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Application - Google Play Services. How to update the play market - updating Google play market on Android OS

How can I update Google Play Services to use the latest version offered by the developers? To complete this task, you can use the Play Market. Updates are installed manually or downloaded automatically, provided that the appropriate permission is set in the settings.

Automatic update

What can I do to ensure that the firmware updates itself? Launch the Play Market, go to settings and turn on auto-update. If this function is activated, the phone starts downloading updates for all programs. This way you can quickly and quietly update all Google Play services.

It is recommended to select the “Wi-Fi only” mode. Why? Updates weigh quite a lot, so if you download them for all applications using mobile traffic, you can quickly go into the red. The app store itself also needs an update. To do to check availability new version and install it:

  1. Launch Play Market, open settings.
  2. Click on "Build Version".

If there is an update, you will be prompted to install it. If you see that the version is old, but the program is not updated, use manual installation.

Manual update

Let's see how to update Google Play manually if auto-update doesn't work or you don't want to use it. There is 1 simple way to check if there are updates and install them.

  1. Launch a store. Call the main menu and go to the “My Applications” section.
  2. Open the "Installed" tab. All installed applications will be here, including built-in programs.

For example, you need to upgrade Google Calendar. If there is an “Update” button next to it, then there is an update. If there is no such button, then the developers simply have not released the upgrade yet. In this way you can check all available programs.

To update Google Play and Google Play services on Android for free, you can download their APK files to your computer, then transfer them to the memory of your mobile device and start the installation. This method will take longer than a manual update through the Play Market. But reinstallation will help if Google services are not updated.

If you decide to download Play Market and Google services for free, then download them from trusted sites - for example, 4pda.ru. In this case, you can be sure that you will install the latest versions of the software without unnecessary problems.

Uninstalling updates

If problems arise with updated applications, you can remove the updates by rolling them back to the original version. What to do:

  1. Open the Applications section in Settings.
  2. Go to the All tab.
  3. Find Google Play Services. Open and click "Uninstall updates". If the services have not been updated, the button will be inactive.

The button may be inactive for another reason - the activated Device Administrator function. To disable it, go to the “Security” section, go to the “Device Administrators” subsection and deactivate remote control by unchecking the box.

Play market is the most important Android application; it is found on almost all smartphones and tablets with this operating system. And therefore it is very important that it is always updated. How to do it? In fact, updating the play market is not difficult at all! Let's start with the fact that, as a rule, modern smartphones have the playmarket auto-update mode, and therefore, every time you connect to the Internet, the system checks for updates and, if there are any, starts downloading and installing the latest version of the application. But what should you do if auto-update doesn’t work or gives you an error? Let's look at the solution to these cases in detail!

Updating the play market by checking the version in the application settings

If you don’t have auto-update set up, don’t worry, Play Market can be updated very easily manually!

To do this you need to take a few simple steps:

I. Go to the Play Store application and click on the menu icon in the upper left corner: II.

Next, in the menu that opens, find the “Settings” item and click on it (you will need to scroll down)

III. In the Settings that opens, scroll to the bottom and click on “Play Store Version” IV.

Then everything is simple - if there is a new version of the play market, the update will begin downloading. But if it’s not there and you should

latest version

— you will see a message that “There are no updates for the Play Market”

How to update the Play Market - setting up auto-update and choosing the right Internet source

You just learned how to update the Play Market manually. But it’s much more convenient to update the application automatically - to free up your time for more important and interesting things! Also now you will learn how to set up notifications about the availability of a new version of the playmarket and how to choose the right Internet source for updating.
  • Thus, to set up auto-update, follow these simple steps:
  • Only via Wi-fi. We recommend using this particular type of Internet connection when updating. Wi-Fi is usually unlimited and reliable in terms of quality. Click on the checkbox to install auto-update via Wi-Fi.

  • In order to set alerts about the availability of a new version of the play market, click on the two checkboxes in the “Alerts” subsection:
  • Availability of update - enable this play market function and messages will appear on the application icon whenever a new version of the application is available

Auto update - If you have enabled auto update, then this feature will help you know about the application update process.

Updating the playmarket through installing the Google Play Services application Another way Play updates

Market - installation of a special application called “Google Play Services”. Google does not charge a fee for it and you can download it absolutely free from the official website. After installation, the application will begin auto-updating all Google services that are on the smartphone, this is what we need! If you wish, you can configure the update mode at your discretion, just like in the play store.

Solving common problems with updating the play market

Uninstalling a previous update

Sometimes it happens that a new version of an application comes out with bugs and errors, and this may be the reason for the incorrect update of the playmarket or its incorrect operation. Also, the update may not complete correctly due to a connection failure or another reason. What can be done in this case? You need to uninstall the previous update and return the older one - that is, the working one. To do this, go to the “Settings” application, enter the “Applications” section and check the “Delete Google Play updates” checkbox there. As you can see, everything is quite simple!

There are also cases when it is not possible to update the Play Market using any of the above methods. What could be the reasons for this? In fact, there are several common reasons why difficulties may arise - first of all, the application cache is full, and secondly, incorrect downloading/installation of the update. Below is the process for solving these problems:

  • Clearing Cache
  • Clear the cache of other important Google Play applications. If after clearing the cache in the Play Store it still does not update, do a similar clearing in the following applications: Google Play Services, Download Manager, Google Services Framework. If it is possible to clear the cache of your entire smartphone, do that too. Also check if there is free space in your phone memory.
  • Re-login to your Google account. Sometimes to solve a problem you just need to log out and log back into your Google account - do this just in case.

If you have any other questions, ask them in the comments, we will try to answer promptly!

The Android operating system contains a built-in Play Market application store. It allows you to install on mobile devices any applications located in public storage. If for some reason software installation has become unavailable, then the problem may be outdated version store. How to update the Play Market on Android to the latest version?

Automatic update

Mobile devices running the Android operating system consume a lot of Internet traffic, spending it on updating applications and internal modules. This means that our smartphones and tablets always have the latest versions of software installed - at least as long as we have access to the Internet and automatic updates are activated on the devices. Many users disable automatic software updates. This is done for the following reasons:

  • Traffic savings are achieved;
  • The amount of “garbage” remaining after updates in the system is reduced;
  • Battery charge lasts longer.

Many applications can work without any update - these are offline programs, magazines, games and much more. Some programs stop working immediately after discovering their new version. The same outdated Play Market shows incorrect behavior and stops installing applications.

How to update the Play Market on Android and what is needed for this? Usually, If the Play Market is installed on the device by the manufacturer, then you do not need to update it. More precisely, it is necessary, but this is done automatically - users must be content with the automatically installed new version. You can see for yourself how the store is periodically updated and slightly changes its appearance.

In order to update Google Play Market on Android, there is no need to perform any actions. As soon as any updates are available, they will be installed automatically. If you suspect that there are still updates, but they are not installed, try restarting your smartphone or tablet - after that, the installed software will ask for updates via the Internet.

If you want to keep the software on your smartphone up to date, install new ones regularly Android updates and do not uncheck the automatic installation and update of applications in the Play Market settings.

Manual update

If you are faced with a situation where the Play Market is not working, this may mean that it wants to update. In order to make sure that a new version is available, you need to go to “Settings” and tap on the “Build version” line. In response to this, the Play Market will request the necessary files from the server and update - after which you will receive a fully functional application store.

You clicked on the “Build version” line, but the store returned a message to you that there are no updates? In this case, you will have to trust the smart application and look for other reasons for the store not working correctly. If you haven't had an app store since you bought your device, it means you installed it manually - in which case you can't count on automatic updates.

You can update the Play Market on Android for free and in completely manual mode using specialized resources where new versions of the store are posted.

A typical example of specialized resources on mobile topics is the 4pda forum. Here you will find files for new versions of Play Market and detailed instructions on their installation.

Most devices running the Android mobile operating system have the Play Market application store installed by default. Some users may experience problems using it, such as being unable to install an application. Most often this happens due to the lack of the latest version of the store. Next will be given step by step instructions on how to install Play Market updates.

Play Market is one of the main components of Google system services. With its help, users of Android gadgets can download and buy various applications, movies, books, music, etc. Problems with this component may result in blocking access to many programs installed on the smartphone. To eliminate malfunctions in the Play Market, you need to install the latest updates in a timely manner.

How to update the Play Store automatically

If the user has set the Play Store to automatically update on Android, then in this case no action is required, everything happens in the background and for free. When a new, current version appears, the application will download and install the necessary files automatically.

But in some cases, automatic updating of the Play Market on an Android smartphone or tablet is turned off, this may be due to the fact that the user himself has set such settings. You can set the correct parameters as follows:

Manual update

In some cases, users deliberately disable the Google Play automatic update function on their phone, for example, when the Internet is limited or there is a lack of memory. In this case, the option to update manually will help.

There is also a manual way to update for each individual Google Play service on Android:

Uninstalling updates

This option is useful when the methods listed above do not work. It involves forcibly removing previously installed Google Play updates and starting to download the current version of the program.

The process looks like this:

Updating manually installed Play Market

On some devices, Google services are not preinstalled by default, this also applies to Chinese devices. Owners of such gadgets are forced to add system utilities manually by downloading *.apk files. In this case, the store will not update itself, so you will need to perform the necessary operations yourself.

In this situation, downloading a new version of the Market from a trusted resource will also help.

Installing Google Play Services

In addition to the above methods, special software - Open Gapps Manager - will help you install the Google Play update. You can download it on the official website.


  • download the application and run the installation file with the *.apk extension;

Important! If the file is blocked by the system, then you need permission to install, you can do this as follows: “Settings”, “Security” and enable “Allow installation of applications from unknown sources”.

Play store is not updating

In some situations, the Google Store cannot be updated due to the following reasons:

  • unstable Internet connection. To solve this problem, it is best to use wireless Internet, since mobile coverage may be uneven. Therefore, the connection constantly jumps, moving from one mode to another. It is also recommended to select the preferred communication mode in the smartphone settings, for example, “WCDMA Only” or “LTE Only”
  • switched off auto update option. The solution to the problem is described above; you need to go to the play market settings and enable automatic updating;
  • The Play Market was installed independently using an apk file downloaded from a third-party resource. You need to remove the uncertified version of the play market and install the official client.
  • engineering works. In this case, we are powerless to solve the problem; we can only wait until the work on the servers is completed.

Google Play services) is one of those tools that works completely unnoticed. However, if he suddenly isn’t there Android device, applications will not be able to update, and you will not be able to use modern features such as contact synchronization or GPS navigation.

Perhaps Google Play Services is the most necessary and useful tool for Android, because without it not a single service can function normally. This platform is the link between Google products and your applications. So make sure you have the latest version of this product today.

If you have recently purchased a device, there is nothing to worry about yet, because new smartphones and tablets already contain all the components necessary for operation. But if your trusty gadget has been in service for a long time and has gone through many tests with you, be sure to update the platform. To do this is actually very simple, just download Google Play Services and install them on your device. The file is provided in the usual apk format and is unpacked in the same way as other ordinary applications. In case of an update, the mobile program itself will offer to replace existing components with newer ones.

What is the tool for?:

  • Google Services Authentication
  • Correct work with Google accounts
  • Updating and downloading new applications from the Play Store
  • Synchronizing contacts and Chrome browser tabs
  • Access to geolocation data, simply a GPS navigator
  • The ability to use modern features, such as energy saving and privacy of personal information
  • Thanks to the right Google work Play services, games will become faster offline and more realistic
  • Applications may stop working altogether without this tool.

Thus, it is important not only to ensure that you have a mobile program, but also the latest version. The application does not have an interface, you do not need to configure or configure anything. All you need to do is install Google Play Services on Android or their update. Your device's system will take care of the rest. You can check the relevance of the tool in the Menu section by going to Settings and then Applications. Select the desired line and view information about the mobile program.

Download Google Play Services (latest version) for Android for free you can follow the link below.

Android 2.3+

Android 5.0+

Android 6.0+



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