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Staging a wedding dance yourself: tips and video lessons. Staging a wedding dance: practical advice from professionals Beautiful movements for a wedding dance

The wedding dance is undoubtedly the sole work of the newlyweds. If you don’t have to worry about the host and photographer, they know their job, then what the first dance of the spouses will be depends only on the newlyweds themselves. After all, the dance of young people is practically the face of their family , the story of your love, told without a single word. So they present their first family dance.

To make your dance number a real highlight of the evening, you need to use some tips:

Rehearse! A wedding dance can be simple or complex in staging, but it must be prepared! Only then will your dance become a beautiful beginning family life and will be remembered by the guests. And you, in turn, will receive great pleasure from the performance.

You can start preparing your wedding dance 2 weeks in advance if the couple has dance experience. If there is no dance practice, then it will take 1.5-2 months to present your skills to all guests. This way the dance will be perfectly thought out, and you will be sure that you will not remember all the movements. If the dance does not contain complex lifts and acrobatic sketches, then 1 month is enough for preparation.

Even if you decide to prepare the dance yourself/using a video from the Internet, take at least 1 lesson with a choreographer. A professional will tell you the nuances of performing a wedding dance and the correct movements. Believe me, the choreographer will always have something to suggest to you.

Keep your distance correctly. During rehearsals, it is advisable for the bride to wear the petticoat of her wedding dress. There should be some space between the bride and groom
space, straight arms, all this will help the bride more accurately transmit her movements to the groom’s movements.

The back should be straight. With a straight back and head held high, no one will notice a missed step or a lack of rhythm.

It is advisable to rehearse the dance in the shoes that the bride will be wearing. She will need to get used to them in dance. Just make sure the shoes are beautiful. Don’t think that no one will see them, they will see them! The bride's shoes are especially visible during twirls, turns, and lifts. Just imagine what it might look like: a crazy beautiful dress, and worn ballet shoes underneath.

Come up with 1-2 wow moves. This can be a beautiful turn or a spectacular support.

The wedding dance should be no longer than 2 minutes. If the chosen song is too long, shorten it at a certain point or ask the DJ to turn it off when the dance is over.

Don't keep repeating the same dance moves.

If the size of the room is small, then you won’t be able to waltz around it properly. In this case, it is more appropriate to come up with more compact movements without fast movements.

Be sure to consider the location of the tables on the site where the celebration will take place. This is necessary so as not to offend any of the guests. It is advisable to rehearse a couple of times in the restaurant hall to get a feel for the dimensions of the room.

Film your prepared dance and look at yourself from the outside! The video will immediately show what you are doing wrong and which movements are best replaced or should be completely removed from your dance.

Be sure to take the time to rehearse your dance on your wedding day. For example, this is convenient to do during a photo-video session: you will “feel” how it is to dance in a wedding dress, what is comfortable/not comfortable; Is it comfortable for the groom to dance in a jacket, or should he take it off; It is imperative to perform all the lifts in your wedding attire in order to avoid any unpleasant moments when performing dances at the evening.

The cherished moment has arrived! You are dancing and realize that you have forgotten the movements due to excitement! In this case, the main thing is not to stop! No one else knows the dance except you, the guests won’t even notice that something went wrong, so keep a smile on your face and improvise!

To make the dance memorable and liked by the guests, use some accents (crackers, confetti, fireworks, fireworks, heavy smoke). It’s so great when newlyweds dance and then suddenly find themselves in a fairy-tale setting. The space is filled with silver confetti. And this is delight and an explosion of emotions! You can also use smoke, soap bubbles or the play of light rays.

One of the most touching moments at a wedding is the first dance together of the newlyweds, cementing them as legal spouses. Staging a wedding dance is a popular service, and many turn to professional studios, but even those couples who are far from choreographic art, can learn simple moves without the help of teachers, impressing the guests at the celebration.

This is enough difficult task, therefore, you will need to be patient with yourself and your partner, and success can only be achieved with inexhaustible diligence and positive attitude.

Tradition of the newlyweds' number

Any wedding is made up of modern canons and rules that have survived to our times in their original or modified form. The first dance of the newlyweds is also a long-standing tradition, which has been found in various interpretations since the times of the ancient world.

Among the Slavs, for example, newlyweds danced within a common round dance, and the first prototypes of the modern wedding waltz arose during the reign of Peter I.

It was the beautifully choreographed wedding dance of the newlyweds during the grand balls that opened the gala evening. Initially, it was a classic waltz, but gradually new variations began to emerge, and now the bride and groom can choose any direction they like.

To some extent, during this stage of the wedding banquet, the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for their presence at the celebration and warm wishes. However the main role The first wedding dance number is an expression of the spouses’ love for each other without words, only with movements and emotions. This is a touching and romantic moment that tells the story of a couple from the moment they met until the wedding.

How to prepare a speech yourself

Previously, the dance at weddings was classical - the newlyweds danced the waltz, without trying to surprise their guests with complex movements. Nowadays, many people want to make their celebration original, so extraordinary solutions are becoming more and more common. You can make a choice in favor of one dance style or another based on the following points.

A beautifully choreographed wedding dance consists of many nuances. Special attention You need to pay attention to the physical characteristics of the bride and groom. In particular, you need to pay attention to the difference in height. Ideally, professional partners are selected in such a way that the man is no more than 15 cm taller than the woman, and both are in good physical shape.

The bride and groom rarely meet these standards, so they have to come up with tricks. Depending on all these factors, the production is chosen. The first wedding dance should look beautiful.


The classic first dance of newlyweds is still the waltz.. Staging the first wedding dance when choosing a waltz is possible with a little preparation. It can be performed by any couple who have never even thought about choreography before. There are several varieties of waltz, but for a wedding banquet one of three is usually chosen - figure, Viennese and Boston.

How to choreograph a simple wedding dance? The first version of the waltz is suitable for this. The newlyweds will need to learn simple but beautiful movements, resulting in an attractive dance without noticeable mistakes. Also, a figure waltz is suitable if you plan to stage a wedding dance yourself.

Wedding planner

The newlyweds' first dance carries symbolic meaning. Not only do they declare their love for each other in front of close friends and family who witness their wedding vows, but they also chart the course of their later life. It is believed that no matter how well the newlyweds dance, such an atmosphere will reign in their family.

Elena Sokolova


If a man is much taller than a woman, then the dance elements will look harmonious when the partner moves down while the partner remains standing straight. If the bride is taller than the groom, or they are about the same height, then you can use supports in which the girl leans away and the boy stands straight. If rotation of the partner is planned, then it is advisable for the partner to take her in his arms sideways. Lifts and complex techniques are abandoned if the bride has a thicker physique than the groom.

Maria Stoyanova

The Viennese waltz is chosen by those who have done at least a little choreography, even in childhood, because it requires endurance, flexibility and plasticity. Boston is a slow version of the waltz, which is suitable for reserved and romantic people.

For expressive individuals who ordinary life never sit still, passionate Latin American dances will do. In this case, you can choose from the following options.

Another popular wedding dance is the tango, which has different variations - a strict ballroom style, a passionate Argentinean performance, or a Finnish dance that is unusual in its movements. For future newlyweds, staging a tango wedding dance will require more preparation than a waltz, but with the right attitude and diligence, the dance will turn out spectacular and sensual.

For a couple who wants to emphasize tender and warm feelings in their relationship, a foxtrot may be suitable. This is a romantic and elegant dance, characterized by lightness and elegance, softness, grace and freedom of movement, smoothness and agility. Only after repeated training will the bride and groom be able to make the foxtrot the way it was originally intended.

For a celebration in retro, disco or dude style, you can learn one of the dances that were popular in the last century. It can be energetic boogie-woogie, daring rock and roll, crazy Charleston, etc. Future newlyweds can even learn dances from their favorite films of the last century, including black and white ones.

Popular in Lately The solution is a dance mix, which combines several different dances performed to the appropriate music. For example, first the newlyweds dance a classic waltz, then the composition changes, and they pick each other up in an energetic cha-cha-cha, and then perform a sensual tango.

Basic movements

Is it possible to stage a wedding dance at home? Without a professional choreographer, it is difficult for the bride and groom to learn a wedding dance, so to make it easier, you can start with individual basic movements, which will then form a single picture. For example, the basic movement in a waltz is a counterclockwise rotation in a square. On each side of the square there is one large step of both partners and two small ones, while all movements are performed with an even count.

Another simple movement looks like this: the man, continuing to hold his partner with one hand, puts the other behind his back, and at that moment the girl takes the hem of a fluffy dress in her freed hand. About the features of dancing in a dress with a train. Then the partners take a step towards each other with their right foot and raise their arms up, and then separate initial position, starting with the left foot.

The main movement in is a kind of walk. The man holds his partner's hand with one hand and hugs his waist with the other. Then she takes two steps forward with her left foot, and the girl, respectively, takes two steps back with her right. In this case, the second step is not closed, but one leg remains behind the level of the body, followed by two swings back and forth.

Then the man takes one step back, the second to the side and closes the last step, and the woman follows him in the same movements. This is a basic figure, which is then repeated an unlimited number of times.

Useful videos: examples

How to choreograph a wedding dance yourself? For those who have never done choreography, it is difficult and almost impossible to come up with movements for a wedding dance on their own. You can look for a tutorial on staging a wedding dance. But to avoid difficulties, you can use ready-made solutions from those newlyweds who have already passed this difficult stage.

One of the very successful examples can be seen in the following video: staging a tango wedding dance. The bride and groom organized own wedding in the style of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so the girl is wearing a tight-fitting black dress with a long slit. The couple dances to Jazmine Sullivan's popular tune "Bust Your Windows."

If the future newlyweds have enough free time before the wedding, then they can learn the classic waltz with lifts that will make it more elegant and interesting. In the video, the couple dances just such a dance to the song “Blind” by the band Hurts, and the surroundings are artificial smoke and imitation snowfall.

Not only classical movements, but also examples from famous films. The next video shows the most beautiful wedding dance, best production similar mix: the newlyweds first dance a classic waltz to the music of Evgeniy Dog from the film “My affectionate and gentle beast", then make a link with a lasso movement and perform various dances to popular music, for example, from the film " Pulp Fiction"to the song "You never can tell" by Chuck Berry, from the movie "The Mask" to the song "Hey Pachuco" by the Royal Crown Revue, etc.

When preparing a wedding dance, the bride and groom must give each other good motivation, otherwise even a small disagreement can lead to a quarrel and abandonment of further rehearsals. In addition, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Room. The first dance of the newlyweds should be staged after the location of the celebration has been determined. When choosing certain movements, you need to take into account the size of the banquet hall, the arrangement of tables and chairs, floor covering and ceiling height. When staging a wedding dance at home, you should also take these points into account.
  2. Cloth and shoes. This is easier for the groom, since the suits and shoes feel little different from each other, but the bride is less fortunate. If she has not yet managed to purchase a dress and shoes, but rehearsals have already begun, it is recommended to choose an outfit in which it will be comfortable to dance. It’s better to first buy a dress and shoes and only then choose a dance.
  3. Duration of the dance. Even if the bride and groom have perfect, polished movements, you should not drag out the first dance for more than 2-3 minutes. After this, the guests will begin to get distracted and will be impatiently waiting for the newlyweds to finish.
  4. All movements must be consistent with changes in the composition. A change in the motive or the end of the performer’s phrase indicates that it is desirable to change the dance figure.
  5. Singing along. Some couples prefer to imitate singing while dancing, but from the outside it looks ridiculous. The meaning of dance is to express emotions without words, with just movements.

It is best to start rehearsals 2 months before the wedding, and you can train 1-2 times a week. Once the full picture begins to emerge, it is recommended to record the rehearsals on video, so that you can then sort out the mistakes and determine what looks good and what needs to be worked on.

Shoes and clothes should be selected as similar as possible to wedding clothes. For the first time, you can lay out whatman paper with colored traces on the floor to understand what the steps should be. Gradually, the Whatman paper is removed, and the couple can only hone their movements.

The first dance of the newlyweds is awaited by all guests at the wedding, although it does not last long. Usually this stage is planned for the final part of the evening, so it once again demonstrates the love and tenderness that reigns between the newlyweds. Without the help of professional choreographers, it is difficult for beginners to choreograph a dance, but by working together, the bride and groom are capable of much.

The first dance of the newlyweds is always a touching and delightful spectacle, shrouded in a flair of romance and tenderness. sounding melody. The newlyweds begin preparing a unique gift for themselves, as well as for the guests of the holiday, long before the planned wedding date.

Every couple in love wants the celebration to be flawless, perfect and leave warm memories of a wonderful day in the memory of all those present. Therefore, staging a wedding dance is not an easy task, but multi-day rehearsals will help not spoil the holiday and make the performance at the highest level.

Basic moments

Wedding customs undergo some changes over time and under the influence of various newfangled trends.

Just a dozen years ago, the bride and groom did not even think about what dance would be the first at their holiday, what poses should be taken during its performance, etc. As a rule, the toastmaster called a couple in love to the center of the hall so that they could trample a few minutes to a slow romantic composition.

This is what was called the first wedding dance of the newlyweds, after which the music and entertainment program was declared open and the main wedding revelry began. Today, not a single wedding scenario is complete without a spectacular dance performance performed by the newlyweds.

Everything looks very beautiful, all movements are honed, verified and flawless. It is incredibly difficult to bring any dance to life, performing all the steps perfectly and learning them on your own. But if you know all the pitfalls inherent in home training, you can achieve excellent results. The dance is selected according to the main concept of the celebration. Incendiary dances in Latin or disco style look completely inappropriate at a classic wedding.

It would be correct to decide in advance on the musical direction of the newlyweds’ first dance - this way the holiday program will have a more organic look, without blunders and annoying absurdities.

When deciding to stage a wedding dance at home, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • It is better to choose a dance that will be easy to perform for both the bride and the groom. For example, the Viennese waltz - its movements can be learned exactly by rehearsing a couple of hours a week a month before the appointed date;
  • again, when deciding on the dance style, you should take into account the size of the room rented for festive event. Small halls are completely unsuitable for dances such as tango or waltz;
  • be patient with your partner’s dance failures, helping them master difficult elements over and over again, encouraging and supporting them. Otherwise, ridicule and dissatisfaction will discourage everyone from continuing to rehearse, which will jeopardize the whole idea.

In fact, when rehearsing a dance at home on your own, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to calculate all the details of your future performance in public. Many difficulties may arise, but no one said it would be easy.

What you should pay close attention to in preparing the newlyweds’ dance:

  1. If you already know the location of the wedding reception, then check whether the floors there are slippery. This precaution will allow the young couple to avoid such troubles as falling while dancing and getting injured. No one wants to leave their own wedding in an ambulance, leaving the guests without the heroes of the occasion.
  2. A bride's festive dress with a voluminous, full skirt is sometimes not suitable for some dance styles. In this case, there are two options: choose a composition where the outfit will not be a hindrance, or prepare another, less cumbersome one, especially for the musical number.
  3. Another question concerns the shoes in which the newlyweds will dance. As for the spouse, everything is clear here - classic shoes are perfect for this purpose. The bride's beautiful, graceful high-heeled shoes can play with her cruel joke while dancing - be it a regular waltz or a catchy jig-jiga. A pair of shoes with comfortable and low heels will protect the newlyweds from at least a funny situation - falling, for example, and, at a maximum, from getting bruises, etc.

The couple’s attitude towards obtaining the desired result is very important. First rehearsals can be exhausting, both emotionally and physically.

Therefore, you need to be patient and strong in order to achieve your goal by the target date. Many couples who staged a wedding dance on their own, without inviting professionals, say that this is an excellent opportunity to test their feelings for strength and strengthen relationships in a difficult situation. It’s great if at least one of the partners has choreographic training and knows how to dance well.

This state of affairs will make the task much easier for the newlyweds. It will be possible to come up with simple, uncomplicated movements and combine them into an interesting, fun dance.

A well-structured rehearsal schedule will help achieve the desired result. Here are a few useful recommendations, how to properly distribute the future spouses’ energy and time to prepare a luxurious wedding dance:

  1. The intervals between rehearsals should not be more than 3 days. Class time is about 1.5-2 hours. Otherwise, the learned movements will quickly be forgotten and you will have to start all over again. If this rule is strictly followed, you can avoid negative emotions due to constant trampling in one place.
  2. If lovers have dancing skills, they can start rehearsing about 2 weeks before the planned wedding date. If there is no experience of this kind at all, then rehearsals are given from 1 to 2 months. In such a long period of time, it is quite possible to learn all the lifts of a passionate tango.
  3. It is better for both partners to rehearse in clothes that are close in cut and style to wedding dresses. Firstly, such a trick will help you get used to a rather narrow or, conversely, voluminous outfit and feel comfortable when performing a dance at a celebration. Secondly, if the bride’s dress has a long train, get used to holding it in your hands so that it does not interfere during the musical number.
  4. There are a huge number of videos on the Internet with detailed and extremely clear training master classes dedicated specifically to staging the first wedding dance at home. Thanks to this, you save money on the services of a professional choreographer and you can independently, at any convenient time, learn the rhythmic movements of the chosen dance.
  5. An excellent result in working on mistakes is obtained by analyzing the video of each rehearsal. At the beginning of the next lesson, reviewing the previous workout helps to identify all the shortcomings and mistakes. Thanks to this, every movement, every step is honed to an ideal, masterful execution.
  6. Don't make your speech too long. For the first wedding dance of the newlyweds, 2-3 minutes is enough. Longer musical number can cause dizziness, increased sweating and shortness of breath, which is not at all comme il faut when you are under close attention and should look 100%, and not look like a lathered horse.

The easiest thing would be to hire a choreographer and, under his strict guidance, learn to gracefully spin to the sounds of a gentle wedding waltz or fiery dance a sensual samba.

But achieving a goal on your own, without the help of others, can bring lovers closer together, while simultaneously checking how ready they are for the hardships and problems that await them in family life.

Are you ready for such tests in order to please yourself and your loved ones with a sparkling or, conversely, sensual performance of the first wedding dance? Where is it more comfortable to rehearse – at home or in a dance studio? What dance would be easiest for a young couple who has no choreography skills to prepare?

In this video you can see an option to stage a wedding dance yourself:

A wedding day is always exciting, filled with joyful emotions and vivid impressions. Therefore, it is not at all surprising if, during the wedding dance, one of the newlyweds may make a mistake by forgetting the sequence of movements. In this case, the main thing is not to stop and continue dancing, surrendering to the power of the music and following your partner. Looking into the happy eyes opposite, you can feel the wings behind your back and get incredible pleasure, enjoying every moment of life.

One of the most touching moments at a wedding is the first dance together of the newlyweds, cementing them as legal spouses. Staging a wedding dance is a popular service, and many turn to professional studios, but even those couples who are far from choreographic art can learn simple movements without the help of teachers, impressing guests at the celebration.

This is quite a difficult task, so you will need to be patient with yourself and your partner, and success can only be achieved with inexhaustible diligence and a positive attitude.

Tradition of the newlyweds' number

Any wedding is made up of modern canons and rules that have survived to our times in their original or modified form. The first dance of the newlyweds is also a long-standing tradition, which has been found in various interpretations since the times of the ancient world.

Among the Slavs, for example, newlyweds danced within a common round dance, and the first prototypes of the modern wedding waltz arose during the reign of Peter I.

It was the beautifully choreographed wedding dance of the newlyweds during the grand balls that opened the gala evening. Initially, it was a classic waltz, but gradually new variations began to emerge, and now the bride and groom can choose any direction they like.

To some extent, during this stage of the wedding banquet, the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for their presence at the celebration and warm wishes. However, the main role of the first wedding dance number is the expression of the spouses’ love for each other without words, only with movements and emotions. This is a touching and romantic moment that tells the story of a couple from the moment they met until the wedding.

How to prepare a speech yourself

Previously, the dance at weddings was classical - the newlyweds danced the waltz, without trying to surprise their guests with complex movements. Nowadays, many people want to make their celebration original, so extraordinary solutions are becoming more and more common. You can make a choice in favor of one dance style or another based on the following points.

A beautifully choreographed wedding dance consists of many nuances. Particular attention should be paid to the physical characteristics of the bride and groom. In particular, you need to pay attention to the difference in height. Ideally, professional partners are selected in such a way that the man is no more than 15 cm taller than the woman, and both are in good physical shape.

The bride and groom rarely meet these standards, so they have to come up with tricks. Depending on all these factors, the production is chosen. The first wedding dance should look beautiful.


The classic first dance of newlyweds is still the waltz.. Staging the first wedding dance when choosing a waltz is possible with a little preparation. It can be performed by any couple who have never even thought about choreography before. There are several varieties of waltz, but for a wedding banquet one of three is usually chosen - figure, Viennese and Boston.

How to choreograph a simple wedding dance? The first version of the waltz is suitable for this. The newlyweds will need to learn simple but beautiful movements, resulting in an attractive dance without noticeable mistakes. Also, a figure waltz is suitable if you plan to stage a wedding dance yourself.

Wedding planner

The newlyweds' first dance has a symbolic meaning. Not only do they declare their love for each other in front of close friends and family who witness their wedding vows, but they also chart the course of their future lives. It is believed that no matter how well the newlyweds dance, such an atmosphere will reign in their family.

Elena Sokolova


If a man is much taller than a woman, then the dance elements will look harmonious when the partner moves down while the partner remains standing straight. If the bride is taller than the groom, or they are about the same height, then you can use supports in which the girl leans away and the boy stands straight. If rotation of the partner is planned, then it is advisable for the partner to take her in his arms sideways. Lifts and complex techniques are abandoned if the bride has a thicker physique than the groom.

Maria Stoyanova

The Viennese waltz is chosen by those who have done at least a little choreography, even in childhood, because it requires endurance, flexibility and plasticity. Boston is a slow version of the waltz, which is suitable for reserved and romantic people.

For expressive individuals who never sit still in everyday life, passionate Latin American dances are suitable. In this case, you can choose from the following options.

Another popular wedding dance is the tango, which has different variations - a strict ballroom style, a passionate Argentinean performance, or a Finnish dance that is unusual in its movements. For future newlyweds, staging a tango wedding dance will require more preparation than a waltz, but with the right attitude and diligence, the dance will turn out spectacular and sensual.

For a couple who wants to emphasize tender and warm feelings in their relationship, a foxtrot may be suitable. This is a romantic and elegant dance, characterized by lightness and elegance, softness, grace and freedom of movement, smoothness and agility. Only after repeated training will the bride and groom be able to make the foxtrot the way it was originally intended.

For a celebration in retro, disco or dude style, you can learn one of the dances that were popular in the last century. It can be energetic boogie-woogie, daring rock and roll, crazy Charleston, etc. Future newlyweds can even learn dances from their favorite films of the last century, including black and white ones.

A popular solution lately is a dance mix, which combines several different dances performed to the appropriate music. For example, first the newlyweds dance a classic waltz, then the composition changes, and they pick each other up in an energetic cha-cha-cha, and then perform a sensual tango.

Basic movements

Is it possible to stage a wedding dance at home? Without a professional choreographer, it is difficult for the bride and groom to learn a wedding dance, so to make it easier, you can start with individual basic movements, which will then form a single picture. For example, the basic movement in a waltz is a counterclockwise rotation in a square. On each side of the square there is one large step of both partners and two small ones, while all movements are performed with an even count.

Another simple movement looks like this: the man, continuing to hold his partner with one hand, puts the other behind his back, and at that moment the girl takes the hem of a fluffy dress in her freed hand. About the features of dancing in a dress with a train. Then the partners take a step towards each other from the right foot and raise their arms up, and then disperse to the starting position, starting with the left foot.

The main movement in is a kind of walk. The man holds his partner's hand with one hand and hugs his waist with the other. Then she takes two steps forward with her left foot, and the girl, respectively, takes two steps back with her right. In this case, the second step is not closed, but one leg remains behind the level of the body, followed by two swings back and forth.

Then the man takes one step back, the second to the side and closes the last step, and the woman follows him in the same movements. This is a basic figure, which is then repeated an unlimited number of times.

Useful videos: examples

How to choreograph a wedding dance yourself? For those who have never done choreography, it is difficult and almost impossible to come up with movements for a wedding dance on their own. You can look for a tutorial on staging a wedding dance. But to avoid difficulties, you can use ready-made solutions from those newlyweds who have already passed this difficult stage.

One of the very successful examples can be seen in the following video: staging a tango wedding dance. The bride and groom organized their own wedding in the style of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so the girl is wearing a tight black dress with a long slit. The couple dances to Jazmine Sullivan's popular tune "Bust Your Windows."

If the future newlyweds have enough free time before the wedding, then they can learn the classic waltz with lifts that will make it more elegant and interesting. In the video, the couple dances just such a dance to the song “Blind” by the band Hurts, and the surroundings are artificial smoke and imitation snowfall.

Not only classical movements, but also examples from famous films will help you create a dance mix from several compositions. The next video shows the most beautiful wedding dance, the best production of such a mix: the newlyweds first dance a classic waltz to the music of Evgeniy Dog from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast”, then make a link with a lasso movement and perform various dances to popular music, for example, from the film “ Pulp Fiction" to the song "You never can tell" by Chuck Berry, from the movie "The Mask" to the song "Hey Pachuco" by the Royal Crown Revue, etc.

When preparing a wedding dance, the bride and groom must give each other good motivation, otherwise even a small disagreement can lead to a quarrel and abandonment of further rehearsals. In addition, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Room. The first dance of the newlyweds should be staged after the location of the celebration has been determined. When choosing certain movements, you need to take into account the size of the banquet hall, the arrangement of tables and chairs, floor covering and ceiling height. When staging a wedding dance at home, you should also take these points into account.
  2. Cloth and shoes. This is easier for the groom, since the suits and shoes feel little different from each other, but the bride is less fortunate. If she has not yet managed to purchase a dress and shoes, but rehearsals have already begun, it is recommended to choose an outfit in which it will be comfortable to dance. It’s better to first buy a dress and shoes and only then choose a dance.
  3. Duration of the dance. Even if the bride and groom have perfect, polished movements, you should not drag out the first dance for more than 2-3 minutes. After this, the guests will begin to get distracted and will be impatiently waiting for the newlyweds to finish.
  4. All movements must be consistent with changes in the composition. A change in the motive or the end of the performer’s phrase indicates that it is desirable to change the dance figure.
  5. Singing along. Some couples prefer to imitate singing while dancing, but from the outside it looks ridiculous. The meaning of dance is to express emotions without words, with just movements.

It is best to start rehearsals 2 months before the wedding, and you can train 1-2 times a week. Once the full picture begins to emerge, it is recommended to record the rehearsals on video, so that you can then sort out the mistakes and determine what looks good and what needs to be worked on.

Shoes and clothes should be selected as similar as possible to wedding clothes. For the first time, you can lay out whatman paper with colored traces on the floor to understand what the steps should be. Gradually, the Whatman paper is removed, and the couple can only hone their movements.

The first dance of the newlyweds is awaited by all guests at the wedding, although it does not last long. Usually this stage is planned for the final part of the evening, so it once again demonstrates the love and tenderness that reigns between the newlyweds. Without the help of professional choreographers, it is difficult for beginners to choreograph a dance, but by working together, the bride and groom are capable of much.

No matter how it is held, it is not complete without the first dance of the newlyweds. This moment can become touching to the point of tears or funny to the point of madness - it all depends on you. The bride and groom do not always have the time and additional funds to hire a dance instructor; they have to figure it out themselves. But if you can find time for regular rehearsals, such a dance can be a real highlight of the evening.

Which wedding dance to choose

The tradition of dancing the first dance of the newlyweds at a wedding came to us from ancient Rus'. Even then it was customary to dance in circles around the young, which was a ritual protective action. Nowadays, dancing is more of a cute custom, a way to show your feelings for each other. Let's look at the most popular wedding dances at the moment.

  • Waltz. A classic dear to the heart - the good old waltz. Incredibly romantic and noble dance. Music can be chosen easily, figures are easy to learn. Even if you make a slight mistake, no one will notice if you move to the beat of the music. Long dress brides are perfect for such a dance. You will feel like you are at a ball. It will not be difficult to prepare such a dance yourself.

Video 1. Waltz

  • Tango. The dance of passion requires sharper, more precise and complex movements. It will be more difficult to prepare it yourself than a waltz. You will need a good sense of rhythm and at least basic choreographic training. But your persistence and enough time will solve this problem.

Video 2. Tango

  • Slow foxtrot. This ballroom dance, beautiful, but more rhythmic than a waltz. The figures here are also simple, but due to the special rhythm and performance, it will be quite difficult without a dance teacher. But you will delight your guests with your graceful dance.

Video 3. Foxtrot

  • Latin American dances. Quite a bold choice for beginners who have little idea how to choreograph a wedding dance themselves. He always looks beautiful and bewitching. This passionate dance under fiery rhythms music, learn it yourself without having an excellent musical ear, very difficult. Your image must match. A long fluffy dress and a tuxedo are in no way suitable for such a dance and will even interfere with the performance.

Video 4. Cha-cha-cha

  • Dance mix. No one will blame you for the dance being choreographed incorrectly, because there are no rules in mixed dances. You simply select a few sections of songs and melodies that evoke pleasant emotions in you, and move to that rhythm. This dance is always original and does not require complex preparation.

Video 5. Mix

  • Stylized dances. A stylized wedding requires an appropriate dance. The ease of setting it up depends on the style of your wedding and your requirements. A dance in the style of “dudes” will be somewhat more difficult to choreograph than, for example, a dance in the Slavic style (it can be made complex or simplified, as you wish).

Video 6. Stylized dance

What song to choose for the first wedding dance

Choosing a song for your first wedding dance is an important decision. You can choose any tune that you both like, or find a song with meaning that was played during your first kiss, first date, etc. When deciding which song to dance the first wedding dance to, do not forget about the style of the dress and your choreographic skills, because the song sets the rhythm.

  • MAGIC! – Rude. A sweet but rhythmic song in which a guy asks his girlfriend's hand in marriage from her father and says that despite the refusal, he will still marry and be happy. You won’t be able to waltz to such a song, but it’s not difficult to move to it, and the music, although rhythmic, is not too fast for movements.
  • Joe Cocker - You are so beautiful. An incredibly beautiful, romantic slow song, the words of which do not need translation. You can simply move to this music as your heart tells you, and it will be beautiful.
  • Patrick Fiori & Julie Zenatti - Ces diamants La. Beautiful song from the musical "Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris" There is also a version in Russian, where the male part is performed by Anton Makarsky. If you like romance French, then choose the original. You can put a beautiful Viennese waltz to this song.
  • The Baseballs - Umbrella. Incredibly fiery and rhythmic cover of Rihanna's song. You can use this song for a whole dance or as part of a mix dance.
  • Disney -A whole new world. The song from the cartoon "Aladdin", tender and romantic, reflecting the feelings of two young people for each other, will be an excellent option for a slow first dance of the newlyweds.
  • Bryan Adams — Have you ever really loved. At the same time rhythmic and slow, the song is already a classic at weddings. Beautiful words“Have you ever truly loved a woman?” the performer’s beautiful voice and familiar melody will make the dance unforgettable.
  • Marc Anthony - I need you. You can dance to this song slowly, rhythmically, do various steps, or just move and enjoy the moment.

How to dance a wedding dance: taking into account the nuances

A wedding dance is not only the movements of two people, but also many various parts, which should not be forgotten.

  • Size of the dance floor. Before, how to come up with a wedding dance, go to a banquet hall and evaluate how much space you have to spread out. If there is little space, you should try to select figures without quickly moving around the room. The Viennese waltz, for example, involves moving in a circle. If there is not enough space, you may hit some of the guests.
  • Spectators. Consider where the guests, videographer and photographer will be during the dance. If the guests are on one side, your dance will be facing them, but it happens that the guests are sitting in a circle, then you need to make sure that you will not always have your back to someone, you need to turn around alternately.
  • Duration of the dance. It is advisable that the dance last no more than 3 minutes. This will make it easier for the young people too, not to come up with too many moves, and the guests won’t get tired. If the song you choose is too long, shorten it at the chosen point or simply ask the DJ to cut it off at the 3 minute mark.
  • Physiology of a couple. Not all couples have the ideal combination of height and body type. If you have special features, they need to be taken into account. For example, for a couple where the bride is much shorter than the groom, you can use figures where the groom bends or crouches slightly, and the bride remains standing. Supports can also be used, which should not be done for couples where the bride is slightly larger than the groom.
  • Wedding Dress. Not every dress style will be suitable for the chosen dance. During rehearsals, try to wear clothes that are as similar as possible to your wedding outfits. Then it will be easier for you to think through your movements.
  • Start choreographing your dance no later than 2 months in advance for your wedding. Rehearsals must be regular and last at least an hour. Then your dance will be well thought out, and you will be sure that you will not forget anything.

How to learn to dance a wedding dance

Self-preparation will give you the opportunity to choose your own movements and time for training. But this is also a big responsibility. If you don't know anything about choreography, don't take it on. complex figures. It's better to do something easier than fall during a wedding or get hurt at a rehearsal. Nobody expects acrobatic sketches from you; it is enough if you move harmoniously, beautifully and gracefully.

Watch dance videos and study video lessons. Even if you want to come up with everything yourself, you can take tips from there on how to decorate a wedding dance.

There are several rules for staging a beautiful wedding dance.

  • Almost any song is divided into verses, choruses and bridges (when the music just sounds). Verses and choruses are usually divided into several phrases, and each phrase must accompany a new movement. Don't keep repeating the same dance move.
  • Each song has accents (the fastest or loudest highlighted parts) and drawbacks (slower and quieter parts). They also need to be beaten. For example, an emphasis can be indicated by a sharp change in posture or a wave of the hands, and while inhaling, smoothly pose.
  • You can make a plan for the song: write down all the bars, phrases, accents and puffs, and then select the movements.
  • After several rehearsals, film yourself. The video will show you what you are doing wrong and what is better to replace or completely remove from your dance. It is very important to see yourself from the outside. Because those movements that you yourself saw on the Internet and which seemed beautiful and easy to you, may look different in your performance.
  • To avoid getting confused while learning the waltz, place whatman paper on the floor and draw steps on it. After a few repetitions, you will remember everything.
  • Try to bring your dance to such a state that during its performance you do not have to consult about movements. This will catch the eye of many guests.
  • Remember, it's your dance and don't worry. If you forgot or mixed up something, no one knows it except you, so don’t get confused and don’t show the whole gamut of emotions on your face.
  • While you are dancing together, everything is fine and clear, but when the moment comes for individual movements, the question arises of where to put your hands. To prevent them from flopping around and creating an awkward appearance, come up with a simple way to look decent. The bride can play with her dress or, and the groom can put his hands behind his back.


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