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Why do little children die? Why did this happen to me, God

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Is God to blame for the evil that occurs?
In human existence, such an approach is widespread that the world is full of evil, and God allowed it, therefore God is to blame for this evil and human suffering.

This approach does not carry anything positive; moreover, it plays into the hands of those who are interested in further corruption of the morals of society. Therefore, we should never forget that by creating man, God made him perfect and sinless. The understanding of evil and its influence was alien to man. However, God gave him the choice to obey God or disobey. If Adam had submitted to God, then the problem of the existence of evil and violence would not have arisen. Man was destined for happiness immortal life in communication with God. By rebelling against God, he changed his entire life and the life of all mankind. “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because all sinned” (Rom. 5:12).

Therefore, one should not blame God for what is the creation of human hands.

Why does God take away a child?

This question is asked by inconsolable parents who have lost the meaning of life after the death of their beloved child. However, the very formulation of the question is extremely incorrect: after all, God is not a representative of the guardianship authorities to take away a child for one reason or another. Did Christ take children from their parents during his earthly life? He, due to his capabilities, does the opposite - brings him back to life. deceased daughter the head of the synagogue, resurrects the son of the widow of Nain. It is not God who takes away children, but death. Moreover, in Holy Scripture there is a direct indication that death is the enemy of Christ: “The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.”

Therefore, answering such a question, we need to recall that death came to us through sin, when a person deviated from good. Therefore, when children die, you should not call God to account. It is not God who is to blame, but the anger of people, from indifference and disregard, hardness of heart.

Sometimes God takes the trouble that breaks out, sometimes this does not happen. Now we are not allowed to understand this. However, it is not God’s fault that a child dies. And if God, in the mind of man, is an enemy who takes away children, then who can protect from such an enemy... Such thoughts have an absolutely destructive effect on a person and are quite capable of driving him to madness.

For a believer, death is not the same thing as for an unbeliever. For an atheist, death is a complete cessation of existence, but for a Christian, death is the beginning of a new life, infinitely better than the earthly one. Only faith can console grief-stricken parents, because Orthodox man knows what awaits his child in his new life.

In moments of despair and unbearable pain from loss, it is worth reading the words of theologian Alexei Ilyich Osipov, who suggests looking at the situation with different eyes. If you imagine that a mother and son are lost in snowy weather, their lives are constantly in danger, and suddenly a rescue helicopter arrives, in which there is only one free place and one person is offered to be saved. Will the mother do everything possible to save her son?

If we draw an analogy with our situation, then this “helicopter” periodically takes our loved ones, relatives, friends from us and carries them away. Having remained alive, we still do not know what dangers we will have to endure during our earthly life. Every Christian knows that he is a pilgrim on earth, and earthly life is the way home. Death is presented as just a temporary short separation, after which everyone will meet again: “we have no permanent city here, but we are looking for the future” (Heb. 13:14).

How to console parents in grief?

The Bible answers, “Weep with those who weep” (Rom 12:15). After all, at the moment of grief, complicity and empathy are so important. This is not given to everyone, but help without such complicity is impossible.

Since the loss of a child is the worst evil that can befall a mother, then, wanting to help her at such a moment, you need to know that only sincere participation in someone else’s suffering can bring relief. If you are not ready to suffer with your mother, but have a burning desire to help, you can simply pray for those who are suffering. And ask the Lord to give them consolation, to ease them mental anguish and give strength to the spirit. After all, prayer - turning to God - is asking for help.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. For God’s providence for every person is inscrutable.” Oh, the abyss of the wealth and wisdom and knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are His destinies and unsearchable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who was His adviser? Or who gave Him in advance that He should repay? For all things are from Him, by Him and to Him. To him be glory forever, amen." - exclaims the Apostle Paul (Rom. ch. 11, vv. 33, 34). The Lord loves all people equally and wants everyone to be saved. Therefore, he sends death to people only in two cases: either when he sees that a person has earned the Kingdom of Heaven and is ready to move into eternity, or when he sees that a person has become stubborn in sins and will never repent or even believe in God. Therefore, the Lord takes away from this life of both young people and old. This also explains why accidents, plane crashes, etc. happen. Everything in this world is providential. The same applies to babies, and all children in general. The Lord sees everything in advance (One of the properties of God is Omniscience). And if God sees that a child in the future will become an unrepentant sinner and slide into the abyss of hell, then He, out of His love, takes this child from this life even in early age, so that the soul of the child would be blissful in the Kingdom of Heaven, and not suffer in hell. But we do not understand this and grumble, forgetting the Biblical truth that “One is the judgment of man, and another is the judgment of God.” The Lord can take a child from this life for another reason - to shake up and admonish proud and unbelieving parents, who relied in this life only on their strength, connections and wealth, thinking that they had everything already mastered and they could live carefree and without sorrows for the rest of their lives. And the death of a child will make them remember Eternity. And ultimately, both the child and the parents who believe in God will be saved. Remember the parable of the foolish rich man. Jesus Christ taught: “... a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions. And so that people would better understand this, the Lord told the parable of the foolish rich man. One rich man had a good harvest in the field. And he began to reason with himself: “What should I do? I have nowhere to gather my fruits.” And, having decided, he said: “This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns, and build new ones larger than the old ones, and I will gather there all my bread and all my goods, and I will say to my soul: soul! you have a lot of good things for many years, rest, eat, drink and be merry!” But God said to him: “You fool! On this night your soul will be taken from you (that is, you will die); Who will get what you have prepared?” Having finished this parable, the Lord said: “This is what happens to those who accumulate treasures for themselves, but do not become rich in God,” that is, this should happen to every person who accumulates wealth only for oneself, for one’s own comforts and pleasures, and not for God, that is, not for good deeds pleasing to God - it does not help others and does not alleviate their suffering. Death will come to a person, and his earthly wealth will not bring his soul any benefit in the next world, in the future life. In general, the reasons why children die can be different, because the Lord provides for each person in His own way. The book Fatherland of the Preacher describes the following case: The pious widow Cleopatra had a special love for the holy martyr Huar, whose body was buried by her in her possession. She built a church in his honor and wished to transfer his holy relics into it. On the day of their transfer, she especially earnestly prayed to the holy martyr that he would take under his protection her only son, a boy of twelve years old, who was to be sent to military service. Her prayer was heard, and the martyr, indeed, became the patron of her son, but not in military service. It happened that the boy fell seriously ill that day and died at night. Instead of submitting to the will of the inscrutable Lord in His ways, Cleopatra surrendered to great despair. She even went so far as to attribute the loss of her son to the martyr and cruelly reproach him. The temptation did not last long, however. Soon Saint Uar appeared to her along with her son and said: “Why do you reproach me? Is it really just because I took your son into the army of the Heavenly King?” Following the martyr, her son turned to her with the following words: “Why are you grieving so hopelessly, my mother? I am now enlisted in the army of the King Christ and, together with the Angels, I stand before Him, and you want me to move from the Kingdom into poverty.” Hearing these words and seeing her son clothed in Heavenly glory, the amazed and delighted mother exclaimed: “Oh, if so, then take me with you!” “Be patient,” the martyr answered her, “and arrange your property for the glory of the Lord, and after that you yourself will come to eternal dwellings.” The vision ended, and with it Cleopatra’s despair passed. After the burial of her son, she actually did with the estate as the martyr advised her, that is, she distributed it to the poor, and then for a year, every Sunday, she was privileged to see her son with the martyr Uar in angel clothes, and then she herself died peacefully, pleasing God. (Prot. V. Guryev. Prologue. P. 119). Here’s another case: They say that Abba Anthony, once perplexed by the depth of God’s Economy (government of the world) and God’s judgments, prayed and said: “Lord! Why do some people reach old age and a state of infirmity, while others die in childhood and live little? Why are some poor and others rich? Why do tyrants and villains prosper and abound in earthly blessings, while the righteous are oppressed by adversity and poverty?” He thought for a long time, and a voice came to him: “Antony! Pay attention to yourself and do not subject yourself to the study of God’s fate, because this is harmful to your soul.” (Bishop Ignatius. Fatherland. P. 38. No. 195). One hermit asked God to make him understand the ways of His Providence, and imposed a fast on himself. However, God did not reveal to him what he wanted to know. The monk still did not stop praying, and finally the Lord enlightened him. When he went to visit an old man living far away from him, an Angel appeared to him in the form of a monk and offered to be his companion. The hermit was very happy at the offer, and they went on together. When the day turned to evening, they stopped for the night with one pious man, and he received them with such honor that he even offered food on a silver platter. But what a surprise! Immediately after the meal, the Angel took the dish and threw it into the sea. The elder was perplexed, but did not say anything. They went further and the next day stopped with another, also pious husband, and this one also received them with joy: he washed their feet and showed them every kind of attention. But trouble again! When the hermit and his companion began to prepare for the journey, the owner brought his young son to them to be blessed. But instead of blessing, the Angel, touching the boy, took his soul. Neither the old man, out of horror, nor the father, out of despair, could utter a word, and the old man ran out, and his companion, not lagging behind, followed him. On the third day of the journey, they had nowhere to stay except one dilapidated house abandoned by everyone, and they took refuge in it. The elder sat down to taste the food, and his companion, to his amazement, again began a strange thing. He began to destroy the house, and having destroyed it, he began to build again. Seeing this, the elder could not stand it: “Who are you, a demon or an Angel? What are you doing? - he cried with anger. - On the third day kind person took the dish and threw it into the sea. Yesterday he took the life of a boy, and today he destroyed it for some reason and began to build this house again?” Then the Angel said to him: “Do not be surprised, elder, at this, and do not be tempted about me, but listen to what I tell you. The first husband who received us, indeed, acts in everything pleasing to God, but the dish thrown by me was acquired by him by untruth. That's why I left him so that he wouldn't ruin his reward. The second husband is also pleasing to God, but if his young son had grown up, he would have become a terrible villain; That’s why I took his soul for his father’s good, so that he too could be saved.” - “Well, what were you doing here?” - asked the old man. The angel continued: “The owner of this house was an immoral man, because of this he became poor and left. His grandfather, having built this house, hid gold in the wall, and some know about it. That’s why I ruined it, so that from now on no one would look for gold here and die through it.” The angel concluded his speech like this: “Return, elder, to your cell and do not suffer madly, for this is what the Holy Spirit says: “Wonderful are His destinies, great is His wisdom!” (Isa. 28:29). That’s why you don’t test them, it won’t do you any good.” The angel then became invisible, and the amazed old man repented of his error and then told everyone about what had happened. (Prot. V. Guryev. Prologue. P. 200). Think about it! God bless you!

    I am 40 years old, my son is 18 years old, I tried for many years to give birth to a second child, but it never worked out... There were also miscarriages, but I understand that it is ZB that interests you. At the doctor's appointment the blood began to flow... and thank God the reproductive organs were saved after two cleansings (operations) in...

    Why didn't I feel anything? Does this mean that my next pregnancy may be in jeopardy? A frozen pregnancy does not mean that you will not be able to give birth in the future. healthy child My daughter was born on May 2, everything is OK. At the end of August 2005 there was a strike...

    There were also miscarriages, but I understand that it is ZB that interests you. After that there was a lot, but in the end she successfully carried and gave birth to two children. Why does frozen pregnancy occur? Strictly speaking, the reasons for the “fading” of pregnancy have not been fully studied.

    God bless you! P.S. I had 2 ZBs, however, in the 1st trimester... but I really understand your pain... And what’s better than having another (it’s scary to even write) child. Hold on, strength to you and let Well, why does this happen so often?! Hang in there. I also experienced all this in March.

    A huge number of examples to the contrary - healthy image life - and a sick child or a sick child. Just like drunken flights - half the population is born like this and nothing happens. Why does frozen pregnancy occur?

    My husband’s granddaughter was born on the day of curettage, and he also had no time for me. and know and believe that everything will definitely work out for you again!!! It’s better to have a miscarriage at such a short time than to give birth to a sick child, think that God saved you from something...

    They probably took it home, and at home they distributed fruits and sweets to their children, their families. you must rest and then with new strength.... and God, he loves the trinity... I had 2 ZB from grief, I didn’t know what to do with myself 15. Millet is not born in a pumpkin, but is eaten with a pumpkin.

    Listen, why do some people skip a letter in “god”? is it out of reverence and respect? what if we're talking about about the genetics of the child, then the first is ok, the second (first ZB) has a chromosome set. Think about the fact that these children are angels, pure and sinless souls. The Lord takes them to himself. Children may not only not be born, children may even die after being born. children can...

    Girls, I just can’t understand why when a ST happens, a miscarriage doesn’t start? Previously..., previously, simply stillborn children were born at any stage (16 and even 25 weeks).

    Everyone is wondering when we will give birth to a second one. So the housewife says: “Do not have an abortion under any circumstances, if God gives children, then he And then on January 27, at night, our long-awaited baby was born, and a week later we bought a car, which we never even dreamed of a year ago.

— If a person has never tried ice cream, it will be difficult for him to describe its taste. The same applies to life in God. You can talk about it a hundred times, but all words will be empty.

Thus, very often people who poorly understand the ways of life in God, who do not know the sweetness of life with God, try to explain the will of God to other people. If a child dies, they say to the unhappy mother: “The Lord wanted to take an angel for himself...”. If people die in a terrorist attack, they explain to their relatives: “The best died…”. That is, they make such a fascist out of God. But what kind of God is this who takes away what I love most?

This is not true, the Lord does not want anyone to die. And He proved it, He himself went to death. God mourns every murdered child, every victim of a disaster. He created us and took responsibility for everything that happens to man, including our fall.

When blaming God for any catastrophe or terrorist attack, we must remember that God Himself gives His life for the salvation of man.

Therefore, we, as Christians, must understand that with all the pain and absurdity of death in the world, no one can be blamed, but everyone must try to fight death within themselves.

The world will always test us as the image of God for strength - how beautiful this image is or how much it is desecrated. Remembering the words of Christ, “the dead bury their dead,” we can die without living. Because a person’s life is real only when his death is not meaningless, when he can devote it to something.

We shouldn't talk about the taste of ice cream without ever trying it, but we should try to taste it. To be with God means to have the experience of prayer, the experience of inner conversation with Him. And then only, based on this real experience, will a person be able to console other people.

And it is very important to remember that in the face of death and misfortune we all stand at the judgment of God. The person I loved died - whether it was due to his old age or an accident - I, as a Christian, understand that this person is now answerable to God for his entire life and for me as well. Which means I’m also at this trial. This is why we pray for the dead.

Why does God allow wars? Why does God allow children to die? Why does God allow terrorist attacks?

The toughest question people ask is: Why does God allow children to die? Why is there pain and suffering in the world? To talk about such issues in a Christian way, we need to know the basics of our faith. And the first, most important question in such a serious conversation is the question of the origin of evil. Where did evil come from in the world, who is responsible for it?

We have seen the presence of evil in the world from the first days human life: small children fight for their toys, not being able to speak, show jealousy, defend their primacy, and so on. The biblical answer to the question of the origin of evil lies in that catastrophe, in that fall, which we call original sin.

It is not that the first people sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. This name “forbidden fruit” is incorrect. The man was told that he could not eat from the tree, and it was explained why: because it was not time yet, because the person was not yet ready, not ripe, to taste this fruit. There was no direct prohibition, because God does not play around. If He did something impossible for man, it would simply be impossible for man. But this was the education of freedom.

And this is the only true answer, because the Savior came to our world in order to share with us all this horror and all this sorrow, to transform it from the inside, and not in order to switch buttons and reconfigure the program...

prot. Maxim Kozlov

– How to talk about what happened? You can only cry and pray. All the time blaming and reproaching God - Where have you been, where have you been? - impossible. We live in a world where our every word, our every deed is reflected in this world.

Any big war begins with a quarrel in communal apartment. But we don’t think about it, we don’t notice it.

By and large, we organize all wars and all terrorist attacks against each other ourselves - albeit small, microscopic, but terrible. When we take revenge on each other, we fight against each other, we hate each other, we do not forgive each other. These terrorist attacks exist in our lives, but we don’t notice them because they are of homeopathic size.

And we carry out such terrorist attacks every day - with an insult, a curse, a wish for someone else to die. They happen in our world all the time, they happen to us every day, and we pay attention to them and perceive them as a tragedy only when they grow to catastrophic proportions.

Archpriest Alexy Uminsky

– Crimes and misfortunes have haunted us at all times. Unfortunately, terrorist attacks and other intentional killings of people have already become commonplace and commonplace. All this is sinful and terrible, but murders are committed in large numbers every day all over the world. If speak about massacres, then we can remember Nazi Germany, the beginning of the last century in our country, and in other places around the planet.

But God is Love, and this is unchangeable. The Apostle Peter clearly answered the question “how does God allow evil?” The Lord does not hesitate, He is long-suffering, gives us time to repent and correct ourselves, and calls us to unity with Himself. The moment will come when God will intervene and destroy all evil, and this will be the end of the world. The Grace of God, Divine Love will fill everything and everyone. People who accept this with joy will attain eternal bliss. People for whom life with God is undesirable will, by this reluctance, doom themselves to eternal torment.

Last Judgment awaits each of us, not just terrorists. Are we ready? I’ll say about myself: I’m not ready, and therefore I’m not rushing the second coming of Christ, but let everyone decide for themselves. God gives us time to repent and prepare for the end of the world, which for everyone personally will come with the end of his earthly life, and then the resurrection and the Last Judgment.

Returning to the death of people in Brussels, I will say: misfortunes happen, but we should accept the will of God with humility and patience.

You shouldn’t create psychosis for yourself in a quiet apartment by endlessly reading the news.

Yes, such events remind us that we are mortal, we can die unexpectedly on the way from or to work. Therefore, we should prepare to meet God and use the time allotted to us for good.

And one last thing. Do we pray for murderers who physically destroy other people and spiritually destroy themselves?

Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky

I don't want to say platitudes. A lot has been said. Everything is obvious and very scary. It’s scary because it doesn’t leave us with the feeling that we are still approaching some kind of difficult outcome. However, this feeling is not new and is no longer experienced by us as acutely as by those who saw and heard the Savior during the days of His earthly sojourn with us. From the moment of His Ascension, those who followed Him looked forward to His glorious and great return, probably more than even tomorrow. So the most mysterious and terrible book of the New Testament ends with a call to the One who will come to this world for Judgment: “Hey, come, Lord Jesus...” (.).

Apparently, there is no place left on this earth where there is no pain and suffering. Death in this world is, alas, an irreversible process. Even in the circle of loved ones, with a glass of water, with prayer and blessing, but the person will die. He will die in poverty and sorrow, lonely and embittered. And this is even worse. This can also happen on board an airliner, in a residential building, at the airport and in the subway. And the worst thing in all this is that a person, no matter how collected he is, no matter how much faith and perseverance he has, will still not be completely ready for this. It won’t, because death for a mortal person, paradoxically as it may seem, is still unnatural. He was not created for death and sorrow. But what happened cannot be reversed; it is impossible to turn on the reverse for the moment “before meeting the snake”, and there is no need to do so. Because the price for this careless consent has already been paid. She is immeasurably high. And this is the price of blood. His Blood.

This means that in all this madness and horror, it’s time to remember that every tear will be wiped away and sorrow will receive consolation. But this will not happen through joint statements or all sorts of actions and operations. And even more so, no compensation in the world can make up for the loss of a loved one.

I believe that if a person, having seen, even on a screen, in a news broadcast, someone else’s terrible misfortune, sighs with at least a drop of compassion for someone who is in distress, or has died, is homeless and is in despair, then evil will definitely stumble.

At least in his heart. There are already too many of these places, where horror and death have almost merged into the color of the eyes, in this world. And we must have compassion without thinking about whether they will sympathize with us? What is the benefit of loving only those whom we know for sure that they love us too. Such are the opinions on the Internet for last days there were quite a few: “so what about the explosions, so what about Brussels, and which of them was worried about our airliners, about the attacks on our cities and schools, and who imposed the sanctions?......etc.” With this logic, it’s not far from joy “that your neighbor’s cow died.” With the same logic, children's slides are filled with tar and they are also offered to be impregnated with sarin.

Such non-accidents and clearly inhuman calculations on them must also be taken into account. Take it into account in order to know who and why truly rejoices in pain and death, suffering and chaos. Take this into account so that you are horrified by this and do not pass by. To understand that indifference, especially conscious indifference, is the most fertile soil for a terrible and deadly emptiness in the soul, which those who do not need flesh and blood strive to occupy.

The time of Lent is given in order to learn to love. In the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian we ask for this daily together with chastity and humility. It does not indicate who specifically and for what. If there is no love, then there is no prayer, and if there is no prayer, then we do not seek the opportunity to be with Him, to breathe what His Kingdom is filled with. As it is done to “one of these little ones,” so it will be done to Him. Moreover, the words “Yes, I am coming soon” were uttered a very long time ago. And God forbid that this soon does not become painful and unexpected for someone.

Priest Andrey Mizyuk

Indeed, God is both good and omnipotent. It is not He who creates all the evil in the world, but us. Almighty God could make us walk on a tightrope, but then they would not be people, but biorobots. We don’t make our children brainless doers of our will, but on the contrary, we try to develop them for independent life. Although there is a risk that they will become bad people, but so be it, it’s better than violence against a person. After all, if we heard
on TV that somewhere a person was locked up for many years from childhood so that he would not do evil (and without any prerequisites for this), we would say that this is a perversion. Because it is against free human nature.

In principle, God is not omnipotent. It was not for nothing that I singled out AS WOULD. Saint John Chrysostom was once asked a crafty question: can Almighty God create a stone that he cannot lift? In both cases, it turns out that God is not omnipotent. But the saint replied that he not only could, but also created it. And this stone is a man. Man is like God; he, like God, is free. Therefore, the only thing in this world that DOES NOT OWN GOD is the human heart. You won't be nice by force. And in this creation by God EQUAL to HIMSELF - the appearance greatest sacrament love of God. The Almighty, He Himself, voluntarily limits His omnipotence, stopping before the freedom of the human person in respect for it.

Why do children, newborns, etc. die/become terminally ill? Why does the Lord give them life and then take them to himself? Why does the Lord take to Himself young mothers and fathers who have children left on Earth? Why does the Lord give children to mothers who throw them away as newborns or get rid of them in one way or another. And those parents who with all their hearts want to treat their children’s bodies still don’t give it?

There is no answer to these questions. More precisely, there is no answer to these questions together, and even to each one separately, when it is not about Nikanor Serapionovich, but about Ivanyvanovich. I am a young priest. But I have already heard more than one thousand confessions. And sometimes you hear something that makes you look in the mirror: have I turned grey? And every time a person comes to me and asks: “Why do I need this and that?”, I answer: “I don’t know, because I’m not God. Yes, I’m a priest, but This is why priests are needed, so that they, being equal to all other people, would lead them to God and speak to them on behalf of God. The ministry of a priest is the ministry of a mediator. And to stand in the place of God and decide for Him, and explain why God did this or that - forgive me, but who am I? I have great, but quite limited power - I know the commandments of God, and I have been given the power to forgive a repentant person on behalf of
God sins against these commandments. I can testify in confession and in Baptism the union between God and man, where a person promises to make every effort to become better, and God accepts him, forgives his sins and helps him improve. Having some experience, I can tell you what to do in a given situation. But I don’t know how God provides for each person individually - well, He doesn’t report to me, unfortunately!” I often encourage a person to think about his life and confess, after which there is already something to talk about.
For example, a woman comes to me, talks about her troubles and asks why. I suggest you confess, it turns out there were several abortions. I say: “And you ask, for what?” But I point out that this is nothing more than my guess, and most likely an erroneous one. Simply because I am NOT GOD. Only He knows about each person, what, why and how. Moreover, the question “for what” is incorrect. You need to ask: “why” - so that you come to your senses, repent and come to God. This is the correct answer.

These questions need to be considered from the point of view that God is free and exists on His own, He does not need additional conditions. We need them, both for life and for the realization of our freedom. And God gives them to us in the form of the world in which we live, with its laws and conditions. Including the laws of cause and effect. If a mother drinks throughout her pregnancy, this is a manifestation of her freedom, and why does God not limit her - already said above - what kind of freedom is this that I cannot use as I want? At the same time, mom starts physiological mechanisms harming her child. But if God limits their action, then this is again a limitation of the mother’s freedom. That is, she will be able to drink, realizing that she is harming the child, and suddenly there will be no consequences! The Lord, by His power, DESTROYS all these consequences. Then all this dialectic with freedom loses its meaning, and we should be destroyed - and that’s the end of it! Therefore, the Lord, in order for us to be people, free and equal to Him in this, limits His omnipotence and tolerates us harming ourselves and each other. Children also suffer from us. Why gives children to people who cannot raise them - that means they can. Only they decide that they don’t need it. And this is also for the sake of freedom. Why does he take his parents? Why doesn't he give children to those who want them? It's always a story specific person, with its characteristics, sins and shortcomings, which only God knows. The only thing I can say is that the Lord does EVERYTHING so that we improve and come to Him.

Therefore, trying to answer these questions in general means agreeing with this state of affairs. Apparently this is how it should be. But this is not so. It should not be! It is not right! And our conscience, our sense of love and compassion, inherent in us by God, makes us realize this. IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS WAY! And the Lord, being forced to allow this for the sake of our freedom, turns to us through our conscience and says: “Look what you do when you sin! See how wrong and monstrous it is! Repent and correct yourself!” And of course, this cannot exist in eternity. The Lord accepted the Crucifixion and death for this reason, so that by the Resurrection he could defeat it and give us the strength to overcome sin. And therefore there will be a Last Judgment, and then a new existence, in which people will be saints, and nature will be ideal, not damaged by human sin. And all this will no longer happen. The same people who do not want to accept God,
will have the opportunity to live without Him. And this existence is called hell.

Anonymous writes 08/13/2014

Why religions and faith if they do not help us? People pray for the health of their children, but God doesn't seem to care about their prayers. And I thought about his existence, why did he create people, why did he allow weapons to be invented to kill? This is what I mean: if God exists, then he is no better than the devil!

Nikolai writes 10/15/2014

It is strange that people who ask such questions consider life, health and prosperity to be good. The question is initially posed in the format: “Why is God, who promises eternal and happy life after death, can one end earthly life so early and for no reason"? In this form, the question sounds simultaneously with faith and disbelief. That is, the person asking it does not dispute the fact that God exists and that everything is in his power. But he believes that God guarantees the resurrection of man (the human soul) after death. The exclusion of this guarantee allows a person to deny the first fact that he initially accepted - the very existence of God. Religion, in his opinion, does not save. What does salvation mean? in a jar? Caviar on bread? An SUV on diesel fuel? A villa on the sea? Yes, many would like to be saved that way. Let us remember the story of Job - he loses his children, he loses his property, he loses his health and he loses his friends. Moreover, he loses it for no reason. It's just that the devil (thinks that) tempts God and gets permission to torture Job and his family. The situation is resolved, let's see who gets what in the end: Job's lost children and servants are with God (there should be no doubt about their piety and patience). Job gets more more property and exactly the same number of children (who again follow the path of a pious father and come to God after death). Those who blasphemed God are put to shame. Those who believed in God's intercession to the very end are exalted. Whenever I hear questions somewhere about “why God allowed this,” or ask them myself, I remember the story of Job. “In days of prosperity, take advantage of the good, and in days of misfortune, reflect: God did both so that man could not say anything against Him.” /Ecclesiastes 7:14/ I would like to finish my commentary with the words of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain: “God does not allow a test if something good does not come out of it. Seeing that the good that will happen will be greater than the evil, God leaves the devil to do his job. Remember Herod? He killed fourteen thousand infants and replenished the heavenly army with fourteen thousand martyred angels. Have you seen martyred angels anywhere? The devil broke his teeth! Diocletian, cruelly torturing Christians, was a collaborator with the devil. But, without meaning to, he did good Church of Christ, enriching Her with saints. He thought that he would exterminate all Christians, but he achieved nothing - he only left many holy relics for us to venerate and enriched the Church of Christ.”

Alina writes 04/17/2015

I would really like the children not to suffer. I don’t believe that they are paying for the sins of their parents. It's not fair. God could not allow such injustice. It's a shame that a lot of bad things happen to children in our cruel world. Why is that?????



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