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Rituals with the brownie for Maslenitsa. A talisman for a well-fed life. Video: Maslenitsa rituals

Maslenitsa! This ancient one is good Slavic holiday- farewell to winter - with tables laden with pancakes and other food and drinks. These days, not only the Slavic soul is wide open, but also the curtains between worlds are opening, the great ones are awakening magical powers. And if you carry out a number of rituals these days, you can provide yourself and your entire family with health, well-being, good luck and happiness for the whole year.

Treat this matter carefully and carefully and do not forget to thank higher power and Mother Maslenitsa herself for her help, for the abundant food and for the whole week of fun and joy given.

Cleaning the house on Maslenitsa

Broom spell for witchcraft

Hang on a nail on Wednesday front door there is a broom in the corridor (amulet against witchcraft) and read the plot:

“Sweep, broom, from my yard a dashing thought, a dashing sentence, a dashing man. Witchcraft and the evil eye are a cesspool, goodness and mercy are a wide road. Whoever comes with good will find shelter with us, whoever brings evil will disappear beyond the threshold.”

Conspiracy for a good neighbor

Hang a pancake on the fence (or balcony) with these words:

“I give some blush and smoothness to the fence, to such an agreement that you don’t quarrel with your neighbors and remain in good friendship.”

Treat your neighbors to pancakes.

Conspiracy for peace in the house

On Pancake Week Thursday, place a jug of milk on the table. Having dropped boiled wheat grains into it, according to the number of residents in the house, pronounce the spell:

“Just as the wheat is not crowded in this jar, so we are not crowded in our house. I whisper, I call, I conjure all the saints to send us peace and harmony. Let our home be rich in love and understanding. So that everyone here becomes related to each other and never scolds another.”

Conspiracy against fire, elements or thieves

This amulet for housing is placed on Friday during Shrovetide Write on a piece of paper:

“My house is about four corners, about light walls, about a beautiful roof, above all others, in a good hour, placed in a good place. Neither fire, nor wind, nor stone, nor water, nor to an evil person. My house will stand for another century - all troubles will be gone. Let it be so! Amen!"

Then burn the note on a white plate and scatter the ashes in the yard to the wind.

Keep death away from home

On the second day, we drive death and illness away from home. We give treats to any pet with the words:

“A tasty morsel for the living soul, a special mention for the deceased. The dead may rest in peace - the living will escape from illness and death. Everyone should live in joy and don’t worry until the next Maslenitsa.”

If he doesn’t finish the treat, we throw the leftovers outside the house (and garden).

Cleansing the house with snow (done only on the waning moon)

Bring snow into the house and wait for it to melt. Take melt water and wash the floor in the house, saying:

“Water flows along the rapids and roads, the water is melted, the water is clean. It washes the steep banks, helps me, the Servant of God (name), washes away all my misfortunes and troubles. I will wash away curses and damage, bad luck and poverty, dark evil and misfortune with melt water. I will cleanse my house of everything bad and evil. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you can add Thursday salt to the water. After cleaning, the water should be poured onto the street, preferably at an intersection. When returning home, walk without looking back and without talking to anyone. When you come home, light three candles:

  • green for money;
  • gold for health;
  • pink for love.

Rituals and spells for health

Plot against smoking on Maslenitsa

On the last day of the holiday - Forgiveness Sunday, before going to bed, put an empty cigarette pack under your pillow and say:

“Abandoned and forgotten, gone from me, overgrown with grass. He won't come back to me again. Truly"

At conception

If a woman wants to conceive this year, on Shrovetide week she needs to treat nine people (not relatives) (according to the number of months she carries the child) with pancakes. While baking such pancakes, she must say three times:

“A pancake in the oven - a child in the house. Whatever is wished for over the pancake will come true.”

Moreover, if a woman treats a man with such a pancake first, then she will expect a boy, and a woman - a girl.

Removing damage to Maslenitsa

To remove damage, on Maslenitsa, collect clean snow (preferably melted) in a basin, bring it into the house and roll it over yourself from head to toe (moving from top to bottom). During this, read the plot:

“Come out, pour out all the bad things from the body of the Servant of God (name). From a zealous heart, from a violent head, from a white body, from a clean belly, from red blood, from legs, from hands, from veins. It’s not I who drive out damage and the evil eye, but Holy Mother of God with your archangels, angels and patrons every hour, every day, from now until forever! Amen!".

From the remaining snow you need to sculpt a little man, draw his nose, mouth, eyes, navel and write your name on it backwards. Then read the plot 33 times:

“Let the one who brought damage to the servant of God (name) return her. Let all his wishes be reflected in him. I have never wished harm on anyone, and let the one who wished me harm get his harm back. Amen".

After the ritual, wait until the snow man melts and pour out all the remaining water at the crossroads on the same day.

Rituals and spells for love

Love spell (love spell) for Maslenitsa

To bewitch your lover, bake pancakes every day of Maslenitsa week. Stir the dough clockwise three times and say:

“As people love Maslenitsa, so do you (name) love me, (your name). Pancakes reflect the sun, bringing you (name) closer to me. So be it, amen!”

Cut the last pancake in half: eat half, crumble the other half to the birds near your beloved’s house with the words:

“Just as birds love a pancake, so do you (name), love me (your name), fly and run to me from everywhere, wherever you are. As she said, so it will be. Truly!

And go home without turning around or talking to passersby.

To attract love (for a girl)

If there is a girl of marriageable age in the house, on the first day of Maslenitsa she should bake the first batch of pancakes, saying the following:

“Damn on Maslenitsa is hot, he can see for every sign. Damn tell me if I’ll get married this year.”

If the first pancake did not stick to the frying pan, but jumped off easily, it means that the girl will soon get married. If the pancake stuck, then she will have to wait a little longer for her betrothed. But, despite the result, the girl must bake even number pancakes This will attract love.

So that the husband does not walk (conspiracy)

If you are not sure of your spouse's fidelity, perform this ritual. On the last day of Maslenitsa, knead the dough and read the spell over it three times:

“Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink and get drunk, and when he has eaten, let homesickness overcome him and not let him go beyond the threshold. Let (name) yearn for his lawful wife and only have mercy on her. And he won’t even look at others. Amen".

Bake pancakes from this dough. Before serving them, read some more spelled words for drinking:

“Let the servant of God (name) drink this drink and not notice anyone but me. Only I will be the only one in his heart and thoughts, and all other women against my background will fade and fade. Let it be so. Amen".

Rituals and conspiracies for profit and prosperity

Conspiracy for profit (for fire)

If you have the opportunity to be outside the city these days, you can use the old Maslenitsa plot to attract profit and prosperity in the new season.

To do this, you need to make a big fire and burn some old unnecessary things in it (the more, the better). By getting rid of old unnecessary property, you thereby symbolically make room for new things. At the same time, looking at the fire, repeat:

“I burn the old, unnecessary things,
I invite you to new good things.
Let everything that has become obsolete go away.
Let the new one bring profit.
Let the unnecessary turn into ashes,
From the ashes he will be reborn with new successes!”

Amulet for a well-fed life

On the first day of Maslenitsa, make a talisman for a well-fed life within the walls of your home. Under the container in which you put the dough or knead pancakes, place 5 coins, saying:

“Maslenitsa has come and brought satiety and prosperity to the house. Keeping the coins under the table will provide us with enough food all year round. Prosperity will come and my home will be free from troubles.”

These coins must be kept in the house until the next Maslenitsa.

Ritual at the place of celebration (for a coin)

Attract cash flows It is possible through a ceremony that takes place at the site of the festivities. Must visit the venue national holiday the next day, that is, Monday. You need to walk around there until you find a coin, and this will definitely happen in a public place.

The coin should be lifted with the left hand and the following magic words should be spoken:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), walked and found money on my way. Just as I, the Servant of God (my own name), came to this money, so let the money come to me in the future on its own. Just as there were a lot of people in this place on Holy Maslenitsa, may I always have a lot of money. Amen".

The charmed coin must be hidden in your own home and stored all year. It will attract money like a magnet and improve your well-being. A year later, on Maslenitsa, the coin must be lost again in the same place.

Ritual for financial well-being (on the waxing moon)

Collect snow, preferably melting, that lies at the intersection. When picking up snow, leave a coin yellow color as a ransom. Having brought the snow into the house, light a green candle and read the plot:

“The white snow in the field is melting, and the water is rising in the river. And I, the servant of God (name), will go and find a job for myself, sweet for the heart and useful for the wallet. My word is a knot that cannot be untied. As she said, so it will be. Amen".

When the snow melts, wash your face with melt water and pour the rest out the window.

Ritual using snow

The magic of this holiday will definitely help the material sphere. On the waxing moon, read the plot on financial well-being using snow. In this case, it is better to take the snow for the ritual at the crossroads, and leave a yellow coin there as a ransom.

Having brought snow into the house, you need to put it on a dish, then light a green candle.
Then say the following magic words:

“As soon as the white snow melts in a wide field, the water in the stormy river rises. As soon as I, the Servant of God (proper name), walk down the street, I will immediately find a job for myself, useful for both my soul and my money. My word is strong. Every word is tied in a knot - no one can untie it. Amen".

After the snow melts, you need to touch the melt water with your lips, after which you throw the melt water out onto the street.

Rituals and spells for good luck and prosperity

Pancake charms for good luck

On Sunday, bake a small pancake as a good luck charm for all family members. Everyone should start their meal with this little pancake, saying to themselves:

“Maslenitsa will go away, it will bring me happiness and good luck. For me and my family to live, don’t worry, avoid evil, hold on to good luck.”

And the wish you make after eating such a pancake will definitely come true.

Plot for happiness

On the last Sunday before Maslenitsa, you need to review all the dishes in the house and take out all the cracked cups and plates, saying:

“The broken and evil are in a bundle, the new and good are on the threshold. Don’t break the dishes in the house; happiness will happen.”

Eating from cracked dishes during Shrovetide means breaking your own happiness.

Conspiracy (amulet) against enemies, envious people and cunning people

On Sunday before Maslenitsa week, retire to your room at 11 pm and read the spell 3 times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Theotokos Lady and you, the four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and preserve me, (name), protect me from dashing thoughts, from devilish thoughts, from secret destruction, from the evil eye and blind man's eyes, from the envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who curses out loud and who writes denunciations. The Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of knocking or sound, and is not hiding from anyone. So no sound, knock or word would touch me. I didn’t trip over any damage. My words cannot be denied, they cannot be reprimanded. Neither the first in the family, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

To fulfill a wish

To make it come true cherished wish, during Shrovetide Week, you need to hear the rooster crowing three times in the morning. If you hear three crows in one morning, it means your wish will come true faster than you might expect. If you have to make several attempts, you need to wait some time for the wish to come true. For every crow you need to say:

“Rooster rooster, smell the buttery spirit, wake up luck, let’s go with what we have in mind.”

For change for the better

In order for changes for the better to take place in the house, and for the owners to make new, profitable acquaintances, during Shrovetide Week you need to invite a new person into the house, someone who has not been with the owners before that moment. As you sit him down at the table, say to yourself:

“We come to you with a pie, you come to us with kindness. Let our success triple, let our profitable acquaintances multiply.”

After this, you can definitely count on influential patrons who can help in business.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

On Maslenitsa, you can carry out a conspiracy that will help make your cherished wish come true.

The ceremony takes place late on Sunday evening. It is advisable to attend the festive festivities before this to recharge yourself with positive energy. On the same day, before going to bed, you should say the following conspiracy:

“Light up, bright star, in the high sky, to the joy of the whole baptized world, light up with clear light and unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. Look into the house of the Servant (s) of God (proper name) with your rays. Consecrate, O festive star, my dwelling with bright fire. I voice to you, star, my deepest desire, hear it. (You need to briefly formulate your cherished desire). Amen".

After pronouncing the words, cross yourself three times, bow three times, turning to the east. Then go to bed, and it is important to fall asleep as soon as possible, discarding all extraneous thoughts.
The dream you have this night will be prophetic. It is by its content that you can judge whether your wish will come true. Therefore, when you wake up, try to remember the dream you saw and analyze it. The more positive there is in a dream, the higher the likelihood that the wish will come true. Negative feelings from sleep indicate that, most likely, your request was not heard.

Protective spell for Maslenitsa

If you feel that you have become a victim of someone’s damage or the evil eye, or suspect that this may happen in the near future, use a protective spell for Maslenitsa.

At dawn on the first day of Maslenitsa, turn your face to the rising Sun.
Then say:

“Maslenitsa will protect you from all evil,
Everything evil and bad will turn away from me.
On the first day, every evil eye will be reflected from me.
On the second day, all corruption will disappear from me.
On the third day, the evil conspiracy will be broken into pieces.
On the fourth day, everything will respond to the offenders.
On the fifth day, evil thoughts will turn to dust.
On the sixth day all my troubles will cease.
On the seventh, luck and strength will return to me ».

Repeat this spell at dawn every day of Maslenitsa. This plot should become your magical armor, protecting you from other people’s malice and deceit.

In order not to miss the magical days before Lent, be sure to pay attention to when Maslenitsa begins and ends:

  • Maslenitsa in 2016 from March 7 to 13
  • Maslenitsa in 2017 from February 20 to 26
  • Maslenitsa in 2018 from February 12 to 18

Magic spells and rituals for Maslenitsa

  • If there is a girl of marriageable age in the house, on the first day of Maslenitsa it is she who should bake the first batch of pancakes, saying the following: “The pancake is hot on Maslenitsa; Damn tell me if I’ll get married this year.” If the first pancake did not stick to the frying pan, but jumped off easily, it means that the girl will soon get married. If the pancake stuck, then she will have to wait a little longer for her betrothed. But, despite the result, the girl must bake an even number of pancakes. This will attract love.
  • On one of the evenings of Shrovetide Week, you can notice what will happen next year. We need to make pancakes with with different fillings(mushrooms, eggs, cottage cheese, meat, poultry, jam, cheese and honey), put them on a dish so that no one knows where the pancake is with what. Then gather everyone at the table and say: “Pancake, dear friend, indicate what awaits whom and who should prepare for what. Sweet honey - to a well-fed life. White cottage cheese - for celebration in the house. Fungus - for a long journey. Eggs are a shame. Meat (beef, pork) - to prosperity. Bird - to worries and troubles. Jam - for changes in life. Cheese means separation." Whatever happens to someone will come true.
  • In order for changes for the better to take place in the house, and for the owners to make new, profitable acquaintances, during Shrovetide Week you need to invite a new person into the house, someone who has not been with the owners before that moment. When seating him at the table, say to yourself: “We come to you with a pie, you come to us with kindness. Let our success triple, let our profitable acquaintances multiply.” After this, you can definitely count on influential patrons who can help in business.
  • If a woman wants to conceive this year, on Shrovetide week she needs to treat nine people (not relatives) (according to the number of months she carries the child) with pancakes. When baking such pancakes, she must say three times: “A pancake in the oven - a child in the house.” Whatever is wished for over the pancake will come true.” Moreover, if a woman treats a man with such a pancake first, then she will expect a boy, and a woman - a girl.
  • In order for your cherished wish to come true, during Shrovetide week you need to hear the rooster crowing three times in the morning. If you hear three crows in one morning, it means your wish will come true faster than you might expect. If you have to make several attempts, you need to wait some time for the wish to come true. For every crow, you need to say: “Rooster, rooster, smell the buttery spirit, wake up luck, go ahead with what you have in mind.”
  • During Maslenitsa you can also notice the harvest. To do this, on any given day you need to throw a grain of garden crops, the seeds of which are in the house (beets, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.) into a pot of soil and say this: “I sow and sow, I wonder what will come up for the harvest.” “If it’s born, if it doesn’t sprout, it will be a bad year.” Whatever seeds hatch, those crops will give a glorious harvest this year, but those that will never emerge from the ground (even if the supply of seeds is completely renewed) - this is not this, in vain.
  • Shrovetide week is also good for testing marital fidelity. If a woman decides to notice, she must go out into the street at dawn on Saturday and make a wish like this: “On Maslenitsa I notice about my wife, I ask about his fidelity. Meeting a young woman first means his betrayal, a guy means fidelity.” A man changes words for his gender.
  • If there are often quarrels in the house or relationships with relatives who live separately are not going well, you need to take a knife on Forgiveness Sunday, draw it three times along the threshold at the front door and say: “I will forgive everyone’s sin, I will ask for forgiveness myself.” I’ll build a fence against all quarrels, I’ll cut off their path to my house - they won’t come now, they won’t come later.” After this, peace and tranquility will definitely come to the family.
  • During Shrove Week, you can also take care of the health and fertility of livestock. To do this, you need to take several coals from the stove and say over them: “The coal from the stove that I saved for Maslenitsa will be a talisman for my cattle. My cattle will not get sick, will not die, will grow in number, will surprise with their fertility.” Hide these coals in the barn. Next Maslenitsa, change them for others.
  • Shrovetide week is good for those who want to enchant the warm summer. To do this, you need to go out under the starry sky with a pancake or pie in your hands and read the plot: “ Heavenly powers, accept my treat, and send me a warm summer, good, not damp, not slushy, not rotten, rich in sunshine, gifted with fruits, praised by anyone.” After this, you need to leave the treat right in the snow and go indoors.
  • Since the house was full of guests during Shrovetide Week, it means that the owners will not have to suffer from loneliness later. If the guest is welcome, then you need to say after him: “Go with God, but do not disdain from now on my threshold, my treats, my kind greetings.” He will come more often. If the guest is unpleasant, you can discourage him on Maslenitsa with a secret whisper in the back: “Go, go, don’t watch my house. Go on your way with your burden, and forget about me.” After such a whisper, this person will no longer appear to you.

Maslenitsa amulets

Many conspiracies and amulets have come to us from antiquity that must be done during Maslenaya Week before the start of Lent.

  • On the first day of Maslenitsa we make a talisman for a well-fed life within the walls of our home. Under the container in which we put the dough or knead pancakes, we put 5 coins, saying: “Maslenitsa has come - it has brought satiety and prosperity to the house. Keeping the coins under the table will provide us with enough food all year round. Prosperity will come and my home will escape troubles.” These coins must be kept in the house until the next Maslenitsa.
  • On the second day, we drive death and illness away from home. We give treats to any pet with the words: “A tidbit for the living soul, a special mention for the deceased. The dead may rest in peace - the living will escape from illness and death. Everyone should live in joy and don’t worry until the next Maslenitsa.” If he doesn’t finish the treat, we throw the leftovers outside the house (and garden).
  • On Wednesday we hang a broom (amulet against witchcraft) on a nail at the front door in the corridor and read the spell: “Sweep, broom, from my yard a dashing thought, a dashing sentence, a dashing person. Witchcraft and the evil eye are a cesspool, goodness and mercy are a wide road. Whoever comes with good will find shelter with us, whoever brings evil will disappear beyond the threshold.”
  • On Thursday during Shrovetide week, we place a jug of milk on the table, putting boiled wheat grains into it, according to the number of residents in the house. We say the words of the spell: “Just as the wheat is not crowded in this jug, so we are not crowded in our house. I whisper, I call, I conjure all the saints to send us peace and harmony. Let our home be rich in love and understanding. So that everyone here becomes related to each other and never scolds another.”
  • On Friday we put a talisman on the house against fire, natural Disasters and thieves. We write on a piece of paper: “My house is about four corners, about light walls, about a beautiful roof, above all others, in a good hour, placed in a good place. Neither fire, nor wind, nor stone, nor water, nor an evil person can take it. My house will stand for another century - all troubles will be gone. Let it be so! Amen!" Then we burn the note on a white plate and scatter the ashes in the yard to the wind.
  • On Saturday we talk about being a good neighbor. We hang a pancake on the fence (or on the balcony) with the following words: “I give the pancake some blush and smoothness to the fence, as an agreement not to quarrel with the neighbors, but to remain in good friendship.” We treat our neighbors to pancakes.
  • On Sunday we bake a small pancake as a good luck charm for all family members. Everyone should start lunch with this little pancake, saying to themselves: “Maslenitsa will go away, it will bring me happiness and good luck. For me and my family to live - not to grieve, to avoid evil, to hold on to luck tightly.” And the wish you make after eating such a pancake will definitely come true.

Also read:


Our ancestors knew that if you have fun on Maslenitsa, you will live the coming year richly and joyfully. Over the course of centuries, customs, rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies have developed that were carried out on Maslenitsa and had great power.

Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that has survived to this day since the times of pagan culture. Initially, it was associated with the spring solstice, but after the adoption of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated in the week preceding Lent.

The Veles Book describes the Red Hill holiday, which was celebrated for a whole month before the spring solstice, and Maslenitsa is the first week of the Red Hill. This is how modern historians managed to connect the day of the spring solstice and the beginning of Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa: what can and cannot be done?

  • Eat meat foods.
  • To be sad, quarrel, swear and be offended.
  • Offend your neighbors and not forgive offenses.


  • Eat fish and dairy products. Pancakes should be the main dish on the table in every home.
  • Invite guests and do not skimp on treats, and also go to visit yourself.
  • Have fun and make others laugh.
  • Ask for forgiveness and sincerely forgive

Pancakes are one of the main attributes of Maslenitsa; they have a ritual meaning - the personification of the sun.

Days of Maslenitsa week

Each day of the week has its own name and its own rituals.

  • Monday - meeting. They made a stuffed Maslenitsa from straw and dressed it in an old women's clothing and took them on sleighs around the village. Slide downhill – young couples slid down an ice slide kissing three times
  • Tuesday is a flirt. Horseback riding, various games, fun and entertainment
  • Wednesday is delicious. We went to visit and ate a lot of delicious things.
  • Thursday - go wild. Capture of the ice fortress, held fist fights, “wall to wall” and other competitions
  • Friday is mother-in-law's evening. We went to my mother-in-law's for pancakes. Jumped over the fire
  • Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. There were round dances. Daughters-in-law hosted their relatives
  • Sunday is the day of forgiveness. Burning an effigy. Forgiveness day, when everyone asks for forgiveness and no one has the right to refuse him this.

Signs for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa should be celebrated richly, generously and cheerfully. You shouldn’t skimp on the treats, because as you spend the holiday, the Sun God will be favorable to you.

  • The more pancakes are baked for Maslenitsa, the richer the house will become. You can’t skimp on treats, otherwise you can suffer big losses. It is believed that the arrival of unexpected guests will bring happiness to the house. If the housewife bakes few pancakes, there will be no harvest.
  • Each baked pancake was associated with the sun, i.e. The more pancakes you make, the more sunny days there will be. However, too many pancakes can lead to drought. Therefore, a golden mean is necessary.
  • If the housewife’s pancakes turn out fluffy and rosy, the year will be good and rich in harvest, but if they stick together and don’t turn out well, then expect trouble.
  • On Maslenitsa, the mother-in-law must invite her son-in-law for pancakes. If he likes the treat, then the year will pass in peace and love.
  • In the old days, swings were built for Maslenitsa. Whoever flies the highest will have the largest harvest. The same applies to downhill skiing - whoever can slide down the farthest will have a successful year.
  • If it was cloudy before Maslenitsa, then in the fall there will be a good harvest of mushrooms, and if there was frost, then the summer will be warm.
  • If you get rid of old things on Maslenitsa, then expect new things this year.
  • If on Forgiveness Sunday you can forgive old grievances, you will open your life to new good and bright events.

Customs for Maslenitsa

When eating the first pancake on Maslenitsa, you need to remember your deceased relatives.

On Maslenitsa, children whistled using whistles made in the shape of birds. In this way, they invited back migratory birds that had flown away to warmer climes for the winter.

The straw effigy of winter is an integral attribute of Maslenitsa. It was installed on a pole and everyone spent a week around it public events, and on Sunday the effigy was burned. This ritual symbolized not only farewell to winter, but was also carried out with the aim of getting rid of everything unnecessary and bad.

Previously, there was a custom according to which on the last day of the holiday the father-in-law invited his son-in-law to visit “to finish the ram,” i.e. taste it one last time meat dishes before the start of Lent.

Before sunset on Sunday, they went to the graveyard, left pancakes on the graves of relatives and bowed to the ashes of their ancestors.

It was forbidden to weave or spin on Maslenitsa. It was believed that such actions could disturb the souls of deceased ancestors, who are invisibly next to us during Maslenitsa Week.

They tried to finish all the food prepared for the holiday on Sunday or give it away.

The Maslenitsa bonfire is a kind of memorial ritual that served as a kind of invitation to the souls of the deceased to a hearty dinner.

On the last day of Maslenitsa we tried to drink less alcohol.

On Forgiveness Day you had to fall asleep before midnight, then you would always wake up easily in the morning.

At the end of the holiday, we went to the bathhouse, because ahead was “ clean monday" - the day on which Lent began.

Plot against smoking on Maslenitsa

During the celebration of Maslenitsa, you can get rid of such a bad habit as smoking. To do this, on the last day of the holiday - Forgiveness Sunday, before going to bed, put an empty pack of cigarettes under your pillow and say the following words: “Abandoned and forgotten, left me, overgrown with grass. He won't come back to me again. Truly"

Removing damage to Maslenitsa

To remove the spell on Maslenitsa, you need to collect clean snow, preferably melted, in a basin. Bring it into the house and roll it over yourself from head to toe (moving from top to bottom). During this, read the plot:

“Come out, pour out all the bad things from the body of the Servant of God (name). From a zealous heart, from a violent head, from a white body, from a clean belly, from red blood, from legs, from hands, from veins. It is not I who cast out corruption and the evil eye, but the Most Holy Theotokos with her archangels, angels and patrons every hour, every day, from now on and forever! Amen!".

You need to sculpt a little man from the remaining snow. Draw his nose, mouth, eyes, navel and write your name on it backwards. After which read the plot 33 times: “Let the one who brought damage to the servant of God (name) return to her. Let all his wishes be reflected in him. I have never wished harm on anyone, and let the one who wished me harm get his harm back. Amen".

After the ritual, wait until the snow man melts and pour out all the remaining water at the intersection. This must be done on the same day.

Conspiracy of envy

As you know, envy is a very bad feeling that eats up from the inside not only the person experiencing it, but also has a bad effect on the object being envied. On the last day of Maslenitsa, you can read a conspiracy against envy that will protect you for the whole year.

Conspiracy from a witch, sorcerer and bad people

To protect yourself from the negative for the whole year magical influence, it is necessary on the first day of Maslenitsa, looking out the window at the starry sky, to read the plot three times:

“Not a single sorcerer, not a single witch will be able to harm me and my home until they count all the stars in the sky. Let all bad things pass by and only good things come into my home. Amen".

After this, sprinkle three pinches of salt on the windowsill, and the same amount at the front door.

When Forgiveness Sunday arrives, wait until sunset and sweep all the salt into a bag, while reading the “Our Father.” Then bury the bag of salt as far as possible from your home.

This conspiracy will protect your home and you from the evil spells of any sorcerer.

Cleansing the house with snow (done only on the waning moon)

Bring snow into the house and wait for it to melt. Take melt water and wash the floor in the house, saying:

“Water flows along the rapids and roads, the water is melted, the water is clean. It washes the steep banks, helps me, the Servant of God (name), washes away all my misfortunes and troubles. I will wash away curses and damage, bad luck and poverty, dark evil and misfortune with melt water. I will cleanse my house of everything bad and evil. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you can add Thursday salt to the water. After cleaning, the water should be poured onto the street, preferably at an intersection. When returning home, walk without looking back and without talking to anyone. When you come home, light three candles:

green for money;

gold for health;

pink for love.

Ritual for financial well-being on Maslenitsa (carried out on the waxing moon)

To carry it out, you need to collect snow, preferably melting snow, which was lying at the intersection. When collecting snow, leave a yellow coin as a ransom. Having brought the snow into the house, light a green candle and read the plot:

“The white snow in the field is melting, and the water is rising in the river. And I, the servant of God (name), will go and find a job for myself, sweet for the heart and useful for the wallet. My word is a knot that cannot be untied. As she said, so it will be. Amen".

When the snow melts, wash your face with melt water and pour the rest out the window.

So that the husband does not walk (conspiracy)

If you are not sure of your spouse's fidelity, perform this ritual. On the last day of Maslenitsa, knead the dough and read the spell over it three times:

“Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink and get drunk, and when he has eaten, let homesickness overcome him and not let him go beyond the threshold. Let (name) yearn for his lawful wife and only have mercy on her. And he won’t even look at others. Amen".

Bake pancakes from this dough. Before serving them, read some more spelled words for drinking:

“Let the servant of God (name) drink this drink and not notice anyone but me. Only I will be the only one in his heart and thoughts, and all other women against my background will fade and fade. Let it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy to make a wish come true

On Forgiveness Sunday, before going to bed, read the plot:

“Shine a clear star in the night sky, for the joy of the baptized world, burn with unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox people. Look into my house as a star and sanctify it with unquenchable fire. Hear my wish (briefly tell me what you want). Amen".

Cross yourself three times and bow three times towards the East. Then go to bed. The dream you have this night will be prophetic.

Rituals for Maslenitsa week

During Maslenitsa week, our ancestors performed many rituals. At this time, they said goodbye to winter and joyfully welcomed the coming spring, held fist fights, burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, and scattered its ashes over the fields so that they would bring a good harvest.

Among the rituals that our ancestors performed, the following are especially popular:


marriage and family;


Marriage and family rituals for Maslenitsa

A viewing party was organized for the newlyweds. They were placed in full view of the entire street and forced to kiss many times. Peasant women who were married a little more than a year, harnessed to a sleigh, and they had to ride their friends around the village, singing funny songs and telling jokes during this.

On Friday, the son-in-law went to his mother-in-law for pancakes. The mother-in-law treated her son-in-law and complimented him, “cajoling” him so that he would treat his wife well.

On Forgiveness Sunday, the celebration of Maslenitsa ended. The purpose of this day was to reconcile quarreling relatives and consolidate good relationships. On Forgiveness Sunday, they tried to finish all the food prepared for the holiday or give it to the poor. On this day, we went to the cemetery and worshiped the ashes of relatives, leaving pancakes on the graves.

Funeral rites for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa memorial rites are associated with baking pancakes, burning an effigy of Maslenitsa and preparing funeral food. Traditionally, dishes were prepared from fish, which, due to its muteness, folk culture personified the souls of the dead.

Snow was used for fortune telling, considering it to represent the souls of the dead. When preparing pancakes from buckwheat flour, melted snow water was added to the dough.

During Shrovetide week it was forbidden to weave and spin. These prohibitions were observed for fear of causing harm to the souls of deceased relatives present nearby. The evening hours on Pancake Week were considered holy.

According to our ancestors, failure to comply with these prohibitions could bring a lot of misfortunes and misfortunes.

The Maslenitsa bonfire also belongs to the funeral rite. It served as a kind of invitation on the eve of fasting to deceased ancestors for a rich dinner.

The purpose of the ancient Russian Maslenitsa was to appease the spirits for all subsequent days of the year.

Agricultural rituals for Maslenitsa

The first baked pancake was taken outside as a gift to Yarila and Vesna. It was laid on the ground so that the Sun would warm the fields and Spring would come faster.

Ritual for wealth on Maslenitsa

If during Maslenitsa week you manage to find yourself outside the city, then you can perform an ancient Maslenitsa ritual to attract money. You need to light a fire and burn your old unnecessary things in it. By getting rid of the old, you open the way for the new into your life.

While things are burning, read this plot:

“I burn old and unnecessary things,

I open the door to something new in my life.

Let everything unnecessary go away

And Maslenitsa will bring me good luck and profit.”

Ritual to attract money for Maslenitsa

There is another effective ritual for Maslenitsa that will help you get rich. Needed at the end of Maslenitsa week, i.e. on Monday, visit a place of public celebration. Walk there until you find a coin. Raising the coin with your left hand, read the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), was walking, and on my way I found a coin. Just as I came to this money, let the money come into my hands on its own. No matter how many people there were for the holidays, I will have so much money. Amen!".

Bring the coin into the house and keep it until next year. A year later, when local festivities are held, the coin must be taken and thrown in the place where you found it.

Maslenitsa ritual for marriage

The ritual for marriage on Maslenitsa is held on Sunday. Come to a crowded place where a holiday is celebrated, and, finding yourself among people walking, read the conspiracy to yourself:

“Maslenitsa has come and brought joy to everyone. Bring Maslenitsa happiness to my life, send me my destiny. Let a worthy person meet on my way, with whom I will find happiness forever. Let it be so. Amen".

After this you need to cross yourself three times.

Maslenitsa rituals for health

During the holiday, you can perform a health ritual. Knead the dough for pancakes, and when you fry them in a frying pan, say the following:

“I fry pancakes, I increase my health. As these pancakes become golden brown, I become healthier. May health come to me and all illnesses disappear. My word is strong, but my deed is moldable. Amen". Eat the baked pancakes yourself and treat them to your loved ones, also charging them with health for the whole year.

Amulet on the eve of Maslenitsa
If you were exaggeratedly praised or envied, or maybe they said something bad, and you are a suspicious person, read this amulet on the eve of Maslenitsa. He will protect you from possible negativity for the whole year.
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Theotokos Lady and you, the four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian.
Save and preserve me (name), Protect me from dashing thoughts.
From the devil's thoughts, From secret destruction, From the evil eye and the eye of the blind,
From the envious eye, Who hears and who does not hear,
Who curses out loud and who writes denunciations, Alatyr-stone lies in one place,
He doesn’t hear, doesn’t see, no knocking, no sound. Not afraid, not hiding from anyone.
So no sound, knock or word would touch me.
I didn’t stumble over any damage. My words cannot be denied, they cannot be reprimanded.
Neither the first in the family, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language.


P. Gruzinsky

The initial day of Maslenitsa was called - "meeting" .
Many families start baking pancakes on Monday.
The night before, when the stars appear, the eldest woman in the family goes out to the river, lake or well, quietly from others, and calls on the moon to look out the window and blow on the dough:
"You are a month,
Your golden horns!
Look out the window
Blow on the dough!"

The first pancake was not eaten on Monday, it was left for the souls of the departed; they carried him out onto the porch with the words:
“Our honest dead people, here is a pancake for your souls!” - or gave it to the poor so that they could pray for peace.

On this day, they made a scarecrow of Maslenitsa from straw, put old women's clothes on it, put this scarecrow on a pole and, singing, carried it on a sleigh around the village. Then Maslenitsa was staged on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.
We rode from the mountains all the days of Maslenitsa.
A typical Russian Maslenitsa entertainment was also troika rides accompanied by songs, with jokes, jokes, and kisses.
The newlyweds received the most attention and honors during Maslenitsa. They went out “to people” in painted sleighs and paid visits to everyone who walked at their wedding.


D. Kholin

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk there, looking at your feet, until you find any money (even a penny).
Taking it with your left hand, say:
“I went and found how I (name) went to this money,
So that the money will come to me.
How many people were here today
In honor of Holy Maslenitsa,
So I would always have a lot of money.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

CHARM AGAINST WITCHES on the 1st day of Maslenitsa

On the first day of Maslenitsa, a conspiracy was read that helped get rid of the effects of evil witch spells:
"You witches, branded devils,
when you count the stars in the sky and the grains of sand in the sea,
then you can cause harm me,
my home and my people."

The plot can be read right on the street, looking at the night sky. As always - three times.

On the first day of Maslenitsa they poured salt at the windowsill, at the front door, and on the last day the salt was swept away. This is how all evil spirits are swept out of the house.

From this day on, egg shells are considered healing and are not thrown away, but collected for treatment.


A. Myrochkina

Second day of Maslenitsa, Tuesday - "flirt" .
Previously, this day was dedicated to newlyweds. On the same second day, sledding began from the mountains. Those who didn’t have them rolled down on matting. Maslenitsa festivities began.

In the old days in Rus', on Maslenitsa they not only walked and had fun, but also told fortunes.
This is where the time came to “look into the mouth” of your loved one and find out what kind of character your future husband has. It’s not for nothing that they say that they choose a husband by pancakes, and a wife by pies.

Pancakes with caviarPreferred by real men. Such a person will have a safe house, a strong household, and a wife and children with shoes and clothes. But don’t expect tender words and kisses from him - all his energy goes into housekeeping. And in general, love is proven by deeds, not words.

With red fish“Intellectuals” eat pancakes - this is almost a dirty word in the peasant world. The thoughts and feelings of such a person have become too far removed from the sinful earth. Both day and night, these persons hover in the clouds, demanding from their beloved an understanding of their great plans and unrealistic plans. And the fact that the hut is lopsided, that the cattle have no hay stored up, is “low life.” Should he, the poet, care about this...

Pancakes with cottage cheese people who eat are kind, flexible and kind-hearted. Such a person definitely needs a woman nearby who will command the house and manage the household. A loving husband will carry out all her commands with pleasure.

Pancakes with sour cream, despite their deliciousness, only people with a “double bottom” eat them. Such a hubby will agree on everything with his better half, and with his dear mother, and with his neighbor Vasya.
He has only one opinion about what is happening - the one he last heard. These are weak-willed, spineless people. They strive to adapt to everyone and everyone, to please everyone.

Pancakes with butter gentle and affectionate husbands eat. True, after telling their spouse 100 times a day that she is the one and only, and kissing her on the cheek 200 times, they consider their responsibilities to the family fulfilled. They will not prove their love and responsibility to the family by any housework or housework. But even so, affairs are not love, they only interfere with kissing and cuddling and holding hands.

Pancakes with sugar Children's lovers eat. The main thing in their love is not the quality of raising an individual child, but a large number of kids in the house. And your wife will have no time to stare at you, and it seems like you have proven to everyone around you that you are a man. But what to feed them and what to dress them in is the tenth thing.

Pancakes with hard-boiled eggs The most unpleasant husbands eat. And in the company of such a person he will sit with his nose hanging down, with a sour expression on his face.
And the house will itch for no reason or reason. In a word, boring. There is no great practical harm from such people; they fulfill their fatherly and masculine responsibilities. Not at the behest of the soul and heart, but because “this is how it is necessary,” “this is how it is accepted.” So, in general, it is possible to live with such a treasure, even for the rest of your life. But then there will be nothing to remember - neither good nor bad.

And here pancakes with jam love “the first guys in the village.” Such a person can run away to the city - “to earn money”, and visit his widowed neighbor. True, there is money in the house, and he will not leave his wife with attention and affection. And having run into other people’s girls, he will still return to the family. Just like this loving wife often greets not with kisses, but with a hug.

By the way, the character of the future wife can be judged by the kind of pies she treats to guests.
Big pies- kulebyaki and pies - served by a slightly lazy person.
But the pies are also different.
Large “bast shoes” greedy girls do it - it seems like you’ve eaten the pie, but you can’t reach for anything else.
Small, neat the housewife who will maintain order in the house, and her character is nice, flexible, and respectful to elders.
Pies seam side up baked by those girls who have all their thoughts and feelings “written on their faces.” These girls are frank, sincere, and, speaking modern language, most of them are extroverts.
Pies seam side down Quiet young ladies make them, like the pool in which the devils live. He will say “yes”, nod his head, but will still do it his own way. This kind of girl can go out in secret, as long as everything is covered up.
Round pies or cheesecakes(with any filling) they love to bake homemade klushas (in the very in a good way this word). Both the husband and the children will be fussed over from morning to night. And they are not bad housewives. But for them, caressing their husband in bed is the same as washing a bunch of laundry or threshing grain.
In general, labor service.
All kinds of pretzels and braids The bakers are bright, romantic, but unreliable people. Everything in their hands burns, but often it burns out. She just doted on her husband - and now she’s swinging her arm around her. Life with one is a complete adventure. And it’s not always pleasant.
Triangular pies (like oriental khachapuri) love to make scraps and imagines. She just wants to stand out with something, but it doesn’t matter what.
But what if you come to visit your loved one, and there is a dish with a wide variety of pies on the table?
Console yourself with the fact that your sweetheart is a versatile person, she has a little bit of everything in moderation.
And most importantly, she is a good housewife.


S. Smirnov

Wednesday - "Gourmand" . Luxurious tables were laid in all houses. Right on the street there were numerous stalls selling hot sbitni (drinks made from water, honey and spices), roasted nuts, and honey gingerbread.
On the third day of Maslenitsa, which is celebrated this week, it is customary to treat sons-in-law. At the same time, it used to be quite unprofitable to feed the son-in-law, since according to tradition, pancakes were baked both small and large, and with milk, and with caviar, and with herring.
As a rule, starting from Wednesday, both unmarried youth and adults actively get involved in mountain riding and horseback riding. Only babies and old people who no longer leave the house do not ride troikas during Shrovetide.
A whole series of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping single youth find a partner.
The skating of young couples, according to the ancestors, was supposed to help awaken the earth from winter sleep. Artificial ice mountains symbolized the earth's womb, in which new life was born.

Young women went around the village and hung wooden stocks for overgrown guys because they did not want to get married, and they, in turn, tried to pay them off with sweets and pancakes.

There was a special attitude towards those young couples who got married that year: they had to participate in skating, show up in the best outfits, kiss in public.



Thursday - "go wild" . On this day, it was customary to organize famous fist fights and capture specially built snow fortresses.
Thursday during Maslenitsa week was considered the day of veneration of the god Veles (Volos), the patron saint of livestock. Therefore, on this day, before baking pancakes for the family, they baked pancakes for their cow-nurse. While treating the cow to such a pancake, they read prayers and incantations.
Thursday was very important for the owner, because only on St. Blaise (this Christian saint replaced the god Veles) it was necessary to break the young horses.


B. Kustodiev

Friday - "Mother-in-Law"
On Wednesday, sons-in-law went to their mothers-in-law for pancakes, but today it’s the other way around - mothers-in-law should come to visit.
But on Friday, for mother-in-law's supper, the son-in-law himself must treat his mother-in-law and father-in-law to pancakes.
True, this custom was very peculiar. The curious thing was that the invited mother-in-law was obliged to send to the newlyweds’ house in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes: a frying pan, a ladle and even a tub in which the dough was kneaded.
A whole series of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping young people find a partner.


O. Larionova

On Saturday - farewell, at her sister-in-law’s gatherings (sister-in-law is her husband’s sister), the young daughter-in-law invited her husband’s relatives to visit her.
It is interesting that the word “sister-in-law” itself was believed to come from the word “evil,” since the husband’s sisters treated their daughter-in-law (“who came from God knows where”) with distrust and wariness - let’s remember, for example, Russian folk tales.
If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she invited her unmarried friends to visit. If the husband’s sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law invited her married relatives and took the guests with the whole train to their sisters-in-law.
The newlywed daughter-in-law had to present her sisters-in-law with gifts.


E. Shtyrov
Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa. People call this day - Forgiveness Sunday, kisser .
On Sunday we celebrated Maslenitsa. Young people in a sleigh with a scarecrow of Maslenitsa rode around the village and outskirts singing until dark.
Late in the evening, a scarecrow was burned on a fire prepared in the morning. As a rule, the Maslenitsa bonfire was lit by the oldest representatives of the village community or by those young people who were “lucky” to “find” a fern flower on the previous Kupala night.
According to legend, it was in it that the life-giving energy of the sun dying for the winter was preserved. Therefore, the Maslenitsa fire was always lit at the highest place near the village, that is, as close as possible to the cosmic body, in order to “return” its lost power.

Maslenitsa bonfires - it is too funeral rite, since they served as a kind of invitation to deceased ancestors to a rich dinner on the eve of Lent. Happened \" appeasing spirits to whole year forward. And after the straw effigy was burned in the fire, the ashes were scattered across the field and trampled into the snow in order to awaken the sleeping earth and return to it the ability of new birth. A lot of people always gathered around the Maslenitsa bonfire, it was fun, songs were sung, games were held.

On the last day of Maslenitsa - Sunday - they sat down at the table seven times, according to the number of weeks in Lent. And in the evening, the entire family had to treat themselves to food of animal origin for the last time before fasting.

After dinner, nothing was removed from the table; everything left was covered with a white tablecloth, and then with a sheepskin, fur on top. All this was done so that there would be no quarrels or disagreements in the family for a whole year.

On the eve of Lent, in an effort to cleanse themselves of everything sinful, people asked each other for forgiveness.
Rite of Forgiveness occurs in the evening, after dinner.
Addressing each other, people said:
“Please forgive me if I’m guilty of anything.”
Next could be a list of all possible grievances and offenses for which they asked for forgiveness. Forgiveness ended with mutual forgiveness and kissing.

In some families in Forgiveness Sunday performed the following ritual. In the evening, all family members sat around the table in the house. The head of the family, the father, sat on a separate chair. Each of the present household members in turn approached his father, bowed at his feet and asked for forgiveness for all the bad deeds in the past year (for insult, intemperance, swearing, disobedience, drinking, malicious acts). After the youngest in the family asked for forgiveness, everyone took their places, and the father came out into the middle of the house (room), bowed to everyone from the waist and also asked for forgiveness for his sinful actions.

For the same purpose Before sunset on this day, we went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves and bowed to the ashes of our relatives.

Even on this day we tried to drink less alcohol.
It was necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience and body, therefore at the end of Maslenitsa everyone went to the bathhouse.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you must fall asleep before midnight, then you will wake up easily in the morning.


Before going to bed, read the following plot:
"Light up, clear star in the sky,
to the joy of the baptized world,
light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox
Look, star, into the house of God’s servant (name).
You, clear star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire.
Hear my desire (say your desire). Amen."

Cross yourself, bow.

CLEANSING RITUAL done on Maslenitsa Sunday
This ritual is done to return happiness, correct karma.
This ritual should not be performed by a healer; it may take on the patient’s karma.
It's better when everyone makes it themselves.

Take a piece of paper and write down what worries you most: bad deeds, illnesses, attitude towards the world and people... In a word, what you would like to get rid of. Roll the sheet into a tube and cut into 3 equal parts.

Prepare protective circles from Thursday salt and holy water (the distance between them is 30 cm).
In front of the circle of salt, read “Our Father,” then step over this circle and stand in front of the circle of holy water.
You read the prayers “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” and “Guardian Angel” and step over the circle of water.
In front of you in the last circle there should be 4 lit candles. Read Psalm 90 and burn 3 parts of the sheet in turn; when they burn, say “Hallelujah!” 40 times.
Then - obligatory observance of a 3-day fast and a visit to church, where you must put 12 candles to any icons in one visit.

After Maslenitsa ended, the peasants went to the bathhouse - ahead was “Clean Monday,” the first day of Lent.

The last echo of the holiday is Saturday of Lent. On this day, it was customary to “celebrate Maslenitsa”: bake lean pancakes with hemp or sunflower oil.
After this, the Maslenitsa fun finally died down.

Maslenitsa is a favorite holiday of Christians, inherited from their pagan predecessors. The appearance of the holiday is easily explained - it is a farewell to winter, a farewell to everything old and obsolete, a welcome to spring and the joy associated with the renewal of nature. All rituals were performed with a single goal - the louder the spring is welcomed, the better crops and livestock will grow. And for this there were a lot magical rituals and rituals for Maslenitsa.


For example, in the name of a good harvest, so that flax and hemp would grow as high as possible, women and children rode down the mountains, trying to get as far as possible. Fights, celebrations, and, of course, songs and dances were common among women.

For good growth of livestock, it was necessary to walk especially actively on Maslenitsa Thursday (on Vlasia and Volosia).

Among the rituals and traditions of Maslenitsa, great attention was paid to skating. We rode from Thursday to Clean Monday. Women rode children on sleighs (so that the flax would grow), rode throughout the village and along the lakes. All skating was done in races to increase excitement and fun.

We rode horses harnessed to a trough, this is called “mummers’ riding.” And, in this case, this ritual was performed by men.


Food, of course, occupies a special place in the traditions and rituals of Maslenitsa. Firstly, pancakes are the main dish of Maslenitsa celebrations, but by no means the only one. They baked cheesecakes and pies, flatbreads, fried eggs, and cooked oatmeal and cranberry jelly. One of the signature dishes is cheesecake. Syrnitsa is a very high-calorie pie consisting of cottage cheese layered with butter.

They did not forget about the departed. At night, so that the spirits would not be offended, all the food was left on the table so that the “parents” could also celebrate. The spirits could bless the harvest and the growth of livestock, or they could nullify all the efforts and loud celebrations of the living.


Even the most distant people from religion and paganism have heard about the ritual of burning an effigy on Maslenitsa. The scarecrow is a bunch of straw, dressed in a blouse and with a scarf tied “in a woman’s style.” This scarecrow was prepared in advance - throughout the entire Maslenitsa week they drove it around the village and scared each other.

The fire was lit on the last day of Maslenitsa. Firewood, garbage, old things, and branches were collected throughout the village. The fire was built into a “well” - a stuffed animal, often impaled on a stake, was placed on top of it. At the festive bonfire, they burned all the “old stuff”: baskets, old things, leftover food, hay, everything that had become obsolete. It was the funeral of winter, which means it was necessary to get rid of everything old.

The ritual of burning the Maslenitsa effigy took place on the outskirts, outside the village. During the burning, the old women treated everyone around the fire to pancakes; they danced and sang various ritual songs around the fire. They built gates and set them on fire - men with horses harnessed to troughs had to pass through the gates.

They jumped over fires, and children ran with larks baked from dough and told poems about spring.

And on Clean Monday, you had to force yourself to get up as late as possible so that the flax, as we already know, would grow higher.

Magic for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday with very strong and ancient energy. This is a favorable time for performing various magical rituals, for example, wish fulfillment rituals.

You should say the words of witchcraft on Maslenitsa Sunday before going to bed.

“Light up, clear star in the sky,

to the joy of the baptized world,

light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox

Look, star, into the house of God’s servant (name).

You, clear star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire.

Hear my desire (say your desire). Amen".

After reading the conspiracy to fulfill desires, you need to cross yourself three times and bow.



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