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Biography, life story of the Zaitsev Sisters

The Zaitsev sisters are a Russian female musical duet.

Childhood and youth

Elena and Tatyana Zaitsev are twins, exact copies of each other. The girls were born in Voronezh on December 16, 1953. Their father Nikolai Prokofievich was a military doctor, an officer in the Soviet army. Mom Claudia Ivanovna was engaged in housekeeping and raising her daughters, by education she was a pianist and opera singer.

Lena and Tanya began to sing in childhood. At the age of three, the sisters managed to sing in two voices. Due to the specifics of the work of the father, who served in the Western Group of Forces, the girls spent their childhood in the German Democratic Republic. As a teenager, the twins ended up in Kaluga - there they graduated from a secondary school. Having received certificates, the girls, who gravitate towards songwriting, entered the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art in Moscow.


In the 1970s, fate scattered Elena and Tatiana to different places. For family reasons, Elena ended up in Germany, Tatyana remained in the USSR. Tanya sang in the capital's restaurants and dreamed of one day reuniting with her sister. And so it happened. In the 1980s, the Zaitsevs began to conduct joint concert activities. They started with competitions and festivals, where they declared themselves as professional singers, and over time they became popular artists. In 1994, on the stage of the state central concert hall "Russia", Elena and Tatyana performed the song "Sister", which tells about the experiences of loved ones who are far from each other.

In 1996, the duo released their debut album Sister. The following year, the sisters became laureates of the Ovation Award for the video clip for the song Crazy Snow.

The second collection of singers was released in 2004. Its name is "Chance meeting". In the 2010s, Elena and Tatyana Zaitsev began touring various casinos in Las Vegas, and a little later they became quite famous singers in America.


Elena's personal life

At the age of 16, Elena met a German named Rolf, an employee of the Lufthanz airline. Rolf was much older than Lena, and besides, he was married. However, this did not prevent Zaitseva from falling passionately in love with a handsome foreign man, marrying him two years later and leaving for his homeland. The first year of Elena and Rolf's life together was full of love and tenderness, but over time the family boat cracked. Rolf began to visit his children from his first marriage more and more often, and Elena, who herself was still just a child, was terribly jealous of her husband for his past life. Tired of the role of a housewife, Elena left. The girl had to learn to live again. In Germany, she graduated from the school of designers and stylists.

Very soon, Otto, an international airline pilot from Holland, appeared in Elena's life. Like Lena's first husband, Otto was married when he met her. At first, Lena and Otto talked as friends, but then a terrible tragedy occurred in the life of the pilot - his wife, a flight attendant, died in a plane crash. Elena lent her shoulder to Otto, gave him every support. Very soon they got married and settled in Holland.

It is noteworthy that Elena and Otto met in Moscow. Lena sometimes flew there to see her sister and attend her performances. After the wedding, Elena began to visit Moscow more and more often, as a result, she moved there completely, and the relationship with Otto somehow faded away on its own.

Tatyana's personal life

In the early 1980s, Tatyana Zaitseva became the wife of the director and founder of the first variety theater in Moscow, Yuri Cherenkov. In 1983, the couple had a son, Alexei. Alas, very soon the relationship between husband and wife deteriorated. The ex-lovers broke up. In 2011, Yuri passed away. And four years later, their son Alexei tragically died (the young man was doing parkour in the subway).

Tatyana's second husband was Nick Wissokovsky, a Russian-American businessman. Nick became the producer of the Zaitsev Sisters project and helped the singers to unwind.

Other activities

Elena Zaitseva was on the board of directors of the Beverly Hills casino for some time. Once with this company an unpleasant story happened. Due to the redistribution of property, it was closed. The end of the casino was accompanied for Elena by an attempt on her life and the initiation of a criminal case against her. Subsequently, the charges against Zaitseva were dropped. After this incident, Elena went to live in the USA for some time.

Protection of homeless animals

In 2010, the Zaitsev sisters accused the military of the closed garrison in Nikolo-Uryupino (the singers' cottage is located not far from this place) of shooting dogs. Elena and Tatyana regularly fed the stray animals that lived on the territory of the garrison. Once, not 18 dogs came out to them, but only one. The Zaitsevs immediately decided to deal with the flayers. They came into conflict with one of the soldiers and beat him - according to the military. According to the sisters, several soldiers surrounded them and began to beat them, and they, two defenseless women, had to flee.

Zaitseva Tatyana is a beautiful and talented woman with a difficult fate. Are you interested in the biography of the singer? Do you want to know the cause of death of her only son? We are ready to talk about it in detail and frankly.

Our heroine was born in 1953 (December 16) in Voronezh. Exactly 15 minutes later, her twin sister Lena was born. In what family were the future pop stars brought up? Their mother, Klavdia Ivanovna, was a professional pianist and opera singer. She raised her children in strictness and obedience.

And his father, Nikolai Prokofievich, came from a family of Don Cossacks. He worked as a military doctor for many years. The family was friendly. The parents of Tatyana and Elena are no longer alive. They were both slain by cancer.

For several years the Zaitsevs lived in the GDR. My father was sent to this country for work. And he could not part with his wife and children for a long time, so he took them with him.

When the twins were 7 years old, they returned to Russia with their parents. Tanya and Lena attended a comprehensive school located in Kaluga. The girls were involved in music and sports.

Creative activity

After school, the Zaitsev sisters went to Moscow. Charming and talented girls were admitted to the All-Russian Workshop of Variety Art. L. Maslyukova. They were diligent and responsible students.

The first performance of the sisters on the big stage took place in the early 1980s. Lena and Tanya took part in a music competition held in Sochi. They were awarded the Ovation Award.

At the age of 18, Elena married a German and left for Germany. Our heroine remained in the USSR. She performed at local restaurants. At first, Tanya solo performed the song "Sister". Many of you know her. The song tells about two sisters living in different cities. Tatyana passed all the words through her soul.

In 1994, at a concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, the Zaitsevs performed this composition for the first time as a duet. Throughout their career, they have released two studio discs.

In the early 2000s, Tatyana Zaitseva moved to the United States to live with her husband. Her son remained in Russia. Later, Elena arrived in Los Angeles. In the spacious house of Tanya and Nile, she found a place. The twins performed in local casinos and clubs - where Russian-speaking rich people gathered.

Life in the "golden cage" bored them over time. Tatyana Zaitseva announced to her husband her desire to return to Russia. He supported the decision of his beloved wife. In a short time, Neil completed the necessary documents and acquired a luxurious mansion in the suburbs.

In 2010, the Zaitsev sisters reappeared on the Russian stage. Since then, they have often been invited to take part in concerts and filming of various TV shows.

Tatyana Zaitseva: biography, personal life

Twin sisters have always been in demand among members of the opposite sex. There is nothing surprising. After all, they are bright, feminine, with a chiseled figure and a dazzling smile.

Zaitseva Tatiana twice formalized relationships with men. Her first husband was director Yuri Cherenkov. They were connected not only by great mutual love, but also by work. They created a wonderful tandem. Tanya sang songs, and her husband worked as an entertainer. Cherenkov arranged concerts and dealt with all financial matters. Our heroine completely trusted him.

In July 1983, Yuri and Tatyana had a tiny son. The boy was named Alexei. Unfortunately, a happy family life was short-lived. A common child could not save the marriage from disintegration. The couple realized that they had become strangers to each other. They parted quietly and peacefully. In 2011, Yuri died. Son Alexei was very upset by the death of his father.

New love

In 1997, the Zaitsev sisters performed at the Beverly Hills Moscow casino club. One afternoon, Tanya and Lena decided to go for a ride in a recently purchased car. As a result, the beauties became the culprits of the accident: they rammed 5 cars. They had to pay 3.5 thousand dollars. The Zaitsevs did not have that kind of money.

One of the friends advised the sisters to seek help from the owner of the casino, who was due to fly to Moscow. It turned out to be an American businessman of Russian origin, Neil Visokovsky.

This man not only solved all the problems of the Zaitsevs, but also began to court Tatyana. Romantic dates, yacht trips, luxurious bouquets of flowers and expensive gifts awaited her. Soon the couple officially formalized the relationship.


On November 15, 2015, the Russian media reported that Tatyana Zaitseva's son had tragically died. What happened to 32-year-old Alexei Cherenkov? The young man paid for his passion for parkour and hooking. Our heroine did not even know about it.

Lesha's lifeless body was found in the Moscow metro. Investigators managed to find out that Cherenkov jumped on the train, which abruptly began to move. The guy hit his head hard on the metal ceiling. Death came instantly. This terrible news immediately became overgrown with rumors. Some people called what happened a terrible accident, while others were sure that the young man committed suicide.

Farewell to Alexei took place in the church of the Archangel Michael. After the funeral ceremony, the coffin with the body of the deceased was taken to the Khovanskoye cemetery. His friends, neighbors and relatives came to say goodbye to Lesha.

Grief rallied the Zaitsev sisters. After all, they had one son for two. But even now they have someone to live for. Alexei left behind his wife Aisylu Chekhova and their little son Maxim, who was six months old at the time of his father's death.


We talked about where she was born, how Tatyana Zaitseva (singer) built her personal life and career. Fate sent her a lot of difficult tests, which our heroine passed with dignity.

Elena Nikolaevna and Tatyana Nikolaevna Zaitsevs. They were born on December 16, 1953 in Voronezh. Russian pop singers. Members of the duet "Sisters Zaitseva". Community activists.

Elena and Tatyana Zaitsev were born on December 16, 1953 in Voronezh with a difference of 15 minutes. The eldest is Tatyana.

Father - Nikolai Prokofievich Zaitsev, a military doctor, from the Don Cossacks.

Mother - Claudia Ivanovna, opera singer and pianist, was born in Chernivtsi in Ukraine, from the princely family of the Lykovs.

The father was 20 years older than the mother. As the sisters said, the parents had a wonderful family. They remembered their father as the kindest person. Mom was strict in the family in relation to her daughters. The father and mother of the Zaitsev sisters died of cancer.

Soon after the birth of the sisters, the father was sent to serve in the GDR, in the Western Group of Forces. Therefore, the childhood of Elena and Tatyana passed in Germany.

Later, the family lived in Kaluga, where they graduated from high school.

Tatyana and Elena are identical twins, their similarity has always been striking, which is why girls from an early age were often confused by others. They themselves sometimes used it. For example, at school - since Elena studied better, she sometimes went to the blackboard instead of Tatyana.

The sisters said about themselves that they are a single whole, "we feel each other even at a distance."

From an early age they loved to sing, dreamed of becoming artists.

The ear for music and vocal abilities were passed on to the sisters from their mother, an opera singer and pianist by education. It was she who immediately drew attention to the thin fingers of her daughters and decided that the girls would follow in her footsteps. Already in the mid-1960s, Tanya and Lena became the winners of the Sochi Music Festival.

At the age of 16, secretly from their parents, they went to Moscow and entered the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art. Tatyana also graduated from the directing department of the Moscow Institute of Culture.

Elena in 1971 married a German pilot and left for the GDR. But before that, the sisters managed to record several songs together - they first gained fame thanks to the song “And we go to the cinema”, which was released on a disc in the magazine “Krugozor” in 1972.

Tatyana tried to get a job as a singer in one of the hotels in Moscow. In the end, I came to see the Soyuz Hotel at the River Station, where an ensemble from Kharkov performed. And she was accepted. She began to sing in the first variety show that appeared in Moscow (now it is the Moscow Variety Theater by Yuri Cherenkov). Gradually, people began to go to Tatyana Zaitseva. In their team, which was led by her then-husband Yuri Cherenkov, then still little-known performed,.

After the collapse of the USSR, Tatyana suggested that Elena create a vocal duet - the twin American singers of the Rose sister were taken as a model.

In the early 1990s, a duet appeared "Sisters Zaitsevs". The song "Sister", the text of which tells about the experience of two sisters, one of whom lives in Moscow and the other in Amsterdam, became the most famous song of the duet, the Zaitsevs first performed it at a concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in Moscow in 1994.

In 1996, the sisters released their first album, and in 1998 they won the Ovation Award for the Crazy Snow video clip. The composition "Random Encounters" also became a hit.

Sisters Zaitseva - Chance Encounters

At the peak of their fame, the Zaitsev sisters left for the USA. There were reasons for this: Tatyana's husband Nick Vissokovsky, who owned a casino network, was threatened by competitors. In addition, the sisters were offered a five-year contract to perform in America. He was a friend and business partner of Wissokovsky. Together with Nick, Chuck became the producer of the Zaitsevs, organizing a grand show for them in Las Vegas, which was an incredible success. The sisters performed their songs in English, accompanied by a ballet of sixty people.

In the 2000s, they actively toured with concerts in the USA, Japan and the United Arab Emirates.

In 2010 they returned to Russia after the end of a long-term contract in the USA. Returning to Russia, the sisters returned to the domestic stage, but there was no longer any previous success - other artists took their place, and the expression "stars of the nineties" stuck to the sisters.

Tatyana helps her husband run a business.

The sisters are also involved in social activities - protecting stray dogs. A mini-nursery was built on the territory of their house.

At the same time, the Zaitsev sisters did not leave music - they occasionally perform private concerts.

The height of the Zaitsev sisters: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of the Zaitsev sisters:

Elena Zaitseva was married twice.

The first husband is a German pilot Rolf Neumann. She married him at the age of 18. She went to her husband in the GDR, but family life did not work out. She said: “Relations with Rolf changed very quickly. And he himself changed - no attention to me, no care, no gifts, no romance. abortion. Because my husband categorically did not want a child. So much so that he simply kicked me out of the house. "

The second husband is Otto Lauinger, a Dutch pilot. We met when Elena worked in a variety show. Otto drew attention to the beautiful singer and went up to meet her. A relationship began between them, then the couple got married and Elena went to her husband in Holland, to his house in Amsterdam, quickly learned the Dutch language.

Tatiana Zaitseva was married twice.

The first husband is Yuri Cherenkov, a musician, head of the ensemble in which she sang. Tatyana herself admitted that she did not like Yuri at all. However, she became his wife. She recalled: “The man was incredibly strict, I was afraid of him. Even in bed, she called only by her first name and patronymic. She got married rather because she felt insanely lonely ... Cherenkov and I turned out to be polar opposites; everything in him was alien to me, I even broke down from jokes. And his love was expressed in the fact that he constantly shouted at me and said all sorts of nasty things that made my hands go numb. Obviously, he was jealous. "

The couple had a son Alex.

They broke up with Cherenkov when their son was less than a year old.

Tatyana Zaitseva and son Alexei

The second husband is Nick Wissokovsky, an American with Russian roots (his mother is an Austrian, and his father is from Russian emigrants, his grandparents left for America during the revolution). Nick worked for many years in the US special forces, in the department for combating drugs and organized crime. During the operation, he was wounded, his leg was almost amputated, he was barely saved, he has been limping ever since. Then he went into business, primarily the development of a casino network. First opened in Las Vegas, in the late 1980s - in Moscow (Beverly Hills, where Nick owned 99% of the shares, and 1% - his friend, Chuck Norris). He also created a network of spas in the Seychelles, opened a bank in Switzerland.

They met in 1997, when the singers got into an accident (Elena accidentally pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake and damaged five cars at once). The artists were in a terrible situation: they did not have money to pay compensation for damage to car owners. The Zaitsevs had no choice but to ask for an advance from the owner of the Beverly Hills casino, Nick Wissokowski. It soon became clear that Nick was not indifferent to Tatyana.

Tatyana Zaitseva and second husband Nick Wissokovsky

But in November 2015, Alexey tragically died in Moscow. He was driving a car and did not notice that repairs were being carried out on the road.

The Zaitsev sisters live in several countries: Nick and Tatyana have two mansions in the USA, Elena has a house in Holland. But most often they are in Moscow, where they all meet together.

Discography of the Zaitsev sisters:

1996 - Sister
2004 - Chance meetings

Dear "Nedelka", on your pages I recently read a mention that the singing duet of the Zaitsev sisters, Tatyana and Elena, is somehow connected with the Voronezh region, in particular, with the city of Ostrogozhsk. About ten years ago I heard their song about sisters on TV, I think it's called “Sister”. Could the respected editors tell you more about Tanya and Lena and print the words of this song? Thank you in advance.

Elizaveta Vasilchenkova, Anninsky district.

Tatyana and Elena Zaitsevs really belong to the Voronezh residents. They were born in Ostrogozhsk. They are twins. Tanya opened her eyes first, and fifteen minutes later Lena. About their parents. The sisters' father was the head of the medical service of the military unit in Ostrogozhsk. Mother was also a musical worker there. Her photograph is in the museum of military unit No. 20115. The daughters went to their mother, it was Klara Ivanovna who developed musical abilities in them.

Classmates of the Zaitsev sisters live in Ostrogozhsk. When the “bunnies” put on school uniforms and tied red pioneer ties, their parents probably had difficulty distinguishing them. They sang already then in a duet in school amateur performances. It was interesting to listen, and most importantly, to watch them.

After school, the sisters left for Moscow, entered the institute. Ostrogozhsk heard a rumor that one of them soon married a foreigner.

We will touch on the family affairs of the sisters, but first about the song career. She turned out well. Their duet is known in Moscow as "the vocal group of the vocal and instrumental ensemble Sovremennik".

In the nineties of the last century, Tatyana and Elena quite successfully toured Russia, the CIS countries and abroad. When life became freer, the sisters released albums and CDs of their songs, did not disdain to master the restaurant repertoire.

They performed some songs of David Tukhmanov's cycle "From the Vagantes".

Known to almost everyone who watches TV and listens to the radio, Igor Nikolaev wrote hits for our compatriots with pleasure.

Less known as a composer Viktor Chaika (it was he who brought Tatyana Ovsienko to the “people”) also collaborated with the Zaitsev sisters.

“In the late 90s, the song of the duet of two blond ... Zaitsev sisters sounded everywhere,” the capital's press wrote. - Similar as two drops of water, and besides singing, women were so unusual that the audience willingly came to their concerts. And the hits written for them by the masters of the Russian stage Igor Nikolaev and Viktor Chaika did their job. The success of the disc "Sister" - two million copies. Tanya Bulanova, who began to unwind in those days, never dreamed of such a thing!

At the same time, another duet of twin sisters appeared on television screens. They were the burning brunettes of the Rose Sisters. With them, so to speak, Igor Krutoy answered the Zaitsev Sisters. And Cool does nothing in vain. After all, this is a cool person in and of itself! He is referred to in Moscow as "the great founder of the ARS company", he has all the rights to such popular television projects as "Song of the Year", "Hot Ten" and others.

However, sisters by the name of Rose did not exploit the idea of ​​a vocal duet of twins for long. They turned up foreign suitors, and these girls went with them to the United States of America.

As for the family issues of our compatriots. Elena married a foreigner, a Dutchman. There she bore the surname Launger. The marriage broke up. The husband worked as the commander of the Boeing-747 Airbus, he earned good money. It seems that she was jealous of her husband for the flight attendants. And her husband - her to other commanders. Guests often came to their big house for Russian pancakes with caviar, borscht, and roasted pigs - financial opportunities allowed. When Lena broke up with Mr. Launger, her Dutch friends became very depressed - they are greedy about grubs; they cook little and somehow for themselves, but for free they think vinegar is sweet ...

Tatyana also (judging by her speech on the Ekho Moskvy radio station) married a foreigner. Her Nick is an American of Russian origin. Our compatriot liked it in the USA. Nick brought her to Las Vegas with show business people, Tatiana sang to them, talked about her sister. Soon a contract was signed for a tour of America by the Zaitsev Sisters duet. The audience took the concerts with a bang, the duet was accompanied by a ballet group of fifty people. They sang, as Tatyana says, entirely in English. A popular blonde lived in Las Vegas, she starred in commercials. The yellow press then wrote: “We have two Russians here who resemble our star, but they are two and younger.”

And once in Los Angeles, Tatyana walked along the street arm in arm with her husband Nick. The paparazzi attacked them: they thought it was their very blonde. The next morning tabloid newspapers wrote that this blonde was seen with her lover. The lady in question hosts a Candid Camera TV show on Channel 11 in the US, so she is known.

By the way, during concerts in the USA, the sisters often dressed in costumes made by themselves according to Elena's models - she graduated from a higher design school. In general, the Zaitsevs noted, Russians living in America were the most benevolent spectators at their performances.

A few years ago, a message appeared in the music press that in the United States the sisters met a well-known film actor in this country and here in Russia, Chuck Norris, a “cool Walker”. They starred with him in a joint video. One reputable American production company became interested in their work, which offered the sisters to sign a contract for as much as five years. According to this contract, which is very beneficial for both parties, the singer sisters will make a world tour of the United States, Canada, then go to the UK, from there to Japan. Next will be Israel and Jordan, Australia and New Zealand, Germany, Egypt…

“The Zaitsevs became the first Russian performers who received an offer to conduct such a tour around the world - even the“ bunny ”Philip Kirkorov went on foreign tours only by one-time invitations,” the newspapers wrote.

There are many “windows” on the tour, which makes it possible to visit Moscow often.

Experts say that the secret of the popularity of the Zaitsev sisters is that they sing good songs with good voices. Charming and, unlike the "oil stars", vociferous twins conquer the world; especially his male half. Yes, today long-legged and busty beauties with bad voices are more and more conquering the stage. If there were no computer processing, then bare limbs and decollete would hardly have made the same “Brilliant” or “Viagra” popular ...

And the Zaitsev sisters are what they are. Show business has its own laws, its own rivalry, its own press divided among rich celebrities. Sometimes you can read a taunt about our countrywomen like "forever young", "burly Barbie", who have long "mastered the restaurant repertoire". All this is from envy. Yes, it is natural that our melodious sisters have stepped over the age of Balzac women - time is the worst of the enemies of man, but Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is about the same, and Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko still does not give up ...

But here's a fact. Angrily commenting on the release of the Zaitsevs' new disc in 2004 called "Random Encounters", one Moscow magazine sneered: "Their songs are not popular," but forgot - intentionally, but how else? - point out that Tatyana and Elena at the same time became laureates of the national Ovation award.

Morals in show business are still the same! It's not just about jealousy. In 2001, the InterMedia agency spread a message about the assassination attempt on the Zaitsev sisters. It was in Moscow, in April, at ten in the morning. A certain citizen crept up to their car, which was standing at the entrance, and broke a Molotov cocktail bottle on it. The car caught fire. Tatyana and Elena were at home at that terrible moment, and the driver was waiting for them in the car. He suffered quite seriously: imagine that his clothes were on fire.

Prior to this incident, the Zaitsevs had been threatened by telephone. The terrorist, of course, was not found ...

So the life of artists is not as simple as it seems to the layman. Glory, popularity comes at a high price!

Tatiana and Elena don't really like it when people talk about their striking resemblance.

“We are different,” Tatyana said in an interview. “Very different in character, habits, and clothing.”

But for all the difference between the sisters, there is an amazing biological connection. The mood of one, even over long distances, is transmitted to the other. “They have a 100% match in their individual cycles,” notes My Child magazine in an article on the problems of raising twins. - Being in different countries, they simultaneously feel a surge of vigor and a breakdown, go to bed and get up, get sick and recover. And so it was from early childhood! Together, the sisters easily endure long-distance travels, touring loads, and apart they suffer from biorhythm failures.

“The main thing is to be close to each other,” the Zaitsevs say. “Then we feel quite comfortable, everything works out for us, and without much difficulty we keep ourselves in good physical shape.”

“Initially, we seem to be as one whole,” the Zaitsevs said about themselves in another interview on the Ekho Moskvy radio (in March 2002).

“But here we studied in different ways,” recalls the old Elena. - Tatyana liked to hang out, I was more diligent. I gave Tanya a copy of the lesson, but sometimes she couldn’t do it properly either. As a result - different estimates. In general, it happened that one of us passed exams for another ...

- Who was the first of you to bring home a cavalier? the radio host asked them.

It turned out that Tanya found it for Lena. And when Lena kissed him under the stairs, Tanya closed her eyes and imagined that she was kissing him.

The sisters also spoke about the strength of the biological connection between them. When Tatyana gave birth in Moscow, Lena was in Germany. And she felt there as if it was she, Lena, giving birth herself - so “female details” ached in her body. And Tatyana had a caesarean section. Two hours later, Lena's mother, Klara Ivanovna, called and announced the birth of her nephew. You see what kind of "biological radio" exists between the twins: one actually gives birth, the other thinks that this is happening to her.

Since one of the sisters is called Tatyana, she has one more holiday a year. Tatyana says:

- Why they chose this name for me, I can’t say for sure, but somehow I heard in a conversation with my parents for a long time that I was named so in honor of the very Great Martyr Tatiana, to whom the holiday is now dedicated - Tatiana’s Day. By the way, as a child I simply hated this name, but now I just get high! Therefore, Tatiana's Day is a special celebration not only for me, but also for all my relatives and friends: on January 25, many more people call me with congratulations than even on my birthday. And even if my husband is on business in another city, he tries to finish everything early and return home to be there. And in the evening we certainly go to a Chinese or Japanese restaurant - this has already become a tradition for us on Tatyana's day. True, Lena feels a little upset and deprived: after all, we have all the holidays together, including our birthday (December 16), but Tatyana's day is only my holiday, so Lenochka is a little offended.

Here they are, our compatriots Tatyana and Elena Zaitsevs. Zhirinovsky said about them that they irritate him with their similarity. Tatyana's son, when he was little, pulled Lena by the hem and asked: "Mom, where is my mom?" And the sisters say about themselves that they are “happy that they have each other.”

We wish them all the best!

Vitaly IVANOV,
observer "VN".

And here is the text of the song, which a reader of Voronezhskaya Nedelya asks to publish.


That night I won't be able to sleep until dawn,
This means looking out the window too.
This means - sad from each other away
Two sisters are like two drops alike! ..

Outside your window - Amsterdam,
Behind mine - the lights of Moscow ...
If tears in my eyes
So you dropped them!

Sister, sister
The warmth of the fire
Sister, sister
In foreign lands
May my love keep you!

And in Russia it's raining torrentially,
And the snow and frost are getting closer ...
And our two birches are trembling in the wind
Quietly dropping leaves like tears ...

Let me forgive me for longing
Your beloved foreigner ...
Ask him, ask him
He will let you go home!

Come, come! Rain is knocking on the window...
Our house is waiting for your return! ..
Come, and we will celebrate, as in childhood, for a long time,
Our one for two birthday!

We will invite friends to visit
For two we will light candles,
To forget at least for a day, for an hour
About everything that makes us sad!

Sister, sister
The warmth of the fire
Candlelight on an icy night!
Sister, sister
In foreign lands
May my love keep you!

16.11.2015 10:23

There is great grief in the family of the famous duet of the Zaitsev sisters. The only son of one of the twins, Tatyana Zaitseva, died in a car accident.

The only son of singer Tatyana Zaitseva and her ex-husband, director Yuri Cherenkov, died in a car accident.

It is known that the misfortune happened in Moscow. The mother of the deceased Alexei Tatyana, who had previously been abroad, has already flown to Russia, writes StarHit.

“It was an accident. He was driving. There were repairs, he didn’t notice,” Elena, heartbroken, said briefly.

Became known the details of the death of 32-year-old Alexei Cherenkov.

The lifeless body of Alexei was found yesterday at about 10 am in the metropolitan subway. The body lay under the contact rail on the stretch between the Universitet and Vorobyovy Gory stations.

It turned out that Cherenkov had been doing parkour for many years, it is an extreme sport.

Returning home from his friend Alexander in the morning, he decided to do another trick. Jumping from train to train, Cherenkov did not notice how the cars started moving, as well as the repair work that was being carried out there.

The blow fell on the head with a beam, the right side of the face was disfigured.

Shortly before his death, Cherenkov became a father for the first time - his son Maxim was born.

The death of Alexei was a terrible loss for both twins, because Tatyana lost her only child, and Elena has no children of her own.

The Zaitsev Sisters are a Russian female vocal duo of twins that became famous in the 1990s with their chanson song Sister.

The Zaitsev sisters were born on December 16, 1953 in Voronezh, Tatyana was born 15 minutes earlier. The father of the sisters Nikolai Prokofievich was a military doctor, mother Klavdia Ivanovna was an opera singer and pianist by education.

Education of sisters - graduated from the All-Russian creative workshop of pop art.

The Zaitsev sisters have exactly the same appearance. They spent their childhood in the GDR - their father served in the Western Group of Forces as an officer of the Soviet army, and the twins graduated from a secondary school in Kaluga.

At the age of 18, Elena Zaitseva married a German named Rolf and went to live in Wiesbaden. After the divorce, she returned to Moscow.

Tatyana at that time was also in the USSR and Russia, where she sang in Moscow restaurants.

The song "Sister", the text of which tells about the experience of two sisters, one of whom lives in Moscow and the other in Amsterdam, became the most famous song of the duet, the Zaitsevs first performed it at a concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in Moscow in 1994.

And for the first time they entered the big stage at the suggestion of Philip Kirkorov in 1991. Elena and Tatyana Zaitsev are the winners of the Ovation award in 1997 for the video clip Crazy Snow.

In 2010, after a series of publications and television programs, they became known as advocates for stray dogs.

Yuri Cherenkov was Tatyana's first husband, who died in 2011. Tatyana's current husband is a US citizen, Russian by origin, businessman Nick Wissokovsky.

He is also the producer of the creative duo. Thanks to his support, the sisters performed in Las Vegas at the Mirage, Venice and Flamingo casinos.

Elena was a member of the Board of Directors of the Beverly Hills Casino. After a conflict related to the redistribution of property, an assassination attempt and the initiation of a criminal case against her (which was later closed), she left for the United States.

Biography of the Zaitsev sisters

Singers, twins - Tatyana and Elena Zaitsev were born in the city of Voronezh. On December 16, they celebrate one birthday for two. First, a toast is made to the elder Tatiana, and after 15 minutes to the younger Elena.

Sisters Zaitseva often changed their place of residence, since the father of the sisters, Nikolai Prokofievich, was a military doctor. The girls' mother Klavdia Ivanovna is an opera singer and pianist by education. As soon as the girls were born, my mother noticed: "The daughters have long fingers, they will be pianists." At the age of three, the twins amazingly laid out children's songs in two voices. Tanya sang first, Lena - second.

In high school Sisters Zaitseva studied in Germany, where their father went on duty, and the twins graduated from a secondary school in Kaluga. Then there was the study of VTMEI (All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art). At one of the prestigious music competitions in Sochi in the mid-80s, charming blondes receive their first recognition - they become winners. Their track record also includes the prestigious Ovation award. The trademark of the Zaitsev sisters is not only their similarity, but also an unusual way to hold the microphone. At that time, it was a brilliant PR move, although no one came up with it on purpose, just one day Lena took the microphone like that, and Tanya picked it up.

At the peak of their fame in Russia, the twins left to work under a contract in America, where they performed at the best venues in Las Vegas. The producer of the Zaitsev sisters in America was Tatyana's husband, Nick Wissokovsky, an American of Russian origin. For the first time, Russian singers sang not for emigrants, but for an international audience. Their success was so great that the Zaitsevs often became the main characters of news and other programs on the popular CBS television channel. The show of the Zaitsev sisters made a splash. Sher herself, Ricchi e Poveri, Toto Cutugno, Michael Douglas and other world celebrities came to see them. A few years later, having received recognition from a Western audience and firmly established in America, the twins were sad about Russia. Recently, the Zaitsevs live in several countries. In Florida, Nick and Tatyana have two large mansions, Elena Zaitseva has a house in Holland, but together they can be found more often in Moscow. Modern innovations allow Tatyana's husband Nick Vissokovsky to conduct business from anywhere in the world, today he works in the oil business. Currently, the Zaitsev Sisters give private concerts abroad. They are still in excellent musical and physical shape and continue to delight fans with their creativity.

Sisters Zaytseva. Biography

Personal life. Elena Zaitseva.

At the age of 16, Lena met a foreigner in Moscow, here he worked as a representative of the large Lufthansa airline. Rolf was older than Elena, and besides, he was married. Their romance lasted two years, and at 18 Elena nevertheless left for Germany with her beloved. Rolf divorced and they got married. Their marriage was happy only the first year. The husband periodically left for the children from his first marriage, and the young wife, being practically a child herself, also wanted attention and wanted to be the only one. She often stayed at home alone. She was burdened by the life of a housewife. After a while, the girl realized that she no longer loves the way she used to. Disagreements in their couple led to the fact that Lena was forced to leave home. Having started an independent life in Germany, the girl graduated from the school of designers and stylists.

Lena also met her second husband in Moscow. He, like her first husband, was a foreigner, only from another country - Holland. Elena flew to the capital to visit her older sister Tatyana, when she performed solo in a variety show at the Soyuz Hotel, and Otto, a pilot of international airlines, often came to watch the performances of a beautiful blonde - it was Tatyana. Seeing Lena at a table in a restaurant, Otto thought that this was the same singer. He approached her with a bottle of champagne to express his delight. It turned out that Lena is the twin sister of the same singer.

Lody people easily found a common language, Lena spoke excellent German. Otto, like Lena's first husband, was married. At first, Elena maintained friendly relations with Otto, and then a terrible tragedy occurred in his family: his wife died in a plane crash in Spain, she was a flight attendant. Grief united Lena and Otto, and then brought them closer. They signed and began to live in Holland. Elena Zaitseva seemed to have regained her happiness. She took care of the house and did not think about a career. But one day a call from her sister from Moscow with an offer to continue singing in a duet turned her life upside down. Lena often went to Moscow, and then her relationship with her husband ended altogether.

Elena Zaitseva is silent about her current personal life, smiling slyly. Looking at her sister, Tatyana Zaytse confirms: “Yes, she has always been and remains mysterious with us.

Sisters Zaytseva. Biography

Personal life. Tatyana Zaitseva.

The first husband of Tatyana Zaitseva was Yuri Cherenkov, a talented director, creator of the first variety theater in Moscow. Unfortunately, in 2011, Yuri passed away. They had a wonderful creative union with Tatyana - she sang, he directed. In their marriage, a son, Alexei, was born. Tatyana and Yuri lived for several years and parted. Tanya continued to live in Moscow, while her sister Elena was already living abroad at that time.

and rarely saw each other and missed each other very much. Since Elena married a foreigner and left for another country, the Zaitsevs were often called "enemies of the people." The times were harsh then, and one day, having flown to Moscow to see her sister and little nephew, Lena was not even allowed to cross the border and was sent back. Tanya dreamed that she and Lena would someday reunite. And, of course, she continued to believe in her female happiness, just as Assol was waiting for her prince on the shore. And when I stopped waiting, HE suddenly appeared - Nick. Tanya remembered the words of the Dutch fortuneteller: "He will be big, from across the ocean and not Russian." Speaking in a Moscow nightclub, already together with Lena, after the concert, the singers were presented with two huge bouquets of roses. This is how the owner of the establishment, Nick Wissokovsky, expressed his gratitude; he kept a casino in the capital together with the famous actor Chuck Norris. Of the two sisters, he immediately chose Tanya, but for some reason he thought that it was she who lived abroad. Their romance was fast paced. And after a while, Nick took Tanya by the hand and led her down the aisle. Nick has a very interesting pedigree. His grandfather was the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod. After the revolution, he emigrated to Europe with his wife, with a child - Nika's dad and a friend, military commander Wrangel. Nick was born already in America, his mother was an Austrian. It is noteworthy that a representative of our great Romanov dynasty, Vladimir Kirillovich, now deceased, became Nick's godfather. Business and fate brought Nick to Russia, thanks to which he met Tatyana Zaitseva.

Frank interviews with famous twin singers.

Descriptions of the life collisions of each of the participants in the duet "Sisters Zaitseva", which thundered in the 1990s, would be enough for several action-packed novels. “Very strong trials were given to us,” Tanya and Lena say. “Too much had to be overcome and endured, too much to repent, but at the same time there is so much for which we will forever remain grateful to our tortuous fate - one for two ...”

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Nadezhda Granovskaya: “From birth, a series of serious trials began for me” The similarity of the twins is striking, and not only external. “We are identical, which means we are a single whole,” the sisters say. “We feel each other even at a distance.” And as proof, they amaze TN correspondents with the story of their incredible unity - one of countless similar ones in their lives ...

Elena: I live with my husband in Germany. One day I suddenly started having terrible pains in my stomach. I call my mother in tears: “Feeling that the pelvic bones are breaking, ask dad what is wrong with me.” He is a military doctor...

Tatyana: And at that moment I was giving birth - the doctors insisted on a caesarean section - and I did not feel pain under anesthesia.

Elena: But I felt it to the fullest. I suffered for five hours, and then the pain suddenly let go, as if it had never existed. Five minutes later, my mother called me: “Congratulations on your nephew!” And then dad explained that such situations are normal for identical twins. Just why this happens remains a mystery.

- It's convenient, probably, to be twins - can you say something somewhere?

Tatyana: Still would! Well, for example. At the lesson they call: “Tatyana Zaitseva!” Since Lenka, unlike me, has always studied very well, she replies. And at the end of the answer, the teacher suddenly says: “Tanyush, now come to the blackboard.” And ... we rush together - I already forgot about reincarnation. In the rust class...

Elena: And how I came from Germany and handed over for Tanya (she was then studying at the director's department of the Moscow Institute of Culture) the German language, which I know perfectly ... And she flew around the world with my Dutch passport, when they had not yet been fingerprinted ...

- Did you get along with your parents?

Tatyana: We had a wonderful family. Unfortunately, the parents passed away: both were mowed down by cancer. We often remember them, I set my husband as an example the family of our childhood, I talk about mom and dad - according to family tradition, we

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Roman Kartsev: “I married Vika thanks to a quarrel with Raikin” with Lena they are so called. But, I must say, our mother was very strict, and dad, on the contrary, was the kindest.

Elena: 20 years older than mother. He served in the GDR, in the Western Group of Forces, which is why we spent our childhood in Germany. Dad from the Don Cossacks. Only on the eve of his death did he confess to us that he was the illegitimate son of a white officer. And his mother, our grandmother, took him out of the village secretly, because at that time there were Reds.

Tatyana: Moreover, revealing this “terrible” secret, papa closed the doors and windows in the hospital so that no one would overhear. Because he was a party member ... And my mother was born in Chernivtsi, descended from the princely family of Lykovs. Beauty, aesthetic, pianist and singer - was for us an ideal, a standard.

- Which of you first love came first?

- To Lena. It seems that of the two of us, I am a party girl, lively, but at the same time I was afraid of unfamiliar sensations, but my sister was not, and I always went boldly to all life experiments. Smoking, for example, began at the age of 13. And how to kiss, taught me. I asked her, so she taught such lessons in the theory of kissing! And in general, if not for my sister, I think I ...

Elena:(With laughter.) ... would remain an old maid.

Tatyana: True, physiologically, not a single boy was fascinated by me, he didn’t even know how to frame. I only climbed trees and over fences with them, well, I played them. I will agree with someone to go to the cinema, and I will send Lenka, giving her a ticket.

Elena: I go to the cinema, towards the boy, he asks: “Why don’t you say hello?” I am indignant: "Do not pester,

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Zhanna Epple: “I was a kind of rose petal. And only thanks to the blow of fate I realized how strong it really is, “I’ll call a policeman now!” It turns out that these are Tanka's jokes ... As for the first love, I still keep it in my heart. From the 8th grade I fell in love with Kostya. We then lived in Kaluga - we arrived there after the end of my father's service in Germany. I am a schoolgirl, Kostya is a student of the branch of the Bauman Institute, five years older than me. Dated a girl that I knew about. But fell in love.

Tatyana: He was so handsome that all the girls were stunned by him. And Tamara, his passion, was also a written beauty. But Lenka and I also drew attention to ourselves in this province: handsome, dressed in a way that was not local, and generally knew how to present ourselves. When they walked down the street, the guys stuck like bees to honey, and the local girls were already moaning with envy.

Elena: Nevertheless, I still achieved my goal - Kostya began to look after me, left Tamara. So one girl, who also went crazy over him, somehow waylaid me and said harshly: “Get out of here, you don’t live here!” And we just read that in Moscow there is an All-Russian creative workshop of variety art. And in secret from their parents - they allegedly went to visit their aunt - they moved to enter there. And they did. We were 16 years old. Kostya came to me, he missed me. I'm on it too. But suddenly fate took me in a completely different direction.

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Sergey Stepanchenko: “I am the bearer of all the problematic qualities that humanity suffers from” The fact is that Tanya has always been a party girl, and as soon as we arrived in Moscow, she immediately got acquainted with everyone. In her company was Natasha Petrova (the actress who played in the film "The meeting place cannot be changed" a waitress who is thrown out the window. - Approx. "TN"), whose husband was Babek Serush - an Iranian businessman, millionaire, was friends with Vysotsky; he was then killed ... In general, Tanya became friends with them. And at their house, when they came from America, various foreigners gathered.

Tatyana: I brought Lena with me to one of these parties, and there was Rolf, a German pilot, the main representative of Lufthansa in Russia. When he saw his sister, he fell in love at first sight. Represent, and on me in general zero attention. How distinguished? It is not clear ... In general, they have become enamored.

Elena: He was 28 years older than me, handsome awesome. All Moscow currency prostitutes swarmed around him, and in those days they were the most spectacular - stylish, with exquisite manners, dressed cool ... And suddenly this fabulous macho falls in love with me, a 17-year-old, and says: “I love, I can’t live without you can!" And he calls to go with him permanently to Wiesbaden. Dream! I didn’t have any deep feelings, it just captured me with its improbability. At the same time, Rolf had a wife and two children, the youngest son was only a year old. When he divorced, I, a juvenile fool, was so happy! Now I think: “God, what a terrible sin I did!” And then I thought that this was evidence of unearthly love for me, and since they love me so much, it means that I will fall in love too ...

In short - a connection with a foreigner. The KGB men immediately appeared and took him away. They shook me and Tanka so much, they dragged me for interrogations so much, they pressed me so hard that it wouldn’t seem enough.

- What did they want from you?

“For me to knock on Rolf. Because he was considered a spy, especially because he was close friends with the German correspondent for the magazines Der Spiegel and Stern, Norbert Kuhinke (played the role of a Danish professor in the film

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Cornelia Mango: “I wanted children, and he said: “Buy yourself a dog” “Autumn Marathon”. — Approx. "TN"), which they have long been under suspicion regarding the export of antiques and icons from the country.

Tatyana: And I was required to enter into an intimate relationship with him, promising in this case to close my eyes to my sister's relationship with a foreigner. (In a whisper.) And when Lenka had already left for Germany, we had a crazy affair with just one of the KGB officers who were following her. He fell in love with me so much, he cried. By the way, he spoke in confidence that he understands Lenka very well.

Elena: And, on the contrary, he warned me against leaving: “You will be unhappy there, so you will remember my words.” By the way, he was right.

How did you manage to leave anyway? A minor, a lover is a foreigner, vigilant organs are crushing ...

- Rolf barely waited for my 18 years so that we could get married. During this time, he took me to the Beryozka closed foreign exchange shops, showered me with outfits, jewelry, renovated and furnished our cooperative apartment - our parents bought it for us, turned it right into a fairy-tale tower. Such love fascinated me ... And they let me out because Kuhinke warned them: "If even a hair falls from Lenin's head, I will write about everything in the German press." But they didn’t need a high-profile case at all ...

- Tanya, what happened to you with matters of the heart?

- I felt very bad without Lenka. When I saw her off, I sobbed to hysterics, I could not stop. My KGB officer came, rudely cursed at my sister, saying, how could she leave you, now they won’t accept you for any job. And so it was - no matter where you poke, they didn’t take it anywhere. Finally, she came to show herself at the Soyuz Hotel at the River Station, where she performed

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Alena Apina: “Money was sorely lacking, and then ten rubles for a concert. So the ensemble from Kharkov went to the "Combination" - a variety show, the first in Moscow (now it is already a solid cultural institution - the Moscow theater "Variety" by Yuri Cherenkov), and for some reason they took me there - I became their soloist. Gradually, people began to go to Zaitseva, and the guys from the team fell in love with me. Least of all of them I liked Cherenkov, the leader. But, ironically, it was he who became the father of my son and my husband. The man was incredibly strict, I was afraid of him. Even in bed called only by name and patronymic. She got married rather because she felt insanely lonely.

- To leave the child or not, the question was not?

- No, I really wanted to give birth. Growing up in such a friendly family as ours, I was sure that I myself would get married only once. But I was wrong. Cherenkov and I turned out to be polar opposites; everything about him was alien to me, even from jokes it broke. And his love was expressed in the fact that he ceaselessly shouted at me and said all sorts of nasty things that made my hands go numb. Obviously he was jealous. But it was very difficult to endure such bullying. Plus, my husband's mother constantly invaded our lives and just as unfairly offended me. I tell it as it is, even though neither he nor she is now alive, which I regret from the bottom of my heart... And I made a vow to myself: I would never fit into the life of my son and his women; even if I am not happy with his choice, I will never talk about it. And I keep my word. Alyosha's life and his relationship with young ladies is a taboo for me. Now the son is divorced, but, I see, a girl appeared, it seems not bad. And Alyoshka got married at the age of 18, and without telling us about it. The housekeeper remarked: “God, yes they are in wedding rings!”

Elena: Natasha was 10 years older than Alyosha, with a child - she married him to herself.

Tatyana: Lenka and I sobbed in two voices, in a duet. Nevertheless, I remained with my daughter-in-law on very good terms, sincerely fell in love with her. But they fled on their own ... And dad Alyoshin died three years ago. Ten days before his death, we met - the son arranged it. He told me: "Dad has cancer, he is dying, I think that you should make peace."

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Viktor Rybin: “Natasha and her friends were held captive, and I was thousands of kilometers away from her.” And he organized our meeting. I came to the house where Yuri's wife and two small children were. We both cried, apologized to each other, and Nick was also present at the same time. And then Alyosha sang a song to all of us ... After this meeting, it was as if a weight had fallen from my soul ... After all, Yura and I broke up when Alyokha was less than a year old. I had already left the variety show then - he did not let go, I ran away. There were many unpleasant things. But I am sincerely grateful to Cherenkov for the school of life - I learned to overcome everything.

— Lena, how was your life in Germany?

To put it mildly, not in the best way. Relations with Rolf changed very quickly. And he himself has changed - no attention to me, no care, no gifts, no romance. And my only work is homework. Yearning. But the most terrible memory from that marriage is an abortion. Because the husband categorically did not want a child. So much so that he just kicked me out of the house. (After a pause.) It's my own fault, my sin, it was I who separated him from his wife. And she turned the children against me, and the son said to dad: “If your wife gives birth, we will never communicate with you again.” He loved them without memory and, of course, was afraid to lose them ... For me, the situation is monstrous: there is nowhere to go, no money. I was scared to go to Russia, it’s impossible to return with a child from a foreigner - at best, they will be exiled for the 101st kilometer ... It’s very hard for me to talk about this. It was such despair that I did not want to live.

She sold an expensive piece of jewelry - a gift from Rolf, rented an apartment and went to work as a waitress in a cafe. And how she begged me to be taken, not to retell! Terribly humiliating. And six months later, I was already named the best waitress in Mainz, but this did not make me feel less humiliated. There was a catastrophic lack of money. Beginnings

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5 things to buy at a sale, even paired with one guy to steal from the cash register, otherwise, he threatened, they would kick me out. I realized that I could not live like this, refused to steal and really was expelled from this place. I got a job in a video library ... With the money I saved, I paid for my studies at the courses of hairdressers - hairstyle designers. For six months she interfered with paints and brought curlers to the masters, sheared the inhabitants of the nursing home, then her clients appeared ... She went in jeans alone, she was malnourished, but as soon as money appeared, she went to buy Tanya beautiful dresses for the stage. Lived in her thoughts. At the first opportunity, she came to her, came to her performances, was happy for her - she was the prima ...

Once, at the end of the program, a handsome man suddenly approached me. He smiles, speaks in English, in French, in Spanish, finally, I hear German speech, and my German is excellent, and I respond: “I understand you. What did you want to say?" “I,” he answers, “is the captain of a Dutch airline plane, I constantly stay at this hotel and watch your variety shows. I really like the way you sing. But usually I arrive later and I can't catch you in any way. I am happy that I found at least at the table. Invited to dance. Of course, I told him that he was mistaken and that it was not me who actually sang. He introduced himself: “My name is Otto, I am Dutch, but my parents are Germans, they emigrated to Holland before the war. Married…”

- It's amazing, some kind of mysticism around you. Both husbands are foreigners, they met both in Moscow, both are pilots, both are family…

- Yes, such miracles ... In short, this, as we later called him, the "flying Dutchman" invites me to his room and introduces me to his wife. She is the chief stewardess, also a beauty. We sit, talk, drink wine, and suddenly I see that he is looking at me with loving eyes. And, most importantly, she sees it too. (With a smile.) When I took away the bottle, I told her: “Marion, I want to tell you something important. Remember: never in my life will I take Otto away from you.” And trust me, she kept her word.

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Evgenia Dobrovolskaya: “If together it’s worse than alone, we have to disperse” But we didn’t stop communicating with him, occasionally called back, Marion knew about it. We communicated well with her, but I still saw that deep down she was jealous of me ... In general, I again got a job in a restaurant, and Otto sometimes came to visit me. And there I was a star of a cosmic scale. Russian - which is already exotic. Moreover, she is pretty, flirtatious, perky, I speak German fluently. There was a pandemonium in my shifts. Champagne flowed like water, revenue rose - go crazy! The owner of the tsyrla walked in front of me. He begged: "Lena, just don't disappear!"

My birthday is December 16th. From morning to evening, everyone calls, congratulations. Everyone except Otto. Finally, in the middle of the night, a call comes from him. I immediately rattled: “Well, you’re good, I’ll be offended by you once and for all ...” And suddenly he interrupts: “Marion died today. The plane crashed. Flight to Spain. Side wind ... "(After a long pause.) That's how it happened: fate itself separated him from his wife, not me ...

After Marion's death, Otto began to fly to me in Germany every week. He gave various gifts, a car. In a word, he began to bribe me. Once my mother gave me: “Daughter, for the first time I want to say something about your personal life. What awaits you there - the job of a waitress? So what is next? And this person is rich, reliable and, most importantly, loves you ... How can you not love this ?! Otto often talked to his mother, confessed his love for me to her and asked: “Why is Lena indifferent to me?” And what could I do with myself - you can’t order your heart. (Sighing.) I continued to dry up for my first love - for the boy Kostya.

Tatyana: She then again had an affair with him. When she became already popular, one day she suddenly went to him in Kaluga. Imagine, she has a fairy-tale prince lying at her feet, and give her a Kaluga hero-lover!

“But did you marry Otto?”

Elena: She left, so what? I moved into his house in Amsterdam. But Holland turned out not to be my country at all; I was terribly uncomfortable there, although I learned Dutch quickly. However, she missed her terribly - for her sister, for the stage. And, imagine, for the homeland - it was terrible nostalgia.

Tatyana: And here I was worried because Lenka was toiling like that. And then Borka Moiseev, having started a grand concert, says to me: “Call your sister!” I call: “Len, you are sitting there doing nothing, cooking borscht, and then the Rose sisters appeared, our



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