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Cite citations using APA style. Preparation for the OGE "methods of citing"

Quotes and ways of citing

Quotes are verbatim excerpts from statements made by third parties or texts. Quotes are one of the types of direct speech in Russian.

We can use citations in research papers and essays in order to reinforce the reliability of our own opinion by referring to more authoritative sources, which makes linguistic work scientifically sound and emphasizes its originality.

In the Russian language, citation began to be used in 1820 and is still successfully used.

Citation methods

There are three main ways of citing in Russian.

1) The quote is used as direct speech. With this method of quoting, punctuation marks should be placed in the same way as in sentences with direct speech.

For example: Julius Caesar said: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death.” Or another option: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death,” as Julius Caesar said.

2) You can also introduce a quotation through indirect speech using the conjunction “what”. The quotation in such cases is also placed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter.

For example: F. Ranevskaya said that “loneliness is a state that there is no one to tell about.”

3) To introduce a quotation into the text, special introductory words: as he spoke, according to words, as he wrote, as he believed, or without them, introductory words are replaced with punctuation marks or quotation marks.

For example: As Horace said, “Anger is a momentary madness.”

Or: L. Beethoven “knew no other signs of human superiority except kindness.”

4) Quoting poems does not require auxiliary punctuation marks, in particular, quotation marks. It is enough to indicate the author and the title of the poem, which should be written on the red line. For example:

A. Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"

What can Moscow provide me?

Today is a ball, and tomorrow is two.

Basic citation requirements

1. The quoted text must be placed in quotation marks and be identical to its original source. The lexical and grammatical form must fully correspond to the original.

2. It is strictly forbidden to combine in one quotation passages that were taken from different cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation.

3. If an expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quotation is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words, ellipsis should be placed in parentheses. When abbreviating a quote, it is important to ensure the logical completeness of the expression.

4. In the Russian language, it is prohibited to enter citations that occupy more than 30% of the total volume of the text. Excessive quoting not only makes your text formulaic, but also impairs its ability to be easily understood.

5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts are marked with the copyright symbol - ©. This mainly applies to scientific papers and research articles. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.

Quote - a verbatim excerpt from any text or in

the accuracy of someone's words.

Quotations are used to support or explain the statement.

IN writing quotes usually conclude

in quotation marks or in bold font. If quotes are given

are not complete, the place where the gap is missing is indicated by many


Quotes are formatted in the following ways: 1) proposal

niyami with direct speech: Pushkin wrote to his friend Chaadaev:

“My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses!” ;

2) sentences with indirect speech: A.P. Chekhov emphasized,

that “...an idle life cannot be pure”; 3) offer

with introductory words: According to A. M. Gorky, “art

“We must ennoble people.”

Often quotes are used to more clearly express


We must be attentive to the language, to combinations of words,

to the text you are reading. This enriches speech. Brightly said

the famous Russian poet V. Bryusov talks about this:

Perhaps everything in life is just a means

For brightly melodious verses,

And you from a carefree childhood

Look for combinations of words.

Quotations from poems are not enclosed in quotation marks unless

the poetic line is followed.


Lezina T.I.,

teacher of Russian language

and literature

MBOU "City Gymnasium No. 1"


ways of citing

  • The quotation is used as direct speech. With this method of quoting, punctuation marks should be placed in the same way as in sentences with direct speech.

For example :

Julius Caesar said: “It is better to die at once than to spend your whole life waiting for death.”

“It is better to die at once than to spend your whole life waiting for death,” said Julius Caesar.


2) You can also introduce a quotation through indirect speech using the conjunction “what”. The quotation in such cases is also placed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter. For example:

F. Ranevskaya said that “loneliness is a state that there is no one to tell about.”


3) To introduce a quotation into the text, special introductory words can be used: as he said, as he wrote, as he believed, according to words - or introductory words are replaced with punctuation marks or quotation marks. For example:

As Horace said, “anger is a momentary madness.”

L. Beethoven “knew no other signs of human superiority except kindness.”


4) Quoting poems does not require auxiliary punctuation marks, in particular, quotation marks. It is enough to indicate the author and the title of the poem, which should be written on the red line.

For example:

What can Moscow provide me?

Today is a ball, and tomorrow is two.

A. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”


1. The quoted text must be placed in quotation marks and be identical to its original source. The lexical and grammatical form must fully correspond to the original. 2. It is strictly forbidden to combine in one quotation passages that were taken from different cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation. 3. If an expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quotation is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words, ellipsis should be placed in parentheses. When abbreviating a quote, it is important to ensure the logical completeness of the expression.


4. In the Russian language, it is prohibited to enter citations that occupy more than 30% of the total volume of the text. Excessive quoting not only makes your text formulaic, but also impairs its ability to be easily understood. 5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts are marked with the copyright symbol - ©. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.


Find matches

1. “In Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision,” wrote I. Annensky, “there is also a sharp clarity when it is needed.”

2.I. Annensky wrote that “in Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision, and there is also a sharp clarity when it is needed.”

A. The quotation is framed as direct speech and is located after the words of the author

B. The quotation is framed as direct speech and is located

3. I. Annensky noted: “In Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision, and there is also sharp clarity when it is needed.”

B. The quote is framed as direct speech and is interrupted

D. The quote is formatted as indirect speech(clause


Change the way the quotation is introduced according to the specified scheme

1. “Nekrasov mastered the form of the song perfectly,” noted K. I. Chukovsky.

2.K. I. Chukovsky wrote about the style of Nekrasov’s poems: “His style is completely subordinated to the theme.”

3. “Nekrasov, like Gogol, was well aware that the glorification of the national language,” wrote K. I. Chukovsky, “is the glorification of the people who created the language.”


Introductory construction, “Quote”.


Place punctuation marks, select required letters, write down the sentences

1. “My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to wonderful impulses!” (P,p)isal A.S. Pushkin to his friend Chaadaev.

2. “A patriot is the one

(U, y) asserted V. Bykov

3. Belinsky wrote that “(Nature) creates man, but develops and forms his society.”

(K,k)who loves his own, a nationalist is one who does not love strangers.”

4. According to A.M. Gorky “art should ennoble people.”

Quotes are verbatim excerpts from statements made by third parties or texts. Quotes are one of the types of direct speech in Russian.

We can use citations in research papers and essays in order to reinforce the reliability of our own opinion by referring to more authoritative sources, which makes linguistic work scientifically sound and emphasizes its originality.

In the Russian language, citation began to be used in 1820 and is still successfully used.

Citation methods

There are three main ways of citing in Russian.

1) Quote applies like direct speech. With this method of quoting, punctuation marks should be placed in the same way as in sentences with direct speech.

For example: Julius Caesar said: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death.” Or another option: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death,” as Julius Caesar said.

2) You can enter a quote and through indirect speech using the conjunction “what”. The quotation in such cases is also placed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter.

For example: F. Ranevskaya said that “loneliness is a state that there is no one to tell about.”

3) To introduce a quote into the text there can be special introductory words were used: as he spoke, according to words, as he wrote, as he believed, or without them, introductory words are replaced with punctuation marks or quotation marks.

For example: As Horace said, “Anger is a momentary madness.”

Or: L. Beethoven “knew no other signs of human superiority except kindness.”

4) Quoting Poems does not require auxiliary punctuation marks, in particular, quotation marks. It is enough to indicate the author and the title of the poem, which should be written on the red line. For example:

A. Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"

What can Moscow provide me?

Today is a ball, and tomorrow is two.

Basic citation requirements

1. Quoted text must be placed in quotes and be identical to its original source. The lexical and grammatical form must fully correspond to the original.

2. Categorically It is forbidden to combine passages in one quote, which were taken from various cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation.

3. If the expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quote is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words ellipses should be placed in brackets. When abbreviating a quote, it is important to ensure the logical completeness of the expression.

4. In the Russian language it is prohibited to enter citations that takes up more than 30% of the total text volume. Excessive quoting not only makes your text formulaic, but also impairs its ability to be easily understood.

5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts marked with a copyright symbol- ©. This mainly applies to scientific papers and research articles. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.

Subject. Quotes and ways of citing.

Goals: introduce students to the concept of “quotation”, describe the main methods of citation, and develop spelling and punctuation literacy skills.

During the classes.

  1. Org. moment.
  1. Checking homework.
  1. Frontal survey.

Define indirect speech. (Alien speech conveyed in the form of a subordinate clause).

How does indirect speech differ from direct speech?

(Indirect conveys only content, but not form and intonation).

What determines the method of joining indirect speech? (From the purpose of the statement).

  1. Exercise 259.

At the board, 1 student does a syntactic analysis, the rest name outdated words and phrases.

  1. Vocabulary dictation:

An abandoned fontanel, a silver song, a green grasshopper, hedgehog gloves, a reddish squirrel, a clearing not started, a lineman, hot air, nightingale spring, platform noise, cloudy and windy, a low bank, a slippery path, a bizarre pattern, uncut grass, falling from the right and icicles on the left.

Tell us about the spelling of N, NN in the suffixes of participles and adjectives.

When in suffixes of adjectives and nouns O is written after sibilants. When is E?

  1. Syntax five minutes.(Slide No. 1).

I will probably not be able to convey vividly and convincingly enough how great my amazement was when I felt that almost every book seemed to open a window into a new, unknown world, telling me about the people, feelings, thoughts and relationships that I didn't know, I didn't see. (M. Gorky.)

  1. Message of the topic, purpose of the lesson.(Slides No. 2, 3)
  1. Repetition. (Slide No. 4)

Indicate the sentences where the punctuation marks are placed correctly:

1) Full speed ahead!: “The captain commanded.”

2) I asked: “Where are you from?”

3) He talked about: “That everyone should be very careful.”

4) He asked his neighbor how far it was to the city.

  1. Learning new material.
  1. Teacher's story.(Slides No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

A quotation is a verbatim excerpt from any oral or written statement, given to confirm or clarify a thought.

There are several ways to format quotes.

Methods of citation.

Most often, quotes are framed using direct speech. Please note that the quotation begins in this case with a capital letter.

Examine the sentence and notice that in this quotation there is no dash between the subject and the predicate. Punctuation rules in the 19th century differed from modern ones, and when quoting, one must preserve the punctuation that was used

A. S. Pushkin wrote to Nashchokin in 1834: “They say that misfortune good school, May be. But happiness is the best university.”

You noticed that in all three cases, excerpts from other people's statements are placed in quotation marks, but if poetic lines are given as a quotation, then quotation marks are not placed:

A. S. Pushkin characterizes the first Russian emperor in the poem “Stanzas”:

Now an academician, now a hero,

Either a sailor or a carpenter,

He is an all-encompassing soul

The eternal worker was on the throne.

If the quotation is not given in full, then an ellipsis is placed in place of the gap. IN following example The sentence from Pushkin’s letter is not given from the beginning:

Pushkin wrote to Chaadaev in 1836: “... I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world, I would not want to change my fatherland, or have a different history other than the history of our ancestors, as God gave it to us.”

  1. Reading paragraph 220.
  1. Consolidation.
  1. Exercise. (Slide number 10)

A) Among the examples in this exercise, find a sentence in which the quotation is misspelled.

1) E. Hemingway wrote in one of his articles: “Books have immortality. It is the most durable product of human labor.”

2) According to Aristotle, “the oldest is most honorable.”

3) “An intellectual does not have a biography, but a list of books he has read,” believed O. E. Mandelstam.

4) D. S. Likhachev believed that “For culture, photography was the most significant image of the 19th century.”

5) Fazil Iskander said that “humor is a lightning rod of madness.”

B) Test.(Slide No. 11)

Which line contains an introductory construction that cannot be used to form a quotation?

2) according to the critic

3) according to the philosopher

4) in my opinion

  1. Exercise 263.
  2. Exercise 264 (oral).
  3. Independent work.

A) Exercise 268 (according to options – I, II, III).

B) Write down the text, place the necessary punctuation marks, and explain their placement. (Slide No. 12)

Once upon a time in the city of Sokol Vologda region At a book stall I bought a book by Tyutchev, published in 1976 in the “Poetic Russia” series. On the train, I sat for a long time at the night window, carefully leafing through, as if holding in my hands for the first time, the poems of the great poet...

And as if all over again I read:

Whatever life teaches us,

But the heart believes in miracles:

There is endless strength

There is also imperishable beauty.

For essays on what topics can Tyutchev’s lines be used as an epigraph? How is the epigraph written?

  1. Summarizing.
  1. Conversation. (Slide No. 13)

Define quotation.

(A quotation is a verbatim excerpt from any oral or written statement, given to confirm or clarify an idea.)

In what cases do you resort to quoting?

(To confirm my own thoughts.

In order to introduce the reader or listener to someone's authoritative opinion.

For a more vivid expression of your own thoughts.

To preserve the features of the language and color literary text when presenting it).

What citation methods are there?

(Using direct speech, indirect speech, using introductory words)

  1. Verification work.(Handout.)
  1. Find matches.

1. “In Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision,” wrote I. Annensky, “and there is also sharp clarity when it is needed.”

A. The quotation is framed as direct speech and is located after the words of the author.

2. I. Annensky wrote that “in Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision, and there is also sharp clarity when it is needed.”

B. The quotation is framed as direct speech and is located before the words of the author.

3. I. Annensky noted: “In Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision, and there is also sharp clarity when it is needed.”

B. The quotation is framed as direct speech and is interrupted by the words of the author.

4. “In Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision, and there is also sharp clarity when it is needed,” pointed out I. Annensky.

D. The quotation is framed as indirect speech (subordinate clause).

5. According to I. Annensky, “in Dostoevsky’s language there is a special, characteristic and necessary precision, and there is also sharp clarity when it is needed.”

D. The quotation is included in the text using introductory words.

6. I. Annensky explains the saturation of Dostoevsky’s poetry with suffering: “... the reason, of course, must be sought in the fact that it was poetry of conscience.”

E. Part of the statement is quoted, the author’s words are after it.

7. “The reason, of course, must be sought precisely in the fact that it was poetry of conscience,” - this is how I. Annensky explains the saturation of Dostoevsky’s poetry with suffering.

G. Part of the statement is quoted, the author’s words are before it.

  1. Change the way the quotation is introduced according to the specified scheme.
  1. Place punctuation marks, cross out unnecessary letters, build diagrams of phrases with quotes.

11. “My grandfather plowed the land” (N, n) Bazarov declares without pride.

12. “A patriot is one (U, y) asserted V. Bykov (K, k) who loved his own, a nationalist is one who does not love strangers.”

13. One of the literary articles notes that “(Oh, about) Tsvetaeva Brodsky wrote two wonderful articles.”

14. According to Pushkin, “Chatsky is not a smart person at all.”

15. Belinsky wrote that the public sees “in writers their only leaders...”

  1. Grading.

Description of the presentation Quotes and methods of citing Quotes Quotes from slides

In the Russian language, citation began to be used in 1820 and is still successfully used. We can use citations in research papers and essays in order to reinforce the reliability of our own opinion by referring to more authoritative sources, which makes linguistic work scientifically sound and emphasizes its originality. Thanks to citation, the author has the opportunity to show the completeness and breadth of the work performed or research conducted.

Basic requirements for citation 1. The quoted text must be placed in quotation marks and be identical to its original source. The lexical and grammatical form must fully correspond to the original. 2. It is strictly forbidden to combine in one quotation passages that were taken from different cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation. 3. If an expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quotation is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words, ellipsis should be placed in parentheses. 4. In the Russian language, it is prohibited to enter citations that occupy more than 30% of the total volume of the text. 5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts are marked with the copyright symbol - ©. This mainly applies to scientific papers and research articles. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.

How to make a quotation part of the text What is useful to know when quoting can be reflected in the diagram: 1. 2. 3. text after including the quotation text preceding the quotation quotation

So, having selected a quote that relates to the topic of the essay (or oral presentation), you need to think about how to make it part of the text. To do this, it is necessary that the text that precedes quotation (1) seems to prepare its appearance. After including quotation (2) in the text (one of the quoting methods is used), based on the quotation, we construct statement (3) so that the subsequent part contains a commentary, a response to the thoughts formulated in the quotation. In this case, partial citation may be used.

1. Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formatted as direct speech, that is, accompanied by the words of the author citing it, then the appropriate punctuation rules apply. Methods of quotation Socrates derived a formula of “intelligence” and “stupidity”, which is still unsurpassed: “I know that I know nothing, and others do not even know this.”

2. If the quotation is a poetic text with exact adherence to lines and stanzas, then it is not enclosed in quotation marks. When I wander around Moscow, when I admire the panorama of the Moscow Kremlin, I experience feelings that are difficult for me to express in words. . . And then one involuntarily recalls Lermontov’s wonderful lines: Moscow, Moscow! . I love you like a son, like a Russian, - strongly, passionately and tenderly! I love the sacred shine of your gray hairs And this jagged, serene Kremlin.

3. If the quotation consists of several paragraphs, then quotation marks are placed only at the beginning and at the end of the entire text. N. Roerich wrote: “Russia is not only a state... Russia is a superstate, an ocean, an element that has not yet taken shape, has not yet reached its destined shores. »

4. If the quotation is not given in full, then the omission is indicated by an ellipsis, which is placed: a) before the quotation (after the opening quotation marks), which is not syntactically related to the author’s text, to indicate that the quotation is not given from the beginning of the sentence; b) in the middle of a quotation, when part of the text inside it is missing: c) after the quotation (before the closing quotation marks) when the quoted sentence is not fully quoted. I would like to recall the words of A. Blok, as if addressed to the future reader of his works: . . . There is an answer in my disturbing poems: Their secret heat will help you live. . .

5. After a quotation ending with an ellipsis, a period is placed if the quotation is not an independent sentence. From Gogol we read: “A person is afraid of nothing more than laughter... »

6. The quotation is enclosed in quotation marks, but is written with a small letter if included in the author’s text as part of a sentence. When I look at “The Jagged, Serene Kremlin,” my soul is filled with excitement that cannot be expressed in ordinary words.

QUOTES AND PUNCTION MARKS WITH THEM 1. Quotes can appear with the words of the author (they represent direct speech - punctuation marks are the same as in sentences with direct speech) V. G. Belinsky wrote: “The Russian language is unusually rich.” 2. You can also quote part of a sentence (the quotation is highlighted in quotation marks, but is written with a lowercase letter). K. G. Paustovsky said that “there are a great many good words for everything in the Russian language.” 3. If a phrase is not quoted in full, then an ellipsis is placed in place of the missing words. M. V. Lomonosov believed: “The language with which Russian power commands a great part of the world. . . is not inferior to any European language." 4. If a poetic text is quoted (the lines and stanzas of the original are respected), then quotation marks are not placed. L. Tatyanicheva has beautiful lines about the Motherland: And in the most ordinary attire, you are sweet, Fatherland, to the point of tears. The brown strands of your invisible birch trees suit you.

TASK: REWRITE THE TEXT WITH PUNCTION MARKS. EXPLAIN THE PUNCTION MARKS. How is your health? Thank God I won’t complain, said Sobakevich. And there was definitely nothing to complain about; rather, iron could catch a cold and cough than this wonderfully formed landowner. Yes, you were always famous for your health, said the chairman, and your late father was also a strong man. Yes, there was one looking at the bear, answered Sobakevich. It seems to me, however, that the chairman said, you would also have knocked down the bear if you wanted to go against him. No, I won’t knock you down, answered Sobakevich, the dead man was stronger than me. (N. Gogol)

EXAMINATION! - How is your health? “Thank God, I won’t complain,” said Sobakevich. And of course, there was no point in complaining: Iron was more likely to catch a cold and cough than this wonderfully formed landowner. “Yes, you were always famous for your health,” said the chairman, “and your late father was also a strong man.” “Yes, I was alone with the bear,” answered Sobakevich. “It seems to me, however,” said the chairman. -You would also knock down the bear if you wanted to go against him. “No, I won’t knock you down,” answered Sobakevich, “the dead man was stronger than me.”

DICCTATION “CHECK YOURSELF”. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov argued in his letters that “brevity is the sister of talent,” that “language should be simple and elegant.” “There is no doubt,” Turgenev said at the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow in 1880, “that he [Pushkin] created our poetic, our literary language and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius.” “Starting with Pushkin, our classics created that great, beautiful language,” serve further development whom Turgenev begged Leo Tolstoy” - this is how A. M. Gorky assessed the importance of literature. Belinsky called A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” “an encyclopedia of Russian life.”

1. Which sentence with quotation is formatted correctly? a) Leo Tolstoy wrote that “music is the highest art in the world.” b) “Music is the highest art in the world,” Leo Tolstoy believed. c) Leo Tolstoy claimed: “That music is the highest art in the world.” d) Leo Tolstoy claimed - “music is the highest art in the world.”

2. In which sentence was there a punctuation error? a) A. S. Pushkin wrote: “Criticism is the science of discovering beauties and shortcomings in works of art and literature.” b) “They write wisely only about what they do not understand,” argued V. Klyuchevsky. c) M. Gorky urged not to be indifferent, “for indifference is deadly to the human soul.” d) Your admiration autumn nature A. S. Pushkin expressed it in the following lines: It's a sad time! Ouch charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty. . .

Find the wrong way to quote. a) A. T. Tvardovsky said: “In addition to angry, sarcastic and unforgiving laughter, there is also laughter of joy, friendly goodwill, cheerful and harmless mischief.” b) A. T. Tvardovsky said that “besides the laughter of anger, sarcastic and unforgiving, there is also the laughter of joy. . . "c) A. T. Tvardovsky said that “besides angry laughter, there is also laughter of joy.” d) A. T. Tvardovsky said that laughter can not only be “angry, sarcastic and unforgiving,” there is also laughter. . . mischief."



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