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Drawing patterns on glass in the senior group. GCD for drawing “Frosty patterns” in the senior group. What's there outside the window

Abstract of the GCD "Frosty Patterns" in senior group.

NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development. Drawing.

Unconventional drawing technique. Drawing with semolina.

Prepared and carried out:

Educator Alyakina EA.

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development, « Cognitive development» , « Physical development» .

Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive-research, gaming.

Purpose of the event:

Consolidate knowledge about unconventional technology semolina drawing images, skillfully use a brush (apply glue with the end of the brush, carefully perform "fill");



  • Enrich and expand children's knowledge about the signs of winter;
  • Be able to maintain a conversation, talk about the characteristic properties and phenomena that occur in winter.
  • Write a short story with the help of your teacher.
  • Teach children step by step drawing patterns in an unconventional way(PVA glue plus filling semolina) .


  • Develop figurative representation, creative imagination, fantasy;
  • Develop the desire to actively and kindly interact with the teacher;
  • By using unconventional drawing techniques develop in children a strong interest in visual arts;
  • improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands.


  • Cultivate interest and observation in natural phenomena.
  • Cultivate interest in unconventional drawing
  • Foster accuracy and work culture

Materials and equipment:

  • Presentation with image frosty patterns.
  • Pictures depicting winter nature.
  • Dark paper (blue, purple).
  • Napkins, plates with semolina, plastic spoons, PVA glue.
  • Magic hats frost.
  • TV screen made of cardboard.

Preliminary work:

Observations on walks of winter phenomena, changes occurring with the weather; examination frosty patterns, observing the shape and structure of a snowflake while walking, drawing patterns in the snow, decorative drawing« Pattern on the window» , conducting the experiment "education pattern on glass» .

Hearing musical compositions A. Vivaldi "Winter", P. Tchaikovsky "Winter morning".

Learning poems and songs about winter.

Dictionary: Frost patterns, thaw, weather forecast, ice, fabulous.

1. Organizing time. Introductory word teacher

2. Conversation about winter.

3. Dynamic pause "In our yard freezing

4. View the presentation « Frost patterns» .

5. Conversation "How do they appear? Frost patterns

6. Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

8. Creative play "Weather forecast"

9. Reflection

GCD move

1. Organizational moment.

Introductory word from the teacher.


Children, how good it is that we are all standing here together now, side by side, and we can hold hands and make a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.


Guys, guess the riddle:

The cold has arrived

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who will say, who knows:

When does this happen?

Children: children's answers

(Children sit on chairs).

2. Conversation about winter.

Educator: That's right guys - winter has come, a wonderful time of year! What’s so special about it, what’s good about it, what can you do in winter?

Children: children’s answers (it’s beautiful, you can sled, skate, ski, play snowballs, make snowmen)

Educator: Winter is the coldest and harshest time of the year. You go outside in winter and look at the landscape from which you can’t take your eyes off. Trees in the snow, not the ground, rise into high snowdrifts, which you look at and rejoice.

Listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Winter morning":

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

What did you learn from the poem? What kind of winter is it? Which natural phenomena happen in winter?

Children's answers: (snow-white, frosty, cold, snowy, fabulous, crystal, white, snowy, fluffy, shiny, beautiful, windy, freezing, snowfall, ice, blizzard, etc.)

Educator:“What a wonderful time of year!” - adults and children rejoice, throwing snowballs at each other. In winter, you can walk outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Let's go for a walk!

(Children stand scattered on the carpet.)

3. Dynamic pause. Physical education minute "In our yard freezing

In our yard freezing

To keep your nose from freezing,

We need to stomp our feet

And clap your palms.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky,

Like in a fairy tale picture.

We'll catch them with our hands

And we'll show mom at home!

And there are snowdrifts around,

The roads were covered with snow.

Don't get stuck in the field so that

Raise your legs higher.

We're going, we're going, we're going

And we come to our house!

(Children sit on the carpet).

Educator: And with the onset of cold weather, beautiful images appear on the windows Frost patterns. Listen to the riddle:

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint!

I look and can’t look away:

The branches of the line are tender!

And the artist is glad try,

You don't even need brushes.

I wonder who this artist is?

Children's answers.

Educator: - Certainly, Freezing.

Let's take a closer look at how beautiful, magical and fabulous frost draws patterns on the windows.

4. View the presentation « Frost patterns»

Teacher's story while watching the presentation.

“How short-lived these works of nature are, but how beautiful!

From the contemplation of things not made by hands patterns amazing fantastic things are born artistic images.

Sometimes you see exotic plants: leaves of palm trees or lotuses or unprecedented birds with huge beautiful feathers. Fairytale animals with fluffy tails.

Frost patterns remind magical gardens, in which unusual trees and flowers grow. In such a garden you can find a spikelet, a feather, an aster and a chrysanthemum, spruce branches, and crystal snowflakes!”

5. Conversation "How do they appear? Frost patterns

Educator:- What do you think, children, how Frost draws these patterns?

Children's answers: (Blows cold on the glass, like magic, throws snowballs on the windows, and they stick to the window)

- Frost draws patterns transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they connect with each other. Ice floes group on uneven surfaces, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

And in the end they turn out different patterns and drawings, in which you can even see the outlines of familiar objects. This is how they are formed Frost patterns, and the artist here, without a doubt, is Freezing.

Educator: Is the weather always winter? frosty? Are there any warmings? What are their names?

Children's answers: A thaw is a short-term warming in winter.

Educator: Today it’s a little warmer outside and frost does not draw patterns on our windows. What should we do? I would really like to admire the beautiful patterns?

Children's answers: (draw it yourself)

Educator: Today we will draw frosty patterns themselves. And how will we do it? paint, and with what, I’ll tell you now.

Let's turn into fabulous frost– we’ll put on magic hats and turn into helpers for a while frost.

The children take their places at the table.

6. Finger gymnastics: Snowflakes

I stand and catch snowflakes in my palm. (Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the palm right hand).

I love winter, and snow, and snowflakes! ( Rhythmic right finger strikes

hands, starting with the index finger, along the palm of the left hand).

But where are the snowflakes? (clench your fists)

There is water in the palm , (unclench your fists).

Where have the snowflakes gone? (clench your fists)

Where? (unclench your fists).

The fragile pieces of ice-rays melted. ( Small shaking

relaxed palms).

As you can see, my palms are hot. ( Stroke your palms together).

7. Drawing unconventional technology glue + semolina.

Guys, do you love semolina porridge? And I offer you today draw frosty patterns exactly semolina porridge! Not the porridge itself, of course, but semolina! After all, semolina is surprisingly similar to grains of snow! It’s not for nothing that people say - « manna from heaven is falling» , and in the snow they say - « cereal» . I added to semolina a little bit of multi-colored sparkle - because the snow sparkles so beautifully that our work would turn out simply magical!

Myself we will draw the pattern glue - dip a brush in glue, and, like paint, draw curls patterns. You need to draw quickly with glue, carefully with the tip of the brush and a thick layer so that the glue does not have time to dry, because now that everything drawn, we will take semolina with a spoon and, like real winter helpers, pour it on glue - grains decoys with glitter will remain on the sheet exactly where they were glue pattern and excess cereal carefully shake onto oilcloth. Can you handle it?

Children's answers: (Yes)

Doing work by children.


Our patterns It takes some time to dry out, I suggest you take a little break.

8. Dynamic pause. Creative play "Weather forecast"

Educator: - Guys, this morning you dressed in kindergarten, moms and dads were getting ready for work, and everyone wanted to know how to dress, what the weather was like today. Where can we find out?

Children's answers: (on TV, watch on computer)

Educator: Do you want to know the weather forecast for today? Let's sit down by our screen "TV" and let's listen.

Who wants to introduce us to the weather forecast for today?

Children who are willing can talk about the weather using teacher: “At night there was a small frost and wind, fluffy snow was falling in the morning. During the day the sun will shine and there will be no wind. A snowstorm and warming or increasing temperatures are expected in the evening frost. Be careful – the road is very slippery!”

Educator: Thank you for the wonderful forecast.

The children return to their seats.

Our frosty patterns are ready!

9. Reflection.

Patterns They all turned out different, unusual, wonderful.

Let's make a big window together frosty patterns!

The children and the teacher place crafts on a magnetic board.

Educator: - Let's admire it. What are yours like? patterns?

Children's answers: (on a fluffy snow-covered spruce branch, on a feather from a fabulous firebird, on a magic flower, on a crystal snowflake, on New Year's fireworks, etc.)

They shimmer so much, sparkle so much.

Guys, was it interesting for you today?

What do we know about winter?

With what method drawing did we meet today?

Educator: I really liked how you were "magical frosts» , I think that there are many interesting and fabulous things ahead of us winter activities!

Natalia Plisik
GCD in the senior drawing group “Frosty patterns on the window”

Subject: « Frosty patterns on the window»

Target: Introduce unconventional techniques drawing(wax pencils + watercolors).


1. Develop imaginative thinking and imagination.

2. Introduce the properties of wax pencils.

3. Cultivate interest in learning about nature.

Lesson materials: PC, interactive whiteboard, presentation on the topic « Frosty patterns on the window» , slides on topic: « Frost patterns» ; wax pencils, A4 paper, watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello children!

It's winter outside, it's cold. And in our the group is warm, light and joyful. And our smiles make us happy, because every smile of yours is a little ray of sunshine that makes us feel warm. So now everyone smiled at each other and gave each other a piece of warmth.

Now I will tell you a riddle. Listen carefully and guess.

Slide No. 1: (mystery)

1. In the morning in the dawn darkness

Who draws on glass? - (Freezing) .

II. Main part

Slide No. 2:(verse by G. Ladonshchikov)

Poets talked about this feature of winter So:

Snowstorms have arrived to us,

They covered the cracks with snow.

On old man window - Frost

With a piece of ice, I applied the paintings. (G. Ladonshchikov)

Slide No. 3: (verse by A. Brodsky)

Listen to how poetically A. Brodsky described patterns on glass:

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist,

He patterns on glass!

This is maple, and this is willow.

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

One white paint.

I can't stop looking:

The branches of the line are tender!

And the artist is happy try-

You don't even need brushes!

What does the poet compare with? patterns?

Slide No. 4: (painting "Expectation" K. Vasilyeva)

Guys, please look at the picture "Expectation", which was painted by the artist Konstantin Vasiliev.

Tell me, what time of year is shown in the picture?

How did you guess (on glass patterns)

What time of day is shown in the picture? (evening, a candle is burning, the room is dark)

What colors did the artist use to depict patterns?

What tones did the artist use to convey color in patterns?- (pink, yellow, blue)

Icy patterns are not pure white, they reflect the flame of a candle, the light of blue winter evening, so there is on frosty yellow patterns, pink and lilac shades.

Slide No. 5,6,7:(Images frosty patterns)


Outside frost and wind,

Children are walking in the yard

Hands, hands rub,

Hands, hands warm,

Our little ones won't freeze

We'll clap our hands

This is how we can clap,

This is how we warm our hands.

III. Practical work

Children perform patterns wax crayons on white paper.

Slide No. 9 (stages of work)

Using blue paint, children tint the paper.

Reflection. Review of works. Mini exhibition.

Well done everyone. Thanks to all!

Publications on the topic:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Every time you work with children, you experience the sea positive emotions. It’s so nice to see their sparkling eyes, to watch.

Summary of direct educational visual activities in the preparatory group “Frosty Patterns” Goal: Expanding children's understanding of the art of lace making. Objectives: Educational: 1. Continue teaching children to draw lace.

Summary of educational activities on decorative drawing with children of the senior group Topic: “Gorodets patterns” Abstract educational activities on decorative drawing with children of the senior group Topic: “Gorodets patterns” Completed by the teacher.

Abstract of OOD on drawing in the senior group “Frosty patterns” Program objectives: Educational: Teach children to draw frosty patterns. Create a situation for the free creative use of different things.

Summary of the GZhel patterns drawing lesson in the senior group. Goal: - continue to introduce children to Gzhel painting. Tasks:.

Summary of the lesson “Patterns on the window” (drawing on milk) (senior preschool age) Summary of the lesson "Patterns on the window" (drawing on milk). Senior preschool age Objectives: introduce the signs of winter; activation.

Municipal government preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of children's development No. 7 “Spikelet” in the village of Blagodatnoye Petrovsky municipal district Stavropol Territory

Summary of direct educational activities

in the senior group

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Prepared by:

teacher of MKDOU

DS No. 7 “Spikelet” Likhatskaya E.A.

Blagodatnoe village

Topic: “Frosty patterns on the window”

Target: develop Creative skills children.


Educational:arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena; introduction to unconventional drawing techniques: wax crayons and watercolors; improve children's drawing skills.

Educational: develop imagination, creativity and fantasy, visual observation, the ability to notice unusual things in the world around us and the desire to reflect what we see in our creativity.

Educational: cultivate independence, curiosity, initiative, and artistic taste.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

Materials : photographs of frosty patterns on glass, a window-shaped album sheet, a candle, watercolor, thick brush No. 8, a glass of water.

Preliminary work:observing winter phenomena in nature while walking.

GCD move:

Organizational part

Educator: This morning I received a letter from Santa Claus. Want to know what's in it? But to open the envelope, you need to solve riddles. Let's try.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter - They fall from the sky in winter

It can be painful to bite and circle above the ground

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, light fluff, white...

After all, on the street... (Snowflakes)


Don't suck, you little brats, he flies from the sky in winter,

Ice lollipops! Don't go barefoot now.

I swallow pills myself, every person knows

Because he ate... Which is always cold...

(Icicles) (Snow)

Educator: Well done! You are very observant, so you guessed all the riddles. Tell me, guys, when do all these natural phenomena occur, at what time of year?

Children: In winter.

Educator: Correct. And the most faithful and irreplaceable assistant is Frost. As winter comes, the cold comes. Frost is walking around the world. He walks through forests and fields. He also came to our house. He knocked on the window, and at that time we were sleeping and did not hear anything. Frost left a beautiful letter. We woke up in the morning and looked out the window. What a beautiful, painted one! Everything is in lace and patterns! Frost wrote this, drew blades of grass, white snowflakes, curls and icy hooks.

Educator: Now let's open the letter and find out what is written there.

Opens the envelope.

Educator: Look what beautiful patterns he sent us in a letter. Let's take a closer look at them together. What do you see? But Grandfather Frost writes that he does not have time to decorate all the windows and asks you to help him. Shall we help you guys?

Children: Children: Yes.

Educator: But to draw such patterns you need to be real wizards. I will definitely help you become one and teach you how to draw such patterns. Want to?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But first I suggest you warm up a little.


It's cold and windy outside

Children are walking in the yard

Hands, hands rub

Hands, hands warm.

So that our hands don't get cold,

We will clap our hands.

So that our feet don't get cold

We'll stomp around a little.

We are no longer afraid of the frost

We will all dance merrily.

Practical part

Educator: Well, we’ve rested a little, and now let’s start creating magic. It's very simple, you just need to listen and watch carefully. For this we will need magical materials: candles and watercolors.

The teacher shows how to draw thin lines and offers children a variety of patterns from dots, lines and twigs to choose from. And then he explains that you need to take and paint everything with watercolors. A picture drawn with a candle will not be painted over, but will appear through, since the candle repels water.

Educator: Before we start drawing, let's prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics:

Your assistants, look

A dozen friendly brothers.

How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work.

In any difficult work, they have no equal.

And today they will help us draw.

V.: If everything is clear to you, you can start working.

The teacher watches how the children work and helps if they don’t succeed (individual work).

GCD result: exhibition and analysis of children's works.

Educator: Let's see what we got. What beautiful windows (we note the most successful element in each work). Well done today. Did you like drawing in an unusual way- with a candle? Thank you for your help and for such beautiful windows. I think Grandfather Frost will be pleased that we helped him decorate them.

Oksana Titova
GCD for drawing “Frosty patterns” in the senior group

Target: develop imagination, independence, creativity in children senior preschool age.


1. To provide knowledge about non-traditional image techniques using candles and watercolors;

2. Develop the ability to choose independently color scheme colors that match the winter mood;

3. Develop independence in creation pattern;

4. Cultivate interest in non-traditional drawing.

Vocabulary work: pattern

Preliminary work: observation frosty patterns on the windows, cutting out snowflakes from paper.

Material: thick sheets of paper of the same size, designed in the form of a window; candles, watercolor, brushes, diagrams patterns; P. I. Tchaikovsky "January" (Seasons).

Progress of the lesson:

1.1. Introductory talk: -Rebeta, what time of year is it now? Winter is a wonderful time of year! Various miracles happen in winter! So I received a small parcel, and in it was a box. I wanted to look into it, but the problem is, it doesn’t open? I think I know what's going on. You need to solve the riddle.

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint!

I look - I can’t look away:

The branches of the line are tender!

And the artist is glad try,

You don't even need brushes.

1.2. Questions for children:

I wonder who this artist is? Certainly, Freezing.

1.3. -Let's see what's in the box? (The teacher takes out pictures from the box depicting frosty patterns. Children look at them together with the teacher.)

1.4.- Look carefully at these drawings, what is on them painted by Frost? Guys, please tell me how the glass turns out so beautiful lace patterns?

- Frost draws patterns transparent water vapor, which is always present in

air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they connect with each other. Ice floes group on uneven surfaces, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

Unfortunately, we can only admire these snow laces in winter. But so that a piece of winter will always be with us, let's create snow lace on paper?

1.5. Questions for children: - What paints does he use? Frost in his works? What does he represent? frosty patterns?

1.6. – Create our Frost patterns we will do it in an unusual way. I will introduce you to an unconventional image technique « drawing candles» .

- We will draw according to plan:

Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.

Draw in pencil.

Carefully apply a layer of candle onto the pencil sketch.

Then using watercolor "manifest" drawing.

Before starting work, I suggest stretching our fingers and performing finger exercises.

1.7. Physical education minute "Helpers"

Here are my assistants, whatever you want them to be, turn:

And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They can't sit again.

They'll work a little

We'll give them a rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

2.1. -You have window blanks on your tables. You need draw frosty patterns on them. Grab everything you need and get to work!

2.2. Musical accompaniment.

2.3. Individual showing.

2.4. Reminder. Advice. Help.

3.1. -Well done! So beautiful you got frosty patterns. They shimmer so much, sparkle so much. Even Grandfather Frost I think you'll definitely like it.

3.2. Questions for children

What are we today painted?

In what way do we painted?

Why did you choose these ones? patterns?

These are the kind of painted windows you can get.

Publications on the topic:

Winter in our area comes into its own not according to the calendar, but in October, and in November the Siberian frosts are already cracking with might and main. Everything around is covered.

Lesson summary “Frosty patterns” Goal: to provide knowledge about the non-traditional technique of depicting “photocopies” - drawing with a candle. Objectives: - teach children to draw frosty patterns..

group 2-6 “Fish” Objectives of the lesson: - to arouse children’s interest in winter natural phenomena. - develop visual observation and ability.

Abstract of GCD “Winter patterns on the window” in preparatory group Goal: to create the conditions for capturing the beauty of winter nature seen. Tasks:.

Summary of educational activities for children 5–6 years old on drawing on crumpled paper “Winter patterns” Summary of educational activities for children 5-6 years old on artistic and aesthetic development in non-traditional techniques “Drawing on crumpled paper.

Summary of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in the senior group “Frosty patterns” Implementation of program content in educational fields: “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Drawing “Frosty patterns” in an unconventional technique.

Today we drew frosty patterns with our children. It was freezing outside and we were able to observe and examine the intricate patterns on the windows. They painted in an unconventional technique: pointillism - dot painting, drawing cotton swabs. Cotton swabs are perfect for use as a “working tool” for little artists.
The goal was set: enriching the visual experience of preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques and the following tasks:
Educational: introduce children to non-traditional artistic technique drawing with cotton swabs; create a situation for the free creative use of various decorative elements in creating a frosty pattern (dot, circle, curl, etc.).
Developmental: develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of children’s fingers; arouse interest in creating the image of frosty patterns using non-traditional drawing methods (non-traditional materials).

Educational: to cultivate observation and interest in natural phenomena, the ability to notice the unusual in the world around us and the desire to reflect what we see in our creativity.
The children worked with inspiration and interest. Everyone made beautiful patterns. Each child spoke, expressed his thoughts, feelings, emotions. These patterns were called by the word that everyone wanted to call them. The children came up with adjective epithets; magical, original, fabulous, mysterious, mysterious. We saw fabulous flowers, feathers of beautiful birds, sleeping trees, etc. in winter patterns.

Such creative activities not only contribute to the development fine motor skills and creative imagination, but also to calm and relax the child, develop his perseverance, patience, and concentration.


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