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Drawing on the theme of a hut on chicken legs. Notes on drawing for the middle group “The Hut on Chicken Legs. Folklore image of Baba Yaga

Master class for preschoolers “BABA YAGA’S HUT. Drawing with carbon paper"

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna - teacher, Central Children's Educational Institution No. 1 "Bear Cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
Educational or creative work
Introduction to Russian fairy tales and illustrations for them, as well as the depiction of Baba Yaga's hut in animation.
Fostering love and interest in Russian folklore
Development of imagination and expansion of horizons.
Improving practical skills in using graphic materials
Training on how to work with carbon paper
Paper, (landscape and carbon) pencils and colored pencils, pastel or wax crayons - optional
Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with illustrations by Russian artists and animators for fairy tales in which Baba Yaga appears

Baba Yaga's huts can now be found in the most unexpected places: in parks, on children's playgrounds...

And here is a hut on one leg.

Literary component:

1 riddles
What kind of old lady in torn clothes is this?
Lives in a hut on chicken legs?
She always lights the stove, but doesn’t eat the pie,
Who is it then? - This is... (Baba Yaga)

Stands in front of the forest
And it smokes through a crooked pipe.
There Yaga - the forest grandmother -
He yawns sweetly on the stove.
(A hut on chicken legs.)

Listening to a poem
Living Hut at Baba Yaga:
This Hut has two chicken legs.
Her legs stick out -
And they freeze in the January cold.

Baba Yaga bought her boots -
Small boots for chicken leg.
And there are no shoes in stores
For the legs of giant chickens.

The size of the Hut is ninety-two:
Try on a shoe - a shoe with a hole.
The owner is bringing her sneakers -
At that moment the new clothes fell apart.

She wanders alone among the oak forests,
First one leg, then the other...
Sighs in longing and sadness:
How people crushed now!

to children:

Who is Baba Yaga: good or evil?
IN different fairy tales– different. (list examples)
Why do you think hunters built (and are still building) huts on chicken legs in the forest? (so that the animals do not get to the food supplies)
Are there dwellings raised above the ground in other countries, and what are they invented for? (in some countries - from floods)


1 option
Fold white A3 paper (landscape sheet) with carbon paper. It is also standard - A3. Fold both sheets in half with the short sides facing each other.
Place the folded sheet to your left.

Draw a snowdrift (or snowdrifts) with smooth lines. From the fold to the right, draw a square or rectangle. This is the future log hut on chicken legs. To avoid creating a simple hunting hut, do not forget to step back from the snowdrifts, leaving room for chicken legs.

Draw a triangular roof. We draw the logs of the log house using horizontal parallel lines. Between them, using spiral movements, we depict the ends of the logs from the side wall.

Draw a chicken leg. We place it not at the very edge of the frame, but not close to the fold - approximately in the middle. Its skin is rough and clumsy, and it has three nails (fingers). The fourth is a spur. He's turned back.

We paint over the semicircle of the dormer window and draw vertically the boards covering the attic. We also draw and paint over the window opening. Baba Yaga is not at home and there is no light either.

We draw the trunk of a tall spruce and branches on one side. The branches are inclined downwards; we use a wavy line to represent the edges of the coniferous branches.
The same branches appear on the other side of the trunk and in the middle.

We draw silhouettes of Christmas trees in the distance. There are footprints in the snow, snowflakes in the sky.

Unfold the sheet and take out the carbon paper.

Tinting the sky.

Option 2

This option is fantasy. You can come up with any other form of hut. And add other animals and birds. Instead of an owl, for example, depict geese-swans, instead of a cat - a fox, a hare or a wolf.
The beginning is the same as in the first version. We fold the white paper and carbon paper so that the fold is to our left. For left-handers, this fold should probably be on the right, but since the majority are right-handed, we place the workpiece this way.
And we draw snowdrifts.

Using horizontal lines we outline the floor and ceiling of the hut.

Draw the wall and roof.

We depict logs on the log house

We draw a window, paint over the opening, add simple trim and draw the roof.

Now - a solid chicken leg. The hut not only stands on them, but also walks.

The dormer window will be a diamond shape. Let's paint it over too. We are finishing the attic.

We cover distant mountains with forests

An old gnarled tree appears next to the hut.

We put an owl on a branch

We draw one owl - we get two, we draw one cat - there will also be two of them.

Shade part of the image.

Svetlana Safonova

Target: develop plot (landscape) drawing skills.


Learn to draw a landscape using different visual drawing techniques in one drawing (strokes, dipping, bristle brush).

Develop convey mood and artistic image using color;

Improve the ability to draw trees (Christmas trees, perform the image in a certain sequence.

Develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition.

Preliminary work: conversations on the topic of landscape, horizon line, fairy-tale characters; tinting sheets on the area of ​​​​sky and earth; looking at illustrations of various landscapes,

Equipment and materials: tinted sheets, illustrations with Baba Yaga, brushes (bristle and regular, cups of water, napkins, gouache

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, last time we talked about fairy-tale characters, heroes of fairy tales. Whom did we remember? ( Pinocchio, Chippolino, Snow Queen, Baba Yaga, Thumbelina, etc.)

Okay, now we’ll talk in more detail about one of them, listen to the riddle.

Hurry up and name the old woman! ( Baba Yaga)

That's right, this is Baba Yaga. Guys, what is she like? ( evil, scary, old, etc.) Look at this picture, what is Baba Yaga like here? (sad, sorrowful)

Indeed, in this picture she is sad, sad. Why do you think she is sad? (children's answers)

Look around Grandmother Yaga. Look on the threshold of what an old hut she is sitting. The hut is located in a dense, dense forest; rarely does a guest come here. And the poor old woman lives alone, she is already old, she cannot build herself a new house and there is no one to help her. This is probably why she is so evil and cruel as we see her in some fairy tales. But if she had a new house, brand new and beautiful, she would probably become kinder. Maybe we can draw a new house for Grandma Yaga. ( Yes)

And who remembers what kind of hut Grandma Yaga usually lives in? ( In a hut on chicken legs)

Right. So we will draw for our Babka Yaga a new hut on chicken legs, which stands on the edge of the forest.

Part 2.

Place the sheet horizontally, blue sky at the top, green grass at the bottom of the sheet. First we draw the house itself, brown paint, with a dry bristle brush we draw a square in the middle of the sheet, and then we draw the logs from which the hut is built (we draw horizontal lines, the dry brush leaves a beautiful ribbed “pattern”). Now we draw 2 lines down - chicken feet. Using ocher paint (light brown) we draw the legs, claws on the paws, and a window. Next, use yellow paint to paint the thatched roof.

While our houses are drying out, you and I will take a walk through the forest where our house stands.

Physical education minute.

There are three shelves in the forest: (Clap our hands.)

Fir trees - fir trees - fir trees. (Arms up - to the sides - down.)

The heavens lie on the fir trees, (Hands up.)

There is dew on the Christmas trees below. (Hands down, crouched.)

Well done. Now let's remember what an old, dense forest looks like. Artists use only dark shades to show how dark and dense the forest is. We take a simple brush, dip it first in dark blue paint, and then in green. Now we draw a forest thicket on the horizon line using the brushing method.

And now we need to draw several Christmas trees next to our house.

Part 3.

The works are put on display and analyzed

What beautiful huts they turned out to be! In your drawings you managed to convey the image of a dense forest. Which works did you like and why?

(children analyze the work).

Do you think Grandma Yaga will like the new house? ( Yes)

March 20, 2014

Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most striking characters in Russian folk tales, although she bad guy. Grumpy character, the ability to use witchcraft objects and potions, flying in a mortar, a hut on chicken legs - all this makes the character memorable and unique. And although everyone probably has an idea of ​​what kind of old woman she is, not everyone knows how to draw Baba Yaga. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Folklore image of Baba Yaga

Russians read everything in childhood folk tales, it is for them that Baba Yaga is known to us. Therefore, if you decide to start drawing this old woman, you should turn to children's books to understand what this character is. So, let's characterize Baba Yaga: she lives in a dense, impenetrable forest, her home is a hut on chicken legs. She can use witchcraft and, in addition, she can fly in a mortar, covering her tracks with a broom. If we talk about the character of Baba Yaga, she is not always a harmful and evil old woman; in some fairy tales she admonishes the hero and gives him magical objects, for example, a guiding ball of thread or a magic horse. Not only poets and writers, but also artists such as Ivan Bilibin, Ivan Malyutin, Viktor Vasnetsov and others have repeatedly turned to the image of Baba Yaga.

The image of Baba Yaga in art

Of course, the image of this character is very interesting not only to ordinary readers, but also to people of art: artists, writers, musicians, poets and directors. This hero of Russian fairy tales inspired the composer Mussorgsky to create the musical play “The Hut on Chicken Legs. Baba Yaga." Everyone knows the painting by the Russian artist Vasnetsov, which is called “Baba Yaga”. We must not forget about Bilibin’s beautiful paintings. Even in the movies, the image of this old woman was captured, and her man, the wonderful actor Georgy Millyar, played her.

Video on the topic

Appearance of Baba Yaga

To answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga, and to convey her image as accurately as possible, you need to pay attention to her appearance and distinctive features. In Russian fairy tales, she was usually depicted as a bony old woman with a large hump, a wrinkled face, and a long hooked nose, which always had a wart. But little attention was paid to the description of clothing; Baba Yaga could have been dressed in a sundress, dress or skirt, so you can dream up as much as you like about the details of the wardrobe.

How to draw Baba Yaga from the cartoon

Perhaps this is one of the most simple options Drawing a fairytale old lady with a pencil. This image is taken from the 1979 Soviet cartoon “Baba Yaga Vs.”

You can draw Baba Yaga in a mortar or on a broom; the forms used for drawing are very simple, so even Small child. Let's try to draw an old woman flying on a broom. First, draw an oval with a pencil, this will be the grandmother’s head, then draw the nose, eyes and mouth in sequence.

Don’t forget about the scarf on grandma’s head, it had polka dots. The hair is sticking out a little from under the scarf, draw in the details and remove the extra lines. After Baba Yaga's head is drawn, you need to decide on the location of the broom stick, i.e. make a sketch of it. Only after this can you start drawing the old woman’s body. We sketch the figure of the grandmother, she is slightly tilted forward and holds the broom with her hands. We draw the broom itself, and only after that we draw the arms and legs of Baba Yaga.

How to draw Baba Yaga in a mortar

This drawing will be a little more complicated than the previous one. To begin with, you should imagine the image of Baba Yaga in a mortar, with a broom in her hands. If it’s hard to imagine, you can look for a picture with a similar image or look at illustrations for Russian folk tales in which there is such a fairy-tale hero. Fairy tales will help answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga's stupa. First, you should sketch out on paper the approximate silhouette of the old woman and the outline of the stupa. This should be done without pressing the pencil. We gradually add details, such as a scarf, hair fluttering in the wind that comes out from under it. Draw the face, highlighting characteristics This character: a hooked nose, a protruding chin, a tooth sticking out of his mouth, thick, lopsided eyebrows. Don't forget to draw a wart on your nose. Next, we draw bony hands with long thin fingers, with which Baba Yaga tenaciously holds her broom. Don’t forget to pay attention to the headstock, you can draw the wooden texture, add a crack, pay attention to the little things - draw wrinkles on the face and folds on clothes. In the process of drawing, using an eraser, we gradually remove unnecessary details and lines.

How to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step

In order to convey the image of this old woman as accurately as possible, let us once again remember all of her distinctive features. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's face. Let's break this lesson into several stages, so it will be easier to navigate.

A hut on chicken legs

An integral attribute of this fairy tale character is his home. Every self-respecting Baba Yaga has a hut, and not just a simple one, but one on chicken legs. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's house. In general, such a dwelling is not just a fiction; in ancient Rus', huts were built on stumps, the roots of which were cut off and looked very much like chicken legs. In this way people tried to protect wooden house from rotting.

Step-by-step drawing of a hut on chicken legs

A lot has already been said about how to draw Baba Yaga, but, summing up, I would like to give some advice to novice artists. To believably portray this fairy tale hero, you need to better study his character, habits, the place where he lives, characteristic features. Of course, Russian folk tales will best help with this. And don’t be upset if you didn’t succeed in drawing a character or his house the first time, you need to try again, and your imagination will help you with this.

Class: 3 "A"
Subject: Fine Arts
Teacher's name:
Number of students: 23
Date: .01.17

Purpose of the lesson: to develop design drawing skills. develop the skill of conveying mood and artistic image using
pencil. develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition.
Language goal
Instilling values
Use of concepts in speech: Baba Yaga, Hut on Chicken Legs
Respect for fairy tales.
Reading fairy tales with the participation of Baba Yaga.
Lesson stage
Org. moment
Updating knowledge
teacher's actions
mood for the lesson
Checking readiness for the lesson.
At the lesson visual arts I wish you Have a good mood And
creative success in your work!
Listen to the riddle.
An old woman flies on a magic mortar
So fast that the wind whistles behind her.
She lives in a fabulous dark wilderness -
Hurry up and name the old woman! (Baba Yaga)
That's right, this is Baba Yaga. Guys, what is she like? Look at this picture and
Who is Baba Yaga here?
Indeed, in this picture she is sad, sad. How do you think,
why is she sad? (children's answers)
Look around Grandmother Yaga. Look on the threshold, how old it is
she sits in the hut. The hut stands in a dense, dense forest, rarely a guest
can come here. And the poor old lady lives alone, she is already
she’s old, she can’t build a new house for herself and there’s no one to help her.
This is probably why she is so evil and cruel as we see her in some
fairy tales But if she had a new house, brand new and beautiful, she,
She's probably gotten better. Maybe we can draw a new house for Grandma Yaga. (Yes)
And who remembers what kind of hut Grandma Yaga usually lives in?
Presumable result
All students will be able to depict
Most will be able to convey
some features of the hut
Some will be able to convey
features of the hut
student actions
check readiness
Guess the riddle
Baba Yaga
Student answers:
(angry, scary,
old, etc.)
(sad, sorrowful)
(In a hut on chickens

Goal setting
Who guessed what we will draw today?
That's right. So we will draw a new hut for our Babka Yaga on chickens
legs, which stands on the forest edge.
creates problematic
reflect on
define the goal.
On the desk
Working on a new one
Analysis of works
Bottom line

Charging (kukutiki)
1.Draw this shape, draw two straight lines from above, which will
2. Draw decorations for the roof and windows.
3. Now draw the canopy under the triangular window, the shutters on the left and
to the right of the large window and logs on the sides in the form of circles, as this
logs that we do not see, but they are the basis of the walls of the hut.
4. Erase the lines in the circles and draw a spiral in each of them,
then draw horizontal lines - the logs that make up the hut and
pipe with smoke.
5. Draw the legs of the hut.
6. That’s all you can add to the landscape, the hut on chicken legs stands on
hillock, behind there is a dense forest, birds are flying in the sky. The drawing is ready.
Hanging drawings on the board, viewing finished images, choosing
best works
Mini report: what kind of Baba Yaga is she?
You turned out wonderful works, what helped you when drawing?
What did you learn in the lesson?
What new did you learn?
What beautiful huts they turned out to be! In your drawings you managed to convey
image of a dense forest. Which works did you like and why?
(children analyze the work).
shows movements
perform movements
Listen carefully
sums it up
Write in a diary
Student answers
analyze their

  1. So, the roof. The roof is a rhombus, and there is another stick attached to the side:

The clumsier it gets, the better. After all, the hut was not made by the SMU brigade, but by forest evil spirits from pasture material.

  1. Now let's finish drawing the walls. In them we designate doors and windows:

  1. We finish drawing the chicken legs below. Here we need to try to make it more or less realistic:

  1. Now let's paint over everything. We finish drawing the small details and go to hand them in to the teacher!

Well, that's basically it. More conversations.

Anyone who wants can redraw the hut on chicken legs from good children's books. This can also be done on a computer or on plain paper - with paints and pencils.

Olga, you gave an interesting drawing as an example, I copied it and this is how it happened:

  • indicated the dimensions of the hut and roof
  • I drew the position of the shutters and the window itself
  • etc.

In general, see for yourself how everything happened and what happened, all that remains is to decorate it beautifully):

How to draw a hut on chicken legs can be seen in the video lesson below. I will now explain to you how this can be done.

So, first you need to draw the most ordinary hut (small). We draw a roof in the shape of a triangle, a square frame, and then we design the windows. You can hang something like platbands on the windows and roof, and make the frame itself made of logs.

Now all that remains is to paint the legs for the house. I think no one will have any questions about how to draw chicken legs. So, let’s draw them under the hut. The drawing is ready.

Master class for preschoolers “BABA YAGA’S HUT. Drawing with carbon paper"

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna - teacher, Central Children's Educational Institution No. 1 "Bear Cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
Educational or creative work
Introduction to Russian fairy tales and illustrations for them, as well as the depiction of Baba Yaga's hut in animation.
Fostering love and interest in Russian folklore
Development of imagination and expansion of horizons.
Improving practical skills in using graphic materials
Training on how to work with carbon paper
Paper, (landscape and carbon) pencils and colored pencils, pastel or wax crayons - optional
Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with illustrations by Russian artists and animators for fairy tales in which Baba Yaga appears

Baba Yaga's huts can now be found in the most unexpected places: in parks, on children's playgrounds...

And here is a hut on one leg.

Literary component:

1 riddles
What kind of old lady in torn clothes is this?
Lives in a hut on chicken legs?
She always lights the stove, but doesn’t eat the pie,
Who is it then? - This is... (Baba Yaga)

Stands in front of the forest
And it smokes through a crooked pipe.
There Yaga - the forest grandmother -
He yawns sweetly on the stove.
(A hut on chicken legs.)

Listening to a poem
Living Hut at Baba Yaga:
This Hut has two chicken legs.
Her legs stick out -
And they freeze in the January cold.

Baba Yaga bought her boots -
Small boots for chicken leg.
And there are no shoes in stores
For the legs of giant chickens.

The size of the Hut is ninety-two:
Try on a shoe - a shoe with a hole.
The owner is bringing her sneakers -
At that moment the new clothes fell apart.

She wanders alone among the oak forests,
First one leg, then the other...
Sighs in longing and sadness:
How people crushed now!

to children:

Who is Baba Yaga: good or evil?
It’s different in different fairy tales. (list examples)
Why do you think hunters built (and are still building) huts on chicken legs in the forest? (so that the animals do not get to the food supplies)
Are there dwellings raised above the ground in other countries, and what are they invented for? (in some countries - from floods)


1 option
Fold white A3 paper (landscape sheet) with carbon paper. It is also standard - A3. Fold both sheets in half with the short sides facing each other.
Place the folded sheet to your left.

Draw a snowdrift (or snowdrifts) with smooth lines. From the fold to the right, draw a square or rectangle. This is the future log hut on chicken legs. To avoid creating a simple hunting hut, do not forget to step back from the snowdrifts, leaving room for chicken legs.

Draw a triangular roof. We draw the logs of the log house using horizontal parallel lines. Between them, using spiral movements, we depict the ends of the logs from the side wall.

Draw a chicken leg. We place it not at the very edge of the frame, but not close to the fold - approximately in the middle. Its skin is rough and clumsy, and it has three nails (fingers). The fourth is a spur. He's turned back.

We paint over the semicircle of the dormer window and draw vertically the boards covering the attic. We also draw and paint over the window opening. Baba Yaga is not at home and there is no light either.

We draw the trunk of a tall spruce and branches on one side. The branches are inclined downwards; we use a wavy line to represent the edges of the coniferous branches.
The same branches appear on the other side of the trunk and in the middle.

We draw silhouettes of Christmas trees in the distance. There are footprints in the snow, snowflakes in the sky.

Unfold the sheet and take out the carbon paper.

Tinting the sky.

Option 2

This option is fantasy. You can come up with any other form of hut. And add other animals and birds. Instead of an owl, for example, depict geese-swans, instead of a cat - a fox, a hare or a wolf.
The beginning is the same as in the first version. We fold the white paper and carbon paper so that the fold is to our left. For left-handers, this fold should probably be on the right, but since the majority are right-handed, we place the workpiece this way.
And we draw snowdrifts.

Using horizontal lines we outline the floor and ceiling of the hut.

Draw the wall and roof.

We depict logs on the log house

We draw a window, paint over the opening, add simple trim and draw the roof.

Now - a solid chicken leg. The hut not only stands on them, but also walks.

The dormer window will be a diamond shape. Let's paint it over too. We are finishing the attic.

We cover distant mountains with forests

An old gnarled tree appears next to the hut.

We put an owl on a branch

We draw one owl - we get two, we draw one cat - there will also be two of them.

Shade part of the image.

Or another antagonist of the life story should live in an equally sinister house. All these, cloaked in mysticism and smog from factories, metro dungeons and reality shows - all this is a crude banality, which great geniuses are allowed to do. Nothing compares to the perversity of those who came up with a home for the old hag. Today we'll find out how to draw a hut on chicken legs. The Chicken Hut is a clear example of what happens when the art of creating GMOs creeps into harmless fairy tales. A pensioner with 10 years of experience extorted a communal apartment in Moscow, but the authorities, led by them, avoided fulfilling their duty to the fatherland in every possible way and drank away the budget. It is then that Yaga finds a secret laboratory for the development of secret weapons of mass inspiration. Having dropped raw chicken, which she wore like a talisman, into a solution of alcohol and alcohol and, after reciting a spell, created a hut.

Now, all the time complaining about the impossibility of connecting to the Internet, grandma went crazy, started eating children, talking to them, and even started one. Suddenly it turned out that the house was alive and even carried out several commands, such as: Bring beer, I’ll sing right now, and One more. Otherwise, the development of smart home intelligence has stopped at the level.

What would I do if I had a hut like this:

  • Organized a race with a high-rise centipede and a caterpillar bus;
  • He played for the Russian national football team so that everyone could see where football players’ legs grow from;
  • I danced romantic tap dance;
  • Didn't pay taxes and utilities;
  • Would have moving property;
  • Let's skip this point;
  • This one is also better for you not to know;
  • Do not allow Jehovah's Witnesses into the house. Although I still do this now.
  • You can also set up a museum and take rich tourists around the city;
  • Or just draw it;

Actually, that’s what we’ll do now!

How to draw a hut with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a sketch of the future building on a chicken leg. Step two. Near the house we will add a granny with a sly look. On the terrace there is another copy of the granny in a mortar. It’s just that this is not a real house, but a carved one from wood (you saw its photo in the first picture). There is only one real Baba Yaga. We will add more windows, because no light was installed there. Step three. Let's draw all the elements of the wooden house, the stairs and the stump near the house. The woman has a broom in her hands. Step four. Now let's delete unnecessary lines. Step five. Don't forget about the background. We will add several fir trees, oaks and other trees there, this is at your discretion. Maybe even a trickle. Ready. You can also color it. See more similar lessons.

Thanks to the fairy tale about Baba Yaga, the hut on chicken legs is known to almost all children before school age . To involve a child in drawing, you need to offer exactly similar pictures from famous fairy tales. This coloring is often found in pictures for children, because it is simple and multifaceted - it can be drawn in different ways, has many easy elements to color.

For older children, it is not at all necessary to color a ready-made illustration. It’s much more interesting to draw it yourself, from scratch, and then color it. To do this, you need to prepare thick white paper, simple pencils, eraser, and also a sharpener.

Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing a Hut

The advantage of self-drawn coloring books is that the child will be able to come up with something on his own, developing his imagination. The level of complexity of the hut on chicken legs, pictures for children drawn according to diagrams, may vary depending on the skills of a particular student.

If a child has difficulty drawing complex geometric shapes, then it’s better to choose minimalistic and simple examples other people's works. This makes it much easier for children to learn if they see an example before their eyes.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to draw several lines on the sheet, repeating the silhouette of the hut. They draw it by analogy with a house: roof, walls, windows, door. At the first stage, no detail is needed.
  2. Next you need to draw any additional details. For example, the second plan.
  3. The legs themselves are also drawn, on which the hut stands, a chimney, stairs, window frames, grass, a porch and everything that the child wants to draw additionally.
  4. At the third stage, you should erase the extra lines with an eraser and move on to detailing the work. You can shade some fragments or leave the picture colorless and then paint over it with felt-tip pens or pencils.

If you want the hut on chicken legs, pictures for children, drawn sketches for coloring to be unusual and interesting, then you can experiment with the plot for illustration. For example, depict a hut in motion, in the air, from different angles, or in some atypical setting.

Also in the background you can depict any season: winter, autumn, summer or spring. If a child wants to draw with bright pencils, then you can depict flowers, trees, animals. Winter is a simpler option for the background, since you don’t have to depict any details, just lightly shade the snowdrifts.

Below are instructions for drawing a hut on chicken legs for children of primary school age:

  1. First you need to draw the outline: the house, the roof, windows and doors, legs and so on.
  2. Afterwards the background and background objects are drawn. For example, trees, snowdrifts, as well as the exterior of the hut - detailing it appearance.
  3. The last stage is a symbol of light and shadow. The dark side of the hut needs to be shaded, the log house drawn, and small details added.

The end result should be a black and white illustration, and not a regular coloring book. At the end, you can outline the outline with a black pen to make the drawing look complete.

This scheme differs from the first in that it is more complex in execution. Children must have at least basic drawing skills and understand what volume and perspective are. The instructions are unlikely to be of any help to preschoolers; they are intended for third and fourth grade students.

Coloring the hut

The pictures are intended as coloring books for children. The main materials you can choose from are gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, colored pencils, felt-tip pens and markers. The latter are very bright, so they are only suitable for thick paper. Watercolor may seem difficult to a child, so he is unlikely to cope without the help of a teacher or parent.

The simplest materials for coloring are crayons and pencils. You can also use colored ballpoints and gel pens.

Master class on drawing a Hut on Chicken Legs

Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most striking characters in Russian folk tales, although she has a grumpy character, the ability to use witchcraft objects and potions, flying in a mortar, a hut on chicken legs - all this makes the character memorable and unique. And although everyone probably has an idea of ​​what kind of old woman she is, not everyone knows how to draw Baba Yaga. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Folklore image of Baba Yaga

Everyone read Russian folk tales in childhood, and it is from them that Baba Yaga is known to us. Therefore, if you decide to start drawing this old woman, you should turn to children's books to understand what this character is. So, let's characterize Baba Yaga: she lives in her home - this is a hut on chicken legs. She can use witchcraft and, in addition, she can fly in a mortar, covering her tracks with a broom. If we talk about the character of Baba Yaga, she is not always a harmful and evil old woman; in some fairy tales she admonishes the hero and gives him magical objects, for example, a guiding ball of thread or a magic horse. Not only poets and writers, but also artists such as Malyutin, Viktor Vasnetsov and others have repeatedly turned to the image of Baba Yaga.

The image of Baba Yaga in art

Of course, the image of this character is very interesting not only to ordinary readers, but also to people of art: artists, writers, musicians, poets and directors. This hero of Russian fairy tales inspired the composer Mussorgsky to create the musical play “The Hut on Chicken Legs. Baba Yaga." Everyone knows the painting by the Russian artist Vasnetsov, which is called “Baba Yaga”. We must not forget about Bilibin’s beautiful paintings. Even in the movies, the image of this old woman was captured, and her man, the wonderful actor Georgy Millyar, played her.

Appearance of Baba Yaga

To answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga, and to convey her image as accurately as possible, you need to pay attention to her appearance and distinctive features. In Russian fairy tales, she was usually depicted as a bony old woman with a large hump, a wrinkled face, and a long hooked nose, which always had a wart. But little attention was paid to the description of clothing; Baba Yaga could have been dressed in a sundress, dress or skirt, so you can dream up as much as you like about the details of the wardrobe.

How to draw Baba Yaga from the cartoon

Perhaps this is one of the simplest options for drawing a fairy-tale old woman with a pencil. This image is taken from the 1979 Soviet cartoon “Baba Yaga Vs.”

You can draw Baba Yaga in a mortar or on a broom; the forms used for drawing are very simple, so even a small child can master them. Let's try to draw an old woman flying on a broom. First, draw an oval with a pencil, this will be the grandmother’s head, then draw the nose, eyes and mouth in sequence.

Don't forget about grandma's, he had polka dots. The hair is sticking out a little from under the scarf, draw in the details and remove the extra lines. After Baba Yaga's head is drawn, you need to decide on the location of the broom stick, i.e. make a sketch of it. Only after this can you start drawing the old woman’s body. We sketch the figure of the grandmother, she is slightly tilted forward and holds the broom with her hands. We draw the broom itself, and only after that we draw the arms and legs of Baba Yaga.

How to draw Baba Yaga in a mortar

This drawing will be a little more complicated than the previous one. To begin with, you should imagine the image of Baba Yaga in a mortar, with a broom in her hands. If it’s hard to imagine, you can look for a picture with a similar image or look at illustrations to Russian folk tales, which contain one that will help answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga’s stupa. First, you should sketch out on paper the approximate silhouette of the old woman and the outline of the stupa. This should be done without pressing the pencil. We gradually add details, such as a scarf, hair fluttering in the wind that comes out from under it. We draw the face, highlighting the characteristic features of this character: a hooked nose, a protruding chin, a tooth sticking out of the mouth, thick skewed eyebrows. Don't forget to draw a wart on your nose. Next, we draw bony hands with long thin fingers, with which Baba Yaga tenaciously holds her broom. Don’t forget to pay attention to the headstock, you can draw the wooden texture, add a crack, pay attention to the little things - we also draw the folds on the clothes. In the process of drawing, using an eraser, we gradually remove unnecessary details and lines.

How to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step

In order to convey the image of this old woman as accurately as possible, let us once again recall all her distinctive features. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's face. Let's break this lesson into several stages, so it will be easier to navigate.

A hut on chicken legs

An integral attribute of this fairy-tale character is his home. Every self-respecting Baba Yaga has a hut, and not just a simple one, but one on chicken legs. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's house. In general, such a dwelling is not just a fiction; in ancient Rus', huts were built on stumps, the roots of which were cut off and looked very much like chicken legs. In this way, people tried to protect the wooden house from rotting.

Step-by-step drawing of a hut on chicken legs

A lot has already been said about how to draw Baba Yaga, but, summing up, I would like to give some advice to novice artists. In order to believably portray a given fairy-tale hero, you need to better study his character, habits, the place where he lives, and characteristic features. Of course, Russian folk tales will best help with this. And don’t be upset if you didn’t succeed in drawing a character or his house the first time, you need to try again, and your imagination will help you with this.



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