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Funny skits for high school students about school. Cool teacher's day scenario at school for high school students

Scenario for Teacher's Day

(The minus “Hello School” sounds to the tune of the song from the film “The Scarecrow-Meow”.Students exit primary classes.)

The morning begins, begins,
The children are waking up, waking up.
Put on your school uniform,
We all took our briefcases with us.
And with a cheerful smile
We flew to school.

I will learn to count and multiply.
And I will also learn to share,
Hello school!

The school is very cool, very great.
We learn a lot of new things, a lot of new things.
And we solved problems,
Essays were written
In English they spoke
They sang and taught poetry.

One, two, sun, three, four, five!
If you get five, you can play!
Lessons are over, I need to play.
Hello childhood

1st student.

Today at our school

Big and important holiday!

Vanya and Kolya became quiet

And Mishenka the prankster.

2nd student.

Smart and serious

Everyone in our class became.

For various questions

We answered together!

3rd student.

Didn't jump on desks

Didn't run around the classroom

They read clearly and distinctly.

Still would! It's a holiday at school!

4th student.

What day is it, tell me

So mysterious?!

1st student.

Not just anyone, but a teacher

Hero at the party!

2nd student.

For all of us, like mothers

And dads, some!

We'll become like you,

As soon as we grow up!

3rd student.

For knowledge about the world,

For the school bright world,

"Thank you" for your kindness

Today we are talking!

4th student.

Stay like that

Health and happiness to you!

And smile more often

To family, friends and us!

(High school students exit)

First high school student: Our dears!

Second high school student: Beloved!

Third high school student: Dear!

Fourth high school student: Honored ones!

Fifth high school student: Adored!

Enthusiastic high school student:(continues) Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, bungled...

First high school student:(interrupts, covering the Enthusiastic’s mouth with his hand) What are you talking about? (Strokes him on the head and explains to the audience)I was completely stunned, poor thing. He started talking.

The group of students continues:

First high school student:Our dear teachers!

Second high school student: We love you!

Third high school student: We respect you!

Fourth high school student: We honor!

First high school student: We love it!

Enthusiastic high school student:(continues with inspiration)We bow, admire, admire, wonder...

First high school student:(interrupting) Maybe stop being a sycophant?

Enthusiastic high school student:(persistently and stubbornly) No way!

Group of students (continue one by one)

First high school student:Yes! We understand how difficult it is for you!

Second high school student:With us, the unlucky ones!

Third high school student: Unassembled!

Fourth high school student: Impolite!

First high school student:Inattentive!

Enthusiastic high school student:(interrupts and continues alone)Lazy, loud, talkative, rabid...

First high school student:(indignantly) Well, I'm tired of it! (Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic)

Enthusiastic high school student:(continues to shout something incomprehensible with his mouth clamped shut)Po, ti, ka, lu, si... etc.(Classmates “calm down” an inflatable baton hanging from two comrades’ arms).

First high school student:(continues) We understand you, we sympathize with you from the bottom of our hearts and want to help you. We invite you to the store of amazing inventions “To help our dear teacher.”

The curtain opens. On the stage there are tables with objects laid out on them - experimental goods. Two students are sitting on chairs. They will participate in the experiment. There are two sellers at the tables with goods - active, cheerful, very kind.

First seller:(joyfully) And here is the first visitor! Please pass!

Teacher: (timid, nervous, unsure, glasses on the tip of her nose, which she adjusts all the time; she shudders at everything, constantly turns around in fear, fiddles with something in her hands, speaks quietly and politely)Hello. Excuse me, did I get to the store?

Second seller:(helpfully) Glad to serve! What do you want?

Teacher: I would like some... help...

First seller:(broad gesture towards objects)Please! Widest choice.

Teacher: (joyfully grabs the first thing that catches his eye - a broom) Maybe this?

Second seller:(tries to take the broom, they fight) Give it back! (dismissively)This is an outdated model...

Teacher: (pleadingly) What do you recommend? After all, there was no sweet spot with the guys.

First seller:(vigorously) Here! Especially for you: neat tweezers(shows) to pluck out loose tongues.

The teacher recoils.

Second seller: And here is the kit (shows): hammer and nails for crucifixion on the most obnoxious desks...

Teacher: (rolls eyes, screams) No! No!

First seller:(to another) Look, I think she's too impressionable.

Second seller:There's no point in doing this at school...

Teacher: (pleadingly) Please... watch... something else

First seller:Well, then - this is it: absolutely harmless and very effective!(puts out toilet paper rolls)Give a gift to a colleague - a German teacher.

Teacher: (suspiciously) Toilet paper? Excuse me, how is this?

Second seller:It’s very simple: you send the student with this roll to the toilet, and let him sit there until he uses it all, studying English language. You see, here the alphabet comes first, then the words(unwinding the paper)then verb tenses.

Teacher: Great idea! Is there such a guide for any other subjects?

First seller:Here you go: formulas in mathematics, dates in history, complex topics in the Russian language... That's all for now, but we continue to work in this direction.

Teacher: (joyfully) I take it, I take it, I take it!(holds up the bag and they start putting rolls in it) Oh! (stops)But if everyone sits in the toilet, who will we work with?(puts everything back)Can I watch something else?

Second seller:(helpfully) Please please!

Teacher: (looking around, searching)Give... me... this pillow.

First seller:(doubtfully) This one is unlikely to suit you, it is suffocating...

Teacher: (with horror, pushing away, throwing away the pillow) Oh! No! No!

Second seller:(calmingly) Take another one, this one, it's just soothing. Give the students a pillow. Like this(demonstrates) - the students fall asleep. Do you see? They fell asleep, and you can go about your business - read a book, knit a blouse...

Teacher: (doubtfully) What about the educational process? How to execute the program if everyone is asleep?

First seller:Yes... they didn't finish it!(snatches the pillow; the students look around in shock)Well, okay, let's think.

Teacher: (with despair) What to do? Should I not leave empty-handed? Do you have anything else?

Second seller:Here it is, just for you(starts to take it out from under the counter)."Straitjacket"! True, it comes complete with two riot policemen. IN this moment they are in traumatology. Here! It is better! You see, gags come in different modifications, for example, a dummy gag. It works like this(starts demonstrating):the student sucks him in and can no longer talk - he just hums(students groan and gag).

Teacher: (horrified) Oh, they'll choke! Stop it!

First seller: Don't worry! (pats students on the back; they spit out the pacifier)See, everything is fine. Here are also “Water Laxative”, “Noose Healing”...

The teacher can no longer speak, she only hums and shakes her head negatively.

Second seller:Well, then we don't know. You won’t please... Maybe a set “to help a beginning teacher”?

Teacher: (hopefully) What's in this set?

First seller:(enthusiastic) A gun for shooting the most impudent, a grenade for neutralizing the most obnoxious, a gas canister for self-defense, a fishing rod for catching...

Teacher: (pleadingly) Or maybe this is the last one on the list.

Second seller:(with readiness) A fishing rod? Please! It comes with a sandwich. Used to remove the most arrogant from the class.

Teacher: (timidly) Oh... a sandwich, excuse me, why?

First seller:This is bait. See how it works - flawlessly! We put the sandwich on the hook and bring it to the student’s nose(shows) and he follows you as if hypnotized!

Teacher: Very tempting, very... I think I'll take it... What's with the sandwiches?

Second seller:For every taste! With sausage, ham, salmon, red and black caviar...

Teacher: The teacher gradually sinks into the chair. Mommy (faints).

First seller:Listen, what's wrong with her?

Second seller:I say, very impressionable(fans the teacher with a newspaper).

Pre-prepared colorful humorous diplomas are awardedalong with bouquets of flowers for teachers

  • The strongest and fastest (physical education teacher);
  • The most romantic (for a literature teacher);
  • King of Precision (mathematics teacher);
  • Mister Patience (teacher of labor);
  • Mister of the Planet (geography teacher);
  • Just a magician (to the chemistry teacher).
  • To the most ironic teacher.
  • The most strict but fair teacher.
  • The most wonderful teacher.


1st student:
Morning. House. Family. Alarm.
Empty refrigerator.
Bag. Umbrella. The stamping of feet.
And the lesson began.

2nd student:
Cards. Globes. Adviсe.
Theorems and answers.
Discussion. Bottom line.
Unexpected call.

3rd student:
Competencies. Program.
Everything is urgent, like a telegram.
Deuces. Nerves. Corvalol.
Student looking at the floor.

4th student:
Contest. Holiday. Meeting.
Meeting for parents.
Puzzled father.
Entertaining ending.

5th student:
Points. Personality. Height. Problems.
Exercise. Method. Themes.
Here are notebooks, a heap, a mass.
Social class passport.

7th student:
Shop. Price. Expenses.
Two weeks until payday.
Milk. Groats. Cheese.
Empty wallet.

8th student:
Night. Floor lamp. Sofa. Textbook.
The husband is already asleep, the child is dozing.
Teachers' council. Concert. Report.
Thesis. Federal State Educational Standard. That's it! Waste!

1st student:
We all love you very much
And we wish you a vacation!

And Happy Teacher's Day

Song "My kind teacher»

1. A gentle bell calls for your desk.

The teacher starts his lesson

All the years we were taught to understand

Both difficult and easy subjects.

The teacher doesn't know how to get tired.

He checks his notebooks until dawn.


And the school will always be in our hearts.

2. We were not tolerable sometimes.

It was as if a demon had entered our souls.

The teacher will quietly say: “No problem.”

After all, my teacher is the best, the best.

The years will fly by in quick succession

And the time has come to say goodbye.

Teacher we don't know what's wrong with you

It will be very difficult for us to part.


My good teacher, why are you silent?

Tears suddenly sparkled in his eyes.

You opened the world to us and no matter where we lived,

3. A gentle bell calls you to your desk.

The cheerful laughter ceases for a while.

The teacher starts his lesson

And everything around seems to freeze.


My good teacher, why are you silent?

Tears suddenly sparkled in his eyes.

You opened the world to us and no matter where we lived,

And the school will always be in our hearts

My good teacher, why are you silent?

Tears suddenly sparkled in his eyes.

You opened the world to us and no matter where we lived,

And the school will always be in our hearts

First high school student:Our dear teachers! Congratulations on a wonderful, main holiday in the world! We would like to bring you our warmest wishes for happiness, health, peace in your homes and souls!

Second high school student:We wish you that your difficult, noble work will bring only joyful fruits. So that we are worthy to be called your students!

First high school student:We will always try to remember your instructions and wishes so that you are proud of our successes!

Second high school student:And having left our native walls, we will never forget you - our beloved teachers! No matter what heights we have to achieve in life, we know that this is your merit, thank you for your patience and wisdom, thank you for everything!

(The song “Hello School” is played to the tune of the song from the film “The Scarecrow-Meow”.)
(2-3 grade)
The morning begins, begins,
The children are waking up, waking up.
Put on your school uniform,
We all took our briefcases with us.
And with a cheerful smile
We flew to school.

I will learn to count and multiply.
And I will also learn to share,
Hello school!

The school is very cool, very great.
We learn a lot of new things, a lot of new things.
And we solved problems,
Essays were written
In English they spoke
They sang and taught poetry.

One, two, sun, three, four, five!
If you get five, you can play!
Lessons are over, I need to play.
Hello childhood!

(4th grade)

1st student:
Morning. House. Family. Alarm.
Empty refrigerator.
Bag. Umbrella. The stamping of feet.
And the lesson began.

2nd student:
Cards. Globes. Adviсe.
Theorems and answers.
Discussion. Bottom line.
Unexpected call.

3rd student:
Competencies. Program.
Everything is urgent, like a telegram.
Deuces. Nerves. Corvalol.
Student looking at the floor.

4th student:
Contest. Holiday. Meeting.
Meeting for parents.
Puzzled father.
Entertaining ending.

5th student:
Points. Personality. Height. Problems.
Exercise. Method. Themes.
Here are notebooks, a heap, a mass.
Social class passport.

7th student:
Shop. Price. Expenses.
Two weeks until payday.
Milk. Groats. Cheese.
Empty wallet.

8th student:
Night. Floor lamp. Sofa. Textbook.
The husband is already asleep, the child is dozing.
Teachers' council. Concert. Report.
Thesis. Federal State Educational Standard. That's it! Waste!

1st student:
We all love you very much
And we wish you a vacation!

And Happy Teacher's Day

Sketch (grades 5,6,7)

The song by V. Shainsky to the words of M. Plyatskovsky “What they teach at school” sounds. Three people take the stage: a girl and two boys (truants).

1st boy.

Where are you going?

2nd boy.

- I'm tired of school!
They will torture you with lessons again.


- That's it, what should we do there?
It's better to just take a walk.

The rest of the students leave.

- Hi guys! Why are you sitting here?
Is your watch slow today?

1st boy.

- And we decided not to go to school.
We know how to read, write - what else can we learn?


- We won’t go to study anymore.
It’s better that we all find work.


- And who are you going to become?
After all, to work, you need to know a lot.

2nd boy.

- What? there to know? My dad is an engineer in an office,
Draws directly on cardboard.
This work is good
I don't need anything except a pen and pencil.
I’ll take and draw a house, a square...
Good job engineer!

1st boy.

- And I can be a doctor,
Cut something off or sew something on.
Then I’ll give everyone a newsletter, -
That's all! Free all day!



-Are you laughing? To build a house
You can't get by with a pen and pencil.
You need to know the strength of materials and what is put into concrete.
If you don’t know, this house will collapse.

- Do you want to be a doctor?
Children and adults - treat everyone -
You can't prescribe medicine.
You will harm, not help.

- And who will let you cut a person,
When you don’t know where the ear is and where the eyelid is.

- Well, what are you looking at, huh?
Your affairs are also bad.
About rings and earrings
You won’t even know a little!

— They’ll invite you to the podium in Paris,
And you don't speak French.

- Like a magazine, very fashionable,
Do you suddenly want to read it?
Oh, girlfriend, I feel sorry for you,
I wish you had the Primer in your hands.

- Yes, well, what can I say?
You don't have to be anyone here.
You'll come to the TV
But you won’t find it in the program
The film that is playing there.
And your number won't work.

- Look... you can’t buy
No candy, no pack of chips,
Neither cookies, marmalade,
And neither Fanta nor chewing gum.

- Well, what if you were a banker?
Does it get into your head?
You can't calculate the profit
No, that won’t do, brothers.

- You’re a cook - imagine now.
You can do it quickly, without loss
Read the recipe, cook -
Everything should be tasty.

- Now imagine another one,
The situation is like this:
So I bought a movie ticket.
It doesn’t matter who you go with.

- You decided to call Masha.
You need to write a note.
How will you write a letter?
How will you buy her flowers?

- The girls care.
And you will go to the cinema alone.

- That's right, we need to study.
For effort and reward.
You will know everything, you will read everything,
Everything you need, you will find everything.

1st boy.

- Listen to you, decide -
Go to school every day.

2nd boy.

- Listen, cool, you and I
Let's buy the book "Battleship".

1st boy.

- Yes! And we can find out everything
Read about battleships...

1st boy.

- And about the yacht, that one, remember?!
Where you can’t catch up...

2nd boy.

- And about the boat, which...

(three of us)

- Yes-ah... learning is just great!!!


- Well, I can read it
About hairstyles, shoes, colors...
Yes, you can’t count everything.


- So what, have you been convinced?
And to comprehend everything at the right time,
will help you(all together) TEACHER!

Children sing the song “Congratulations” to the tune of V. Shainsky’s song “What They Teach at School.”


New Russian grandmothers. (8 classes)

1. Hello, dear ones!

2.I was assigned..

1. Spend today...

2. Don't interrupt me! I was assigned...

1. Spend today...

2. Don't interrupt me! I was instructed (look at 1 grandmother) to conduct... (look again).

1.Hold today's concert..


2.Why are you bothering me?

1. Because you don’t know how to conduct a concert. If, for example, a singer is performing now, how will you announce her?

2. I’ll say that he will speak now...

1.I'll tell you! ..The singer must be announced by singing. (sings.) Now a singer will perform, she will sing for you...

2. Ha ha..! Interesting! And if acrobats perform, how will you announce them? Over your head? Somersault?

1.But you will announce the acrobats.

2. No, I’ll announce everything.


2. Because the concert must be conducted by a savvy and decisive person.

1.You speak as if you are going to lead not a concert, but a ship in a storm. Just think, captain!

2. The captain is a man! And I am a woman!

1.Oh-oh, hold me... Woman... Look at you, sand is falling off you...

2.Look at you, this garden scarecrow...

1.No, look at her old nag

(pushing each other)

2. Okay, that's enough, that's enough. People are looking at us.

1. Oh, really, chavoy, we’ve completely gone crazy old people.

2.And now the song……………….


In your big eyes there is anxiety and sadness,

After all, we again don’t have enough paint for repairs.

You want to send everything into the lilac distance!

Into the lilac distance - whitewashing and painting,

In the lilac fog - a water tap,

In the lilac fog - window putty.

And your vacation floated away into a lilac fog!

In the lilac distance are the Canary Islands and Hawaii.

I would like to leave for a year, or maybe two...

Or maybe you dream of leaving forever.

You dream, but you can barely get there!

The lilac fog over our school is melting,

The director sits in it, and it’s not easy for him -

He is in no hurry to go home, the director understands:

You will have to solve all the questions yourself!

2. Matryon, look, your whole back is white.

1.Where (looks around)

(2nd laughs)

2.I was joking.

1. Fuck you! You're all hee-hee, yes ha-ha.

2. Today we need to laugh and cheer up our respected people. Otherwise they laugh once a year.

1.Why 1?

2. The first of July, when they go on vacation.

1. Let's tell jokes.

2.I'm first.

1.Go ahead.

2. Vovochka received a bad mark in physical education.

Father asks:

Why did your teacher give you a bad grade?

“And he asked to cover the goat with mats.”

Well, I covered it...

1.Now I..

The teacher says to the student:

Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!

Do you mean father?

No, grandpa. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes in his homework.

2. You should just invite your grandfathers...

1. This is a joke (offended)

2.Okay, okay, announce the musical number

1. (singing) I’ll sing for you...

2. It’s not you who will sing, but the guys.

Musical number

All students line up on stage and sing to the tune of the song “Smile” from the movie “Carnival Night”)

If you sometimes feel sad and sad,
If someone is being naughty in class,
This is not on purpose or on purpose,
Our energy is just bubbling.

So let's all the excitement
Let's forget at this hour.
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

If we don’t answer well in class,
If we forget to learn formulas,
We also get what we deserve,
But we know how to hide our grief.


2. Once I was riding in a minibus, I read the inscription “Whoever slams the door will become a beneficiary!!!”

1. You laugh at the old and sick..

Listen to the story:

And for the third time the old man came to the blue sea, and she had mercy on him gold fish and gave him Raskolnikov’s address...

2. (dreamy)

And the sun is shining brightly, and the landscape is beautiful when C2H5OH is splashing in the stomach (ts 2 as 5 oas)

1.Are you crazy, Flower, you’re at school.


1. Little flower, let’s talk about love.

2.What kind of love do you like at your age?

1. Well, you can dream...

2. Now you will see about love with your own eyes, how Othello loves Desdemona

Sketch of Othello and Desdemona

Othello (4 grades)
(rushes towards her)

I hear steps. Finally at home
My wife. And cook me lunch.
I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!


Othello, I don't have lunch.


I really have no time for jokes, my dear,
Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!
I'm just dying of hunger...


But I was working, not at the cinema!


What's in your bag? Notebooks again!
Did you bring it home?! Woe is me!


I see that your nerves are not all right,
You even screamed more than once in your sleep.

(Sits down to check his notebooks.)


Listen, Desdemona, really
It would be nice to have a snack now!


Othello! We already ate today!
And it’s even harmful to eat at such a late hour.
But if you really want, you can, honey,
Fry the eggs, just do it yourself.
Don't distract me, please, my love!
There are three eggs left, that's enough for us.


What three? I ate two yesterday.


OK then. Fry yourself one.


But the refrigerator is empty!


Well, I don’t know where it could suddenly disappear?!


Listen, I have a job too,
But I can’t think of anything because I’m hungry!


Oh, darling, come on, really, think of something...
Do your homework! And hunger will disappear.


My hunger will not be satisfied. Really
Is it so difficult for you to go to the store?


I thought I'd come by at the end of the week,
But you could buy something yourself!
You're disturbing me, honey. By the way,
So little time left, dear!
I will be on duty at school until nightfall:
My class is walking at the disco.


What disco?! What kind of joke?
Our family is about to be destroyed!


Oh, you know, there's not a minute left,
My class is already waiting for me there, go.


Like hell from incense, you run away from home.
Work is more important to you, not family.
Have you prayed at night, Desdemona?
Die, unfortunate one! Die, my love!

(9th grade)

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,

The ability to give your all,

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this we see light and grace.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold

The dawn of understanding will light up,

And you will understand: I tried not in vain

And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.

Showered with colored rain of bouquets

And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,

Accept, teacher, not a word of greeting,

And part of the soul is from grateful us!

Song to the melody of “Closing the Circle” (end, everyone sings)

1.Here is one of those stories
Which we are arguing about here
And not a day or two,
And for many years.
It's not easy at school,
We ask questions here
And the teacher will answer them.

Why does one strive for knowledge?
Graduate and first grader
Why do we rush to class like a river?
How the teacher comes to class
And he teaches us a lesson,
We all want to know for sure


Stand here in a circle
Student, teacher, friend.
The light shines in the windows of knowledge,
Leaving a mark on the heart.
Let the years go by
The school is always with us.
There are a hundred roads before us
The school has grown a sprout.

2.Opening the doors of life
We all trust you, teacher,
We believe in what awaits us ahead.
Many songs have been sung about you
Forget sadness, our circle is small,
And call us to the world of knowledge again.


3.If knowledge is in the palm of your hand,
Then you won't drown in dreams,
You are not lost for days.
We remember you, teacher.
We go into life with knowledge
The teacher raised people in us.
Each bird has its own motive,
Each song has its own motive,
The school also has its own motive.
Everything we know will be useful
You, teacher, will be in my dreams
The kids are all grateful to you.



(1 class)

1.What student is without mistakes?
Without a deuce? - Well, what can I say?
But still your smiles
We remember and will appreciate.

2.And every kind word
Will remain in our hearts
And we are ready to bow
In deeds, not in words.

3.We ourselves and our parents
Now we understand more clearly
How difficult it is for a teacher today
Cope with your task.

4 .Teacher - as if it’s not fashionable.
Other professions honor...
Thank you for your noble
And selfless work!

“Golden Wedding” (“Cuckoo”) (grades 1,2,3)

It's a holiday, a holiday at our school.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

How nice it is for us to look at you.

And smiles are everything for you.


Oh, the student and the teacher

Life at school is great!

Oh, the student and the teacher

May fate smile on us!

Oh, the student and the teacher

So many years, so many years together.

Ah, the student and the teacher,

May we live for two hundred years!

This holiday is only once a year.

But we always love you very much.

May you and we be lucky in life

And we drink milk for you today!

Musical number to the melody “What is autumn?” (beginning, everyone sings)

What's going on at school today?

We will answer your question directly:

It's a holiday here with us,

Here we have

Teacher's Day, the very same!


Happy to see you all now

At this most exciting hour.

Happiness, smiles, light, kindness

Adults and children wish you well.

A teacher working at a school

The best teacher in the world,

Because he has his big heart

He gives it to all the children without any reserve.


1 grandma:

Let in this hall, at this hour

The lights are burning brighter!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Our junior classes' loud laughter is the best reward!
The kids will be very happy to congratulate you.

Etc. (repeat)

Performing a song to the tune of “Forward, Midshipmen”(to parents)

By the will of fate it happened
Or is this the cross you have?
And all my strength was given to the school,
And going to class is like going into battle.
And at night you dream about the board,
And you have no other worries,
As soon as tomorrow what happens,
And will the class understand the task?

Keep your nose up, dear teacher,
Is life hard or good?
Knowledge and soul are one,
Knowledge and soul are one.
The love for students is the same!

Years will pass, centuries of shadow
They will disappear, everything will close in a circle.
But the warm word is “teacher”
Suddenly our hearts will be troubled.
Will always make you remember something
Dear, close to you
In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth -
The teacher is eternal on earth!

Keep your nose up, dear teacher,
Is life hard or good?
Knowledge and soul are one,
Knowledge and soul are one.
The love for students is the same!

2 -3 grade

"If teachers disappear,

What will happen in the world then, friends?

Rudeness and ignorance will destroy souls,

there will be no joy in people's lives.

If teachers disappear,

the earth will be unhappy and poor,

should we let this happen?

If teachers disappear,

who will tell us that the Earth is eternal?

Eternal Earth! So the Teacher is eternal!

Isn’t that what you want, friends?

No, we won't let this happen

so that the word “teacher” disappears!

Through the centuries, through the centuries

your profession will last forever!”

Musical number based on “Hope” (parents)

1.What once brought you here?

You didn't look for easier ways.

Mind and heart, soul and warmth

They gave to the younger generations

For the sake of affirming kindness

Through all the doubts and worries

Brought high dreams

And they knew the joys and ups.


The school is calling you,

My heart still breaks for her.

And in the heart of that young people,

What is called your hope.

May our hopes come true,

Everywhere on earth there is such a share.

Your ideals come to life now

Embodies the young tribe

Years of separation are not a problem,

Memory will pave the right path to childhood.

You are everyone's teacher forever

The most important, the very, very first.


2 grandma

Teacher's Heart...Well, what can you compare it with?

With a cosmic Galaxy that has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?

With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?

No, we won’t compare! But we will say: “Knock!”

Teacher’s Heart - HOPE, BELIEVE, LOVE!”

Celebrate at school dedicated to the Day teachers, fun and unusual will help you original script. The program will be complemented by funny and tear-jerking skits for Teacher's Day, telling about the work of teachers. We have collected ideas for writing skits about tests and a teacher's first day at school for elementary, middle and high schools. Unusual numbers with texts and video examples will help you write unusual scenario holiday.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day at school - cool ideas and examples of numbers

Our readers will be helped to create funny and cool scenes for the holiday Teacher's Day at school. simple ideas and examples. For you, we have selected original numbers about writing tests in various subjects. Funny and somewhat realistic productions will definitely appeal to all school teachers.

Ideas for funny skits at school for Teacher's Day

For many schoolchildren, writing tests seems like a real challenge. Therefore, the topics of passing tests and solving complex problems can be used to compile funny skits. For example, students can beat a strict teacher who is trying to take away crib sheets or phones from students. Or you can talk about how teachers check tests after passing them. You can see examples of such scenes in our next videos. Ready texts can be used to quickly prepare your own numbers.

Video examples of cool and funny skits for Teacher's Day at school

With the help of our selection of video productions about taking tests, students of secondary and high school will be able to easily write new funny skits for Teacher's Day. If desired, texts from the examples can be borrowed to perform similar acts or to supplement with other more sparkling jokes.

Funny skits for high school on Teacher's Day - examples and ideas for productions

High school students usually prepare a real school concert for Teacher's Day. It may include funny skits, ditties, and musical battles. Our examples and ideas will help you create an original script. Using them, high school students can easily create really funny skits for Teacher's Day.

Ideas for funny skits for Teacher's Day from high school students

To make the finished numbers fun, high school students are advised to spice up the funny story with real facts of life. In their funny performances, high school students can tell:

  • about the difficult life of a teacher during exams;
  • about communication (or discussion among students) in the staff room;
  • about the teacher's happiness of going home after a hard day at work;
  • about how teachers have to be at school when they have a cold because of tests and tests.

Any life situation can be presented in a funny and cool way if you spice it up with sparkling jokes. The idea for a skit about a teacher's first day in school is quite funny. new school. For example, high school students can tell how a teacher is afraid of modern children or how he earns authority in front of poor students. In such a cool production, many teachers will be able to recognize their first day at school.

Video examples of funny skits from high school students for Teacher's Day

Video examples will help our readers write a simple and at the same time funny text for a production about a teacher’s first day at school, as well as about the pressing problems of teachers. They will allow you to choose the most successful jokes and create really cool numbers.

Cool skits for Teacher's Day for primary school - ideas and examples of texts

For primary school students, we have selected short funny skits for Teacher's Day. Using simple examples texts and video numbers, it will not be difficult to create an unusual and cool program of events. For students in grades 1-2, it is better to break such productions into 3-4 parts and include them in the script between different competitions, song numbers or skits with poetry readings. But students in grades 3-4 can perform all comic performances at once.

Ideas for creating funny skits for elementary school students for Teacher's Day

Primary school students will be most interested in talking not about the teachers themselves, but about their studies. Funny children's jokes can be used as the basis for skits from schoolchildren in grades 1-4. The guys just have to choose who will play what role and rehearse the number well. For example, for productions, students primary school can use the following texts:

Teacher: Petrov, what book about famous travelers have you read?
Student Petukhov: “Frog Traveler”

Teacher: Kozyavin, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?
Disciple Kozyavin: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Khomyakov, answer why people need nervous system?
Disciple Khomyakov: To be nervous.

A student asks the teacher: Ivan Ivanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?
Teacher: No, what are you talking about, there were no computers then!
Student: What did you play?
Teacher: On the street!

Teacher: Let's listen to how you learned homework. Whoever answers first will receive a higher point.
Student Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?
- This means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!
- Yes, it’s not heavy.
- Yes, and I’m not strong!

How do you say “Gogol-Mogol” in English?
- “Shakespeare-Mexpeare”!

Also in the making funny skits For the Teacher's Day holiday, the video examples we have selected will also be useful to them. They also talk about the “difficult” life of the kids and their attempts to understand all the difficulties modern sciences.

Original skits from students - funny video examples for Teacher's Day

A selection of the best video examples will help our readers create not just funny, but also original scenes for Teacher’s Day at school. In them you will also find performances by middle and high school students. Sparkling jokes from different productions can be combined into one number or included in different parts of the script.

Fanfare (phonogram)

Song about teachers (phonogram)

Presenter 1. V. 2 On such a nice, clear day
I would like to congratulate
All Russian teachers
And glorify your feat!
For many years in a row,
You are always with us.
The kids at school say:
“There goes our mothers.”

In riding 2 . For long, kind, honest work
They are not erecting a monument to you.
May all your students
They glorify you with their work.

Presenter 1 .Your feat is visible to the whole country,
From north to south:
He trampled a tunnel in the mountain,
Another saves a friend
And the third one stands at the board,
The fourth field is being plowed.

Presenter 2 .And every former student
He will say thank you loudly.
Thank you many, many times,
For teaching us!

Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who has studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school:
our grandparents, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Presenter 2. Even if it’s not every day with us,

Filled with triumph

But in the morning, entering my class,

You are good.

Presenter 1. Bring knowledge to children,

Teach them by example

And the kids, having grown up,

They will definitely appreciate it!

Presenter 2. Friends, we are glad to see you

And our concert will begin now.

Just a reminder for viewers:

Today is Teacher's Day!

Number No. 1: Congratulations to elementary school students

Words, song

Presenter 1. Dear teachers,Let her important work what you do every day brings you only joy. We wish you good health and new successes in your hard work.

Presenter 2. Your students, in turn, will try to please you with their achievements as often as possible and, even after leaving the school walls, never forget those people who helped us explore the world and come back here again and again.

Presenter 1 . Today our male teachers are present in this hall. Low bow to you Alexander Semenovich and Boris Borisovich.

Presenter 2. Let there always be excellent grades in your journal, peace and order in the lessons, and personal life- prosperity and prosperity! Thank you for your knowledge, which will be very useful in later life To your students!

Students of grades 5 and 6 perform. (words)

Scene: “Wide-profile specialist” (Alyosha Chumaev, Vasily Tingaev)

Presenter 2. . On this day we solemnly congratulate
Those people who give us knowledge!
After all, a TEACHER is not just a profession,
This is a mission, this is a calling!

Presenter 1 .And those who were next to us,

Who taught and mentored us,

Today we honor

Thank you teachers

Number: Song (5.6 grades) “Favorite Teacher”

Presenter.2 Oh, how much sadness there is in the word “Veteran”!

But how much honor and warmth there is here!

After all, only through labor was human honor given,

And the best years passed at school.

Presenter 2 . Today at our celebration there are guests, veterans of teaching work. (transfer):

Our dear veterans, please accept our words of gratitude for your work, kindness and patience. Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you good health, emotional and physical strength, creative success and sincere love from your students! Please accept our musical gift.


Presenter 1 .The proud word Teacher is pronounced in all languages ​​with the greatest reverence and respect. In the hearts of each of us, along with family and friends, there is always a teacher, the most beloved, the one who opened the way to the world of knowledge. Each of us remembers our first teacher, our school years. Education rests on caring people who love children and youth, on individuals who are obsessed with their profession. Today every student is the hope of his family, his city, village, tomorrow he is the hope of Russia. And therefore your profession is one of the honorable and humane.

Tatyana Nikolaevna, these words are for you. Thank you for your wisdom, intelligence, patience and love for children.

Song: Yamashkina Karina, Kosov Artyom

Presenter 2 . Dear teachers,

Congratulations on Teacher's Day,

May you always be lucky in life!

We sincerely wish you generously,

May luck come quickly!

Presenter 1. May your everyday life be bright!

Let your work bring success!

And let there be a lot of joy!

Always remain the best!

Presenter 2 .Be feminine forever, desirable,

Impeccable, beautiful soul!

We wish you heavenly manna!

May everything always be good!

Presenter 1. Our dear, beautiful half of humanity, our dear teachers, accept a musical gift from us.

Number: Dance

Words of congratulations from 7.8 grades.

Number: Yamashkina Karina (song)

Presenter 1. Teacher's Day…. A holiday for all professions. After all, as one wise man said: “If professions had heads, they would bow before the teaching profession.” And in my opinion, this is probably why holidays exist, to stop, to look back, to more acutely feel the importance and responsibility to people and to the cause to which you dedicated your life and once again make sure that you made the right choice. On these October days, teachers' names are pronounced especially often and loudly. However, for a real teacher, it is more important that praise be heard not from a high rostrum, but in the school corridor, in a crowd of children for whom he has just taught a lesson. What kind of teachers are remembered... Kind, fair, knowledgeable?... perhaps these are approaches to the main thing... those who equally believe in their science and in their students.

Presenter 2. We congratulate you on your holiday!

We wish you obedient students.

We wish you patience in your work,

But in life there is only luck.

Leading first. Arseny, I wonder what you would write in the essay “If I were a school principal”?

Presenter 1. For example, I would lengthen the changes.

Presenter 2.A I would arrange delicious breakfasts for them, especially for the boys.

Presenter 1. Me I would introduce a sense of humor test for teachers.

Presenter 2. And I don’t like this topic at all.

Presenter 1. What, you don’t like writing essays?

Presenter 2 No, I like the topic “I want to be a director.”By the way, listen to the school joke.Vovochka wakes up in the morning and says: “Mom! I don't want to go to school today. Ivanov will fight again, Petrov will throw notes, and Sidorov will push.” You can’t, son, firstly, you’re already forty years old, and secondly, you’re the school principal!

Presenter 1. Head teacher! Woman and mother!
Both in school and in family form.
It’s hard for us to find worthy words,
What can a Female Director decorate?
Foreman and watchman and administrator,
She is a teacher, manager, supply manager!
The adviser is a judge, not a dictator.
She is dragging the school baggage in a cart.
You are the most wonderful director
They gave so much to their school!
Everyone respects you very much for this,
From first graders to teachers.
We wish the guys year after year
We hurried to see you with the arrival of September.
So that our school is called the best,
Thanks to the directors for everything!

Presenter 2. For you, Svetlana Nikolaevna, musical congratulations.


Presenter 1 . We all learned a little bit

Something and somehow.

And everyone chose the path

And everyone chose their own path.

And those who were next to us,

Who taught and mentored us,

Today we honor

Thank you, teachers!

2 presenter

The girl tells her mother what happened at school.

  • Mom, can you imagine, and Vitya said that he couldn’t learn all the lessons at once
  • How is that?
  • Well, he only teaches one subject.
  • What's singing? And why? How does he explain his behavior?
  • He says: “If I learn both English and mathematics at once, everything will be confused in my head.”

Phonogram “Farewell Waltz”

1 presenter : Last academic year within the walls of my native school. How sad, but that’s how life works. Today our ninth graders say congratulations and words of gratitude to their teachers.

Congratulations from graduates (lyrics), song

Presenter2: In aviation, they strictly count how many hours a pilot has flown,

Few people know about the teacher, how long he stood at the blackboard!

How many notebooks did I check at night?

How many plans have I written in my life?

How many times have I believed a person and punished myself for him?

Presenter 1 .As long as the Earth turns,

Dear fragile planet,

There are teachers in the world

And that means there will be more light!

At the end of the holiday:

The final song “Teacher's Waltz” plays, Karina sings

We bring to your attention scripts and skits for the day of our beloved, wise, kind and talented teachers!

Short skits for Teacher's Day 2019

Name Description Number of people Price Buy a scene
1. A comic skit for Teacher's Day: “If only I were a minister” A remake of Pushkin’s fairy tale: “Three girls under the window”, but in a new way... 3 people 99 RUR Add to cart
2. Comic skit for Teacher's Day: “Unusual lesson” Are the teachers crazy? Or is there a zombie apocalypse? Nooo, the teachers just decided to teach the students a lesson... 13 people 99 RUR Add to cart
3. Comic skit for Teacher's Day: “Martian language lesson” During the Martian lesson, the students answer at the board, but one of the students gets a 2 and starts a fight. A space-themed skit, modern and interesting... 6 people 99 RUR Add to cart

Free script examples

Comic skits for Teacher's Day

1. Mini-skit for Teacher’s Day: “Let me write it off!”


The girl – aka Maria Sergeevna – is a teacher of Russian language and literature;
The boy - aka Gennady Ivanovich - is a labor worker.

/There are two tables and two chairs on the stage. A girl and a boy are sitting. A girl with glasses is diligently writing something. The boy sits thoughtfully./

- Mash, let me write it off!

- I'm not giving it!

- Well, Mash, let me write it off!

- I won’t even think about it!

- Ma-sha! Well please, I have problems with grammar...

– Firstly, not Masha, but Maria Sergeevna. Secondly, Gennady Ivanovich, you have been working as a labor teacher at our school for three years now and it’s high time you learned how to prepare a monthly report.

- Maria Sergeevna, well, for the last time, let me write it off! My word, last time. And I’ll put together a stool for you for this!

- A stool? /thoughtfully/

- Yeah! I can do two!

– Okay, two stools and a board for cutting vegetables. Just keep in mind that this is the last time I will help you with the report. /gives him a notebook/

- It's covered!

/The happy labor teacher kisses Maria Sergeevna on the cheek and runs away, waving her notebook in the air. Maria Sergeevna shakes her head reproachfully./

Girl:/addressing the teachers in the hall/
– Our dear teachers, we wish you to have fewer unnecessary and boring reports, so that you have more time for extracurricular communication with students! Happy holiday!

2. Sketch for Teacher’s Day: “Once upon a time on a bench...”


Old lady 1 – former teacher, retired, strict, despotic.
Old lady 2 is a former teacher, retired, the golden mean, both kind and strict in moderation. The main thing is fair.
Old lady 3 is a retired teacher, too kind and gentle.

– Once on a bench, three old women sat down at the same time. It’s not for nothing that everyone is proud of themselves - former teachers...

/Three old women, former teachers, are sitting on a bench./

1 old lady:
“I was a teacher and worked as hard as I could. I loved the tomboys so much, I often hit them with a pointer! I go to see my kids and they immediately pee in their pants. But of course this is in vain, I’m not such a witch.

2 old lady:
“I worked as a teacher, and I was not ashamed of my work. Everyone respected me, and probably for good reason.

3 old lady:
- Well, I was kind, I let everyone copy... And everyone wrote cheat sheets. All received A's.

1 old lady:
- It is not permissible to write off! I threatened the director! I boldly gave two grades; I didn’t spare anyone.

2 old lady:
“I was strict about the matter, and knew how to find an approach.” My motto is very simple: carrot and stick, that’s what it is!

3 old lady:
“I was kind, like a mother.” She loved to pamper everyone. She treated them to pancakes and cabbage pies.

1 old lady:
- Pies? What a nightmare! This is a class, not a market! I had an idea: for everyone to walk in line. She taught everyone discipline, although she became known as a despot.

2 old lady:
“I taught my children to be kind, I instilled tolerance in them.” I tried to make friends with everyone so that I could be the best in the class.

3 old lady:
“I wiped their snot and gave them a vest, never scolded them, forgave all their pranks.

- A lot of time has passed. The children have grown up a long time ago. Teachers rest and are bored in retirement. We ask you not to forget them and visit them often! Even though we were all different, they still put their souls into us! Happy holiday, teachers! Your work was not in vain!

3. Mini-skit for Teacher’s Day: “New Girl”


The new teacher, Zhanna Semyonovna, is a young teacher who looks like a typical nerd, but in reality turns out to be an athlete, a karateka.
Middle school students:
Hooligan - older boy
School principal - boy
Presenter – high school student

Act 1. New girl.

/The director and a new teacher enter the classroom, the children first make noise, then calm down and look at the new teacher with interest./

- Hello children!

- Hello!

– I would like to introduce you to a new mathematics teacher. Her name is Zhanna Semyonovna. Please respect and do not offend. Zhanna is just starting her work at school, so we ask you to behave in such a way as not to disappoint the young teacher.

/The director leaves, the teacher sits down at her desk./

Zhanna Semenovna:
- From today on, I will teach you mathematics.

-Where is our old math teacher?

Zhanna Semenovna:
– Your former teacher has retired.

– Zhanna Semyonovna, what are you doing this evening? Can I invite you to the cinema? /sarcastically/

/The whole class bursts into laughter./

Zhanna Semenovna:/not at all embarrassed/

– This evening I will check your notebooks with test work, which we will now carry out. He gives everyone a piece of paper with the task.

/Everyone sank, dissatisfied sighs were heard/

Lenka:/whispers to my desk neighbor/
- Well, I just arrived, and you’re wearing a test...

- Yeah, he’s making fun of himself!

/The lesson continues, everyone writes a test, then the bell rings, everyone gets up and gives the paper to the teacher. Leaving class/

Act 2. Hooligan.

/Vovka and Yegorka go home together. Not far from them are Yulia and Lena. Suddenly a high school student, a hooligan, jumps out from behind a tree./

- Come on, little one, empty your pockets. What do you have there? money, chewing gum, phones? Let's all come here!

/Vovka begins to back away. Egorka gets into a boxer's pose and immediately receives a slap in the face and falls. The girls are screaming./

/At this moment, a new teacher, Zhanna Semyonovna, appears out of nowhere. And with a karate move, he puts the bully on his shoulder blades, his arm is twisted, he himself is pressed to the ground by the teacher, he lies, writhes, tries to break free, but nothing comes of it. The teacher has a death grip on him./

- Let go! Let go, I tell you! Yes, you, yes, you know who my father is! Yes, he will tear you to pieces!

/The teacher doesn’t pay attention to him. Egorka and Vovka look at the new teacher with delight and surprise./

Zhanna Semenovna:
- Get up, you idiot! And don't you dare hurt other children anymore.

/the bully gets up and runs away, but shouts after him:/

- I remember you! I'll tell daddy everything!

– Zhanna Semyonovna, thank you! And forgive us for laughing at you today. You are the coolest, coolest, super teacher!

– And I’m also a master of sports in karate! Therefore, if you have problems, please contact us. Or sign up for the section that I teach in the evenings, here is my business card. Knowing how to protect yourself and your friends won't hurt anyone!

– Thank you for the invitation, we will definitely come to your section!

/say goodbye to the teacher./

Act 3. In karate!

- Well, you and I are lucky!

– Not for you and me, but for the whole class! Now all the hooligans will bypass us.

- Well, shall we go sign up for the karate section in the evening?

- Of course we’re going!

Yuli and Lena:
- And we are with you!

/they run away together in all directions. They say goodbye until the evening./

– Thank you, dear teachers, for teaching children not only in school lessons, but also giving them examples of an active lifestyle, infecting them with your positivity, optimism and faith in goodness! Happy holiday to you! Our dear inspirers!

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