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Conspiracy rituals for the correct use of a new wallet. To the red wallet. Other signs about the wallet

Human life is completely dependent on financial well-being... Often, to improve material well-being, people rush to find a successful job, but money continues to evaporate. What is a conspiracy on new wallet and how will he help in gaining wealth? Let's analyze the most popular and working methods.

Fundamental rules

For centuries, people have tried to increase financial stability through magic, so sophisticated witchcraft have been developed. However, the simplest and most affordable option for a layman is to “charge” a purse for a sufficient amount of money. But before starting the ceremony, it is worth choosing a new "house" for the banknotes.

A fundraising wallet should never be cheap or tattered. After all, it is unpleasant for you to walk in an old, shabby outfit, then why should finances endure such an outrage? To experience all the charm, try walking to work in worn-out shoes or a shapeless coat. You cannot use used foreign objects: they carry the energy of another person and will not adapt to the new owner.

You should not go to extremes and give a few of your salaries for a wallet. Brand haberdashery looks stylish and presentable, but not always suitable for a mascot. Experts advise to choose the golden mean. If, when choosing a product, "fell into the hand", then you should not postpone the purchase.

By the way, in order for the rite or conspiracy to work on the wallet, you need to choose the right material. Wealth magics don't work on plastic and plastic. The most suitable raw materials are:

  • leather;
  • suede leather;
  • natural textiles.

What matters is the color of the wallet to attract money. The most optimal will be earthy shades - yellow, brown or gold. Cash flows go well with green tones. Neutral black is great for witchcraft. The Chinese science of Feng Shui recommends purchasing red items for wealth.

Preparatory procedures

Remember that any ceremonies for financial well-being must be carried out on the growing moon. Choosing a decreasing phase, a person may lose the last means. To avoid problems, we advise you to check the calendar period. If the purchase of the future amulet took place on the wrong day, then it is better to postpone the ritual.

A wallet as a gift is a favorite present for compatriots. The presence of a coin inside indicates that the donor has already charged the item. Experienced magicians it is not advised to use such an instance, because it is difficult to reconfigure it to the required background. The universe is hard to fool, so trust your own instinct.

Conspiracies for a new wallet are best read in evening time... Try not to be disturbed or distracted by anyone close to you. Before the ceremony, the room is cleaned and ventilated. By the way, we advise you to choose clear weather, when the young horn of the moon illuminates the whole room.

Clothes for the ritual must be light, clean and loose. To prevent the energy from getting stuck in a loop, it is better to remove any circular objects - chains, rings and belts. Our grandmothers loosened their hair and only then began magical actions. In order for the wallet to be complete, the presented texts must be accurately pronounced.

On the candles

How to speak a new wallet? In the book of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova, an ancient Slavic method is presented that allows you to charge a wallet for money. For the ceremony, seven green church candles are required. If you have not found the lights of the desired shade, then you can buy them in an ordinary supermarket, and only then sanctify them with water and prayers.

When buying elements of the ritual, you cannot bargain and take change. If the seller refuses to leave the coins, then give to the beggars for alms. Any magical action always has a "rollback". To avoid it, you must sacrifice the amount to higher powers.

In the evening, as the horn of the growing moon illuminates the room, you can start the ceremony. The purchased wallet is placed on the table, and candles are placed around it. You should try to light the flame from one match. They sit side by side and focus on the fire and begin to read the plot seven times.

"Seeks cash flow into my wallet. The house is full, full of goodness, gold and silver. Increases income and decreases expenses. Poverty and misery flees before the power of the holy fire. Amen (three times). "

The purse is wrapped in natural fabric and hidden under the pillow. In the morning, bills and coins are put in it. Remember that a magic item should not be given to anyone. Someone else's touch will remove the spell. Before using, the healer recommends repeating the ceremony for several days in a row.

For gold

Another ancient tool that will enhance the attraction of money to your wallet. The ancestors believed that gold has the ability to attract financial well-being. To forget about poverty, we recommend charging your wallet with precious metal - jewelry or a tiny piece.

Before the ceremony, they remove all objects that have fasteners, because they interfere with the natural flow of energy. The curtains are flung open and the light of the growing moon enters the room without hindrance. A table or a stable high stool is placed by the window.

On the surface of the "altar" three church candles and set on fire in turn from one match. The purse is placed between the lights, overshadowing three times sign of the cross... Then they read the words of a prayer for money to Saint Spyridon of Trimyphunts 3 times.

Poured into a transparent glass consecrated water and drop the gold item. The container is placed next to the candles and wallet. Prayer words are repeated again. After the ceremony, the fire is extinguished with the fingers, and the precious metal is pulled out of the liquid. Now it is an amulet that must be kept in the secret pocket of your wallet at all times.

For a coin

At home, you can create a powerful financial magnet. Magicians advise to activate the wallet with money. For the ritual, you cannot use banknotes that have gone out of circulation or gone into oblivion. Leave rare items to collectors, and choose a clean and beautiful coin yourself.

When the growing moon shows a delicate bend of the horn in the sky, you need to go to the window and show the future talisman. Mentally imagine how the energy of the night luminary fills the metal. The thing is left on the windowsill until morning.

The next day, the item is placed in a wallet in a hidden pocket. Now it is an irreplaceable coin that will attract money. It must not be lent or given into the hands of other people. Charged on a specific person, amulets lose their power. The touch of black sorcerers can quickly transmit corruption.

By the way, many compatriots prefer to keep money amulets in transparent wallet compartments. Such negligence leads to the deactivation of the magic item. Constant presence in front of our eyes will break even the most powerful spell.

On a spoon

The moon is responsible for financial flows, and silver is the elemental metal of the night star. Ancient sorcerers have long used raw materials in the preparation of various amulets that attract wealth. Among modern options popularity is gaining a spoon zagrebushka. What it is?

A tiny table attribute is a souvenir that attracts money luck... In the markets, you can rarely find such a product; most often they are ordered in specialized stores or from professional sorcerers. Like a coin, a spoon lives in a wallet in a separate pocket.

Before the first use, the amulet must be charged. On the growing moon, the object is placed in a container with fresh water, in which a pinch of rock salt is dissolved. The glass is left overnight on the windowsill, and in the morning they take it out, rinse it and wipe it thoroughly. In order to attract a lot of money with a rag, they read a slander over it.

“Spoon, spoon, help me, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness, joy to everyone. "

Then the amulet must be put in a purse and every time thanks for the financial benefit received. If suddenly luck has turned away sharply, then the object is taken out and the above ritual is repeated again. By the way, magicians advise to wrap the thing in green cloth and leave it overnight under the light of the young month.

Red wallet

How do I charge a new wallet? The bright fiery color has long been considered an excellent financial magnet. If you decide to purchase a noticeable accessory, then we recommend activating the amulet. For the ritual, a clear night is chosen, when the earth is illuminated by the light of a young month.

The text is repeated three times, and then money is put into it. When they come home, they hide the talisman under the pillow and immediately go to bed. If unpleasant, difficult dreams bother you, then this is a sign of spoilage. It is she who interferes with prosperity and will not allow the wallet to work.

Unusual talismans

What to put in your wallet? In addition to the usual coin, you can hide various interesting amulets in the wallet. Let's analyze the brightest and most original options available at home.

Runes belong to ancient signs, information about which is just beginning to be revealed. Scandinavian symbols were used not only to preserve knowledge and events, but also for magical rituals. To attract money luck, you need to put an amulet with written hieroglyphs in your wallet.

  1. Dagaz. Eliminates obstacles to wealth.
  2. Teyvaz. Used to achieve victory.
  3. Fehu. Strong sign abundance and financial well-being.

Runes can be written on a piece of paper, although experts advise to burn it on any natural material- wood or stone. Leather is permitted, but marks are difficult to apply. The Scandinavians consider blue to be the most suitable color for symbols.

The purse mouse is a modern mascot that came to us from Feng Shui. Now it is also used to make money flow. A tiny souvenir must be put in the purchased wallet, and before that, the words of the conspiracy must be uttered.

"Mouse, in new house hik sit down, have money in your wallet and do not transfer. "

By the way, the Chinese believe that three coins tied with a red ribbon and hidden in a purse will definitely attract financial luck. It is not bad to put pictures with money images - "a pot of wealth" or "golden fish". If the space of the accessory allows, then a mint leaf or a cinnamon stick will have the same effect.

You can treat rituals and conspiracies for a new wallet as you like, but even the most hardened skeptics use them. These are ancient and proven methods that help a person find well-being. Money will stop flowing away like water and financial stability will appear. Thanks to our recommendations, you will find the optimal solution to your problems.

A wallet is a storehouse of your money, a small bank. For money to love you, you need to follow some simple rules, and also read magic conspiracy wallet for money. But, first of all, your money should have a beautiful cozy house made of natural material (leather, fur). After purchasing a new wallet, you need to talk and charge to attract finance and prosperity, and then use it.

In magical rites great importance the energies of increasing and decreasing are allotted: a change in the phases of the moon, a change of seasons, the beginning and end of the calendar year. These are very strong energies that can help in many ways, if you use them correctly and read the necessary conspiracies.

With the onset of the full moon, three nights in a row (14, 15 and 16 lunar days) put your wallet open in the moonlight, and put it away after three hours. We need to fill the inside of the wallet with the rays of the night light. The money should be taken out beforehand.

And with the onset new moon(look at the calendar) put your wallet in the moonlight with all your money, also open. This ritual does not have a conspiracy part, but if you wish, you can read any suitable conspiracy or money mantra.

The rituals of similarity magic are very effective when we compare something with something and use the attraction of similar to similar. Only doubt can lead to failure in the use of similarity magic. Therefore, when you read conspiracies for money, do not hesitate!

Conspiracy on the growing moon on the wallet

Perform a magic ceremony at night. To do this, put silver coins (rubles, piglets) in a new wallet and leave it in the moonlight. In this case, say the conspiracy (you can also in your own words):

“I’m talking about a new prosperity wallet.
Multiply, money, like stars in the sky!
Arrive as the moon arrives in the sky!
And who will steal my wallet,
He will take all my troubles with him!

If you have an unchangeable coin, then transfer it to the new wallet from the old one.

If there is no such coin, put the coin marked with red paint and never spend it. This is a mascot symbol.

Full moon wallet conspiracy

On the day of the full moon, put in your wallet three coins of white, gold and copper color, which will symbolize the planets.

If you don't have a gold coin, then you can apply gold paint to a regular coin. Now look at the starry sky and say with confidence:

“Money is floating in the sky,
They will send me wealth! "

Keep your coins in your wallet and don't waste. They will attract wealth and prosperity to you. Look at three coins from time to time and repeat the plot.

To perform this magical rite, we need the following components:

  • new wallet;
  • church candle;
  • gold ring.

This money ritual should be done late in the evening or closer to midnight.

Turn off the lights and light a candle at night. Wear loose-fitting clothing by undoing buttons or zippers.

Let your hair down and tune in to witchcraft. When you do magical rites and read conspiracies, these rules must be followed.

Put a gold ring in your wallet (you can also use a pendant) and sign the sign of the cross three times.

Place the purse so that the moon rays fall on it and say the conspiracy three times:

“Month-month, silver legs, golden horns!
Give me gold and silver for good deeds, income and prosperity!
Let my wallet be filled with money!

Let the purse lie in the moonlight for a while, and the candle itself burns out. After that, you can place a non-exchangeable coin and all your money.

It is advisable to change wallets every year, reading the conspiracies on them every time.

To accomplish this money ritual, we need the following components:

On the night of the full moon, go outside with money, look at the moon and say the conspiracy three times:

“Mother moon!
Help me become richer!
Increase my income! "

Back home, coat the candle with oil, as well as all the bills that were taken out into the moonlight.

Light a candle and visualize your financial well-being. Don't rush to leave!

Be filled with confidence that this is exactly how it will be, as you imagine. Let the candle burn out.

Thank the moon in your own words for help and put the money in your wallet. The conspiracy is no longer readable.

Conspiracy on a new wallet

The most good time to buy a new wallet will be the beginning of the calendar year. On the first New Year's days, buy a solid beautiful wallet or purse without change (better on the market and with an overpayment).

At the time of buying a new wallet, mentally pronounce this conspiracy to a new wallet:

"Be my money cozy home!
Preserve and increase my wealth! "

You have bought yourself a new wallet - a new house for your finances.

And what to do with an old wallet that has served you faithfully for a long time?

You can throw it away so that a worn-out warehouse does not accumulate in the house.

However, do not rush to throw it away, but rather leave it. Put a banknote in it and don't waste it.

If after some time a note of greater denomination appears - put it down and remove the old one.

To perform this rite, we need the following components:

  • regular green tea;
  • glass mug;
  • simple pencil;
  • a sheet of green paper.

Conspiracies to raise money for a wallet can be combined with each other. But this does not mean that your wallet should be full of different talismans, charmed coins or banknotes.

Everything is good in moderation. let's consider effective rite on the conspiracy of the wallet and raising money with tea.

Brew a pinch of green tea directly into the mug. Place a spoonful of honey and place a mug on a piece of green paper.

Now take a simple pencil, bought especially for this ceremony, and stir your tea with it.

At this time, think about the amount of money you need to attract into your life.

After that, take out the sheet from under the mug and write on it with a pencil the words:

"Tea, money will be!".

Drink tea with pleasure, and put a sheet of paper in your wallet. Money will appear soon.

Do not take out a sheet of paper - it will attract finances within a year!

Little secrets for the wallet

There are some tricks due to which money will constantly be found in your wallet.

Here is some of them:

  • Put down the magnet - the money will come back for sure!
  • Put a bag of yeast - it will grow!
  • Sprinkle in a little cinnamon - they will come to smell!

Open up and say kindly:

"Money, home!"

And the money will definitely return!

Conspiracy on the wallet to keep money

Protecting your wallet from theft

In order not to steal your wallet or purse, write a security conspiracy on a piece of paper and put it in a secret pocket.

“In the forehead there are eyes, but in the corner of the image.
Who will offend me (name) with theft,
That white light will not see! ".

Your well-being can be improved by casting spells and performing rituals with a red purse. For example: there is a strong conspiracy for a new wallet that will fill your new vault with money. Provided that you will honor the correctness of the performance of rituals and believe in the power of money magic.

Conspiracy for a brand new wallet

If you urgently need a large amount of money, then you can read an urgent conspiracy on the wallet. In such situations, it is impossible to wait for a young month, and it is also not worth expecting that the boss will give two salaries at once.

Magician Tips:
  1. When buying a new wallet, try to choose red or gold;
  2. All spells are recommended to be recited during the young month;
  3. You cannot talk about the ritual performed;
  4. If the old wallet is of a different color, then it doesn't matter;
  5. Believe in your enrichment!

At such times, our ancestors used water. The liquid must be alive, and for this you should go to a spring or other body of water with clean water... You need to look into the water so that you and your wallet are reflected. The wallet should be open, its edges dipped a little and we pronounce the conspiracy:

“Voditsa, water. You are like sisters to me. You will always drink, wash, give advice and put you to sleep. Prompt and give an answer: where to get hold of money, to get an urgent need. Bless me and money, bring prosperity. I said, you heard. It was given by the spirits, it was not taken away by anyone. "

Conspiracy on an old wallet

The ceremony is carried out for 7 days in a row, and it is necessary to start on Sunday. On the first and last day, you should go to church and give three beggars an alms in the amount of seven coins. Each one asking must receive what he asks for. In the church itself, it is advisable to put candles in front of any icon.

Pronounce the words twice a day, at exactly 12 noon and night. Before starting, light a candle (one candle is used for one day), white paper with green stripes (draw yourself). The old wallet should be empty and on paper. The candle is rotated counterclockwise and the plot is read:

“I twist, twirl, I want to return the life of my thing. As new he was, so let him remain. It will become a home for great friends. For me, for himself, he will deserve respect, but if he catches money, he will not let go. Key, tongue, lock. "

Conspiracy for a new wallet upon purchase

Buying a new wallet should only bring joy, pleasure and subsequently money. They read the money conspiracy to themselves when buying a new vault for money:

“Be my friend, comrade, a treasure for all my deposits, so that money sticks to money, is added. Do not be empty, add, multiply, give yourself and me joy. Key, tongue, lock. "

Ancient spell

Our ancestors, the Slavs, recommended reading spells on a new wallet. The best day to buy is Thursday, if the new moon does not coincide with this day of the week, that's okay. If not in the purse, not in the house. So, first of all, you will have to talk about a house for coins and bills. Therefore, the choice should be approached with responsibility. Any money loves order, if they do not like something (disrespect for them or an uncomfortable position), then they will not wake you up.

  1. All currencies fit their entire length;
  2. Choose a product made from natural materials;
  3. Small things and large things fall into different departments.

Bring it into the house and put it on the window so that the sun shines on it well. At midnight, place spring water nearby in a transparent container and pronounce the conspiracy:

“I read words for good luck, prosperity and profit, watering them with water. You help me water, lure the big guests into the purse. "

We leave it on the window all night, after placing a container of water on the purse.

Conspiracy on a red wallet

Using a magic spell to attract large sums, you will need to carry out a ritual on the growing moon. You will need:

  1. Money Tree;
  2. A large cache-pot for an additive;
  3. Earth (black soil)

During transplantation into a large pot, a wallet and copper coins that have been in it for three days should spend the night next to the pot. In the morning at dawn we perform a ritual. We fall asleep a small amount of earth to the bottom, throw in 7 coins, and pronounce the conspiracy:

“As in the little piece of land, and coins in the wallet. The longer the roots, the more wealth. As the earth remains in place, so gold, silver is found in the house. "

It is advisable not to spend money on this day. As a rule, before the ceremony, people buy everything they need.

If at least one banknote leaves the house, the ritual will have to be repeated.

Spell over the wallet for wealth

At home, they are great. Next, the sheet will have to be carried in your wallet. A full moon ritual is performed, all three days. It should start at midnight. The bay leaf should be placed on the windowsill next to the wallet, in the place where the moonlight hits. Next, we read the spell:

“I wipe the leaves, but I invoke the gold, I do not hold the laurel on the window, but I am fortune-telling. Large sums they get into wallets, my accounts are replenished. Silver rings ring and sparkle. I will thank fate, and I will show you a laurel to the moon. You will turn into coins, pieces of paper, but you won't go anywhere from my house. You will be next to me. Said, done, fixed by the full moon. "

After use, bay leaves are not thrown away, but used for cooking.

Powerful rite of passage with a wallet for money

Green has always been the color of money. People who want to attract wealth always try to have as much green as possible in their home. But how, then, to make a spell on a red wallet? Green color, the same money as red, so candles have a beneficial effect on the course of events.

You need to buy 5 identical green candles. You will also need a white candle, lavender and peppermint oil. You need to drip on the four sides of each oil. Only then the candles are lit and put in these drops. It turns out a kind of circle. The fifth candle is in the middle. White is in the left, and the wallet is in right hand... Then they say 7 times the conspiracy:

“Forces magical, forces green, come, prosperity, bring me wealth. Poverty, poverty, as far away from me as possible, the servants of God (servant of God) (the name must be indicated) take away beyond the fields, meadows and rivers. Over the seas, valleys, mountains. I work, I try, but I get nothing. Help me, highly appreciate my work ”.

Wallet spells for Easter holidays

Quite often, during the holidays, people read a conspiracy to attract money into the wallet. Such a ceremony is successful in that it can be used on any day on lunar calendar... Even the waning moon. One drawback - Easter happens only once a year. When going to church, prepare three purses with spell text.

  • One piece of paper is placed under all the products that you will sanctify;
  • We keep the second in our pocket;
  • Leave the third at home on the festive table.

After the priest sanctifies everything, give as many donations as you can to the beggars with a piece of paper with the words:

"I give to you, I add to myself."

Magic conspiracy:

“Heavenly Father, Mother Queen, Holy Spirit! I ask you for help and strength, I want to cleanse my mind of filth. I am not asking you for money, but wealth so that the children do not need anything. To raise and educate, to be able to give to everyone. The hand will not become scarce, the heart will not harden. For the good, for happiness, without any deceit. Amen (3 times) ".

A new wallet should be solid, attractive, expensive, and have multiple compartments. A cheap product will attract poverty, and the emptiness inside is fraught with a long lack of financial income. The bills from the wallet should never be spent to the end, otherwise there will be no benefit from the thing purchased with the last money. Careless handling of paper bills and disrespectful attitude to them is expensive to the owner. When buying a new wallet, you must read the corresponding conspiracy on the wallet and then follow the basic rules for handling finances. Money energy dictates its own laws.

How to buy the right wallet

So that they do not run away, the bills should be laid out according to their denomination in descending order and with the reverse side facing inward. The wallet must be free of foreign objects: notes, photographs, recipes, tickets, receipts. If money periodically falls to the floor, this is a bad omen.

The vault for money should not be less than 18 cm and should be changed at least once a year. The best period for this procedure is New Year's Eve, and the most suitable day of the week is the first half of Wednesday or Thursday. At the same time, the Moon should be in a growing phase, but not reach the first quarter. After paying for the purchase, you need to take it to left hand and mentally say:

“Be a worthy home for my money and multiply it. The Lord will bless, and the Guardian Angel will help. Amen".

They don't tell anyone about their purchase, and they return home from the store in silence.

The magic of the vault

What can't be kept in your wallet

You cannot store “dead” bills and change (out of circulation) in a new wallet. All samples of money (including foreign ones) in the house can be put into it. A conspiracy is read above the wallet:

“Coin reaches for coin, and prosperity rushes to me with happiness. In the new wallet, money is constantly ringing and rustling. They wear beautiful clothes, shiny rings are bought and there is enough for everything. To my words key, lock, tongue. Amen".

This product should be with the owner until the evening, and the next day it can be used.

If a purse is bought as a gift, then a coin is placed in it so that the new owner always has money. When buying a "money house", you need to give preference to beige, brown, red or green.

Money mascot in the wallet

We use talismans

To improve the financial situation, a financial talisman is made, which can be a leaf of mint or clover (or a bag of mint tea), Chinese coins with a red ribbon, a red piece of paper, tea, a sprig of heather, an aspen leaf or a horseradish root.
Our ancestors also knew that there are plants in nature that attract love, luck and prosperity to a person. It is customary to store peony root, mustard and wheat seeds in a green or red bag, acorns, oak leaves or bark in a wallet.

Powerful money talisman is an American currency in denominations of one dollar, which attracts material goods to its owner. This phenomenon is explained by the presence on back side dollar image of the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid - a symbol of success. It is folded into a triangle and stored in the smallest compartment.

To attract cash flow and protect it from outside encroachment, images of magical runes - "Feu" and "Otal" are used. The marks on the cut out squares are applied with a marker or gold paint.

Cash flow rituals

We attract cash flows

An old wallet is not just thrown away. It, along with a small bill in good location the spirit is placed in the eastern part of the room, and a month later the bill is changed to a larger one.

The purchased purse with "silver coins" must be left on the windowsill during the growing moon (up to the first quarter) and 3 times pronounce the conspiracy to the new wallet:

“I'm talking to myself and my wallet for constant monetary wealth. So that money constantly multiplies in it, like stars in the sky. So that their number grows as the moon arrives. Whoever steals my wallet, let him take with him 33 misfortunes with a deaf lack of money, which I will never see. Amen".

On the third day, any bill goes into the wallet, and from now on it can be used.

The right advice

To always have money in the house, you should listen to the experience of your ancestors:

  • - there should always be a small change in the wallet;
  • - in order for big money to appear in the house during the week, on Sunday you need to distribute all the small change from the wallet to the beggars or spend it usefully;
  • - there should be money in the pockets of clothes hidden for storage;
  • - it is not recommended to exchange large bills small, it brings additional expenses;
  • - regular counting of bills (especially written) is a guarantee of wealth;
  • - if there is a lot of money in the wallet, then you need to bring it to your lips and say 3 times:
  • - manipulation with money after sunset can lead to ruin;
  • - on Monday and Friday they do not repay debts, and on Tuesday they do not borrow money;
  • - banknotes loaned on Sunday are not returned back;
  • - crazy incomes do not bring happiness, you need to get rid of them first of all;
  • - for the service it is imperative to give a generous reward in the form of a "tip", the money will be returned back to more;
  • - you cannot lend money to a person to whom you owe something, since they will not be returned back;
  • - money loves cheerful and cheerful people;
  • - foreign banknotes must be in a separate pocket;
  • - when receiving a salary or other income, it is not recommended to spend it on the same day, bills must spend the night in the house;
  • - money is not taken from hand to hand and is not lent to indigent people, because when the debt is repaid, they can transfer negative energy unlucky person, fraught with financial losses.

Strong conspiracy for material well-being

The power of the conspiracy

During the growing moon, you need to loose your hair, take off your shoes and sit down, facing the window. You need to cross the new wallet 3 times, put a gold item in it, light a church candle and pronounce the following magic conspiracy:

“Give the Month, silver horns, gold and silver to my wallet. The way he grows, is filled, is saturated with money. Amen".

Psychics also advise on the largest non-exchangeable paper bill stored in the wallet, write a magic formula (the required amount x 27 = ∞). Financial luck comes from money donated by a person with good intentions... To improve material affairs, the lining of the wallet should be periodically moistened with mint oil, which serves as a magnet for monetary energy.

Having the right amount of money in your life makes you happier, all whims and desires begin to come true. It is important to pay due attention to the wallet where you keep your money, it must be treated with care. It's good if you always take care of him from the magical side. The wallet conspiracy is a must-read in many situations.

To always have money in your wallet, you need to carry out conspiracies

The most important component of your wealth is your wallet. One has only to look at what kind of purse you have, it will immediately become clear whether you have money or not. It is very simple to attract wealth to your accessory for money, to charge it with the strong energy of attracting money.

For more profit, choose the right money storage accessory:

  • pay attention to appearance and on the cost. A measure is needed in everything, do not take a catchy wallet or a nondescript one; very expensive or the cheapest. Choose the one that suits your financial condition;
  • there should be many departments in a wallet for different denominations of money;
  • it should not be empty, if you paid in such a way that there is no money left at all, throw some trifles into the smallest department;
  • try to avoid transparent compartments for unnecessary things.
  • after choosing a purse, pick up the right ritual. If your wallet needs a replacement, do not rush to throw away the old one, it can be used as a piggy bank.

Apply simple rituals to your old, new, and donated wallet.

Rituals for replenishing the wallet

Once you have acquired a decent wallet, you need to charge it on banknotes... Be sure to follow the lunar calendar, the conspiracy for a new wallet is carried out in the waxing moon phase. Most strong conspiracies read on the full moon.

Rite of passage with a coin

With the onset of dusk, sit by the window to see the moon and light a candle, preferably a church one. Get ready to read the main prayer, cross yourself, you can say the prayer Our Father silently.

Put a lucky bill or any gold piece of jewelry in your wallet with the words:

“Moon-moon silver horns, give my new purse of silver-gold, so that it grows, pours and saturates with money. Let it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy money must be kept so that no one can see

You don't need to keep the charmed thing in your wallet all the time, you can leave it in a casket at home so that no one can see it. This will be your secret amulet to attract money.

Rite of passage with green candles

This rite of charge on the wallet is performed on the full moon. Moonlight has a strong ability to charge objects and money.

Light a green candle with the power of fire. You need to put it on the windowsill under the moonlight. Speak a magic spell:

“The cash flow strives and runs into my magical new wallet. It multiplies my income, my expenses become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, but poverty rather escapes from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen".

While the candles are burning, imagine your monetary state, visualize the arrival of the amount you need. Full moon new wallet conspiracy loves when you know exact figure what you would like to receive. Please note that with the advent of large sums of money, a sure conspiracy has brought you and more work... Extinguished candles need to be buried near the house.

Healers' conspiracies

Natalia Stepanova writes a lot about monetary rituals and invites you to read a simple whisper on a bill to attract wealth, which must be read on the new moon:

“As there are many stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet should have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen."

Following Natalia's whisper, you can get rich in a short time.

“I call in my purse for housewarming a thousand in gold and a thousand in silver. Live, but call your friends for money - there is enough space for everyone. There are a lot of grains in the ears of gold, but here (point your finger at the wallet) there is still more money. And so it will be as long as this wallet exists. Amen".

Or sprinkle holy water on it with the words:

“Holy orders, reverends, angelic, archangelic, overshadow this thing from above for the sake of righteous wealth. For you know that a man cannot live without money, just as a fish cannot live without water. Therefore, make it so that I, (name) always have (a) as much as I need. I let go of the word I said, I attract money through you ”!

Rite of passage with water

To perform the ritual, you need to go for spring water early in the morning. Sprinkle with clean water, reading the conspiracy for big money and for the wallet:

“The water in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkles. So the money will come to my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone. "

Spring water is needed for the ritual

Rite of passage for protection

A very strong and necessary protection for a purse from various disasters: so that thieves do not steal, for loss, stupid waste of money.

“In the forehead of the eye, on the wall of the image. Whoever offends me with theft will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

You need to start talking a new wallet along with the place where you store it, for example, a bag.

Home conspiracy

Practical magic is as simple as possible for the layman. Prepare for the rite to raise money at home:

  • a sheet of green paper;
  • green or herbal tea and honey;
  • simple pencil.

Brew strong tea, add honey to it and put the drink on green paper. Stir the tea not with a spoon, but with a pencil. While stirring, think about the amount you need, a specific figure. Take a sip of tea and write this number on the sheet, and below it the text:

"Tea, money will be."

Finish the tea to the end, enjoying its taste, and fold the sheet of paper into a small envelope and place it in the largest compartment of your wallet. The ceremony charges with monetary energy for the whole year.

Rite of passage with apples

The ritual will have the most powerful effect if you pick 20 apples by hand. If this is not possible, purchase them at the supermarket. Be patient and carefully study the instructions for your actions by day.

20 apples you need to pick in the garden or buy

On the first day, you give 14 apples to indigent people on the street, the next do the same, just give 3 apples. To make the house full of prosperity, on the third day, take the apples to the temple and read the hex on apples:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let the wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Old wallet ritual

Some magicians believe that you need to radically get rid of the old wallet, perform the ritual of burning it.

Do not use an old wallet for a month, let it just lie in a dark place. After the expiration of the term, light a small fire on the wasteland. Throw it into heavy fire by saying the conspiracy:

"I let go of the old, I call on the new."

Do not regret this loss, but buy a new red wallet for the waning moon. He will need to speak for luck and money, as well as against theft, in one of any of the ways presented.

Ritual for a red wallet

The red color will attract not only money into your home, but also give you self-confidence. This Simoron rite, which can also be found in the magic of Feng Shui, is very popular among those who are not indifferent to their financial condition.

Read the conspiracy on a red wallet on the growing moon, on the street, looking at the sky:

“Clear month, lunar friend! You illuminate everything around! Give all the power to the wallet, I can't do it without it! Let the income grow as you grow, Let the wealth come to me ”!

Collect all available money in your wallet and go to bed with it.

Christmas conspiracy

Christmas magic works flawlessly. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and place 4 icons to the saints. Light the candles and shell out each denomination of money.

At Christmas, the conspiracy is more effective.

Read the conspiracy:

"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, on the day of your birth, bless me and my purse for gold and good, full of silver, hide and protect from trouble and poverty."

Then read the prayers to all the saints you have exposed.

Easter conspiracy

The bright holiday of Easter, will bring financial well-being to your home, if you ask the saints for this.

You need to buy 3 purses and in the morning, go to the service in the temple with products that need to be consecrated for the holiday. Write one magic text on three different pieces of paper:

"I give to you, I add to myself."

Leave one text under the groceries, another in your clothes, and bring the last one home. When will you leave Holy place, tell strong prayer and thank higher power and father:

“Heavenly Father, Mother Queen, Holy Spirit! I ask you for help and strength, I want to cleanse my mind of filth. I am not asking you for money, but wealth so that the children do not need anything. To raise and educate, to be able to give to everyone. The hand will not become scarce, the heart will not harden. For the good, for happiness, without any deceit. Amen (3 times) ".

Money talismans

The most effective way to attract prosperity to your home is to talk about cash flow amulets. Then money will always be found and your family will never need it.

Since ancient times, the laurel leaf has helped in various life situations: increase income, find Good work or get promoted.

Bay leaves will help increase income

Mash one Bay leaf in the palms, saying:

"Money to money, wealth to wealth."

Scatter laurel dust around your wallet, completing this mysterious rite, you turn an ordinary leaf into a talisman to attract money.


Many stores offer a wide range of different mascot toys. Just buying one of them is not enough, you need to start talking wallet for wealth.

"Mouse sit down, run the money."

For each change in your wallet, you need to read a different plot on the mouse and on the wallet:

"Mouse, you have settled in a new house, you have some money in your new wallet."

As these precious stones shine, your money will sparkle. Choose the entire fiery palette: red, gold, red, bronze, brown and other shades. There is no need to talk about such stones or crystals, the main thing is to always carry them with you, like a money amulet.

Gems must always be carried with you

Rite of passage with denominations

Collect bills and coins of all denominations in one pile and put them next to your wallet. Under moonlight open it and lay out the money, starting with the smallest ones, with the words:

“The full moon shone in heaven and brought money into my life every day. My wallet has seen all the money, full moon showed them. The moon will now grow rapidly and I will carry money into my wallet every day. The moon - to grow and grow up, and to me - always live and live in wealth. Amen!"

People often do not notice that their attitude to the storage of money depends on material condition... Belief in omens helps us pay some attention to this. But only magic rituals for money and ceremonies for a new wallet, as well as your desire and belief in the fulfillment of dreams will save your finances.



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