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So, let's begin!


(21 March - 19 April)
Strongest opponents
Aries should always be feared. They are stubborn and determined. But their main trump card is the ability to passionately kiss their partner. They are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time passionate and hot. Quite a strange combination in one bottle. Aries are the most passionate lovers. And it would be a shame not to recognize them in this role. They are stubborn, but this quality helps them reach the most inaccessible heights, because they know exactly where and why they are going in life. If you share this article, you will have 4 years of successful career growth.


(April 20 - May 20)
People who achieve any goals
Taurus do not like to waste time on fleeting romances. Long-term and serious relationships are important to them. They don't give up in the middle of something. It is fundamentally important for them to achieve their goal, be it the love part of life or a career. For them, nothing is impossible. They are great kissers, so their partner is always satisfied, both mentally and physically. If you share this article, then 2 years of happiness and fair winds await you.


(May 21 - June 20)
Two-faced lucky ones
These are the most worthy people. They are sociable and efficient. There are no limits to their fantasies and ideas. They always know the correct answer to the question posed. Sometimes their advice seems useless and stupid, but the hour comes when everyone understands that these very tips were the most rational grain in solving a specific problem. You can trust Geminis, they will never leave you in Hard time. Geminis can make a person fall in love with them just by looking at them. They are charming and cute. They need to be loved and accepted for who they are. If you share this article, 3 years of uninterrupted happiness await you.


(June 21 - July 22)
Universal favorites
The warmest and most homely sign of the Zodiac. They know how to love long and deeply. Their physical characteristics are always almost perfect, even if they do not correspond to social norms. They are charismatic and talented. The scale of their ability to work is off the charts. They can do anything, always. Moderately modest, and moderately licentious. If Cancer loves you, then you are the most happy man on the ground. You are in his thoughts and heart forever. If you share this article, then success and knowledge of new facets of your capabilities awaits you in 2017.


(23 July - 22 August)
Kings of the Universe
Leos more often than other signs live during the “white stripe” period. Everything comes easier to them than to other representatives of the “earthly fauna,” but during the “dark streak” they cannot stop in their sadness and self-criticism. They are the strongest and most passionate. Wise men and good advisers. They know how to live life to the fullest and will definitely make any event unforgettable. Beautiful lovers. If a Leo appears in your life, then do not give it to anyone. If you share this article, then 3 years of good luck and fortune await you.


(23 August - 22 September)
Loyal and Passionate
Few people on planet Earth can refuse them. They are hardworking, caring and reliable. Their loyalty knows no bounds. Virgos are excellent listeners, but at the right moment they are always ready to express their position. They have no equal in their ability to carry on a conversation. They do not forgive lies, so they do not give a second chance. If you are lucky enough to meet your Virgo, then hold on to her. She is your rear and your lifeline until the end of your life. If you share this article, love will become your constant companion.


(September 23 - October 22)
Balanced and happy
Libras are the brightest people on Earth. They cannot be forgotten. They live in their own world of desires and fantasies. But at a certain point they change their attitude towards people and become very demanding. You just need to get through this period. They keep pace with fashion, and with great mood. Optimism is their second self. Libras are reliable friends and faithful lovers. If you share this article, then 5 years of crazy sex and constant luck await you.


(October 23 - November 21)
Magnet for all signs
Scorpios can do the impossible. They are charming, but with a strong core. Their sense of humor is amazing, and their sexuality is off the charts. Scorpios love money, or rather big money. And money, in turn, has great sympathy for the representatives of this sign. Scorpios prefer long-term relationships, but sometimes they don’t disdain light flirting. If you share this article, then 2 years of huge cash receipts await you.


(November 22 - December 21)
Reliable singles
Sagittarians are reliable and loyal. They are passionate lovers and sexy loners. They make wonderful parents. But as partners they are complex. It's better not to quarrel with them. Sagittarians sometimes believe in miracles, so they allow themselves to fantasize. But she is extremely down to earth in matters of life. Sagittarius will stay home, raise a son and plant a tree. Everything is standard, but with some chic. They know how to give care, so these people should not be let go of your life. If you share this article, then in 2017 your loved ones will delight you with positive surprises.


(December 22 - January 19)
Passionate and rebellious
Capricorns will not stress, they will find those who will “stress” instead of them. They are smart and daring. We do not advise anyone to be their enemies, because their plans for revenge will always be unpredictable and ingenious. Capricorns are excellent conversationalists. They can carry on any conversation. Their physical characteristics are excellent. And on top of that, they are passionate lovers. If you share this article, then 2017 will give you a long-awaited meeting and long-term enjoyment of pleasant moments.


(January 20 - February 18)
Skillful lovers
Reliable and hardworking. They know their worth and are worthy of respect. They can reveal the most terrible secret and not be afraid that someone will find out about it from their lips. Aquarians know very well what they want in sex, which is why they are true dominants and skillful mentors. They are not obsessed with perfectionism, because for them order lives in creative chaos. They are always eager to fight. Into the fight for justice, honor and sex. If you share this article, you will experience success and cash flow in 2017.


(February 19-March 20)
Ideal partner
Pisces are open-minded if they have a loved one nearby, but in the presence of a stranger they behave extremely cautiously and always keep their ears and eyes on the alert. They are the most caring and attentive sign of the Zodiac. But you shouldn’t argue with them, because they are almost always right, and their intuitions are always at one with them. Pisces quickly become disappointed in their partners, because they see right through them. It’s hard not to notice them, because they have a great sense of humor and always well-groomed appearance. They are the main characters of any film. If you share this article, you will meet your soulmate within a year.

Aries men are confident in their Sexual Professionalism and therefore adore sex. They go crazy in bed, if you manage to get there, of course. Good news for you - Aries can do anything in bed - he still sees only himself and tries in the same right direction, but get ready to copulate with him in the elevator, bus and in the cinema. Look carefully into the eyes of your Aries friend - the person is already exhausted. Because of this, many older young ladies consider Aries a real paradise for the fair sex. If he doesn’t have enough sex, then he becomes vulgar and all his thoughts are occupied with only one thing: how to fuck someone. Aries' OWN OPINION on any (even unfamiliar) subject will be defended to the last. Even if he himself knows that he is wrong, he will argue and swear out of principle. Aries loser is a bore and a grumbler, someone you should stay away from. Among the advantages of Aries, we should mention recklessness, adventurism and love for dubious scams. One of the cute habits is to disappear for a while, and then suddenly appear at the most unfortunate moment, ringing the doorbell without warning, or on the phone, when everyone has been asleep for a long time.

Well-mannered Sheep are straightforward and unceremonious in close communication. They love to fuck, push men around and read romantic porn. In the morning, the Sheep can easily pretend that it was not she who screamed yesterday during orgasm and, it seems, you are strangers. If he falls in love, then only without memory. If a man is intellectually inferior to her, then most likely things will not come to bed because of Ovensha’s contempt for the stupid gentleman. In anger or resentment, she will do any stupid thing - including cheating with the first handsome guy she meets. He is capricious like a child, crying and stamping his feet. For the sake of good sex, a chaste Sheep will easily leave good man, but will tolerate the antics of some cretin if only he completely satisfies her. Confident in their unwritten beauty, Aries rarely overuse cosmetics. Expect violent sexual turmoil, jealousy, betrayal and showdowns, in general, you will not regret it. An affair with an Aries is an excellent exercise for strengthening your damaged psyche. Aries girls are liked by weak men because they themselves are very strong and can do without male support more easily than anyone else.

The Taurus man thinks to himself: “Unlike some, I can achieve everything anyway if I want. Why bother in vain?” A sense of humor is not valued by these slow-moving people, which is why they often become the butt of jokes from their many friends, which they deeply hate in their hearts. It's nice that Taurus are too lazy to get angry. Some bad habit (for example, breaking fingers or fiercely picking their ears) brightens up their long thoughts about how to save money. Taurus is a copycat. And he imitates those who have achieved more success, and purchased back in early childhood considers this point of view to be the only correct one. Forever. The ideal woman is his mother. The ideal of a family is his family. If a Taurus starts drinking or (if more advanced) taking drugs, then it’s not easy for him to stop. So they should stay away from everything good.
Idyll of Taurus: like a trophy seal, he lies on the sofa near the TV, leisurely chewing or sipping, thoughtfully fiddling with his hair.

Contacted by a polygamous Taurus Woman? You are terribly lucky and the boredom will end! Her feigned calm will soon turn into a scene with dishes being smashed against yours. beautiful head. They themselves are then scared to what extent they become brutal. If you screw up, it won't be easy to beg her forgiveness. Between us, Taurus women, just like all of us, are no strangers to intrusive thoughts about sex (they are bored with one man), which they clumsily cover up with banal romantic tales. In moments free from scandals and worries, they like to gossip. In other words, if you would like to have strong family and a bunch of children, look for a huge Taurus Woman and get ready for happiness. Try to underfeed her a little and not give her everything so that she doesn’t lose interest in sex and life.
You will have a good time together.

Always clean and tidy, Geminis are the leaders among perverts and informals because of their desire to try EVERYTHING. They masterfully torment their loved ones and friends in fits of bad mood. They tend to be constantly absorbed in some (and always different) Idea. In addition, Geminis are great philosophers and their own thoughts usually lead them into a dead end. Geminis must deceive and be deceived. If they know what it is, then they suffer from claustrophobia to a greater or lesser extent.

Geminis always hang out from place to place, changing friends, professions, despising schedules. They love to fool people, stir things up and make fun of people. Conceit is at the highest level, although they can list their shortcomings for hours. Don't try to win a verbal battle with them - they have a great tongue. Don't be offended by them bad jokes, it’s all a complete circus - in fact, envious Geminis think much worse about you. Like a true friend, Gemini will immediately call you when he needs your help or a car. Property slips through your fingers, the future with them is unreliable, but the present is funny. Beware if your partner is a Gemini: if he is not with you now, he is probably flirting with your girlfriend in the next room. After your Gemini boyfriend, men will seem a little fresh to you for a long time.

Although Geminis in their youth tend to fuck with anyone, they are generally considered cold. They fall in love easily, but love is not enough, it carries you somewhere past. It happens that they also become attached to people, if there is no one else. Their new ideas and eccentric antics will drive any greedy Capricorn or sleepy Taurus crazy. With them you could make all your vile sexual dreams come true, if only you could fulfill at least a quarter of their mercantile fantasies. Rarely telling the truth face to face, Geminis prefer to speak in half-hints if there is no way to simply lie. The loss of her boyfriend awakens Gemini's sportive interest in getting him back, and the disappearance of her favorite hairpin makes her hysterical. Spiritual intimacy and money are more important to her than sex, but she will willingly sleep with a man she likes (even if her husband or boyfriend is sleeping in the next room). Like any ideal life partner, Gemini prefers a career to housekeeping.

The decoration of the sign is hypocrisy and isolation. The mood changes depending on the Moon and the wind, mostly towards the worse. Their deep inner world and to this day remains a mystery to everyone, including, of course, the crayfish themselves.

Cancer is eloquent, lazy, but erotic. Favorite sexual fantasy is rape. Always with money, but at the same time whines. He considers women inferior, but prefers young ones. At the same time, he is interested in everyone else, without exception (except for the disabled and ugly), and at the same time he imagines a lot of things. Ask him about this on occasion... He tends to become attached to one, renegotiates it for a long time and then painfully experiences the breakup (sometimes even for a whole month). If he is contradicted, he may become furious and even briefly blush with anger. In anger one becomes a little unpleasant. No one will play you such an insulted “virtue” when in fact it is to blame, like Cancer. He gets entangled in three pines himself and at the same time confuses everyone around him. Typical Sissy- as mom said, so it will be.
In general, good luck, ladies (and gentlemen?).

There is nothing more boring and whiny than the gentle Cancer Woman. If you feel sorry for her, the snot will spread to her knees. Drinking psychiatrists are scratching their heads over her collection of complexes and prejudices. She is terrified of criticism, especially if they make fun of her at the same time. Just one hint of insufficient interest in her - and Rakinya is in the abyss of such depressions that neither Pisces nor Scorpios have ever dreamed of... However, do not think that this is a weak woman - she is not only vengeful and touchy, but also loves (and CAN) play on our weaknesses, dear ones! And she achieves considerable success in this matter... In sex, she is aroused by the role of an innocent girl who is possessed by a dissolute man. And also, don’t swear at her uselessly - in this case you can achieve something only with affection.

Leos love life, love to sleep, spend money and consider themselves unsurpassed, suffering in the pornography around them.
Leos are terribly proud of the fact that they are LIONS, and not some Pisces or anything else.

The arrogant Leo is too generous to remember insults or promises. After all, he is a true Man of the Word (since he speaks almost all the time), and he will definitely fulfill his promise, if he does not forget. Proud Leo does not like conflicts, but has a talent for getting into all sorts of troubles and stories. The worst thing Leo can do is bark, and his happiness is to play big in the casino. In bed he always tries to prove that he is the most tireless lover. Or maybe that’s how it is, the flattered, pretty girls think...

The vain and domineering Lioness has an enviable talent for inventing her own misfortunes. When her pride is hurt, she will not make any malicious plans, but will simply immediately express what she thinks about you and pout. The romantic Lioness often falls in love with men who don’t care about her at all. Having felt love from her partner, she can mercilessly abandon him... The Lioness modestly considers herself the center of the universe and her motto is simple - “You must come to me yourself.” She is very nervous about her appearance and would rather miss an important event than show up with a pimple. She is terrified of old age and reacts very painfully to every new microscopic wrinkle. Don’t even think about criticizing the Lioness!!! It will be worse for you... Do you want to please? Buy her some more expensive scrofula and tell her that she has the character (face) of an angel, that you don’t need anyone except her. Three or four days a week, the Lioness is “loaded” with depression, and the rest of the time she rightly considers herself a gift from fate for you, my friend

Give Virgos freedom to criticize!!!
Fact: some Virgos do not drink, believing that it is harmful to the liver.

They love to work though final goal work (and life) are vague, they love to read, immediately forgetting what they read. They don’t show their emotions, even if they have them, but when they are drunk, they will cry to you about their first love, who, naturally, was the strongest, the realest and most certainly unhappy, they will tell you fables from their lives, which they themselves seem to believe . It’s lucky that Virgos usually don’t become big bosses, because in their heads cash machine and they like to work exclusively to the point of exhaustion. Women, be careful: sweet-tongued Virgos know When and What you need to say, but don’t be fooled, these are just manifestations of gallantry towards the entire female sex in general. Things usually don’t go beyond words. According to experienced women, sometimes among Virgos there are technical lovers and the romanticism in sex with him will be no less than in masturbation. Virgos also like to pretend to be just friends if things don’t work out.

Among the stubborn and self-confident Virgos there are many unmarried ladies, since it is difficult for them to find a person who meets their highest standards. Their favorite answer is an objection. The desire for purity is enhanced by the constant readiness to criticize you for your own good. However, Virgos are capable of sharing the roof with slackers and losers, with whom not a single decent Gemini would even sit down at the table. (A constant object of criticism nearby?) Virgos have enough fantasy in sex for no more than three and a half poses, although they can be persuaded to do almost anything, thanks to the absence of complexes in this regard... Get to know a Virgo, at least to get to know yourself from the outside. And virgins are ready to fall in love with telegraph poles, while they themselves die of self-pity

When the decision is made, there is simply no one more decisive than Libra, but usually it’s still too late. The phrase “All life is a theater, all people are actors in it” is about them, playing their role even in all alone. It's easy to guess Libra by the dimples on their cheeks.

Libra men see through complex abstractions more easily than everyday life; they see all the shortcomings very well, but do not speak out loud about it. A woman who decides to make a scene for them may consider it won even before the start, due to the latter’s aversion to scandals... Even if they are right in the dispute, they will not prove it, but most likely retreat, preserving peace of mind. However, among women there is an opinion that Libra men are Hemorrhagic.

Since childhood, the Libra woman has been confident in her irresistibility and uniqueness.
“Why do I, so beautiful and smart, need these unpleasant responsibilities, it’s beneath my dignity!” - she thinks, absentmindedly doubting. A sexual lover gets on her nerves over time, kissing, she looks at the landscape and gets a little bored, but if in this moment there is no admirer - he is lost. Is she even interested in men, you ask? Yes. Interested. But mostly as admiring fans, spectators, or at worst listeners. When the proper applause is given on time, any ramblings of the roommate will be heard and sins forgiven. If it is inconvenient to introduce her man to acquaintances, then either he will have to find some kind of sluggish Pisces, or she will have to change her acquaintances. Moreover, she will also need to decide to hesitate. Don't give orders to Libra - it's useless. And don’t bother with questions - they are secretive and don’t really like to lie.

An interesting feature of Scorpios: what is considered a flaw in all people can be regarded as a great advantage and even be a source of pride.

The vindictive and narcissistic Scorpio struggles fiercely all his life, being active in sex until a very old age. Despising the snot of weaklings, he does not tolerate objections and excuses, actively showing his inappropriate enthusiasm. Never cries into his vest. Knowing everything in advance, he achieves success in any field, kicking the whiners and the insecure. Loyalty is an empty phrase, although he always takes care of his unhappy family. He doesn’t count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift. To the pleasant traits you can also add stubbornness and inability to take other people’s opinions into account. In the middle of life, Scorpio men usually noisily divorce their exhausted wives. Enemies, do not expect forgiveness!!! Only death or failure will save you from the Evil Uncle Scorp...

The insidious Scorpio is depraved, despises tight-fisted gentlemen, and is demanding in the bedroom - it is difficult for lazy males to comply. She doesn’t make small talk with a loser who left her unsatisfied. It's funny that in her heart Scorpio is absolutely sure that other women in terms of sex are ZERO compared to her. That's why she gets so mad if they cheat on her, unless, of course, she doesn't care. Scorpio hates lies, although she herself will lie to you like crazy. She will, without hesitation, take her boyfriend or husband away from her unwary friend. For any new identity reaction like: “Whose slave are you going to be?!” Scorpio's rage defies description - THIS is a must see, and if you like thrill, annoy me. Some even marry them, it’s unclear what they’re hoping for...

Sagittarians, fixated on work and career, are distinguished by an excellent barracks-like sense of humor and a medieval gallantry that is surprising in our time. Women praise passionate lovers Sagittarius for their sensitivity and ability to kindle fires big city in a local bed. They actively despise female jealousy and do not miss a single skirt - of any age, appearance and behavior. Sagittarians love to talk about high topics and adore black clothes. They rarely drink (they mostly drink), and in their old age they write memoirs that are fictitious from cover to cover. Among the Sagittarius men, I most often came across those who were puffy, sweaty, and with faces that were useless to shave and scary to hit.

The Shooter woman is a Casanova in a skirt, carefreely moving from one man to another. She is vain and considers herself a sexual gift to a man. Without being ashamed, she will tell her lover about his predecessors, and if she is disappointed in him, she will say so without hesitation... It’s funny that men, as a rule, cheat on them with terrible force. A Sagittarius woman is the dream of a romantic or a pervert, because she is the way a man sees her, if of course she wants him.

Despots and tyrants, and if something happens, they also “load” to the fullest.
Positive qualities: Will drive anyone crazy with their whining

The Capricorn man is ambitious and lustful. Petty, but boring. He rightly considers all women slutty and actively prefers anal sex... Confident that he knows life 100 times better, he tirelessly picks our brains, teaching us what and how to do. When the teachings dry up, he can philosophize for hours on a wide variety of topics. He will pleasantly amaze you with his redneckness. Capricorn believes that the main objective those around him - to complicate his already difficult life. If he is seriously offended by someone, this worthless little man will be deleted from the list forever. FOREVER. If you are lucky, you will definitely marry for convenience.

The complexed Capricorn is careful and outwardly keeps herself in control, but inside the fire of her passions rages. A suspicious, over-emotional person, a complete bundle of exposed nerves, constant mood swings. Once a week, a long, but very violent hysteria for release. She is not bored alone with herself, as she is constantly busy looking for problems where there are none. Either everything or nothing - this is the simple choice Capricorns present to us... They are deathly afraid of falling in love, looking forward to a real feeling, but they often make mistakes in their choice. "I have to be myself!" - the calculating and prim Madame Capricorn repeats to herself. After numerous love affairs, she finally gets married, but she will never be completely satisfied. At times you hate her and, under the fire of her benevolent criticism, you slowly go crazy... The only female sign that IS NOT SUPPLEMENTABLE AT ALL.

Nervous Aquarians of both sexes fall into childhood unnoticed until a very old age.

Freedom-loving Aquarians are shy from a sexual perspective and expect the woman to make the first move. They say that in bed they don’t know basic things, and they don’t really strive for the heights of erotic art, they sniffle and grunt a lot at random, believing that this is how it should be, so the young ladies have to strain and teach the incompetent Aquarius... Sexual fantasies - above the roof, but energy burns out in masturbation, and if you're lucky, then in simple masturbation. Always sad about something, love clothes more women... It’s interesting that Aquarius’ sense of humor dominates over everyone else’s, which helps them out in such an unfortunate situation. By the way, Aquarius only likes “gentle girls with a pure soul”...

The embezzler and hysterical Aquarius is angry, but easy-going, loves to seduce and fight back, humiliating a person. She hates it when strangers look at her as a sex object, although eroticism is present everywhere for her, even in the way she is given a coat. If you are with her for the first time today, it is unlikely that it will end in bed, however BEST FRIEND for a man (almost anyone) it simply DOES NOT Happen. If it’s really bad, she’ll give it and won’t even ask who you are or where you’re from.
Aquarius does not object to men's work and (if need forces it) can easily work as a carpenter or driver; she does not like cooking, and especially cooking. From her youth, she selects an impeccable companion, but gets married late, and the nationality, skin color or religion of her chosen one will surprise even Aquarius herself for many years. Of all his colorful (and expensive) wardrobe, he actively prefers jeans.

Eccentrics with a well-spoken tongue and a cynical sense of humor.
The decoration of the sign is “punctuality” and the ability to talk to oneself

Embittered men of this sign do not like those who poke their noses at them with advice. Due to the lack of strong convictions and secrecy, no one understands how they really relate to people and life (and do they relate at all?). Ordinary things (for example, tying shoelaces) seem to Pisces to be painful responsibilities... Before lifting a finger, they can plunge into long thoughts.
It is believed that nosy fish men are good gentlemen who know how to show a woman how beautiful she is.

Pisces women live in a world of illusions and incessant chatter, putting up with the constant feeling of being betrayed. They are gentle sexual partners, but almost always with a “skeleton in the closet.” Don’t lie to Pisces - they have crazy intuition. Others are an open book and Pisces have a great sense of humor about their problems. They are indifferent to alcohol, but still drink, although they are suspicious and always worry about their health.

Choose your sign

Do health and happiness depend on your birthday?

When it comes to the impact of a birthday on a person's health, career and family life, astrologers usually provide the answer. However, now doctors and psychologists have taken up this issue, writes Die Welt in an article, the translation of which is published by Inopressa.

Predisposition to excess weight, diabetes mellitus, diseases of cardio-vascular system or allergies seems to depend on month of birth. And even whether a person will be timid or brave, left-handed or right-handed, whether he will have many children, also depends on his birthday.

Back in the 1950s, the Austrian doctor Stuhr noticed that most of his patients with cancer were born in certain months. He analyzed data on nearly three thousand cancer deaths. The result confirmed his assumption: those born between May and August had a much lower risk of cancer. Later studies showed similar results.

People who were born in autumn always celebrate their birthday in the company of numerous friends and relatives. They reach the most advanced ages, found Gabriela Doblehammer-Reiter and James Vaupel from the Institute for Demographic Research. Max Planck in Rostock. They analyzed data from more than a million people who died between 1968 and 1998 in Austria, Denmark, the US and Australia and were over 50 years old at the time of their death.

In the southern hemisphere, everything is shifting: long-lived Australians are born mainly in the second quarter, from April to June, that is, the Australian autumn.

Having a birthday in the winter seems to increase the risk of certain diseases. Debbie Lawlor and Richard Mitchell from the Universities of Bristol and Edinburgh recently studied 4,286 women aged 60 to 79 who were born between 1919 and 1940 in 23 different UK cities. They found that women who were born in winter are more likely to experience high level cholesterol, decreased pulmonary function, and increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.

The risk of cardiovascular disease in women born during the coldest months of the year was approximately 24% higher.

The month in which a person is born affects other factors, such as growth and optimism. Thus, a study by the University of Vienna on more than 500 thousand conscripts showed that young people born in the spring are taller than those born at other times of the year.

Left-handers are more likely to be born between September and February, and children born in the spring are often extremely timid.

The lucky ones are born in the summer. This is evidenced by a study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire. As part of a survey in which 40 thousand people took part, a psychology professor examined the connection between month of birth and outlook on life. Born in summer, it seems, have grabbed the bird of happiness by the tail - at least they themselves think so. Their self-esteem was higher, their optimism was higher, and their outlook on life was more positive than that of people who were born in autumn and winter, the newspaper writes.

These studies have nothing to do with astrology. Scientists explain the reasons using scientific factors. Factors during pregnancy and the first months of life environment– climate, nutrition, infections, hormones – affect people differently.

Factors affecting a child during this phase have long-term effects on physical, mental and emotional development. Month of birth appears to influence likes and dislikes and may represent an independent risk factor for certain diseases or, conversely, increase resistance to other diseases.

However, there is no “optimal birth month”. Each of them has its pros and cons. Those people who know about them have the opportunity the best way take advantage of your chances and, by leading a certain lifestyle, counteract possible risks.

Despite the fact that we live in the age of computers and nanotechnology, where almost all phenomena can be explained from a scientific point of view, there is still room in the world for the unusual and mystical. From time immemorial, girls, women (and even some men!) have been going to fortune-tellers, telling fortunes about the future on Epiphany evening, studying the lines on their palms from books and, of course, believing in horoscopes. Which one is the most truthful? floral or the most famous - zodiac? Let's try to figure it out together!

Inflorescence of horoscopes

First, you need to clarify what a horoscope is and what it can be. Perhaps this will help identify the most true horoscope, and maybe it will completely confuse. So this is one of the methods astrological prediction most important events in life, as well as a unique description of character traits, which is based on calculating the location of the planets in relation to each other at the time of a person’s birth. Horoscopes are different:

  • zodiacal;
  • Zoroastrian;
  • floral;
  • Egyptian;
  • Slavic;
  • Druid;
  • mythical;
  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • Indian;
  • Tibetan;
  • lunar;
  • Celtic.

Astrologers - who are they?

People who draw up horoscopes are called astrologers. To draw up the basis of a horoscope - a natal chart - you need to know exact date and time of birth, as well as the latitude and longitude of the area where the person was born. In this case, the time must be indicated strictly in Greenwich Mean Time. Based on this data, a competent astrologer will create a complete “portrait” of you. In addition, it is possible to make an astrological forecast using special computer programs, but it will be very difficult for an ignorant person to understand the terms. Judge for yourself: below is an example of a natal chart.

As you can see, it contains an incomprehensible diagram with a lot of unknown icons. For an astrologer to decipher natal chart It’s as easy as it is for you to read this article.

treasure trove of information

So, we have decided that only a professional astrologer can calculate the most truthful horoscope. After all, in fact, it is not enough to know your own. Only by calculating which planets and where exactly were located in relation to each other, you can create the most truthful horoscope, which will show in detail the positive and negative traits of your character, the most important years of your life, and your inclinations towards a particular profession. Compiled in detail, it can even indicate how soon the marriage will take place, whether there is one marriage, whether you will have one child or more, whether you will be able to get rich and travel, and much more.

Star addiction

Many of us start our day with a cup of invigorating coffee and viewing a page on the Internet marked “True horoscope for today.” And then, completely unconsciously, they look for coincidences all day. Alas, not everyone receives a favorable forecast - and then especially impressionable people become so upset that they themselves attract troubles into their day, which were promised by an unknown astrologer. Want an example? Let's say the horoscope promised you a thrashing from your boss, a quarrel with your family and, in general, illness. You were impressed, took the prediction to heart and - time! - this thought does not come out of your head. You cannot concentrate on work, everything is literally falling out of your hands, your mood is at zero. The whole day goes by like this. Certainly! You read the truthful horoscope for today, so everything will be bad in any case!

As a result, the work is unfinished, the boss called in and expressed his dissatisfaction, you came home upset, took out your irritation on your loved one and quarreled, and then the temperature generally rose from your nerves... Who is to blame? Horoscope? Or maybe yourself? Is it really worth believing so unconditionally what is written? Or maybe the horoscope for tomorrow, whether it is true or not, is not worth reading at all, so as not to program yourself for imposed events?

Synastry of two hearts

When we fall in love, we want to know everything about our chosen one: from their favorite dish and childhood nickname to their Zodiac sign. The ubiquitous Internet is replete with horoscopes, and lovers, with bated breath, are looking for information about zodiac compatibility. And how sad it is if the horoscope predicts quarrels and conflicts! There is no need to take everything for granted at once, because each person was born under his own stars, and therefore he is unique. It is impossible to label everyone the same! Besides, our grandparents had never even heard of horoscopes, and their marriages were strong and long!

If you are still concerned about future or current relationships, contact an astrologer. He will make up the most truthful love horoscope Taking into account the data of the lovers, he will make a natal chart for each of you, and then overlay them on each other, compare the data and tell you what to expect from this relationship, what sharp edges there may be and how they can be smoothed out. By the way, the compatibility horoscope is called “synastry”.

In search of truth

And before every New Year celebration, a lot of star predictions appear on the Internet. next year from famous astrologers who have been doing this all their lives. But, as a rule, predictions contain a vague formulation that can be applied to absolutely each of us.

Which of the famous astrologers to believe is up to you. Let's start by comparing the facts. Remember how this year went for you, and then look for and read the horoscope for 2014. Is it true? Did a lot come true? If the answer is yes, then the astrologer is truly a professional, and his advice is worth listening to.

And remember: there is always room for a miracle in our lives. And also, rely on horoscopes, but don’t make mistakes yourself!

That the coming year? The horoscope states that 2017 will be rich in positive changes in various areas of life - happy and fateful meetings, for career breakthroughs, interesting projects and great discoveries. Astrological forecast 2017 is full of good news and joyful predictions.

2017 is a special year already because the element of fire will rule the roost for the second year in a row: and the Fiery Red Rooster will receive the keys to 2017 from the paws of its predecessor the Monkey, who is also Fiery and Red.

Year of four eclipses

The astrological forecast for 2017 promises: the year will not be boring. Fire symbols tend to constantly push forward, plunging, from time to time, into the flames of passions, scorching with the heat of temptations and desires.

Eclipses are rich in such tests. There will be four of them in 2017 - two lunar and two solar, which is the minimum value and, which is good, next year will not bring any special problems.

During the period of eclipses, a person needs to be careful, not to take rash risks and not to start important projects.

The first eclipse will be lunar, light, penumbral - on the night of February 11. It doesn’t promise anything special, so you can sleep it off peacefully.

The second eclipse - February 26, at 17:53 Moscow time - will require more attention to your person. The reason for this is Jupiter, which rules this solar eclipse, and the nuclear, warlike Pluto next door. At a minimum, it should not be prescribed important meetings on February 26th.

The third eclipse - lunar - will occur on August 7, at 21:20. He will be hard to see, which means no trouble is expected from him.

The fourth eclipse is a total solar eclipse on August 21. It will happen at 21:25, when it is already dark in Russia, and therefore it will not be visible in our country and its influence will be minimal.

What does the 2017 star map show?

The 2017 moon will be in freedom-loving Aquarius. But freedom-loving does not mean revolutionary. Rather, it symbolizes an intense thought process, free from stereotypes and prejudices. If you're just about to make a discovery, come up with a new business strategy, or write a brilliant screenplay, now is the time to get started.

Venus will also be in Aquarius in the year of the Rooster. But in combination with Venus, he behaves motionless. And this can only mean one thing – we are not in danger of default. Some instability is possible only in August and early September.

The Sun in 2017 is in extremely favorable aspects. This means that we can count, if not on world peace, then at least on reducing the degree of conflict. This applies not only to global affairs, but also to everyday situations.

Jupiter somewhat darkens the blissful picture of the stellar world due to its close proximity to Uranus, known for its unreliability. Spring 2017 (March-April) and autumn (October-November) can make you nervous: during this period someone will have to look for new job or change a lot in the old one. But if you meet the changes with enthusiasm, you will soon be able to happily state: everything is for the better!

Business and career

2017 is an unusually successful year in terms of professional self-realization. This applies equally to representatives of business and creative professions.

Many will think about and bring to life long-cherished plans - they will open their own business, write a book, expand their sphere of influence, learn foreign language, learn to drive a car.

A meteor shower of lucrative offers and tempting promises will fall in the second half of 2017. But its beginning is not suitable for new projects. This time should be devoted to finishing what was previously started. Finish your dissertation, finish cross-stitching the picture, hand over all the “tails” to the examiner. Jupiter, in retrograde until June 9, will support you.

Mercury will interfere with the implementation of new projects. He will begin his retrograde journey at the very beginning of the year, make a stop on January 8 and will not bother you until April 10. At this time, you need to grab onto the implementation of what you have planned for a long time.

Starting on August 3, the world will experience major discoveries and scientific projects. The most brilliant ideas and piercing insights will come in the second half of 2017. We have the retrograde motion of Uranus to thank for this intellectual spark.

Finance and money issues

The stars promise financial benefits in 2017, calling for investment abstinence in the first half of spring, while Venus is in retrograde motion. A favorable period for financial investments will begin in the second half of 2017.

Retrograde Mercury advises you to slow down your shopaholic fervor, especially when it comes to buying equipment - in the second half of spring, in August and December.

Love and feelings

In terms of feelings and emotions, the year will be interesting. New acquaintances can lead to changes in personal life. Their greatest likelihood is concentrated towards the end of 2017.

The love horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs promises a “honeymoon”, which will take place in August. This will be the most fruitful period on the love front, rich in flirting and tender affections. Love triangles are not included in this list.

Health and Wellness

You should not expect any special health problems this year. On the contrary, many will be able to say goodbye to chronic illnesses forever. 2017 is not the most suitable year for making drastic lifestyle changes, for example, going on a strict diet. All changes must be gradual and well prepared. But if you are determined to part with some bad habit or, radically reconsider your diet, then wait until the summer, until the second half of the year. In the winter and spring of 2017, motivation will be suppressed and the body's immune defense will be reduced.

In the second half of the year, the stars call for caution and respect for your health. Preventative procedures, rest and moderate physical exercise will become your friends during this period.

So, as we see, a bright, interesting and eventful year awaits us. Those who are ready for change, know how to take risks and make innovative decisions, will experience amazing success. For those who prefer to follow a well-trodden track, this year will surprise a lot, because changes will not keep you waiting anyway. But both of them, summing up the results of 2017, cannot argue: it was a good year. And when you meet, there will be something to thank the departing person for.

And remember: the Rooster teaches us not only to trust our intuition, but also that everything is in our hands, if we want it!



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