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Speech errors: types, causes, examples. Correctness as a quality of literate speech

Language norm- these are the rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of the literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, word usage, use of grammatical and stylistic means. This is a uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).

Norm - this is a relatively stable way of expression, historically accepted in the language community (the norm is implemented in the language on the basis of the choice of one of the options, mandatory for the educated part of society). Normativity– this is the most important factor in proficiency in the Russian literary language.

Question about the norm associated with the circumstances of choice for the speaker, with real speech competition between two or, less often, several linguistic units. This adds up two types of competition.

Firstly, a normative fact can be competed with by a non-normative one, or speech error - violation of the norm (cf. correct put, unplug and erroneous put it down, turn it off).

Secondly, a variant common to the literary language and limited use option(cf. condition and decomposition condition).

The first situation, in the case of a wrong choice, is associated with the concept of rough speech error, the second – with the concept speech (stylistic) error (speech defect).

Types of norms. Depending on what level of language a particular norm belongs to, the following types are distinguished.

Orthoepic norms (pronunciation norms) cover pronunciation itself and norms of word stress. These norms are related to the phonetic level of the language.

Lexical norms (norms of word usage) are associated with understanding the correctness, accuracy, and appropriateness of a word in the context and text.

Grammatical norms (morphological and syntactic) regulate the choice of the necessary grammatical forms of words or grammatical constructions. These norms are associated with the morphological and syntactic levels of language and are based on their systematics.

Taking into account the form of speech (oral, written), the system of literary language norms can be presented in the form of a table:

Standards of literary language

For oral and written speech

    Lexical norms (correct usage)

    Morphological norms(correct shaping)

    Syntactic norms(correct use of grammatical structures)

    Stylistic norms(correct use of language in different situations and areascommunication)

By degree of obligation for the speaker they differ:

1. Imperative (strictly mandatory norms establish only one option as the only correct one; shop, but not shop; kilometer- Not kilometer; more beautiful, but n e more beautiful; their business but not their business; puts, but not lays down; library manager, but not head of the library). Even a single violation of imperative norms is regarded by public opinion as a sign of general poor command of the Russian language.

2. Variant (not strictly mandatory, norms  provide for the possibility of free choice of options: for example, it is possible to use the following nouns in both masculine and feminine genders: cuff - cuff, duct - duct). In the field of dispositive norms, the speaker is in a situation of choice between a commonly used norm and its variant, characteristic of a narrower sphere of use. For example, turners, mechanics - general norm turner', mechanic'(noun pl.) - a colloquial version of the norm. Using one option instead of another does not lead to a speech error, but a speech error, a deviation from the accepted usage, still occurs.

3. Equal options - doublets(parallel forms are equalized with each other in semantics and usage so that the speaker can choose any of them: tvoro'g - tvo"rog, otherwise - and'otherwise, at the same time - at the same time). Over time, the language is freed from doublet forms, for example, when there are variants of the short form of adjectives characteristic, essential And characteristic, essential, shorter forms are now increasingly replacing longer ones.

Variability of norms develops historically. Variant norms reflect the desire of the language to change, which gives rise to variability.

Literary norms are reflected in all Linguistic dictionaries of the modern Russian language. At the same time, explanatory dictionaries reflect a set of basic (mandatory) norms and generally used variant norms. For example, in the Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language, accentual variants (i.e. stress variants) of such words as standardize And normalize, thinking And thinking. Some variants of words are given with corresponding marks: cottage cheese And (colloquial)cottage cheese, agreement And (simple.) agreement In the "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" you can follow the fate of some accent variants of words. Yes, words standardize And thinking become preferred and normalize And thinking have the mark extra. (acceptable).

All non-literary units included in the dictionary are marked special litters:simple(colloquial), slang(slang) places(local), etc. Speech errors are not recorded in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. A comprehensive reflection of the difficulties of the Russian language is given in the dictionary-reference book “Difficulties of word usage and variants of norms of the Russian literary language”, ed. Gorbachevich K.S.

4.1. Violations of spelling norms.

Orthoepic (Greek orthos - correct + Greek epos - speech) norms - norms of pronunciation and stress. Compliance with them facilitates and speeds up mutual understanding in the communication process. The rules of orthoepy and the Russian language can be divided into three groups:

a) pronunciation of vowels;

b) pronunciation of consonants;

c) pronunciation of borrowed words.

Common pronunciation problems:

In the pronunciation of consonant sounds, the laws of assimilation and deafening apply. Voiced consonants at the end of a word are deafened; this norm, as a rule, is not violated, with the exception of the voiced consonant [g] at the end of a word. It should sound like an explosive dull [k] - boot [k].

But in practice, pronunciation as a voiceless fricative [x] is often encountered. Such pronunciation is unacceptable as a dialectal pronunciation (a feature of southern dialects) - (with the exception of the word “god” - bo[x].

There are often errors in the pronunciation of “chn”. In accordance with the norms, this combination is pronounced as [chn]: eternal, marriage, absentee, cereal, planting. The pronunciation [sh] is required in female patronymics - Fomini[sh]a, Kuzmini[sh]a - and is preserved in the words bitter[sh]ny, kone[sh]o, empty[sh]ny, skvore [sh]ik. There is also a double pronunciation - bolo[sh]naya and bun[chn]aya, kope[sh]y - kope[chn]y, molo[sh]yy - milk[chn]y, order[sh]yy - orderly[chn] ]yy, plum[sh]y – plum[y]y.

The norms for pronunciation of vowels include accent norms. They are being studied accentology(lat. accentus - emphasis). In russian language free stress, that is, it can be on any syllable in a word, unlike some languages ​​of the world, where the stress is assigned to a specific syllable:

a) in Estonian, Latvian, Czech, Finnish languages ​​– 1 syllable;

b) in Polish and Georgian – penultimate;

c) in Armenian and French – the latter.

Another feature of the Russian accent is its morphemic mobility– stress can move from one significant part of a word to another in its different forms and words with the same root.

Main stress function – phonetic combination of a word. But there are words where the stress plays a meaning - a distinctive role - torment A- m at ka, drank And- P And whether. In polysyllabic words, in addition to the main stress, a secondary (side) stress also appears: avalanche A knowledgeable, four floors A gentle

More often accentological errors are found in the formation of the following forms of various parts of speech:

In monosyllabic nouns. husband. kind in R.p. units numbers, the emphasis falls on the ending: umbrella - umbrella A, ladle - ladle A, fruit - fruit A, coat of arms - coat of arms A. Exception: goose - g at xia, coal - at look.

Noun w.r. 1st declension in V.p. units numbers have an accent on the ending: angry at, hut at, Kirk at, goats at, bur at, floor at, grew up at, pitches at, owls at, stanzas at, herbs at, based on (b O family, b O ronu, ts e well, uh e ku), double stress (rec at- R e ku, board at– d O sku).

Some nouns 3rd class When used with the prepositions “in” and “on” they have an emphasis on the ending - in pile And, to the cost And, to shelter And, at night And, on the stove And, in connection And, on Sep And, in step And, in ten And, in a chain And.

Noun 3rd class in R. p. pl. numbers are accented based on (m e ness, n O honors, etc. And former, pr O ruby, w A loss), double stress ( O industries and branches e th, in e domosti and vedomosti e th), at the end (of branches e th, horst e th, position e th, fortress e th, plane e th, degree e th, tablecloth e th, speed e y).

Prepositions used with nouns and numerals can take on stress, making the independent part of speech unstressed - b e z news, b e z year, b e no use, no A winter, winter A hand, s A soul, s A year, And in sight, And from the forest, And from the nose, n A mountain, n A back, n A wall, n A two, n A six, n A stop O forest, p O sea, p O field, p O two, p O stop O three, p O d legs, p O d nose, p O d hands.

Short adjectives have stress on the first syllable of the stem in the masculine, neuter and plural. number. In the feminine gender it changes to the ending: b O ek - striker A, V e sat down - cheerful A, ch at p – stupid A. Double stress occurs in the plural form - bl e bottoms and pale s, bl And viscous and close And, G O hungry and hungry s, G at thick and thick s, others at wife and friend s, and And rn and fat s, P at shame and empty s, T e dreams and cramps s, T at stupid and stupid s, X O hungry and cold s.

Stress in past verbs. time can be based in all forms (b And ugh, br And t, cl A yes, cr A yes, m I t, sh And t), on the basis in all forms, except for the feminine form in which it changes to the ending: br A la, b s la, vz I la, gn A la, tore A, called A, on the console in all forms, except for the female form. kind (d O yal, s A measures, h A yal, s A per, n A nyal, n A chatted O tbyl, pr And nyal, at was). Double stress in verb forms d O lived - doge And l, d O drank - extra And l, h A gave - ass A l, n A lived - click And l, O tnyal - rel. I l, O tpil - otp And l, p O gave - under A l, p O dayal - day I l, pr O gave - cont. A l, pr O lived - lived And l, pr O lil - prol And l, section A l – r O built

In verbs on - “to ate”, two groups are distinguished: with emphasis on “and” (block And guarantor And fight, debate And conduct, conduct And disqualify And cite, inform And dude, cop And amount, sum And rovat) and with an emphasis on “a” (bombardiers A yeah, engravers A Ugh, Grimirov A t, group A yeah, seals A yeah, premium A t, form A t, etc.).

In passive past participles, the emphasis in the feminine form falls on the ending (taken - taken A, twisted – vit A, obsolete - obsolete A, started – started A, accepted – accepted A), in others - to the console. In participles on - abusive - torn - called the emphasis falls on the prefix (d O brane, s A brane, s A drana, s A called, And elected, pr And brane, pr e torn, pr And called, with O tattered).

Errors in accent may be caused by other reasons that should be kept in mind:

1). Ignorance of the rules of stress in the source language. Miz e rn (Latin miser - poor) from the French “miser” e r” and pronounced “miz” e rn".

2). Absence of the letter “е” in the printed text. Meanwhile, it is known that, in accordance with the norm, it always takes the emphasis. Wrong: beets A, and e lie, w e personal, new O awaited, conspiracy O married (correct: beet, gall, gall, newborn, bewitched).

3). Ignorance of spelling rules. The words “br” O nya" and "bron I” are nouns of the 1st declension.

The accent performs a semantic distinguishing function: br O nya - preferential right to receive something and reservation I- protective covering.

The word “reservation” is often misused.

4). Ignorance of whether a word belongs to a particular part of speech.

For example, the adjective “developed O th" and participle "r A called.”

The first is used in the phrases “developed” O th young man”, “developed A I industry”, “developed O e agriculture”, the emphasis falls on the ending. The participle formed from the verb “to develop” is pronounced with emphasis on the first or second syllable - p A activity initiated by citizen N, p A question raised by the teacher, p A twisted rope, p A curled curl.

When mastering the norms of Russian accentology, one must also keep in mind the phenomenon of stress variability. There are words in which the following are recognized as standardized: two variants of stress; one is considered bookish and the other colloquial; one option is general literary, and the other is professional.

Analysis and elimination of violations of language norms in the Russian language

Akhmetova A.K., senior teacher, Temirkhanova B.S., senior teacher

Every speaker or writer must appropriately use the function of language, create a stylistic pattern, and possess a rich arsenal of linguistic means.All the attention of the speaker and writer should be focused on the content, on the desire to develop the judgment in a logical sequence with the greatest accuracy. We must remember that the linguistic form must fully obey the logic of thought. So, the first principle that guides the teacher is accuracy, logical sequence of thought, and systematization of the material. Of course, scientific knowledge, erudition, oratory skills, understanding of psychology and speech culture are also important.

What should normative speech be? It is defined as follows: it must be correct and accurate, brief and accessible, emotional and convincing, actually euphonious, and stylistically consistent. Of all these positive qualities of literary speech, the main one is correctness of speech, that is, the ability of speaking and writing students to express their thoughts competently, in accordance with the norms that exist in the language. These are spelling norms related to the writing of words, orthoepic or pronunciation norms, grammatical, lexical, stylistic, punctuation norms, etc.

Language norms are the rules for writing words, pronunciation, sentence construction, etc. Unfortunately, very often the norms of literary language are violated by students. What are the reasons for this violation?

1) Insufficient knowledge of language culture (ignorance of grammatical material, rules, inability to apply them in the right situation, etc.).

2) Abuse of dialect words and vernaculars.

3) Clogging the language with jargon and phraseology.

Lack of clarity of thought, ill-conceived statements, a small vocabulary, inability to choose the right, appropriate word, accurately determine its meaning, inability to give a sentence a stylistic coloring - all this entails numerous mistakes.

Here are examples of how our students communicate with each other:

- Guys, idate V wheelbarrow.

- Why this cotton wool By TV look? Horror stories and it's better than this mura.

Mastering language culture begins with mastering language material.

External language culture manifested in the correct pronunciation of words(eg measures: contract, quarter, marketing, etc.). There is a so-called internal language culture. This is knowledge of the semantics of words, mastery of terminology, constant work with dictionaries of various types, etc.

Language norms are distinguished by their dynamism. This means that a linguistic norm is a historical category, a changing, developing phenomenon that goes into the passive reserve of the language if a particular word is outdated.

Let's look at an example:

Outdated forms - a large hall, a southern sanatorium, an interesting film, a new piano.

Modern forms - a large hall, a southern sanatorium, an interesting film, a new piano.

It is known that in the Russian language there was a struggle between two generic forms of names nouns: masculine forms and feminine forms. In martial arts more often In all cases, the masculine form prevailed, as we have seen in examples.

Logical (semantic) errors occur when the laws of logic are violated, the speaker or writer contradicts himself, does not logically connect the parts about the message, allows for ambiguity in the text or complete meaninglessness.

Let's look at an example from students' work:

Oily hair causes a lot of trouble. Get rid of it will help drug "London".

Man with black hair, come to us.

From this we can conclude: do not violate the laws of thinking, learn logical norms. This is the first requirement for those who speak or write in a particular language.

Lexical errors are the result of a violation of the accuracy of word usage; to be able to select precise, socially characteristic, stylistically significant words to express thoughts - this is the skill of the speaker.

“The word is the clothing of all facts,” wrote M. Gorky. And therefore it is quite natural to demand that these clothes be chosen with taste and to measure. This means that the words in a sentence must be selected with the underlying semantic and stylistic compatibility. The choice of a word is determined by its stylistic features: the environment in which the word falls (within a phrase or broader context) is taken into account.

So, the correct choice of words, their semantic and stylistic compatibility are necessary. If this compatibility is violated, lexical error, the essence of which is an incorrectly chosen word in the text. This can be seen using the example of our students’ work:

I want to lead humanoid life.

Closed character not transparent.

After applying physical insults everyone calmed down.

Grammatical errors often disrupt the meaning of a statement. These are errors associated with inversion, tautology, pleonasms, the words “weeds”. Unjustified inversion can lead to ambiguity. For example:

Public wide getting ready Mark 50th anniversary of the literary writer's activities.

Word wide must be associated with a word Mark"Any reverse order words in the text must be aesthetically justified” (A. Peshkovsky).

Pleonasms are verbosity.

Examples: Tell your autobiography, retreat ago, for the first time meet in March month, price list prices

Exception: "open vacancy", it became entrenched in the literary language, asnorm. And we can talk about tautology for a long time, since students often annoyingly repeat the same words or words with the same root.

Thus, already at the initial stage of students learning practical Russian from national groups using such material, it is possible not only to enhance knowledge of vocabulary and word formation, morphology and physiology, and speech styles, but to develop students’ understanding and skills of using correct language norms.

Fine arts as activation and creative activity in learning the Russian language

Temirkhanova B.S., Akhmetova A.K.

South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan

To teach actively and creatively means to use visual aids in the classroom, especially those that deeply affect the consciousness and feelings of students. One of thesetypes of work is the use of visual aids in the development of oral speech.

The purpose of using visual means is to consolidate the formulated speechskills (to determine the intent of the statement, to collect and organize material forstatement, reveal the main idea in the statement, construct the statement in differentspeech styles), in carrying out lexical work (expansion of vocabulary - studentsclarification of the meaning of a number of words).

Fine art becomes an additional means of activating emotions instudents, facilitating their acquisition of knowledge of the language. At the same time, acquaintance withworks of art serve the directed process of introducing students to pred, to science, which is inseparable from life and is a product of further development thinking and speech.

Fine art, of course, helps to make language lessons more emotional, vibrant, and imaginative. A teacher can successfully use still lifes painted by Levitan, Repin, Konchalovsky or other great masters,

The use of visual aids in the classroom helps open up opportunities for enriching the vocabulary and developing the communication and speech skills of students. They help to work on the description of an area, a historical monument, culture, and the ability to prepare a message.

When selecting visual material, you need to focus mainly on the development of coherent speech and their artistic value.

The basis of speech activity is the construction of sentences. The ability to construct a sentence is understood as the ability to correctly formulate the intent of a statement using lexical and grammatical means, i.e. ability to independently choose the right words, define sentence structure and fill it with lexical units according to certain language-specific rules.

Teaching oral speech is carried out in parallel and is closely related to teaching written speech. Quite often, when teaching written speech, the skills and abilities of oral speech are developed (N/p: oral retellings when writing summaries and essays), and often, on the contrary, teaching oral speech (for example, monologue) goes into work on coherent speech. a written statement on a particular topic.

The most important thing is to show and demonstrate the work. At the same time, it is useful to observe the following rules. You shouldn’t overload students with an abundance of names, titles, facts, it’s better focus their attention on two or three pictures and thereby avoid chaotic perception. It is advisable to display reproductions that closely match the original and do not distort the color scheme of the painting; it is better to avoid reproductions of paintings in black and white. Of no small importance are the teacher’s comments and his conversations with students about what he saw and heard.

A special role in such work is played by natural visualization in the classroom. A sprig of lilac, a bouquet of roses, floral arrangements, a bouquet of autumn leaves create a festive atmosphere and... especially contribute to the development of creativity, which undoubtedly affects the development of speech.

In speech development classes where cartia is used, one should strive to combine teaching coherent speech skills and cultivating an interest in art, the ability to understand a work of art.

When building speech development classes, it is necessary to reveal to students, on the one hand, the value of painting, and on the other hand, the richness of language, the imagery of words and the ability to use.

During the conversation, lexical-semantic work is carried out on the picture, the meanings of words are revealed, synonyms and antonyms are selected. Using leading questions, achieve from students using evaluative words, the most successful and appropriate comparisons, enriching Thus, speech is figuratively - expressive means.

Among other types of work on speech development, essays occupy an important place: they reflect the student’s inner world; through essays one can trace the student’s development, the formation of his worldview, and such moral qualities as a sense of duty, honor, and a sense of beauty.

When starting to work on an essay, first of all you need to understand what you would like to talk about and how, in what form (type of speech, style) this is best done, what language means will help solve the task.

Composing is a type of creative activity that is implemented on the basis of observations directly at the moment of creating the text. An essay is a verbal sketch from nature with the aim of developing a specific topic.

At the same time, it is advisable to use, first of all, works of painting for essays and discussions. Works of painting carry spiritual, aesthetic, emotional information about universal human values, contain enormous moral potential and, therefore, provide great opportunities for intellectual development, for teaching them the mood of statements that offer reflection on moral, social and philosophical problems.

Paintings make it possible to intensify the speech-creative activity of students in the classroom when studying lexical topics: “In the world of art”, “Holidays, traditions, customs and rituals of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Painting attracts with an accurate depiction of objects, the world of human feelings, conveys shades of mood, an elusive moment of life; interesting plot; bright colors; color scheme; the art of composition.

An effective way to help students solve this problem is to present ready-made lexical and grammatical codes of the language, in particular models of phrases and grammatical stems of sentences. Such models make it possible to successfully influence the formation and development of the syntactic structure of students’ speech in the linguistic space of art.

City scientific and practical conference

"City schoolchildren - scienceXXIcentury"


Section “Russian language”

Literary norm and speech practice of the newspaper

(based on the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia”)

Prepared by: students of class 10A

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 35"

Likinova Olga,

Enikeeva Kristina



ILiterary language and language norm

1.1 The concept of “literary language” and its main features

IINewspaper-journalistic style as one of the varieties of the Russian literary language

2.2 General characteristics of periodicals as mass media

III The main types of violations of literary norms on the pages of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia”

3.1 Grammar errors

3.2 Errors in word usage

3.3 Spelling errors

3.3.1 Spelling errors

3.3.2 Punctuation errors


List of sources used


Subject This study includes cases of various types of errors (spelling, punctuation, speech, grammatical) found on the pages of the local press.

Subject proposed work – “Literary norms and speech practice of the newspaper (based on the material of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia”).” The choice of this topic is determined primarily by the significance of the object of research at the present stage of development of the Russian language. I would like to emphasize that “Izvestia of Mordovia” is the official newspaper in Mordovia, each issue of the newspaper as a whole corresponds to the level and all criteria of a quality publication, such as: awareness, reliability, objectivity, representativeness of opinions, independence of judgment. The publication promptly covers all events taking place in the world and the republic, giving them a balanced, professional assessment. The information and analytical part of the newspaper is devoted to news of politics, economics, culture, sports and social problems, as a result of which it is of interest to all residents of Mordovia. At the same time, the texts of the articles contain various violations of the norms of the Russian literary language, which cannot but affect the quality of the materials.

Relevance The topic under consideration is due to the negative process of non-compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language in the speech practice of the media in general. It is no secret that in the speech of TV presenters and announcers there are deviations from spelling and speech norms, and on the pages of newspapers and magazines you can find errors of various types. It should be noted that the language of the media should be a model for readers, the leading role in this should belong to printed publications: newspapers, magazines, etc. Today, serious concerns are being expressed about non-compliance with the norms of literary language in the press, which can lead to a violation of the idea of ​​correctness as a key point in the culture of speech among newspaper readers, especially among young people, who absolutely need a role model.

Purpose This work is to identify, analyze and classify typical deviations from the literary norm in articles of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia”. Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

1. Analyze available theoretical scientific materials related to the concepts of “literary language”, “norm”, “types of norms”.

2. Review and analyze specific articles in the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia” from the point of view of the presence/absence of errors.

3. Classify the detected deviations from the norms of literary language in newspaper materials.

4. Suggest possible options for correcting detected errors.

When solving the above problems, the following were used research methods:

1. descriptive method with techniques for observing linguistic phenomena;

2. research method;

3. method of systematics and classification.

The research material may be of interest to philology students, school teachers, students, as well as anyone who is not indifferent to the problems of speech culture. Practical value work is that the results can be used as theoretical and practical exercises in classes of optional and elective courses in stylistics and speech culture, as well as in preparation for the Unified State Exam in grade 11, since, in our opinion, it is in school It is necessary to carry out systematic work to educate schoolchildren’s speech culture.

The work consists of an introduction, three parts and a conclusion. The introduction defines the purpose, objectives, subject, relevance, methods and techniques of the research, as well as the practical significance of the work. Chapter I is an analysis of theoretical material on the research topic; it identifies and defines the basic scientific concepts: literary language, standard of literary language. Chapter II examines the main features of the newspaper-journalistic style of speech, the press as one of the most popular media, and also characterizes the communicative qualities of speech and determines their connections with the literary norm. Chapter III presents a practical study, the purpose of which was to find in newspaper material cases of violation/deviation from the norms of the Russian literary language, their systematization, classification and description. The most important component of the chapter is the suggested options for correcting detected errors. In conclusion, the main conclusions of the work are presented. The bibliography includes a list of works that served as theoretical sources for this study and dictionaries. We relied on research on issues of stylistics and speech culture. When classifying the norms of the Russian literary language and describing them, we were guided by works. When analyzing spelling norms - for textbooks, manuals and reference books.

I Literary language and language norm

The Russian literary language dates back to the 11th century. Thanks to the written fixation of the literary language, written and printed texts, the process of its improvement is significantly facilitated: on the basis of the language of texts, the most adequate ways of transmitting thoughts, feelings, new forms and methods of linguistic expression are developed, while everything archaic is ignored, although sometimes it returns to speech , receiving new meaning (for example, words philanthropist, lyceum).

The modern Russian literary language is developing in line with those principles of organization of linguistic means in literary texts that were defined and consolidated, approved in its author’s practice. Many books and articles have been written about the Russian literary language. They tell about its complex and whimsical history, and about the richness and expressive power of this greatest national treasure, and about the important role played by the Russian literary language in our country and in the international arena. “Being a living connecting thread of generations, the literary language has absorbed all the best and healthy things from folk speech. He embodies the worldview of the Russian people, reflecting, as in a mirror, the achievements of their national spirit and culture" [Gorbachevich, 1989:6].

1.1 The concept of literary language and its main features

Literary language call the historically established highest (exemplary, processed) form of the national language, which has a rich lexical fund, an ordered grammatical structure and a developed system of styles [Gorbachevich, 1989:6]. Literary language has special properties. Among its main features, researchers identify the following:

1) the presence of certain norms (rules) of word usage,
stress, pronunciation, etc., the observance of which is of a general educational nature and does not depend on the social, professional and territorial affiliation of the speakers of a given language;

2)possession of a rich lexical fund;
3) the desire for sustainability, for the preservation of the general cultural heritage and literary and book traditions;

4) adaptability not only to designate the entire amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity, but also to carry out abstract, logical thinking;

5) stylistic wealth, consisting in abundance
functionally justified variants and synonyms
means, which allows you to achieve the most effective expression of thoughts in various speech situations.

6) concentration and the best organization into a single system of linguistic elements of all levels of language: vocabulary, phraseological units, sounds, grammatical forms and constructions of a national nature; all these linguistic elements over the course of many decades, through the efforts of many generations of writers, publicists, and scientists, were selected from the national language;

7) availability of written and oral forms.

These properties of the literary language did not appear immediately, but as a result of a long and skillful selection, carried out by wordsmiths, of the most accurate and significant words and phrases, the most convenient and appropriate grammatical forms and constructions.

Thus, the modern Russian literary language, which has become one of the world languages, has a rich lexical fund, an ordered grammatical structure and an extensive system of styles. At the current stage of development, it is opposed not to gradually disappearing territorial dialects, but to irregular speech and outdated facts of word usage. During the time separating us from the era of Pushkin, significant changes have occurred in the norms of the Russian literary language. However, this did not destroy his connection with the rich cultural tradition.

1.2 The concept of “literary norm”, its characteristics and types

The ability to distinguish between right and wrong in speech is associated with the concept of linguistic norm. Standard of literary language - this is the generally accepted use of linguistic means: sounds, stress, intonation, words, their forms, syntactic structures [Maksimov: 2004, 272]. Among its main properties, the professor highlights: obligatory for all speakers and writers in Russian, stability, but at the same time historical variability. “If the norms were not stable, if they were subject to various kinds of influences, the linguistic connection between generations would be disrupted. Of course, it is difficult for an unprepared reader, for example, to understand texts written in the 11th-12th centuries, but we understand the works of A. Pushkin, with the exception of individual words and expressions, although these works were created almost three centuries ago” [Maksimov: 2004, 272] The stability of norms is also ensured in many respects by the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful stream of national literature.

In Explanatory Dictionaries, “norm” is a legalized establishment, an ordinary generally accepted, mandatory order, a state of something; sample; rule.

In the textbook “Russian Language and Speech Culture” we find the following definition: “A literary norm is a set of fixed socially approved rules of language, mandatory for implementation in speech, reflecting the patterns of the language system and confirmed by the word usage of authoritative native speakers of the Russian language” [Ippolitova, 2008: 132].

According to the opinion, a norm is not only a socially approved rule, but also a rule that reflects the patterns of the language system and is confirmed by the word usage of authoritative writers [Gobachevich, 1989:31].

Perhaps the most complete definition of a literary norm belongs to: “A norm is a set of the most suitable (“correct”, “preferred”) means of language for serving society, emerging as a result of the selection of elements (lexical, pronunciation, morphological, syntactic) from among the coexisting, existing , formed again or extracted from the passive stock of the past in the process of social, in a broad sense, assessment of these elements.”

In the culture of speech, each type of norms (ethical, communicative and speech) presupposes its own scale for assessing communication in general and its specific aspects (especially speech) in particular. Ethical standards are rated on a decent/indecent, good/bad scale. Communicative: successful / unsuccessful, effective / ineffective, etc. Etiquette (within the framework of ethical and communicative): accepted / not accepted. Speech - for each of the advantages: logical / illogical, accurate / inaccurate, appropriate / inappropriate, accessible / inaccessible, varied / monotonous, expressive / inexpressive, etc. Language: correct / incorrect.

According to scientists, a norm is needed so that people understand each other correctly (social and communicative functions); to distinguish an educated person from an uneducated one (social and cultural functions); so that the educated part of people with the most developed linguistic taste influences the education and development of the rest (social and aesthetic functions); to preserve linguistic traditions (social and cultural functions) [Ippolitova, 2008: 130].

The norms require a clear correlation of stylistic features, semantic and expressive shades of parallel modes of expression with a specific context or speech situation.

Recognition of the normativity of a linguistic fact is usually based on the indispensable presence of three main features:
1) regular use (reproducibility) of this method of expression;
2) compliance of this method of expression with the capabilities
literary language systems (taking into account its historical restructuring);
3) public approval of regularly reproduced
way of expression (and the role of the judge in this case is usually you
falls to the lot of writers, scientists, and the educated part of society) [Ippolitova, 2008: 289].

Literary norms are recorded in dictionaries, grammars, reference books on pronunciation, stress, administration, codes of spelling rules, etc. This is called codification of norms (obtaining the status of law). Because of this, the literary language turns out to be the only possible means of communication in the most diverse spheres of human life, so knowledge of the basic rules of its use is necessary for everyone.

The norms of the modern Russian literary language are very diverse, numerous and in most cases quite definite and strict. The ability to use them allows a person to speak and write correctly, helps to express thoughts in an accessible way for others and to clearly understand the thoughts expressed by others.

In accordance with the main levels of language and areas of use of linguistic means in science, the following types of norms of the Russian literary language are distinguished:

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Orthoepic norms – these are the rules for the sound design of words, parts of words, sentences, i.e. the rules for pronunciating sounds, placing stress, and using intonation.

Lexical norms- these are the rules for the use of words, as well as stable phrases, in strict accordance with their meanings.

Stylistic norms - these are the rules for the use of linguistic units in accordance with their stylistic qualities and characteristics, i.e. stylistic coloring.

TO grammatical rules These include word-formation, morphological and syntactic norms.

Word formation norms- these are the rules for forming words.

Morphological norms- these are the rules for the formation of forms of words of different parts of speech.

Syntactic norms- these are the rules for constructing phrases and sentences.

Spelling standards include spelling rules and punctuation rules.

Spelling standards- these are the rules for writing words.

Punctuation norms- these are the rules for setting punctuation marks, which serve for the semantic, intonation and grammatical design of written speech [Ippolitova, Zagorovskaya, etc.].

1.3 Variation of norms in literary language

Speaking about the norm, one cannot help but point out its relative stability. The norm, like everything in a language, slowly but continuously changes under the influence of colloquial speech, local dialects, vocabulary of various social and professional groups of the population, borrowings, etc. Since something inevitably and constantly becomes outdated in a language, something appears new, a variability of the norm arises. The norm changes: 1) when it is functionally appropriate and necessary; 2) when the norm is unknown to speakers of a given language; 3) when the violation of the norm does not affect the functioning of the language (mutual understanding).

Changes in language entail the emergence options some norms. This means that the same grammatical meaning (for example, place, time, reason, purpose), the same human thought can be expressed differently, through different words, their forms and combinations, using different phonetic means. Without exaggeration, we can say that the variation of norms is an invariable and inevitable companion to the development of such intensively living languages ​​as Russian, and often the cause of difficulties for those who speak it.

In case of inequality of options, the main option is considered to be the one that can be used in all styles of speech . A secondary, non-main option is one whose use is limited to any one style.

Within the literary language, the presence of “senior” and “younger” variants of use is noted, the absence of sharp boundaries between right and wrong, subjectivity in assessing linguistic facts from the point of view of their admissibility - all this allows, on the one hand, to preserve the integrity of the literary language and, on the other hand, do not allow it to become dead. However, literary language always strives to avoid facts and phenomena that are absolutely identical in their semantics (meaning) and function, or to reduce such words and forms to an acceptable minimum, therefore, variants of the same norm are often distributed according to speech styles.

Thus, linguistic norms are not absolutely immovable, but nevertheless they provide guidance in the boundless sea of ​​speech activity and turn out to be one of the main conditions for the unity of the national language.

Most linguists agree that norm variation is an objective and inevitable consequence of linguistic evolution. [Ippolitova, 2008: 288] The oscillation continues for a more or less long period, after which the options either diverge in meaning, acquiring the status of independent words, or the productive option completely displaces its competitor.

At the same time, in the speech of the people around us, on television, on the radio, we constantly observe violations of norms. Is it really necessary to strictly observe them? After all, in most cases we understand what exactly these people are saying.

As with any violation of established rules, there is a penalty for violating the norms. This punishment is communication interference (misunderstanding, switching attention to how a person speaks - how competently, and not to what he says. In addition, “punishment” can be the very perception of a person by others as uncultured, uneducated, and as a result may an internal barrier in communication may arise for the speaker himself: I don’t know how to say it, I’ll remain silent (as if I have to speak a foreign language). The consequence of this may be a drop in self-esteem. It is especially important to comply with the norms in the language of the media, since it is this language that is understood under the modern Russian literary language, serves (or should serve?) as a role model.

IINewspaper-journalistic style as one of the varieties of the Russian literary language

2.1 The concept of newspaper and journalistic style of speech and its features

The newspaper-journalistic style functions in the socio-political sphere and is used in oratory, in various newspaper genres (for example, editorial, report, etc.), in journalistic articles in periodicals. It is implemented both in written and oral form.

One of the main characteristic features of the newspaper-journalistic style is the combination of two trends - the tendency towards expressiveness and the tendency towards standard. This is due to the functions that journalism performs: informational and content function and the function of persuasion, emotional impact. Information in this area of ​​public activity is addressed to a huge circle of people, all native speakers and members of a given society, and for the relevance of information the time factor is very important: information must be transmitted and become generally known as soon as possible. In the newspaper-journalistic style, persuasion is carried out through an emotional impact on the reader or listener, therefore the author always expresses his attitude to the information being communicated, but it, as a rule, is not only his personal attitude, but expresses the opinion of a certain social group of people, for example some party, some movement, etc. So, such a feature of the newspaper-journalistic style as its emotionally expressive nature is associated with the function of influencing the mass reader or listener, and the standard of this style is associated with the speed of transmission of socially significant information.

The tendency towards a standard means the desire of journalism for rigor and information content, which are characteristic of scientific and official business styles. The tendency towards expressiveness is expressed in the desire for accessibility and figurativeness of the form of expression, which is characteristic of artistic style and colloquial speech - features of these styles are intertwined in journalistic speech.

The newspaper-journalistic style is both conservative and flexible. On the one hand, journalistic speech contains a sufficient number of cliches, socio-political and other terms. On the other hand, the desire to convince readers requires ever new linguistic means to influence them. All the riches of artistic and colloquial speech serve precisely this purpose.

The vocabulary of the newspaper-journalistic style has a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring, includes colloquial, colloquial and even slang elements, it uses such lexical and phraseological units and phrases that combine functional and expressive-evaluative connotations, and even includes proper names in the sphere of evaluation , names of literary works, etc. Newspaper and journalistic speech actively uses foreign words and elements of words.

The syntax of the newspaper-journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with the active use of emotionally and expressively colored constructions: exclamatory sentences of various meanings, interrogative sentences, sentences with appeal, rhetorical questions, repetitions, dissected constructions, constructions with conversational coloring: constructions with particles, interjections, phraseological structures, inversions, non-union sentences, ellipses.

2.2 General characteristics of periodicals as mass media

Periodicals, the most traditional type of mass media, deprived of many of the advantages of television (the illusion of “live” communication, the presence of a “picture”, the use of paralinguistic means, ample opportunities for the formation of a “journalistic image” - even demeanor and appearance), remains Today, it is less than the most important mass media with significant potential to influence not only the reader, but also various aspects of social life.

Periodic printing performs the following functions:

Informational (communication about the state of affairs, various facts and events);

Commentary-evaluative (often the presentation of facts is accompanied by commentary on them, their analysis and evaluation);

Cognitive and educational (by transmitting diverse cultural, historical, scientific information, the media contribute to replenishing the fund of knowledge of their readers, listeners, and viewers);

The function of influence (it is no coincidence that the media are called the fourth power: their influence on the views and behavior of people is quite obvious, especially during periods of so-called inversion changes in society or during mass socio-political actions, for example during general elections of the head of state);

Hedonic (we are talking here not just about entertaining information, but also about the fact that any information is perceived with a great positive effect when the very method of its transmission causes a feeling of pleasure and meets the aesthetic needs of the recipient).

The newspaper belongs to the visual media, i.e. it uses a written form of expressing information. In periodicals, a binary sign system is presented: natural language in its written (printed) form + iconic signs (photos, drawings, cartoons) playing an auxiliary role, as well as various types of font selection, layout method, etc.

In general, the difference between written and oral forms of language is not only that one is written and read, and the other is pronounced and listened to. The writer and the reader do not see each other. This makes it difficult to establish rapport, so the writer must strive to improve the text as much as possible in order to be understood. Written speech exists for an infinitely long time, and the reader always has the opportunity to clarify an incomprehensible expression in the text. The linguistic features of written speech are as follows: the predominance of book vocabulary, strict adherence to literary norms, the absence of non-verbal elements, a complex system of graphics and spelling, the possibility of preliminary thinking and selection of vocabulary and phraseology, the presence of processed syntax with complex sentences, a more strict word order and sequence of presentation, slow reading, the possibility of re-reading, reflection after reading, etc. Therefore, written speech is much more complex than oral speech.

2.3 Communicative qualities of speech and literary norms of language

Communicative qualities of speech are those properties of speech that help organize communication and make it effective [Ippolitova, 2008: 184]. Among the main communicative qualities of speech are appropriateness, richness, purity, accuracy, consistency, accessibility, expressiveness and correctness

Relevance- this is one of the most important communicative qualities of speech, because very often the success of an entire utterance is determined by its appropriateness or inappropriateness. Appropriate speech is speech that corresponds to all components of the communicative situation. Relevance is a communicative quality that, more than other qualities, is focused on the communication situation as a whole and, accordingly, more than others indicates the communicative competence of the addresser. Relevance in a broad sense reflects compliance with ethical and communicative norms in speech, its compliance with the basic parameters of the communication situation, therefore this type of manifestation of this quality is defined as situational appropriateness. Relevance in the narrow sense presupposes the implementation of the named quality in the text, that is, an assessment of the appropriateness of using a particular speech device in a specific statement regarding the characteristics of this speech work.

Wealth language and speech in general reflects the abundance of different means of language and speech that can be used in any communication situation and in any speech genre. The richness of speech is an indicator of the degree of diversity of speech and linguistic means used, a quality that indicates a certain level of speech mastery and a conscious desire to diversify one’s speech using different linguistic and speech means. Accordingly, figurative speech is called rich, and monotonous speech is called poor. Wealth is assessed as the dignity of speech only when the various means of language and speech are used expediently. The main sources of speech richness are: phonetics, word-formation models, synonyms, antonyms, vocabulary of different stylistic layers, polysemy, syntax, phraseology. Thus, we can highlight intonational, semantic, etc. richness.

Accuracy speech is its unconditional dignity, an indicator of the speech skill of its author. The accuracy of speech is a necessary condition for its adequate and complete understanding, and therefore for the effectiveness of verbal communication in general. Speech is called accurate if the meanings of the words and phrases used in it are fully correlated with the semantic and objective aspects of the speech. In an effort to create precise speech, the author takes care that it cannot be understood approximately, incorrectly or differently.

Accurate word use is achieved primarily through the following speech skills associated with linguistic means: the ability to choose the right word from a synonymous series; avoid speech inaccuracy due to inattention to the form of expression; distinguish between words of the same root and paronyms; ability to use words of passive vocabulary.

Logicality of speech- this is the quality of speech that must be inherent in it, and if logic is observed in everything, then it becomes one of the most important advantages of speech. Basic definitions of logical speech emphasize that speech can be called logical when it complies with the laws of logic.

The communicative quality of speech, which depends entirely on the characteristics of the communication situation, namely on the addressee, is availability. Accessibility presupposes the construction of speech in which the level of complexity of speech in terminological, substantive, and structural terms corresponds to the level of understanding of the addressee. Accessibility implies a mandatory response from the addressee as confirmation of the degree of understanding of what was heard or read. At the same time, accessibility is not so much a quality as a dignity of speech, since accessibility is manifested to a greater or lesser extent.

Expressive is called such speech in which the expression of one’s attitude to the subject and/or form of speech corresponds to the communicative situation, and the speech as a whole is assessed as successful and effective. Expressiveness of speech is achieved by using expressive means that contribute to making a positive impression on the reader or listener. The main condition for expressiveness is that the author of the speech has his own feelings, thoughts, his own position, and his own style. Expressiveness usually implies originality, uniqueness, surprise. In this regard, expressive speech is always new, “fresh”, creative. This is precisely why it is able to arouse interest and approval among those for whom it is intended.

Correct speech– this is compliance with its language norms: orthoepic, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic. Concern for the correctness of speech is one of the main tasks that, in our opinion, journalists should face. However, researchers note that “often neglect of normative recommendations and traditional literary norms leads to obvious errors in the use of linguistic means, and the modern press provides abundant examples of such errors” [Krysin, 2005:54]

In any case, we should talk about the relationship and interdependence of the communicative qualities of speech and the norms of the Russian literary language: non-compliance with the norms inevitably entails violations of various communicative qualities of speech.

IIIThe main types of violations of literary norms on the pages of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia”

Based on the classification of norms of the modern Russian literary language and the classification of errors, we have identified three groups of errors found on the pages of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia”: grammatical, errors of word usage and spelling (spelling and punctuation). It is not possible to talk about a violation of orthoepic norms, since we studied the written form of the Russian language. In total, we analyzed 35 issues of the newspaper and identified more than a hundred errors.

3.1 Grammar errors

3.1.1 Mixing verb types

It is not allowed to combine verbs of different species as homogeneous members.

1) Much more difficult, according to Lobanov, lead people organize the working process.

Verb lead organize – perfect.

2) Victor’s brigade has almost 30 people. They are necessary distribute by area, guide And suggest. Art. Olga Shuvalova “I am proud of my profession!” August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 1.

Verbs guide And suggest imperfect form, and the verb distribute – perfect. (The erroneous use of pronouns will be discussed below).

3) Anyone could play or observe playing tennis, volleyball, basketball. August 12, 2008 No. 000 page 2. Art. “The sports festival was a success.”

Verb observe imperfect form, and the verb play - perfect.

To correct these sentences, you need to use verbs of the same type, for example: Much more difficult, according to Lobanov, lead people organize the working process. - They are necessary distribute by area, guide And give them hints. - Anyone could play or observe playing tennis, volleyball, basketball.

3.1.2 Control disorders associated with the choice and use of prepositions

The correct choice of case and preposition is important for constructing sentences. Sometimes prepositional combinations are incorrectly used instead of non-prepositional constructions. For example:

1) The object was delivered on time and with good quality. Art. “Modern sports complexes and schools are being built by Spetsmontazhstroy” August 8, 2008 No. 000 p. 16.

Right: good quality.

In this case, an erroneous change occurred in the second part of the union not only but. The correct option is: At this moment you are performing Not only as a coach, but also as a psychologist.

3.3 Spelling errors

3.3.1 Spelling errors

According to most researchers, “attention should be paid to the somewhat negative role of the press in the spread of typical spelling errors” [Maksimov, 2004: 344]. We analyzed the articles of the newspaper Izvestia Mordovia for spelling errors. Unfortunately, neglect of spelling norms occurs on the pages of this respected publication.

1) At the completion stage, find there is installation of a line for the production of columns. Art. “construction company” - we work globally!” August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 4.

Error in spelling of verb form. In the manual “Russian language. For high school students and those entering universities” we read: “The letter b is written:

1) in an indefinite form (to wash - to wash);

2) at the end of the 2nd person unit. h. (rejoice);

3) in the imperative mood after consonants (weigh - weigh);

4) in a reflexive particle (suffix) located after the vowel (learn).

Thus, in accordance with point No. 1 in the verb find there is There is no need to write a soft sign: installation (what does it do?) is located.

2) For example, work can be carried out under rivers, ravines, forests, agricultural objects, in specific soils (such as rocks, ploughs, etc.)

Error in spelling of roots with alternating vowels. The spelling of the vowel in the root of the highlighted word cannot be checked by selecting a word with the same root swim , but obeys the following rule: “At the root floating is written A under stress and without stress; pilaf- - - swim- written in words swimmer, swimmer, quicksand" Thus, at the root of the word you should write a vowel s.

3) We must pay tribute to our Olympians: they did not refuse autographs no one, although it took them a lot of time. August 27, 2008. No. 000. Art. Kirill Dashkova “Mordovia met the heroes of the Olympic Games” Page 3

Error in spelling of negative pronoun. The particle NI, which is part of negative pronouns, is written together with them in the absence of a preposition: no one - no one.

3.3.2 Punctuation errors

Articles published on the pages of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia” provided a wealth of material for the analysis of cases of violation of punctuation norms. There were many more errors related to incorrect punctuation marks than spelling errors. As a result of the analysis of articles in the newspaper Izvestia Mordovia, we discovered the following groups of punctuation errors.

1) Errors in placing punctuation marks for homogeneous parts of a sentence

1) The city simply charmed me, we were already talking about a wedding then, and decided to get married here. August 12, 2008 No. 000 page 1. Art. Natalia Zamotaeva “We like it in Mordovia!”

2) “You probably won’t be able to push through,” he agreed, and immediately left the conversation about his work. August 15, 2008 No. 000 Art. A. Gromykhina, I. Borodacheva “From love to “Brownie” p. 7

We have before us sentences complicated by homogeneous members (predicates), connected by a single coordinating conjunction And, therefore a comma in front of it is not needed in any of their sentences.

2) Errors in placing punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalizing word

1) “Son of the Regiment” is aimed at teenagers from the “risk group” » - orphans, children from disadvantaged and low-income families. Art. Olga Shuvalova “Young special forces from Mordovia will be shown on Channel One” August 7, 2008. No. 000 page 1

2) We have everything for excellent and productive work technical base and a well-coordinated team of experienced workers. August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 13. Art. "Burvodstroy": keeping up with the times"

3) Yesterday the triumphants of the Beijing Olympics returned to Mordovia - Olga Kaniskna, Denis Nizhegorodov and their coach Viktor Chegin. They were greeted by hundreds of residents of the republic - coaches, young athletes, relatives. August 27, 2008. No. 000. Art. Kirill Dashkova “Mordovia met the heroes of the Olympic Games” Page 3

4) And here, tenants and owners understood that they were paying for specific services - water, gas, heating, electricity.

The rule says: “After a generalizing word, a colon is placed before the listing of homogeneous members.” Thus, after generalizing words of teenagers, all homogeneous additions should be preceded not by a dash, but by a colon punctuation mark: “Son of the Regiment” is aimed at teenagers from the “risk group”: orphans, children from disadvantaged and low-income families. - We have everything for excellent and productive work : technical base and a well-coordinated team of experienced workers. - Yesterday, the triumphants of the Beijing Olympics returned to Mordovia: Olga Kanisknna, Denis Nizhegorodov and their coach Viktor Chegin. They were greeted by hundreds of residents of the republic: coaches, young athletes, relatives. “And here, tenants and owners understood that they were paying for specific services: water, gas, heating, electricity.

3) Errors in punctuation marks in introductory words

Introductory words are words that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence (that is, not related to them by the method of coordination, control or adjacency), which are not members of the sentence and express the speaker’s attitude to the thought expressed, characterize the way it is formulated, etc. Introductory words Introductory intonation is inherent, expressed in lowering the voice and faster pronunciation compared to the rest of the sentence. Water words are highlighted in writing with commas.

When analyzing the articles, we found two types of such errors: the lack of isolation of introductory words and the erroneous highlighting of words that are not introductory with commas.

1) And from then on, this sport became, one might say, relatives. August 7, 2008 No. 000 page 6. Art. Vladimir Kirillov “Boxing doesn’t like the weak” Interview with boxing coach Sergei Morozov.

Water word one might say indicating the design of the thoughts expressed should be separated by commas on both sides, since it is in the middle of the sentence: And from then on, this sport became, one might say, native to me.

2) First of all, these are Chamzinsky and Ruzaevsky. August 19, 2008 No. 000 p. 5. Natalia Zamotaeva “New buildings in Dubyonki”

In the science of language, the following main groups of introductory words are distinguished:

1) introductory words expressing the speaker’s feelings (joy, regret, surprise, etc.) in connection with the message: fortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to surprise, to joy, to chagrin, to horror and so on.;

2) introductory words expressing the speaker’s assessment of the degree of reality of what is being communicated (confidence, assumption, possibility, uncertainty, etc.): of course, undoubtedly, without any doubt, perhaps, probably, maybe, perhaps, should be, it seems, it would seem, obviously, it is visible, apparently, apparently, of course, self-evidently, certainly, really, truly, probably, perhaps and so on.;

3) introductory words indicating the source of what is being reported: they say, report, convey, according to the words..., according to the message..., in the opinion..., according to the information..., in my opinion, in your opinion, they say, audible, etc.;

4) introductory words indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation: so, therefore, it means, firstly, secondly, etc., further, finally, first of all, on the contrary, on the contrary, however, by the way, in general , in particular, by the way, to say, therefore, in addition, on the one hand, on the other hand, the main thing, for example, in this way, etc.;

5) introductory words indicating the design of: the thoughts expressed: in a word, in one word, in short, in general, generally speaking, in other words, strictly speaking, as they say, so to speak, etc.;

6) introductory words, which are an appeal to the interlocutor or to the reader in order to attract his attention to what is being communicated, to instill a certain attitude towards the facts presented: see, see, understand, understand, understand, understand, imagine, know, know, please, excuse me, forgive me, believe me, believe me, say, let's say, suppose and so on.

3) By analogy , design and estimate documentation is being developed for residential properties on the street. Veselovsky and etc. 60 years of October. Art. “Four “i”s” of the “Gorstroyzakazchik” August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 6.

4) “I also wouldn’t refuse to work with the artists of the Muztheater of Mordovia,” he assured , from my side , choreographer in conversation with an IM correspondent. August 15, 2008 No. 000 page 4. “Saransk artists dance no worse than Volochkova”

Word (Similarly and phrase from my side do not belong to any of the above groups, therefore they are not introductory and should not be separated by commas.

4) Errors in the placement of punctuation marks for isolated parts of a sentence

Separation is the semantic and intonation separation of minor members in order to give them some independence in a sentence. Isolated members of a sentence contain an element of additional message, due to which they are logically emphasized and acquire greater syntactic weight and stylistic expressiveness in the sentence.

1) construction company" carries out a full range of works and services allowing it to be called a full-cycle construction company and fulfill its obligations on a turnkey basis. Art. “construction company” - we work globally!” August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 4.

The sentence contains a separate definition, expressed by the participial phrase ( allowing us to be called a full-cycle construction company and fulfill our obligations “turnkey”), which comes after the word being defined services. In this case, the participial phrase should be separated by a comma: construction company" provides a full range of works and services , allowing us to be called a full-cycle construction company and fulfill our obligations on a turnkey basis.

2) After all, as models the brothers chose real-life painters who were decorating apartments in the neighboring house in their chalk-powdered overalls. August 15, 2008 No. 000 Art. “Fresh wind” by the Shadrin brothers” page 5

Participial powdered with chalk stands before the noun being defined, so it should not be separated by commas.

3) If previously the funds collected from all houses in the district were concentrated in one account, now each house has a separate savings account on which all the money is accumulated. August 27, 2008. No. 000. Art. Irina Mazina “Give the janitor a salary!” Page 2

Participial phrase relating to a noun facilities and the one after it should be separated by commas on both sides: funds collected from all houses in the area , were focused on one account.

4) But the Rogulev family is also directly related to aviation; Igor Vladimirovich’s uncle is a pilot who died defending the skies of Moscow. August 15, 2008 No. 000 Art. Valentina Kovshova “Russian knights” from Mordovia” p. 7

The participial phrase is isolated regardless of the place it occupies in relation to the predicate verb: died defending the sky of Moscow.

5) Errors in placing punctuation marks when using conjunctions How

1) As an athlete , Viktor Volkov failed to achieve great heights in boxing. August 7, 2008 No. 000 page 4

The conjunction with a conjunction is not separated by commas How, if it is close in meaning to the expression with words as or from this side: I understood this as a refusal to work.

Therefore, there should not be a comma in this sentence: How athlete Viktor Volkov failed to achieve great heights in boxing(as an athlete).

2) Respect, recognition, as well as prestigious and responsible orders do not come by themselves. August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 14. Art. "We build for people."

The sentence is simple, complicated by a comparative phrase with a conjunction How. In Russian spelling there is the following rule: if in the main part of the sentence there is an indicative word so, so, that, so, turnover with the union How highlighted or separated by commas. This means that punctuation marks should be placed as follows: Respect and recognition, as well as prestigious and responsible orders, do not come by themselves.

3) For example, work can be carried out under rivers, ravines, forests, agricultural objects, in specific soils (such as rocks, quicksand, etc.) August 8, 2008 No. 000 page 9. Art. “Modern technologies “SMU-412” - trenchless construction of pipelines even in extreme conditions”

In accordance with the above rule, punctuation marks should be as follows: in specific soils (such as rocks, quicksand, etc.).

6) Comma for complex subordinating conjunctions

1) In order to , It took him only two years to get into the Mordovia national team. August 7, 2008 No. 000 page 5. Art. Vladimir Kirillov “My girls don’t like to lose” Interview with a freestyle wrestling coach.

We have before us a complex sentence with a subordinate clause attached to the main part by a complex conjunction in order to.

In the “Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing” we read: “If the subordinate clause is connected to the main clause using a complex subordinating conjunction (due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, because, despite the fact that, instead of, in order to, so that, while, after, before, since, just like etc.), then the comma is placed once: before the conjunction, if the subordinate clause follows the main clause or is inside it, and after the entire subordinate clause, if it precedes the main clause, for example: ...Breathing became deeper and freer as his body rested and cooled. However, depending on the meaning, the logical emphasis of the subordinate clause, the presence of certain lexical elements in the sentence, a complex conjunction can break up into two parts: the first is included in the main sentence as a correlative word, and the second plays the role of a conjunction; in these cases, a comma is placed only before the second part combinations (i.e. before the conjunction what, how, to). More often than not, a complex subordinating conjunction is not broken down if the subordinate clause precedes the main clause.” Therefore, the first comma should not be used: It took him only two years to get into the Mordovia national team.

7) Errors in placing a dash in a simple sentence

As a result of the analysis of sentences, the following types of punctuation errors related to the placement of a dash in a simple sentence were discovered:

1) dash between subject and predicate

In the absence of a linking verb, a dash is placed between the subject and predicate, expressed as nouns in the nominative case: Pine is a resinous tree. Including before words this, this means, this means: Emergency is a shared effort.

Dash usually not placed in conversational style sentences: My sister is a Komsomol member. If the comparative conjunction acts as a connective: This garden is like a forest. If there is an introductory word between the predicate and the subject: Ivanov is apparently a student. If there is a negation before the predicate: The heart is not a stone.

1) Rain or wind, snow or scorching sun is not a reason to stop work on sites. August 8, 2008 No. 000 p. 7 “Happiness was “prescribed” in our house.”

Thus, placing a dash in the sentence in question is a mistake.

2) a dash in an incomplete sentence

In an incomplete sentence, a dash is placed when one of the members is missing: Terkin - further. The author follows.

1) Elgin won the first set, Istomin won the second. Art. “The 2008 Mordovia Cup leaves for St. Petersburg” V. Kirillov August 5, 2008 No. 000 Page. 1

In place of the missing predicate in the second part of a complex non-union sentence there should be a dash: Elgin won the first set, Istomin won the second.

8) Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

1) Sometimes even the natives find it difficult to understand _ Which street does the corner house belong to? August 14, 2008 No. 000 page 3. Art. Olga Ruzmanova “Mordovia is preparing for the 2010 All-Russian Population Census”

The subordinate clause must be separated from the main clause by a comma. The following should be considered correct: Sometimes even native residents find it difficult to understand which street the corner house belongs to.

2) The history of the Air Fleet holiday goes back to the distant 30s, when the whole country created aviation, when pilots were considered gods, when they played Chkalov in the courtyards , and every boy dreamed of becoming an aviator.

We have before us a complex sentence with several homogeneous subordinate clauses, the last two are connected by the coordinating conjunction And, so there is no need for a comma in front of it.

9) Errors in punctuation marks in a complex non-union sentence

1) But the Rogulev family is also directly related to aviation , Igor Vladimirovich’s uncle, a pilot, died defending the skies of Moscow. August 15, 2008 No. 000 Art. Valentina Kovshova “Russian Knights” from Mordovia” page 7

Before us is a complex non-union sentence, the second part of which explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first. Therefore, there must be a colon between the parts: But the Rogulev family is also directly related to aviation : Igor Vladimirovich’s uncle, a pilot, died defending the skies of Moscow.

10) Errors in placing punctuation marks in sentences with direct and indirect speech

1) As the director of the Tengushevskaya Central District Hospital, Tatyana Ivanova, states: “We are not complaining about the shortage of readers” August 15, 2008 No. 000 Art. Mila Melnikova “Profitable Reading” p. 6

The mistake lies in confusing direct speech with indirect speech. The following editing methods are possible: The director of the Tengushevskaya Central District Hospital, Tatyana Ivanova, states that they are not complaining about the lack of readers. - Director of the Tengushevskaya Central District Hospital Tatyana Ivanova states: “We are not complaining about the shortage of readers.”


Literary language is the only possible means of communication in the most diverse spheres of human life, so knowledge of the basic rules of its use is necessary for everyone. The presence of certain norms of word usage, stress, pronunciation, etc., the observance of which is of a general educational nature and mandatory for everyone, is one of the main features of the modern Russian literary language. The norms of the modern Russian literary language are very diverse, numerous, well-defined and quite strict. Possessing stability, they ensure the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful flow of national literature, and their historical variability is explained by the ongoing process of development of the Russian language. Since in a language something inevitably and constantly becomes obsolete, something new appears, a variability of the norm arises, which is an objective and inevitable consequence of linguistic evolution. The norm performs various functions: social, communicative, cultural and aesthetic. The priority for our research turned out to be the cultural function, which allows us to distinguish an educated person from a poorly educated one, since compliance with norms is an indispensable condition for a person’s speech culture.

In a post-industrial society (also called an information society), the role of information is constantly increasing. It should be noted that a significant share in the information flow belongs to printed publications: newspapers, magazines, etc. Therefore, compliance with the norms in the language of the media is especially important, since it is this that is understood as the modern Russian literary language and should serve as a role model .

The study of theoretical material on issues of speech culture and stylistics led us to the concept of communicative qualities of speech, among which relevance, richness, purity, accuracy, consistency, accessibility, expressiveness and correctness stand out. The latter became for our use

following the fundamental ones. As a result of the work we did, we identified cases of violation of appropriateness, logic, and purity (about which corresponding comments were made), but we did not have the goal of specifically analyzing them.

Our work is devoted to considering cases of violation of the norms of the modern Russian literary language in the language of the newspaper. The focus was on language norms, which we assessed on a correct/incorrect scale.

The purpose of the study - identifying, analyzing and classifying typical deviations from the literary norm in articles of the newspaper "Izvestia of Mordovia" - was achieved by studying not only works of a scientific nature, but also analyzing specific data contained in the newspaper "Izvestia of Mordovia" itself.

When describing the various errors that we discovered on the pages of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia,” we relied on the classification of norms of the Russian literary language proposed. It was not possible to talk about orthoepic norms, since we were studying written speech. The following linguistic features of written speech are distinguished: the predominance of book vocabulary, strict adherence to literary standards, the absence of non-verbal elements, a complex system of graphics and spelling, the possibility of preliminary thinking and selection of vocabulary and phraseology, the presence of processed syntax with complex sentences, a more strict word order and sequence of presentation, etc. as a result of the analysis of newspaper materials, we came to the conclusion that in They often encounter cases of violation of the norms of the literary language. We believe that the presence of various errors reduces the quality of newspaper material, since the newspaper-journalistic style is one of the varieties of the Russian literary language, therefore compliance with the norms must be mandatory and strict in the texts of this style.

We have identified three groups of errors encountered on the pages of Izvestia Mordovia:

1. Grammatical errors (cases of violation of grammatical norms);

2. Errors in word usage (cases of violation of lexical and stylistic norms);

3. Spelling errors (violation of spelling and punctuation standards).

Grammatical norms include word-formation, morphological and syntactic norms. Among the grammatical errors we identified: confusion of verb types; cases of control disorders associated with the choice and use of prepositions; monotony of syntactic structures; errors in agreeing the predicate with the subject. It should be noted that this is not the most numerous type of error; in most materials, grammar rules are strictly observed.

The largest block consisted of word usage errors. Unfortunately, the newspaper material is replete with various speech errors and shortcomings. Among them we have highlighted: stringing cases; errors in the use of compound conjunctions; errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members; inappropriate use of slang, colloquial, borrowed words; speech redundancy (examples of pleonasm and tautology); errors in the use of set phrases; errors caused by incorrect word choice; using speech cliches unnecessarily. Some of the proposals I came across made me smile.

Articles published on the pages of the newspaper “Izvestia of Mordovia” provided a wealth of material for the analysis of cases of violation of punctuation norms. We identified the following types of punctuation errors: punctuation marks for homogeneous sentence parts and introductory words; with isolated members of the sentence, punctuation marks in phrases with a conjunction How, comma for complex subordinating conjunctions; dash in a simple sentence; punctuation marks in complex sentences; with direct and indirect speech.

Neglect of spelling standards also occurs on the pages of this respected publication, but these are isolated cases.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that the basic element of language as a unified sign system of communication and transmission of information is the Russian literary language, which is considered the highest exemplary form of the national language. This type of language developed gradually and is now in a state of constant development. Writers, poets and other masters of words influence him, creating new literary norms. It is this type of language that is studied and promoted in schools and the media. However, I would like to emphasize that the media do not always strictly follow the rules and norms of the literary language; it is in the media of mass communication that various errors occur, which, as a result of the significant size of the audience covered, are fixed in the mass consciousness. Modern journalism, due to its inextricable connection with everyday life, is replete with colloquial words; one can find colloquialisms, jargon, and a large number of words of foreign origin. Scientists have not yet definitively established whether, due to their frequent use in various publications, they can become entrenched in the language as a literary norm over time. Here we can put forward the assumption that such a process cannot yet occur, and deviations from the norms of the Russian literary language in the media are unacceptable.

Unfortunately, identified errors can negatively affect the quality of information perception and lead to a slight decrease in the popularity of this respected publication among readers.

List of sources used

1. Large dictionary of foreign words. Comp. A.Yu. Moskvin. – M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2003.

2. Golovin on the culture of speech. - M.: Higher School, 1980.

3. Golovin speaks correctly. – Gorky: Volgo-Vyatka book publishing house, 1966.

4. Golub of the Russian language. - M.: Iris-press, 2004.

5. Gorbachevich of the modern Russian literary language. – M.: Education, 1989.

6. Savvova language and culture of speech. - M.: Prospekt, 2008.

7. Kostomarov’s tongue on a newspaper page. Some features of the language of modern newspaper journalism. - M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1971.

8. Krysin norm and speech practice of newspapers / Language of modern journalism. – M.: Flinta-Nauka, 2005.

9. Literary norm and vernacular / Ed. . – M.: Nauka, 1977.

10. Norms of the Russian literary language/Ed. . – M.: Education, 2006.

11. Ozhegov. Lexicography. A culture of speech. – M.: Higher School, 1974.

12., Shvedova dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: RAS Institute of Russian Language named after. , 2003.

13. Rosenthal on spelling and literary editing. – M.: Iris-press, 2006.

14. Telenkova Russian language. - M.: Iris-press, 2006.

15. Russian language and speech culture/Ed. prof. . – M.: Gardariki, 2004.

16. Stylistics and literary editing/Ed. prof. . - M.: Gardariki, 2007.

Many, including me, believe that a language (no matter what) is like a self-learning machine that develops under the influence of people and it is not possible to stop or leave its development within certain limits. But, naturally, each language at a certain point in development has its own norms, and language, as a rule, has an oral or written form.

Let's move on to the Russian language, the ideal use of the language is described by the “Law on the State Language of the Russian Federation”, which states that “3. The procedure for approving the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The state language of the Russian Federation is a language that promotes mutual understanding and strengthens interethnic ties between the peoples of the Russian Federation in a single multinational state.”

Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and the state simply cannot regulate the Russian language and its development, except perhaps the literary language, which, at the current pace of development, is not so easy to keep track of. So what are the norms of the Russian language? Are they really regulated by the government? There are 2 norms in the Russian language - linguistic and literary. “A linguistic norm is a historically determined set of commonly used linguistic means, as well as the rules for their selection and use, recognized by society as most suitable in a specific historical period. A norm is one of the essential properties of a language that ensures its functioning and historical continuity due to its inherent stability, although not excluding the variability of linguistic means and noticeable historical variability, since the norm is designed, on the one hand, to preserve speech traditions, and on the other, to satisfy current and changing needs of society"Language norm - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AF%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0% D1%8F_%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0.

The literary norm is aimed at “preserving the means and rules for their use accumulated in a given society by previous generations.” Literary norm - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AF%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0% BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0. Who should comply with these norms? Naturally the media, writers, and other organizations/people working in the cultural sphere. But do they always follow these rules? - No. Often, in order to interest a person, it is necessary to use a language that is more “close to the people”, i.e. resort to colloquial expressions and vernaculars, and here linguistic norms come into force, which, in my opinion, are broader than literary ones. And how often are norms violated? Yes, norms are violated, and often, and this cannot be avoided.

“When analyzing the Second World War, American military historians discovered a very interesting fact, namely: in a sudden clash with Japanese forces, the Americans, as a rule, made decisions much faster and, as a result, defeated even superior enemy forces. Having studied this pattern, scientists came to the conclusion that the average length of a word among Americans is 5.2 characters, while among the Japanese it is 10.8, and, therefore, it takes 56% less time to give orders, which plays an important role in a short battle... For the sake of Of interest, they analyzed Russian speech, and it turned out that the length of a word in the Russian language is on average 7.2 characters per word. However, in critical situations, the Russian-speaking command staff switches to profanity and the length of the word is reduced to... 3.2 characters per word. This is due to the fact that some phrases, and even phrases, are replaced by ONE word.” Joke about orders - http://vvv-ig.livejournal.com/25910.html

We can conclude that it is almost impossible to get rid of swearing, although it is recognized as petty hooliganism, the rules exist to be broken, which is what people do, because it is not fatal. But my attitude towards swear words is negative, because a person gave meaning to all words, therefore, if swear words were given some negative meaning, then you shouldn’t use such words.

It is worth talking about slang, “Slang (from English slang) is a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various human associations (professional, social, age and other groups)” Slang - https://ru. wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B3. Most often, slang is used by representatives of certain professions or social groups; young people most often use slang. Why is slang bad? The main plus is faster communication, but the minus is misunderstanding, i.e. not everyone can understand what a person is talking about, this especially applies to the past generation, where technological progress has not gone so far. You can give an example: “yesterday I found a bug in the program”

The use of slang, and professional one at that, is clearly visible here, and many will not understand that a person has found a mistake in his program, but representatives of the relevant profession will immediately understand what is going on and communication between them will happen faster if they use slang.

Another type of the most common violation is incorrect placement of stress in words. Most of all, such mistakes are made in the words “pamper (the child), agreement, leisure, prey, (he) calls, (you) call, invention, tool, catalogue, self-interest, prettier, medicines, intention, start, facilitate, provision , convicted, put, bonus, funds, joiner, Ukrainian, deepen (knowledge), in-depth (knowledge), phenomenon, petition, owners, cement, linguistic (culture)" Emphasis - http://ege-legko.livejournal.com/ 23795.html. But the most common word in which a huge number of people incorrectly place emphasis is the word “call” (not calling, but ringing), and in different contexts the emphasis is placed differently (i.e. many say calling, but in a different context, for example “ Will you call me?" they put the wrong emphasis. Such errors are most often due to the fact that the emphasis in the Russian language is “movable.” Also, the emphasis in a word can change over time, with the development of the language, for example, during the development of air transport (then flight time was not measured hours, but kilometers), the majority spoke not kilometer, but kilometer, then somehow smoothly turned into kilometer, but some still say kilometer. You should try to avoid such mistakes by checking yourself with the help of a spelling dictionary.

There are a huge number of mistakes that people make, but there are “Top 13 mistakes”, they are so common that people, trying to rid humanity of them, create the following reminders:

"1. "PAY YOUR TRAVEL"! You can either “pay the fare” or “pay the fare”!

2. The word “LIE” DOES NOT EXIST in the Russian language! With prefixes - please: PUT, PAY, TRASH.

3. Are you still “calling”?! Educated people say: “Vasya is calling you,” “Call your mother.”

4. As you know, in Russia there are two troubles: “-TSYA” and “-TSYA”. Everyone made this mistake!

5. There are no words “in general” and “in general”! There are the words “IN GENERAL” and “IN GENERAL”.

6. Writing “izVeni” instead of “izVini”.

7. How can you put the letter “U” into the word “future” to make “future”? “I will” - “future”, “follow” - “next”.

8. How long can you doubt: “Come” or “Come”? Remember once and for all, correctly - “COME”. BUT in the future: WILL COME, WILL COME, WILL COME.

9. Have you ordered espresso? To cook it faster? The coffee is called "ESPRESSO"! And there is also “lAtte” (emphasis on “A”, two “Ts”) and “capuChino” (one “H”).

10. Happy (what?) birthday! I’m going (where?) to my (what?) birthday! I was at a birthday party.

No “I’m going to a birthday party”, “Congratulations, happy birthday”, etc.!

11. Girls, if a guy writes “pretty girl” and “looks good,” put a bold cross on him! Why do you need to be so literate?!

12. Keep in mind that “KEEP IN VIEW” is written separately!

13. Everyone who still says “IHNIH” will burn in hell!”

But naturally the most common mistake (by the way, this is the MOST common mistake in the Unified State Examination) is the writing: “-TSYA” and “-TSYA”. This really looks like a “trouble”, you can stumble upon such a mistake anywhere, I can’t even say for sure whether I made this mistake in this text? After all, many write automatically, forgetting about spelling, although there are people who simply have excellent intuition, and they almost never make mistakes. But how can one develop such intuition? - by reading, if you read a lot, then you will develop a kind of memory and words will simply be remembered, and, as a rule, there will be much fewer mistakes, even if you didn’t study Russian well at school.

Summarize. Violating the norms of a language is quite normal for any language, but we must try not to make such mistakes. We are native speakers of the language and must respect it, first of all, without distorting it with our mistakes; if everyone does this, the language will become purer, and foreigners will begin to understand us and their interest in the language will awaken.



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