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The role and importance of logistics in the activities of an enterprise. Logistics - what is it in simple words, types, optimization, efficiency and principles of logistics

Many foreign companies have been hiring third-party organizations to provide services to perform non-core functions for them for a long period of time. This type of scheme is called “outsourcing”. It means engaging a third party on a paid basis in order to complete the tasks facing the company. Outsourcing helps a business to be more flexible, which allows it to make good profits.

Logistics services

Today, there are organizations that offer a wide range of operations related to the storage, acquisition and transportation of goods. Among them:

  • warehouse logistics, processing, storing and distributing goods;
  • transportation logistics, designed to meet the needs of companies that do not have their own fleet of vehicles for the transportation of goods;
  • which provides assistance in certification and customs clearance of cargo.

Today, the services of logistics companies have already outgrown the 2PL level offered by small providers for performing simple operations in the field of transport and warehousing services, namely storage or transportation of goods.

A modern logistics company is an organization located at the 3PL level. That is, it adheres to a scheme in which it acts as a third party in transactions between buyers and suppliers, providing a full range of services that allow cargo to be processed.

Field of activity

Logistics is the science of controlling, managing and planning the movement of resources and goods. The main goals of this direction are:

  • development of commodity circulation infrastructure processes, starting from the manufacturer of raw materials and materials to the manufacturer of goods from these resources, and then - from the company that produced the products to the final consumer;
  • formation and constant maintenance at the proper level of functioning of the general system of circulation of goods;
  • implementation of inventory management;
  • optimization and rationalization of the process of moving goods, as well as the production and marketing of finished products.

In management it is considered when developing a strategy for managing procurement and transportation, storage and sales, financial and information flows. The main object of this discipline is the direct process of moving cargo, resources and goods. From this follows one of the main tasks of logistics, which is to use effective methods and techniques, as well as forms of managing information and flows of goods, formed through a preliminary analysis of cause-and-effect relationships in the trade chain.

It is worth noting that logistics got its start thanks to the military sphere. It was there that, first of all, the smooth operation of industry and transport was necessary to achieve the set goals. Then the first logistics company appeared in our country. And only after such a management system was borrowed by business, which turned out to be very effective for it.

Wide range of services

A logistics company is an organization that offers its partners the following:

  • Optimization
  • Escort of transported goods by company representatives.
  • Monitoring the movement of goods.
  • Certification and customs clearance of cargo.
  • Warehouse processing and subsequent storage of material assets.
  • Expert and consulting services.

A logistics company is a reliable business assistant that will allow an enterprise to completely legally reduce the cost of producing goods thanks to optimization. This occurs due to the selection of optimal routes that are most effective in terms of terms and tariffs, as well as due to the reduction of warehouse and customs costs.

A logistics company is an organization that allows you to save significant amounts on the maintenance of its own division that performs similar functions. In addition, with its help you can flexibly rearrange your supply policy, quickly responding to changing market requirements.

How does a logistics company work? It creates its own infrastructure and establishes close relationships with the customer’s administrative services and carriers. Thanks to this, clients are provided with a mechanism for optimizing and building all chains of cargo movement. The advantage is very obvious when a logistics company gets involved. How it works? The customer company receives a significant benefit not only in the cost of services, but also in the delivery time of its cargo.

As you can see, business logistics solves an extensive list of tasks. They relate to almost all areas of the enterprise’s activities, not covering only accounting and personnel issues.

Benefits of cooperation

Is it beneficial for an enterprise to engage a company operating in the business sector (logistics is an area that receives increased attention) to resolve its issues? After all, you can create your own departments that will deal with the movement, storage and promotion of goods. It is worth keeping in mind that such divisions of the enterprise will require considerable additional funds for maintenance. Based on existing practice, we can make a clear conclusion that such departments are not always able to demonstrate the required level of efficiency of their work.

The main advantage of a logistics company is that it really allows you to increase the productivity of an enterprise’s turnover and productivity. Many organizations, seeing the pointlessness of the existence of their own departments, attract third-party organizations to cooperate, which:

  • allow you to expand the sales market, bringing the customer’s finished products to the international level;
  • organize the processes of transportation of small and large consignments of goods, specific and dangerous goods that require special transportation conditions;
  • allow you to reduce the cost of goods.

Conclusion of contracts

How to start working with a logistics company? To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with her, which must indicate:

  • volumes and ranges of services provided;
  • responsibility of both contracting parties;
  • features of registration of documents accompanying the cargo;
  • the amount of remuneration, as well as the methods and procedure for paying for the company’s services;
  • ownership of the goods.

Choosing a company

Today, many logistics organizations have opened their own businesses and operate in Russia. How to choose the most suitable one for your enterprise?

To do this, you should follow the following rules:

  1. The services provided by a transport and logistics company are worth using in most cases. An exception may be situations when the company has its own large fleet of vehicles. In this case, a preliminary assessment of the option of engaging a third party should be made. But even in such a situation, the “economy of scale” will play a significant role. After all, a transport and logistics company will carry out transportation quickly and do it cheaper. It will allow you to save money due to your wholesale purchases of gasoline, as well as low costs for maintenance vehicles, since it has its own workshops or enjoys significant discounts as a regular customer in third-party repair organizations.
  2. If the carrier does not have its own fleet of vehicles, it is not worth concluding an agreement for the provision of logistics services with it. This will result in a large sum financial costs.
  3. When choosing a logistics company, you should pay attention to the guarantees that a potential contractor can provide. In addition, the draft contract must indicate the exact timing of cargo receipt, as well as transit time.
  4. It is advisable that the carrier be ready to insure his liability for the complete safety of the material assets he transports with any third-party insurance company.
  5. When considering candidates for concluding a contract, you should compare the cost of carriers’ services and clarify their willingness to work with “non-standard” deliveries. If necessary, an additional contract can be concluded to guarantee the company the provision of the vehicle it needs in the event of an emergency need for it.
  6. Before concluding a contract, you should read reviews about the prospective partner.
  7. When providing customs brokerage services, you will need to take the choice of a logistics company as seriously as possible. After all, mistakes made during declaration sometimes have a negative delayed effect.

Which artist should you choose? To do this, it is worth considering the rating of logistics companies in Russia.

Business lines company

The motto of this organization is the words “Quality and Reliability”. The Business Lines organization is one of the logistics companies in Moscow. Its main office is located in the capital. After all, transport services are very relevant for this metropolis.

The company operates taking into account the wishes of its customers. She is ready to quickly and with a high level of quality deliver the necessary goods to the destination not only from Moscow, but also from St. Petersburg. The customer can receive his cargo the very next day after it leaves the warehouse. The company offers its services at the most affordable prices and at the most modern level. Their list includes:

  • transportation by rail, air or road;
  • delivery of groupage cargo;
  • transportation of goods by a separate type of transport;
  • delivery of goods to all regions of the country, as well as to Kazakhstan and Belarus;
  • expedited express delivery.

The company also offers the customer transportation of cargo taking into account temperature conditions. To do this, she uses special equipment and organizes a separate flight.

In the course of its work, the logistics organization constantly maintains contact with the client, notifying him of the location of his material assets.

PEK company

This organization provides throughout Russia. It is also on the lists that include Moscow logistics companies. Constantly expanding its work, it opens more and more branches in various regions of the country. At the same time, the organization constantly acquires new clients.

The PEK company offers only modern services at the highest level of service. After all, its staff consists of qualified specialists who are constantly improving their level of work. The company uses trucks and airplanes to deliver goods.

The range of services provided by PEK includes the following:

  • collection of goods from the customer and transportation to the destination;
  • constantly informing the client about the location and condition of the cargo;
  • high-quality packaging of goods;
  • work on loading and unloading material assets.

Bee Logistic Company

This company provides comprehensive services, offering:

  • performing the entire volume of logistics operations with goods;
  • transportation, storage, loading and delivery of cargo to the buyer;
  • placement of goods in beautiful packaging.

Bee Logistic is included in the list of the best logistics companies in St. Petersburg, but in addition to the Northern capital, it also operates in Novosibirsk.

In addition, it offers the client:

  • storage of goods in a warehouse;
  • preparing products for sale (applying stickers, labeling, sealing in film, repackaging);
  • providing any necessary information transmitted online;
  • provision of an office.

Air transportation

Pulkovo logistics company is engaged in air cargo transportation, considering it the most reliable and fastest. Indeed, delivering goods by plane is the fastest option, especially in cases where the route goes to remote corners of not only our country, but also the planet.

Qualified specialists of the company provide logistics support for cargo and select the most optimal transportation options for them.

To order air transportation, all you need to do is call the company. In this case, you will need to accurately indicate the dimensions of the material assets being delivered, their nature, weight, as well as the number of places. The specialist will immediately calculate the most optimal delivery options. Next, the cargo must arrive at the cargo terminal of Pulkovo Airport. If the client does not have such an opportunity, the logistics company will take care of this itself. If urgent delivery is required, a charter flight can be arranged.

What is logistics?

This question is relevant for almost any enterprise in Russia.

The ability to optimize the delivery of goods from manufacturer to consumer is the key to a successful business.

Therefore, every entrepreneur (both experienced and new) needs to understand what it is.

Let's analyze this concept in simple words, outline the participation of logistics at every stage of your business, and also find the answer to the question of what qualities a logistician should have.

What is logistics in simple words?

Logistics is the science of the process of moving a product or service from the starting point (manufacturer) to the final point (consumer).

All processes related to the transportation of goods are subject to logistics.

Not all entrepreneurs understand that even the production itself is established and operates without interruptions only due to the fact that the logistics scheme of interactions is clearly verified and calculated.

From the explanation above, a simple layman or a newcomer to the world of business may not immediately understand the whole essence of logistics.

What is the best explanation of the meaning of the term?

Of course, a real example of its application!

An example of the use of logistics at all stages of business

The ProjectSport company has developed a new line of sports nutrition.

Management plans include launching production and organizing the process of selling this product.

To accurately calculate each stage of the project’s implementation, you need to form a logical chain:

The scheme is quite simple; it simply divides the process of production and sales of products into zones.

Each segment has its own operating rules, often with separate leaders.

But what’s especially interesting is that every process, one way or another, is affected by logistics and is completely subordinate to it.

Below, the relationship of logistics to all stages of the path from the ProjectSport manufacturer to the consumer is explained in detail:

    Production planning.

    This is the initial stage at which the sports nutrition manufacturer must establish the production process.

    Why is the influence of logistics on building production so important?

    Planning the supply of raw materials, placement of production facilities, raw materials and the finished product during production - each stage is accompanied by the movement of objects along the chain indicated above in the diagram.

    Supply planning.

    After producing the product, the ProjectSport company must take care of the next stage of delivering the product to the customer - the distribution network.

    To transport a product, it is necessary to determine the best and, at the same time, the shortest delivery routes.

    The logistician’s task is to organize work on moving products with pinpoint precision.

    If your logistics department is performing poorly, expect serious losses.

    Sales process management.

    Even when sports nutrition produced by ProjectSport is on the shelves, logistics will still be involved.

    Just not in its “pure” form, but in combination with marketing.

    It’s interesting, but even just the movement of goods through the distributor’s warehouse and the height of the “facing”* of the product on the shelf is a derivative of logistics operations.

We can summarize briefly: the entire production process depends on logistics.

Well-thought-out and implemented logistics operations are the key to receiving the planned income within the specified time frame and in full.

* Facing (a term from merchandising) is a unit of product on a shelf located frontally (front part) to the buyer. Even when one unit stands on top of another, it is one face.

The versatility of logistics

As you already understand, logistics is not only about organizing the delivery of goods, contrary to popular belief.

It is also a whole range of operations related to business optimization.

The structure of logistics is very multifaceted and extensive.

It can be compared to marketing, since both directions in one way or another influence absolutely every process in the “Product-Consumer” chain.

Logistics Impact Sections

SectionDefinition in this context
TransportTransport logistics occupies a leading position. The main goal is to move the specified cargo along the optimal route in a short time and taking into account the lowest costs. Optimizing transportation is very important, because the cost of transportation depends on the cost of goods on the shelf, as well as the income of the manufacturer.
InformationLogistics is also involved in the process of working with information flows that accompany the “Product – Consumer” scheme. Documentation, verbal information to accompanying authorities, notification of electronic accounting systems and registers - all this is the work of a logistician.
ReservesFor this “zone of influence,” the participation of the logistician is to control changes in the lists of raw materials required at the stage of production or sales of products. The logistician must calculate the optimal path to avoid problems with the stable supply of the enterprise with the necessary goods or raw materials.
ProductionLogistics also manages the financial support of production. The goal is to optimize production operations as much as possible, achieving the highest efficiency with minimal expenditure of time and money.
ProcurementMake the right purchase required material for production, or goods for sale, is very difficult. The logistics department of any organization deals with calculations of components that affect the sales process (use in production) of purchased goods (raw materials).
StockWarehouse logistics is one of the most difficult areas associated with constant calculations. Properly positioning goods in a warehouse is an art. The management of this matter can only be entrusted to an experienced logistician.
CustomsThis level of logistics leads among those mentioned above in terms of the complexity of the organization. Product import and export operations consist of many smaller processes. In addition to establishing the transportation process itself, customs logistics includes information elements. It is logical, because crossing the border with cargo cannot do without the proper level of information to all subjects.

The sectors of influence of logistics described in the tables make it clear that the term logistics itself is more extensive than it seems to ignorant entrepreneurs.

Having learned about this, you should have already guessed that the introduction of logistics operations into production is a necessity.

And by fine-tuning these processes, you can improve enterprise productivity and increase profits.

Logistics of the third millennium

Logistics is a science whose pace of development exceeds all possible expectations.

This is undoubtedly connected with the development of society as a whole.

It is very simple to carry out the logical chain: a constant increase in competition in the market provokes an increase in the quality of services.

This, in turn, increases the importance of proper business process planning.

Logistics allows you to take this process to a whole new level.

The motto of the twenty-first century: “Time is money!”

Twenty-first century technology is capable of carrying out calculations related to transportation at a very high level.

Design better ways cargo transportation, increasing the speed of information exchange - all this is now possible with the help of modern logistics tools.

The main changes that await logistics in the future, according to experts, are:

  • increasing the share of information in the overall structure of activities.
  • the penetration of logistics into all sectors of life, since the optimization of production processes cannot ignore undeveloped infrastructures or non-compliance with the requirements of social development.
  • growth in the productivity of enterprises, which will provoke the development of the general level economic development.

The history of logistics is very surprising considering the fact that it has come a long way: from supporting the military operations of the past to defining the basic components of the infrastructures of the future.


If you have already realized that a logistician for your company is absolutely necessary, but do not yet fully understand what his future activities are and how to choose a worthy specialist, this section is a must-read.

First, we need to remind you that the work of a logistician can involve completely different types of activities.

But there are still general requirements for applicants for this role:

  • Communication skills at the highest level are a mandatory quality for a logistician.
  • University degree in mathematics, management or law.
  • Ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances and make appropriate decisions.
  • Skills in management activities.
  • Confidence in making decisive decisions.
  • High level of analytical skills.

The activities of a logistician depend on the scope of the company whose functioning he must structure.

Based on the statistical indicators of the Russian market, logisticians are mainly required in the transport industry.

Its features are defined by the name itself, and the task is to optimize the process of transporting goods.

Let's summarize the main tasks of a logistician:

  • Development of optimal ways to move products.
  • Providing information support for goods.
  • Transportation time calculation.
  • Optimization of technical and human resource costs.

The tasks described above are only the basic, most common ones.

There are also a huge number of subordinate clauses that depend on the focus of the company’s activities.

The video explains what logistics is with the help of fun diagrammatic drawings

Do you need convenient and reliable logistics?
The logistics company RUSSIAN LOGISTICS provides services for the transportation and storage of any cargo, the client pays only for the space that the cargo actually occupies!
You can view the list of services provided on the company’s website.

What is logistics in simple words?

This is a determining factor in the economic development of any organization. The main goal of logistics is to optimize operations for the transfer of services and goods from producer to consumer.

That is, all key operations of moving material assets are based only on it.

Logistics is the logic of production, finding the shortest and cheapest ways to move goods to the consumer.

In tandem with marketing, logistics helps create powerful competitive advantages business.

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Before considering the issues of organizing, planning and managing the logistics service at enterprises and organizations, let us dwell on its main components. In logistics (global scale), there are two main sections - management of material resources and their distribution.

Material resources in this case include primary and secondary, main and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, final finished products, packaging materials, and inventories.

The distribution of material and technical resources is carried out between intermediate and final finished products in two directions. The first is movement directly (direct distribution channel) to an intermediate consumer for further production process or to the final consumer. The second is movement to the intermediate or final consumer through an extensive network of intermediaries (indirect distribution channel) - in large, medium or small quantities.

Logistics at an enterprise, depending on the areas of its activity, is divided into internal and external. Internal involves resolving production issues directly at the company. The external one solves the problems of ensuring the distribution of goods to the market.

The challenges facing internal logistics boil down to logistics and resource management. This is the purchase of raw materials and materials for the enterprise, their warehousing and storage, transportation both from the supplier and at the enterprise itself between departments, constant monitoring of the volume of stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and their adjustment.

The challenges faced by outbound logistics are the distribution of the final finished product through various distribution channels. This is the transportation of the finished intermediate or final product to consumers; identification of their stocks in our own warehouses, intermediate logistics platforms and from consumers; storage, packaging and order fulfillment for the entire range of products; monitoring the demand for manufactured goods, adjusting their production volumes if necessary.

Organizational Chart

The logistics service at an enterprise has several mandatory levels of management. At the same time, it includes some part of the administration responsible for decisions made(on the tasks, goals and problems of the company) and staff members of the logistics department and its service as a whole.

The organization and management of the logistics service at the enterprise includes the following main structural units:

  • Executive Director for Logistics. He is a member of the company's board or one of the deputy general directors.
  • Managers responsible for the activities of departments and personnel subordinate to them.
  • Groups for the implementation of individual logistics projects - planning new distribution centers for final finished products, expanding existing and organizing new logistics platforms, forming the design of projected information systems logistics.
  • Personnel managers. They carry out operational work, are responsible for distribution centers for final finished products, for the delivery of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, their storage and packaging.

As for the group for the implementation of individual logistics projects, there are several most common ways to form such groups at an enterprise, both within the logistics service and independently:

  • groups function as an integral part of the logistics service at the enterprise, for example, such as monitoring the implementation of projects, engineering in transport and warehousing, and in information logistics systems;
  • groups exist as separate, independent units with their own personnel, organized at the enterprise and performing certain functions of the logistics system, for example, organizing the delivery of material and technical resources; formation of logistics platforms,
  • groups are formed promptly from personnel engaged in certain areas of logistics activity, for example, in the field of transport or warehousing - in this case, the group fulfills its responsibilities for implementing projects as the need arises for this type of work.

Any industrial company seeking to achieve high efficiency in procurement, production, warehousing, storage and stockpiling of material and technical resources, as well as distribution of the final finished product, must have a properly organized logistics service.

Main activities of logistics services for the company

The logistics service at an enterprise is divided, as a rule, into five main functional groups responsible for transportation; structure of fixed assets, inventories, maneuvering of material resources, communications and information.

In accordance with the purpose of the functional groups, a list of their activities is provided, namely:

  • transportation - domestic, external and international transportation, choice of mode of transport, vehicles and options for their service;
  • planning and management of warehouses and equipment, distribution centers, warehouse production areas;
  • supply of raw materials and materials; formation of inventories (insurance, preparatory, production) and finished products, processing of returned products;
  • maneuvering material resources, their sorting, processing, packaging;
  • order processing, production planning, communication with distribution centers; expansion of the information communications network; updating the data bank.

It should be noted that this formation of functional groups of the logistics service at the enterprise does not correspond to the traditional organizational structures of companies, since all of these types of activities for quite a long time were delegated to the department of supply of material and technical resources (purchasing), which was related to production; processing orders and communicating with customers, involved in marketing; transport operations (existed as an independent one); management of warehouse and packaging facilities (also independent).

Practical achievement of success

A company engaged in industrial production or providing various types of services in the logistics system must focus on practical achievement of success. To do this, each company must necessarily fulfill three important conditions.

First- a precise formulation and list of functions of each is required individual employee logistics services at the enterprise. Namely, job title, organizational relationships (accountability), boundaries of responsibility, responsibilities and rights.

Second— the company must have the necessary information about how many logistics personnel will be required in the near and distant future; what knowledge and skills they should have; what organizations and firms can provide the required number of workers in the near and distant future. In this case, the following information is needed: the volume of proposed work, the scale of expansion of the company, the required number of employees, the position in the labor market.

Third— the company must find and select a future manager (employee) of the logistics service for a specific, specific position, and not select a position for a future employee. In the latter case, his incompetence can lead to negative consequences. Directed recruitment is required; Compliance of candidates with the position in terms of knowledge, skills, and competence.

Three-level structure

The logistics service at an enterprise, consisting of three levels of management, is the most common

First level: general management (planning) carried out by the company's vice president for logistics. Main functions: checking the entire system and, if necessary, adjusting plans, clarifying the structure of the system, assessing the activities of individual subsystems and the entire system; coordinating the policies and activities of the logistics service with other departments of the company, establishing costs and service standards.

The initial information “at the input” of this level is activity on a large scale, general problems of subsystems and external factors (increasing or decreasing competition in the market, as well as other changing conditions).

The incoming information is used for research, analysis and evaluation, providing “output” of various kinds of decisions regarding issues of adjusting the actions of individual subsystems and the logistics service as a whole, the new policy of the company, as well as various areas of its activities.

Second level: program control (planning according to the program). At this level of management, one or more managers control two or more individual subsystems. They manage warehousing, order processing, operations with materials, their shipment, and implement the policy of managing the means of subsystems; eliminate possible inconsistencies between various components of subsystems; summarize and report to senior management on their activities.

Decisions made at this level are limited by the capabilities and initiative of managers. They are guided by established standards of cost, profit or service. When faced with a problem in one or more subsystems (for example, shipping and warehousing of a product), the manager must find out the reasons for its occurrence and find the optimal solution.

If necessary, he makes changes to the activities of the subsystem and coordinates interrelated functions in all others. The manager can also involve a small number of personnel to check subsystems and conduct research in order to improve their performance.

Third level: operational management (operational components). This is working with suppliers of material resources for which the schedule is violated; preparation and provision of information about recorded violations to the program management level; management within given time and costs, reporting on the results of specific activities.

Each of the subsystems of this level has one or more strictly limited goals. For example, the main functions of the shipping department in the logistics service are to organize processes for shipping products, forwarding them with the appropriate accompanying documentation; concluding mutually beneficial contacts with external partners in the field of transportation; operational robot.

The activities of this level of management are measured in tons of product lots shipped or units of product in each lot; total shipping costs, including losses from product damage. At this level, information is accumulated on the rational distribution of overhead costs of the shipping department: direct wage; mandatory contributions to social insurance; telephone bills; various reference documentation.

The subsystem provides feedback and operational control. So, the department manager checks reports on the state of affairs “at the exit” and gives permission for shipment. First of all, deliveries are carried out that require operational control during transportation. Next, the time for preparing the shipment, its process itself, is recorded, and the costs for it are compared with the established norm or the desired standard.

Management at this level is a routine process and involves only specific control and administrative activities, since each problem that arises here has a specific and approved method of solution.

Audit has a certain significance in distribution as a means of monitoring the efficiency of logistics. It is based on information about customer service and influences the formation of initial data on inventories, transport, storage of goods in warehouses and their shipment to consumers. An audit by functional purpose is included in the second level of logistics service management at an enterprise.

Information Systems

Information systems occupy a special place in the three-level structure of organizing and managing the logistics service at a company. Moreover, the hierarchy of their use, as a rule, has four independent levels, at each of which the information flow performs its strictly defined functions.

Let's look at all the levels one by one:

  • Operational level. The information flow has a fairly wide range. Here, operational decisions are implemented as a reaction to new regulatory, reference, analytical or other information.
  • Level of control. The information flow is also quite wide. Information here, as a rule, is used for operational planning in various areas of activity of the logistics service, as well as for monitoring decisions made at the operational level of management.
  • Average level. The range of information flow is somewhat narrower than at the two previous levels, but the information is grouped and processed. At this level, purely management information is concentrated for the implementation of tactical planning and decision-making on various processes of production activity in the divisions of the enterprise.
  • Highest level. The entire information flow at this level of management is concentrated as much as possible. Reference, operational, regulatory and analytical information is intended to implement strategic planning at the enterprise. Based on analytical information, global long-term decisions for the development of the company are made.

Describing the use of basic information flows in various logistics systems at an enterprise, it should be noted that information is the basis for decision-making at all levels of management.

Practical experience

Many companies that made certain efforts to organize a logistics service at their companies ended up experiencing a certain disappointment - the predicted result turned out to be lower than expected.

Let's try to understand the reasons for the unsuccessful organization of logistics services at enterprises. Logistics is currently something of a newcomer in economic life in general, and in enterprises in particular. Traditional structural divisions of the enterprise see the logistics service as a competitor in a sense. They desperately defend their field of activity, resisting the transfer of this or that function or decision-making right to the logistics structures.

Another reason is that a clear structure of the logistics service in the enterprise has not yet been developed. Naturally, the process of its formation cannot be carried out painlessly.

But there is not only a standard organization of the logistics service, but also an optimal option for the organizational structure of a particular enterprise and its structural divisions. The existing variety of organizational forms, although there are certain advantages, gives rise to problems when logistics services, if introduced, are done in their own way and do not have an effective impact on economic, production and business activities.

And one more aspect of the problem. In a constantly changing economic environment and increasing competition in the market, the organizational structure of the logistics service at an enterprise must be extremely flexible, in contrast to the traditionally established structures of functional departments of almost any company with established trends.

Increased competition, internationalization of markets and sources of supply, including primary material resources, the use of new management systems for production and economic activities, direct supplies of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, require an organizational structure of the logistics service at the enterprise that was would be able to provide the necessary service.

It is obvious that the only and best organizational structure of the logistics service does not exist in practice. A more correct and optimal approach to solving this problem is to consider possible alternatives to organizing and managing such a service.


1. Basic provisions of logistics…………………………………………………………….5

2. Logistics of a manufacturing enterprise…………………………………….17

2.1. The essence and objectives of production logistics………………………...17

2.2. Transformation of management in internal production

logistics systems………………………………………………………20

2.3 Efficiency of the logistics management approach

material flows to enterprises……………………………………..23




Logistics is becoming the most important tool in improving the performance of an enterprise. Logistics offers a new approach to organizing the effective functioning of a consumer service system.

In modern conditions, the range of activities covered by logistics is constantly expanding, including not only intra-company, but also inter-company logistics integration and coordination.

Competitiveness in the market is largely determined by the availability of a logistics system for servicing consumer orders, and, consequently, the level of quality of the service provided.

The client selects the goods or services he needs among a number of similar ones offered on the market, and purchases those that best satisfy his needs. Increasing the level of quality of order fulfillment simultaneously with reducing its cost contributes to an increase in sales volume.

The problem of logistics services to consumers is aggravated by the strict financial conditions in which product supplies are planned, the insufficient level of reliability of Russian supplier enterprises, the significant time interval between the beginning of supply planning and their implementation and, consequently, the low level of logistics services to consumers.

Improving the quality of service usually requires additional costs. However, the need to reduce overall logistics costs requires achieving high quality while simultaneously reducing the cost of the service provided.

The object of study of the new scientific and educational discipline “logistics?” are material and related information and financial flow processes. The widespread use of logistics in business practice is explained by the need to reduce the time intervals between the acquisition of raw materials and the delivery of goods to the final consumer. Logistics makes it possible to minimize inventories, and in some cases refuse to use them altogether, significantly reduces the delivery time of goods, speeds up the process of obtaining information, and increases the level of service.

Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes management of transport, warehousing, inventories, personnel, organization of information systems, commercial activities and much more. Each of the listed functions is deeply studied and described in the corresponding industry discipline. The fundamental novelty of the logistics approach is the organic mutual connection, the integration of the above areas into a single material-conducting system. The goal of the logistics approach is end-to-end management of material flows.

Material flow management has always been an essential aspect of economic activity. However, only relatively recently has it acquired the position of one of the most important functions of economic life. The main reason is the transition from a seller's market to a buyer's market, which necessitated a flexible response of production and trading systems to rapidly changing consumer priorities.

In the context of the transition to market relations, unified systems of standards for improving the material and technical base are losing their former significance. Each business entity independently assesses a specific situation and makes decisions. As world experience shows, leadership in competition today is acquired by those who are competent in the field of logistics and master its methods.

The purpose of the work is to consider logistics manufacturing enterprise.

The objectives of the work are to analyze the basic provisions of logistics and the logistics of a manufacturing enterprise.

1. Basic principles of logistics.

Logistics comes from the Greek word logistics, which means the art of calculating, reasoning. This term has a long history. The ancient Greeks understood logistics as the art of performing calculations, and special government controllers were called logisticians. According to the testimony of Archimedes, in the 4th century BC there were logisticians in Greece, in Rome, during the period of the Roman Empire, there were ministers who bore the title “logistics” or “logistics”; they were engaged in food distribution. In the first millennium AD, in the military vocabulary of a number of countries, logistics was associated with the activities of providing the armed forces with material resources and maintaining their reserves. King Leon VI of Byzantium (865-912), who lived in the 9th-10th centuries AD, used the term “logistics” in a textbook on military affairs to mean “rear, supplying troops.”

Logistics grew into a science thanks to military affairs. The French military specialist is considered to be the creator of the first scientific works on logistics early XIX century Jomini, who gave the following definition of logistics: “the practical art of maneuvering troops.” He argued that the concept of logistics includes a wide range of issues, such as planning, management and supply, determining the location of troops, as well as the construction of bridges, roads, etc.

The word logistics in modern European languages ​​is used mainly in the following two meanings: 1) mathematical logic; 2) equipment and technology of transport and warehouse work in the military and / or civilian field.

During the Soviet period, the term logistics was first used in the English-Russian military dictionary of 1956: logistic - rear and supply, logistics, rear work; planning, organizing and implementing logistics; logistic - related to the work of rear services.

In the 1980s in the Russian language the meaning of this word has expanded and from a scientific term it has become a general literary one, and in its second meaning. Since the beginning of 1990 in Russia (as in Western Europe and the USA), this term began to be used not only in specialized literature, but also in the media to designate a new direction in science - theory and practice of material and relevant information flows, i.e. the whole range of issues related to the processes of circulation of raw materials, materials and finished products, bringing them from the supplier to the manufacturer and from it to the final consumer in accordance with his requirements and interests.

Today, the most well-known definitions of logistics are:

1. American Management Council.

“Logistics is the planning, implementation and control of technologically and economically efficient processes for the movement and storage of goods, materials, semi-finished and finished products, as well as the transfer of relevant information from the place of production to the place of consumption in accordance with the interests of consumers.”

2. British Institute of Procurement Organization Problems.

“Logistics is the management and coordination within the supply-production-sales chain, including the selection of a supplier, the organization of material support for production, the placement of inventories and the delivery of finished products to consumers through distribution channels.

3. Professor G. Pavelek gives the following interpretation of the concept: “Logistics is the planning and control of the material flow entering the enterprise, processed there and leaving the enterprise and the corresponding information flow”

4. Well-known specialist W. Kielhof (Germany) believes that: “Logistics is the coordination of all systems for the movement of materials and finished products both inside and outside the enterprise. It allows you to manage material flows from the moment of procurement to sale in a physical, informational and organizational sense.”

According to the author, logistics is an objective business process that occurs at the level of structural divisions of enterprises in order to optimize the management of material and information flows, reduce costs and increase profits.

According to the scale of the problem being developed, logistics is divided into:

1. Macrologistics – studying processes occurring at the regional, interregional, national and interstate levels.

2. Micrologistics - dealing with a complex of issues related to the management of material, information and other flows, based on the interests of an individual enterprise or corporate group of enterprises united by common goals of optimizing economic relations.

In addition to the criterion of the scale of the problems being developed, for structuring logistics, division according to the nature of management zones is used:

1. External logistics – deals with issues of regulating flow processes that go beyond the scope of activities, but are within the sphere of influence of the business entity.

2. Internal logistics – aimed at coordinating and improving business activities related to managing flow processes within an enterprise or corporate group of enterprises.

Based on the principle of economic activity, the following types of logistics are distinguished:

· Procurement (supply) – resolves issues related to the logistics and technical support of the enterprise and the preparation of products for production use;

· Production – solves issues related to the organization and management of the movement of material flows (from raw materials to finished products) directly in the production process.

· Distribution (marketing, sales) - resolves issues related to the sale of products, including their “just in time” delivery from the manufacturer’s “door” to the buyer’s “door” and after-sales service.

· Transport – solves issues related to the transportation of material resources to consumers.

Logistics contributes to the success of an enterprise by providing consumers with products in a timely manner and in accordance with needs. In this sense, the key issue is to find out who the consumer is. For logistics, the consumer is any legal or natural person to whom deliveries are made to the required destination. The destination could be a private house, shop, enterprise wholesale trade, industrial warehouse, specialized warehouse, etc. The consumer may be a legal entity or individual to whom the ownership of the supplied products is transferred. The role of a consumer can also be one of the enterprises or divisions of the enterprise, or its business partner belonging to another link in the supply chain. Regardless of the motives and purposes of supply, customer service is a key factor shaping the needs of the logistics service system. When developing a company’s logistics strategy, it is necessary to clearly understand the company’s capabilities in providing services. It is necessary to consider the nature and characteristics of customer service, as well as strategies that increase the effectiveness of the service system.

The main goal of a logistics distribution system is to deliver goods to the right place and at the right time. Unlike marketing, which is engaged in identifying and stimulating demand, logistics is designed to satisfy the demand generated by marketing with minimal costs. It is obvious that solving the problem of organizing distribution channels plays a major role in this.

Due to the commonality of the object of study, distribution logistics and marketing use the same concepts. This also applies to distribution channels. The basics of their organization and functioning are discussed in sufficient detail in the literature devoted to marketing problems. However, it is useful to highlight here some important definitions and provisions regarding the operation of distribution channels.

A distribution channel is a collection of organizations or individuals that assume or help transfer ownership of a particular good or service from producer to consumer.

The use of distribution channels brings certain benefits to manufacturers:

Saving financial resources for product distribution;

Possibility of investing saved funds in main production;

Selling products in a more efficient way;

High efficiency in ensuring wide availability of goods and bringing them to target markets;

Reducing the amount of work required to distribute products.

Thus, the decision on choosing distribution channels is one of the most important that must be made by the management of the organization.

A distribution channel is the path along which goods move from producer to consumer. The selected channels directly affect the speed, time, efficiency of movement and safety of products when they are delivered from the manufacturer to the end consumer. At the same time, the organizations or individuals that make up the channel perform a number of important functions:

1) conduct research to collect information necessary for planning the distribution of products and services;

2) stimulate sales by creating and disseminating information about products;

3) establish contacts with potential buyers;

4) adapt the product to the requirements of customers;

5) conduct negotiations with potential consumers of products;

6) organize the distribution of goods (transportation and warehousing);

7) finance the movement of goods through the distribution channel;

8) accept risks associated with the operation of the channel.

All or part of these functions can be taken over by the manufacturer. At the same time, producer costs increase. Due to the specialization of intermediary organizations, they often perform the listed functions of goods distribution channels more efficiently. To cover their costs, intermediaries charge the manufacturer an additional fee. Thus, the question of who should perform the various functions of a distribution channel is a matter of relative efficiency. When an opportunity arises to perform functions more effectively, the channel is rebuilt.

Channels of distribution of goods can be characterized by the number of levels that comprise them.

The channel layer is the intermediary that does the work of bringing the product and its ownership closer to the end consumer.

The length of the channel is determined by the number of intermediate levels between the producer and the consumer, which, like the channel levels, are members of the distribution channel.

One of the channel members, as a rule, either owns the others or grants them certain privileges. Such a member may be a manufacturer, wholesaler or retail intermediary. Vertical channels arose as a means of controlling channel behavior. They are economical and eliminate duplication of functions performed by channel members.

When forming a product distribution channel, the decision on the structure of the channel comes first, i.e. about the number of channel levels and the specific composition of channel members. When identifying possible options for distribution channels, it is necessary to determine the type of intermediaries used. Intermediaries can be classified according to a combination of two characteristics:

1) on whose behalf the intermediary works;

2) at whose expense the intermediary conducts its operations.

Dealers are wholesale, less often retail, intermediaries who conduct transactions on their own behalf and at their own expense. The goods are purchased by them under a supply agreement. Thus, the dealer becomes the owner of the product after full payment for the delivery. The relationship between the manufacturer and the dealer is terminated after all conditions under the supply agreement are met. Recently, dealers have become franchise holders, uniting in their hands a number of successive stages of the production and distribution process. In the supply chain, dealers occupy the position closest to end consumers.

There are two types of dealers.

· Exclusive dealers are the only representatives of the manufacturer in a given region and have exclusive rights to sell its products.

· Dealers who cooperate with manufacturers on a franchise basis are called authorized.

Distributors are wholesale and retail intermediaries. The manufacturer grants the distributor the right to sell its products in a certain territory and for a certain period. Under the agreement, they acquire the right to sell products. In the supply chain, distributors typically occupy a position between the manufacturer and the dealers.

Commission agents. Wholesale and retail intermediaries. They do not own the products sold. The manufacturer (or the principal in this transaction) remains the owner of the product until it is transferred and paid for by the final consumer. The contract for the supply of products is concluded on behalf of the commission agent. Thus, the commission agent is an intermediary only for the principal, and not for the end consumer, whose money is transferred to the account of the commission agent. The commission agent must ensure the safety of the goods.

Agents are intermediaries who act as a representative or assistant of another principal in relation to him (principal). As a rule, agents are legal entities. The agent enters into a transaction on behalf and at the expense of the principal. Based on the scope of their powers, agents are divided into two categories. Universal agents perform any legal actions on behalf of the principal. General agents conclude only transactions specified in the power of attorney. They receive remuneration both according to tariffs and by proxy.

Brokers are intermediaries in concluding transactions, bringing together counterparties. They are not in contractual relations from any of the parties to the transaction and act only on the basis of individual instructions. Brokers are remunerated only for products sold.

After selecting the types of intermediaries in the distribution channel, it is necessary to determine the number of these intermediaries. In logistics, three approaches have been developed to solve this problem:

Intensive distribution,

Exclusive distribution

Selective distribution.

Intensive distribution involves providing stocks of products in as many retail outlets as possible.

Exclusive distribution involves a deliberately limited number of intermediaries selling these products within the sales territories.

Selective distribution is a cross between intensive and exclusive distribution methods. Selective distribution allows the manufacturer to achieve the required market coverage with greater control and at lower costs than with intensive distribution.

To increase the efficiency of product sales and to save money, organizations often resort to the use of multi-channel product distribution systems.

Each manufacturer, based on marketing research of the sales market for its products, determines the structure of possible distribution channels, their connection with specific categories of consumers and with each other.

The forms of bringing a product to the consumer are determined, first of all, by the nature of the product itself, the place and conditions of its production, consumption and transport capabilities. This allows you to minimize transport costs and costs for intermediate storage of goods.

According to the form of organization there are:

Direct sales - when the manufacturer of a product enters into direct relationships with its consumers;

Indirect sales – when a product manufacturer uses the services of independent intermediaries.

The choice of one or another method of organizing sales depends on specific market conditions, sales and the strategy of the company itself.

When forming a sales system and a network of distribution channels, the supplier company should take into account:

Features of end consumers - their number, competition, the size of the average one-time purchase, income level, patterns of behavior when purchasing goods, volume of services, credit conditions, etc.;

The capabilities of the manufacturing company itself are its financial position, competitiveness, main directions of market strategy, scale of production. It is preferable for small firms with a narrow product range and limited financial capabilities to work through independent resellers, while large firms are recommended to carry out part of their sales organizations through their own sales network;

Characteristics of the product - type, average price, seasonality of demand, shelf life, etc.;

The degree of competition, the sales policy of competitors - their number, concentration, sales strategy and tactics, relationships in the sales system;

Characteristics and features of the market - actual and potential capacity, customs and trade practices, customer distribution density, average per capita income, etc.;

Comparative cost of distribution systems;

Selling manufactured products through your own sales network or using the services of intermediaries is a problem that is solved taking into account many factors related to both the goods and consumers and intermediaries.

Direct sales are possible when:

The quantity of goods sold is large enough to justify the considerable costs of direct marketing;

There are few consumers and they are located in a relatively small area;

The product requires highly specialized service;

The batch volume is sufficient for wagon or container shipment;

There is a sufficient network of its own base warehouses in the markets where the company trades;

The market is vertical, i.e. the product is used by not many consumers, although in several industries;

The product is highly specialized or manufactured to the buyer's specifications;

The price of a product changes frequently.

The direct sales method has advantages - the company gets the opportunity to:

Directly study your market;

Save money on paying intermediaries;

Establish close cooperation with consumers.

The market is horizontal (many consumers in each sector of the economy) and requires the creation of a powerful sales network, but there are not enough funds for its creation;

The market is scattered geographically, so neither direct contact nor agent work is profitable;

The difference between the selling price and the cost is small, so maintaining your own sales network is ineffective;

Significant savings can be made on transportation costs by supplying large quantities of goods to a small number of wholesalers.

The wholesaler buys and resells mostly standard industrial products that do not require maintenance. Wholesale intermediaries have a more detailed knowledge of the features of regional markets.

Selling goods through a wholesaler allows a manufacturing company to limit the market for its products and include numerous small consumers whom it is not able to serve directly. Some companies use the services of wholesalers when marketing new types of products, so as not to spend money on sales promotion and direct sales.

The choice of distribution channels is a responsible task, in the solution of which it is necessary to take into account the fact that with a small number of intermediaries it is easier to ensure close ties with them and thereby guarantee a serious influence on their work, achieve the desired training of sales personnel, etc. At the same time, focusing on an excessive number of intermediaries working in parallel in a given market makes the supplier company highly dependent on them. The refusal of one of them to fulfill the concluded contract can cause serious commercial damage to the company.

There are a number of factors that influence the decision to choose a distribution channel (in the general case):

Nature of the goods;

Product advantages;

Transportability of goods;

Geographical position manufacturer;

Presence of competitors;

Degree of competition;

Width of assortment;

Storage conditions;

Shelf life;

Remoteness (geographical dispersion) of consumers, etc.

We can say that the higher the mass consumption of a product, the wider the range, the more extensive the distribution network will be. With a high concentration of consumers in one region, a direct distribution channel is rational, and with dispersion in another region, sales using intermediaries (wholesalers) is rational.

2. Logistics of a manufacturing enterprise.

2.1. The essence and objectives of production logistics

The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics.

Rice. 2.1 Structure of social production

The tasks of production logistics concern the management of material flows within enterprises that create material goods or provide material services such as storage, packaging, hanging, stacking, etc. A characteristic feature of the objects of study in production logistics is their territorial compactness. In the literature, they are sometimes called “island logistics facilities.”

Material services for the transportation of goods can be the object of both production logistics, in the case of using one’s own transport for intra-production movement of goods, and transport, if public transport is used.

Logistics systems considered by production logistics are called intra-production logistics systems. These include: industrial enterprise; a wholesale enterprise with warehouse facilities; cargo hub; hub seaport, etc.

Intra-production logistics systems can be considered at the macro and micro levels.

At the macro level, intra-production logistics systems act as elements of macro-logistics systems. They set the rhythm of operation of these systems and are sources of material flows. The ability to adapt macrologistics systems to environmental changes is largely determined by the ability of their intra-production logistics systems to quickly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of the output material flow, i.e., the range and quantity of products produced.

High-quality flexibility of intra-production logistics systems can be achieved through the availability of universal service personnel and flexible production.

Quantitative flexibility is also provided in various ways. For example, in some Japanese enterprises, the core staff makes up no more than 20% of the maximum number of employees. The remaining 80% are temporary workers. Moreover, up to 50% of the number of temporary workers are women and pensioners. Thus, with a staff of 200 people, the company can assign up to 1,000 people to fulfill an order at any time. The labor reserve is complemented by an adequate reserve of equipment.

At the micro level, intra-production logistics systems represent a number of subsystems that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity and unity. These subsystems: purchasing, warehouses, inventories, production services, transport, information, sales and personnel, ensure the entry of material flow into the system, passage within it and exit from the system. In accordance with the concept of logistics, the construction of intra-production logistics systems should ensure the possibility of constant coordination and mutual adjustment of plans and actions of supply, production and sales links within the enterprise.

The logistics concept of organizing production includes the following basic provisions:

¨rejection of excess stocks;

¨ refusal of inflated time to complete basic and transport

warehouse operations;

¨ refusal to manufacture series of parts for which there is no customer order;

¨elimination of equipment downtime;

¨mandatory elimination of defects;

¨elimination of irrational intra-factory transportation;

¨transforming suppliers from opposing sides into friendly partners.

In contrast to the logistics, the traditional concept of organizing production involves:

¨never stop the main equipment and maintain a high utilization rate at all costs

¨produce products in as large batches as possible;

¨ have the largest possible supply of material resources “just in case.”

When demand exceeds supply, we can confidently assume that a batch of products manufactured taking into account market conditions will be sold. Therefore, the goal of maximum equipment utilization takes priority. Moreover, the larger the batch produced, the lower the unit cost of the product will be. The task of implementation is in the foreground.

The situation changes with the arrival of buyer “dictation” on the market. The task of selling the manufactured product in a competitive environment comes first. The volatility and unpredictability of market demand makes it impractical to create and maintain large inventories. At the same time, the manufacturer no longer has the right to miss a single order. Hence the need for flexible production facilities that can quickly respond with production to emerging demand.

Reducing costs in a competitive environment is achieved not by increasing the size of produced batches and other extensive measures, but by the logistics organization of both individual production and the entire commodity distribution system as a whole.

2.2. Transformation of management in intra-production logistics systems

Material flow management within intra-production logistics systems can be carried out different ways, of which there are two main ones, fundamentally different from each other.

The first option is called the “push system” and is a production organization system in which the objects of labor arriving at the production site are not directly ordered by this site from the previous technological link. The material flow is “pushed” to the recipient according to a command received by the transmitting link from the central production management system (Fig. 2.2).


Material flow, Information flow

Rice. 2.2 Schematic diagram of a push material flow management system within the framework of an intra-production logistics system

Push models of management and flows are characteristic of traditional methods of organizing production. The possibility of their use for the logistics organization of production has appeared in connection with the massive spread of computer technology. These systems, the first developments of which date back to the 60s, made it possible to coordinate and quickly adjust the plans and actions of all divisions of the enterprise - supply, production and sales, taking into account constant changes in real time.

Push systems, capable of linking a complex production mechanism into a single whole using microelectronics, nevertheless have natural limits to their capabilities. The parameters of the material flow “pushed” onto the site are optimal to the extent control system is able to take into account and evaluate all factors affecting the production situation at this site. However, the more factors for each of the numerous sections of the enterprise the control system must take into account, the more advanced and expensive its software, information and technical support should be.

The second option is based on a fundamentally different way of managing material flow. It is called a “pull system” and is a production organization system in which parts and semi-finished products are supplied to the subsequent technological operation from the previous one as needed.

Here, the central control system does not interfere with the exchange of material flows between different parts of the enterprise and does not set current production tasks for them. The production program of an individual technological link is determined by the order size of the subsequent link. The central control system poses a task only to the final link of the production technological chain.

Implemented in practice various options push and pull systems. Push systems are known as “MRP systems”. They are characterized by a high level of control automation, allowing the following basic functions to be implemented:

¨ensure ongoing regulation and control of production inventories;

¨in real time, coordinate and promptly adjust the plans and actions of various services of the enterprise - supply, production, sales.

In modern, developed versions of MRP systems, various forecasting problems are also solved. Simulation modeling and other operations research methods are widely used as a method for solving problems.

Pulling intra-production logistics systems include the “Kanban” system (translated from Japanese as a card), developed and implemented for the first time in the world by Toyota (Japan).

The Kanban system does not require total computerization of production, however, it presupposes high discipline of stands, as well as high responsibility of personnel, since centralized regulation of the intra-production logistics process is limited.

2.3 Efficiency of the logistics approach to managing material flows at enterprises

It is known that 95-98% of the time during which the material is at the production plant is spent on loading, unloading and transport and storage operations. This determines their significant share in the cost of production.

A logistics approach to managing material flows at an enterprise allows for maximum optimization of the implementation of a complex of logistics operations. According to Bosch-Siemens, Mitsubishi, and General Motors, a one percent reduction in costs for logistics functions had the same effect as a 10% increase in sales volume.

Let us list some of the elements that make up the cumulative effect of applying a logistics approach to managing material flow in an enterprise.

1 Production is market oriented. An effective transition to small-scale and individual production becomes possible.

2 Partnerships with suppliers are being established.

3 Equipment downtime is reduced. This is ensured by the fact that the necessary materials for work are always available at the workplace.

4 Inventories are optimized - one of central problems logistics. Maintaining reserves requires the diversion of financial resources, the use of a significant part of the material and technical base, labor resources. An analysis of the experience of a number of Western European companies using modern logistics methods for organizing production (Kanban system) shows that the use of logistics makes it possible to reduce production inventories by 50%.

5 The number of support workers is being reduced. The lower the level of systematicity, the more uncertain the work process and the higher the need for support staff to perform peak volumes of work.

6 The quality of products is improved.

7 Material losses are reduced. Any logistics operation involves potential losses. Optimizing logistics operations means reducing losses.

8 The use of production and warehouse space is improved. The uncertainty of flow processes forces the reservation of large additional areas. In particular, when designing retail wholesale bases, the uncertainty of flow processes forces an increase in warehouse space by 30%.

9 Injuries are reduced. The logistics approach organically integrates the labor safety system.


It's no secret that the Russian economy currently functions according to the laws of the market. Each enterprise in such conditions pursues an absolutely independent policy and only it bears responsibility for the results of its activities.

In modern conditions, the market imposes rather strict conditions on each subject of financial and economic activity, and problems in the Russian economy only aggravate the already difficult situation of many Russian enterprises. To survive and operate successfully in such conditions, it is no longer enough for an enterprise to simply produce products in the maximum possible volume, fulfilling its internal plans; it is also important to then sell these products. But in conditions of fierce competition, only the enterprise that can offer the market high-quality products at a lower price than its competitors will survive.

The price of a product depends not only on the costs of its production, but also on the costs of its transportation, warehousing, sales, etc. By reducing these costs, we reduce production costs, thus increasing our profits. It is these issues (and not only them) that marketing logistics deals with.

The role of logistics long time no meaning was given. In particular, in markets for consumer goods with products that are very homogeneous in price and quality and, at the same time, replaceable from the point of view of consumers, ensuring spatial and temporal opportunity to dispose of products becomes of great importance for recruiting customers. Thus, logistics becomes an independent, active tool of the enterprise.

So, in this work we examined the concept of “logistics”, defining its goals and objectives.


1. Gadzhinsky A.M. Fundamentals of logistics: textbook. –M.: ICTs, “Marketing”, 2005. –124s

2. Gadzhinsky A.M. Logistics. – M., 2005. – 360 p.

3. Commercial logistics / Ed. M.S. Nikiforova.- M., 2003. – 400 p.

4. Commercial logistics / Ed. N.S. Nikityuk. - M., 2004. – 311 p.

5. Logistics / Ed. B.A. Anikina.- M., 2004. – 328 p.

6. Logistics / Ed. N.S. Nikityuk - M., 2002. – 128 p.

7. “Logistics”, textbook edited by Anikin B.A., M-1999.

8. Nerush Yu.M., “Logistics”, textbook for universities, M-2000.

9. Nikolaychuk V.E., “Logistics”, textbook, St. Petersburg. "Peter" - 2002.

10. Sergeev V.I., “Logistics in business”, textbook, M-2001.

11. “Financial Management”, textbook edited by Stoyanova E.S., M-1999.

12. Logistics: Textbook / Ed. B. A. Anikina: 2nd ed., revised. And additional –M.: INFRA-M, 2004. –352s.

There are many definitions of the concept of “logistics,” which indicates that all aspects and depths of its concept are unknown. On the other hand, the simultaneous existence of several definitions provides a more complete understanding of the nature, content and importance of this field of activity. In this regard Let's look at the most used her concepts.

Logistics- this is the delivery to a specific consumer of the required product of appropriate quality in the required quantity at a specified place and at a precisely appointed time at an acceptable price.

Logistics- this is the effective organization, planning, management and control over inventories of primary material resources (raw materials), semi-finished products, components, final finished products and spare parts for these finished products.

This definition focuses on the formation of inventories of material and technical resources.

Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and monitoring the efficiency of the flow and storage of material and technical resources and inventories.

The emphasis, as we see, is on the movement and storage of resources. Movement requires a choice of modes of transport, methods of transportation, direction of goods flows, including using our own vehicles. Moreover, often the choice between one’s own capabilities and hiring transport is very challenging task, requiring consideration of various economic factors.

In turn, organizing storage involves taking into account the number of goods, their sizes, volumes, design, and type. Accordingly, warehouses are created that have the necessary equipment and lifting vehicles, taking into account the volume of orders for material resources and final finished products, the timing of orders and other circumstances.

The named concepts of logistics refer to Western terminology. Our country has adopted a slightly different interpretation of logistics.

Logistics- this is planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to the production enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with his interests and requirements, and as well as the transmission, storage and processing of relevant information.

Logistics goal: achieving the highest efficiency of the company, increasing its competitiveness.

Main goals: improvement of product distribution management, creation of an integrated effective system for regulation and control of material and information flows, ensuring high quality of product delivery.

Object of study and management in logistics are material flows, which are the main ones. Related flows are information, financial and service.

Subject The study of logistics is the optimization of resources in a certain economic system while managing the main and accompanying flows.

Logistics includes: purchasing logistics related to providing production with materials; production logistics; sales logistics (marketing or distribution). Transport logistics and information logistics are associated with each of the listed logistics.

Objects of research

The main objects of research in logistics are:

  • chain;
  • system;
  • function;
  • information flow;
Logistics operation

This is a separate set of actions aimed at transforming the material and information flow. Such an operation is specified by a set of initial conditions, environmental parameters, alternative strategies, and characteristics of the objective function.

Logistics chain

This is a linearly ordered set of individuals and legal entities (manufacturers, distributors, warehouse managers, etc.) carrying out logistics operations, including value-added ones, to bring the material flow from the supplier to the consumer.

Logistics system

This is an adaptive feedback system that performs certain logistics operations and has developed connections with the external environment. It considers physical objects - industrial enterprises, territorial production complexes, trading enterprises, infrastructure of the economy of a particular country. At the same time, a distinction is made between a logistics system with direct connections (the material flow is brought to the consumer without the participation of intermediaries on the basis of in-line long-term economic relations) and echeloned (a multi-cascade, multi-level system in which the material flow on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer passes through at least one intermediary).

Logistic function

This is an enlarged group of operations, but aimed at realizing the goals of the logistics system, with the values ​​of the indicators being its output variables. The logistics functions include: procurement, supply, production, sales, distribution, transportation, warehousing, storage, inventory volume.

Material flow

These are products subjected to various logistics operations - transportation, warehousing, storage, loading and unloading. The material flow has dimensions in the form of volume, quantity, mass and is characterized by rhythm, determinism and intensity.

Information flow

This is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between it and the external environment, necessary for management and control. An information flow can exist in the form of a document flow or an electronic document and is characterized by direction, frequency, volume and speed of transmission. In logistics, there are horizontal, vertical, external, internal, input and output information flows.

Logistics costs

These are the costs of performing logistics operations (warehousing, transportation, collection, storage and transmission of data on orders, inventories, deliveries). In terms of their economic content, such costs partially coincide with the costs of production, transport, delivery of products, storage, costs of sending goods, packaging, etc.

Supply chain and service logistics

Based on the practice of production and economic activities of industrial enterprises and intermediary organizations, we can conclude that any company manufactures goods and at the same time provides various types of services. In this regard, a two-part definition of logistics has been adopted, reflecting two main types of its activities - supply chain logistics and service logistics.

Supply chain logistics. This is a traditional process that reflects the organization of accumulation (warehousing, storage, inventory formation) and distribution (transportation, distribution channels, sales networks) of industrial and consumer goods.

It is the main organizational element in the production process and in the organization of product distribution. The classic supply chain can be represented as follows: source of primary material resources (raw materials) - transportation (loading and unloading) - production of products (industrial enterprises) - transportation (loading and unloading) - warehousing (storage) - sellers (distribution centers) - final consumers (organizations and individuals).

Service logistics. This is the process of coordinating the intangible activities necessary to implement the service. Its effectiveness is determined by the level of satisfaction of customer requirements and costs.

Service logistics is a decisive factor in the activities of organizations providing various types of services. A service infrastructure must be established to coordinate and meet customer requirements. In manufacturing industries, service logistics is a relatively insignificant factor that has a limited impact on profits and competitiveness.

Comparative characteristics of supply chain logistics and service logistics

Supply Chain Logistics Service logistics
Sales Forecasting Service Forecasting
Determination of sources of raw materials and materials Establishing potential clients and partners
Planning and organization of production Organization of work of personnel and equipment
Delivery of materials Collection of information
Inventory Management Data processing
Storage of raw materials and materials Training
Processing orders from various consumers Determining the requirements of potential clients
Choosing a rational distribution system Formation of a network of service channels
Warehousing of goods Data storage
Distribution control Communication control
Carrying out transportation Planning and time management
Formation of acceptable product prices Formation of acceptable cost of services

The main thing that distinguishes services from material goods is that the service itself does not exist. Material resources in the form of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products can be consumed or remain inactive. The service needs an object as a source of work. This could be a person or a technical device. Services do not have technical characteristics, they are intangible, and their quality is assessed based on the results of the work performed.

At the same time, services are classified according to several criteria: source of work - using technical means (various types of repairs) and the absence of tools (for example, consultations); relationship with the consumer - mandatory presence (for example, medical care) or absence (for example, repairs); type of consumer - organizations or individual consumers.

Distribution levels

Before considering global systems, let us dwell on the levels (positions) of distribution in logistics (using the example of consumer goods). These are suppliers of primary material resources (raw materials), manufacturers of semi-finished products, final finished products, information centers, logistics platforms (warehouses), wholesalers or retailers, and final individual consumers. Let's look at each level (position) in more detail.

Suppliers supply various types of raw materials (mineral, artificial, agricultural), fuel and energy resources, a certain range of basic and auxiliary materials, i.e. processed or partially processed raw materials.

Manufacturers of semi-finished products produce basic and auxiliary materials, forgings, stampings, castings, and components. Manufacturers of the final finished product carry out the production, including assembly, of goods for industrial or consumer purposes.

The clearinghouse is the only level in distribution where there is no physical movement of resources and products. Here, customer orders for goods are processed and paperwork is carried out, reference information is collected, regulatory data regulating logistics processes is monitored, operational information on the movement of products in the distribution system is analyzed and, on the basis of this, product distribution processes are adjusted.

Logistics platforms are divided into intermediate (sorting), transport and warehouses at points of sale of goods. Wholesalers or retailers sell products through a network of stores. The final individual consumer purchases finished products for home, family or personal consumption.

Global systems

American system

The basis of the American system is the “resources-production” relationship. The individual consumer's opinion about the product (quantity, quality, design, reasonable price) is determined by the manufacturer of the finished product. It collects data by mail, telephone, questionnaires and observation at points of sale. The information and production supply chain looks like this: individual consumer - manufacturer of the finished product - manufacturer of semi-finished products - supplier of raw materials (feedback in the logistics chain). Next, there is a direct production connection: from the supplier of raw materials to the individual consumer.

The advantage of the American system is that an effective balance is achieved when the number of goods produced coincides with the number of potential consumers - supply and demand coincide. Another advantage is that the option of storing large stocks of finished products and, accordingly, stocks of intermediate products - semi-finished products and primary material resources - is excluded.

The disadvantage is that the manufacturer’s forecast, despite the marketing research potential consumers may not be justified, since due to certain circumstances (changes in fashion, increased competition) the opinion of the individual consumer may change. Then the supply-demand balance is disrupted, and the goods produced may not find a consumer.

European system

The basis of the European system is reserves. Here, the merchant finds out the opinion of individual consumers about the product. Otherwise, the production procedure and information-production connections (both direct and reverse) are identical to the American system (the initial position of the reverse logistics connection, instead of the manufacturer of the finished product, is the wholesaler and retailer).

The advantage of the European system is that it allows an individual consumer to purchase the necessary product (from the selection offered) in almost unlimited quantities, since the system is built on stocks of finished products in a wide range of each type produced.

The disadvantage of the European system is the presence of significant stocks of products, which leads to costs for their storage (preservation and re-preservation, maintaining a strict regime of specified temperature values, compliance with humidity standards, various types of preventive work), and therefore additional warehouse costs. In this regard, it should be noted that experts have long come to the conclusion that freezing financial resources in material and technical resources is unprofitable.

To meet the various needs of intermediate and final consumers of products, the American system provides for the production of goods based on predicted demand. The European system is based on providing the consumer with a certain choice of products in the presence of significant stored volumes.

Japanese system

The Japanese system is fundamentally different from the American and European ones both in its approach to the problem of production and in its implementation. Its basis is the order. Neither the manufacturer nor the seller finds out the end consumer's opinion about the product. Thus, there is no “manufacturer-seller” relationship here. The end consumer himself appears at the seller, and the order for the product comes from him. In this case, the seller must satisfy the buyer's requests by providing him with exactly the product he requested.

It is noteworthy that in the Japanese system, the information and production chain of logistics “final consumer - supplier of raw materials” is completely opposite: “supplier of raw materials - final consumer”. Her distinctive feature is that the manufacturer of the final finished product is constantly in a state of waiting for an order from the consumer. The system does not have a production forecast, and the manufacturer of the finished product is based on the opinion of the end consumer expressed in the order.

The advantage of the Japanese logistics system is maximum flexibility both when ordering a finished product and when ordering semi-finished products and primary material resources. The end consumer does not select a product from the proposed range, but orders an individual product in accordance with his taste and requirements.

The disadvantage of the Japanese system is that the manufacturer is constantly waiting for an order for the manufacture of a specific product and, having received it, begins to fulfill it, which takes some time. If in the USA and Europe the end consumer does not expect a product, but quickly purchases it (though not always the one that is required by the individual buyer), then in Japan he expects an order, and, moreover, additionally pays for the urgency of execution. Nevertheless, Western experts believe that the future of logistics lies in the Japanese system.

Main goals

Goods distribution is complicated by the choice of vehicles. Sea vessels of significant displacement, road, rail, aviation, and pipeline transport are used. The choice of options for warehousing and storing material and technical resources in ports, at regional bases and points of sale, systems for distributing goods to small stores, organizing sales, managing product distribution, the ratio of optimal stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, finished products and spare parts depends on the transport used. parts in warehouses of various levels. All this poses certain challenges for commodity producers and transport companies.

Ultimately, all operations for transportation, warehousing and storage of products and raw materials should be reduced from a logistics perspective to minimizing costs at each of these stages. Minimizing costs involves taking into account the entire complex of information flows (regulatory, reference, operational and analytical data) that ensure the solution of specific problems with the help of computerization.

Infrastructure in the economic sphere, which is developing at a fairly significant pace, in turn gives rise to new tasks and problems that require solutions at minimal costs at all levels of product distribution. Therefore, a whole scientific direction of logistics has emerged, including macrologistics (optimization of product distribution on the scale of regional, international and other markets) and micrologistics (organization of product distribution at a separate enterprise).

Logistics in this sense is considered as mathematical logic, which has a number of applied areas that implement tasks in certain areas of economics, technology, management and marketing.

Logistics, developing minimization and optimization methods in each link of the overall chain, forms specific provisions, programs and standards for production, transportation, shipment, warehousing and storage, distribution. These developments are prepared for each distribution system: manufacturing enterprise, intermediary, enterprise providing various types of services, for retail and wholesale trade.

We can say that logistics currently acts both as a science and as a practice, covering all areas of activity in production, distribution, distribution and consumption of products. The main goal Logistics is the uninterrupted provision of the growing needs of the population at minimal cost.

Industrial enterprises that produce goods for industrial and consumer purposes, and enterprises that provide service services, as a rule, solve the following main tasks in the field of logistics that support their business: forming a goal (goals); planning and forecasting; formation of capacities and reserves; accepting orders and responsibility for its implementation; operation of equipment and inventory turnover, optimal use of the distribution network to comply with the law.

Successful management of logistics in an enterprise requires careful coordination of the movement and storage of material resources, interest in the development and industrial packaging of materials. These two areas deserve special attention. Processing of material resources prior to warehousing and storage operations requires not only special equipment, but also significant financial costs. For example, deep freezing of food and special storage conditions are associated with high energy costs. Accordingly, strategic reserves of material and technical resources are needed, the shelf life of which is calculated in years, and funds for their preservation and conservation.

Industrial packaging of materials, as well as their processing, also requires significant material (packaging materials), technical (special equipment), labor and financial costs. In addition, the type and type of packaging (containers, refrigerators) have a significant impact on further transportation and warehousing operations, loading and unloading operations. Depending on the type of packaging, the area and height of warehouse space, as well as storage equipment, etc. are maximized.



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