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A story about the painting the rooks have arrived. An essay based on Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks have Arrived. A new milestone in fine art, the creation of the painting “Country Road”

In the picture "The Rooks Have Arrived" depicts early spring. Nature awakens from sleep, everything comes to life, everything is filled with life, sound and soul. Birds return to their native lands, trees bloom, everything around comes to life. The snow has not yet melted, but the sun is already giving off its warmth, you can feel the arrival of the most beautiful time of the year - spring. The air is filled with new notes. He became warmer, fresher, lighter, more familiar. Everything around is fragrant. My head is spinning from the sensations and expectations of something bright and dear.

No wonder he painted the picture in such colors. It shows exactly the time when winter still dominates the entire earth, and spring is already approaching. At the same time, we feel that rooks are the main heralds of spring. And the upcoming work in the spring season. They have already started their work. And this makes you feel them swarming on the branches, shouting at each other, flapping their wings... And my soul somehow becomes more cheerful and warmer.

We see that the rooks have already managed to build their nests, preparing for spring, for offspring, for life. Birds are the ones who know how to listen to nature, are an integral part of it, and symbolize lightness, flight and freedom.

The second main stroke is melt water, it is this that screams to us about the coming of spring. She is depicted in the picture in a small depression, which gives the exact feeling - the snow is melting slowly, gradually. At the same time, the largest part of the picture is occupied by snow rather than melted spring water. Accordingly, one feels that winter does not want to leave its temporary possessions. We can guess that the weather is sunny, but we don’t see the sun. This can be determined by the shadows in the painting under the trees. But even here we conclude that spring is about to knock on our door, the light is still faded, the sun is not bright. But it already plays on the imagination and makes you smile.

In the background of this picture is an old small chapel, which gives a feeling of calm and spirituality.

To the right of the chapel there is a small rural house. Only the upper part is visible - the roof is white, slightly faded in color and the attic. Not far from the house there were still bare bushes. Between the chapel and the house there is a three-domed temple. It is yellowish-white in color. And the domes are dark in color, but there is no way to accurately recognize them.

It can be noted that the artist most accurately and believably depicted the Russian landscape, the Russian soul, and our nature. At the same time, he gave us the opportunity to think about the lofty and spiritual. With the help of paints we feel the frost, the smells of the coming spring, the cry of birds... it is impossible to convey in words. It is impossible to say exactly what kind of area it is - a city or a village, whether it is a real area or an imaginary one. But we can definitely say that this is Russia. Nature is simply mesmerizing.

In the middle and senior levels of schooling, one of the options is creative works is the description of the picture. Students in sixth or seventh grade must write an essay on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” by Alexei Savrasov.

Goals and objectives of essays on paintings

Despite the plot being clear at first glance, it is not so easy to describe this picture. The student must see deep meaning, which is hidden behind the simplicity of the plot. Why are such creative tasks given? The essay helps to form written speech, learn to correctly express thoughts on a certain topic, see and understand the content of the plot, describe what you see in words. When describing a landscape, logic develops, since you need to learn to highlight the main and secondary, see the details and describe according to plan.

A little about the artist

Alexey Savrasov is a Russian artist, famous for his landscapes. One of his most famous works is the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. Savrasov worked on it in 1871. The sketches were written by him when he traveled to the village of Molitvino Kostroma region. The artist indicated his place of work in the picture in the lower left corner. Perhaps his first ideas were conceived in the vicinity of Yaroslavl, shortly before his trip to Molitvino. Alexey Savrasov completed the painting in Yaroslavl and added the final touches in Moscow.

Exhibitions and reviews

In the same year, the painting was bought by Pavel Tretyakov, the founder Tretyakov Gallery and collector. Soon it was exhibited at the Moscow Society, and then at the exhibition of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions in St. Petersburg. The landscape received many admiring reviews. Artists and critics said that this is one of the most beautiful landscapes and best picture Savrasova. Despite the simplicity of the plot, the soul of the artist, who cherishes the views of Russian nature, is felt in the picture. But not only critics and artists appreciated the picture. Empress Maria Alexandrovna wished to have a repetition in her collection, and the artist painted another one for her. And in 1872 it was she who exhibited at the World Exhibition in Austria.

The time of year in the picture

Before you start working on an essay based on Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived,” consider the landscape itself. The painting depicts a very early spring, when the sun has just begun to warm up, the snow is melting and exposing black bushes and tree trunks, tired over the winter. Puddles began to gather under the sun, and the first symbol of spring and emerging life here were the rooks, which cannot be immediately seen in the picture.

Composition of the painting

So, let's start working on the essay. Let's begin the description of the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" with the composition. Let's look at it carefully. The backyard of the church is taken for the image. What immediately catches your eye is a large crooked tree, on the branches of which there are nests of rooks and the birds themselves. A few more birds around the birches. You can tell that spring has come by the thawed patches in the snow. We can notice that the rooks are somewhat larger in size than in reality. But this seemingly grotesque exaggeration does not spoil the picture at all, but on the contrary, thanks to them, the landscape seems to be breathing in spring. The center of the composition is several birch trees in the foreground. Along the edges of the picture on the right and left are branches of trees that are not included in the landscape, but thanks to them, the central part is balanced. sunlight falls from the left side, and the shadows of the birches fall softly on the melted snow. The fence is visible behind the trees and wooden church with a bell tower, and then - endless fields with an already flooded river, and they stretch to the very horizon. This plain gives the picture a sense of infinity and spatiality. To enhance the sense of space, the artist slightly changed the perspective. The foreground looks as if the artist painted the picture while being close to the ground. But then the horizon would be lower, although in the landscape it is in the center of the canvas. The artist’s intention was this: he wanted people to pay attention to the background, to the plain, which plays an important semantic role in the landscape, so it must be described in the essay on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.” A. K. Savrasov used this technique not only in this landscape, but also in other works.

Colors and tones

An essay on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” is impossible without describing the colors, tones and light. The landscape seems to be divided into three horizontal parts. Each part is drawn in its own light and tone. The upper part, which occupies half, depicts a light sky with predominantly cool blue tones. Below, occupying about thirty percent, snow is painted in gray and white.

And in the middle, brown tones predominate. It turns out that the buildings seem to hang in the air among the light shades, and this gives a feeling of lightness and airiness. To ensure that the elements of the painting merge into a single whole, the artist uses the correct perspective and composition, as well as the play of light and shadow. In general, the entire composition tends upward, as it were, which is achieved by the image of young birch trees reaching towards the sky. Savrasov managed to convey the sadness of the passing winter and the happiness of the coming spring. It was through thawed patches, glimpses of the sky and light tones of snow that this effect was achieved. In the background is sunlit, pinkish and golden, and in front is already loose, melted and grayish snow.

Birds are a symbol of spring in an essay based on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Let's pay attention to the birds that served as the basis for the plot. The painting is called “The Rooks Have Arrived”, and this gives us the key to understanding the painting. Let's try to imagine a landscape without rooks. How will he change? Then the picture will not have the dynamics that it has now. Birds symbolize life. They fly around birch trees, around their nests in which the chicks will hatch. One of the birds on the ground holds a twig in its beak and is about to build a nest. It is the birds that make us feel the arrival of spring, because with their appearance movement begins and life is reborn. This is how you can finish your essay-discussion on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.”

Among all the paintings symbolizing the onset of a certain season, showing nature and a certain mood, the work of A.K. Savrasov’s “The Rooks Have Arrived” is one of the most interesting, recognizable and striking. The canvas was painted in 1871, and almost immediately became interesting to people. It attracted the attention of contemporaries, first of all, this happened because the picture smacks of simplicity, despite the fact that it carries strong images and speaks of changing weather and sensations. The masterpiece, soon after it was written, was acquired by a famous philanthropist and added to Tretyakov’s collection.

The main idea of ​​the picture

The picture suggests that nature will soon undergo serious changes. It is said to mark the arrival of spring, to awakening after a long winter. It should be noted that in the film there are no direct “words” that the onset of spring is approaching. Everything here consists of hints that the author managed to present in such a way that they do not get out of hand. big picture, but harmoniously complement each other, showing that the most long-awaited time of the year will soon come - spring.

The moment depicted in the painting

The picture does not depict nature as a whole, but an immediate moment, which tells us that right now the approach of spring is felt especially acutely. Such moments happen when, for example, a person walks down the street in winter clothes, he is stern and immersed in his thoughts. But suddenly he decides to look up, and then he realizes that nature and everything around him has changed a lot. He sees that the sky has become blue, that the sun has begun to shine brighter, and the snow is no longer as cold and inaccessible as before, but has practically melted, replaced by ringing streams, and somewhere in the distance one can hear the singing of birds who rejoice at the approach of spring.

What can be seen on the canvas

The picture shows a completely familiar landscape; here you can discern nature, which is still in a state of hibernation, but there are already all the harbingers of the imminent onset of spring.

We can say that it is almost spring. In the foreground of the picture you can no longer see snow-white snow, but dirty, slightly melted snow. We are also told that it is spring in the picture:

  • Large thawed area located on the right side of the picture;
  • A ray of spring sun that secretly illuminates the entire picture;
  • A special breath gives the picture a feeling of air, in the depiction of which Savrasov simply had no equal.

Taking a closer look at these details, you can clearly understand that in the picture we see the onset of spring.

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The most inspired painting by Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov took place in the Volga region during the artist’s stay with his family in Yaroslavl. Before this, Savrasov spent the summer on the Volga. Most likely, under the impression of this trip, perhaps with an “order” from Tretyakov, which mentioned the winter Volga and its surroundings, in 1870 Alexey Kondratyevich took his family to the Volga region. In February 1871, his newly born daughter died and his wife fell ill. Savrasov took the loss seriously.

This can be judged by the series of drawings and sketches dedicated to the memory of her daughter and at the same time reflecting the so-called “healing space.”

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Under Savrasov’s brush there are bare birches, snowdrifts and bushes, the roof of a tented church blackened under the wet snow, the ground on the arable land and birds beginning to be visible under the melting snow - and on the branches of birches, on the arable land, on the snowdrifts. Everything indicates the awakening of nature. In the harsh climate of the Volga region, winter with the fury of an Old Believer fights for its rights, but spring with its high light blue sky, with a wet wind blowing away snow, without sun rays warmth - undermines the foundations, calls for help the birds and the juices of the earth, rushing up the tree trunks and treacherously peeking out in the barely visible buds.

This is what Savrasov wrote that unhappy spring, according to critics and biographers, in the village of Molvitino, Kostroma province.

Many sketches from life and pencil sketches were made - the motif fascinated the artist. He worked in creative ecstasy, not noticing either the cold or the bad weather.

Returning to Moscow that same year, Alexey Kondratyevich continued to work on the painting, rethinking his impressions from nature.

In 1871, the work was presented to the public at the First Exhibition of the Association of Art Traveling Exhibitions. Absolutely devoid of academic shine, a seemingly ordinary motif: a gray day of transition from winter to spring, the work appeared before colleagues, collectors and spectators as a revelation!

And although by this time such landscape painters, like I. Shishkin, F. Vasiliev, M. Klodt and A. Kuindzhi, A.K. Savrasov was distinguished by his special vision of nature, his ability to “paint air” and arrange parts of an image in such a way that critics compared his work with the music of M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky and N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

A distinctive feature of Savrasov’s work was his original understanding of the Russian landscape, where he was able to find something among the everyday that was unknown to the audience before him. He was able to make people admire this beauty to this day.

Sketches for the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

View more paintings with descriptions

In the painting by A.K. Savrasov depicts early spring. This is confirmed by the fact that rooks are already building their nests on birch trees. The snow has not melted everywhere yet, but it seems that very soon nature will recover from its long winter hibernation.

At the foot of the birches lies snow, on which the trees cast shadows, but it has already warmed up under the rays of the sun and will soon melt. Near a birch tree, a rook found materials to build its nest.

In order to make the snow more realistic, the artist uses a great variety of shades. There are white, and gray, and yellow, and brown, and even lilac.

There is a village behind a wooden fence. There are only a few houses and a church. The houses are built of wood. A.K. Savrasov depicted the surfaces of the walls in such detail in the painting that they seem real.

In the distance you can see a beautiful landscape. Almost all the land is already visible. Only a small area still has snow. On the horizon line, as if in fog, is a forest.

The dark silhouettes of birches and rooks, harbingers of spring, look so contrasting against the sky. It is so bright and beautiful, it seems as if it is this that makes this picture so alive, gives it dynamics, and attracts the views of the audience.

To create the picture, the artist mainly uses dark, gloomy, restrained colors, only the snow that has not yet melted sparkles in the rays of the weak sun. But it’s worth looking at this blue, fresh, spring, endless sky covered with clouds. Here Savrasov used all shades blue color: the darkest and most inexpressive at the bottom, and the most saturated and bright at the top.

Painting by A.K. Savrasov’s “The Rooks Have Arrived” is very beautiful and believable. You look at it and it seems as if you are standing in the middle of that very village, admiring the surrounding landscapes and breathing fresh air early spring.

Essay based on the painting The Rooks Arrived by Savrasova, 2nd grade

One of the most famous paintings by the Russian artist A. Savrasov, “The Rooks Have Arrived,” depicts the beginning of spring. The landscape was copied from the outskirts of a Russian village in the Kostroma region in 1871. This picture shows a very ordinary gloomy day. It seems that spring has arrived at this very moment, at this second.

The old crooked birches, still completely black and without leaves, have repeatedly survived storms, slightly hinting at the end of the winter cold. There is dirty, melted snow all around, which no longer gives the glow it had in winter, there is dampness, and only the rooks sadly sit on the branches. They have just recently returned from afar, having rested after a long and dangerous journey - they are building new nests, restoring old ones abandoned in the fall and sweetly talking to each other in a language incomprehensible to humans. Traces of birds are barely visible in the snow among the fragments of small branches. Having stuck to almost all the trees, the rooks fuss and fuss, thereby awakening nature after a long winter. White clouds with a bluish tint float by in the gloomy, gloomy, gray sky.

In this picture, spring has just begun, but is already making itself felt. Take, for example, the large puddle on the right with the reflection of small clouds. Behind there are some gloomy houses, a chapel, a church, a wet, tired fence and black and white fields. Not all the snow has melted yet and reminds me a little of cold winter days. The sun not only shines, but also begins to warm the earth. Looking at this picture, smells of spring and fresh, light air. Despite the fact that Savrasov depicted only the beginning of the warmth and beauty of spring without flowers, greenery and the scorching sun, we understand perfectly well that all this is just around the corner. We see an ordinary landscape - the freshness and awakening of nature.

Old, shabby trees, houses, a chapel and tired earth are depicted, having survived dozens, or even hundreds of winters. This sad gray picture provides a complete contrast to the coming spring and the cheerful bustling rooks. In nature, bright, warm, long-awaited days with a warm breeze and pleasant weather changes begin.

This artist is one of the few who could depict the air so realistically, it feels like we are there inside the painting in that Russian village and looking at a real, not painted, landscape. We breathe in the warm spring spirit and hear the hum of birds.

Rooks are one of the most prominent signs of the coming of spring. This is a migratory species of birds, and if they have already arrived, then spring has come with them.

2nd grade, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th grade

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