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Skyrim quest the last descent how to open the door. Dragonborn - Walkthrough

, Bloodskal Mound

  • Related quest: Black Book: The Winds of Change
  • Reward: Leveled Gold
  • ID: DLC2RR03
  • Guaranteed level: 30
  • Brief walkthrough

    1. Talk to Crescius Caerellius.
    2. Return Gratian Caerellius great-grandfather's journal.
    3. Get to Bloodskal Mound.
    4. Return to Crescius Carellius.

    Detailed walkthrough

    Head to Raven Rock Mine to find Crescius Carellius and his wife Aphia Velothi. Afia is extremely concerned that her husband is constantly searching in the mine, which is extremely dangerous at his age. It turns out that many years ago the mine was closed by the Eastern Imperial Company. The official reason for the closure was given as a collapse in which Crescius's great-grandfather, Gratian Caerellius, died. However, some time ago the old man found a letter addressed to his great-grandfather, and a certain mysterious key. The letter states that Gratian was supposed to conduct research on the Nordic ruins discovered in the Raven Rock mine. Based on his mining experience, Krestius believes that the collapse could not have happened - the fasteners were done perfectly. He wants to find out what really happened to his great-grandfather and why the mine was closed.

    Talk to Crescius Caerellius and offer to help him. Crescius will provide you with a letter from your great-grandfather and the key to the mine, and will also advise you to first find the remains of Gratian and read the expedition’s diary. Don’t forget to take an ancient Nord pickaxe with you into the mine; there are deposits of stalhrim in the mine.

    Go down, kill several frost spiders and a skeever along the way. After a while you will see a boarded-up passage, knock down the boards and behind them you will see a locked gate. The key will open them. On the other side there will be a Nordic burial chamber filled with leveled draugr; fight them and move on. After passing through the corridor, you will find yourself in a round room, here draugr sitting on thrones are waiting for you. Open the iron door and go further. Along the way, pay attention to the sarcophagus filled with Stalhrim, this is where the ancient Nord pickaxe will come in handy. It becomes more dangerous to go further - traps begin to appear. Behind the next door is a cave with a waterfall and several opponents, deal with them and go upstairs. On the other “shore” there is an activator handle, go there along the bridge and return - now a passage has opened. To the left is a room with a volume of the “Ice Spike” spell, to the right is the way up. Climbing further up the stairs, we come to a door, behind which there is only a chest that survived the collapse of the room. This is a dead end. Notice that something is causing air draft. Before the stairs there is a passage to the left (if you face the dead end). The tunnel will lead to a huge cave hall, in the opposite part of which you can see a mysterious round glowing door covered with runes. Here you will also find Gratian's body with his diary. Read the expedition journal and take the Bloodskal Blade. The diary says that when the blade is swung, a stream of energy emanates from the blade, possibly related somehow to the tightly locked door. Look closely at the door and you will see two glowing red horizontal stripes. Take Bloodskal in your hands, make sure that the stripe is in the crosshairs, and make a power attack with a side step. Skill is not important, you don’t need to touch the strip itself, only the direction of the swing is important: this way you will carry out a horizontal blow, and the energy coming off the blade will separate the blocks, setting the door mechanism in motion. Do the same with the second strip. There are now two vertical stripes on the door. Take aim and perform a power attack twice while standing still - the blow will be vertical. Two horizontal stripes appeared even higher and close to each other - one power attack with a side step may be enough. The last vertical stripe that cut the entire door will disperse if you make a normal power attack.

    Moving axes await you behind the door. After passing them, press the lever, go out into the large hall with the Wall of Words and get ready to meet a dragon priest named Zahkriisos, wearing a mask of the same name and able to summon seekers. He is a great specialist in electricity, so it is not harmful to increase the corresponding resistance. The Word Wall will allow you to learn the Word from the cry of the Dragon Incarnate. While at the wall, look in the direction you entered from and see that there is another passage on the right. You should go there. You will immediately find the Black Book The Winds of Change, after reading which you will begin the quest of the same name. After finishing the quest from the book, go upstairs until you find a stone blocking the passage and hear the voices of robbers nearby. Pull the chain and enter Bloodrock Mound. The leader of the robbers and his henchman will prevent you from going to the surface; deal with them. There will also be a lot of bandits outside. Return to Raven Rock to Crescius, his house next to the Bastion Gate. The old man will thank you for your help and give you some money.


    • Be careful when starting this quest. Even at low levels, there are quite strong opponents.

    Quest stages

    For five years now one of the most popular games is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The game takes place in one of the provinces of Tamriel, which is called Skyrim. The main character around whom the entire plot revolves is Dovahkiin - the chosen one, endowed with the power of the Voice, which extinct dragons once possessed. The game begins with the fact that long-forgotten dragons return, led by Alduin. the main objective Dovahkiin - find and kill the dragon Alduin, who is destroying Skyrim.

    But what to do when Alduin is killed and the main one is completed? story line Skyrim? In this case, it’s time to look for third-party quests for Dovahkiin, where you can see new locations, characters, enemies and, of course, useful rewards. Since such quests are amateur, it will not be easy to complete them, so first it is better to level up your character to high level and find many resources. Specifically, healing potions.

    Last descent- one of the many third-party quests, created just for those who have already completed the storyline, but do not want to part with the beautiful world of Skyrim; the final descent takes place in Nordic dungeons, teeming with draugr and traps; there is also a puzzle involved. It's quite easy to install. To do this, you just need to download the archive and unpack it into the root folder of the game. If the game was installed from torrents, then you need to be careful - the quest requires the Dragonborn add-on.

    You can check for DLC in the “files” tab of the game launcher.

    To start the quest, you need to get into the Raven Rock mine, which is located in Solstheim, and talk to the local NPCs: Crescius and Afia, they will tell you that the mine was closed due to a collapse that could not have happened. Krestius will give the Dovahkiin a letter so that he will go into the mine and find out its secret. Stalhrim can be found in the mine, so it is better to take an ancient Nord pickaxe with you.

    In the mine, the character will find a gate that can be opened using the Crescius key, and behind it there will be a Nordic crypt. There will be a lot of draugr and traps in it. Afterwards you will need to go forward, fighting off the undead, until a dead end appears. But there will be a passage to the left nearby, which will lead to closed door with red luminous stripes. There will also be a Bloodskal blade there, which can be used to open the door. When struck with a blade, a certain energy will emanate from it, and if you take a step to the side, it will be horizontal, if you take a step forward, it will be vertical. This energy must be directed towards the door in order to cut the stripes and open the door.

    Behind the door is a hall with the word of Power, guarded by the priest Zakrisosh. After defeating the priest, you will need to look for a way out. If you walk along the side of the pool, you can find a passage that ends in a spiral staircase and a pedestal with a book. After reading it, Dovahkiin will receive a new quest and it is better to complete it, because it will not be difficult. After completing it, Dovahkiin will end up in the Bloodskal mound, where he will have to fight robbers and bandits. A pumped up character will cope with them without problems.

    After this, you will need to find Krestitsius again, who lives not far from the mine. He will reward the character with coins, because the mine will start working again, and valuable ebony ore will be mined in it, bringing huge money to Skyrim; the last descent will be completed.

    For five years now, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been one of the most popular games. The game takes place in one of the provinces of Tamriel, which is called Skyrim. The main character around whom the entire plot revolves is Dovahkiin - the chosen one, endowed with the power of the Voice, which extinct dragons once possessed. The game begins with the fact that long-forgotten dragons return, led by Alduin. The main goal of Dovahkiin is to find and kill the dragon Alduin, who is destroying Skyrim.

    But what to do when Alduin is killed and the main storyline of Skyrim is completed? In this case, it’s time to look for third-party quests for Dovahkiin, where you can see new locations, characters, enemies and, of course, useful rewards. Since such quests are amateur, it will not be easy to complete them, so first it is better to level up your character to a high level and find a lot of resources. Specifically, healing potions.

    The Last Descent is one of many third-party quests, created just for those who have already completed the storyline, but do not want to part with the beautiful world of Skyrim. The last descent takes place in Nordic dungeons, teeming with draugr and traps, and there is also a puzzle involved. It's quite easy to install. To do this, you just need to download the archive and unpack it into the root folder of the game. If the game was installed from torrents, then you need to be careful - the quest requires the Dragonborn add-on.

    You can check for DLC in the “files” tab of the game launcher.

    To start the quest, you need to get into the Raven Rock mine, which is located in Solstheim, and talk to the local NPCs: Crescius and Afia, they will tell you that the mine was closed due to a collapse that could not have happened. Krestius will give the Dovahkiin a letter so that he will go into the mine and find out its secret. Stalhrim can be found in the mine, so it is better to take an ancient Nord pickaxe with you.

    In the mine, the character will find a gate that can be opened using the Crescius key, and behind it there will be a Nordic crypt. There will be a lot of draugr and traps in it. Afterwards you will need to go forward, fighting off the undead, until a dead end appears. But nearby there will be a passage to the left, which will lead to a closed door with red glowing stripes. There will also be a Bloodskal blade there, which can be used to open the door. When struck with a blade, a certain energy will emanate from it, and if you take a step to the side, it will be horizontal, if you take a step forward, it will be vertical. This energy must be directed towards the door in order to cut the stripes and open the door.

    Behind the door is a hall with the word of Power, guarded by the priest Zakrisosh. After defeating the priest, you will need to look for a way out. If you walk along the side of the pool, you can find a passage that ends in a spiral staircase and a pedestal with a book. After reading it, Dovahkiin will receive a new quest and it is better to complete it, because it will not be difficult. After completing it, Dovahkiin will end up in the Bloodskal mound, where he will have to fight robbers and bandits. A pumped up character will cope with them without problems.

    After this, you will need to find Krestitsius again, who lives not far from the mine. He will reward the character with coins, because the mine will start working again, and valuable ebony ore will be mined in it, bringing huge money to Skyrim; the last descent will be completed.

    This quest can be obtained by talking to Crescius Caerellius and his wife, Aphia Velothi in the Raven Rock Mine. Afia is worried about her husband because he is constantly searching in the mine. The fact is that the mine was closed a long time ago by the Eastern Imperial Company. The reason for this, according to the official conclusion of officials: a collapse in which Crescius’s great-grandfather, Gratian, died. However, more recently, Karellius found a letter from his great-grandfather and a certain key. From the letter it becomes known that Gratian was supposed to study the burials of the Nords discovered in the Raven Rock mine. And Krestius himself believes that there could not have been a collapse - the design of the mine excluded this. He wants to find out what really happened on that fateful day and find out why the mine was closed. Talk to the miner and offer him your help - he will give you a letter and a key and advise you to first find Gratian's body and read his diary. Don't forget to take the Ancient Nordic Pickaxe into the mine, you'll need it later.

    Go downstairs. Soon you will see a passage boarded up with boards, knock them down and behind them you will see a locked door. Open it with the key. You will immediately be taken to the Nordic ruins mentioned in the letter. There are a lot of draugr here so be careful. Go along the corridor into the round room - expect a big fight here. Open iron door and move on. Pay attention to the sarcophagus with stalhrim, this is where the ancient Nord pickaxe will come in handy. Be careful - traps begin.

    Go downstairs. Near the door lies the skeleton of Gratian Carellius. Read his diary and take the Bloodskal blade. The diary states that when attacked with force, the blade emits a stream of energy, perhaps somehow related to the locked door.

    Behind the door is a long corridor with swinging axes. After passing it, use the lever and go to the large hall with the Wall of Words and prepare to fight with the dragon priest named Zahkriisos. After putting the priest to rest, take from his body the mask of the same name, especially useful for magicians who specialize in the elements of lightning. From the word wall you will recognize the word from the Dragon Aspect Shout.

    Let's get out. Go in the direction you came from and you will see that there is a passage on the right, go into it. There will also be a black book “The Winds of Change”, after reading, which will begin the quest. Even if you are already tired, it is worth doing - the Apocrypha area associated with this book is small.

    After completing the black book quest, go upstairs and you will see a stone blocking the passage, as well as the bandits who live there. Pull the chain and enter the Bloodskal Barrow. Return to Raven Rock to Crescius, his house next to the Bastion Gate. The old man will thank you for your help and give you some money.

    Puzzle in Bloodskal Barrow

    The Last Descent (DLC2RR03)
    Stage Status Journal entries
    15 I"ve stumbled across Crescius Caerellius inside of Raven Rock Mine. He"s convinced that the mines of Raven Rock contain a secret important enough for him to risk his own life to discover. He appears to have more to tell, so I should listen to what he has to say if I want to learn more.
    20 I"ve stumbled across Crescius Caerellius inside of Raven Rock Mine. He"s convinced that the remains of his great-grandfather, Gratian Caerellius, are at the bottom of the mine and that the East Empire Company has falsely designated his ancestor"s death as an accident. He "s tasked me with exploring the mine on his behalf to locate the remains, and perhaps discovering what killed Gratian Caerellius.
    30 I"ve located the skeletal remains of Gratian Caerellius. In his satchel, I"ve discovered an old journal. In order to return it to Crescius, I"ll have to discover a way to escape Bloodskal Barrow.
    50 After locating the remains of Gratian Caerellius, recovering his journal and escaping Bloodskal Barrow, I should bring the evidence of my discovery to Crescius Caerellius.
    200 I"ve located Gratian Caerellius"s remains and uncovered the truth regarding his untimely death deep inside Bloodskal Barrow.
    • The following empty quest stages were not listed in the table: 10, 25, 40


    • Any text within angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be assigned a value when a quest is received.
    • Not all of the specified entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not depend on how the task is completed.
    • The stages are not always listed in the order in which the task is completed. This typically occurs with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
    • If an entry is marked as " Completing the task", this means that the task is removed from the list of active ones, but new records of the stages of execution of this task can continue to be added to the log.
    • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to progress through a quest by entering the command setstage (((ID))) stage, where quest is the in-game identifier of the quest, and stage is the number of the stage to which you want to go. However, it is not possible to move on to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, using the console command resetquest (((ID))) you can reset the quest stage.

    Raven Rock Mine in the game Skyrim. Walkthrough? How to open the door?

      Very simple. There lies a magical sword, the Bloodskal blade. If you make power attacks with it, it throws out tongues similar to fire. You need to make sure that your blows hit the red stripes marked on the walls. This is done remotely, it is not necessary to come close. When you cut all the strips, the gate will open.

      In fact, if you think about it, the process of opening the door in the depths of the Raven Rock Mine in Skyrim is not at all difficult. Nessesary to use Blade Bloodscar(we find it by searching Gratian's skeleton).

      Just in case, here's a video walkthrough:

      The Final Descent

      Go to the Raven Rock Mine, where you will find two: Crescius Caerellius and his wife, Aphia Velothi. Afia is extremely concerned that the old man is constantly searching in the mines, which is extremely dangerous at his age. It turns out that the situation is this: many years ago, the mine was closed by the Eastern Imperial Company. Official reason: the collapse that killed Crescius's great-grandfather, Gratian. However, some time ago the old man found a letter addressed to his great-grandfather, and a certain mysterious key. It appears from the letter that Gratian was supposed to conduct research on the Nordic ruins discovered in the Raven Rock mine. And all the experience of a miner’s life tells Crescius that there could be no collapse - the fasteners were done to perfection. He wants to find out what really happened to his great-grandfather and why the mine was closed. Talk to the old man and offer him help, he will provide you with a letter and a key and will advise you first of all to find the remains of Gratian and read the expedition diary. Don't forget to take an Ancient Nordic Pickaxe with you into the mine; you will need it to mine Stalhrim.

      In the same room where Afia and Krestius were talking, there is a platform; go up and look under the table - you will find a box with a pendant of the East Empire Pendant.

      Go down, kill several spiders and a rat along the way. After a while you will see a boarded-up passage, knock down the boards and behind them you will see a locked gate. The key will open them. Take your time until you pick up another Eastern Imperial Company pendant from the box nearby.

      Almost immediately you will find yourself in the Nordic crypt, which was mentioned in the letter. It should be noted that there are a lot of draugr there, and when you get closer, most tend to come to life. After passing through the corridor, you will find yourself in a round room, here expect the warmest welcome - the dead rise from all their thrones to greet you.

      Behind the next door is a cave with a waterfall, deal with the inhabitants, go upstairs. On the other side there is an activator handle, go there along the bridge and return - now a passage has opened. To the left is a room with the volume Ice Spike, to the right is the rise to the top. Climbing further up the stairs, we come to a door, behind which there is only a chest that escaped when the room collapsed. This is a dead end.

      Notice that something is causing air draft. Before the stairs there is a passage to the left (if you face the dead end). The tunnel will lead to a huge cave hall, in the opposite part of which you can see a mysterious round door.

      We carefully descend and find the skeleton of the ill-fated Gratian Carellius. Read the expedition diary and take the Bloodskal blade. The diary says that when the blade is swung, a stream of energy emanates from the blade, possibly related somehow to the tightly locked door.

      Look closely at the door and you will see two glowing red horizontal stripes. Take Bloodskal in your hands, make sure that the stripe is in the crosshairs, and make a power attack with a side step. Skill is not important, you don’t need to touch the strip itself, only the direction of the swing is important: this way you will carry out a horizontal blow, and the energy coming off the blade will separate the blocks, setting the door mechanism in motion. Do the same with the second strip. There are now two vertical stripes on the door. Take aim and perform a power attack twice while standing still - the blow will be vertical. Two horizontal stripes appeared even higher and close to each other - one power attack with a side step may be enough. The last vertical stripe that cut the entire door will disperse if you make a normal power attack.

      In this recording, for example, it is clearly seen that an incorrectly executed strike does not bring any result, but a correct one, albeit inaccurate, sets the blocks in motion.

      Behind the door is a long obstacle course: moving axes. After passing it, press the lever, go out into the large hall with the Wall of Words and get ready to meet the dragon priest named Zahkriisos. He is a great specialist in electricity, so it is not harmful to increase the corresponding resistance. After putting your enemy to rest, you will receive a unique mask, especially useful for magicians who specialize in the elements of lightning. The Word Wall will allow you to learn the Word from the Dragon Aspect Shout.

      While at the wall, look in the direction you entered from and see that there is another passage on the right. You should go there.

      You will immediately find the Black Book The Winds of Change, after reading which the corresponding quest will begin. Even if you're already a little beat up, it's worth completing it - the Apocrypha area associated with this tome is quite small.

      Go upstairs, you will see a stone blocking the passage, and you will hear the voices of robbers nearby. Pull the chain and enter the Bloodskal Barrow. The leader of the robbers and his henchman are preventing you from leaving the stuffy dungeons, solve them. There are also a lot of bandits outside, you can send them to their forefathers. Return to Raven Rock to Crescius, his house next to the Bastion Gate. The old man will thank you for your help and give you some money.

      From this moment on, the life of Raven Rock will change. The mine will be opened, people will have jobs, funds from ebonite mining will flow into the treasury, and even the Council’s attitude towards the abandoned colony will become much better.



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