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Recipe for delicious cutlets Kiev style. Chicken Kiev (step-by-step Photo recipe). Chicken Kiev: recipes

“And what did the people of Kiev find in this oblong meat cake?” – thought nine-year-old me, without enthusiasm picking with a disposable fork a dish that was on the menu of a summer cafe under the proud name “Cutlets Kiev”, “For some reason the bone is sticking out. It would be better to order the chicken leg. Or grilled chicken.” To be honest, I was not at all impressed with the cutlets, because they were dry, tasteless, with a bunch of roughly chopped dill inside instead of fragrant green butter. And there was a feeling that a small bone had been hastily stuck in just like that, for the sake of blazing. And she was not from the wing, most likely. It stuck out very unnaturally from the brown-fried barrel. But when my mother noticed my uninitiative parody of food, with a smile she promised to cook real Kiev cutlets according to the classic recipe for the next holiday. And, of course, she kept her promise. Could a chicken, the most ordinary domestic chicken, be so tender?! Liquid yellow-transparent filling interspersed with aromatic greens... Golden, loudly crispy crust... That's when I fell in love with this dish! And, I must say, not unrequitedly. Although I still haven’t succeeded in making exactly these, real, mother’s cutlets, no matter how hard I tried. Maybe you can do it? I share with you the intricacies of preparing the most Kyiv, golden and aromatic cutlets.

Ingredients for two large cutlets:

How to cook classic delicious chicken Kiev (step-by-step recipe with photos):

I think I'll start with cutting up the chicken. This is the most important stage. But, despite the apparent complexity, it is very simple. Go? Cut off the outer phalanx of the wings if they didn’t do it for you. Place the carcass breast side up. Starting at the neck side, carefully remove the skin from the chicken. Gradually cut it off from the “wrong” side with a sharp small knife. At the same time, remove fat, especially in poultry, as in my photo.

Make a deep longitudinal cut, dividing the breast into 2 fillets. You will have to cut the cartilage, so arm yourself with a sharp knife or kitchen hatchet.

Carefully separate the fillet from the breast bone along with the remaining wing phalanx. Try to grab as much meat as possible. Clean the pit. The basis for chicken Kiev according to the classic recipe is ready. Where to put the leftover chicken? Throw it away! Just kidding, of course. I would make boiled chicken cutlets from the remaining meat. And, for example, I would cook broth for soup or borscht from the skeleton.

Cut off the inner portion of the breast. You will get a large (with bone) and small fillet. Cut the thickened part of the main piece of chicken lengthwise and open it like a book. This way you will make the workpiece thinner and increase its area.

Beat the meat pieces one by one with a kitchen hammer through several layers of film, as shown in the photo. It is very important to make the fillet as thin as possible without tearing it. Even a small hole will ruin the dish. Green oil will leak into the pan when frying. To prepare the second Kiev cutlet, repeat all the steps described in the recipe above. Place the ingredients in a bowl and place in the refrigerator for now.

In the classic version of cooking cutlets, greens are always used. Wash it thoroughly. Shake off the water. Chop finely. You can use parsley or dill separately, or mix them. And if you want something unusual, you can add basil or even cilantro.

Pass the garlic through a press. Along with the herbs, add it to the soft butter. Stir. You can add a little more salt and pepper. It is not necessary to add garlic, by the way. But with it, chicken Kiev cutlets on the bone will not be very classic, but fabulously aromatic. You can also add chopped mushrooms fried with onions to the filling. And with grated cheese it also turns out incredibly tasty. And if you put a little smoked brisket in green oil, the piquancy will simply go off the charts. Of course, this will no longer be a classic recipe. But incredibly delicious.

Wrap the mass in film, forming something like candy, as shown in this photo. Place in the freezer to allow the mixture to harden. It usually takes 10-20 minutes for the mass to harden. During this time, you can prepare the rest of the classic ingredients for Kiev cutlets.

Sprinkle the chopped fillet with salt and pepper on both sides. Rub the spices into the meat. The classic recipe does not provide for other seasonings. But if you really want to, but you can’t, then you can. Turmeric, paprika, and Provençal herbs will highlight the taste and aroma of cutlets very well.

Place half of the frozen butter. Return the rest to the refrigerator for now. Or immediately form a second patty.

Cover it with a small fillet. Wrap the butter, folding the edges of the workpiece overlapping. If the chicken is beaten correctly, there should be no problems giving Kiev cutlets a classic shape.

Mix milk and eggs. Beat lightly. If there is no milk, you can replace it with water. Or use only eggs.

Prepare 2 flat plates with flour and crushed breadcrumbs, in which it will be convenient to roll the preparations for chicken Kiev. Instead of crushed crackers, you can use a loaf or baguette. It is slightly frozen in the freezer, and then grated. Which breading to choose for classic cutlets is up to you. It turns out delicious either way. But with breadcrumbs there is less hassle.

The first classic layer of breading for Kiev cutlets is flour. Carefully roll the workpiece in it on all sides.

Then dip each cutlet in the milk-egg mixture. Breaded in bread crumbs. Try not to have any gaps.

According to the classic recipe, chicken Kiev is supposed to be deep-fried. Yes, it won’t work any other way, because the bone will not allow the dish to be cooked in a frying pan. Pour the oil into a saucepan or other suitable container. Warm it up well. It is important. If you put the workpieces in poorly heated fat, the breading will fall off and hang in rags. To check the degree of heating, throw in a pinch of breadcrumbs. Starting to boil and fry? You can put cutlets. Prepare one at a time. Keep in hot fat until golden brown. And make sure that the bone does not burn; let it look out better from the stewpan. Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the cutlet. Transfer to prepared baking dish. Place in the heated oven for another five minutes. Do the same with the second copy. Here is such a simple recipe. Perhaps you will find something to supplement it with.

For a side dish you can choose rice, stewed or baked vegetables, pasta or good old potatoes. I don’t know what the people of Kiev eat these cutlets with, but I like them with any “accompaniment”.

Bon appetit!

Classic Kiev cutlets are a very tasty and satisfying dish made from thinly pounded chicken fillet with green oil inside. If everything is done correctly, then when cut, melted aromatic butter flows out of the hot Kiev cutlet, which makes the meat especially tasty and juicy. Of course, preparing this recipe for Kiev cutlets at home requires some experience working with meat, but I am sure that you will succeed.

Especially for you, I have prepared a whole excursion with step-by-step photos and a detailed description of how to cook chicken Kiev. You just need to follow the step-by-step recipe and in the end you will get very tasty and appetizing classic Kiev cutlets with a golden brown crust and a juicy filling inside. So, meet: chicken Kiev - a recipe with step-by-step photos at your service on the website!


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 g breadcrumbs
  • 100 g wheat flour
  • 300 ml sunflower oil for frying
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste

How to cook chicken Kiev:

First, prepare the green oil for the cutlets. In a deep bowl, mix softened butter, a pinch of salt and finely chopped dill.

Place the mixed mixture on cling film, forming a sausage. Wrap it tightly and chill in the freezer.

Wash and dry the chicken breast. Remove the skin and cut the breast to separate the fillet. Trim any fat from the fillet, if any.

Now let's cut off the inner prominent part of each fillet - the breast. Thus, we got two pieces of fillet each - large (main) and small. On the main fillet, make a cut with a knife, starting from the thickened edge, to open the fillet like a book, following the recipe for Kiev cutlets at home.

Cover the meat with cling film and carefully pound the meat so that it becomes as thin as possible, but does not tear.

Salt and season the chicken with ground black pepper.

Divide the frozen butter and herbs in half. Place one piece inside the beaten fillet.

Cover it with a breastplate and smooth it with your hand to remove all the air, otherwise the cutlet may become deformed during frying.

Wrap the fillet so that the filling remains inside, similar to a roll. To be on the safe side, you can fasten Kiev cutlets at home with toothpicks.

Now let's prepare the breading. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs with a fork with a pinch of salt. Pour wheat flour and breadcrumbs into deep plates.

Dredge fillet cutlets Kiev in flour.

Then dip into beaten eggs.

Breaded in breadcrumbs.

To prevent the oil from leaking out of the cutlet during frying, we will double bread it. Dip the workpiece into the egg again and then roll it in breadcrumbs a second time. Let's prepare the second cutlet in the same way.

How to fry cutlets Kiev style:

It is ideal to use deep fryer or pour oil into a ladle or deep frying pan. The oil can cover the cutlets completely or halfway. In the latter case, the cutlets must be carefully turned over during cooking so that they fry evenly.

Fry the cutlets in hot oil until golden brown on all sides.

Do you know how to cook classic Kyiv cutlets? Yes, those same juicy chicken cutlets, covered with a crispy crust, from which, when cut, a liquid yellow-transparent filling interspersed with aromatic greens beautifully flows out. Today, especially for you, a recipe with a photo of real Kiev-style cutlets, with bones, which are traditionally served not only in Ukrainian and Russian restaurants, but also in Europe and even in the USA.

Classic Kiev cutlets are made from beaten chicken fillet, inside of which there is butter with herbs (most often dill). Usually the product turns out to be quite impressive in size, and to make it more convenient to cut, the cooks came up with the idea of ​​cutting the chicken so that the wing remains along with the breast. Traditionally, all the meat from the wing is trimmed, leaving only a neat bone that sticks out invitingly from the ruddy cutlet, which is convenient for holding the cutlet when slicing. Today I will tell you in detail how to “create such a miracle” from seemingly the simplest and most affordable products in a recipe with step-by-step photographs. Be sure to prepare it - I’m sure that your chicken Kiev will turn out exactly the same as in the restaurant!


  • chicken breast with wing 2 pcs.
  • butter 100 g
  • fresh dill 10 g
  • salt 0.5 tsp.
  • a mixture of ground peppers 2-3 chips.
  • loaf 200 g
  • large eggs 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil for deep frying

How to cook chicken Kiev

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the aroma oil, as it will need time to freeze. To do this, I combine soft butter, previously softened at room temperature, with finely chopped dill and mix thoroughly until smooth using a fork. You can add a little salt to it for taste.

  2. I wrap the “green” butter in cling film, forming something like candy. I pack a piece of loaf separately. And I place both pieces in the freezer so that they freeze slightly.

  3. In the meantime, I'm processing the chicken. You can buy a ready-made breast with a wing (as in my case) or cut up the chicken yourself - from one carcass you can cook 2 large Kiev cutlets. If you cut it yourself, first separate the breast along with the wings from the skeleton. Then cut it along the keel into two equal parts. Remove the skin and remove excess fat, if any.

  4. I cut off the outer phalanges of the wing, leaving only the bone adjacent directly to the breast itself. I cleaned the bone, that is, removed the skin and all the meat.

  5. Carefully cut off the inner prominent part of the breast - the so-called dewlap. The result was a large (with bone) and small fillet. In the place of thickening on a large, main piece of meat, I made a couple of cuts, but not completely, in order to open the fillet like a book. Salted and peppered.

  6. Covered the meat with cling film and beat it with a hammer. The main thing here is to make the fillet as thin as possible, but under no circumstances tear it!

  7. Meanwhile, the butter has already hardened. I divided it into 2 equal parts (according to the number of servings) and put it inside the beaten fillet. Covered the top with a dewlap.

  8. And I wrapped the ends so that the filling was inside (similar to a roll). If you carefully beat the meat, then there should be no problems. If, however, the structure does not look very reliable, you can fasten its ends with wooden toothpicks.

  9. I set the deep fryer to heat up - a saucepan with a large amount of vegetable oil (refined). I crushed a piece of loaf, which I froze at the beginning of the process, on a fine grater. Due to the fact that the bread was frozen well, it instantly turned into crumbs. Beat the eggs into a bowl, lightly salt them and scramble them with a fork (do not beat them!). As soon as the fryer was well heated, I coated the cutlets in the following sequence: flour, scrambled eggs, bread crumbs, and then again in scrambled eggs and crumbs.

  10. Immediately fry in boiling oil until golden brown, about 5-6 minutes. It’s better not to skimp on the oil or you’ll have to turn the product over to the other side, in which case be extremely careful not to get burned!
  11. Then I took it out of the fryer using a slotted spoon and transferred it to a baking dish. I sent the Kiev cutlets into the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for another 5-10 minutes, depending on the size, so that the meat had time to reach full readiness. They should be served immediately, hot.

Do you see the cut? If everything is done correctly, the oil will flow out beautifully from the cutlets, and they themselves will turn out very juicy and tender, with a loud crispy crust. The dish is best served with fresh vegetables and herbs. If desired, of course, you can add any side dish you like.

Kiev-style cutlets are loved not only in Ukraine. These juicy and tender cutlets made from chicken could not leave many people of various nationalities indifferent. The classic Kiev cutlet is cooked on the bone; we offer a step-by-step recipe for Kiev cutlet made from chicken breast. This dish is often avoided by novice housewives, because... They are afraid that this dish will not work. We will tell you and, with the help of step-by-step photographs, show you how to prepare this delicious dish, and share the little secrets of preparing delicious cutlets that can be served both for a family dinner and for any holiday feast.

Taste Info Poultry main courses


  • chicken breast 600g;
  • butter 120 g;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground pepper mixture;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • breadcrumbs 2-3 cups;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation time: 1 hour.
Cooking time: 40 minutes.

How to cook chicken Kiev

From these ingredients we will prepare two large Kiev cutlets.
First, prepare the butter filling; to do this, finely chop the dill and parsley. Divide the butter into two pieces, and roll each piece well in the herbs, while firmly pressing more greens onto the piece of butter with your hands, it should be completely covered with greens.

After that, put the butter in the greens in a small bowl and put it in the freezer.

Meanwhile, take the breast, separate from the bone, remove the skin, cut into two parts. From such a piece of breast we will get one large cutlet.

If your fillet is medium in size, then use a knife to cut it in the middle, but not all the way, lay out the piece of meat like a book.
Then wrap the meat in cling film and beat it on both sides with a kitchen hammer, do this not too intensely so that your fillet does not tear.

As a result of beating, you should get a round-shaped fillet, about 3-6 mm thick, salt and pepper it on both sides.

Place cold butter in the middle of the fillet.
Instead of butter, you can put cheese, bacon, and mushrooms in this cutlet.

Wrap your cutlet tightly like a cabbage roll so that there are no holes left.

Make the first breading, roll the cutlets in flour.

Then beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt and pepper to the eggs.
Pour breadcrumbs into a container.

Dip the cutlets into the egg and then into the breadcrumbs.

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It's time to dip the cutlet into the oil. I would like to note that the shape of your finished cutlet will depend on the amount of oil. If you pour it into a deep container, as for deep frying, the cutlet will turn out more rounded. We poured so much oil that it almost covers the entire cutlet. After 4-5 minutes, turn the cutlet over to the other side.
If you fry these cutlets with less oil, your cutlet will have a rectangular appearance with small corners. In this case, you need to fry the cutlets on all four sides, otherwise the sides of the cutlet will remain unfried and will have an uneven golden crust.
The amount of oil affects the duration of baking the cutlet in the oven; for deep-frying it will be 10 minutes, for a frying pan 15 minutes.

Place the fried cutlets in a baking dish or on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Important! We do not cover the cutlets with any lids or foil.

Serve the finished chicken Kiev hot. You can put bread croutons on a flat plate and place a Kiev cutlet on them. The sauce will be melted butter, or any sauce of your choice.

Juicy and tasty Kiev-style cutlets differ from traditional ones in that they are prepared not from minced meat, but from beaten chicken fillet. Biting into a tender, aromatic cutlet, you find butter inside with various additives - herbs, mushrooms, boiled eggs and grated cheese. In the most “correct” cutlets, a chicken bone sticks out on the side, on which a curler is placed so as not to burn your hands. And of course, the most important thing is how to learn how to make chicken Kiev at home, so that they have a crispy crust and tender, juicy flesh. This is quite possible and will not take much time. Let's try!

Butter filling for chicken Kiev

First we make the filling, and then we deal with the meat - this is one of the cooking rules. Since the base of the filling is butter, remove it from the refrigerator and let it thaw until soft. For the filling, it is better to take very high-quality oil with 82.5% fat content: the better the oil, the more tender and tastier the cutlets.

It is no coincidence that the oil for filling is called green - we will need aromatic greens. Chop dill, parsley, cilantro and mix with butter, add grated hard cheese to the mixture, add salt and form into thick sausages. It's best to do this as quickly as possible so that the butter doesn't start to melt. For 80 g of butter, take 8 g of cheese and a bunch of dill - from this amount of food you will get 4 sausages. Or you can simply roll pieces of butter in chopped dill. Put the green butter in the freezer and work on the meat.

The best meat for Kyiv cutlets is chicken breast

Cutlets are made from chicken fillet, that is, from chicken breast, and since the chicken has two breasts, you get two cutlets. For this reason, they are considered a delicacy, because to fry four, six, eight cutlets, you will need several chickens. However, now you can easily buy a chicken breast in a store, but if you want to cook a classic cutlet with a bone, you will have to buy a whole carcass. Now let’s prepare the meat for the Kiev cutlet; a step-by-step recipe for this process will help you figure out how to properly cut and beat the fillet.

1. Rinse the chicken well, place it on its back, remove the skin from the meat and make a deep cut along the keel bone that runs vertically in the middle of the breast. Help yourself on the other side by turning the fillet over and making a cut on both sides.

2. When carving out the breast, leave the wings if you plan to make a classic chicken Kiev. A prepared chicken breast bought in a store will produce a boneless cutlet - this is also tasty, although it looks more like a roll.

3. So, you have cut out the breasts with wings, and now remove two fragments from the wings, leaving only the humerus bone, which is firmly attached to the sternum by tendons.

4. Clean the meat from the humerus using a sharp knife and remove the joints at the ends. Now future cutlets resemble a leg with a bone - this is exactly how they should look.

5. You probably know that chicken breast includes large and small fillets, and now you have to separate them from each other with scissors or a knife. To prepare the cutlets, we will need both parts.

6. Wrap large and small fillets in cling film and pound gently with the flat side of a mallet until you have a flat cake 4-5mm thick. If you beat the fillet with the serrated side, you will end up with minced meat, so it’s best not to try it. If you overdid it a little and holes appeared in a thin layer of meat, it’s okay, they can be covered with another fillet, and when you dip the cutlet in batter and fry it, the “defective” places will become invisible altogether.

Making rolls, breading cutlets

The main thing is to do everything right. Wrap the butter-cheese sausage in a small fillet sprinkled with salt in the form of a tight roll, salt the large fillet, place the roll in the middle and wrap again. Another way to form cutlets is to place a piece of butter in the middle of a large fillet, cover it with a small fillet, and then roll it up like cabbage rolls.

Try to make the product tight and dense enough to protect the oil from leaking; to do this, remember the cutlet in your hands, giving it the desired shape. Now lightly moisten the surface of the fillet with water, roll in flour and remember a little more - the edges of the meat should stick together, then the cutlet will take on an appetizing appearance. Soak the semi-finished products in batter, which is made from 2 eggs beaten with 1 tbsp. l. flour and a pinch of salt, and roll in breadcrumbs. You can add a little milk to the batter for tenderness and airiness. Now continue working on the shape of the cutlet - it should be perfectly smooth, beautiful, resembling an ellipse. Then repeat the procedure with batter and breading again - double breading prevents the oil from leaking out and creates a crispy golden brown crust, which is an attribute of Kiev cutlets.

How to fry cutlets Kiev style

Lightly blot the items with a paper towel to remove excess moisture, otherwise the oil will sizzle and splatter. Fry the cutlets in a large amount of hot vegetable oil, brought to boiling temperature - bubbles should appear in it. You can fry in a deep fryer or in a frying pan - until a beautiful golden color, which will take about 3 minutes on each side. It is not recommended to fry longer, otherwise the rolls will easily burn - you will still have to finish the Kiev cutlets in the oven.

So, after frying in a pan, cover a baking sheet with baking paper, place the meat rolls on it and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180–200 °C. The readiness of the cutlets is easy to check - carefully cut them, if juice begins to flow out of the pulp, the dish is ready!

And one more subtlety - before serving the cutlets, pierce them with a fork so that steam comes out, otherwise hot oil will splatter out of them when you bite them. You can serve baked vegetables, mushrooms, crumbly rice or potatoes with Kiev cutlets. It's incredibly tasty!

Five secrets of cooking chicken Kiev

Secret 1. Cut the chicken fillet only from the thickened edge - this way the process will go faster and you won’t cut through it.

Secret 2. If you remove the tendons from the fillet, the cutlets will turn out more tender and softer. Some chefs recommend trimming them a little in several places so that the cutlets do not shrink when frying.

Secret 3. Add some spices and dry herbs to the breadcrumbs, and Kiev cutlets will delight you with new tastes and aromas.

Secret 4. Wrap the cutlets in cling film and place them in the freezer for 10 minutes before breading. In this case, the oil will harden and will not flow out during the “sculpting” process. Some housewives put the cutlets in the freezer for 10 minutes after breading.

Secret 5. If you don’t have time and guests are already on the doorstep, you can simplify it by using minced chicken. Make a flatbread from the minced meat, put the butter filling inside, and then wrap the cutlet in a roll.

Pork Kiev cutlet

This, of course, is not a classic, but it is also very tasty. Take 400 g of pork tenderloin or any part of the carcass without fat and lard. Make the filling from 100 g of softened butter, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, a finely chopped bunch of parsley and dill, and a pinch of salt. Place the butter on cling film, form into sausages and place in the freezer.

Cut the meat into layers approximately 0.5–0.7 cm thick, beat with a hammer, but carefully so as not to tear it. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, make a batter from 2 eggs, salt and spices, beat well and remove the butter sausage from the freezer. Cut it into pieces, place it on meat cakes and roll them into tight rolls. Dip the cutlets in flour, dip in eggs, and then in breadcrumbs mixed with meat spices. Double or triple bread and fry the cutlets in oil, making sure they float in it. Heat the oil, then reduce the heat to low and fry the cutlets for 3 minutes on each side. You can let the cutlets bake in the oven or serve them immediately with a fragrant side dish!

Chicken Kiev: Mexican recipe

This dish is perfect for winter, as its spiciness warms you up pleasantly and keeps you from freezing. For the filling, mix 5 tbsp. l. butter, 3 tbsp. l. hard cheese cubes, 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped canned chili peppers, 2 tsp. dried onions and ½ tsp. salt. Roll into balls and freeze them.

Latin American gourmets use crushed crackers as a breading - you will need 1 cup of cheese crackers and 1½ tsp. Taco Seasoning. It contains paprika, oregano, cumin, chili, cayenne pepper, garlic, dried onion and basil, so you can make it yourself.

Gently pound 6 chicken breasts, weighing approximately 160-170g, with a hammer. Place a ball of butter on each chicken wrap, roll, dip in melted butter, roll in cracker breading and secure with toothpicks. Place them in a microwave-safe bowl and bake on high for 15 minutes, then remove the toothpicks. Residents of Latin America do not claim to be the author of chicken Kiev, but they treat this dish very carefully.

You can prepare any sauce for the cutlets - mushroom, milk, cheese, tomato, garlic, vegetable, fruit and berry. The taste of the cutlets will improve, and the dish will look very bright, original and impressive, and your loved ones will certainly express admiration for your culinary abilities!



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