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“An open secret” - the meaning and origin of phraseological units with examples? “The Open Secret”: the meaning of phraseology, what does this phrase mean? See what the "Open Secret" is in other dictionaries

Polichinelle is a comic character in French folk theater.

Polichinelle is a stupid servant, a jester and a talker. He constantly tells the public things that have long been known under the guise of a secret. And he does it with the air of a conspirator.

Moreover, he constantly warns listeners not to reveal his secrets to anyone.

An open secret is a name known to everyone that is presented in the form of an unknown secret. In other words, it is an imaginary secret or an imaginary secret.

It often happens that on television some upstart is trying to look smart, and uses an “open secret” as an argument. Sometimes the presenter cannot resist making fun of such a “discoverer.”

At F.M. Dostoevsky in one work main character speaks:

“You surprise me, prince, and I don’t recognize you. You fall into an open tone; these unexpected frankness..."

In general, Polichinelle, due to folk art, many funny stories appeared. One of the most popular was the following.

His wife Columbine cheated on him with Harlequin. All characters They have known about this for a long time, and only the hunchbacked jester, Polichinelle, has no idea about anything.

In the end, it is only worth adding that in our time this phraseological unit very common due to the extreme politicization of people. Many things that are known to everyone are often not declared by officials. That is why they are actively “called” open secrets.

Open secret- a secret that everyone already knows, an imaginary secret, “a secret for the whole world.”

The expression comes from the name of the comic character of the Commedia dell'arte - Polichinelle (fr. Polichinelle from Italian Pulcinella - Pulcinella). The character is a stupid servant, a bully, a buffoon and a talker who, under the guise of secrets, communicated things known to everyone. Appeared on the stage of the fair theater in late XVI century. In the 17th century, it was introduced by Moliere into the comedy “The Imaginary Invalid”.

The expression “open secret” means a secret that is not such, everyone just pretends that it is actually a secret, and only the stupidest does not know it. One of the common plots was as follows: Columbine, the wife of Polichinelle, cheats on him with Harlequin. All the characters know this secret, but do not talk about it, because everyone already knows everything. Only one Polichinelle does not know about the betrayal, since he does not think to ask anyone.

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An excerpt characterizing the Open Secret

- I hate it, I hate it! And you are my enemy forever!
Natasha ran out of the room.
Natasha no longer spoke to Sonya and avoided her. With the same expression of excited surprise and criminality, she walked around the rooms, taking up first this or that activity and immediately abandoning them.
No matter how hard it was for Sonya, she kept an eye on her friend.
On the eve of the day on which the count was supposed to return, Sonya noticed that Natasha had been sitting all morning at the living room window, as if expecting something, and that she made some kind of sign to a passing military man, whom Sonya mistook for Anatole.
Sonya began to observe her friend even more carefully and noticed that Natasha was in a strange and unnatural state all the time during lunch and evening (she answered questions asked to her at random, started and did not finish sentences, laughed at everything).
After tea, Sonya saw a timid girl's maid waiting for her at Natasha's door. She let her through and, listening at the door, learned that a letter had been delivered again. And suddenly it became clear to Sonya that Natasha had some terrible plan for this evening. Sonya knocked on her door. Natasha didn't let her in.
“She'll run away with him! thought Sonya. She is capable of anything. Today there was something especially pitiful and determined in her face. She cried, saying goodbye to her uncle, Sonya recalled. Yes, it’s true, she’s running with him, but what should I do?” thought Sonya, now recalling those signs that clearly proved why Natasha had some terrible intention. “There is no count. What should I do, write to Kuragin, demanding an explanation from him? But who tells him to answer? Write to Pierre, as Prince Andrei asked, in case of an accident?... But maybe, in fact, she has already refused Bolkonsky (she sent a letter to Princess Marya yesterday). There’s no uncle!” It seemed terrible to Sonya to tell Marya Dmitrievna, who believed so much in Natasha. “But one way or another,” Sonya thought, standing in the dark corridor: now or never the time has come to prove that I remember the benefits of their family and love Nicolas. No, even if I don’t sleep for three nights, I won’t leave this corridor and forcefully let her in, and I won’t let shame fall on their family,” she thought.

If you like riddles and secrets, then we are ready to reveal to you open secret. What is this? Where did it come from and why is it so popular nowadays? Every intelligent person should understand the meaning of such common ones.

Let's start with a brief background.

Every nation has its own image of the classic jester. B is Petrusha, for Italian traveling actors it is Pulcinella, for the Czechs it is Kasparek.

But Polichinelle is a comic character in French folk theater.


Polichinelle is a stupid servant, a jester and a talker. He constantly tells the public things that have long been known under the guise of a secret. And he does it with the air of a conspirator.

Moreover, he constantly warns listeners not to reveal his secrets to anyone.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “Open secret”

An open secret is a name known to everyone that is presented in the form of an unknown secret. In other words, it is an imaginary secret or an imaginary secret.

It often happens that on television some upstart is trying to look smart, and uses an “open secret” as an argument. Sometimes the presenter cannot resist making fun of such a “discoverer.”

In one work the main character says:

“You surprise me, prince, and I don’t recognize you. You fall into an open tone; these unexpected frankness..."

How did the phraseological unit appear?

In general, Polichinelle, as a result of folk art, has many funny stories. One of the most popular was the following.

His wife Columbine cheated on him with Harlequin. All the characters have known about this for a long time, and only the hunchbacked jester, Polichinelle, has no idea about anything.

In the end, it is only worth adding that in our time this phraseological unit is very common due to the extreme politicization of people. Many things that are known to everyone are often not declared by officials. That is why they are actively “called” open secrets.

Now your knowledge bank has been replenished with new catchphrase, and the open secret was completely revealed.

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Polichinelle is a character in the ancient French folk puppet theater, a mocker, a jester and a chatterbox. Polichinelle, like the Russian Petrushka, often acted as a presenter puppet show, telling the spectators gathered in the square “under great... ... Dictionary winged words and expressions

Adverb, number of synonyms: 2 known (49) imaginary secret (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

open secret- joking. A secret that has long been known to everyone; imaginary secret. His name is an open secret... Dictionary of many expressions

Open secret- Book Iron. What is considered a secret, but in reality is known to everyone; imaginary secret. State secrets... An open secret. As soon as the embassy learned that Herfer was going to Japan, he, Sorge, immediately realized: they were resuming... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Open secret- a secret that everyone knows about; in relation to party dogmas, the prohibition to think and speak on certain topics... Theoretical aspects and fundamentals environmental problem: interpreter of words and ideomatic expressions

open secret- a secret that everyone knows, an imaginary secret. Polichinelle (French Polichinelle, from Italian Pulcinella Pulcinella) is a character in the French folk theater, a hunchback, a cheerful bully and a mocker. Openly reported things known to everyone in secret... ... Phraseology Guide

Book Joking. An imaginary secret, a secret known to everyone. BTS, 903. /i> Polichinelle is a comic character in the French folk theater - a cheerful, outright mocker, a buffoon. BMS 1998, 521 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

Open secret. They also know in Kazan what people said. Wed. When more than two people know a secret, then it is no longer a secret. N. Makarov. Memories. 7, 13, 7. Wed. One Russian Siberian merchant arrived in London on his trade business (his name... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

- (French secret, from Latin secretus separate, hidden). 1) secret, little known thing that is hidden. 2) the most difficult, essential part of art or science. 3) secret drawer. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

secret- It’s an open secret, a secret that has long been known to everyone. One Russian Siberian merchant arrived in London on his trade business (his name is an open secret). Leskov... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Podlyanka, San Antonio. The third volume of the three-volume collection of selected early crime works of San Antonio (Frederick Dara) includes the novels: "An Open Secret", "Nowhere Further!", "San Antonio's Scotland" and ...
  • Save and preserve, Ivan Kozlov. Ivan Trofimovich Kozlov was born in 1949 in the village of Divnoye, in the Stavropol region. Graduated from the Gorky Literary Institute. He served in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and was a military journalist. His…

Now I’m sitting on my personal Facebook (no, don’t ask)), looking at friends of friends and suddenly I come across Inna.
Inna is not a great friend of mine. For me, she is that category of people with whom it didn’t work out very well to be friends with for some reason, but if you happen to meet them on the street, you’ll be glad.
Many years ago we communicated warmly in common company.
And although I don’t remember Inna herself for months, I have a friend who is closer to her, who has been in good communication with Inna all her life, and from whom I have been learning about Inna’s life all these years.

Actually, why am I writing this.
I looked at Inna and thought...

Inna has two children. The second one is not from my husband.
I even know from whom. I even know more than that: she was pregnant with twins, but the second died in childbirth, and she was left alone, otherwise it would have been completely ha-ha.
This child is already ten years old, or something.

It’s not that Inna heavily advertised the origin of her pregnancy - not at all, she didn’t shout about it at every corner, but you understand how it happens.
A is good friends with B, B is good friends with C, all the women are normal and why not tell each other. This is how the information flows)
In short, many people know. Well, in principle, we all learn news from each other’s lives, even the most intimate ones.

So. Inna’s husband still doesn’t know, I’m definitely aware of that too.
And no, this is exactly the case when beat me with sticks, but... but although I do not welcome such situations when a man raises and does not know, I don’t feel sorry for this husband.
And he grows bullshit there; yeah, like participates; anyway, all the basic financial stuff is right there.
My husband is shit, to be honest, and don’t ask why. In short, for the sake of illustration: in his youth he went through a juvenile period, then he grew up, became wiser and did not get caught again, but misunderstandings and bullishness in his picture of the world remained.

Why did Inna get along with him at one time - and idk, along the way, her own complexes.
And at first all husbands seem good.
Then somehow I was born common child, then... but what am I telling you, we all know how it happens in life and how people live for years with the hell of it.

Therefore, in general, I believe that in their case the law of universal balance worked: once upon a time, Inna’s husband gave Inna a nightmare with his bad character, and she repaid him like this. First as a lover, then as a pregnancy. Unwittingly, but she repaid.
Actually, it was not because of a good life that his lover turned on, by and large. In short, the husband really went to deserve this.

But that’s not even about that now.
I just looked at Inna, remembered this whole story and thought, okay.
When I was very, very younger, I was always surprised when I heard out of the corner of my ear all these stories from adults about who cheated on whom.
Moreover, DNA tests were not widely known at that time, but still it somehow leaked out, and yes, as often happens, everyone knew, except the husband.
And it was clear how it leaked: the mothers themselves did not keep their mouths shut.

And I once tried it on myself and thought: if such a situation happened to me, when the child is not from my husband, I probably wouldn’t tell anyone. No one, not even your closest friend.
Because ahh, nidaiboh and who knows what...

And now for some reason I look at it completely differently.
Now I’m thinking: fuck it, I couldn’t, for example, not tell Lisa. Yes, Lisa would definitely be aware.
And, probably, I couldn’t help but tell a couple of my girls, too.
No, I wouldn’t complain if they reported me. Because... yes because. What.
And in general - if the husband was dear, then it would hardly be possible to get pregnant from someone else. And when it’s not expensive, then who knows what.

In short, girls, let’s hypothetically imagine that the child is not from her husband. And who doesn’t have it from her husband - you don’t even need to imagine)
Would you share a secret with a friend, mother, sister, or anyone else? Or would you remain silent no matter what?

Just like this, honestly and objectively, trying it on yourself.
It is clear that ideally it is better to never tell anyone such things.
But this is ideal, but in life it still turns out differently.
Besides, this is such a serious decision that you can’t make it alone, you need advisers)

Oh, yes, you can even tell anonymously in the comments.

If I shared it, it would only be with my mother or sister.

97 (12.4 % )

I would share it with my closest friend

149 (19.1 % )



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