home - How to do it yourself
Tips for dances, dances and round dances. material (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Eyeliners for dances and songs Eyeliners for any dance

The gift must be beautiful
And bring joy to mothers.
We consulted at our leisure,
We give you the boogie-woogie dance.

Introduction to the Waltz dance
We know a lot of dances
We can show you any.
Well, now we offer you
Our favorite waltz is our graduation.

Introduction to a couple's dance
We are naughty guys
We live together in the kindergarten.
We're talking about grandma and mom
We sing different songs.
And now it's time to dance,
Show pair dance.

Introduction to the dance “We are little children”
We'll go to school soon,
Today is graduation.
We say goodbye today
Kindergarten, with you.
We are now students
And we are proud of it.
Watch our dance
"We are little children."

Eyeliner for the dance “Droplets”
Autumn is outside the window again,
There's a celebration in the hall again.
We were preparing for it
And the guests were invited.
It's raining outside,
But it doesn’t let us get bored.
Dance "Kapelek" now
The girls will perform for you.

Introduction to the Waltz dance
We grew up big
We're leaving for first grade.
Farewell today
Let's dance the waltz for you.
Yes, the waltz is a little sad,
But he's graduating.
Say goodbye today
We, kindergarten, with you.

Lead-up to dancing with moms
Well, dear parents.
Are you ready to support the children?
Come out to us soon,
Dance with your children.

Lead to the song
Yes, we honestly admit
That we love our mothers very much.
And in honor of the holiday today
We give you a song.

Dance tip for mom
We won’t buy a gift for mom -
Let's cook it ourselves, with children's hands.
You can embroider her a scarf, you can grow a flower.
You can draw a house, but you can dance.

Eyeliner for any dance
Our kindergarten has talents:
Singers, dancers, musicians.
And how everyone dances here,
We'll show you right now.

Leading up to the kids' dance
It's time to dance,
Look at us.
Even though we are kids,
But we dance from the heart.

Introduction to modern dance
We not only learned
Sing songs, read poems,
We can give you a new dance,
Modern show!

Lead to the song
We're not upset at all
We smile at each other.
And in a good mood
We are engaged in singing.

Leading up to a fun dance
Girls, you are so beautiful
The white light in this hall was eclipsed,
Let's open the ball today
Happy dance, do you agree or not?

Introduction to the dance “Cossack polka with tambourines”
We'll only hear music
Nothing can stop us.
Cossack polka with tambourines
Let's dance together.
We want to surprise everyone
And give your dance.

Conclusion to the song about teachers
You were our second mother,
How will we be at school without you?
Thank you very much from us!
We'll sing you a song now!

Conclusion to the song for graduation from parents
Our parents were sad about something,
The hour of parting has come!
A word to your parents, come out boldly
To the festive joyful hall!

Introduction to the dance "Tango"
We wish mothers and grandmothers
Love us very much,
And we want them on this holiday
Give the Tango dance.


Sounds incendiary music ( latina ) , voice behind the scene.





Procession ( parade ) V in pairs senior composition , ensemble Latins girls And procession average composition from hall ( entrance door ) on stage And leaving behind backstage . From side doors under stage comes out Jr compound , rises on stage And leaves behind backstage . Rising on stage luminaries , founders , Graduates « Rainbows » from hall on stage , do bow And leaving behind stage .

1 presenter: Good evening, dear friends and distinguished guests!

2 presenter: Hello! We are glad to welcome you to this hall for the summer holiday! AS YOU HAVE ALREADY GUESSED, THE RAINBOW DANCE AND SPORTS CLUB invites us to celebrate a sunny, hot, sultry, bright, cheerful, vacation summer.

1 presenter: What could be more beautiful than a rainbow? The colors of the rainbow are like the colors of our lives. The rainbow is a bridge between heaven and earth, between continents, hearts and souls of people. Let's meet and make friends on this beautiful bridge, let's communicate, relax and dance.


Average composition.


1 presenter: Why are children waiting for summer?

2 presenter: Summer is a time for relaxation, ka-ni-ku-ly!!! During the holidays you can do whatever you want. You can do what you love......

1 presenter: ...... like dancing. Arseny Permyakov and Olga Omarova will be happy to show us their new dance “Doll”. Let's greet the young artists with thunderous applause.

Doll. Arseny Permyakov and Olga Omarova.

Mix (waltz, jive)

the light turns off, a beam is pointed at the doll, and as the dance progresses, the light turns on.

1 presenter: I am always delighted by the riotous colors of summer, it’s just a carnival of colors...
2 presenter:
Carnival?! You remembered this aptly. After all, carnival is, first of all, fiery dances, colorful outfits and cheerful mood, beautiful girls...on stage are the debutants, the girl group of the Rainbow ensemble. Latin mix. Meet...

Latin mix (cha-cha-cha, samba)

1 presenter comes out with a small couple.

I want to introduce you to the beginning dancers Kira Blyskosh and Savely Rybalko, these are our stars who are just beginning to shine, the guys are on stage for the first time, they are very excited, this is their first dance. Let's support the young dancers with applause.

Saveliy Rybalko and Blyskosh Kira (waltz)

Like a living rainbow

Bloomed in bright colors,

Fire, vortex

Samba, jav and cha-cha-cha

Junior staff. Mix. (jive, samba, cha-cha-cha)

1 presenter: It's getting hot!!! Tell me, do you like to dance?

2 presenter: I enjoy doing this at evenings, discos and even at home. And when good mood..., I dance the cha-cha-cha. With the onset of summer, I will always be in a good mood.

1 presenter:

Fire warms, earth burns,

This is at night with you we dance cha-cha-cha

The rains fall asleep, the seas come to life,

Today you and I will dance the cha-cha-cha.

Senior members of the ensemble "Rainbow" (cha-cha-cha).

Passionate and heartbroken

Love doesn't save, it's forgotten

Somewhere inside, at the edge of consciousness

There is the joy of meeting and the pain of parting

We can't give up happiness now

We are in captivity of tango, we are in power of tango.

Danil Ryapolov and Ekaterina Erokhina.

(Argentine tango).

1 presenter: Summer literally puts everyone in a romantic mood. It seems to me that the most romantic dance is the waltz.

2 presenter: Yes, I absolutely agree.This is how I remember the lines from the poem:

The sounds of the waltz quietly touched the soul,

imperceptibly penetrated into the depths of all hearts,

hurry up to invite your lady to dance,

let your hearts spin in an enchanted rhythm

Average composition.


1 presenter: Summer is the time of awakening vital energy. I want to move, create, live...
2 presenter:
And of course, all this can be expressed in dance.

Elistratov Nikita and Radjabova Angela (Cha-cha-cha)


Senior cast (Jive)

“Ah-well, come on!”

1 presenter: This is what I decided, as soon as the concert is over, I’ll go and sign up for the dance and sports club “Rainbow”, I also want to learn to dance like that. I especially like the paso doble dance. There is so much expression, passion, fire in him.

2 presenter: Why sign up, I could at least now portray both passion and expression to you.

1 presenter: Do you know what happened to our mutual friend when they turned on music for him?

Video clip from the film “Real Boys”. Paso Doble.

2 presenter: Yes, I agree, we need to study. We meet candidates for master of sports in sports ballroom dancing Danil Ryapolova and Ekaterina Erokhin.

Danil Ryapolov and Ekaterina Erokhina. Paso Doble.

Dance is live music

And it’s not for nothing that people say:

The dancer is the embodiment of paradise,

In dance, peace and harmony reign.



Nikita Eisstratov - Angela Radjabova

Vladislav Fursov - ...................................

Andrey Donkovtsev - Tatiana Savlyukova



Graduates of the dance and sports club "Rainbow" jive "I'm staying to live"

Stas Danilevsky,

Rinat Gadylshin,


Olga Alexandrova


Anderey Donkovtsev and Tatyana Savlyukova.

(Jive or cha-cha-cha.)

2 presenter: The main, most passionate color of the rainbow is red. The color of fire, passion, love.

1 presenter:

A stray wave is heading towards the coast,
He and she dance the rumba.
The breeze caresses their delicate skin,
He is free to fulfill any whim.

2 presenter:
No words are needed, the look is expressive,
Feelings say a lot in the soul.
Rumba - melody, passion in unison,
Fire dance, for those who are in love.

Danil Ryapolov and Ekaterina Erokhina



Senior staff


1 presenter: Find time for yourself. Dance. This is so enlivening, inspiring and exciting!

2 presenter: They say life is not the number of breaths you take; these are the moments that take your breath away. When you dance, you live!

Nikita Tarenkov and Alexandra Momotova


1 presenter: People have been dancing for tens of thousands of years because their soul asked them to “dance.”

2 presenter: The soul of the person who is about to go on stage cannot live without dance.

He infects with his energy, optimism, and creativity. For many years now, people who are partial to this type of art, children and their parents, our dear guests who came to today’s concert have been drawn to him. As soon as the melodies start to sound in the large parquet hall, your mood rises and you want to dance.

I would give you a shower of stars,

But how? I can't fly.

I would give you a sunset,

But it will also fade later.

I would give you the warmth of the sun,

But I have no power over the universe.

I'll give you your heart,

So that everyone is happy.

1 presenter: Meet!!! Anvar Aldamzharov!!!

Anvar Aldamzharov and everything, everything, everything..... (mix, jive)

1 presenter:

Plasticity, grace, dexterity

Instantly they turn into a feeling.

And without a single word

They proclaim a miracle.

2 presenter:

Paul's deceptive gloss...

Couples in finery flock together.

Dance! Divine dance!

The highest art in the world!

General waltz. The final.

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce children to the customs of the Kuban people;
  • arouse interest in folk art;
  • develop speech, memory;
  • cultivate kindness and respect for customs.

Equipment: household items, towels, posters, balls.

Stage decoration: household items, bundles of bagels, costumes, embroidered tablecloths.

The stage is decorated in Russian folk style: there is a house decoration on the backdrop, benches at the edges, towels and a samovar on the table. On the backdrop there is a poster “Time for business, time for fun.” There are 4 microphones on the proscenium. The curtain is closed.

At the beginning of the holiday, a theme is sounded.

The presenters come to the microphones on the front stage from different sides.

HOST: We live in a huge country - Russia. This is a great power. People of different nationalities and religions live here. But we are united by one thing - our common Motherland. We will be strong and united only when we respect traditions and history different nations. Today we will tell you about the customs of the Russian people.

HOST: In the old days, the Russian people had such a custom: when they finished field work (they harvested the crops and put the grain in bins), they whiled away autumn days Yes, we had evenings together and had get-togethers. As the Russian proverb says: “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” So we spent time doing our favorite handicrafts. It was fun. They would sing a song, or exchange jokes, and if the guys came, then the noisy people made it really fun folk games, dances and round dances. They knew how to work in Rus', they knew how to relax.

HOST: We invite you, dear guests, to village gatherings. You are welcome to join us for some fun fun.

HOST: As they say, time for business, time for fun.

(Cheerful music sounds. The curtain opens)

The story has a beginning -
This is the first line.
Starts from the pier
A sailor's path across the sea.

The sadness has a reason
Poems have a plot of words.
Starts from the beginning
Fairy tale, song and love.

Everyone gathered together, when
As they say: “Chinom rank”,
We start with bread and salt,
Our beginning is with a good song!

Girls in Russian costumes come out with bread and salt.

“Bread and salt” group:

We started to get a role,
Do not confuse with loads,
We brought you bread and salt
Russians for get-togethers.
The tradition is alive.
Alive - from the older generation
Rituals and words are important
From the past from ours

And therefore, please accept
The one who came to the gatherings
On this festive plate
From our hands both bread and salt!

Girls with bread and salt descend from the stage into the hall and treat the guests to a loaf of bread. Against the background of folk music, children in folk costumes- participants in “get-togethers”.

On the ground, in the light
Or on some logs
There were gatherings
Old and young.

Did you sit by the torch?
Or under the bright sky -
They talked and sang songs
Yes, they did a round dance.

We treated ourselves to good tea
With honey, obviously without sweets.
As now, we communicated, -
There is no life without communication.

How did you play? On the burners!
Ah, the burners are good.
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century.
The old world has changed.
Nowadays we're all screwed
Personal dachas, own apartments.

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow
And what can I say?
It's boring to live without gatherings,
They should be revived.

If you are “at ease”
And they didn’t come to us for an hour,
We offer gatherings
Spend that hour here.

The fire of the soul does not go out,
There is nothing “suddenly” in life.
Let's remember the joy of Russian cuisine,
Grandfathers' sincere leisure!

Rest is not trifles -
Time for games and news.

Let's start the gatherings!

We are opening gatherings!

For friends and guests!

Students of 1st and 2nd grades come to the microphones and invite them to take part in a ditty competition

Hey girls - laugh out loud!
Sing some ditties!
Sing quickly
To please the guests.

Eh, I'll stamp my foot
Let me trample the other one,
I can't stand still
Such character!

I'm starting the chorus
The first, initial,
I want to cheer
The audience is sad.

Ditties “Wall to wall”

Give the circle wider, wider,
I'll break up, I'll break up!
I'm a fighting girl
And I'm not afraid of walls!

There used to be threads
And now the coils.
There used to be girls
And now - fatties.

Don't boast. That you are beautiful
No more beautiful people.
Wasn't it you in the stables
Did you scare the horses?

You, girlfriend, start singing
But don't bother me.
If you want to argue -
Let's fight, come on!
You are good, you are handsome -
Looks like a teacher.
How do you put on your jacket?
A real fool.

Oh, dear friend,
You're dancing well.
Like a frog out of water
You're waving your legs.
You guys aren't proud
You are no good for anything.
Not to be soldiers, not to be sailors -
Just lubricate the wheels.

Well, friend, I crushed it,
Like a sparrow in chaff.
It would be better not to go out
I wouldn't make people laugh.

What are you yelling at, my friend?
Even my ears were numb.
I thought: pig
They brought it to us on stage.

We are fighting girls
You haven't seen anything like this.
If you sing, then in three voices,
Dance for five.
There's a dance going on
A birch tree grew in the garden -
White - white.
I'm a fighting girl
And also brave.

I have a big braid
There is a tape of about five meters at the cash register.
Behind my big cash register
There are a lot of guys chasing.

O-ha-ha, o-ha-ha,
Why am I a bad girl?
The skirt is burgundy.
I myself am black-browed.
They say I'm a fighter
Combat, but not me.
Fighting pair of legs,
Yes my smile.

Right! Right!
She chanted correctly!
- Right wrong,
Who cares?!

We are fighting girls
We won't stay as girls.
Well, there will be grief for that,
Who will get us?
There is a fontanel under the willow,
The water is silver
Soon the boys will come to us,
Let's have fun.

Oh, someone's coming
In an embroidered shirt?
Oh, someone's carrying it
Candy in a piece of paper?

We're walking down the street
And we hand out candy.
Meet us, girls:
We're going with the accordion player!

My dear Vanechka,
sit with me on the bench.
You will play the accordion
I'm wearing a balalaika.

The balalaika is ringing,
Iron string.
Play for me
Dear, kind.

And I won’t powder myself, -
My darling won't come.
For others - not interesting, -
The powder will go to waste!

Okay, friends, for you, -
You sit in the corners.
And I, miserable one,
Wherever I sit, I’m superfluous.

Oh, dear friend,
Now there are new rights.
If the guy doesn't suit you,
Then pull the sleeves.

Oh, dear friend,
She pulled and tried.
I pulled, I tried -
Left with the sleeve.

A cat sits on the window
With white kittens.
Shame on you, girls,
Run after the guys?!

Don't laugh, guys -
We'll make you laugh ourselves:
We'll put clamps on you,
We'll take you to the field to plow.

Leading up to the dance

Oh, girls, it’s just amazing
Well, you sang beautifully.
Let's start dancing
We don't know how to start
One - there, two - here,
And then around yourself.

There's a song playing “Fir-trees-pines”

Children perform a dance composition

Groups of child buffoons appear in the aisles of the hall. They invite spectators to take part in a round dance.

Hey, dancers, accordion players, guslar players, the button accordion has been calling you for a long time,

All together: To a merry round dance.

A cheerful round dance melody sounds. The buffoons bring chains of children onto the stage and start a round dance.

The party's on
Night looked into the yard.
The beginning has a warm-up,
Like a thread, a cobweb -
The one that keeps the conversation going.

As once in the ancient century,
In those distant years
Conducted quizzes
Like “What, where and when.”
How then, friends, for you
Let's do it now.


Finish the proverb:

It's warm in the sun, with mother... (good)
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without... (song)

And now we are for detente
Let us tell you riddles.
Who will give the correct answer
We'll give him some candy.

Walks importantly around the yard,
It wakes up the village in the morning.
Beautiful, with a beak, there are spurs,
With a shimmer of feathers, all in shine.
Screams so loud it takes your breath away
Learned? This is our... (rooster)

It comes with oatmeal,
With rice, meat and millet,
It's sweet with cherries.
First they put him in the oven.
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything one piece at a time. (pie)

Brew in a teapot
Boiling boiling water.
Granny drinks from a saucer
Grandpa - with sugar.
I drink it in the morning
It is useful to me and to you. (tea)

The presenters are holding a tongue twister competition

There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.
Little cat on the window
I ate the porridge bit by bit.
Our Polkan fell into a trap.

The presenters reward the competition participants with dry goods

Game block

Buffoon: We sang and danced,
But we didn’t play.
Who has a gloomy look there?
The music starts again!
Get ready, kids.
A Russian game is waiting for you.

Skomorokh: We continue the program
For guests, friends, for everyone.
Let's start the panorama
Amazing fun.

To the rope: Well done, guys, guys
We call you to the rope.
Ten on the left, ten on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

Guys from the audience are invited for a tug-of-war competition

Power: Goy you are weight lifters,
Show strength with your hands.
Who will raise two pounds here,
He will bring a big dish!

A competition is held: lift weights, fight on hands, on sashes.

Here is a log, and here are bags,
Come out well done!
Who will hit whom with a sack,
He will take that gift.

(A competition is being held.)

Held music game with a hall “CREEK.”

Block with spoons.

Hey guys, hit the tambourines!
Don't spare your palms!
Play the harmonica
Knock on our spoons
Play from the heart
So that your feet can dance.

They sit on a bench.

Spoon boys: Tin spoons!
Wooden spoons!
Knock and jingle spoons,
Lead the music.

(Performance by a noise orchestra.)

Spoons, whatever you say,
And the guys are spoons -
- Tara-bars, rastabars,
Let's drink tea from the samovar.
- Tara-bars, rastabars,
Let's sit by the samovar.
- Let's drink some sweet tea,
Let's sing our song.

(They take out the samovar and look into it.)

Oh, but there’s no water in the samovar!

Where is Nastya?

(Taking out the doll - carousel).

Go. Nastya for water.

Nastya - I went to the fair,
I bought myself buckets.

What did you give?

Nastya - She gave me a ruble.
Rocker - one and a half.

Maiden - maiden
Go get some water

Nastya went for water
Hey, beautiful, wait.
Don't wave the bucket
Take it and give it a ride.

From the audience, buffoons invite the children to ride on a carousel doll.


In the sky. As if from whitewash.
The Milky Way lit up.
The gatherings have died down
In our festive light,
Where we had to rest.
Days of communication are milestones of happiness.
Everyone is happy for get-togethers,
Time for business, time for fun
People are happy anyway.

We shared news
We tried to entertain you.
We say goodbye to the guests.
Saying: “See you again!”

It won't go out. Won't go out
If you are not mute, you are not deaf.
The brightest, the clearest
Russian spirit of gatherings.

Gatherings, parties,
Stars in festive weight -

These are Russian pictures
Our life in Rus'
Life is like this - not different,
Not overseas, foreign,
This is our side.

Everything that happened, remembering
Let the native country live
Very Russian, earthy,
The best country in the world!

At the end of the holiday, the song “Be healthy, live richly” sounds. All participants go on stage and sing a song.

Poems about ballroom dancing

Elena Ivanovna Martynyuk

We'll open the ball with a polonaise.
Here Tchaikovsky began to sound.
And the cadets in a clear formation
This ball is starting.
This dance is familiar to everyone,
He learns easily.
I want to invite you
On a leisurely fall.
It's good that in this room
We met each other.
Smiles like the sun
A lovely waltz “Getting Acquainted” for us.
Work hard, gentlemen,
Invite the ladies to dance.
It's time for everyone to stand up, three at a time.
Polka-three and hurray!
Strict medieval style,
Forever young, forever new.
Plus romance, and there you go.
We announce the gavotte waltz!
That's what makes Russian lyrical good,
It’s like you’re singing a song to it.
Against each other - and a low bow.
He is nationally great.
"Tender Touch"
Like a breath of wind.
Let's dance, let's play,
Let's dream about partners.
Greece is calling us all
Get into a wide round dance.
We all need to know the drawing,
To make it work together.
This is perpetual motion -
Spanish waltz, spinning waltz.
One, two, three - fluttering of dresses.
Stop - and a new hug.
He will exclaim joyfully
Who is waiting for the name “Foxtrot”.
Two slow, two fast
Step. And dance, Moscow!
Fascinating story
Our big figure waltz.
He is complex and beautiful,
Dazzling, happy!
One, and two, and three, four.
Ira and I walk in a circle.
And then we go back,
And we clap our hands loudly.
Dozado and turn.
The square dance invites everyone to come along.
Take a break for a minute
With this nice Polish joke.
Simple claps
And jumping is as easy as feathers.
He is both low and high -
This "Secular Brook".
We'll hardly get by
Without him at our ball!
Beloved, frisky, ideal,
There is a whirlwind and spurs, a key, a fireworks!
Dancers, what's his name?
There is only one answer: “Hungarian ballroom!”
Familiar rhythm bars,
Excited heartbeat.
Tango dance melody.
Be brave! Your hand, friend!

Vintage ballroom dancing

Elena Kornienko 3

Oh, how weak we are in our knowledge!
Here's the topic: dancing. How many are there?
Manners, and styles, and names,
Understandable, strange and alien.

A chord, another chord. Fanfare!
And there is still interest:
How proudly the couples perform!
The ball opens with Polonaise!

KURANTA - dance of dialogue.
A gentleman approaches the lady,
He is refused, and untouchable
An example of beauty and pride.

Here is the MENUET - bow and poses,
And how graceful is the curtsy!
How wonderfully graceful ladies are
And unlike us.

PAVANA: step, another, bows,
Antics, glances, modest gestures.
And the fan is densely feathered.
Poems of ancient anapest.

Ah, ALEMANDRA! The Age of Shakespeare.
Chu! Old England smoke.
Hand in hand, and figure like a lyre...
Could you do that? I would - no, I couldn't.

Here is SARABAND - court style.
How decorously couples stand in a circle
And they march languidly in a column.
“There,” he was spot on. “There” is not “here”.

GAVOTTE: affectation, step, second.
The voice of the bagpipes is noticeable.
And the gentleman - what a hero! -
Gave a bouquet of flowers.

BURRE: everyone stands in a big circle,
The pace is fast, the step is airy.
And a noisy bright crowd -
Along the hall. They are not bored!

Here is the COTILLION, piquancy, jokes,
There is flirting and fun conversation.
And petticoats were allowed
Show everyone the sewing pattern.

Oh, how I wish I could dance
In ancient castles at balls!
Or is life not the same..., aren't there enough balls...?
And I don't know. Alas and ah!


Lyudmila Nikonova

Bachata will warm up the passion in your body.

Enjoying the poetry of movements.

In a hot dance, eroticism beckons,
Rhythmic stride, hip rotation...
Harmony of partners, pace, plasticity,
Lock of hands, hands, easy game...

Our style is unique... we are virtuosos,
Synchronization of legs, breathing in unison...
We are not afraid of bitter frosts,
The hoarse moan does not irritate the blizzard.

And the memory returns to the Caribbean:
To the tropical trade wind hot land,
Where the azure waves have gentle curves
Caressing the snow-white shore... paradise!

There the wind breathes heat and love.
Dominicans are a cheerful people,
Bachata and a smile are the path to health.
It’s as if there is no grief or worries.

Let's light a flame in the hearts that have cooled down,
Let the dance warm up the passion in your body.
We will melt the sadness of the cold and the ice of the soul,
Feeling the rhythmic power!


Bolero - Spanish dance
alternation of folk scenes,
combination of ardent glances
and noble movements.

They're going for a walk
those who are not old
not alone - accompanied
drum and guitar.

And then one by one
show off your dance
alone and in pairs
either Spanish or Spanish.
The backs are arched elastically,
fingers are threaded through the laces,
and lead intricately,
clear rhythm - castanets!

This is a dance, a break dance!

Zarina Morskaya

I breakdance freely
can you do this too?
The body walks so cool!
Take my example, weirdo!
You put a leg... and you break it...
you suddenly fall to the floor -
you hug the globe,
resting your head...
You circle on your shoulders like a top,
legs look up like a candle,
hands flash quickly, deftly,
this is a dance! Break dance!....

Body feels like it's on hinges
movement - robot, look!
Well, that's not bad... nice...
Come on, enter the breakdance circle!
And the body is invisible like a key
come on, start it quickly!
Fold! Kip! Heel emphasis!
A sharp left turn!
And now almost squatted!
Throw your head to the side!

This is a dance! Break dance!
Don't feel sorry for yourself in it!
Stand on your shoulder more boldly,
pull your legs up straighter!
After all, not everyone can do this...
But try it, my eccentric!!!


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

There is a ball in the palace, people are having fun,
Violins and flutes play the gavotte.
Huge chandeliers sparkle brightly,
There are so many people in the huge hall.

Oh, how beautiful the salon ladies are,
The rustle of their dresses in a bow and straight.
How elegant are their gentlemen,
What smiles, what manners!

Gavotte helps everyone change,
Loving faces in front of each other.
The eras of balls have sadly sunk into oblivion,
But they end up on the poet’s line,

When a musician picks up notes,
Playing the flute for us an old gavotte.
The wave of mood takes us back,
That I want to go dancing again.

The ball continues in the magic palace,
Our poet danced the gavotte there too,
Diligently made jumps and movements,
Then a poem came out.


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

Elegant, graceful
friendly gavotte!
Gavotte gave rise to
folk round dance.
Then the court dance
the gavotte was sedate.
Mazurka, polka, waltz
he gave up his place.
But he himself rose higher:
in a different symphony
we suddenly hear a gavotte,
smells like old times...


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

Fast, frisky and cheerful
friendly clatter of many feet.
They dance like horses,
that's why he gallops.

The hussar galloped
in the arena - and to the ball,
where gallop is already like a dance
The hussar's day was ending.

This happened to the hussars
not everywhere and not always,
but of course there was dancing
very fun then!


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

He is initially combative,
Born in Zaporozhye Sich.
Beware, any stranger,
If you meet a Cossack by chance!

No warrior, be brave in battle
In all the expanses of Ukraine,
Lead your life with dignity
During the reign of Catherine.

But where else could I show
Cossack kneeling art?
Of course, dear one, give
Your love and faithful feelings!

He curls around her - hop!
And blocks her way.
The girl's appearance is quite strict,
But he is also only a little crafty.

Red boots flash
And the ribbons curl on the wreaths,
And what a handsome boy he is
Stands before the maiden as a suitor!

Whirlwind dance at a wedding
And wishes - to live without troubles.
Drinking a glass of vodka,
A poet wrote a poem there.


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

Who is a master -
dance hopak,
do it this way, do it this way.
Don't be lazy, jump squat,
so that the heels flash!
So once upon a time in Zaporozhye
Cossacks danced.
Bloomers, forelock on the forehead,
dance to the screams:
- Gop! - Gop! - Gop!

Marina Fridman

I'm dancing a jig!
Jig is the best dance
For those who are free at heart.
All my dreams
strung on a thread,
placed on the neck.
With any movement
hitting each other
and knock on the soul,
punching time
and impossibility.
All my hopes
rolled up in bracelets,
worn on the wrists
And with every swing
sent to the sky
flaming arrows
and pierce the darkness
sparks of desires.

Skirts look like they're alive
an irrepressible whirlwind
then fire to the left,
then fire to the right,
then touching thighs,
then kissing the feet..

Best clothes for crazy jig -
this is inspiration.
The best platform for crazy jig -

Best melody-
it's a mixture of despair
and liberation.

And while there is confusion
grabbed my hair
I'm a beautiful bird
I'll soar to the music.
I'll trample the cobblestones
on a deserted square
And to the delight of the audience
I'll finish the dance anyway
Jigu is the best dance
for those,
who already
does not believe.

Irish dances

Alexander Vladimirovich Chernyshev

The rhythms of Irish dances are enchanting,
I can look endlessly
The way the Irish move
With your feet, deftly moving.

Irish dance

Galina Nazarenko-Umbdenstock

Girls flutter like butterflies
Under the bagpipes there is a monotonous sound,
On my feet are boots instead of slippers,
Do not separate the hands pressed to the body.

Their legs are unshackled up to the knees
And they flutter like a bird's tail,
And they knock with iron horseshoes,
Wooden tormenting platform.

Like dolls tied with threads,
Like a string stretched across your back,
And although they are all so different,
But they dance clearly, as one.

And the bagpipes hum tirelessly,
The dancers keep an orderly row.
Faces are not happy, not sad -
The butterflies won't fly away.

Irish dances

Lyudmila Kulikova 2

In the gray, endless ocean,
Where the stray wave is walking,
Accepts the tramp wind
“Emerald” * this country.

There, in the valley of crystal dew
Don't snow for too long.
"Emerald" girls, guys
They kick the step.

From distant centuries they “sailed”
Dance figures numbers.
Irish style party
It always went on until the morning.

Maybe you'll say it's not difficult
Masterfully strike blows
And for this the emerald pie,
How can I get a reward later?

How, how! Try a couple
Train your feet this way
To seventy-five strokes
Beat it off in fifteen seconds!

What, it was weak and that was not the case?
So there is a big secret here!
Exchange it for an awl, or for soap,
You'll never know, no.

And the poet just shouted heart-rendingly:
- Bravo, bravo! Cheers cheers!
They danced fervently, meticulously
"Emerald" step masters!

*Forever green grass Ireland is called emerald.

Irish step

Marie Polyakova

Ireland is my emerald island!
Here Celtic music sounds divine...
To the sounds of a harp, violin, flute, starry
Irish step dance is sweeping across the planet!

What a sight! What a pleasure
Look at the fast legs of the fancy script.
Heartbeat, heels! And for a moment
It was as if the soul had been taken away from the body!

Here the hands are dumb, the body is motionless,
The story is told only by the movement of the legs,
And the rhythm of the syncopation is both understood and heard,
And the dancing God rejoices!

May this dance live for centuries!
I died and was resurrected from delight!
"Lord of the Dance", the great Michael Flatley
Opened up a world of wonders in Irish dance!

Spanish dance

Elena Kiyanka

The castanets began to sound.
The guitar sobbed quietly.
Shoulders straightened proudly.
Passion blazed in his eyes...

And majestically Donya
Flickered like a heart
And Torero - towards her,
Leaving honor and fear.

More and more blissful and painful
Silver strings burned
And they looked at each other,
And the blood was pounding in the bodies...

And they no longer dared
Protect yourself from suffering
They understood without words
What is hidden in the hearts.

The head dance was intoxicating,
And sometimes with timidity, sometimes boldly
Hands played with air
The flames curled on the cheeks,

And Donya circled like a bird,
The wayward spirit of flamenco...
He was dangerous, like a Navaja,
Fire swing dresses.

They became related in a duel
Sounds of song and guitar,
Castanets spilled
Sparks of passion in the clouds...

And two became mad
From a single desire,
And she danced frantically
Life with Death is in their hands.
Spanish dances

Ella Esyreva 2

Spanish dancing is a symbol of Freedom,
Passion and rhythm of deep nature.
The power of duende is a manifestation of the spirit,
Experience the rhythm and sound!

In flamenco dancing, all gestures are just feelings.
Body flames, guitars of madness...
The elements of struggle and victory are bursting
From the depths, without giving answers...

Hearts are rich, this is the center of the Universe!
The essence is not subject to the understanding of consciousness...
Flamenco dancing is a trance movement,
A thrill of melody, a cry of dissonance!

Slow Solea por buleria -
Zapoteado and polyrhythm...
Minor colors in mournful thoughts,
A song that hurts in the sign of madness...

Bright Alegrias - life's fun!
A whirlwind of zapateo and a rise in mood,
The Spanish spirit, the glory of victory...
And the legacy of generations gone by.

African hot crazy motifs
Connected with the gypsy anguish...
Hips sway, shoulders move...
The festive Tangos will heal sorrow.

Here is the triumph of the majestic Farruka -
Men's pride, hands raise...
Zapateo again, the dynamics of the pose!…
The boring vocabulary of prose cannot be conveyed...

Deep singing of ancient centuries
The “First Cry” of the times of hard times...
The guitar groans, longing for the past,
Into the abyss of a gone moment of a kiss...

Passion and fire in every new movement,
The dance bursts in like an obsession...
And all the excitement in the mystery of rhythm
They rush upward like a prayer.

My Carmen

Funikova Anna

Rose in a black curl,
Lace veil.
I don't deserve you
But I don’t feel sorry for myself.

I don't promise loyalty
Even if I love you
But I don’t forgive betrayal
And I don’t tolerate insults!

God of hearts, my bullfighter -
How good he is!
Someone's shadow behind the curtain,
And in his bosom is a knife.

And an insidious smile
And the eyes are stern...
The violin has died down,
There is no other way!

No prayer, no groan
You won't hear back
Maddened by the ringing
Fatal castanets.

Russian square dance

Elena Zhukova-Zhelenina

I dance in winter and in summer.
How good are you, square dance!
Will unfold in it like an accordion
My Russian soul!

The legs began to dance on their own.
Very lively dance.
I'll meet you at the quadrille.
Dance with me, my friend!

We are advancing. Retreat.
Two steps and a turn.
Instantly my square dance is alive
It will take us into circulation.

Don't burn me with your eyes!
I'm serious now.
I speak very important.
Dim the shine in your eyes!

Oh! My friend, Irka,
Don't look so tenderly!
I bewitched him.
With him we have everything ahead.

Two stomps and a spin.
The dance burns like a fire in the chest.
This is a wonderful movement.
Now I'm ahead.

Let's shake hands here.
It's important, let's move away.
Then there are four of us in a quadrille,
Then the two of us sail again.

Look, my friend,
The guys are coming towards us like a wall.
You and I are retreating.
Do not be afraid! I'm here!

After all, square dance is with us.
Mom, my grandmother
They also performed dances,
How I am with you now.

I became so friends with music!
I'll wave my skirt wildly,
I'll spin around and put my hands on my hips.
I feel like I’m burning with fire!

Don't oversleep! Let's change pairs!
We are advancing like a wall.
The dance is cute and crafty.
Hurry up and dance with me!

Don't look at your girlfriend like that!
Spin me around in a dance.
I want to be the best for you.
I'm advancing! Move away!

You're laughing. I'm serious.
And the square dance is leading me.
Two stomps, three slams.
We need a twist here.

Happiness is expensive
Walk like this in a dance.
Let's attack! Retreat!
I can dance until the morning!

I'll tap my heel loudly.
The dance is windy and funny.
Then you and I will sail to the side,
Then someone else is with me.

There is no better quadrille for us.
A step and a turn.
In a moment my dear quadrille
It will get to your liver!

I will smile at you slyly.
Here I am coming towards you.
What a dance! What fun!
I'll spin around and move away.

And my friend, Irka,
Do not look like that! Don't spoil!
I have already chosen the boy.
I expect a kiss from him.

There is no more beautiful quadrille!
Russian dance, naughty!
Mothers and grandmothers loved.
We love you and me.


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

There are many different styles of dance,
There is a “transition”, an “interception”.
But “Acquaintance” is in quadrille
Or “Girls in great demand.”

According to the drawing there are two floods
Or two steps with a heel.
Don't be lazy, clap your hands
The gait is smooth and easy.

How much life is in this dance,
Don't take away the importance.
All partners are dressed up
To dance a square dance.

The poet is overcome with emotion
Head is spinning.
And he left, by the way,
Write down the words in verse.


Olga Altovskaya

From exchanges of glances, from balas -
Break into pairs and dance.
Perky, lively and eloquent
The accordion player starts the tune,
The breeze blows over our heads.
And now we’ve started from the corners:
“Acquaintance” goes in pairs -
Toward and to turn around.
“Mine is the best! Trump ace.
Striped vest and cap.”
“Mine is in a Chinese jacket with a belt,
In boots with a narrow toe.
Nose up, handle to fly away -
Like a peahen lady walks.
And I’m going to meet her.”
We change pairs. Have fun!
In the center, “star”, in the corners...
The hemlines flash teasingly.
Boots and boots shine...
Flood, passage, steps -
And why not bar gentlemen?
Sloboda is dancing quadrille!

Russian square dance

Ural Gems

How many dances are there in the world?
slow and fast.
Everything is as it is, you can’t count it
neither in mind nor in numbers...

Dance as the face of the people
disposition and temperament,
what is its nature,
few people even know.

Tango is sensual and tender,
twist like a windmill in a field...
Polka - the sound of a coastal wave
spreading over the sea.

Waltz - majestically smooth,
Czardash - fire dance,
Only Russian dance is the main one!
A lively, combative dance!

From heel to toe,
and then - back!
Immediately - “fraction”, then jump!
This dance is famous.

The most Russian dance
hands are the wings of a bird!
Lighting up, beckons us
start dancing too!

There is room for the Russian darling,
he eclipsed everyone,
lively, joyful, cheerful
dance - Russian quadrille!

Beads. Cancan

Vladimir Borodkin

Cafe-shantana fun:
Frivolous girls gangbang.
The hem turns with temptation,
Garters look funny.

The down-hole music pleases the ear,
And even the ancient old woman
The gaze warms, seeing the maidens,
Having undressed myself, from memory.

Instinct of an ancient trick
The young demons knew.
For a man, just give him time,
A leash will be thrown on passions.


Andrey Sklyarov

If you become Kamarinsky,

After drinking a glass, sing and dance,
You will recognize the Russian soul,
You can't find a wider one!

Country dance

Lyudmila Kulikova 2

Bored of court pomp,
Where in the dance are squats and curtsies?
He rushed in like morning freshness,
With a gust of wind, a new country dance.

The success that came to him was phenomenal,
It has mass character and simplicity of movements.
In Europe it has become a favorite ballroom dance,
Where you can jump without embarrassment.

He became closer to people, closer,
Already entered the stage, vaudeville,
Noisy behind the barricades in Paris,
Having set a fundamentally fashionable style.

The poet, raising his elegant leg,
I was not alone at the party.
He shook off his fatigue a little
And I wrote a poem about country dance.


Andrey Sklyarov

I've never been to Krakow
And not a Pole by birth.
But, by God, with a proud lady
A Krakowiak would dance.


Andrey Sklyarov

From the flying melody
Immediately you will breathe more often,
As a mulatto, you will be glad
Dance a lambada with me.


Sergei Neverskoy

I will say: “Oh, Madonna! Oh, Dios mio!”
Perhaps due to an oversight,
from Santos, and maybe even from Rio,
that Brazilian lambada has come to us!

They spread arrow leaves where the palm trees are,
Copacabana wet golden sand,
that dance of the urban favela beggar,
swinging hips, twisting bare feet.

And passion is visible, but everything is decent,
lead them reverently, always skillfully,
all the guys carefully and so tactfully,
partners that seem to be torn from the body!

They are drunk from the smells of flowers,
on the beaches of Rio - warm, smooth,
that the waves of the ocean always lick,
Slender mulatto girls are dancing!

Tango, rumba, waltzes,
shake, letka-enka, twist, Charleston,
but I hear a chant in Portuguese
and this dance is like a magical dream!

Dance Letka-Enka

Boris Khanin

Jumping gallop,
Everyone is jumping around.
Jumping gallop,
The circle is not too small for them.
Jumping gallop,
from heel to toe.
Grab me by the waist, my friend.

Jumping gallop
and obliquely.
Jumping gallop,
we take the leap.
Jumping gallop
and leg throw
Left, right - from south to east.

Jumping gallop,
like through a threshold.
Jumping gallop,
don't be sorry for your boots.
Jumping gallop,
you are not alone,
You see a lot of legs jumping nearby.

Dance Letka-Enka-
It couldn't be easier to find:
As if from a step
You jump along the way.

And repeatedly
One hundred twenty-five times.
Very nice
Yenka dance.

Lyudmila Kulikova 2

The audience is eagerly awaiting
The Mazurka at the end is the culmination of the ball.
So that the dance will certainly start,
Let's ask maestro Chopin to the piano.

And here are the stories in color from life -
Partners draw figures with their feet.
And he will be the first and best partner,
Which did not repeat the pattern.

Oh, so much expression, so much fire,
They can’t leave me calm!
And how many beautiful and gentle bows
Causes sighs and groans from the ladies!

Passions rage as if on stage,
The partner is already standing on bended knee.
Mazurka, like a toast, swept through the years,
After all, every man dances “for the ladies”!

Pan is the leader and assistant in this dance,
Now they would say about it: master class!
In the mazurka he was sparkling and sparkling
Russian dancer - officer - "mazurist".

Our poet watched the dance from the dress circle,
He even came up with a rhyme on the cuff.
If you want to read a poem,
Then we need to find that poet.

Centuries have flown by, faces have melted,
Oh, how we miss our old chic!


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

Mazur - a resident of Polish Mazovia -
when he was free,
with a folk peasant touch
I danced my mazurka.
She sounded soulful
although I surprised you more than once,
inspiring swiftness, daring,
belligerence even sometimes.

Later, three centuries later,
to the ardent girlish “Ah!”
Russian regiment officers
loved to show off at balls
in the mazurka. Mazurka, mazurka -
decoration of balls and scenes.
Here is the author of the mazurka - Tchaikovsky,
Here is the author of the mazurka - Chopin.
The Mazurkas are passionately tragic,
they are tenderly lyrical,
capricious and melancholic,
sometimes it's like a cute joke.


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

There was a different century, palace scenes
Here and there they were full of successions,
Where couples danced minuets
To a harpsichord with a simple melody.

Features of sophistication and affectation
They were everywhere here.
There were bows, curtsies,
The court jester beat his foot to the beat.

Oh, those glances of intriguers,
The coquetry of lovely, gentle ladies!
Heroes of future novels
They swore allegiance to the kings.

Coming straight from the people
There was this dance - a minuet.
For kings he was a pleasure,
And why is a big secret.

Rhyme by the court poet
Epoham did not reveal the secret.
And I won't reveal it.
Why do you need to know this?


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

From distant countries and years
dancing comes to us.
Smooth dance minuet -
he came from France.
His people danced
in the old days, and later
loved that dance
noble nobles.

Showed off at balls
ladies and brides,
reflected in the mirrors
polite gestures.
A lush fan, a wave of the hand,
powdered shoulders,
gentlemen, wigs,
candles, candles, candles...


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

The most exquisite pavan dance,
There is a lot of luxury, but there is no flaw in it.
The dance is courtly and without a doubt,
The elegance of his manners and movements.

Couples in the column move smoothly,
The first one here is Lizaveta Petrovna*.
Counts, princes and ambassadors different countries -
How much greatness there is in this organ!

Here are gentlemen with swords in cloaks,
The ladies have a slightly swaying train on their shoulders.
Balls at court are a new series,
Torchlight in the dark. oh mystery!

Let's leave Tsarevo to the Tsar,
And I’ll write a poem about pavana.
How to write impressions on a piece of paper
My imagination will tell me.

*Elizaveta Petrovna - Russian empress, daughter of Peter the Great.


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

This dance
he was called pavana.
He imitated
the movements of a peacock.
with cloaks and swords
danced pavana

But about that
the evidence is vague.
pavan preserved
not like a dance -
like a piece for lute,
composition for piano.

Paso Doble

Lyudmila Kulikova 2

Passions are raging, there’s definitely no ball here,
The Latin Quarter is full of people.
They didn't gather here just for show,
And to see the bullfight dance.

Red colors captivate your eyes,
And here in front of you is a “toreador”.
Another main character in the mise-en-scène -
The “bull” rushes rapidly around the arena.

Now they are apart, then together again,
Hands up, as if with a sharp “spear”.
The magic of dance will captivate the soul,
The blood in my veins is boiling with excitement.

The spectator is captured with excitement by the bullfight,
Storm of emotions! How else?
Now the “bull” is defeated, and the cloak is to the side,
The outcome is known, everyone is completely happy.

The words began to pound in the poet's mind,
Like gypsies holding castanets in their hands.
He wrote with a pen at a late hour by candlelight,
And his dance turned out to be in verse.


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

Oh, polonaise! The posture is proud,
In the procession column, the owner is an example to everyone.
Every dancing diva is here
A gentleman could “beat” in a bow.

And at this time the dreamer-owner
Already leading the column into the lush garden,
There the table is set with overseas grub,
He forces everyone to taste it.

He takes a shoe off a nice lady
And puts down a glass full of wine
He drinks himself, offering directly
Drink it from your ladies to the dregs.

The dancing divas are brilliant,
Henry Valois is delighted with them,
Although he is a king, he is quite playful
Throws flattering words at the ladies.

In the garden we will meet the strict Chopin,
We can meet Oginsky there,
They are applauded by both Paris and Vienna
Here's to Polish sophistication!

There was a poet no less pompous
And he also showed pride in dancing.
He listened to many songs at the ball,
Then I wrote a poem about it.


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

There was once a polonaise
a solemn procession,
expressed pride
in his step and in his gesture.
They say it was like this
(there is some truth in that):
dancing to the beat,
peasants were coming from the field.
Everyone knew the value of the matter,
he was sedate and important.
I adopted this gait
noble sir.

And then he became a palace
dance - Poland's pride.
Combined gracefulness
he is in himself and firmness.
He reached high stages.
Very famous
did the dance
Chopin -
Polish composer.


"Heel, toe and let's go from here"
The chasse around the hall will be quick.

There is no apathy here, happiness is a river,
A hand holds your hand tightly.
Polka - a perky magic circle,
Those who were not familiar became your friend.

They don't dance here without the mood,
And this is of great importance!
The dance was invented by the girl Anna,
Became the most desired in the whole world.

For a poet to create his own poem,
Take half a step at a time.
Heel, toe - our poet at the table,
Lo and behold, rhyme after rhyme has already started.

Line by line lie on a piece of paper,
At the very end there will be a bold dot.
The girl Anna won’t know about it,
Another Anna will read the verse.


Movshovich Anatoly Grigorievich

Who dances the polka in the field,
who dances polka at school,
who dances at the ball
on the mirror on the floor.
Nice Polish dance,
Is he Polish? Not at all!
Czech dance is named after
because in Czech polka -
for dancers - not a step,
but only half a step.


Andrey Sklyarov

Cuba will once again shake up the fun -
The palm trees will clap their leaves,
Only the couples will dance the rumba,
Lighting up with syncopations.


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

A stray wave is heading towards the coast,
He and she dance the rumba.
The breeze caresses their dark skin,
He is free to fulfill this whim.

Smoothness of movements, severity in a major key,
Sun, sand and azure sea.
Dance melody “Guantanamera”
Makes rumba in the right size.

No words are needed, the look is expressive,
Feelings say a lot in the soul.
Rumba - eroticism, passion in unison,
Wedding dance, for those who are in love.

The sun is setting and the wind has died down,
At night the poet dreams of a verse,
Like the Cuban midday heat
They dance rumba. And there are only two of them.


Natalia Fox

Waved a butterfly into the fire -
I'm dancing solo!
She squeezed her pain into her palm -
A fragment of love...

The flames rage, standing like a wall,
And there is coldness in my heart!
My world is washed away by a fiery wave,
My world is split...

In the bloody mess of the fire
Feelings are burning...
Continue on, rejecting fear -
Akin to art.

I'm dancing like it's the last time...
Now everything is possible!
How lonely I feel now
It's hard to notice...

Swing, turn - don't touch me!
Believe me, it's dangerous...
Let's dance... Me and my Fire,
Let's dance passionately!

Folk dance

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

Folk dance never gets old!
Inspired by ardent passion,
It intoxicates, it warms with passion
Us since time immemorial!

Various rhythms, movements,
There's a whirlwind there! They circle here leisurely.
But in everyone there is, like a revelation,
People's feelings and soul!

Folk dance excites everyone!
It will light up anyone's heart!
After all, he has been dancing since time immemorial
His Majesty is the PEOPLE!


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

Measuring miles of space,
From distant shores
Young filibusters
Slaves were brought to the show...

Under the bottomless sky of Rio
Life goes by dancing.
Samba - dance of positivity
It will “ignite” so much that at least hold on!

Sexy and rhythmic
Both perky and funny
This samba is dynamic -
The whole country is “lighting up”.

African habit
Under the blows of heels,
The mulatto moves her hips,
Attracting suitors.

Someone's hat flashed by
Scarf hanging on the shoulders.
It was Ostap's phantom*
On a walk in those places.

The poet measured with lines
The poem I wrote.
It's good that filibusters
He did not meet him in the seas.

*Here we mean Ostap Bender.


Alena Demidova 2

The harmonious sounds of the orchestra flow -
Flabiola, trumpet, double bass.
There is no empty place on the street,
The whole city starts dancing.

Heaven and Earth combine,
Hands weave Catalan thread.
Strength of spirit and joy are with you
In an irrepressible desire to live.

Warms the palm of a stranger
Warmth that went around the circle.
This dance contains the soul of a Catalan,
This dance is called Sardana.

I'll wink at baby cupid,
To choose a sharper arrow,
Come dance to Barcelona
Gathering friends in a tight circle!


Andrey Sklyarov

The Catalans stood in a circle
Putting things in the center,
And they raised their hands,
Linking them together.

And dance the sardana
They fell to a simple tune,
To feel yourself in it
One nation again.

Sirtaki - a symbol of Greece

Valentina Sukhanova Assorted

"Sirtaki" is danced in Greece
It's called "Zorbas"
That's more correct in Greek
For us, “Sirtaki” is just right.

The dance is fast and lively.
Stop - rhythm with explosion
And he leads
A selection of sharp lines.

This Greek "horos"
Everyone dances happily
We sometimes admire -
The step is pressed in a fast rhythm.

This dance is popular -
The symbol of Greece, moreover,
Posted by Theodorakis
This music of the times.


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

He is not popular
But his people loved him,
As a symbol of free Greece,
For the passion that touches the soul.

Almighty Zeus looks down from Olympus,
I don't blame Prometheus
For giving to people abundantly
He is in the soul of a bright fire.

In “Zorba’s dance” there is aesthetics,
Characteristic color.
For linearity, dynamism
Euclid praised him.

Archimedes couldn't resist
I also submitted my resume,
Like, the square doesn’t fit here,
But in Sirtaki everything is for me.

There was a poet there as a stranger,
On the excursion later
He's on a Greek column
The autograph was drawn with a nail.

Sirtaki (from Greek - touch) is a popular dance of Greek origin, created in 1964 for the film “Zorba the Greek”.

Lyudmila Leader

Probably everyone will support me,
Who heard this groovy dance,
What do the world love about Greek SIRTAKI,
Sometimes quiet, sometimes insanely mischievous!

It begins timidly with a drop,
Drip... drip, drip, drip... drip, drip,
Takes you to the rhythm of a crazy carousel,
Under a stormy downpour, accelerating your pace!

The free wind refreshes the soul,
Bathing in the bliss of a blue wave,
The rays of the sun warm the heart,
And quietly draws you into half-asleep...

And again the rhythm that awakens the heart,
It is danced by three and seven and a hundred...
He opens the door to our friendship,
SIRTAKI is simple and easy!

Step-tap dance

Andrey Sklyarov

In wooden shoes
The Irish were drowning -
It went on like this for centuries,
Turning around to dance.

The dance of the feet captivated me
West in a clear fraction -
There it was called steppe,
And with us - tap dancing.


Lyudmila Kulikova 2

Bears lived at the Pole
It wasn't easy for them there
They twisted meticulously
The back is an invisible axis.

And people, extinguishing at the same time
Kicking a couple of cigarettes,
Together with a song verse
The whole secret was revealed in a tweet.

Many centuries have passed by
That's how it is in the world,
The bears won't let us in,
So that we don't move the axis.

Then we took towels,
Spun on its own axis
Together with the heels of the knees,
So as not to ask for bears.

And on a competitive basis
They're doing a twist on the floor.
There are a lot of new movements here
The artist asks himself.

Bears lived at the Pole
The poet had to see them.
He wrote a verse, they played it
Earth's invisible axis.

This means that it is unconventional to announce dances at a concert or competition in order to pronounce not only their names.

Written for “Dance Spring” according to a given list of choreographic numbers.

At your concert there may not be performances with such names, but using examples it is easier to figure out how to announce the dances that you will have.

Look at the previous article - it will be clear where the Presenter should insert the given text.


Announce the performer and choreographer.

For example - pop a dancing group“X”, group leader – ... full name.

I’m writing in a list, but announce one at a time, of course.

We are little children

You and I have already guessed that little children will now appear on stage, and that these kids dance great. But if everything were simple, they would not have performed in Dance Spring. And they perform. And how they perform! Let's watch and applaud!


We don't have an airport, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be flight attendants. Meet “Flight Attendants”, not on the plane, but on our stage.


There are many different lullabies. Let's watch "Lullaby" by the group "X".

Sleep, my sunshine

The next number is “Sleep, my sunshine.” It seems that it looks like a lullaby, but now we’ll figure out what will really happen and who is whose sunshine.



“Militari” means “military” in Italian, and that’s the name of this dance. I will say one thing - I really want this word to remain only in art and clothing style. And completely disappeared from the lives of people in its in a sad way. Let's see!


Many girls at least sometimes dream of being in the role of a Princess or Princess. And some don’t even dream - because they are born right away. We’ll find out in a second which Princess the dancers from studio “Y” will show us now.

You are fire, I am water

- – about incompatible opposites. "You are fire, I am water." But in dance, they seem to complement each other perfectly.

Cheerful zebrafish

We have not been able to reliably find out who Zebrik is. Either he is a kitten, then he is the son of a zebra, and then suddenly - Entertainment Center or studio. In our version - dance. “Cheerful zebrafish” for a cheerful mood!


Let go

When we hear the word “Let go,” everyone thinks about their own. Even if specific text is attached to the word - for example, as in the song “Okeana Elzy” with the same name. Now we’ll find out what meaning our today’s stars put into this word.

Village nursery rhymes

The younger group decided to amuse us all, and we were only happy about it. Let's meet new stars!


Tarantella - Italian folk dance accompanied by guitar, tambourine and castanets. For 200 years it was considered the only cure, can you imagine! And it’s better for you not to know what this dance was used to treat. Just watch and enjoy!


I'm sure everything will be wonderful. The main thing is that the goats do not get carried away and jump from the stage to the hall, and from there to the street.



There are different types of turntables - both for guitar, and for kefir, and for pike. Which ones they will show us is still a surprise. But I feel he will pleasantly surprise us.


The calendar says May, the mood is eternal spring. So why not remember winter for 5 minutes for a change? Especially when they show it to us so interestingly.


It turns out that dancing with the flood is a favorite question for the compilers of scanwords. And the answer, it seems, is that they won’t tell us now, but dance.

The country is young

Youth is always good, and not necessarily in your passport. The main thing is with your soul, head and feet. Which is what they will show us now.


Curtain, applause from an enthusiastic audience))


In this or a similar way you can present dancing at a competition or concert. Some with a joke, some with mystery, some with touching words. And it won’t be just a concert, but... Or - big. Or maybe, taking other things into account, even grandiose))

With wishes to pleasantly surprise the hall,



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