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Transparent pear jam with lemon for the winter. Amber pear jam in slices: preparation features, recipes and recommendations

Summer and autumn - it's time to stockpile supplies for the winter, including various ones. This time I propose to cook pear jam slices- sweet and aromatic, amber-sunny. It is always a pleasure to open a jar of such pear jam and please your loved ones, and especially when it is raining outside the window or snow is falling in large flakes. Have a fruitful season and delicious supplies!

  • per 1 kg. pears
  • 900 gr. Sahara
  • 500 ml. water

To preserve pear jam, you will also need jars (0.5 or 1 liter volume), varnished lids, and a seaming key.


  1. Wash the pears and let the water drain. It is better to take pears for jam in slices that are strong and not overripe.
  2. Cut the pears into 4 parts, remove the stem and seed nests (core). If the pears are large, then cut each quarter into 2-3 more slices.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar. Cook, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour hot sugar syrup over the pears and let them stand for 3-4 hours.
  4. Place the pears in syrup on the fire, let them boil and cook over low heat for min. 15-20, stir from time to time to prevent burning. Turn off and leave for 4 hours, as when preparing.
  5. Cook again for 15-20 minutes. - cook the pear jam in slices 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes each. with breaks of 4 hours between cooking (if necessary, you can leave the jam to sit overnight and finish cooking it in the morning). As usual, we determine readiness by a drop of jam syrup: if the drop on the saucer holds its shape and does not spread, the jam is ready.
  6. Before the last cooking, we prepare the dishes for canning. We wash the jars and lids with soda or soap and sterilize them (I sterilize the lids for at least 5 minutes in boiling water, and the jars over steam for 7-10 minutes).
  7. Immediately after the last cooking, put the finished pear jam into sterilized jars, filling 1-2 jars at a time (to prevent the jar from bursting from the hot jam, you can put a spoon in it).
  8. Cover the jars of pear jam with lids and roll them up.
  9. Turn the jars upside down and place them on a newspaper-covered floor. We check whether the jam is rolled up properly and whether the jar is leaking. If something happens, it is better to immediately open it and roll it up again. Cover the jam jars with old blankets and leave until they have cooled completely. After which you can turn them over, wipe them so they don’t stick with a damp cloth, glue or tie labels indicating the name of the jam and the year of canning. You can store the jam in the pantry or cellar.
  10. There you have it, delicious homemade food!

It is often called amber in a jar. And once you’ve tasted it, it’s simply impossible to refuse this delicacy.

It is often called amber in a jar. And once you’ve tasted it, it’s simply impossible to refuse this delicacy..

The pear is one of the most ancient fruits; it was also used for medicinal purposes by Sumerian doctors, who were famous throughout the world for their professional skills and knowledge. Numerous scientific treatises describe in detail the healing properties of the fruit. There's a lot in it beneficial properties, which still help to cope with complex shapes a wide variety of diseases. Modern scientists are sure that even when canned, pears retain a whole storehouse of medicinal components, so pear jam should definitely appear on the shelves of your homemade preparations.

Only one benefit

Pear is a source of vitamins; pear jam is useful for those who suffer from pancreatic diseases. Vitamins A, B, C, E, P - these compounds are an important link in the body’s metabolic processes, which is why it is so important to drink tea every day with a spoonful of pear jam. It can normalize the heartbeat, lower blood sugar levels, and reduce pain in the kidneys and liver. Our grandmothers used pear jam as an antipyretic, and modern medicine believes that it is beneficial for men suffering from prostate disease.

Pear jam It has a weak diuretic effect, so it is more beneficial than harmful. As a preventive measure, pear jam is used when it is necessary to remove kidney stones. Daily use helps solve these rather complex problems. The microelements contained in the pear contribute to the start of skin rejuvenation processes. If you consume any dishes prepared from this fruit every day, your skin will become firm, elastic, and very soft. Modern cosmetology actively uses the pulp of the fruit to treat various skin defects; it helps to get rid of age spots and give the face a special freshness and whiteness.

Calorie content of jam

If you don’t get carried away with sugar, the calorie content of pear jam will be very low. It is known that one hundred grams of fresh fruits account for only 45 kcal. This is a minuscule amount that helps those who are on diets. Prepare different dishes from these products, and then you can easily survive any diet. If you care about your figure, but love sweets, pear jam will be a good alternative. Do not use in its preparation a large number of sugar, and the jam will turn out not only tasty, aromatic, but also very healthy.

Healthy pear jam recipe

To make pear jam experienced housewives They prefer to choose unripe, hard fruits that can retain their shape during cooking.

The pears need to be washed, halved, cored and cut into slices. It is best to blanch the pears a little before cooking.

To do this, pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for fifteen minutes under open lid. This helps the flavors to develop, preparing the solid base to accept the sugar syrup. This water should be left for making syrup.

But before blanching, the pears are soaked in a solution citric acid, prepared at the rate of 1gx1l. This is done in order to prevent excessive blackening of the fruit.

If everything is done according to the rules, then the next step is preparing the syrup. It is prepared as follows.

The amount of water is taken at the rate of 1 liter of water per kilogram of pears.

Sugar is added to it 1x1, but it will turn out to be very sweet jam.

Take exactly half, the jam will turn out to be dietary.

The syrup is cooked over low heat, boiled for fifteen minutes, after which 2gX1l citric acid is added to it and the syrup is brought to a boil again.

Then the pears are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with the prepared hot syrup and allowed to cool. You can add a little vanilla.

As soon as the syrup has cooled, the pear jam is put back on the fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes until the pear slices become light.

When hot, the jam is placed in sterilized jars and rolled up.

Jam prepared in this way will delight you for many years. winter evenings during tea drinking, and save during exacerbation of chronic ailments. Skilled housewives use pear jam to prepare homemade baked goods; they turn out surprisingly aromatic and appetizing.

Therefore, a couple or three jars of this fragrant delicacy can be found on the pantry shelves of every thrifty housewife.

When the ruddy juicy sides of the fruit are visible among the foliage on a branchy pear tree, it becomes a little sad. Summer is leaving and the golden yellow autumn time is coming! This best time for healthy fruit preparations and you can cook amber pear jam. On this page I present to you 5 simple recipes for pear jam for the winter under a single sticker on the jars: “Eat it and lick your fingers!”

Recipe for simple pear jam for the winter

Let's start from the very beginning simple recipe. Making pear jam and rolling it up for the winter is so easy that even a novice young cook can do it.

Let's prepare the products:

  • pears – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1, 200 kg;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour a glass of water into granulated sugar and put the bowl on the fire to prepare the syrup. Stir with a spatula or large spoon so that the sugar does not burn.
  2. Cut the pears into slices, discarding the seeds and stems.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of citric acid to the boiling syrup and mix well.
  4. Next we load the chopped pears.
  5. We wait for the jam to boil, remove the foam and cook the tasty treat for about 30 minutes
  6. When the jam has cooled a little, it can be transferred to sterilized jars and closed with sterilized lids.

Quick pear jam is ready! One evening in cold January, you can have a delicious family tea party!

Amber pear jam slices

Pear slices boiled in sugar syrup turn into transparent amber sweets. The recipe is very simple and will appeal to all lovers of winter preparations.

Ingredients for jam:

  • firm ripe pears – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • cold water – 200 g.


  1. Peel the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into equal thin slices.
  2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water and place on low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil until the syrup becomes amber and translucent.
  3. Pour the warm solution over the chopped pears, mix everything thoroughly and put it back on low heat.
  4. Boil the jam for 5-6 minutes, and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times after it has cooled completely.

For lovers of very thick sweets, it is advisable to boil the delicacy 4 times.

The fruit will become almost transparent, and the jam will finally thicken after cooling. Now you can put it in jars and serve it to the table to evaluate its taste!

Pear jam for the winter “Five Minutes” - a simple recipe

For housewives in a hurry, a simple recipe for pear jam is suitable, according to which the amber dessert is cooked 3 times for 5 minutes. That’s why they called this original cooking method “five-minute”.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • fruits – 2 kg;
  • sugar/sand – 2 kg.


  1. Wash the fruits under running water, dry thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Add granulated sugar to everything and mix.
  2. After releasing a sufficient amount of juice, the workpiece is placed on the fire and from the moment it boils, the jam should boil well for 5 minutes.
  3. After complete cooling, the procedure is repeated two more times. The sweetness must be completely cooled every time!

A thick delicacy made from pears can already be served on the table to the delight of those with a sweet tooth, and in winter you can open a jar of jam for the holidays and for family tea parties!

To prepare thick pear jam, you will have to boil the syrup until it becomes viscous honey. The recipe is not complicated, but you will have to tinker a little, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • pears – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • water.


  1. Ripe but firm pear fruits should be washed and cut into slices. The size of the pieces is determined by the hostess herself!
  2. The fruits are transferred to a saucepan and filled with water. The liquid should completely cover the beautiful slices to about the thickness of one finger. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is also added there. Now you need to close the container with a lid and cook for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. When the syrup starts to bubble, strain it through a sieve and carefully transfer the pears to another bowl.
  4. Pour the liquid back into the pan, add sugar and boil for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Place the pears in the fresh syrup and boil for 7 minutes. After cooling, repeat the procedure 3 more times.

The finished jam can be placed in sterilized jars and stored away for the winter.

You can check the readiness of the jam in interesting ways: pour a little cooled syrup onto a plate and run your finger or spoon over it. The groove must not connect!

Recipe for pear jam with lemon

September and October are the busy time for autumn preparations! According to the recipes of experienced housewives, you can make amber jam from pears, and the citrus note of lemon will give it a unique aroma and summer freshness.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • pears – 2 kg peeled;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar – 1,200 kg;
  • water – 1 glass.


  1. Chop the pears, peeled of all excess, into thin slices. There is no need to remove the skin; it will keep the pear pieces whole and beautiful.
  2. Peel the lemon and cut into thin slices.
  3. Pour sugar into a non-stick saucepan, add a glass of water and place on low heat. Stir with a spatula until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved and a clear syrup forms. Let's remove the foam!
  4. Pour the hot syrup over the pears and place the bowl on low heat. We are waiting for the future jam to warm up, but not boil. We do not interfere with the spatula, so as not to damage the slices; you can periodically scroll and shake the basin. We wait 20 minutes, the beautiful pears will shrink a little and give juice.
  5. We set the bowl aside and wait 6 hours for the tincture for the aromatic jam. There will be a lot of syrup, and the color of the pears will change when we start cooking it twice. Let's wait for it to boil and cook the delicacy for 10 minutes. Let's remove the foam!
  6. Again, set the jam aside for 6 hours and repeat cooking 2 more times.

After the 4th cooking over low heat for half an hour, check the jam for readiness. Droplets of syrup should not spread on the saucer!

We put beautiful whole slices of pear jam into clean jars and close them for the winter. Enjoy your tea party with the whole family!

Good luck with your preparations and look forward to new recipes!

I suggest making aromatic amber jam from pears in slices for the winter. This was my first time making this jam, but it turned out so delicious that I tried it again and again! The pear slices turn out almost transparent. The jam tastes somewhat like dried fruit.

Ripe soft pears are not suitable for this jam, but only pears with dense pulp. But green fruits are not suitable either, since the jam will not be as fragrant.

I prepare the products according to the list.

Pour water into the pan and add sugar. I cook the syrup on the stove over low heat.

At this time, I wash the fruits and peel them.

I cut the pears into four parts.

I cut out the core with seeds and stalks.

This way I clean all the pears. To make the jam, I measure out 1.2 kg of peeled pear quarters.

I cut the pear quarters into slices about 3-4 mm thick.

I transfer the slices into the pan.

By this time the syrup should be ready. If the syrup turns out not transparent, it’s okay; when cooking the jam, the sugar grains will dissolve.

I'm pouring pear slices boiling syrup.

I leave the pears for two hours. During this time, the slices will release juice.

I put the pan with the pears and syrup on the stove, bring it to a boil over low heat and cook for about 6-8 minutes. I remove the pan from the stove and let the jam cool completely.

During this time, the pear slices will become more transparent. I put the pan of jam on the stove again, bring it to a boil over low heat and cook for about 6-8 minutes. I remove the pan from the stove and let the jam cool completely.

I repeat the cooking procedure again.

I put a pan of jam on the stove, bring it to a boil over low heat and cook for about an hour.

I put the jam into dry, sterilized half-liter jars. I ended up with 2 jars, and a little more jam left for sampling.

I cover the jars with boiled metal lids.

I roll up the cans using the key.

Pear jam slices are ready for the winter! When the jars of jam have cooled, I transfer them to the cellar.

Enjoy your tea!

Even 3 thousand years BC, people cultivated pears. It is believed that pears came to Europe from the ancient Greek Peloponnese peninsula, which at that time was called the land of pears.

Pears have long been grown in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asian countries.

The medicinal properties of pears were used by Sumerian doctors.

Fresh pears improve digestion. Due to the large amount of tannins, a decoction of pears, especially wild ones, is prescribed for diarrhea. This decoction helps with coughs and fevers. It also has a diuretic, analgesic, and antiseptic effect.

Pear juice is an excellent remedy for strengthening capillaries.

Pears are good because they ripen when many berries and fruits have already died. Therefore, housewives are happy to prepare them for the winter: dry them, make compotes, preserves, and jams from them.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Pears for jam should be ripe, but not soft. The jam made from green pears is soggy, pale, unattractive and unflavourful. When overripe pears are cooked (heat treated?), they become boiled, turning into porridge.
  • In order for the pear slices to cook at the same time, the fruits must be of the same degree of ripeness and the same variety.
  • The preparation of pears involves cutting off the peel and carefully cutting out the seed chambers.
  • To prevent peeled pears from darkening, keep them in slightly acidified water before cooking.
  • Small pears can be boiled whole; the rest can be cut into slices 2 cm wide.
  • If the pears are sweet, then you can use half as much sugar as for making apple jam. In some cases, it is enough to take only 500 g of sugar for 1 kg of pears.

Pear jam: first recipe


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • pear decoction - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Peel ripe but firm pears. Cut in half, remove the core. Cut into slices.
  • Place the prepared pears in a wide saucepan and add water to lightly cover them. Cook until soft, but the slices should not become mushy. Drain the broth into a separate bowl.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin and add two glasses of broth. Stir well and bring to a boil.
  • Place the pears in the syrup and bring to a boil again, skimming off the foam. Cook until the slices are translucent.
  • Cool the jam. Place in clean, dry glass jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Pear jam: recipe two


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1-1.2 kg.

Cooking method

  • For jam, select ripe ones, but hard pears. Wash them under running water. Cut off the skin.
  • Cut the fruit in half and remove the core. Cut the pears into cubes.
  • Place them in the cooking basin. Add sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours. During this time, the pear will give juice.
  • Place the basin on the fire and cook at moderate boil for 35 minutes, removing the foam.
  • Remove the bowl from the stove and cool the jam for 8 hours.
  • Put it back on the heat and cook for another 35 minutes.
  • Wash and dry the jars.
  • Cool the finished jam. Place into jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper. If you want to seal the jam hermetically, then the jars and lids must first be sterilized. Pack the jam hot. Seal with lids. Turn it upside down and cool it like that.

Pear jam: recipe three


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 3/4 cup;
  • citrus (lemon, orange or tangerine) dried peels - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe, strong pears. Cut off the peel. Cut in half and remove seed chambers.
  • Cut the pears into slices and place in a cooking basin, sprinkling them with sugar in layers. Leave for 12 hours. During this time, the pear will give juice and some of the sugar will dissolve.
  • Pour water, stir gently. Place on the fire and cook at a moderate boil for 1 hour 20 minutes. Remove any foam that appears with a slotted spoon.
  • At the end of cooking, add dried citrus peels.
  • Leave the finished jam in the bowl until it cools completely. Then pack into dry, clean jars and cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Pear jam with lemon


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Peel off the skin. Cut into slices, immediately removing the core. Place in a cooking basin.
  • Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Remove the seeds. Place in a small saucepan, add water and boil for 3 minutes. Strain.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan and add lemon juice. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour it over the pears. Leave for 2 hours.
  • Place the basin on the stove and bring the jam to a boil. Cook over moderate heat until done. The pear slices should become transparent and the syrup should thicken.
  • Prepare dry, sterile jars with lids. Place hot jam in them. Seal tightly. Cool upside down.

Quick pear jam


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Cut off the skins from them. Cut in half and remove the core. Cut into slices.
  • Place the prepared pears in a cooking basin.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Pour it over the pears.
  • Bring to a boil. Cook over moderate heat in one batch until done.
  • While hot, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly with tin lids. Cool by turning upside down.

Pear and orange jam


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 2/3 cup;
  • orange – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Cut off the peel. Cut in half and remove seed chambers. Cut into thin slices. Place the prepared pears in a cooking basin.
  • Place sugar in a saucepan and add water. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour hot syrup over pears. Bring to a boil over moderate heat and simmer for 5-6 minutes, skimming off any foam.
  • Remove the jam from the stove and leave for 8-10 hours so that the pears are soaked in syrup.
  • Put it back on the fire and cook for 5 minutes from the moment it boils.
  • Leave again for 8-10 hours. Repeat this procedure again.
  • Wash the orange and cut into pieces along with the peel. Add to pear jam. Cook everything together over moderate heat for 30 minutes. If the jam has thickened well, reduce the boil, otherwise the jam may burn.
  • Prepare jars and lids. To do this, wash them and treat them with steam or bake them in the oven.
  • Place the hot jam into dry, sterile jars and immediately seal tightly with clean, dry lids. Turn the jars upside down and cool in this position.

Helpful information

After sorting pears for jam, overripe or wrinkled fruits remain. They are used to make jam or marmalade. But if you don’t want to tinker with these preparations, then the remaining pears can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, make a fruit mask. Ripe fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, beneficial microelements, and biologically active substances.

To prepare a fruit mask, pears are peeled and seed chambers removed, placed in a jar and thoroughly mashed. This pear puree is applied to the face, neck, chest, hands and kept for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream.



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