wipedata/Factoryreset” (move through the items using the volume button);
  • then agree to the reset by clicking “Rebootnow”.

After this, the Samsung tablet will either reboot itself, resetting the settings, or the recovery menu will appear, where you must act on the above points.

Power deficit

Finally, I would like to mention the characteristics of Android tablets. Happy owners of such devices happily download and install many necessary and not so necessary utilities, without thinking about the power of their device.

Glitches may appear when large quantities programs that download automatically and run in the background. Utilities that require certain performance characteristics may also be the culprits. So, before downloading any software or game, carefully study the performance of your gadget.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the longer the device hangs, the faster it will fail. If you do not understand the intricacies listed above, it is better to contact a service center.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your tablets and share what you find on social media!

Even the most advanced smartphone, be it an iPhone or a powerful Android device, eventually begins to work not as fast as at the beginning. The reason for this is the operating system updates that are becoming overgrown with everything. big amount"gluttonous" capabilities, as well as various "garbage" and unnecessary functions that reduce the performance of the device.

If you have an iPhone

With the release of each new version iOS Apple smartphones released a couple of years ago are starting to slow down more and more. You can, of course, refuse updates, but without this, the operation of some services will be impossible - for example, the Siri voice assistant.

Therefore, it is better to install the latest iOS version and do some optimization.

1. Free up memory space. In the "Settings - General - Statistics - Storage" section you will see a list of all installed applications, sorted by the amount of space they occupy. If there are a couple of gigabytes of free space, then there is no point in cleaning it. If there is not much space left, then delete programs that you have not used for a long time. Go to the photo gallery and delete unsuccessful pictures that you still don’t view - leave only the most necessary ones. The same goes for videos, which take up a lot of space.

2. Give up "pretty things." Go to the section "Settings - General - Universal Access - Reduce Motion" and activate this item. The animation will become simpler, some effects will disappear, but you will get rid of unpleasant image jerks when working on an old iPhone.

3. Turn off Spotlight search. This can be done in the "Settings - General - Spotlight Search" section. If desired, you can uncheck only selected checkboxes. By the way, in the adjacent sections you can disable Handoff (a function that allows you to start working on one device and continue on another), as well as Siri, if you do not use them.

4. Try rebooting. You can “clear your iPhone’s brain” by holding down the lock key and the round home button at the same time. As soon as the logo in the form of a bitten apple appears on the screen, you can let go.

If you have an Android smartphone

1. Free up memory. Delete old photos and videos, go to the "Storage" menu in the settings section and delete downloads and cache data. One boy cleared about a gigabyte of space in his smartphone’s memory in this way. By the way, you can also download a cleaner called AppMgr III.

2. Install a simple visual shell, which will work even on not the most powerful smartphone. For example, "Yandex.Shell" or "Google Start", which can be downloaded from the official Google Play store. Nova Launcher is also famous for its fast work.

3. Stop unnecessary applications. In the "Applications" menu of the settings section there is a tab called "Running". There you can find not only Google services or regular programs, but also, for example, games. Any Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja. Click on them, go to the menu that opens and click "Stop".

4. Remove widgets. Widgets installed on the desktop - for example, weather - are quite voracious consumers. Therefore, if the issue of comfort at work arises, then it is better to refuse them. As well as from “live wallpapers”, by the way. And so that the icons scroll through even faster, instead of beautiful picture You can set a single color pattern. Preferably not very bright to reduce eye strain.


Many people have encountered a situation where lags appear in Android. There can be many reasons, but one of the most common is programs running in the background.

In order to prevent applications from launching in a mode hidden from the user, you do not need to take the device to a service center, just do a few steps.

Reducing the limit of background processes so that Android does not freeze

If you have an inexpensive smartphone with a small amount of RAM, running several applications may cause Android to freeze. In order to prevent such unpleasant situations, reduce the limit of background processes by following these steps:

1. Go to the phone settings tab.

2. Click on the “About phone” item.

3. In the window that appears, click on the “Build number” item until the message appears (about 5 times): “Congratulations, you have become a developer.”

4. Go back to the settings menu and at the very end of the list find the “For Developers” item.

5. Scroll down the list to the “Background process limit” section and click on it.

6. You will be able to select the number of applications that can simultaneously run in the background.

It is not necessary to set the minimum value, you can lower it by one, and if Android lags still remain, repeat all the operations and lower this parameter until the operating system begins to function normally.

What to do if Android freezes even after taking measures? In this case, you need to look for a different reason. But in most cases, the reason for running programs in the background (Android can independently launch one of them without your knowledge) is the most relevant.

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